Blek Esah n rleealtbho teroablos ne ~ent a a blionsaloisof the ytem. snucb s Diziee, 'iuse, ro>wSinses. Dlistressa ater stg.aiintus Side , WhIls thelr mont memadachle. etOsxs t lo Liver Pus iara vsatng iis nnoyng om e.itbue the 1 ivcoc aithdiorders f inhemeltlepiUlOtO thel aliu o d regiy st ibwelthe ilnot biey oiy- Oupiuruaedhl able n so many ways ilarery lntal in- v y eba te of tk many e s ha0er1: hs vsry 1"' w.On r w pU alte adose. Tlmy are strictly vegetabis, and do ntgieo purge, but by their getie actiou pleaso &II Who LETUMIUE M, COEWW TRL A. E. MLAUGHLIN * -anee, Soltcitor and Ccn'eeyantcer. Offc«-Iles.kley Block, King Sret Bowmavll,.Muney go blaineetraso abln rates. 48-lyr., 00W 1tm NVILL. ONT. OL)MFDAL.T,I t of rlnity Ut- Gjeîity Toronto our yearnAÂitendlng ri fýtn Sugone M.Caml gIa ,At sand 'Reodence Wellir-gtoa St. Te7 Vast Importance Armiso n ""îdn u a ketch an,d "Eecrl "loi ay PeiÎntbi.tln,îîra i s NwAdmitted Tisat Bron tln. tl7Ciietoi DB. KIlnPatents Paten'ts talteai tnrookUh Mnu,& (.o. rcmveI <hitis, .Astha, a ta&, ,Coug speainoUsiri hute' re Inim iand Colds Can OnIy Be Quickls Scietifi il~ IiCihI. O'ired By Mixing a New Medi. Auee.ý bandee.ei tituiîr w risfi lis oda 5 a year postage pepid. ffd,,i cn it heAr -o reti rail aeir r~ N &C,6îrawa.NW O'~ ScientisteakoNleg htnC-1 rsnc ites. dii E Befýt.. Wosllutmoo. t.C. cted air treetmnertt t the oîîiy treat- - - -- - - - nient thet wulli cure these diseases, tend that stousach Msedicines- are uomse titan useless. Catarrhozone air treatmenit has beeeri found ta b. the Most effective way to cure ail diseases of the. thrant, lungs, and tnasal passages. Its action is su prompt that in Ions than an hour arn ordinary cold is cured. and after a, SyflOPs eof-Ca tadiaýn Nriwei tiit ie thsorouglI ruse cfCaarooe Reulmon.BrnzstiCatarrh,' aad a" i dîsenrSs A K'person ansi is the tale ea of the throat and tungs arecopee 171Y Jl)II ýseada uniteraec îm on oiîd Cajtaerrozone la a veryrsimple aisd abcDoînnion laid, in m atitoba. naekpaiverful înetliod of rata.,eut. -Y'aný stbwî rAtbenta. Th, plcn me ip~ aeainPersan ai the Domitaîtland, breathis 1 urouglite !itlualer, Agoic o iut.Aeo'vfor ,itetorc and it immediately passes overevy Ery br njroplxv nay be maoe aiuenv i aIiriý L of the titroat, laig!' audli c suiv oncerai',conitins. iv auler hiai ti4es, cuintg and uhasm a- lt gf iimnotîdiagobaioetteadcr Dtiiru ni mntnls esdeceuton Csaidioz1,0tearaent afforda lîttIe aîmduitiatîn aiutclandin als u docf Fhealng for acre pinces l ir -a ulret cîs Alumeiede m i'lita sniub lfun, trt, andmanse! pasznea.& in 1'l' iesa la uoea atuhu tra occuied y hM or3bv i1-lte, aî lacrandsrcsa hmenede4 gaod stading Pia cr0 1mt a0s5 secin alo eide isebmsra.Pic $aM erare DtesSiit esd moorita a euch a «-sIU er ia aeij D~ hS !uCie bous med etry incuiig th tuAr' gtirud n cau ioioetea Patni aj Duliste utv arseta TLHE RFWARB 0F SOSAN] The baby was dying. He lay in bis cot, -wýitli the hue of bis eyes sliowing thro,ýugli the closed, e avy lids, with a waxen pallor, on bis cheeks, drawi* wheezing breaths whicli stalibed the lieart of his mother, wlio lent over h i i, Sue Giles. went, to the cottage wirïdow in despair. Before her stretched the modr-wild, rugged, almnost purpie against the flaring western sky. Then she glanced at the clock. lIt wanted hlf an hour before thse six-forty stopped- at Barleycombe, and it took Ben, lier husband, twenty full minutes to trudge the mile ta thse lonely cot- tage down the line. There were no neiglibors nearýer than Barleycomlie. Yet the dactor ought to be summoned. And Dr. Kent lived two and a half miles [down the le, in the opposite dir- ection to BarleycombýIe, rnearer 1 Liakýelampton. Tbe railway ran pa-dt bis garden, haîf a mile after Archer's tunnel and the cutting. andi it was the neýarest route. Sue bad often trudged tiiere and iback. But ta, go meant ta leave thse ba-_ by alone. To stay meant- She glanced at the ehil-d once more, sbaking lier heati and repressing a so_,b. Ben was Barleycombýe's, solitary porter, and his lanteru, ready- trimmed for thse nine-flfteen, stood in the corner. Sue lit, it, scri 'bbling a note to her liusband-, and laying it on the dresser. "Gorat fur doc- Lor. Biby's queer. Mind 'im," were ber simple directions. Thon se isbed tise baby, very liblfor lie se asleep, and siedto the oor it seemed terrile e ave tlie cii]l dalone. , siu cmfrtdlier- self, as she liurri'eJfon, that lie ias to. young to walk, tliat the fire was safely guarded, and that before long Ben would taise lier place,. It was weary walking, plodding over tlie leavy ballast beside tlie permanent way. Slie dared not run'a for sise ias not strong; but slie pressed on, mutely pra3liug, ýpassed tbe signal, ber face ta tbe glowiug, fiery suniset. Slie reaclied tlie stunted bushes round Wolf's Ho]low, left tliem b'ehind,- and icrossed thie trestle bridgc over -tlie balibling Axe. INow sbe passed Higliwayman's iOak-a landmark ta stragglers lost Son tise moor-anti now tlie moutli of Arclier's tunnel, bilack and grim, was before ber. Slie hati always feared its deptbs and its darkness, 'had usually climbed tlie bull and Splungeti into Archer' s Wood, ta descend the steep sides by the jaws of tbe cutting a quarter of a mile on, in preference ta tîte more dir- 1ect route wliich tbe tunniel's grimy slimî, reverberating hollows af- fordeti. But she could not tlink of lier- self now. The tunnel was tlie quickest, and tliercfore tlie only ,way, andi she cbose it, witbaut pause or liesitatian. lIt was long, and thse lantern's feelile rays seemued swallowed up, mocked at, in thse gioom. Thse liglit frmits rnautl f aded. Pitoli dark- ness setted dwn befare and ble- isiti er.But slie' batiforgotten be IF; fif-e sonly cutigher ~tcshopagtareacla bedactor' s garonpraingta bfid him i A i iigh,,t began ta pcrxdthie ta M tPudlc precgiaiemltrain H1v o. bb ' i- lu-t'~~î 'tlv coîtnfdoii ispaie and àegkase? 0eÀtPe i atset icsfrcse i rcbbs seets îu~1î Siclid se 1De ts came ýta liedCOUîîus ed-jtbh u'. oi irmîa lt arli-et0ensyu tite raie. u te abes aiI II "io lP O bn i1 îui, cl StuL usneesiteasa cae ati ueaf t' inuerPl, ai "5-asnae hem m srn i neomuiysîe ISSA0 i uttsI~n iSiuf sr iebc s pssraci. Ag itsgs sai'fus sif c toitert 'g. f'iemtc molutsoioalti.'tn th 1 s.1 t' bis ~ e ~h mo isglic' t h i tî li i t<iO-î itxsy u [ms pg lîo sent beeci t claberdountic*ricestebab'sfod.u5~,;.u, _'ho _ te dts he ~ ~ ..Ini-e5 nestcuc f goaneanI n~t opchtupanden ___ ~i 5t iul.LiiOmtt5mir ib metin. .~md lil batont ani esny eryBD, ISUE 5 I in lier kept lier oin. Whlat matter growled the doctor. "Oh, give me if the whele world prsei if her a wo-man wbere. tbere's illness and ... .. baby liveti? Sho lad came so far sometbing ta be done 1" She pauseti. Wby, she' could Lteran Bon fetceet Dr. Kýent. , como liacis. Suppose sbe rau to The two medical mou-iltaiketitgt-d~'I '~~rr Dr. Kent! 'There would leb iecr- ligrertb h ranpas She would came bacis! Sbe wouldet the cottage Once more, pficei 11 stop the train wben lier erranti sas ptesrnr.aiwnto it donc. joitrney tbrougli the cleareti cuLtt- B3ut as she stLrtsggled oin, the bot ig aigi ment of bier bepart dieti down. Dr. Kent enat into thecttaýg, À1ibE sIle began ta feel chili. She isne~wbeeBnat u toilat-n ti ere woilti nat lie time. It was hLooIte< at i e heat!ean Cà baudthe ama%ýng n ry stb ters one or the other;- sbo knewthat. o laisiigi ireote There's a dea-«i taKnow abuXIIt fI int ec B Ly a E.Pnhms But still she kept an lier way. man white anti slaiing. ct f1dd*t Her baby-erEbaby! Whyatiti "You were lucis, Mrs. Giles'," the wheat 1 couldn't guarantee tise flour. Creaxu odcth Vegetable Coinpoand Heaven asis this thingc ieAnile saiti. '1'ilio'l recaser. Nv West F!our comrnes 1rom Cream of tise We-stWlatAn as site reacieti the lovel grounti on or bave I seen a more delicate o crtany osmake, good breadl Balimore, Md.-"I1 sent you lhere,- tbe atiser sitie of thie allen-mass, are'siilftîl operatian. Hati it :i~:r!.,ixssiigmm augite Alcowhobeen delayeti an hour, deaitl murt wit te icureofmyfiteenAlicer old she foîl on bier snees,sliaising with bv nuei ltiti ali h i~oiris restorod to salis, crying ot:' fl;g Iheaith by Lydia E. "Ah, tbem peaiple! Ah, thenictignttknpaemit o 1i!lýPinklam's Vegeta- people !"caesrgltntamIloui -ibie Compound. She She sanis down, tlirowiug-ont ber not have heen prepareti for an op h ard Wheat flou'r guaranteed for breî .w1itik! irle undrlirarms, etting lier liead falon tliem, rto, nitechilt sould lha tr iro cirle un ler ie ptcusl, oain., almost Icertainly perisheti lefore 1 Yo.u jnt ty it. If it doesn't give yau right dowmî satisfaction yu -tIirij: tabe. wo ad ieren whengsesrgldt e ot oit aesn oefrm n rocer pays your money back. Thal's the guarantee with every ba, Ii!~ji d ctrs re ted aI st re i havepsenlhomeIfoL im îtin 'aled odlier timai dw tecn-struments. Yon tionIt isnow, I ornt ladcailed it Green, ting, anti ler lips moveti. spoe loatneiyu o aoao gilkiess, but she "Oh, if1eavon, save my baby! . intinwtenm ftemn RHBL À?EL rsdn 9 wore il li ca't!"so providentialiy equippeti for 'the M ham's Vegetabie (?ompo und was rec- tntofvrsl ea r- on A tl!,,,1 ommend ed, and af ter taking three bat. stinationerea feverir 0s 1, ,ly liegan is 1 et, Vlre-" tles she has regained lier health, thanks trace lier stops, fouglit lier way 0v- gSitae ook i heti honar Oliark; J. R. Fiooter, W.C. rito,sc.te;Ca.Bxtn ta your medicine. I can recommonind it or the slipping deliris witb bieree l Sifbet e gaingshetaiglo!Cas;Jd.CoeOoo for ail femaie troubes."-Mrs. L. A. euergy, of a mmnd matie up.Ho swf erpnsmetwut--____ _____ ____________________ COptKçAN, 1103 Rutland Street, fBalti- cw Icohrsiesescal-bhave lcubXeer(N U ETIŽ ritybitb rebea afl more, Md. lowithe a sie af patering "A Ro-yal per5 1onage lies iii et ÇV.V i lurit mp lt edta n pe sac IHundreds of such letters f rom matis- Stones, al ong the iittered pavement, DevermoutiCA anop A, etion was de ors expressing tlieir gratitude forwliat way ta the ballast, free from te id n ystray Wi n yu' eheiwt ooigi, ant 'vr LdaE. Pinkliam's Vo'getaýbie Com- fali, nearer tbe tunnel. sveitbe train, rs. Gii1es, liy TIGrnTrnsRiw Ste yngalishoidju ie poud ia actoplsho fr lie hve Thon she dar-ted Iinto tIc dans- your i, ravery, you aasaveti Sir anunetj Io ue~ , 1,sutiten ly.,Sonîietling round aniJ beeni received by tise Lydia E. Pinkliam Alexane eso-rcCByltiu etAgs MeîcneCopny Lnu Ms. es, unigpatigbr eat ndrBestn-rcanCtiiitgul itIati25h.Auut ucut wsbeite herliit at Mediine ompay, Lnn,,"s. burning anti lioerlireat torn witb. Surgeon ta bis Majesty,, the King, 18t anti 22nti, Slitemnber 5tli an d titis tinie the bedger's sprIng wa1 Young Girls, Hleed ThIs Advice. oacIwidret. She passedthtI ani- incidcntaliy - your liahy"' 9tb, 1911, Hoý_merseeisers' Excur- nat too slow. o'copei ha Girls wlio are troubled with painful midle of the tunnei-l, wlieýre thee hfe. -Landau Auswers. 1sions wili be run from ali stations eieigooanisovhmqnc or irgular poiods, beekadlie, bond-waîîs rau urater, anti tnp-tnip it i~___ n Ontario andi Quelice ta Western ]yasing reten (ifuo, lî oo i ache, dragging-down sensations, ,faint- aaa iC aoadDfuho asn hnfli LI ing speils or indigestion, sliouid take feli in meianchoiy cadence froinsthe HOW'S THIS? Caaa i hcg niDuul sr cisarsitgcrfotwhr imedat atin ndberetoedtarof. She wns nearing the other Wevia n iudrd1 Chicago, St. Pan? and Minne- tukarsln îmedae cto adberetre t ooW ofe neIlnre ollars P"'aisard oic ti ae.the ralibits lied theirinu lea!) healtis by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- endi wheu first the rails liegan ta ward for auy case of Catarrh thBjtpo isat eduetirond thelre tabieCompoulnd. Thousaudslhave been hum, anti sheisnesv the six-fonty canuot be cured by Baille Catarrh Th lkow obetru il their exaspereting note eternall111 retoe t hatl b tsus.was upon lier! Cure. a h rn rn rmteEs Here aiso, lie fed, but on corltis Write to Mrs. Pinkbam, L 0n Ot of the niglit came tise rumbe, F. J. CIE-ENEY &IL .Tld. .t hcg apast h taebrC(ntntcnetmîtnei Mass., for advIce, free. tise roar, the clatter of the onrnsli- We, the undersigned. have known anti witbthe ero tan e Iri iug train. Sise roiindeti the cunve F.J- hee o the lat ffteenI vce ttis feei tli io n u nsat li oldntont again, catching siglit of the bond- ear,,, and believe him perfectly bou- ciuding thle Fan-o ntmntjîsl edfr thir outetat h cmt biaises; t re sronger. and liglits ;of thte stoiam by the driving-1 and onaf al alht crraot n the air sseeer ISe trutigetion uicl, latnalacsar se a abe l albumeo ctransuacins i9.ieti" nmMnreltal' i a ao il evrtwlur welfotî,-1 Jr iePO' I obligations m ade by hie ftrn. .0nm n i ich is thebu tcupninsvt qit ulie roud Iccuieaf li lno atinats; of tise scuddjing smioke overi- WALD1NG, KINNAN & MARVIN fa atettaT; 1aaduan like grnnting, amuisrcitmil presentiy th(e erclietiopening of thie beat iiîuminateti aus it passeti tbo Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. passemigers bcl le ttîractoed thbs' cci t1othtletn w~ta tunnel's montli slowed more liSeaali yh rly bu1fth n- Halle Catarrh Cure is taken in- Iway. The route sia (d îuis ,aài e sserizoînent,- - bite taisen ont of a linge Sce f nace. ternaliy, acting directiy upon the Most initoresting or,.taki1' Sa, tiigiu onut a boiiing saps biecis lreati. She stooti tpon a rail, belaucing blond aud mucous surfaces of the songers tlirougî t7iise Pricipal chiesnstutiplddniocesni Only tise cutting now, slie rejoic- berseif, boldiing the lantemu higlisse.Tetmnae etf.anti touas in C anada, ant iin the f-Ejting on the grul)s therein, il'm eti, qnick.ening lien stops; auly tiseebelironwvigtmay Prica 7.5c. per bottie. Sold by al Staes cf Michtigea and Incilaranl euovtteowsafn] i- cut ,haîf a mile of lovel rond, asctelierng, os ng thon she druggistis 'lewneoýrth lwsafl af cnutt oreywsdoe -ke ing,1 hnglcieswr wm-Tuke IHall*s Family Pille for con- addition ta titis a lîocc oçf se-n 1lourli efare the lirst sttrIsii v aled ant lir oumoy nsdou! D. ueu bo pny nîe wre warp tipaton. ,linos lietweeu Chicago oandi St. Pauli in tise eest. Kent woulti got ont lis trap, the et in the roanicf the urhîrlîug -'anti Minneapolis îs cfferi<d. i linglta"wees icscsmg ait ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A grycl]Zut i oxeiiiauei.RB1ABITS IN TIIE OFFICE. Owing ta the gleat rIfub i liSe fishiag-reels, cui ]t1ise -l1ltie p bis amlling canter, anti Sudtieniy thie ponnamts dieti Canadians wlioresidu i11 îicag, istei bt as n Is1mr Sbo trippet. stuinhietia fesv euay. With a hideous, grtiu'g To Perft, olt i ubi St. Paul,' Miniîseaipolis, Dultmistl, i dsu lltstlie stole tioîn u i1 acoes regintgerblac, hwhir tise brakes ueî'e put au. The o thon citiesIonnroute..t1ire is nden in tmhell-ck and serri dipîo iteuwign. Wtliout stop- engino glideti on, anti she lippeti Evdeceo l1oniee omîlt ta h rn rlkWilwo h"n-cle ."- ping, she booketi over lier shoulden. lfromu the rail uitb it oniy a tiozen Miss O'Mnibey toci ont lerpiece'bfndnti tat ts rîsto illtauk lad-coi. ise thneletni c 'set, - Once mor lier foot foui an ah foot auay from bler. Stillthe lan- of chamois sisin'anti gave lor face'i mtgeoteny atr o w i it i cd looke t s th nbta,îsn gs .aI structian; sIc, turnedti te lenteru ternu uveti as e boarse voîce shout - a thoro gigover wt t hn1fIdtenfrabifvç i-nto oe ee' For lilteentyaiitis aioai f li .er, li eg n t dietrapnends ap jslie extracteti from lber liaatbeg nu 1stations uitis tîeir friintis. ceus, in uhiciDiluonsleite Forfifee yexýs aind o ler, Itbegn o 4Cýu , u. Rad ap leycbr-ow pencil cuti irootheti ont Canadien citizeits aroe cîtotibagers fount a hIsaî rails, sleepers, the haliast-patb she penreti at osony ,vndowr. The guanti1 lier eyebrows. Wben she lad satis- froni su-callot Imsuigmatii xcml- Ton minutes latet 'Isis wIfe. fol- troti, wreobohiterateti in a pile of 1eapt dawn, lanitern in baud, The ied benseif liy a minute inspection ntoaitteesnod'ait ostiblerou'suî aga rock, on uhicis the ferns anti uild biremlnu ieft bis engine, gropiug lis ' in a smnll baud glass ns ta tlie & e pyp-t.s'n a ley ios ntî flover stil no. Oe gauc tatiwny hack ta tIhe screnming uoman pearance cf lier face, she opoeti u bon uhet, lad heppeneti. Sise ne- e the ral ie.tietiner cf ber desk, took f'am Bcggage is carnet dtbrmugi theo--ooni-crnire don;at went ta momberet sncb au occurrence lie- "A fll- au li in Ancler's cntt-te baekcScmpartment e full set ofi llJuLtc-d States in luond i sihout ne- I gîcunti inanothe' Ichaýmber. Came fore. Thle face of the cutting lied tin g ' IseueIatIopet o-mniueuesis niprteitquiî'îng anspcilattention , n ten Icpause, dnii'iisg s'ici a laris slippeti. Stress ni stomm, beating Iat neti rmn'sam, t aiuelinniswihteu-the part ofI1tise passenger. inspo'- i-tiuly shoS up smgn.tinuIgi relis, ani tise costent xibatîon aI * * * * most insouciance. Ail tbis she tidti tin is nat necesr teta ieii n Uitln passing tnains lied loosoneti its T a longer. lourn, baie founcdations, letting tiou'tans af "Twas as she sait." sse lieart lieforoealie esen liegen ta,"go points et the Bonder.Tbtsuoncfic sgtai me ok Iro 'bat bs mi ac niga sise cerne to. tliougiu the motions" ai soriing. Vts'ier fenture tbat wili aispe'ailiadow sdouofteng, stons, n piet ontsionou he Titetlun rust lia' bun uneciset The "boss," coming in umexpeet- ta tichineseciser is tic caion- saileiiinseio iI.fewe srs nple of sio nt ev Te etuniet onaac.Sle edly enrly, noteti lien toilet opera-I table tmansfer an; pointis ilie Cii n poiecat, last oa ii bisSnd inths Bttogsiolesoppet, the saeed tise train anti nl ot usie" tions anti frounet a bttle. fie oh- cago, St. Paul ianti Duluth _nîn arts n brind sst-Ii iaeint e nlt Rfitog h i sovîously diint liSe it, but feit îsoîp- fresluls ventibeteti dean ea, as nid tn xui o ve ttt i en tielay uns but momientnny. Thle suli Sue openet bier eyes. A man l bu oigwt testm-îgtemecsiya rvlignliglti t an. X a pue i Ntbngsîan a tie vii I lev-storu eyes bopketi into liens. tion. lonsg distance in tise sanie car1. sist ariisnftýîcor aup is au siinîl srut hem reacb Iud r 'h iHvaeeiglitr 'maIMiss O'Melley buusiet just a tri - la addition ta tihe bovoraoitessrmg.ueatl hrs ent.Sholie lae et mp thLfe- dcor)enssr. al ifie ben tse saur tint lie wes blokithe "ale aI tickets ils also autî orù' Afin lint;gniiigomn onrce tignt.vollbeey ni Iýf tones on'r ra ousq e sa l, w ear. Iige e' u lmgc ie îai t cSriattseNrin -star ecîameoanti st; resL ont, enitidl tumuei nath4 li er ot ' tnto "eo nt bily .anti memnankedtotaherseîf timer Navi-gation Canspani 's ;inagn_ cat"nkfattinirt gipei nilt dawt't itlie steep sities ai ticemss, Tien caie-my baby-'c'a dying iletii' lS fleke' stSemiesara aeHuo udf5 crtîw'norIss nt saîssei a catcîIing e rus anti roats ta ait at tue cottage -netfrbcS cct d.LieSpnii.nsly i.e, jI*staslitq f'Sti'ul tu Ples 'I squite sLirprising, Faiutl ~eScln sntt taîsseat lie;i a-scenit, creuling nms o ir os. lao aeososbb.Isoiwhotoni i nme i ibser.Agn i i inc n 1n lirsI igelugfobwt haçtv seven or eigit flt higla s ery importnt pmaia " ishould i avie ivngthofit îettty lil Sy siein, ai' write to Mr. J. îwiîti1 nincetillilu aen ut ix~ sumnuit. "Youi cn't getonto-niglit, ir-uil sndgvngts fie tQulirI]ati.District Passonger Age;sn, rthetees, eanid pi fte n bYits"' ThefIsc Sîsaugt ai ber baby oniy trlesS not yelt all,'annn- hihtley unris ticappearause i' i emîeSaoMnral r ielm'tt swsweili;Ig. iî' lînt. OnIv tlat tili tic 'smmmit et the guant. 'W\e sallihasve ta o eut alol f.V .OuIT) .JtPseuprbng ci 1 isn it;saubS t ta ecebt, te tiecentliefr nbacS to-a BnrlIoycombe, anti lave IEven if n girl ils ntlrtuinete ' :gcmmt, VonipîtStation- Toi,'ortto. ou.'uti ebeat ier. tise-difficîtities surmeuntoti. i- a oS gang sent toua ta dean the lino. Ienglintrabae*naiait-naSet 1.g--tiie(,troifedti douati l ise behors are a. hmthus,;ý, r , iag-pi'9 Ani tlien sethuigtt(i thix m- Iiaizssoa ler i in oe, tar e -spofapers e 1a , ols lnt.Tisesix-loi'tv If staibet uere nebusiness w'a;e uani it Il ee- J.N1HAS OF< IIEmAli ens, te a ol ;fxdo es lier'Su tlihuk niit ; it set bei' tromb- '"Tise traits passes my Cta strengo tîsat any girl '0 _- atlaaStfile Yun)Ittîtofatise ti4tLcîtjbale It t ii2 blare ig, br ifs le iv'ont, isons, îth s . "(L- Yotei i cou iih otcomn i Is iie fetr, tst is ii 1r Ot ïmesonens it lîtgerpedit~tea tiaS cotlt alasnu ne n tse iowtheas inîtsise ii- tJee sit-SuTe nids n is Uoit, lulongboss, j lii î.) tIIearuerai if a-hs ifsiotnSu lasirefseetbnt Aesorecet.s nsdbrii istadi iee inng, teoeepsî A BuisinlessCoeg Course. aip~ if it îs taken at a gooad cool. ihiesnu better than the Brtih * AmeîcaxBusinescolle eY. m. C. * A Bull lngToronto, the a5hool tËa * niaul e f theinost tbusiness men of * Cnad li,,'attended. studeuts enter- iu hdw rite for catalogue. T. M. WATSON, Principal. I Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Thogret terneTonce, and OLv mo e.ffet t uai Monthly ,,,..depndSoldtn thredegree . of 8tîength-N . i,3t1; No.2, 10 degrees tronger $3ŽNo 3 for spem.îl caees, ý5 pter box. SoId b ail drugPs,~ or sent repail on recetpt of price. ee pamphet. Addre.s THgU CoiMoINECo ,TDMCNTO.Cli1 formery ndsiore)j Engieereandothe, wo reliz theadvsabil. iy f haiug tmi Patent bulsineFs trinsacted bylxet.Pretiminaryadvicefe ec.Charges maderse C . Oor nventor's Advser sen t upon requcaýt. Marian & Matiou, New York MLfe Bldg. Moutreah -,a111dWahr oD.C.. l.. 1 i