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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1911, p. 4

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W-AANVILLEý -JT1 ,_1911.1 HAMPTON MILL 1Best grades of B3read and Pastry Flour. Always a good, stock of Feed Corýn, Crim ped Oats, Chop and Mill Feed onl han d. Orders given prompt attention PHONE U9 R 6 HAMPTON. --z 1 The iOd Relieable Reason it ouI for yourself. Over 8,o people have, bought Domninion Instruments and every one of them satisfied.- In quality and nice.iight easy touch nothing can surpass Dominion Pianos. The construction of the frame is beyond doubt the best in Canada. We make terms to suit any person. And you can save a good many dollars by buying a Dominion [rom JAMES lDE"YMIAN,, AGENT, BOWMANVILLE. e TO THE AMATEUR Delays Are Dangerou s-Espec- W, h lip giially On The Coal Question Wyotgve mu a trial devuloping your filmns sud finishing yonr pîctures? 1i MNy pn eus are rigbt sud my wonh is best.j Evury advautage iswiffi tise Consumer THos ROBSON, in Buying Coal Eanly. Buetter Service, Phnto FStudio Bowma- nnvillu Luss Cosi, noue of thee &sagreuablu fus- lunes of abuter dulivery, aud the addud comliont of baving tiseCODal hin Youn Owu - ~ Bins, sud bu sure you&-uytseBest wben 1 von are Buyiug, tIsati ours is Seran- ton, sud theru is oeeplce n town wburu you eau gel if, t1iatibs frt US. Our stocks are noa Conpt, sud the Qualiiy Nus-en Btter, Ni:ce ,ï 'ghLtShiuy, Good 10 look at, Butter L, uu The pnieus durnug ftisemýont f July are, for pua $6.25, Chesît $7.25 Egg andi Sae$700,-dulbverud l aIl partoIhe ï lown, or 5 0 ets. pur tIon lusstbronor 1' ~ G. T. R. Station. C anauian iNorthern Arbt'f2CDrtl * ~ aIl Coal paid for duing Jiy Stea sbîp ltlWfl Remummben tisaI we raulýso ad22 r turs for bard asud soIt Wessd au sud sptonland Cemnent. Fine and bemloeh MONTEAL UE8E BRITOL um'bun, dnussudsundressl, Shbnge,1 LalIs, Charcoal1, Sal t, fluerudtcase Lad ROYAL EDWARD & P eDos ahaý Agood assortmienn falhusas ROY L EýýÜE pnieus reasonable. Calil sudsue s su SUMMER 5AILING5: weîIl ldo our besl u vtyo Fromn Bristol tae otui& u QAEDA Ju 211horaIlEdir3 JugV:O1 Aug. 9r toa GogeAIl2îdi -Ag d Roa wuc Set r sudlotghytenalr For buill ifisai appiy 1 A M. A. J A MES, AgeuI tfor Caadin oî tisesnSta bp, Bcowma vc". 10 City of Puterboro sud via "Lift Locr" an sd Otonabee Riverto1 Rice Lake. Station Timu Rate Whitby 6.30 a. m $1.05 ,Wbitby Jet. 6.4c," 1.05 Oshawa Jet. 6.50 " 1-05 Darlington 7.05" 1.05 Boamavlie 7-15 " 1-05 Newcastle 7.25 1 I05 Ncwtoville 7-40 1 .00 Port Hope 7.55" .80 Cobourg (Local) 6.48" 1.00 Gralton " 6.25 " 1-05 Coîborne " 6.i5 " 1.10 Brighton " 6.04 i-125 Arniving at Peturborough at 9.15 a. mi. Chiidreu over 5 sud under j 2 years hall faru. Tickets good going speciai ouiy, >valid relurning same date, excupt Wbitby, Osbhawa sud Brighton, vaiid netnrninig1 foilowing day, excepl ou trains NOS. 2 &4 Rcurning special train luavus Peterbe ro at1ý _.30 p. m. 10 couneet with main hue, train esst, Lawý;inBowliing Toussruet, open 1the liDominion, ou greens of the Peterborough Club, at wkicb valuaibie pnixus %wil) bu awanded. Speclul Arriiiigetuetits Haive Iheen made whSitbSr. "Stouey Laki, of bIeStouecy Lakeu\Navigationioi au 10 carry uxcurisionisîsTHOU hI "ifI Loch" sud dowu thýe lamonis Otouiabee Riverc to JubileePoint,. a loývuiy summiner nesorl on RKice Lake. Bîing aing-onir ba1sket, ta a tn toubthie iage-st Lift Loch in tise wouid sud cidii anebud comb110t aJuîl ont h junction of lIse Otonl- abe Ri1 sufd Rice Laheý,. Reuring lboat; arrives at Pelerbono at 7 . m givbug ,-evxctsrsïons1 iltsî2 hors10 ivisit thu Shecffiuld of canada. OBITUARY. The vrmainis of .the late Mrs. Richard J. D. Gould-, a former bigbly respected residen, of Bowmanville,,who djed suddcn- Iv at ber laie residence, 103 Howland Ave., Toronto, Saturday afternoon, wcre brougbt here tor interment Tuesday after- noon. Rev. Dr. M. P. Talling, B, A., a spetcial friend of the famîly, accompanied thecremains and conducted the service at thie grave. The pali-bearcîs were ber onMr. N. E. Gould, town, Messrs. Cham- pion and Cassidy, Toronto, sons-in-law, Mr. Paul Stoner, Vancouver, B. C., grand- son, Mr. G. L. Stevens, Feterboro, aud Mr. James Deyman, town. DONALD S. McGRFGOR The Rostbern Enterprise pays a very- high tribute of respect 10 the laie Mayor Donald S. MeGregor, a native of Colborne, Ont., and son-in-Iaw of the laie Geo. M. Carruthers, Dariingtoîî. This papev says ,tbat Mayor McGregor had lived in that town twelve ycars, was a splendid type of citizen, a dlean, good living gentleman of the old scbool, a capital fellow and a man bonorcd and respected by everyone who knew hlm. He was elccted Mayor of Rosthern'for 1910 and fulfilled bis duties so weil that bu was re-elcctcd by acclama- tion for the present year. He was ill for over six mnntbs with Iiearttrouble, wbicb cansed his death on June 3o. He was 37 years of age. He leaves a wife and three small children. He was aPresb3 t.rian in religion, and bis pastor, Rev. WN. W. Pur- vis, conducted the funeral, wbich was very largely attended. A 4iemiorial service was beld fin bis own cburcb Sunday, and Rex'.. H. Assiter, reýctor of the Anglican churiicli, paidLa very 11igh1t'ribute 'of respect to the,- life and worth of'id'-'eeased. On Tuesday, Juiy itUb, 1911, there passcd away a womnan of God in the pur- son of Phyllis Ashton, relîut ot the laie Samuel Ashton, Darlingion, at the age of 86.- Deceascd was born in Devonshire, England, one of a family of nine, and was the last surviving membur o0f the iamily. Only onu brother, the laie Benjamin Ash- ton, and one sister, the late Mrs. Christo- phur Courtice, came 10 Canada besicles hersoîf. Deceased was nsarriud in tbe year 1856 to the laie Samuel Ashton, and immcdiately coming 10 Canada settled-ib Cartwright wberc thuey carried on a flour- ishing sawmill busýiness. Later tbuy moved 10 Hampton, where they carried on a general store buisiness, whicls Mrs. Ashton carried on for several vears after ber husband's deatb about sixteen years ago. On account of failîng bcaltb de- ceased bad 10 give up business and beiug lcft alone gave up housckcepiug and wient to live witb Henry Ellioit of Hampton for a tîme. On improving in hiealth she moved 10 Courtice and livud witb ber nephew, the late A. J, Courticu. The lasi four yearsbas beun spent with another nephew, W. L. Courtice, Pickering, wbere she died. She bad a family of four, one son, wbo died in infancy, and three daugb- ters, who died befote rcacbing the age of sixteen. She was converted in uarly life and joined the Metbodist cburch and con- iinued ber mumbersbip ail tbrough life. She deligbtud in î'Xu class meetings and chose as ber pall-bearers some of ber old' classmates: Messrs. M.L B. Cryderman, 1. L. Brown, D. Taylor, J. Y. Tole, George Kerslake, -ail of Hampton, wbere the in- terment took place Friday afiernoon, ser-, vice heing conducted bv Rev. C. W. Bar- rett. C I'VIC HO0L IDi)A'Y Peterborough "Lift Lock" Rice Lake. An ]Excursion will b)e munderthe aus- pices of Bowmaniilvillc Lawn Bowl3wling Cilub ouCivic Holidlay, MÙ0N DAY17 AUGUST 7th' C hïl Èen Cryen FOlýR IF L E TCI ER'-'-- FOR FLETCIIER'S Sca ad Personial. Mis. R. R. Hoshini is visbtiug friuuds bu Toroulo. MViss Marion VanNest bas tshun s good position bu Toronto. Miss Nuttie Peate, Rochester, N.Y., is visitiug frieuds hure. Miss Cors Scott speut Sunday witb frieîu nds u ort Hope. Mn. . C.Rowuis výisîing ber sou,,Col. Mîiss BeleAlen isvîiting Mrs. Guo. Davisoi, Smî,ith's Falls. Fresh elo' Chocolalus juil. arrîvud at Miîcbull_1's _Dýrng Store. Miss Juan, Melntosb, Castieton, is vst bug frieruds bu Boarmauvillu. Miss, Albce Adam, Toronto, is visbtiug ai Mn. George P. Richard's Miss Matgarul Moffat, Hamilton, is visbiuig Mvrs. Blake McMurtry. Miss Kate Waruiea is holidavine xvitb Mrs. Nra Washington, Zion. Mn. J. New,-sbîolme bas acccptud a posi- tion cou Osb!awa strel nailway. Miss Aura Clwl is visîting lier oncle Mn.C. Gu A_. Caidwehl],Elmvale. Mn. Hnl Mantyn, B. A., Berlin, bs visitbng aI Mn1. W. J. S. Rbekard's Caidwell's eouveyances go 10 boat Tnusdayssud Fridays. Phone 127. 1Miss Forbus, Toronto, bas beun visiling friends in sud arouud Bowmauville. 1 Mn. sudMrs. R. Turner, Hamilton, bave buen v i sibing bier sister Mrs. R. Yates. Miss Yug Bowmauville, bas buen visitinig Mrs. W. Huindurson,-Cobourg. Missus Maynard is visiting bier grauýdmiothur M'Irs. Wm. Wllbs, Toronto. T. H. Kuigt wats auy quntity of rasphernies. Brng hlm ail you bave t0 seil. Miss Buatnice Richards sud Miss Jussie McKayar visitbug frieuds in Boaman- Yen save 25ýe r ton by buying your coal lromn Loscomnbe this mnonth. Phone 177. Miss Ve,7ra Muriel Irain, Port Hope, is visiling beér an, Mrs. A. Tait, ,Thse Oc- bagoý.- Mrs. Aiea W%,ight, Providence, is visît- ing ber daughitcrý, Mrs. H. Garbutt, Syca- more, 111. Miss Ethiel Hughan, Lindsay, is visiîing bier cou)Lsinii Miss LuIs Jackson sud other Miss Maud Worden, Toronto, is vsit-, ing bier mothier Mns. W. H. Wordun. Elgin-st. Miss Helen McMurtny, Gaît, is vîsitiug bier aunt.Mrs. Robt.,Coliacoît, "The _Zv- ergneuns." Mrs. (Rus-.) T. J. Rau, Chicago, Ill., is visitîng bier sistur Mrs. Edarard J. Sand- fond, Brighton. Miss Greta Morris is visbbing bier aura, Mns. C. P. Isagu, and othur relatives lu Rochester, N. Y. Mn. Regiuaid Joliffu bas gonu 10 Trent River, 10 spcud bis holidays vzbtb his sistur Mrs. A. C. Denike, Misses Luelssund Ilys Everson aue guests this weeh of Miss Etbui L. Van- Neat at Lorue Villa. Miss Nýets Deymau, Toronto, sud Miss Violet Stevens, Peterboro, are boiidayiug at Mn. Jauses Duymau's. Mr, Hbn KihHamiton, la visit- îng i s auntsi ,-;,Mrs. D. Livingstone, Bannie, sudMn S. Stanley, Elmvaiu. Mbss A, J. Richard, Assistant Secnutany of the bariulitv of Applied Science, Toron- to, is homne for lber boiiidays. Mn. aud Mrs. jas. Duyman sud family bave retuirued from a pluasant vsit with ber sisten, Mns. G. L. Stevens, Puterbore. Mrs. (Rev.) Jamres Hodges, Master Car- lyle sud Miss Lillian bave b.en visiting bier unee Mn. W. H. Williams, Liberty-sî. Mn. Stanley Das-ey, Toronto, bas se- cepludý a position-witb Mn. L. V. Disney, -furuilturc dealer sud undurtaker, Oshawa. .Dr. V. E. Vroomau, Lindsay, bas been ehosun te coutest West Victoria bu the bu- terusts of thse Consenvativu panty snccued- ing tIse tise late S. J. Fox, Thueea-re more huainits bu a Ion of Seraulon coal tIssu bu auy coal proddud. Egg, slov,- ut asud pua sizus for sale by McelukLn &Co., Limiled. A desýpaicb lrom Long Island, N. Y, sYs thiat 4,000 uiloyuucs 0f rubber fac- tories artlid off owiuig 10 iack 0f ordens, Co'Gbon!rg doctors 1have orudacm bine againat thu bspial oard over a nast.Thel 'gty ob)jeet to !buing t-railed ontinto tIse enty1 ief service. Mn.A. . auuîng, Pricipal of tIse Stratbconera Sehool aI blambiiton, sud sou Mn. Carl Manning havTebeun visitiug bis sisier-in-aw, Mrs. G. A. Watts sud other fiencids. Mn. C. J ouats Thornion, M. P., is s-eny1 Uitile 1knowu buinDurham ibut clown bu Co- bourg on bIse Twelllb bue was "Bro. Thorn- Wash Goods Scotch gingbams bu plain, strîped or cbeckud, aIl fast colors, reg 122, i 4e, 15c, sale price, ilec Cotton foulards iu orutty dffligns sud good colors, reg 20e 10 2,C yd, sale price......... j6c 3 pieces onu', double wbdtls Scotch gingbam, striped, reg 25C, Sale, price ................. 19C Cotton voiles in plýa in colors, uavy, suice, gruy, champagne sud black, reg 35c, sale pnice. .. . 23c Cotton. Voiles lu a large assortmunt of pat- terns and ail good colons, reg 40e, sale pnie 29C 20 pieces Euglish prints, fast colors, extra special, reg loc yd, sale pnie.............. 7c 3 pieces linen pougee suiting, grev, tan and brown, reg 25e, sale pnie................. 19c 2 piecus drill suitiug, green sud nalural, reg i8e sale pnie........................... 14c i piece -white Indian Head suiting, double £old, reg 25e, sale pnie...ý...........I.... 19e Whsite satin drill suitiugs, reg 20e for 16c; reg25C fer....................... .... ý20c 1 3 pieces wlshite vestiug, neat patterns, rcg,, 30e, for............................ ..._20C 3 pieces white pique, reg 20e, sale pnie . . 16 3 pieces cross bar mushin white, reg ï5e yd, sale pnice............................... 12C Whsite mousseline de soie, double bold, very spucial, reg 40e for 23e; reg 30c for .... . 18e i piece, 18 in allover embrobdury, dont _over- look this hune, reg 35C yd, sale pnie........ 18c .30 bu. allover embroidenies, full range of pst- te-rus sud ail good, reg 50e, 69;e, 75e, sale pnieu..- .. 1. . . . . . . . . . . .-. .40e, 45e,59e 3 pieces corset coven umbrojdery, reg 30c for i piee corset -ove-r embroideries, reg 40e, sale price...I.. .... ..................31ce 10 pieces corset cover eiubroidery, reg 50e and 6oe, sale prie......... ....... .... 39c 2 pieces 6 bu, embrobdery, reg 15c, for ..9c 2 piîeces 9 bu. embroîdery, r@g 25C, for .... 14C Ladies combination undarwear, white cotton with lace sud embroidury trimmiugs, reg $i,50 t0 $2.25, sale prne....... ...........85c Ribbons and Laces 50 pieces aIl silk rbbbon, 41/ in. wide, full assortrmeut of colors, reg 25e yd, sale pnie loc. Thsis is tIse bust bargain bu ribbon you ever ssw. Torebeon sud val laces snd insertions, reg 8e to i22e, sale pnieu... _........ .........5c Ladies' embroidered lawu waists, ail sizes, reg $i.5o, sale pnie ....................... 65e Only 5 doz of this hune. Ladies' white cotton drawcrs, lace sud cm- brobdery trimmeti, maisulactatrers samples, reg up to $2.oO, sale pnîe..... -ý..... ....... 79e Ladies' colorud embroidered bose in blue, grey, hello, reseda, reg 50e pr, sale pnieu.. .. 29e 10i dozen ladies' vusîs, 'short or no sîceves, special, 2 for.... ..... ....... ........... 25C Towels, Linens, etc. 6 picces, 70 bu wide bleaclsud linen tabling, reg 90e and $ I.oz3, sale pnie............. 69c io drsz linen bucli towuis, vory special, reg 35c paîr,salu price............ ............ 23c -4 pecees, bleach dress linen, 36 bu wbde, reg 4* and 50e, sale pnie.......... ......... 32C i pece, 36 in, pure shieer linen, reg 60e, sale pnieu........ ...... ............ ........45C Ladies' lisen aprous witb- bibs, reg 50c, sale pnie............. ................ .. -... 38c Men's and Boys' Dept. Noar bs the lime to gel a bat. Dont go arouind antIs au old burut sirabat wbeu you eauiige L a good fresis onu for a mure soug. Ail straw bats at bal pnie. Ail Straw bats at hall prbce. Wu have five or six dozun negligue shirts te clear out at a pnie. The patterns are ail good sud we can give von any size, reg UP 10 $1.25 for.................. ...... ..... .. .....7ý9e 10 dozen balbriggan underwuar, shirts sud drawers, speelal, sale pnie pur gar met... 20c e'scoaticîs braees, reg 35e, sale pneu. ..2.3c 5 doýz faney hall hosu, embroidurud sud open work. This lot must bu cleared. Reg 25e 10teoc, sale pnie.......................... 17C 24 a«Ir meu's gruy flannel pants, r-g9$4-30 par ae pnie................. We h--ave about 40 pairs of tweed pants ii onuL MenOs Suits Ail our colonred tweed sud -worskd m sils toU, sold-at 20c-,lusts than regular pnieu. Grips and Trunks Ouri stohat. prosunit is mueh 'o100eavy sund in order 10 reducu tIse stock we are offuninig very special bargains in suit cases, gnips, bnief sud club bags aud trunhs of al hmuds. Doint lorgeUt t o have a look at these. Boots and, Shoes Meu's box cal blu, reg. $2.25, sale pneu $î.8 Men's fine dong blu, reg. $2,50, Sale pni-e î Meu's box esl blu, reg. 'J3.5o sud $,t.00, sale pu........................$2.85 Men's beavy Euglbsb hkip blu, reg.$35,sl pnie.. ...........-:..................$2.95 'Woren's patent oxfords, labe-st styles, reg. $2.5e, sale prîce ..... ........... .... .... 21 Womeni's fine dong oxfords, extra wide, spue- il value ............................. ý5 Womieî's eboeolate sud tan pump, reg. $2.50 sale prb ce -............................$1.85 Boys' grain blu, reg. $2.oo, sale prie $i.69. Boys' tan blu, reg. $2.75, sale pnie $2.25. Misses' chocolate sud dong slbppur, reg. S$i.25 sale pnie............... ........... 98e Cbild's dong blu, reg $1.25, sale price. 98c Infants' dong siippun, reg. $1.00, sale pnrie '79e Groceries, 6 bars McMurtry's soap for 25e. Canned peachus, 15c. pur lin. MJaple, synup bui tins., reg. 30c, for 25.. Cainud salmon1, '_z flats, 3 tins for 25e, 3p!hgs "Anchor" juliy, mould fre,13for 25e. Ho6okscustard powder, 3 tins for 25e. Lane btte pekisrniedor choar ch1ow 2e Tomiato catsuP, largr 'ôottle, 20e. Fresh ground coffue, 25C. pur lb. Morton's tresh berrbng, 3 tins for 25e. Seouring powdur, "Which", 7 pkg for 25e. Package raisins, 2 phgs. for 22c. Glassware Dept. Dinuer sets, 97 pieces, reg.,$I4.00 for $12.00. Dinuen sets, 97 pieces, reg. $10.00 fon $8.oo. Toilet sets fnom $1.90 10 $5.00. Table of faucy china, reg. 50e. to 75e. a pee your choice for 25C. lic rtry & Go., Limilted West End Iiôuse.- Misses MabelBolad, Floreýnceiloar and Allie Hoski: an Meses Fred and Frank Hoar andiChs Rowe spent a ntost enjoyable week a Lake Scugog. They repo ,rt fishing good nd l the place au ex- cellent one 10 s9end a îhliday. Mr. John anid Miss E dra Grigg are en- joying tbe luxurieýs of7 Devonsisire cream, hand-made butter, the prime jtiicy ]Devon beef tbat excels aniytingi,- of tisekind ln the world and-a. var-iety o;f other dainties that Canadianskuow .,,very utile nabout. 'A letter from Mr. Griýg dated Jtily 5, "dli board the Canadian Nor,ýthern steamsbip "'Royal George" off Avoinmoutli, Bristol, says, "We are still ou-tdie "briuy" but ex- pect to0 bu in Brisýtol toý-nigbt. Have had a very pleasaut voyag,?mnade several ie aequaintances, have neither oýf us miSSed a meal. Everything ias bee very Salis- -factory. Start for Lanceston to-morrow." We shaîl expect te sue our estuemed citizen devulop, a corporation like an alderman if bis appetite was cujual 10 five or six meaIs a day on 'iIbe Royal Georgè and we know)v from ex1p-ýu,eiice th.,at the royal !bospitaIity of tihe Englisb people ncludcs 5;foir or ieuasery4hus urged u.11pon yoiu i aî eyhoevsted. S TR.KR GYL E 1KCiT ES. Osbaw Salvtion rm î bnd cme on board tbeo Argyl Fidy Ttibr ussc la mucm ', ye)bnal bu so). He clous flt ike he waýY îitIs prepar-r lnh aktsayTudy or Fridiay fr a 5ctnp toCTorouto sud returii. tap on thebe , Isa gylu is makbng e)tter tlime Iis vaad ba aae nutis looking alerthirparos aS tu uvrdid beforeY aagrPtsiI a on board u kd andertise wîefar-eo ti, nd hci ltmi eest uiits right place. Bowmanvailvlle, LAWN MOWERS. would solicit your patronage as in tIse pasi. I will guaranîe 10 sbarpen your mower to give qutire satisfaction. 1 have the latest improved Ideal Grinder eoîîpled with a very large experience, and you eau depcnd on a good job being doue. Alsýo aledge tools ground, sucb askies scissors, etc., saws sbarpened, sud all gen- eral jobbing donc with uuatness and streugth. Tbanking you for ail past pat- ronage. Thse West End Smithy, King-st., Bowmanville. 18-3im. W. b. WILLIAMS't ECONOMY IN SPRING CLOTIIES ' Wby buy a rcady-made or macle-to-1 measure Spring suit that costs from $221 10 $35 wbeu we are makiug talon-macle suits in latest styles and of best matenials frorn $15 10 $20? You are invitcd 10 inspeet our new1 Spring Suitings sud Ovurcoats sithout the least obligation 10 buvv. Wh avete popular soadus of teeds asud fanely wr st, pelfectly woven), pretyde u viiscdhwicb will bu made up ,in Iou;r Uuual first-class style. The StarHosBo anle ExCcttor's Sale of Farm uLandz oi and Osliawa Il tin1 aI theiOih111afieouse, -in or 0hI.w $ardyly i I 91, t v p.m.'tI frmet70 i I FlUR Ol-u QU'grALITI IIIITEDJAJFLOUR is a high grade pattent un- I 1F14\11 surpassed and makes excelleniýt -read. TIC IpSEFOUR makes delicious cakes and E~ijr4Ipatry made frorn selected whîte fal wheat. FLOUR'is a choice bread flour madle [rom C'YRUS Manitoba wheat., FUALOIJR is a: fine blended [,mr esp,-ec- VICIOIA lly f or f am ily uýe made frrn naio and Manitoba wheat. We deiver lfour in town or order from llyOur ýgocer. Phtoe 77 Bwavfe CE NT R AL BUI S 1ESS 1orut , ivite, you it-Y ri a sss ou J fronm JiIy i l W . sr, Pete Yrsnge &c G"Iard Sls, Toi r,nbr COAL leCOAL! This montb is flic best lime 10 bny co il, aile the pnies are the lowest bu tbe yeas-. Duning tIse moutb of Ju ly xve are duliver-, bug thie besl grade-s oidl-bghi Valley Coal in toan ai tIefoiiobugpnices: Pea~ $62;Egg suid Stove $7,0; Chesîntlut ,7.25; 50c pur tont lusat G. T. R, statbion. u. n uaill oal paid for durn uJy. We are now busy unioad(inig severai cars of the finest Lehigb Valley Coal sent direct from the mins. If you bveneyer tried Lehigb Valley Coal place your fluaI orden wilb me sud you wili get libbcbst coal value that your monuyv bas -yul bought. Orders will rueubve prompt attenltion if luIt at my coal yards sud office aI Fiiukie'S Evaporator, opposite Higs Sebool. E. W. LSuua 'Phone: office 177, bouse 14 S tr.A RGY L ;j"ee g uedayv, June 13, 1911, andf v 'l'ilTuesda s1.F Jiay Bow anvlle.......OOa. lit îOTbaw...............0 a. lt Reur1-n*-ing aesYounig St.whitrf, AI L PGiia .J F. CPethick, BcwmanVi1eý. N..TsoiA C,,ORONATION SALE During the next two weeks we will celebrate the(ooa-oyslln f aJ! ur Summer goods at greatly reduced Pricefs. OIir Faigoods are on theý wa Y. in fact sorne of theru have allready arrîved, 5we must make riornforI them. Corne on and givec us a hand. It will be worth your while, as wve will av money for you on every purchase. Corne early andi get the best selection. The bargairis will bc ýIhe amu everyorie; only the first to corne get the better choice-. The following is a list of a few of the bargains, but we 'cannot begLin 1to give thern in full detail here. -- ---------- ýi

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