Musliins worth 1-7c for 9c. Mus]ins worth 25C to 30C for I5C Cotton Suitingsworth 2oc for 121C. Cotton Suitings worth 25c for 15CJ Ginghams worth i 2,;ýc for 8c. Prints worth j 2ý2c for 8 cand i oc Silk Muil Dress Goods worth 30c for 15C. A lot of D ress Goods at half price anmd_ '31 off the price of ail Spring Coats, also a lo)t n Men's Print Shirts worth from 75C tO, $1.25, your choice for 68c, Men's Two-Piece Suits at greatly reduced prices. AIl goods sold as advertised. CoUCUi, JOIINSTON & CRYDERMÂIN BOW-MANXILLE. I I I I THE CORNER JIBNO IHO I IMONTRE.ld We Have WEIGHTS SHOES COMIFORTl AND HAN D- SOME APPEARANCE ALL THE POPULAR STYLES LADIES' Low heel, Plain toec, oe Low or High Cc. CHILDREN'S j, ra Slppr an oe 1THE BURNS Go. OSHAWA, ONT. ESZABLISJEV J-817 Capital - $1 4,400,000 Rest - - $1 2,000,000 Total Assets $8,6,5 Department Head Office, .À.MontreaL. JA.mcCIeIIan, Manager, Bowmanvilie Brancih. "6 Bail s1J0$i.l 's SBal,..l3,5 Souenr Pstcards and Lc- cal V'iws Jttst eêvd W. T. ALLEN, Big 93 eBQwlil vî! le, Farmers' Attention Why commit premium note ceunty Mutual yeurselves te liahility -lu -a when you eau isure in suech cempaniesi as the London' Pêrth & Gore, Fire 'Insurance Comipanies at fr,,m 50c te $1,00 per hundred of Insurance and ne prom- ium note. J represent these tbree companies whiare a- mong the- best deing fair m busi- ness lu Canada sud rate(,s asý low as the lowest. HxA>RY 7CANN, lTe City Hall Inisurocie uMasn phonle 50. Bowinanvihie. Hôrse Shoeing flavingsereacoptn a nd aisacterl.s Ourspcit hegbu GEORGE WATTILI OPFPOSITE SALVATîION ARMIY THE OLD HOAR SI-'"T!Y, B ',WMrAN"l"V IL LE. Annual Mid-Su mer Sale Now GoîingOn j ~Ž I Il ANNý1UAL M1ETING 0F DURI!A',1CeuNT IL is four years smce the LibealAsso iciation et D-lnrbs County me1i1t in annua meeting betofre anid tRie minu11,tetthati meetingvwere neot avaiLabWe-on Frda when the meetinig called for them. Thei fermer Secretsry,,M. .D.Dvdsn now et Port Artihur, liad itanded thaý minute book oerte Mr, A. Hl. C._og Port Hope7, wlio asasitatsecretary. Mr. Long couid net attend thiismetn sud sent the books wýi th s1na sayittog that oune account wouýid lie acce11au 0db-e in the Assciaiîon ifnxintd The cminutes offt lasiumetiLn, however-, couiri net liefonud. There were 35LierisprsetMa vers, Cavan suId Mlirokn t bcbg represýeu1ter ic-rsîet rdE. PeietW. iH. iddy> prsi7tded suda act as, secretary for ibis meig ILt was decided te hld the eintn convention lu orone on iThntmayAugust 17, the hopelen xrssdta h Canadian Noiberu -iwonfld liec arry-ing passengers 1)v that date ýwhiicbi Ï1ii mke Orone ithe moýs[ cou)veniieitn meeing place for tlie whole cîny The cunutyorazainwseecd lu anticipation et an ecarlyFdea dc tien, pessibly as ear- l'a Sp ambrsu the merits oet -certain probabl a ndides were censiderud, tie prevaiilugopnn beiug that a tarmer shionld li chosen.ý Speeches were imade by\, carmn Senator Beith, Geo. A. Stphn ,W.J Bragg, D. B. Sîmp)socý, K..C., Dr.1L.1B. Po)wers, Dr.>Aidricli, J.,. I ihW.R. Allin, R. W. Philp, 'W.,F.Ale,.P, JunStewart, J. R.Fse u tes Officers electeriwee:HeorryPrsi dlets-Hon. Robert iii, Bwmianville, Dr. L.B. Powers, Port Hop)e, u D. B, Simpson, K C., Bowmanviiie. President-W. J. Bragg, Dariiten. Vice-Presideuts-FredÈE. Wbi, Hope Thes. Baker, Darlingion. Secretary-G. A. SehuDarlingioni. Asst. Secretary W'. G. Rund(le, Dar-' lingten, for West Du;nram A.FH. C. Long,, Port Hope, for East Durbiaml. 1Treasurer-John cllaoiomn ville. Chairmen et Poiling Sub)-Di%ïionsý were appeinted. T The adoption iblis resolu tienshw flie mid snd spirit e h ieasi ILt )as nmoved by ?Mr, Al- ri E. Clin- F,ýred S. Whi!jte eOpe Tht bis meeting desires te oný,1gratu- late Canada on its present financial- posi- tion, lsrgeily due te the politicaesfthile leader et the Liberal psrty, Sir- Wilfrid Laurier sud bis able assistants. Sicce 1896 wlieu Sir Wilfrid as3nmed the reigus et power lu Canada, ne country in the histery efthile world lu the samne trne lias marie sncb progress toward financial ludependence sud contentiment as Caniada lias undergene. The above, backed by the -confidence et the voters, lias been ecahier inlu iis short tinie te raise Canada trom s state ams border- îug ou finauiciai panic anides'pairing uurest ho a place among the inations et tlie worid, wiîere she is the eofy et mny. The -end la et yet.--it-seems thaIiLwitIi bis growing years bis mental v.igor lu- creases correspoudiugiy sud cew views, new ideas sud new diplomacy seem te evolve wbicb tend te sud do raîse bis' counuiry andrihim to uew planes. The Imperial Couference from wbicb lie bas jusi emerged, hlii in L-ondon, Euglaud, aitheugli the touril, whicb lie lias attecded, bias brougbt forth new laurels, sud bas caused hlm t epo claimed as beyond ail donit the greatesi et Engliali statesmen oniside et Great Britain itself, sud possîbiy only secocd considering Great Britain as well. We commeud te ahl our Association the read- îng matter perîaining te the Coutereuce. We being, lu the rmain, asu association et farmers, desire te place ourseýives on re- cord lu conuection with that great ques- tien, Reciprocity, wiîicb is oeccnpyiug sncb a large place lu the miuds eft the country- men etf Canada. This arrangement by whicli Canada sud the United States et America are te practicallv bave t_, ree lu- terchange et natural producis is, we are et the opinion, the first boon or lielp te the tarmers et Canada which bias ever been granted te them as a cass. For' thirhy-tlirue years the farmers bave bien appesled te by the leaders etfbeili parties lu thie political arena te bear dime burden et taxation et the great body et ceusum- ers te support that poiicy kueown as pro- tection te the manufacturersa sudnoneu kcows but themfselves hovw tley have suffered. They have seen 1their popula- tion decrease lu the r urail distric ts lu greai n)umbers; tbey have see.n itheïr sons sud danghiters deseri tbem; eveytbiogthey bad te bey increase ilu prce; belp on tbe farmn almosi ai the vauiishinig point ; prices fer sncb belp as they canl get almioat pro- hibitiLve ; the value eftiheir fsrms reduced inearly if net tully tonty per ceut, suid titis LIEUT. FRAN H Ki . M ORRIS DoNG O Canadiaus againn thie aKuo Challenge Cup with 1,581 eut et[a possible 1,800 pont. te. E. BibbyDudaled th1e Caain, w 1h Lieuit. F. Hl. Morris a close scnbeing only6Vpeints sby- dsacs80c),90 ud 1000 yrs Canada weuib is cep h ast year witli,67points, Sc0etland being2id Vwitli 1,526 peinfjlts. Englsud r1wais 2n1d Ibis vyear witî 1,069 pensor 2 points m iore than haýst vyear's wvining nme.Canadians ! ha, ve wo th1is cup tbireeurnes. Lu ithe Extra Surieis Lieut. F. H. Morris etf Bowmanvilie, wou1 $in escli et two matches, se tha t lie us makîn.Iig a pretty goori atari. Liet. Me1 r ris, aise won a silver b0owl, as,,aspca commerneýmrative slvrbow lils givec byv tbe _N. R. A. te the captaîn, a djutant suid esch member efthie winning teamt, lu addAition tte ie Mackîuinou Cup iseif. Medysrecord brugtiht moâre 'hionr te -iut. MNorrisý, oet theGoodyear Tireý aud Rubilie)r 1Facîle bu mkicg 47)peints onit et a possible 5o standý(ing 4thlu 8ý<ýoe yrsrange_-for Corporation et London pr. Lu tlie Daily Telegraphcompetiîion beuý, Id 1the squLad with 34 points eut et 35 ai 200 yards. ILu thýe Graphie Ceip match ahI 5,,oyd s.lbu marie 31 peints eut et a posile3,lo1y tour others rnakicg bigli- et-sors These records show that se fat Lieut. Mri is maiutainiug a splen- did ave ýrage. Lie ut. Morris ou Tuesday &el speciai mnion again lu ail contests,, mskicg higb records, wicuing tbird place amocg Can- adlian msrksrnuil King's Prize Compe- tition, firsi stage, at 6oe yards, wiib 32 peints, Lance Corp, John Trameor, a Poýrt Hope oid boy, making the only psil (35) aneng ibe ,i5o cempetiiors. Hu gui s the N. R. A. broze edai andi badge aud $125 lun cash. imIe made 33. Iu Stock Exchiange competitien Lieut. Mor- ris won $ie. He was aIsc, wuhl up lu Duke et Cambiidge match witb 38 peints, wic- niug $5, At the 5oo yd. range lu King's Prise bu wa siiglitly down, making onlv 31 pointa lu a possible et 35, heu or more Canadiaus making higlier scores. Lt bu keepa up bis excellent average record se fair, Lieut. Morris shouiri figure high in lu ie G:aud Aggregste. DURHAM COUNTY BOYS. sn't t peculiar thai Durham beys are se otten te the front lu every puiblic gatbieiug. -At Cobourg on tbe Glo)riousý TefhCoi. John Hughes-, Clarke, Griand M!asteroet Esateru Ocitaneo, 1rpiiud te Mayor G1nmm-1ow%'s aridresa t ofom sud bis sddres asepo'rter inluthu apr wssa uodu etbruvil t u1goi om 'Col. Jebin rnay lie Censervative ccondlidate lu Dnrharnai nexi Domàinion eluectien, is bigb standing as Grand Master 1115s con- siderecl givinglim splendfid prestige. The editorial note lu your hast issue ru Durham Old Boys la tîmeiy. h1rnay ssy as Secretary efthie Toronto Association, aud 1 know- 1 veice the epinioni et ont rmembers, thai we wîhi beartily co-operate with yenr people lu sncb a ru-uciotu as yon suggesi a generai horne-corning et the Old Boys snd Girls. If Snnday conld lie inclndud wiîh the clebraîlon St a centrai, meeting place on the Monday it wouid lie viel. I may aise tell yen that eut Association pruty neariy visiteri yen tbis yesr tvitliout invitation wbich mýay serve asa guarautue et what yeu nams expedi if an invita1ioný isextended. Th-Ios. Yellowlees. Secretary D. O. B. A.ssccia- tion, 23 Division-st., Toronto. -Another Dnrhamù boy bas conte prorni- unily înto te lime liglit ai Bisley lui the person et Corp. J. Trainer, Royal Canari- ian Rifles, Toronto, a fermer Port H ope boy. The Guide says: Ou the Canadisu tearn ai Bsley is an old Port Hoper, Coi-p. John Trameor, sud hli l making somte re- coud scores. Lu the "Corporation et the City et London" cempetitien lie made the higliest score 49), sud lu ail the other competitions lie was aiways near thie top.", He made a butter record on Tusday, wbeu in some i,i50 competitors lie usa the only eue who made a possible 7, buÏllseyes-35 pints-at 600 yds. What, worid-beaters Durham boys are, eh? Tbey have a school war on at New- casile sud ih wss very fittiug that Lawyer Evau H. McLean lu bis aridressata Cob- ourg sbould say "We ahi celubrate the Battic et the Beyue. We waut te take stock aud finri ont wliere we stand. IHe theni spoke et the school question whicha agitsted eut people today." xvitb the United States et America, sud say whai sbould net have te lie said, tliat we are mrue te our King sud Country sud would net change our position as mem- bers ofthile gi-estest Commonwealth forV any other existîng. We undersiauri tlies opposition coucede the advantage the tarmers will obtain, sud ibeir ouly- e ppo-C tien lies lu tbe cry et disloyalty. Suirulys tley are suffuring from i.nmputeut suda punishabie ignorance et the puise in ont bodie..Wcmmendi the agreemeunt sudÇ atour grea,-t Leader te continue the ii struggle suid help urs thereby, We coigratUlane Sir Wlftrid on blisg liehil sd vgoraibisage sd wuhopeI work et uplitiniig Canaidýand k-epiug huer as b" uis crested behtr,Ithe brigIitusi gem niP luiii n' crewn. We desire *hat eau- i Sceaysbjould aendscopyoet thisjs rusIo'itn eont be)Loveri Leader. Movuý-ri by ' Mr. L. B. Powers, M. D., et Po>rt Hpese-onrIidJy Mr. J .Se a et Ciarke, sud c Irier4nanîmously': s That thismeeting esires te eprssit entîe cofidece i TheHonora bie Mr.. A. G McKy, he lade et theLiberail1i( psrti uiegsi veAsem lor the,- Provinc c t i ).aneý, s is ;t;graititude cfor, i !lie able efforts lie;lia mde, aud îs k-It pi-ctcaiaprevlby seiidlng lm -,za supportr ai lesi fremoid We trami.i Mr. A. (-'>Schofield is again ii lu chrge AbigraduseBom vlecas ef teSnny-s'ide Mission at ush .a, fer the ercten;géit neow of fifty more Rev W.C. ashngtnM.A.pech dwellings. The ,Baýlm1oral is tplil te thle ed in the ic sciples church Sunday mniteweý. -r, ail boardingliue are crowdedi, ilng. tfats over the sosare eccupiqýedan 1ý,'several people aire living ltets Pos-. c~v. Jas 1Hodges, B. A., pastor Presby- sibly a bunidred aund fiftv oewoke terian Churcl, Osýhawa, bas gene on a are requiredf here fecr whom ter are nio holidaiy itp te Baiff, Alta.- homes. What is geing -te be dou,ýeabu Methecdist parisona-,ge, towu, is beingreni-,it ? ovated, paperedl, painted and otherwise improved for thie newpastor. When a teacher we ead everytaces Cobourg MtoitChiurcli is ricli in, journal and York n euýton that we vocal solo'itsLas their Suniday nonc-cud ot !n t is s ti1l a goo-d rule. Tis, mreniiti h ppr makes ne mention of year we have tani Thie lTeacher's Jour- thie iniste'rut booms the musical service rial," published at Marlou, Indýiaa, anid maikiug special mention of these soloists: have fouind every mnmber inlbtitng UL Mrs. J. E. Skid more and MVrs. A. J. Gould, dlaims te lie "A Practicai E,ýducatcionia Mýessrs. Hail-/.beli, W. 11-.. Hopper and A. Periodical foi- Progre2ssive Teacýheursý" u J. Gouid. The pastor 15 ofi iutile consider- is aotly named and ci-as;sedl. or Lihr, ation evidently in atsthetic Cobourg., et pu1blic sehools it wii ilie, found very Oh ieaviug Hastings Rev. C. W. Bar- hleiPtl. reit was presented by the conigregationI thecre %with a beauitiful go]ld ath chain ai cm iPrtabnance ou Sunr- and lce sui-îably engravedJ. The Lad day sudin Monday last, being thîfrst gen- les' A\id pres;ented Mrs. Batrretti ,vIh aera rainfail for many weeks. Ail n3atiu haudisomec cut glaýss water pitcher, an bs beeui revîved by the, soaýking the eartlh l\asicr Gordon was made the reiiniofibas received and root crops, fruit anid lat- a fancy piano dlock. Ou1 their arvaut e-r crop1s wilbe greatly beneifitted. Greatf Hampton they were greeted bythe coffic- iirhowvever, had beeu sust1aiuied b),y ils and other friends of the ccuit auid erlrcosand epeiiiy tose ou liglit made te teel ai homie. soîks. A general imatelaces thie The new officers of oy fQunesan'coshrabtatbutt- Summer Schooi rcentiy hield at Weliing- thirdls of ant average crep)1, but, it is hpd -ei. th1at recent shoýwers will imp11rove this es- ton, are: Honorary PresideutsRvs tmecoserby W. Tetten, Scugog, Rý. A. Whattam, ** Oreno; Presîdent Rev. S. T.- Tucker, Greeniweod; Vice President -Rev. Wesiey Amnhy aaieby thle rne of Elliott, Wellington-, SecretariesM;ss Rod and GTun is puiblishied at Wood(stock, [Liellia Gouid, Coiborne, Mdr. J. A. Marsh, Ont., by Wý. -J, Taylor o eeof (C'ana-_da'ýý eleil;Business angs- Rev. A. bright and-entl)usiasiie nwpprmen. H. Foster, Coiborne, Rev. Wm. iggs, Tbe tîtie of the puixblication wou!covey Tyronie; Miss Fiorene lHall, Wclw the imresontat ir is a sp)ortsmi-au's Few people reali«ze hol uliobe'oural w i t is, but it is far iwider i1) they save to church l ffciais hy payiiin uits connts-,[to fr the splendid articles it advance or promptIy ail their contribu- publishes mnth i ly onUCanadian lite ln the tiens to churcli and- ministerial support. newer parts ofn adajourieys of tour- Pastors are usualiy paid their stipends ists, huniers, prospqectors, conditions of montbly. Lu cities and towns pew rents settlers, etc., make it oeeof the mosÉ in- sliould always lie paid lu advance,' other- terestiug magazines for boys, yeunig meni, wise the church treasurer bas te borrow and even men of riper years. Lt cests i S or advance mnoney himself. He who pays cents a copy. Bey a numbec at the book- promptiy does a great favor te bis church (store-lt makes capital summer reading. and pastor. Lt handicaps a pastor te ssk for money from bis pulpit. Giving cheer-, Woman la coming te her own, aitho' it fuily to the Lord briugs sure reward. may beý slowly.LuIn any ways et lat;e Rev. H. B. Kenny bas wonu1the fav or have weý observed the good, work womeutr- and geed-will of bis cengregat,io,-by hav edoe Nor are îbey men's inifeior sliorteuiug the Sunday services teout tu executive_1ý abiliiy if we are te jud,(ge- oue hour during the bot treather. 1-'le th:fem lui this respect by their work s. Dur- was greeted with goed cougregations igOur recent excursion wi ands agaiu ou Suniday nothw iLlbstandinig tt uews paper men and their Aw ih large manry c'iin are at Port Bwavlaprye 5 a aqetda lret~n and et tewiL !He told is.,hearers sunay PnetngParry ndsuiolig mioring lbow -gratified lie was ,tbat s( od.Ai the ltteriivly sd iprogres- mauy hbad rmade 1them1selve-,s knew te s v own-seen te gro eibe dimien. that ethers would do se as lie wshdte prednseedd1 t[e dnnr L wsno beco;ie acquainted witlial bis peo-pie as riaysraeiebta 1meal fit for soon as possible. He had aiready m-ade a king. Thei, varietywa great, thie qa 35 pastoral c-ails and would get rounld te Iiîy was par eclecai(d ite lde the homes as fast as he ceuiri. wlio served 1h had beer. experieniced wih ____________resses they ceuid liardiy bave pleased their guests more than they dld. Theý( LIBERALS, ATTENTION? driner, the layent and the service wr worthy of ail praise, and ail the reports of A meeing iil le hed lu he T w [te Collingwood part et the trip have cou- A metin wil behel in he owntaineri bouquets for the Ladies' \auxiiary Hall, Hampton, on Saturday evening Ioftthe Y.M.C.A. ef that towu. We mc- July 29th -at 7.30 for the election cf dele- tien ibis deligbitful public function aýgamI gates te attend the Couuhy Convention at toeempliasiz.,e the staýtemnit aud our flrmr Oroo o Ag. 7î. EeryLiera ~belieft itaidues and (lrespnsibulities C c- Oron on ug. 7th Evey Lierq!iý,truIst"er,"I t1mmbersef th genIer se ý 1",X_ 'Aiî invited te attend. lie as wl, aitlfulyanipmpiyee- W. E. POLLARD, 2A. L. P , 1Si, 1JWu!, en n e v President. -- Secy- ra.tou bt in ulcuretkns ln thropic work or any o1wire, rrs v7bere women cnoeperate ce sssure TOWN COUNCIL te foillow their efforts. Lndeed, a wnL bardly kcows the feeling cf falluie her Au adjourned sessioni of th Cuni succeas depends ou ber or ou lier sistLers' was held Monday eveýang; al i eibers peisonal respoùstbilîty and efforts. present except Coun. Pethick, Ma,,or Mit- -1 % chell presidinig. Brandon, it-wililiberme erdwa The chief business was completion cf oeeof the citles with whicli the editor ef [lhe purchase of riglit of way and terminal ibis fariyjounalfeu rdnty ui ov grounds for G. T. R. spur uine ai-d freiglit when on a tn,1!t!eCeas)iIo Atumu.iii station between Goodyear Works snd Since then um e hae at iesd wVeicomaed Q ceeu-st. al news and idctons eta rges Mayor Mitchell had requested Mr. D. and of a surety «d is goinig ahead anid wifl B. Simpson, K. C., who lias assisted lu, ne- continue to do seo. Badnciesare-. getiations ail aloug te expIain te Ceuncili evidentiy alive te the fact thiat lthe- welfaire the present situatiou sud needs of more and success et the ceuutry and thec farmrers land than was ah first considered sufficrient. means a corresponding bene(fit te thee Mr. Simpson addressed Council, explain- tetru. Mr. W. G. Langdo, Cmisin ing that a 4e-foot roadwaY was îoo tlar- er Commercial Bureau, Brndnlua re- row fer requirements of a station reari port of what is b-i r, g dore livbyth11e City su ad aud suggeshing that a piece et land 165 Cotuncil says that the bavesti bauds' quLes- teet long iustead Of 138, as first intenlde-'d t'on bas been taken quite seriously by the lie bougi from Messrs. W. Brock sud J' citizcn~s et Brandon, as it is esiimated iltat H. Cryderman se as te shlow for a wider, over 2,o00 men wiil be requireui. Mayýor sireet sud ai the samne time give the G. T. J- W. Fleming sud Alderman J . H. R. Ce. a litile more land for their termin- Hughes bave been appointed te vîsî-lt tbe ai station sud tracts. Afier ieugtby dis- principal agricuitural districts in the Unit- cussion the toillewig resolution was ed States along thie route of the G reat adopted: Nortbern Railway lu the iuierests et the-, .Moved by C. Rehder sud seconded by tarmers. Neyer lu the history et Mani- R. Coplandtuba have the crops been s0 forwýard or R. Cpeiadthie outiook se premising. Il wiil ie,, re- That tbis Council approves et a plan by memnbered, tee, that we noted the tu act whicli the Corporation of Rowmanville that Brandon Fair Directors fhad m-iade ne, shaîl mistake liv appeiuting as.maager r. (a) grant te the Grand Truuk Railwsy W. I. Smrale, a Bowm4n\il boy. The Company et Canada the nortbi tweaiy- entries for the Siurimei Faitaveur- seven teet et lots I0, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, io6 psssed iliose et former,'earswhli li as mld 20, sud the nrtitenysveteh eesia e i ulige eea e of thie east t;hirty-one e et et lot T7. al lu ins adfeher hbuildinlgs. 'The Fair wi Queen's Block Diision seutl i e Qe --i.elipse eve2rythu g t lis i-dyet.Date, n Bowmanville; (ly 241h t 28b Wi ],s'hl a splenid (b) psy te William Brock $80[)sud ,agricultural cunttry. ail round (lthe city for 1ru t i tesitirty_. -e tet etmauymilsAnd slediite for a city, 1 --- t