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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jul 1911, p. 5

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SpecialTis Week --AT - MITCIIELL'S DRUG STOR'E. See our elegant new une of Bath Sponges from l'Oc to 75e. Mlanicure Scissors 50c. Cutical Scissors 50c. iNail Files 25c. Ask us to show you that new razor "UNIQUE, Guaranteed. Price$L0 Don't Fail to examine our special Shaivng Brush at 50c. It's a dandy. You -et anything in the 'Nyai Line of PRemedies at Bowman- ville's Nyal Store. Rod'k M. Miltchiell & Co., Druaggists and Opticians. om BOWMANVILLE STATION. G 0N EAST. GOINSG WEST Rlxmress 8.44 a. m. :Exp ress 4.22 a. m. Expres 10 l.18lLocal 7.43 Pas~nge 1.1 p m.Passonger 1.48 p. m. Loc;al 6.49 , :Passenger 7.58 , Mal 9.58 BOWMANVILLE, JULY 13, 1911. Social and Personial. Phone,92a. Nîght Calis 92b. anville. I Mirs. W. Bain, T oronto, is visiting Mrs. Wm. Trewin. Leave your order at Caldwell's Livery for Arygle Tuesdays and Fridays. Mrs. J. Ferris, Oshawa, bas returned home after visiting Mrs. W. Milis. 1Loscomnbe is kiving a rebate of 25c per ton on ail coal paid for during juIy. Order ail your funeral designs or cut, flowers from S. J. jackman. Phone 8o. ,Miss Greta Jackman- recently visited her sister, Mrs. Chas. Bradley, Hamilton. Miss Fisher and Miss Broughall, Tor- onto, have been guests of Mrs. (Dr.) Beith. Mr. John Todd, Pontypool, was guest of his sister-in-Iaw Mrs. L. Paterson recently. Misss BlleandFlor Gabcath re issing. M. Werry, Tyrone, bas been Misss BlleandFloa Gabrath re isiingMiss A. V. Colo and other iriends. baliayin inMuskka.You save 25c per ton by buying yaur Caldwell's convoyances go ta boat1 coal from Loscombe tbis montb. Phono Tuesdays and Fridays. Phono 127. I17 Miss Eva Smith, Peterboco, was recent Mr. and Mrs. W. H-. Barrie recentiy vis- guesi ai hier iather's, Mr. Jos. Smitla. ited his brother Mr. Rabt. Barrie, New- Dr. Elmo W. Sisson, Whitby, spent castle. Sunday witb bis uncle Dr. J. C. Deviti. Ladies' suits and spring coats selling off Miss Harriett Bartiett, Toronto, bas ai a big discount at Couch, Johnston & been visiting bier grndiather, Mc, John Cryderman's. Hehlyar.Miss Nellie Carscadden, Kendal, bas Mrýrs. E. C. Virtue and Mr. W. A. Hastie,, been visiting bier ausit Mrs. J. C. Elliott, M traare visiting ai Mrs. W. R. R. 1'Maplebust" - Cawker's. Mrs. A. Mitchell and Miss Helen are MÀiss Mr adrEs saa h enjoying bolidays ai Honey Harbor on bas been very iii for some weeks past, iS Georgian Bay. recovering. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastie and Mrs. H. A. Milîson and 1iamily, Cleve- Miss Dorotby recenthy visited relatives in land, Ohio, are visiting bier father Mr. Campbellford. Wmi;. Ellenor. Mc. C. L. Munson accompanied by Mrs. Gaoodyear Rubber Ca. employees' eO- F. A. Philp, Coiborne, recently visited bier cuirsion Fciday, July 14. Lots of music sister in Buffalo, N. Y. and a gond timie ass,ýrud toalal. iSORANTON COAL-The standard for iMiss Greta M. VuinN"esi is taking the avec 40 years - for sale in ail sizes by tecbec'scour-se ai British American Bus- McClellan & Ca,, Limited mness Çollege, Taorant, during hoiidays. Wait -for Bowiecs' Excursion on Civic l'sr. D. L. Somerri;1 Principal ai Beth- Holiday, Aug. 7th. ta Peterboco and Rice any Public Sehoof, lbas been appointed Lake. Particulars later. Headmnaster ai East Ward school, Lind- Mr. Thos, A. Nocris of the Queen City say. Bicycle Club and Mr. James E. Pearn, Mr. C. B. Kent, W.M., will' represent Toronto, s-pent Sunday bore. jerusalem Lodge, A.F. & A.M., No. 31,, Miss Florence Franklin and Miss jean ai Grand Lodge in St. Catharines next Wbillans, Toronto, were guests ai tbe week. Misses Mason avec Sunday. Mr. as.A. arc, Mc an Mr. W .E W. Loscombe, the Lehigh Coal Roenigk and Miss Dora Roonigis motored agent, is filling arders with fresis mined in from Lindsay and spent the week-end caal, ail sizes, and guacantees the lowest with bier sister Mrs. W. F. Dale, Summer pnice if paid during July. Dr. J. N. Hutchinsan, Winnipeg, aecom- The many friends ai Mrs. Tkas. Woad- pa,-nied bv Mrs. Hutebinson and s0oar ley sympathize wiih bier in the death of spe,'nding a few days with bis parents, br ler mother, Mcs. Wm. Jackson, wha dîed adMrs R.- H-utchinsan, previaus ta leav- ai Part Hope, June 29, aged 84 years. ing or tnpta he Od Lnd.-istîed Praf. W. J. Greenwood, Whitby Ladies' Banner.College, and Mrs. Gceenwood, will reside Mi% G ea. James was in Peterboca Sat- with tise liter's mother, Mrs. Hugli Camp- mrdlay reiereeing the Brooklin-AiI Saints bell, Tocauto-st,, Mitchell, ducing the ePeteîboro) football game. The latter holidays. team wan 3-0 thus qualifying for the finals hi the Midland League, C. G. E. toam bc- Miss C. 1. Tapseoit, BA., Collegiate ing their appononts. teacher, Moose Jaw, 5ask., accompanied DursamTeahes' nsttut wll o b!dby bier sisier, Mcs. Wm. TealI, Vîenna, Duram eailes'InOcte 19 an hd 2have gone on a two monîhs' tour ai the at iPart Hope on Otbri n 0 Old Land. Teachers ai Mc. A. Odell's inspectocate -wil meet with those ai Dr. Tilley's Mr. Master Harold Kenner, son ai Mr. T. W. J. Crishalm, M. A., ai Peterboro Nor- H. Kenner, a former Bawmanvil]e boy, inal Sebool, will ho the representative. won the Mclhargey's gold medai foc Mr.T. J Mcurtr-"Tm Mak"-mathemathies in Form II ai the Callegiate Mc, . J McMrtr-"To Mak"-Institute, Stratiorris le1t Satucday on a trip o Winnipeg guesi h ayfinsofRv es ht nif the Great West Assurance Co. Tam Temn ced iRv es ht is anc ai a party ai four Ontario agents hock, Toranta, wiii ho glad to bear that wvha have writon the mnst insucance dur- lie has cecovered irom bis recent severe ing June. Paymcnts due on lite or ac- ilhness and is now able ta ho around witb zident policies may he left witb Mc. W. vccy nearly bis usual vigar. T. Allen, "Big 20" duing Mr. McMurtry's "Give me the bight shiny eoai witb the absence. . short, round fracture. I don't like these Heat the past week bas been mare in- long, tim pieces, they hum ont ton quick. tenise than was ever before known in Caî l I want Scranton coal." The oly place ada, reaching as high as5 104' in the shade taoget itis from McClellan& Co,Lîmited. Damage ta arm and gardon cops wi;1, Mc Al Higginbotbam M'ilton, brather be very great, the grain baving sbiveiled ai Mr. T. E. Higginbotham, Bowmanvilie, in the stcaw and fruit bas been cookcd aon who bas purchased a ranch at Nelson, B. t1ie husýises. Pastures are scorcbied ta a C., was givon a banquet by_ the business irrawn. Deaths fcom hecat ini the cities -mQn ai Milton huiore ieaving foc tbe -iave been many. West. Aé'rrarngements are now complote for Parties intending huying far ni lands ini 3owvlers' Excursion ta Petecbo'ro Aug. 7 the West should communicate with F. L. ýCivic Holidaiy.) Among the attractions Wilson, 344 Jasper Easst, Edmnontan, Alla. 1&uee will be a big bowlingtonmeta Valuable information witb literatuco, 'didlanid League basebaîl game Peterboro maps and price lists bciil ho uppieicc ce ï.Bawmanville, the acgest Lift Lock in ai charge. '13c5rh woid and a sail downte famous -Mr. aniMsW.W takr, ciubte 4. tonabee River to Rice Lake, Reserve Marionr and sons RaymorKlc, Eatand eý. date and watcb foc fiIul particullars Nesi, Miss WIiýttakec and, Mrs. Wiit e(xt wVeek.Brniod and ibe,, Misses B_3erry, Taronto, Mj7 ,c. and Mrs. ThomasHuh@ bldspntSunday ai c s. Jamies Knijghjt's, hieir anniual ce-union aiof ibobesLak-e Shore Farmi. â nid sisters onDoinonDay". Tfile 7bouse Entranaee mrsisare dehayedi on vas pic(etily dlerated wil:pn ada1un ianeleulta eqiim uhitecanaiasuai d eeýLrfreensý. Dnnrlocal entrance bordotasuism-it nceparîs Sa uvsseil n tlise large diniýg room n tfise Education Depar[vaeàt for pcoa î< lemsive vey moh.Âitrwads rs.peced borit 15thIn !si, ) Eugbs as prescr1ted Withl a lavehy iman- ichihcs oai ail pr@seut. 'Amnngthos1pro - s sWill ho pibhd nTseYuhs lot wce: c. ad Mc Jon EdardsComp nion iguist. These als y C, Oroa;Mc vee irdsj,11 ,weanti ( 71jA. tphn, r0 Aeicnpatra .as - iri and iiy5Ty ronle; Mc. James Riehi-:MalieneaIalf a cenitury aga., :rMwiie and fai iy, soutis saa;M. BeillTele2phone u cierDrermid 'Ça.Rcadwife and faily; Mr-.'Nor- ed that ihecy MusT givo phiono numiiber aio ilan O'Connell, Ohw;Mc. Bob Rieh- prywne rdNTts ae prt -adTyrans: 7M r. ansli,Mrs. EwadOr--ors are ot supposed ta give cani tocî charel, town, and M1\_iýss ParI Oreba-rd, To- uls ubri io.Fla ~iut A lameýntableWand n ud Friday June locb by wisic Iswo eiidren ai Mc. Gea. W, Aliin, ,Van&.ouve, LB. C., were seriously inured. Mc. Allim ansi fimily bas been viîin is parents an otse rlaivsin Bwavihand on- gagwd a liveryrMg here te drive ta sit- hy ta sec Mis. Allin's brotheýr, 'Mc. Marlk Jeniniigs. Jo tise evening jnst as th-ey lof, ùc ho-,me an auita camne up. The iwro Yhildre-ýn, Eiicèn, aged five vears, adAl- hert. a,-ged three, 1were sitting in thie iront son whon the horse hegan kiking The girl w"s kicked in the faýe, msigi bec muhand jand ik oy was kick.- ad- in tise side aiftise ead, isavng an ear split in twTo. Tise aci on, course, preve:nted tise imîy' etiira owan villa tisai time.-W 1 yGlzte c and Mcs. Allin baive ow-eturnied ta Bomaviieand tis hilde ore Pro- Gond morning?TDo youi use Loscombe Coali' Miss Ida Ellinit recently -,isited friends in Toronto. Go with the Goodyear crowd to Roches- toc next Friday. Miss Elva Power is visiting, Mrs. Max Wakely, Oshawa. Mrs. H. Camobell, Milton, has been vis- iting Miss Basseit. Mr. James Carruthers recenitly visiteci friends in Coiborne. Miss Tod, Toronto, bas bcen visiting brother, Mr. Thos. Tod. Enjoy an nuting by train and boat te Rocheste r Friday, JulY 14. Mr. Ecnest Gamble, Toronto, recenitly visited Mr. J. Newsboimes. Ail Summer gonds selling off at greatly reduced prices at Coach, Ionston &, Cry- derman' s. Mrs W Johnstnn and Miss Veitcb, Lind-. say, recently visited their cousins Mrs. E. F. Pattinson and Miss Dingman. Lehigb enal is harder, lasis longer and contains more heat than other ena!. Sold only hy E. W. Loscombe, phono 177. Mrs. E. F. Pattinson accompanied by Mrs. Johnstnn and Miss Veitch recently visited relatives ai Pickering and Oshawa. Mr. Thos. Gibson, Listowel, brother of Mrs. R. Foster, Orono, drnpped dead on the sidewaik from the excessive heat last Wednesday. Sic Wilfrid Laurier, Premier of Canada, got as greai reception on bis return to Quebec and Montreal as has ever been ac- corded any Canadian. There are more heat units -i a ton of Scranton coal than in any coal produded. Egg, stove, nut and pea sizes for sale by MeClelian & Co., Limited. Mrs. H. A. L. Anderson and faily who have heen visiting at ber fathier's, Mr. John Wight, for the past moihl, haýve re- turned home to St. Mary's. 1Mr. and Mrs. Broadbead a-ndc. and Mrs. Stevens, Jamestown, N.Y., wbn ioare, on a motor trip ihrougb Canaýýda were guests at Mr. J. B. Martyn's Suadlay. Mrs. T. S. Humpbries, son Edgar and daughter Evelyn, Toronto, Miss Irene Ncris, Port Hope, and Mr. W. R. Chap- lin, Tocont o, were recent guests of Mrs, J. R. Pye. TeD. O. & P. Co. Band under direct- ion ni Baadmaster Grant went to tise Or- ange WValk at Cobourg under engagement of Clarke Loyal Orange Lodges. Several citizens weni with tbem. The best is the cheapest; Scanton ena! is recognized by a!! the ieading dealers in Canada and the United States as the hesi ena!. Several cars fresh mined just ce- ceived. MeClellan & Co Limîted. Prof. Pecry S. Dobson, M.A., Stanstead Colloge, Que., a former Bowmanville boy, has an article in iast week's Christian Guardian on "What shail wo sing ?" that every Methodist will be greathy intecested in. Mr. Elmer A. Eliiott let Tuesday for Bnwrnanville. In losing Mr. Elliott wee are losing a teacher who was well liked bath by the pupils of the higb sqhool and bv the itizens in general.-Br#ghtÀoît En- sîgfl, John Bacc, Cobourg, went to Belleville, and whiie under "influence" alleges ho was robbed of $26. Ho was fined P5 for being drunk. John had better bar the Bay City ini future and keep shy ot al other bacs. Bowmanvilie Bowlers are now piaying on their now green, ebureh-st. It was pactiy reseeded owing ta the grass being frnst kiiled and bas nat been used tili ibis montb. Sevecal new members have J'oin- ed the club, Goodyear baseb;ali teami gave Peterbo- co, leaders of Midland League, their ficst defeat af the season on tbe local grounds Saturday by a score of 7 ta 5. The fea- tutc eoa the game was Gordon Beilh's pitching for the winnors. A large cowd witnessed the game. Gen. Weeks umi- pire as the officiai 'lump." failed ta show up. Mrs. R. F. Wilkcinson who came, out fcam Engiand witb ber brother Mc. James Jebson, Rogers' Farm, Darlingion, ansi bas spent a couple of months in Canada returned ta ber home last week. She en- jnyed a trip down Lake Ontacio and the St. Lawrence ta Montreal where she sail- ed by the Allan Line "Virginian" foc Liverpool. Mrs. Wilkinson was very favarably impressed witb Canada and the Canadian6 and enjoyed hec visit bece. Part Hope High Sehool Board appoint- ed the fallowing as an advisory boacd af. Port Hope lyanch of the Department 6f Agriculture in accordance with the Acti passed at the hast session oi the Ontacio Legialature. Messrs. W. G. Noble, Ham-j ilton Township, for West Northumbec- land; Alex, Weath@cstonc, Nrara for1 East Northumberland; joseph Hiekson,i Manv ors, for East Durham; and W. J. Bcagg, Darlington, for West Durham, wbo willi aet in conjunction with Trus- tee Clarke, Honor, Grand8y and Ward. John Chisboim a former residerit of The regular montbly meeting ai the Womea's Missionacy Society was held in tise schoolcaom ai the Methodisi churcis Tbucsday aternoon. Mrs, (Rev,) Win. Coambe, Pcesidenî, in tîise chair. Ater dex ational exereises, pray' er, reception ai two new members and bi îness, tise Watch Tawer was repcesented as ialows: China -lrs. B. Mýv. Warnîca; Indian Work- Mrs. A. J, Courtice; Fren;cis Work--Mîss A. Cryderman; Tise Wrd s L. A. Tale; Systematie Givinýg-Mrs.J.M. Jon- ess. Atter tise 23rdPsm had hbeen ce- peated in concertMs.P C. Trebilcock read "Tise Song ni ise Syýrian Guest.", Papers on Saumer Sehool, wock were read by Miss France,,s E. Coniey and Miss M. E. Joness. Miss Janess was asked ta taise a chair an the piatiormi and Mrs. (Rev.) T. W. Joihiffe read a nicely wocdee' address-. Mrs. (Rev.) W. C. Washsington made the presentatian oan beisali ai Bow- manvilhe District W.M.S. ni a dazen peari handled koives and facho, a bah -dazen sterling silver dessert spoons and a silvêr bcead tray. Miss Janess acknawhedged tbe gifthy a kindiy address ai tbanks, saying she wouhd treasure the gis highly and they wouid cemind bier ai the many pleasant associations of lber wark here. Miss Janess bas been arganizer of tise W.M.S. in this district for several vears; and her iaithiuh efforts have been erowned with suceess. Tise meeting was closed with thee henediction by Rev. H. B. Kenny. A iew days previaus Miss Joness was presented witis an address and a silver fern pot fcom Vise Epworih Lea gue, in which she bas heen a valuable and effic- ient woTker for many ycacs. On Suliday aternoon at tise close ai tise Sunday Sehool session Mc. T. C. Jew- ell, Secretary, an behali ai tise schaol read an address and Mr, W. Tcewin pre- sented Miss Janess with a beautif ni man- tel chacis, ta wiih she made a very suit- able reply. Miss Joness bas been con- neeted witb ibis Sunday Sebool since a cbilsi as pupil and teacher, andl all vecy mucis regret ber removal. Foluosving is tise address: Mû2s Joness. DEAR FRIEND AND CO-WORRER: Hav- iog learned tisai it îs yaur intentian ta sever eonnection with our School, it is wiîh mingled regret and pleasure, that we taise ibis appartunity ai exprcssing aur appreciation and respect. Regret because tise pheasani and helpiui association we bave isad with yoîî is about ta ho sundered; pleasuce, hecause of tise new position yon are abaut ta assume. As officers, teacb- ors and members ai tise Scboal we bave 1learnesi ta esteem you very higbly on ac- caot ai oyour fidelity and devation ta tise varions branches ai the work aif the Scisoolin whicis you have be engaged, and aithougis van have ike mnyanoiber wocker prq)bahly been disconraged, yet yan may safely and canfde ibve ce- suhîs with Hlm -h--wiýsospmpd your efforts and wbo wih;v! nualyreward yon aecordiRg ta onrwock. A'nd nnw, ais yoii go oui irom mnws we wisb yon coniinued iapns and success in yonr new home and field ai lahor, and peiay tisai you imay long ho saredta wit- esfor tise Master anid ta en Jay the bless- in w i. maetis icisand addeHULna so r- la'O As a siiglist oaiauapec- tion and o ,v(o we ass yauta oaemcptibi dlock, whicis, we truist, W;!,, ho ajeasani remineler acf Bwmn i ad its mnaniy osli inay Sehani H. B, ï,NNYPastar-, W. TREI, Supj-enhintendenIt, T. 4 ELere-r. 91àj,1 i - Special sale at Mit-chelI's Dcug1 Store, Mr. Bert Curtis, Toronito, spcet Sund0,y at oe Mr. and Mrs, . J. Fotund jcecenitly vis,- ited friends at Eglinton. Miss Ada Silver, Toronto, is viting her sister Miss Alice Silvor. ý Mrs. John Down is visitîng ber shn Mr. Sid Down, Rochester, N.-Y. Mrs. P. A. Henry, Kingsville, a ld Mr. T. E. B. Henry were la town Tue ay. Splendid opportunity to visit Rophester Friday. Tickets gond ta return Saturday. Men's two-piece suits at away ý,down prices at Couch, lob, ston & Crydermian's. Leave youc ordor at Caldwefl's Lvery for boat Tuesdayýs and Fridlays. Phoni)p 27 during July and ge-t a rebate of 25e P0 ton.,- Remember Bowmanville mercbane have a balf holiday Wednesday aftecnonks during July and August. 1Mrs. Wm. Gilkiason, sr,, a native of Clarkce died June-i9 at the borne ai ber son Melvine at Fordwieb. Mushins, prinîs, gingbams and dresS goods at gce atly ceduced pricos ai Couch, Johnston & Crydermn's,,. Grand Trunk R-'aiiwaly ÏCampany is set- tling the claims of passengers whio wece injured ai Newcastle receni-tly. About îa acres o0f wood-s belonging to James Weatthciit and George Tufford near Osaca hiaveý been desîroyed by fice. 1Boys, we hia-ve somi)ething vecy gond for YOu in iblis pýap-er -How av Boy cao be Great. Reatd the article onn er page. Rev.iand 2Mris, John arbtiand Miss Marion, Cobourg, aad Mcf. F. G. Job)lin], Meirose, attended theJobj0Diin-Joness wed- dîng yesterday.j Several Canadians show well in win- nings of first day's shoting ai Bisiey. We are ail waîching for au,.r awn Lieut, F H. Morris' cecord., Principal E. E. Snider of Port Hope High School bas gone ta Ottawa to take a coucse in Musketry ai the Rockeliffe Ranges. - Guide. Goodyear Rubber Factocy employées' annual excursion takes place ta Rochester tamorrow (Friday) and wilh be hargely attended. Sec advt. Citizens, for gaodness sake, do eut the weeds and dlean up your promises, streot fronts, etc. Some ,ýtreets are a positive disgrace ta the tawn-ý A delightful stn y ni ehores and ro- mance is told in The Youth-'s Campanion ni Jui1y 2tb by Adelaide Soule, under the Ltlie, "An Oid Fool" MISS .TONESS REMEMBERED IFUNERAL, DIRECTORS IL, Morris & Son J MoîtCletsEquipmn * Sunday antinight ecals poplyatended to. Bowmanvîlle Pones 03 B3ranches ORONO HAMPTON DR. J. C. EIT Graduiate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. IOFFICE. Temperance St. Bowmanville, I(just off Ring St.) IOFFICE HOURS: 9 a. m. o 6 p. m. daily I except Sunday, BLACKSTOCK:Ist: etlonday oi each moisth. Will be at Bowmanville office rest of time. PH'IONE g9a HOUSs PHONE 90b EVNH. McLEAN ~~BARRISTEtET. BOWMANVILLE, NEWCASTLE. Conisons BioeR. Monstay, wednesray, Friday. KITCHTIEN GIRL WANTED-Ai Hotel Bow- man. Apply ai Motel, Bowmanx'ille. PGS FOR SALE-10 yoiing pigs, 3 months olti. Apply Vo H. S. BARRIE, Bowmanvills. 28 1- OODIGENERAL SERVAINT WANI BD-By GAîîgust lst. Apply to Dr. J. C. DEVITT, Bo-avînauv.îs.i tf 1OU SE PARLOR MA1D WAINTED AT ONCE. Appiy Vo Mrs. J. W. ALEXANDER, Centre-st., Bowîuanx ille. Si-if AiNIED A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT- WFor Oshawa. M'il pay Iiighese wages. Appl Vo Drawer B, Bowmauxýille. 2tf 5¶ONEvYTO LOAN-at five, anti bye anti a hall percent oumorigage sLeurity. Private fends AfppyVo R. R. LOSCOAIBE, BarrisVer, Bow- manvi le 32-tf ARE vOU DEAF? XAn -idto those Hartioni Hearing. ient on trial free of expeuse or ei 1sk. Adtiress GEORGE TfLxAss & Co., 107 -Pasr Row, New YorR CiVy, N.Y . 2 31U D ELIRFU SUMER (OTTAGE Sur- cou-ntieti by trees and igrass; gooti water, cOlcilr oatinog, hathing ant i fsliîsg. Pîcrishti. Wx. Sainý,,"Arlinn, Bow- mamîville. Jîtf i,ý ARMN TO RLENT FExcellent farm, to reiit at 4Osaaharýbor; ,splendid day loamo, 6 îst- ~ cassgran atistock farm. Plowing after ,rsneop; posl session April lst, 1912. Apply to G. . CoNANr, Oshawa (South). 22tf fi 0îSE TO R1SNT-Situateit oiecornes off DuReý anti Durham Sts, Bowmvlnville. The ho' scntis evnroi s lo pantriy, ceila, et, . Ti14e lotcmrse cs'Nlupon which here i a stalqaniity olf salfruiit, aot20 frulit trees--.Hat Ij an i 1ot wa0,1. lPos- sesson a one. Aply o Mss GLEPublie Lirrlomanxille, or toH. GsE, Coîorne, Ont. 281 ARM ORSXL Ilu NorithnbrandICotinty F -zoo acres, "Il.,aterl,, 1 illsnd-1, m 3 acres x ood, :n istig o inbobR bardwot A ani edar;i s-li uidns;îo milesfrm uiore are otaeon lsske Ontrîn Ne aresyoîngAr'h-crd. oudiai faut Pres! 503 FrparIutielrsapl Ma. .M.YL55lR.Tlrsýn 2L F RSRP înî aî f30ars en pari of lo 13, con.j"arliA.tmie ironlýi Bwunvl o ax r ou.Gn NORMAL EXAMS. Sutccess;fL candidates frïom West Dur- ham: Permanent second class certificates: Miss Olive M. Cobbledick and Miss Mauid A. Powver. Interim Second Class Certificates: Miss- es Nettie M. Staples, Elsie M. Collacott, Dora Prout, Greta Scott, Annie Kathleecn Trewin, Eva Shepherd, Greta Wickett. Limjted Third Ciass Certificates: Misses Lizzie M. Connors, Ethel Gilbert, Bessie W. SiWrling. I~~~~~~I~v s-l - j, il I J"" ~"~5~ y"u ""j JuuU3n4l 1tUIUA Ls it ànY -wonder three-quarters -'ofthIle ato e equipped with Gfoodyear Tirces whtv car-k(ýy siu-cagarnc HWe are Bownanville Agents forGode r Auto and Buggy Tirlesl. .M.DyBatteries for Autos,,and Gas;ýoline Launches1 fl M. Dry noue l)etter, fcw a.. good.H fi 2 DooRs EAST 0F POSTr OFFICE, HORSEY BLOCK, PHN 145 MAN AL ,j * = aMacM -M McýU ËM =MU Fr1. A. HADDY'S THkREFalE DEALS Ideal Soap First Class Laundry Soap 6 bars for -..... .... 25e Ideal B,aking Powder A Pure Powder with good resuits, 1 lb. tin........... Ideal Tea The best ever for the money Black, Green, Mixed, Two Qualities................. 20e MARRIAGES JOLNjr xE5 A the residence of the bride's oOLtr, ig.t, Bowmanville., July 12, by Rex'. Joh G 'iut i M. John Joblin, Red Deer, Alta., anti Miss Minnie E., dangliter of the lats Joýhn M. Joness. Bownîanvjlie. DEATHS GRER-11 Clarke, JUly lst, Robert Greer, aged 73 years. H îYESs n Prinýce Albert, July 4, Allais Hayes, aged 67 years. SP) !'I a R At Port Hope, June 23rd, Annie MÏA "'iS - At_12 SawSt., Toronto, July 5, Wîu.R. aths so, frmely-f Whitby, in his MILE-luBowmnvileJuly 7th, Miss Sarah JT. 1W!s, iaughter of the late William Milîs, HAWKNS t Welconis, Jijue-25th, -Mary Anis olean, widof n the laie John F, Hawkins, la RsoNIn rxbidge, July 10, James Harri- son, ugt 3yas. Father of Mrs. W. A. Rolli- dlay, Brooklin, POWELL-In Port Perry, July 3rd, Matilda Jane Vausicklsr, relict of the lats Capt. James W. Powell, aged 83 yoars. SýIATISON -In Cobourg, Jnly 10, Miss Isabeila Mathison, ageti 75 years. Sister ni Miss Margaret Mathison, formerly ofBowmaiville. GLO VER- -At 51 towther Ave., Toronto, JuIy 11, Fanny A. i-ughsnn, beloveti wife of Rex'. T WT. Glover, ageti 67 years. Forî-nerly of Bowmanville. ASHTON-In Pickering, at the residenee of Mr, W. L. Courtice, July il, Phyllis, reliet of the'laie Samuel Ashton nifiDarlingtoîs, aged 86 years. Interred in Hamptons csmetery Irriday. IN MEMORIAM. Iu loving memory of Wmi. Nelson Brown. who passedte t the home of the angeis, Friday evening JulySth, 1lOo "Farewel oI1veti one tili we meet again". "'Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markes setc., i Granite and Marble. BowmanilleOntario. Fruiets o cdAUil KîidB. F. A. HADDY, GROCER, BOWMANVILLE, IJ~I,.__- -~ New lThis Wek t S. W. Ma son & Son' s 2 pieces 4 yards wide, English Linoleum, Special value. Floor Oiluloths, 1 yd., 11, i11, 2 yds., wide, new patterns. Lace Curtains ini white and ecru. Ladies' Wlhite fMuslin Dresses ahl sizes and prices. White Lincu and iDuck Wash Skirts. New Parasols for Ladies aud Childreri. E mbroidered Dress Muslins and Flouiicings. White Mushin Waists, with Kimona Sîceves, the very latest creation in Waists. Ladies' Collar's, Tics and Boîts al! th- ne-west styles. Sp1ecials This We-ek. Laidies' Tailor-made Suits, balance of stock to clear, $14,75 suits for,$10.25, $15 suits for $10.50, $18 suits for $12.50, $18.75 suits for $14, $20 suits for $15, Ah now this sea- son, Northway 3Make. Ladies' andflMisses'jýSpring Coats, $3.530 and $3.75 coats for $2,75, $5.50 coats for $3.95, $6.50 for $L75, $7.50 for $5.50 $8.50 for $6.25, $10 fQr $7.75, $12.75 for $9.75, $14 and $1.5 for $10.75, $16 for,$12,150. 12 doz, Black Cotton Hose, great barga-,ïis, -2-pair for ....._ 25eý 10 doz, Pur'e Linon Towels 18 x .36, reg. lic ac for 2' f1or 25,j 52 yds. Pare Linon Table iDamask, groat snapepr yardý.3_15e 3 doz. Linon Toilet Mats,' hand made, pure linon, reg. special 10e each for 5,Se 'g.15c for 7inrg. 20v, for 10c, Gent's Fulrni*shings. Stock complote and up-to-date. _No botter values. Early Closing, Notice. Th-i'Ms %orewill be cloised every WëdnesdAy--afternioon, at 12.30 O'clock du1rîJuI ÏýY 7amiAUgust- SOLM2E AGENTS for th.-e Leather Label Overalîs.ý and thile Home Journfal Dress Patternsý' ~ Gocr~DueITkîaCS *à 01 aso Guarantee. ------------ 25c,40G BIRTHS BAGuEPL-In Eowmanville, Jnly 1J4hiteMc. Rildf8YWjYRgneflIad-atuttgter, GAY-In Clarke, Jniy 4ttVoMr. antiMrsTJhn G1ay, a danghter. MOaR lu-I Tyrone, Jue 2lst, Vo Mr. anti Urs. W. H1. Moore, a SOuR. ,SEIR-,InOrou.o, July 3rd, Vo Mc. anti Mrs, Georgs M4. Smith, a sou. BuaeýESS-lu Tyrone, Jiy lot, te Mr. anti Mrs. Robi.. Bsrgeýss a dangh Ver, TaosrUsoîe AV TyîoneL, July lsv , Vo Mr. anti Ms-s, Leslie Thonîpson, a, dangtr u .- I-oscdjnbk4 q 1- TÉ -W "" ý wileil Voit il -1-17 -r . 1 --- 1 MIIW . 1 - 1 . 1 ý 1 Wý ý 1 ORIIII 1 -'--

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