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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1911, p. 5

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Special This Week -AT- MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE. ,Seei our elegant niew U1ne of Bath Sponges from 10c to 75C. iVanieure Scissors 50e. CuialS 0sosSC, Naïl Files 2e Ask us to show you that new razor "UINIQUJE,' Guairantee(.d, Price $1.50. ]Don't Fail to examine oui- -speciai Shaivng Brush at 50c. It's a dandy. ou get anytbing in the NyaiLine of Ribeedies at Bowmnan- vilie's Nyal Store. R\od'k M. Mit'chell & Co., ]Drugg-ists atnd Opticians. Phoqýe 92a. Niglît Calîs 92b. Bowmanville. Canadian National Exhibitioni August>26tI - TORONTO - September lilth CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM ÂLL Uiv, Stck and Agicuture-- Greatest show on contin- eut! Specia 1 Pizes of $500 eacbh. Increased Prizes iu al classes. Ar esf rom Euro- peau galeies-masters f rom bcst collections iu Canada sud United States. Manudfactures - Great est display ever shiown i n America! Goodsmn-' ufactured while you wait. THREE GREAT SPECIALS Colds tream Guards Band- Musicians of the Royal Household, by special1 permission of the King. War enath th' Waves- Shuwing a batILle betweea, a Dreadnughtlanud a Sulimarine.1 HOSTS 0F OTHER AT~TRACTIO1NS L.Y.R.A. Regatta-Athietic Sprts-Boy Scouts Review--Vaudeville-Japanese Freworks- Twelve Massedl Military Bands-Trotting and Pacing Races, etc. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS 0F CORONATION FIREWORKS For al Inormaton write Manager 1. . ORR, City Hall, Toronto. iHESTNDR D B AN K 0 F CAN ADA, TORONTO, lias ren-oved to it3 new Hlead Office Building, King St. West, cornesr of To-dan St., Toronto. The Savings Bank iDepartm-n-l at the new locýation wiil be made a speci-al feature of the Bank's business. The Fair that Leads. DoRIit Miss ihe Best-, CENTRAXL CANADA EXHIBITION. OTTAWA,-SEPT, 8=4=6, Display of Canada's finestspecimens of live stock,, pouitry, field anîd garden produce. $16,000 in cash prizes, gold medals, etc. awarded for agricultural products. Many oh]ect lessons for Farmers. Favilions filed tith Noveities. Marvel of the age presented in sen!sationai flighits of Curtis Aero- plante, ineluing race with AuîiiLý0oe. Reproduction of the G"rnd Nava ý-l Ueviewas seen-at Coronation of George V. A Gorgeons Fir- w'orks D)isplay; Uniique Midway and Superior Vaudeville. Theo Grounds, whieh bave beeu nimproved anîd enlarged, wiil be a blaze of electric illumination during Fa'iir Week. REemember Exhibi- ti'-'n conntinuees irî full swing whole of Snfurrlny, Brptember 16, -ith eniagedprorame. lailay ate reuce. Otaiiî a Frize List E. I /V ~ GlNSECRETA1RY. W. H. ALEXANDER, VS. F0F.OV. C, Oie ani eidc&Byr BYck, ENi;,SElilEN Ladies' cuits and spring coats s;elling off aI a big Escount at Cuch, Johaiston & Cryderman's. AÀs usuai Bowmanvilie baud led the Orange procession iii Cobourg. Good lksdo counit. SCRANITON COAL-The standard for oven 40 yeans - for sale in ail sizes by McClellan & Go., Limited Mus. G. C. Haines, Mn. and Mrs. J. Cox and son Haines have nelurned fnom a pleasant visit aI Walkervllle. Lebigli coal is hiarder, lasts loniger and conlains more lieiit lian othen coal. Sold only by E. W. Loscombe, phone 177. Prof. Chas. T. Paul, Hiram Coilege, Hi- ram, Ohio, is visiting hic mother, Mrs Thos. liamblyn, aud other relatives liene. The Baud of the 5Yth Regimeut, Peter- bono, unden direction of Mn. R. Glidden ane piaying a week's engagement at Scan- hono Beach. Mns. j. H. lianke and Mn. Hector Danke, Wesleyville were necent guests of the for- mer's sisten, Mrs. Rohi.. Holmes, Pont Bowma'nviile. Dr. Pollen wiil be absent from town tbis w,&ek and nexl on a trip 10 London, Leamington and other places in Southi- western Ont-ario. Mn. David Elliott and Miss M. Furlen, Toronto, have refurned home atter spend- ing a few days with his brother, Mn. J. C. Eiliott, "Maplebunst." Goesgatulalions 10 Miss Edna Rickard in passing with houons lier junior Piano and Theory exarninations in Music ai the University of Toronto. E. W. Loscombe, the Lehigh Goal agent, i-s filling orders wiili fresh mincd coal, all sizes, and guanantees the lowest Summer price if paid durîng JuIy. Mn. Arthur Belîman returned home lait week fnom Cochirane, whicli was devastat- hy fine. He fontunately left the town the day previons 10 the great holocaust. Mn. aud Mns. C. T. Cresswell and daugli- fer Marjorie, Rapid City, Man., and Miss Flornce Belîman, Fort William, arc bol- tdaying with their mother, Mns. E. Bell- man. "Give me the bright shiny coal wibli the short, round fracture. I don'b like these long, thin pieces, they hurn ont loo qnick. I want Scranton coal." The only place 10 gel il id from McClellan & Go, Lirnited., Any person who lias been overlooked by census enumerators -is requested 10 seud sucli information 10 Mn. A. Bine, Census Office, Ottawa, with complete ad- dress. No postage ueed bc pub ou lelters t0 liim. Mn. aud Mrs. Isaac Wilson were in Montreai Friday 10 bid "bon voyage" to Miss Laura Wilson wlio ailed on the S.S. Virginian witli a numben of 'ýWestern teachens on a tnp f10 Engiand sud the Contlnent.-Coisou rg &;oni'Str Mn. and Mrs. Joua R!obentson, Owen Sound, announce the enigagement of their eldesl dangliter, Bessie Isabel, to Mn. Fîed Hughes of Erskine, Alla., son of Col. and Mns. John Hughes, Newtonvilic., The wedding wli take place quietly early in August. Cobourg's bon ton-citizens turu up thein nossasd "whew 1 " over srnell of some rank smeliing oil thie council had spnaycd on King sli)eet. Possibly New Yonkens, Woodstock,. Collingwood sud othen places with oiled streets are catarrhal heure dont oleject tb the odon. Mn. John P. -Sackville, Norwood, sud Miss Carnie Louise, cîdesl daugliter of Mn. Marcus Westington, near Bewdley, wene uuited in marniage juiy Sili by Rev. R. A. Delve, Seagrave. Miss Ethel Hoan, daugliler of Mn. S. V. Hoar, Bethesda, attended li cousin, as fiowen girl. Bowmauvilie sud Pont Hope bauds w ere excellent - Mn. Roenigk, lthe Bowmau-, ville leader, cornes fnom a well known musical family. He is a brother of the leader of the Lindsay baud, sud lias an- othen broîher wlio is manager of the Trenston band.-Sentinel Star, Cobourg. Cobouirg is a very pnetty towu sud lias two pnks Donean sd Victoria. Thel SetielStar says: "TLe fluest Park in thie Couuitry for,-an (Orang-eDemonstralion or-zany -ot-heir m,'mj-as4hesvisitonýs? opinion of VidLons Park. Large enougli 10 hune up a parade of 20,000, aud room e- nougli for thousauda of sights@ers". Praise for our boys et al. Editor Wilson pidiis ,comiplimnt 10 ivisiting Orange. m :Wcare much plased 1tclaIethat Cbugwasfrero antigfa iarge od of p)eojpiee herje, suýd if thle troubý)ji iglit have ocurre-d. The Or()tange- peopewr fsmsnel sumdspr Loi bcpoo 12ia.Aie -iiebs an Orane loge.The embrs uderBro. tiheir ekin, 50 Iheir "ibfrc1!'r u, s sîated iin Cobourg World, cow ledtern ouI 0f the prc iïsd itheyretiled0 eoy ovthem- selves n teiLon wet ili. Wh'Jat a pity'Éthe "colon hu aicsculd be dnawn 0on ,an ccaion hcnhrotenl lov slouldc BOJWM2ïANVIILE, JJY2,1911. Miss Benîlia Crago is visilîug tlie Misses Oszbonnie. lMiss M-ýayniand, Toronto, is visilîng. ol d fienrie in town. Mn. E. W. Scott, Toronto, spent Sunday i Mn. J. J. Mason's. Mn. Frank Hoar, St. Johns, N. B., is holidaying at home. Bring youn rasphennies 10 T. H. Kniighl. liïe will buy any quautity. Mnr. Wesley Redman is, bolidaying in Muskoka, near Burk's Falls. Miss Brita Higginboiham is visiting Miss Grace Linton, Whitby. 1Mn. Arthurn.J. Trebilcock, of Toronto Won)ld, spent Sunday ai home. Miss Maudeý Rundle, Betliesda, is visit- ing,, Mns. H. H. Gray, Pont Hope. Leave youn orden aI Caldweii's Liveny for Anygle Tuesdays and Fridays. Loscombe is giving a nebale of 25c per ton on aIl coal psid for duing July. Miss Mabel Bnay, Toonto, is' visiliug lien unce, Mn. Fred A. Fosten, "Norwoi Place". Try a box of Neiison's deiicious clioco- laIes aI Mitcbeli's Drug Store, loc 10 $1.00 a box. All Summer goods selling off ai greatly reduced pices at Couch, Johuston & Cny- derman 's. j Misses Edua and Ida and Mn. Harold Sljarpeý, Toronto, are holidaying aI Mn. Chnîs. Cox's. Miss Vena Banie, Newcastle, spent the week-end witl i Miss Mahel Rarrie, Port Bowmanvîile. centrewhcneeli oesladAmg otherbrdsttar faoiearth Cherciries inr acîn coclae dipped, Mhclaeadto ons Wau sod FOR FLETcRER'S Speciai sale at MQvitceeli's Drug Store. Miss Minffle Trebilcock, is viîsiting friends lu Toronto., T. H. Kuiglit will1 huy any quanitily of Raspberries in bern;ebxs Miss Ethel H. Mollon, Toronto, is boli- daying wîtli Miss Frankie Jeweil. Order ail your funieral designs or cul flowers front S. J. Jackmgn-. Phione 8o. Men's two-piece suits i away down prices ai Coucb, Jolinstoa, & Cryderman's. Leave yotir or-de(r at C-aldwýell's Livery for boat Tedy and Fridays. Phone 127 Order L-ehighi coal firorn 1Loscombe during July aid gel a netite of 25c per ton. Raspberries, raspbierries, any quantity wauted by T. H. Knighit, The Model Grocerv. Mn. Robt. Pollard anidwi, Pr ston, ane visitinglus.uncle, M.W. -E. P Clard and other relatives. Muclins, pnints, ginghiams and dress goods ai gT-eatly reduced prices ait Coucb, Jolinston & Cryderman's, Durham-counity won scerai honors aI Cobourg on the Twelfth,. Port Hope L. 0. Lodge No. 652 was awanded first prize for besi dressed lodge. Miss Florence Osborne, Mr. J. Arnot and Miss Lois Werry, Courtice, and Mn. Russell Bragg, Shaw's, spent Sunday wilh Miss Elsie E. Rundie, Bethesda. Mrs. W. Robbins and Mn. Hanry Pye attended the funerai of the iate George Walter Walt, wlio was kilied by iigbtning ai hic home near Oshawa lasi week. Mrs, G. A. Mieheli, Toronto, and son, Mr. Harold Mieheli of the Nordheimer Piatno Co., spent Suuday with the former's sister, Mrs. Chester Po-we-r, Mapie Grove. "Mecca of Civilization-preiliesi lown in Can.ada," This is Editon Wiison's new deigalo fo obug.Geal imprOVe- ment ou Port Hope's old taunt "Sieepy Hollow." Mr. Fred iD.Chry Schecnectady, N.Y., was bere lasI week cailing on oid friends. Hic mother re.turned home will iim ou Friday and will enioy a visil w-itlier American relatives. You caunol beat Scranton Goal for ahl round dornestie purposes. This is the general verdict after 40 years' expenience. We have a good supply in ail sizes.- Mc- Ciellan & Go. Limited. Misses Rose and Maude Szammanýrs, daughiens of Mr. J. C. Szammars, G.ý T.: Road Foreman of Engines, who have bc n visiting Miss Hl. Winters, have reinrui to-their home la Parkdale, Toroýnto. Mr. Guy A. Andrus, Mathiemalical, Master London Coliegýile Instiule, and Miss Giadys Axîdrus, isave beeti visiiing hic brother Mr. Burton Andrus and cister, Mrs. Geo. Cornîsh, and many old friendc hen.eabouts. Mrs, Thos. RobQon, wife of Mr. Robson, photograplier, lias received word that hier brother, Mr. H. Woodhouse, has been bunned out aI Cochrane, iosing ail the contents of his house and gents' furnishing clore but cavîng ibeir lives. Our cilizens, many of them, knew Miss, Margaret Matheson, now inible Oid Folks' Home ai Cobourg. The, Sentinel-Siar of 1-is week tells of the death of hier sister, Isabel, as follows: "Thec deaili of Miss Matheson occurr 'ed suiddeniy Tuesday, Juiy ii. 'Deceased hadi lived in Cobourg for nine years- The fun-eral look place Tuesday aflernoon from MLýcAribur's Un- dertaking Rooris t10 St. Peter's Cemelery. Our bcd ithanks,- are due,, to oun worlhy frindDr.Joh Hokin'-.C., of Ton- bridge WTells, Enog., for Coronation copies of British publicatio)ns, including London llstrated Nî., the iluesi produci of the arlist's and printer's arts thal we have yct ceeu in conuection with the crowninig of King George and Queeu Mary. Sever- ai copies of Euglish papers have heen sent us by other friends in the Old Land for whîch we are grateful. Lieut.-Col. N. F. McNachtan, Commlan- dant of tbe Arliliery teaým Ihat goes 10 Eugland, left Mouday for Halifm, where the coast defence team will mobilîze and practice on the 6-inchi coasl defence guns ai Fort Sandwich. The fý'ieid and heavy artillery men wili mobilize i Petawawa on july 29th, and the who,,ie leam will sal from Moutreal on- August 9. The heavy and field arlillery wiil shoot ai Sailsbury Plains and the Coast De2feuce ai Isle of Wight We wish themi success. Oven lwenly Port Hop)ers have been sîck frorn plomaine poiîsoinig, causecl by eating jellied veal. Mn. Chias. Massie, wife and daughter, Mrs. Gaudie, Mr. and Mrs. joseph Bauich and three c(hidcreni, Mr. and Mîic. Heury Reynolds, tosons, dauzhter and niece, MamieHoon Mr. and Mrs. Neil McNaughton, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cornthwaile, Mrs. Wm. MoGffattaud Mrs. Evanis were taken ili and-( suffered severely. The disease is very similar to choIera- vomiting, purging and highi fever heing thesymptoms. AUh have under the Dr's. care prelly well recovèred except Mrs. Gaudrie who is still quite ill. Branches: ONOil HIAMPTON1 DR. J. C. DEVITT, 1 DENTIST, IGraduate of Royal Denstal Collego, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperauce St. Bowmanville, IOFFICE HOURS: 9 a.m. te 6 p. m. daxly except Sunciay. £',AC(KSTOCK- lît Mocday of each month. !-n e at Bowmnanville office rosi of tim,,. P 5OxLe 90a lHousa PInNa 90b JyrITCHE NGIRL WAINTED-At Hbl Bow- ft mac. A pply at Hotol, Bowtnville. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT WANIED-By August let. Apply te Dr. J.' C. DEVJTT, Bu'vmanville. isif OUS53E PARLOJI MAID WANTED AT ONCE. APPly te Mrs. J. W. ALEXAN DER, Centre-Si, Boinsanv icl. 25-tf MONEY TO LOAN-at tive, and. bye and a bail jjpercen tonmiortgage security. Private funtis Apply teR. R. Loscosca, Barcister, Bow- inanville 32-tf ARE, YOU DEAM? AnlAd te Ihose liard oi ilearicex. sent ou trial froc of expoes or ï1sk. Atidress GEORus TLExN a& Co., 107 Park Row, New York City, N.Y. 22 311 DELIGIHTFUL SUIMMER COTT'AGE- Sur- roiciidel by treos and grass;,good water, D Cool cellar, lioaticg, bathing and Oishing. Ftrnished. W,1,. SF1 tw, "Arlington", Bow- miantille. i7tf T RACHER WANTED-For S,..No. 5, Darling- ton. Second elass professional. State sîlary and exrence. Duties te commence after holidays. AplC.A.WstSe-Ta, Boismansille. 21)2w FARM TO lIENT-Exellentfrmteuret Oshava bamlirber;splendid dyloa,;, ii, t- F ORSALEA esailfarm ni50aces hin par l. o iit 10,con1. 3, Darlingtol, il mile fn rom B onanIionManer1 rad G1 frae b2se-si r 1-n , lktcep1 sr c goedstee coac ith ernnt.ior oo itc ho E , Ylis g -j rdrAis4ace focadl f ciaringoo 6 apetv snal i station. Pleasant lae te Lliv21iN viwobat anti rain; daiy uail Fr ui7 Erast, ssa apl12 te3 rmie o S rcsA . Sc Miss E. Colville, Orono, lias been guest of her sîste rMr.F. E. Pvaus, Yelveitoii. V Mr. Carl B. et Deputy PostMatr is attending thie Masonic Grand Lodlge at St. Catharines. :3Wise Mothers who know the virlues of M other Grave's Worm Exterminator al- ways have il at hand because il proves, ils value. Dr. Henry Hough, M. A., of Toronto, îs our journalistic faîher, so 10 speak, for it was thru bis initiation that we gave up leacbing 10 enter upon the turbulent cea of newspaperý editing and pubiishing in 1878, Wle are gîrd to see, therefore, that after a long,,iiiness aI his sou's, Dr. Hough, .Amherstbuý,rg, lie has sufliciently recov- ered to return with Mrs. Hough to their Torooto home at 85 Bîsmarck-ave. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co gave their first annual outing 10 their employ- ces on Frîday by rumning an excursion to Rochester, N.Y. Upwards of five hund- red enjjoyed the trip across, the lake to Uncle Sam's "Flower City" where flhe Party speul several hours sîghlseeing. Morrison's Goodyear Orchestra added mucli 10 the pleasure of the lake trip by furnîshing an abundance of good music. The onlv mishap reported was one of the boys lost bis panama in the lake. The excursionists arrived home shorly after miduight well pleased witb their day abroad. Several stopped oven tlI the following day. You hardly realize that it is medicine, wlien taking Carter's Little Liver Pilîs. They are very smaii; no bad effects; ahl troubles from tonpid liver are nelîeved by their use. F. A,, HADDY'S Ideal Soap First Class Laundry Soap 6 bars for ...ï........... 25c Ideal Baking Powder results, lilb. tin ........ - Idea1 Tea The best ever for the money, Black, Green, Mixed, Two Qualities.................. e20c Ê 25c940C fzr,"itý cf 1Ail i4iridlý. F. A. HADDYt, GROCER,. BOWMANVILLE. BOWMtAN-VILLE SAIN GOING EAST. G02140 W EST Exrss 544 a.m.:xpress 4.2Î2 a. m. :Expresse 18 Local .4ý3 Passenger 3,31 p. m. Passenger 1.48s P. M. Local 6.49 :Passenger 7,.58 Mail 9.58 Daily. Notices of Births, 25 cents; Marriages go cents; Deaths, 50 cents, eacle insertion. Whess funieral carets arc prissted at this office. insertion free. BIRTHS JOHNSTO.'s At Mili-St., South Oshawa, July 12, tg,,-4ir. anti Srs, John Johuston, a -son. iFeÂCs-In Darlington, July 6tb, te Mr. and NcI. Richard Fraîscie, a danghter. (Etica Atie laide). DEATHS Enta -At Cobolurg-, July lith, BestFe,,in hie WÂÀL-In Ea$tlVh Tby uly lOti,. George ýW. Walt, iu his àoth year. MIEEKING-At Port Hope, JUlY if th, Williaml Meeking, aged 65 years. iNîxoN-In Pem bina, North Dakota, July fth, Edward M. Nixon, laged 72 years. 17;aTax yAt Port Hope, Jnly l4thII Jane Coul Peters, beloved wife of George Manning Furby, ilie hc77th year. Pi.RtcsftaNnu Columbus, Jnly 7th, Jane Roberts, beloved wife of the late Wûs. Richard- s,-n,,in her SOth yoar. -IKAt 79 Egn-tOshawa, July12, Josiah 5. L;nk u is Sfth year. Former resideut near Goune -Stddenly at 103 Howland-ave., Toron- te, July 15, Mary, rouiet of the late R J D. Go nid. Icterred in Bowsnanville ceînetery. CAMPIErsLL-In i3rooklin, 14. aîter a long ilînesa, Photbe A. Cechrace, wife of B. F. Camp- býell agedI 71 years. Former resident of Poticln, 1Let e Forget" F,> R BOUNSALL, Deinrand Dealer sn MouetTablets, Markers, etc., i Granite and AMarbie. Bowiàanville, Ontario. IFUNERAL DIRECTORS Most Comlete Equpmen Iuda ai nightcai promptly attended te. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Festival Of EMpire-pictur- iug the glories- of the Cor- onation ceremonies. 1,500 performers in uniforrm. i.. RUBBtER TIRES l Havîug înstaiied a new and up-to- date RUBBER TIRE MACHINE, f n prepared to furn-iish ao"d PUL 0ou rubbLer tires at raoal pie.Isolii yo u atonge. Sho and gel pa&rticar. A. W. PICKARD, BOwM, -AN V 1 1>LLYP ]e10 - S5. 13-t *:-ý M= M M MM CU 4000 Mile GauLarantIee.e equîpedwîthGooyearTirs w they cary scha guaraee SWe arecornnileAgent for ocr Auto and BgyTrs J. M.DrBatrefoAuoan GsoieLuhe5 l 11onWe better, fe a- 1od MASON &DALEe Il2 DooRs EAST 0F POST OFFicE, HORsEy BLocK, U PHONE 145,,BWAVLE New ThiýÉs Week At S. W. Mason & Son's 2 pieces 4 yards vide, Engi -si I noleuma Special value. Floor Oiciotbs, 1 yd, 11, 1-g 2 vcis.,ide, new patterns. Lace Curtait in white and ecru. Ladies' White Muslin Dresss a alizes nd prices. White Litieài and iDueli Wash Skirs. New Para sols for Ladies and C bildien. Euîbroidered Dre-ýs Muslius and F1ýLuncings. White iliusliir Waists, with Kîimona Sleeves, the ver"y 1&tes j creotion in Waists. Ladies Coilars, Tics anîd Belts ail the newest styIeff. Sýpecials T his Week. Ldies' Taior-made Suits~ balance of- stock to clear, $147 suits for $10.25, $15 suits for $10.50, $18 suits for $12, 50 $18,75 suits for $14, $20 suits for $15. AIl new thius a son, NÇorthway Make. Laies' AndMisscs'ljS ring Coats, $.50F and $3.75 coats folr $27,. 50 coats f or $3-.95, $6.ài0 for $1.75, $7.50 for $5 $8,50 for $6.9-5; $10 for $7,75, $12.75 for $9.75, $14 aui $15 for $10.75, $16 for$1,0 12doz, Black Cottoni Rose, great bargains, 2 pair for ...25e- 10 doz. Pure Lineit Toweis 18S x 36, reg. 17e each for 2 for25 52 vds FuiPae Linen Tabie Damask, greaýt snap, per yard.5 3 doz. Lrnen Toilet Mats, hand %idepr lineni, reg, pca 10Oc each for Se, reg. 1 71cfor 7c g2'fo 1e GJentî' Ea rly -Closing otce Tis Stojre wil be ho Sed everyWdesyafrno a12.3 0 'c 1 ck Ldu r ng Jua'y and Mngust. SOLE AGE-îSîfo-r -the L ïea'ther LablOGverq.ïs. nd t-he Homie Joui:rnal Dress Patterns; -YGroe 1 S' -ý DueBu Zaknî s as 7so Son NM x door To tnadBnBw avl

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