"I BomaxilesLedigPrvy0 . M. GAWKER & SON i or of ighclas mes po tr Phone 64Bomnie II HAMPTON MILL S Best grades of B3read and Past ry Flour. Always a good stock of Feed Corn, Crirnped Oats, Chop and Mili Feed on h and. Orders given prompt attention PHONE 129 R 6 HAMPTON. IL.- - The1 Old Reliable Reason it out for yourself. Over 8o,ooo people have bought Dominion Instruments and every one of them satisfied. In quality and nice iight easy touch nothing can surpass Dominion Pianos. The construction of the frame is beyond doubt the best in Canada. We make terms to suit any person. And you can save a good many dollars by buyi-ng a Domninionî from We hlad nly space in last issue f'or a patragýra.ph about ise deatfi of Mr. Slemnan. W\enowgive the sbtneof narticle thjat apardin iieSnd Star of july DURHAM LIBERALS 12-Edîr Tis anualmeeingofDurham outy)atC(li] Spins Snariumi , New LerlAscainll b ld 10 the York.Tie ew --7s wa 1 s sho ,c vn to bis Necatl, n rîay Jly fi tat be was ý,in a seris cond1itioni, al- at 2 1p.rm. !for eetinof (oficers andl(, gen- thouis hl ishetibabenposne e- eral bsns.it is particula1rly desired ruary. that a very tuili attenidanice of LiberaIs at- A monitlis ago-, js after conducting a tend. Vigorois cmag to bring about thse FREDs. HITE A.H. C LOG, erg-er of the B-;oard of Trade and tise FR I) ý _ý ,IlrCham.berLOGof CmecMr. Siema n's phys- Vic-Prsidnt.Secretary pro tem. icianinisisted !th-at a prolonged rest was nlecessa.ýry ifhe was to, recover bis health, BUSINESS NOTICE. and togthr he went to Ciifton Springs. Mr. Sleman ,i-dd-ont rea.lize until four davs ago th)at eco not get weli. At Our business year ends on Juilv 315t.tistime of is dath und for several days It is exceedlingly importantl thatai ac- beforetlise end cac is brother, Paul E. conts due uis as well as tisat ail accounilts Seabssitr;ml F imn n owing by us should be settled before that M 'esM. Shnd is lifelong friend, ail of date. Will aIl persons baving accounts tbis city, wr with hlm. against us- except business firmi wbo settie yearly or hait yearly and 'witis Othelr nmenbers of immediate tamiiy whom we bave contra accounts- please w ho survive are blis father, Capt. John B. tender same witbin the month. -Aiso wiîî Sieman, of the Post Office Departiment, every person wiso owes us for subscript- and Mrs. Francis S. Machen, a sister. 'The ion to this paper, for job printing or ad-. family residence 15 3114 l6tb street north- vertising kindly settie the account at earl- West. iest convenience and if at ail possible be- John Bottiel Sieman, jr., was born in fore the end ot July. Washington April 8, j874. He received M. A. JAMES & SON, bis education in the public scisools, gradu- ating from Central High Scisool in 1891. BOWMANVILLE. 'Immediately on graduating be entered the Union Savings Bank, startinig wben the OBITUARY. institution opened its doors. He had been an officer or- director of tise bank continu- ously and until very recently was vice JOHN WEATHERSON, WARKWOR 1H. president. His many triends in Counties' Council In 1898, when the Young Men's Chris- and elsewhere wiIl sympathsize wîtis Mr. tian Association entered upon a career of Alex. Weatherson, Reeve of Percy, in tise great activity and S. W. Woodward bad, demise ot bis father on June 20 at tise ripe accepted the presïdency,, Mr. Sieman was age of 8o years. Deceased was native of solicited to become tise general secretarv Dunse, Berwicksbire, Scotland, and came and organize thse new work in tise build- to, Caniada in 1841. He was a Presbyter- ing of the Columbia Athletc Club, wbich ian, an eider in Warkworth cburcli, and tise association had acquired. A year and. in politics a Reformer. He leaves to a haIt of untiring effort under Mr. SIe- mouro bis decease bis widow, tbree daugh- man's direction raised tise memblership ters-Mrs. Aird, of Graton, and Margaret from 1j64ý to neairly C,000 and gave thýe b- and Jessie at home-and three sons-Luke stitution a deie mpetus. at Gleichen, Alta., and Alexander and An- ft was the phys-ýýl,ia strain due to this drew at home. A very large cortege fol-eaycapinttcusdM.Se ns lowed bis remains to their last resting first seriouis" ilness, and lie »~as obiiged to place. resigo the sceavhp He resumed bis - position in tisej nio Savings Bank, serv- WILLIAM WALKER, BoWMANVILLE. îng as secretary-treasurer of it until 1904, The oldGst resident of Bowmanville in He entered tie real estate and insurance tise person of William Walker passed to business with tise F. H. 'Smith Company tise reward of a lite rightly lived and late in 1904, and was assooiated especially faithfully employed on Sunday July 2nd witb C. F. Nesbit -in thec lite insurailce in bis 97tb year. Deceased was born in agency of the Massachusetts Mutual. In IYorkshire, England, July 27, 1814, and 1908 hie formed a partnersbip with Orville came to Canada 1830, settling in tise B. Brown to manage tise general agency township of Cramahe, Northumberland of tise Massachusetts Mutulai, wîth offices County, wisere ini 1838 he married Mviss in the Evans bu)tilding. intise field ofin- Eleanor Purdy wbo predeceased iiimrsurnce he isad been eminently successtufll.l nineteen years. Since that period he has-, iea a a gra-duate of thse Col- I lie wt is son Mr. A. T. Walker who mbanUnveitLw ,ciool in is.le moved to tise Jona-than Stephens am ncas f19.He was a miember of lise tise notis par ot Bowanvîl aut t ireM. lasanCngegtinaSCurisa years ago. 1Mr.1%Walker was converted a'ctive work-_-er"o an ersPn-pei wisn eil ad ivd tu~fa-itistul dent of tise Cn~gto lbo Wash-1 -- Il COÙ-'ROekNATION SALE j' Durling the nxttwo weekis we \wilIce'lebratte the coronation byseilIng ff ai orSume oos tgreatly reduce4 prices. O-,ur Falli goodlsar on the wa. nfact sorne of thern have allready arrived, so we must m-ake roorn fo)r 11hem. Creon ian-d gIve us a hand. It will becot your wile, as we wilsave- oeyfor youne rypurchase. Corne early anid get the best selection. The cbairgains will bc the same to everone;only the fiýrst to) corne get the bettea choice. Thefoown is a list of a few of the bargaifis, but we cannot begin to give dtherniin full detail here. Wash Goods Scotch gingisams in, plain, striped or checked,- ail fast colors, reg 12'2c, 14c, 15c, sale price, lic Cotton foulards iin pretty designs and good colors, reg 20e to 25e yd, sale price......... 16c 3 pieces onlv, double widtb Scotch gingbam, striped, reg 25c, sale price ................. l9e Cotton voiles in plain colors, navy, alice, grey, champagne and black, reg 35c, sale price. . .. 23C Cotton Voiles in a large assortment of pat- terns and ail good colors, reg 40c, sale prîce 29C 20 pieces Englisis prints, fast colors, extra special, reg 10e yd, sale price ............... 7c 3 pieces linen poogee 'suiting, grev, tan and brown, reg 25e, sale price. .._ý............. I9e 2 pieces drill suiting, greeni and naturai, reg i8c sale price ....................4 i piece white Indian H4ead suitîng, double fold, reg 25C, sale price............1.... 19e White satin drill suitings, reg 20e for 16c; reg 25e for................... _.......... 20e 3 pieces white vesting, neat patterns, reg 30e, for .......... .......................... 20e 3 pieces white pique, reg 20C, sale price. . 16c 3 pieces cross bar muslijowbite, reg 15e yd, sale prîce ......... ......12C White mousseline de soie, double told, very special, reg 4oe for 23ec; reg30 for ....~.... i8e 1 piece, 18 in allover embi-oidery, dont over- look, ihls line, reg 35e yd, sale price ........ i8c 30 in. allover embroideries, full range of pat- terns and aIl good, reg 50e,6c, 75e, sale price. . .................................................................................................................4e 94e c9 3 pieces corset cover embroidery, reg 30e for ...............................................................................................................................3 1 piece corset cover embroideries, r eg 40e, sale price. . . ........ _.................. 31c 10 pieces corset cover embroidery, reg 5oc and 6oe, sale prîce........... ...... .... 39c 2 pieCes 6 in. embroidery, reg 15e, for .... 9e 2 pieces 9 in. em, broïdery, reg 25e, for.. -.14iC Ladies combination underwea-r, ',hite cotton witb lace and embroidery timns reg $i.5o to $2.25, sale prîce.......... ........ 85c Ribbons and Laces 50 pieces ail silk ribison, 4'n . wide, ful assortment of colors, reg 25C yd, sale price 10e. This is tise best bargain in ribbon you ever saw. Torcheon and val laces and insertions, reg Men's and Boys'_Dept. Now is tise time to get a bat. Dont go around withi an old burnt straw bat wben you can get a good fresis one for a mere song. Ail straw bats at haif price. Ail Straw Hats at hait price. We have five or six dozen negiigee shirts to' clear out at a price. Tise patterns are aI] goocl and we cao give von any size, reg up to $I.25, for ........ ............... ........ 79c 10 dozen balbriggan underwear, shirts and drawers, special, sale price per garment...., 20C Men's coatless braces, reg 35c, sale price. .23e 5 doz tancy hait hose, embroidered and open work. This lot must be eleared. Reg 25C to 5oC, sale prîce ................... ..ý.....ý.17e 24 Pair men's grey fiannel pants, reg $4.50 pair, sale prîce....................... $3.25 We have about 40 pairs of tweed pants 10 one lot to clear, reg up to $2.50, sale price...$i.65ý Men's Suits Ail our colored tweed and worsted suits to be sold at 2o% less than regular price. Grîps and Trunks Ouýr stock at present is mucis too beavy and in order to reduce tise stock we are offering very special bargains in suit cases, grips, brief and club bags and truniks of ail kinds. Dont forgct to bave a look at these. Boots and Shoes Men's box caît blu, reg. $2.25, sale price $5..85 Men's fine dong blu, reg. $2.5o, sale price $1.98 Men's box caît blu, reg. $3.50 and $4.00, sale Men's heavy Englisis kip blu, reg. $3.50, sale prîce ............... ....... ....e...... $2.95, Women's patent oxfords, Iatest styles, reg. $2.50, sale price........................ $2.19 Women's fine dong oxfords, extra wide, spec- il value.... ...... ............. . ..15 .Women's ebocolate and tan pump, reg. $2.50 sale price............ ....... -....... $1.85 Boys' grain blu, reg. $2.00, sale price $1.69. Boys' tan bîn, reg. $2.75, sale price $2.25. Misses' chocolate and dong slipper, reg. $1.25, sale price ...........9... .. -... 8e Chiid's dong blu, reg $1.25, sale price....98c Infants' dong slipper, reg. $ï.o0, sale price 79c Sa(r - - ý7 gStetvwa1-d, -an(it class leader 'I the[Ch san Aso Iato fr Il ree er. 2 dLz Ëthis-lincý.. werelrok' custare 1),,w erR 3usd t'usn oL2s, ___________________________________________t___ wer covydb ...Tedy mo 1 1n ph lanthro cl and chllarible woi special, 2 for.,.....................Tm asplrehti~O b6rne, service being condueted by bis late pastor Rev. John Garbutt, Cobourg. Tise pail-bearers were Messrs. W. M. Ives, A. T. Walker, Fred Lane, H. A. Farrow, CLe-. P,,,-,1and W. W. Dckison O hazd beený treaisurer of tise P>îayground As- sociationi, a di;rector of Neigbborisoodi HIouse, amember oif tise Board of Chari; J ties anýd of President Roosevei-t's Homes Towreis, Liens, etc. 6 pieces, 70 in wide bleacbed linen tablinig, reg 90e and $i.oo, sale price .... -ý.......... 69c 10 doz linien bock toweIs, very speeial. reg iýc Fresis ground c(offee, Ie p b. Morton's fresis ierrin1g, 3 f-in, for -25e. Soouring powder, "Whlicis", 7 pIcg for 25C. Package raisins, 2- pkgs. for -22e.