A WOUMAN'S RAP ______________________________________________________________________ i "Oeodmoruig Y'said th- e cI rd-facd ma pcsnl PickvFeF1isîri ri.I e ýfelt leeked jute ise sriiing g-ey oyes cf~~~~i4 tiemr iebdspoisen. Foraffe euebasbeen lus pais- oufrr 1 i Ifrc-e ycars, if coes ae omeing a-tise nature cf P ahci e ho ddrcsaed onessc gc1] as an rdiuaay sespectable humai en.Aud if n-as spIn -o s iceFcscibc hd left tielci cf, Maka Pri*son. Au hur- cge, ho ad nic,ýed tis re-fcc, reisicisugman Se- ia bsm, and ence or fmice bat îaied teshake hins offï. Heiraited teSeclne Noir, as lie stood S,' aý gtialending te tise fields, b'ii oundcd tise rend on cre icade t'hatranger bcd ovetaken bim, and-irnt on, iithouf îvaiting for 'Miigfor Fauwee-)d, I snp- "Ycs.ý"Pick got tise word out "Tison, if Yen do.n't miud-miscî d'yu by l-re'Il go along te- Dick ,iodderd, and fitre mals- e(l u. Fencbach iras n cloa- melSltfelloir of tiity ; bis coin- panion,. iuclined te steutu-ess, but ruddy cf cisecks, Sealthy, and veai teaaly of jovial disposition. Tise stagrias nef làcing iu con- ve1rsationi, and Feulciureh listen- cd. Tise naine c f tise i'ed-faced masn iras Wes-tmneae, and Se iras in bus- ine ss lu Farnweod. Wclising iras is gPreat recréation, He would sacrifi(ce bis business te if, if ne-ý "W/Veut demn early 1bis mcoruing teo Mýarisecle Sy train te sec a man mise wanted te corne as assistant t" Westmnere continned. "But Sie woldn't. do. Cau't taise anycue iute a ' business like umine 1" lIe igedaud turued round ou Pick. "Si;pposýe yen don't ir'ant a soit ber-fis, uiis fair pcytGnosse yeu've aeayget sometbiug decent '" And acu ,ý,-Fenchurcis laugbed-for tirefs-ttime lu three oaa". -1PcIyen-,isnow iriere I carne frein tis norning b" Se asked. 1-ir as tiselogf speechblise bcd made se f."Icame eut cf prises> 1-carno frein 1-brocyears' pena sorsvi- W/otiuacwnitlebut appear- "'W/bey Noir 'd ne-cea bave tbeug11h1t ithat1P'yeu isueir miat 1 teck yen forI I sized yen up ah- ns., et ".aýsocee as 1 stopped and spoise te ye.1 put yen doun us a legau Ma1n- a solicitor, yen isuei. - - '" Yick bcd bac-orne sudden- Iy ver-y calm. Hoeiras c-cen enici- ing tisý scene, tsosughis t made hlm tedIl tIse Stteaneas stili more keen- Iy "Tbat's irbat I1-ias betor- efe o s crash canïie." "Toîl mwe abouit 11," said West- mor. Ad t scemer tise most nafuraJin inlutise sorld noi for Fcisuc11, Io tegise tissstranger j tise isitory c(f 1fsose 1rugie os enta Tisy iesetraietlougb tise ty ia nihe ncommonn ur rfomarisable. Simly e ias a ycnîg slicioreugaged te Se mai- ie tea girl wAie mas someuhat îbie hlmilusocial pe'sitien. Aux- sioirs te bave sufficient money te kcp is ifte, whon ho did marry. ia tIse uanuor uineS icsc bcd been acct(-ustomed, Fencisuacislied preculated, Sad lest, and bcd rais- rtd-mouey lu a mad moment frein bis bak on certain sharps irnicislhe DO YOUü *YSE NULS?0 i RH EUMATISM AND COMIION SENSE Fathecr MOrisÇY'sI140. 7 Eliminates thre VijajoAcid. 1 1 ý;o, 1 -i -1 held joiustly ln trust. Ho had foag- cd tise name cof bis ce-trustec te do tiss, fuily conyinced tisat ho would nSe able te replace tise rnney b- fore any inquiries wcre made. s But discovery cf bis sin was net 0 long dei^ayod. There came a day whcn bo ateod lu tise dock, was sen- teuced te tbree years' penal servi- tude, and, cf course, bad Seen stauck off tise Relis. j"And tise girl-tse youug lady yen were engag-ed te '" asked W estinore, wisen Fencisureis pans- ed. "She-sso said ase îvuld wait." tFeuchurcis waa strnggling te keep centrel cf binseif. "I-- But, cf rcourse, it was impossible. I hope -hope sbe's fennd sorne man more weatisy cf ber acw." 1 "And yeu'Il net atternpt t-e sec ber Y' cNo, ne. I hope and trust ase S as forgottea m. No; net quste tisit. But let's turn te sometising cisc, or--" And ho iaugised cyn- icnlly. "We' reý coming te tise town -Fanwoed, I suppose. Perisâps 7 ou'd prefea te drop me uow. Ex- couviet 271 isu't quite tise cempany yeu'll want.' "Poohs.:' W/estmei-was as gen- il as ever. ,"Perbapu ynn'll taki' tisat job I offered -ors-eh h Pay isu't wouderfni tu-o pondsaa u-cek-Sut I guesu yen îven't mind dtist for a stat?"' Fenchurcis starcd at hlim. "De yoireaiiy meanitl IFve told ion tise' tsth. I came out cf prison this mcrnirîg." "Tut!l Lots cf us ruake mistakes -cnly we den't get carsgit. You've Said tise full penalty for yours, aven't yen l W/cl ilnl yen taise tise jobt" Fencîsuaci said uotising more. lic searcely recized thisat here was 50 mucis gcod in hunsani nature, and ho could n-et express bai-t ho feit.- H-e gripped tise ethea's brtnd, sud- W/estree ndesstood.1 Tisat came day Richard Feu-r churcis Segan lus duties as assist- ant te John ,Westmerc, acceuntant ,aud estate agent, cf Farun-ood. After a turne, in fact, ise Segan te wonder bcw Wst maenade ane ruceme ont, cf [is business. But John W/estmere iras perfectlv ser- If Ir, Doubt About the Right ions, and sornetisueas ery busy, and enchreliformed teopinionu Pulls to Use Read the Fol- that Westrnere bad private menus, lo igLetter OarefUlly :-and indulgcd lu this business- as a _______hobby. It uev4uld be, pcrlsaps,' fisc ueeks >"I &in one of tiiose persons whose! after bis relpase frein guol, and Vstern requires aid," w-ites Mr-. YcuugDck1s einingteaceser 'li]freni Picton, -but it is So 1 zyaffected by reason of the great 80me se-nse c f indep-endcuce, some ~enstiveness cf tise boelcs tîsat cor-1 faint desire te u wn a place fer hlmn- dinaay drastie pills inflict' great iu- self ln the norld, some littie feel- jury te tise delicate coatiug, aud excite ing tîsat lie nigbt yet ise down bis sucis persistent activity as te be wlth . fïifficulty ciseciscd. - ssgrace, whcn eue day Westsnere "! w-lu inuthse higisest-ternus te ex- efume te hiim. luils banda lie iseld press tise grant value of Dr. Hariltou's t bacc cf fomin- sheets cf feelscap, Pille hu cases tUrc uine, and, I arnsure whiichs Se iaddte Dick. aiise fo"(r elderly people aud tise vcry 'I vnths tpcitn,'e weak tis ne pili like tlsern. 1 ,Speak:ýig of my ewss experience, witis sai"' sdnebvntatpi -t Dr. U-anilton's Pills, 1 eau say îlsey er. Bui t tere's a girl1 upstairs- àave prv-ed'tise most stirnlatiug pilla Miss Aus3tin, I thiiuk ber anýme isu for thse 1ierIhave found. 1 have niselbas just stnrted. Gct se rovcd theliir tei'ac-eiupen dîgas- den'tgtmri -rkl hstsn tien, nd ftiýc sreresuits bave breene uh inti on securçcd byfrindsuon whem 1 bave ýYou 1i à,littke t(hese upt t ler. anîd are ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1i tebecegrtlaeaupnmeses-tseneisra ang sevaubl1 prsrpon, ad se, pulc heudknotia s auned "ibt! si DeAu rose. rCVeedy fbas been , ppaccd a isi er- Idintkawsc s a tvpist miand." er. Ne e tiser pîi for ceetpac, fr 'N ie usjs en.Nc arei iid îand sureiwa-,, te'- resteetin.Wc nb e ielira- Ieti.Refuse sbttue.Seld by vuork -re eu alitdae, 25c Per box, er Tise C&a ikndddaAuîs n I ariooeCe., IKingsteu 1Ont. D On th. opmu & tbeie wea- two sani Feýnchurch sail brai cjf tise doi writing. ',-' Just as click of - HIe steppe nee__ao I room, ati a fîrst Pick lie there hati cerne a littie lock cf ,h did uer, sec tise vcty fear. ~as plate attacboed te eue "IDick," cs said at lat, and ho ocs- 'Miss Austin, Type- turncd snddeniy. Thse feana iad crcpt inte ber voice. ise did espy it, tise click, What is it, dearast?" he asked a machine eanu witbin. quickly. cd te tise door, sud tap- Sise teck bis baud. SUFFERED_ THREE YEARS TrâiiDr. Morse's Indilan Root Pille Cured his Kldney Trouble Tisere are few dîseases tsat cause more neut1e snffring than Kiduey Trouble, adMi. le. A. Ilsercias c-f ,Sudbury Ont., "For o risaeyasI nfrdfrorni ,kidney dis,ase. Firut lugist 1I bcd ,s: 'airied îu lîckfor srrddciy tise pain e-,ould c oi icsu-i f niy Saci audrith u-euld be xsosil c nie 1le sýtraiigliten inyci npfo se-ecu siui e.A duli cri, ii'.naie us rîic asri luy, and pasn3 scie urig cidiug I wn adilie Se ry r oes nd via cempetecur. Inowenjey thebis sine c Agod iealih, iisicsj u et remedy. Dor t iegcetkide r ub-i'to n~ ~ ~~~~~l- iue s- a lia t. ait!.Ta ,1 at Many tre1-usente uiirelevethse aches suid painscfreuats, but tisere je enly eue way te eehia drend dîsease. Tise cousîmon sense su!cilod su te renie-ce thse cuse, and ýtise, ure-ta will seon disappea. Risenniaijecaused, as je well kueiu, lY tise f1,c reof tise kidneys te îîeriornîn)iseir intesî.+dd ocf fltering tie ufie uebl eut cf tise,-l nd u chi- iuarisîg it frein 1-le body tisacugi tise bladder. Wisa tise kidneys go on sîrike, thse uric acid is carried te tise joints and tissnes, whiere it causes stiftening cf thse muscies, and tise excrntiating pains cf riseuinatitni. Fatiser Morrîscy, tise learued prieut- pisysician, after usucis researchs devised a prescription irnicis would act directly on 1 the kidacys, aud by toniug theus np te ivigerons action, cause thein te clear tise i aystem cf tise nahe acid. Thuis rernedy, known as No. 7, hue been used suemeeis- f uliy in thousauds cf cases. Fatiser Morriscys Linimentwil bring relief freintise effects cf riseuratism, wliile bis No. 7 Taisiete il get te work ou tise cause sud in due turne cure tise disease, Wisy sufer freai 1-is painful and trou- blesome affliction, irien by using tise commen senemetisods eriginated by Father Morriscy and successfully folowed for ycurs, it je possible te aid Nature te restore yen te liealtis If yen a1(r nt yosrrself rleumnatie, yen doubtiess ku-ow cf cerne eue w-be is, sud w-owouidbe:glad toe iru cf a treatuient w hici bas arroi a consiateuit record of cnres; It is easy te take ad sure te benefit sud itiuuateiy cure riseunatis «50c. a biox, ai your dealer's, or frem Fatiser Morriscy Medicine Ce,, -Lrd., Montreal, Que. 99 Seld and guarauteed in Bewman-, ville Sy Jury & Loeol, Fcunhstsach opend tise deor uný waikcd inside. Opsite isim sa tise typist, iser hcad S -eut loir ove tise machine. Byber ala, tisa indrous icý golden -redà-sureIy, i co'uldnet'e- LuconÀscionsy> gaspcd,,. Tis eacd isas raised. Tisen De cried, sunarnaremeut: "Millie! Yen here! W/but dcc if menVY lIe wns toc astonnded lîlmaci' t-o notice tisat se uns net iwon drously amazed. He mistocis ho: nervounesu fer astenisisment. "I1!" ase cried, and rose te mec birn - "Oh, Diek, I'm se glad Ct( sec yen Y' Feag-etting everything, sui c-tisa ber ains were stretcised ont te- ward ii nud tisat bier ýeyes eau- ed hlm, hoeteck lber lu hls7 arms. Only, a littie later, lie asiscd, "But tell me, Millie, Soir bas il bcppened. Your i-nonucy-yeuî fatiser-has lie lest-- "Den't, Diýcis Y she Segc."In trying -te forgýet 1 ever bcd mencyý I wunit te ferget thut.'" And Fencisurcis, because be irwat n mcai, tisoiughiehondeastoo)d. lIt did net question bier again. Lates hoe wouid de se. But for tise pro- sont it iras sufficient tisat siese tili le-ced isim, as ase 'bd loi cd humr before these black days-came. And ncw, Secause ase was only a typist, Seccuse ase was alone, lie corrld cf- fer-5cr something-aame tiat was taruisised, perisapa, Sut oe that fer lber sake should Se made Srigist again. Almoat unwittingiy, it scemed, b-e told lier tisis, and ase ucquses- ced. "I promised te irait, Dicis," sise said. "But, oh, I didn't tisinis I shouid bave so littiete offer yen Y "Se littie t" be asised. "iW/iy darling, it's weudeafui i I arn'ai- meut giad tisa this-" But, sceing tise look uneSch cme into býer eye. ie kept clear cf tise suS jeet unicis migist Saing ber pain. W/heu, an houa latea, ise left bier, bis heurt iras fild uitis a uew joy. lIe wonld figist aud maise iis namne cne tisat SotSholi and sise would net Se ashamed te Scar l He toid W/estmere this, mucis te tise astenîishment cf tise good- af- uaed <"accountant" "l'Il russe yeur salary," tise red- faced eue said premptly. "Thcee pounda a necis; yen c-un manage cemfortably on 1-bat. Noir, if I ivere yLd, I'd cet married as ceeu as, possible, and taise Mfss Mildarid Austn orMiss Miidrcd Austin Chueas yen say bier narne ru- airaia frcrn tîis tyýpeu îiting busi- niess. Get aniralec lte bouse for bier te o sootk r they'ae quite cheap rousnd Seraý,. "I wili BY George, I wil!' Feucisurei sasid, stili intoxicatcd n-itb tise snrddcn jcy irhicis bcd cerne into [islsife. ."And, lois here," Westrnere went-ou, 'taise my adîlce and deu't yen mention anytlsing te bier about -lies- owntreuble. I don't kue-irsi-St it is. cf course : but yeu irait untii you'ac coaîfos-tably mur- aied,,tisen asceil teill vu ail about it, I expeet. But yen juat pretend yen know evesy-thiîîg rmtil thIso. Se ibat IasanY "'Yes," 1 FencShurchs uoddýed. 'Peaiapu i*f iii Se bcas irel." Tue inonths Inter tiser' uer-e quictiy Dmaried at a sîsali chnîrci noa Faî-nwood, lu tise presence cf Westmere and a fricud. It was West-s'-cre gaive tise bride assai and Viestrnerie ogai-e the caiy wedding present-a ten-pnd note, te Se speut on a lsoueymoon of at leat n wcek's duration. That iras W/estmcae's stipulation. Thoy bcd Scen married lu tise eariy moruiug, and late in tise cf- terneen they sut on tise cliff s et Wostbeaes, n-bore tbisoi' oricamocu Nvas te be spent. Pick Fencisureis bcd been repeat- ngoee and o-cea. again tise fnef bhat bis jov iras tee grat te Se ex- presscd. Buît on tise face cf Mil - CIIGK 01 tne type !0 FORTUNES TuÂT WERE F o [UND Valinable Fiads That RaaeBoos Made by Plienie parties. thr Abat I ipC l.~ m %M] \'l rte , und e sioe eh.~~ îeluey' Are a valiiale andnurtoslxiv fruit, oinlg te au active edcia FIG PILLS contfain thr e principal of FIOS, ctombiued with otier valinaie rmedica- mente, eild are gas teedte ur W'EAXIU,~ADDER, LAÏME BPAcK siiu ail KIDNEY, LIVER, STOACU sudn( OWLDISORDERS. At al dealeýrs p5c etepcr box1 or r le Fig Pul Cc St, Tiruwas, Qaat. &a lo NAMIES USED WITH-OUT WRITTEN CONSENT. to uts aiome tor Weeks~- t bfoisýe me if-if TI haid ce'd "Foagiva -u'hecetd '0f course. ,Butn ytW/ati bilere- te forgve l"- ti "But I havé'ï cc-cdye. My fatlier ire bave bcd o truble at ail. I arnstilli ns src-atuy as I1iras i Sefo(,re-before yen it an-ny. No; ]et me fellu en eveatbiug." For Pick bcd risen'suiddeniy, and cpcned bis lips as thiorg te spouis. "'Let aie tell yens everytiig," se aepccfed. And lhoaonîained motienleas. "It irvas îny plan," Millie said, taying te speais calnîly. "I found eut tise dateirisen yen meuld Se frac, and j talked ,it c-cear witismy futher long befereu. Yen kucu, P)iciç, ise liised yen-uskes yeun iow. And, thengis at first hai wisiscd me te gi-ce yen np, afterwaads hoe aýgree2d te, help meý. "W/e kuer en would ne-cea corne te us agnin. Se -ie sk dti- or's frieud, Ma.Wotor, ehep Ho ir,-as ýte rijt fo ýr yn, fle4)yen ud find yen enpîcyrnent. Itiras lie ýviise teck tiseffice, asud pilcLyed at Seing an neceunttant. Than lat- er, ishen he tisouglit yen sicre re- ccsering frein youýr-yeur trouble,1 hoe sent word, amdi 1came teacet4 my part. I nover ranly aaid I irasi peer, Pick." - ý Sise rose hnrriedly, and faced the mn, irisestood staaiug bSin- Iy ut lber. "'Don't, PickY' se crieri, and iseld ou-c ber arrns teucards hlm.- "Yen are net aagry, are yen t You - don't tisinis I trapped ycu ? I iaut- cd te stand by yen and 1-1p yen te figist yenr wny Sacis agnîn. Tel me, Pick-teli mce! Yen don't isate mc eceunse I lovc-d yen tee mucis te bac en b"V A momeut's siiened-a moment cfn ngony fer tise girl iris waited-cud fis-en Fenchureb bcd seired bier,' and iras iissiug ber madi., ,-as-a sronately.0 <"Rate yen Y' hoe gasper>. fm-sa a wild torrent cf le-ce wirstsiaging ' tisacugi bis sveins. "M. ;'c.Ie cci1 bardiy Selle-ceit possible Xxii i dd tis for met inmnef îvrtsit, *Mall- lie! But, please lIeavý.s 111 figh 't 3 and tay te incieui n-iis t] narne, deareat n"ný)e woi-Lhy of hf yonr love !"-Loàdid'su Airses-s. h si WONEN BtEA U IS Parisian ~Sage Puis, Luster ile 1 Butll, Iiaded flair. 1 C IOtlicFarm UTILIZING FATtMWA-STES. When an animal dies upon th( farmi instead of sending the carcasi te the phosýphate factery ýor duma ing in some uat of the wýay place if the bodis ,ýredu11ced b!y th e owtn e r severalla os f lthe bet, ertlV ilng 1rnateril-dwilibe tthe result T'he careaýs should be dra-wu toi suitable spot and placed upou bed composed of four or five loadý ýof soil or muck, then covcre<C thickly with quieklime and at leasi a dozen 5ioads of sou -plaed upor, it. Let it remain usidisturbed foi nearly a year andi the result will be several dollars' worth of a goos fer-tiliýzer for ail!ureps. lu this wVýay ail] dead animais may ba utilizd, usi ng less scii or muck as size oi animais warrants. 1Bones furnish valuable fertiliz- ing material aise, andi should bc saved. Týo '100 pounris of'houcs atdd the samne quantity cLf wood ash- es, 25 Pounds of lime, and 12 1pounds cf salseda finiely pulveriz- edI. Let r.emaiînabtthesvcs Add Water tomisnwe.Afe decu--opsing it, shuirdi be re -,31cd euit upon a dry place ariý mix_ýed withdr!-Iy sÀi te prepare -itforuse. If diluted suiphurie aciis pour- ed ýos\er bones, tb*ey will be ready for uise sooner, and will prevent esceape Of ammonia. Catustie lye may bc used also in redueiug boucs ,sp.eedily. A gooci fertilizer is made by gathering the refuse frocm pigeons and poult-y houses, witb eîtîick ]caves and wastes of different kinds. Stable manure nîay be ad- sled. Unslaekcd- lime shouiri net be ruixed with manure, as bete re- sults are had by the use cf lime and ashes by themselveýs; if Üsed te- gether a large portion of the amn- nonia, will be libcrated andi wast- ed. But if a large aineun cf Lsoul, nuck or other absorbent matter is addýed to the compost, thosin asb es or lime may be uscd, as tihe car- ioule aeid wjIl bc preoduceci in de- ,omposition in snfficii"nt quantity to take up the ammonia as fast, as t is set free. A üow produeed in a ycar about' 3%~ cords of solid manure. .and bace coris of liquici manure. Thisi if al] saved. wiould equal in value her milk, Yet not <)ue out of 20 farmeris sas e or make au effort to sa-,e the iiqisid marns-e. It is cern a,,ratively casy to cosîstrueýt a wat- r igbit basin iu the be yard ini -hcsliqnids May be depjosited. Gutters eau be marie at thse rear of ouü stables andi the liquiri refuse ýarried fremn there, te the basin iu lie yard. By turriug te aceelnt ail thse innm 'waste" mentioried înany chlars can be "av ed whiehi havel ecu hCret-ofeî-e speuit in the pur- ,hase ofcf osmereial ferfilizers. Lin, BRIEAD) WITITOUT FLOU,,. -ier ahih 'l'r-ausfors'î ire wiliea Direvtl4 Iliti. )oligh.A suapng dgs of yus ' el-', -T e pllease uy i e' B on - ln France brcad fias becs> made sure te bi-iig hinsbac-k."- Jiues- witheut fions- lu n machine tîsat --NO, it uon"t. les ead. 1 trunsfer-in'is e abeat direetly inte drewucd hins îiiyself." deugis. Tlhis mrachinie sisers a large- serew tun-ing locsely inu a case on Sober sc(ond tbcrîghýt Msuy net. tiste luners-ursface cf whichis lua sisoîs rp nstîl tie os gafter. acaew tht-ed rîning in an oppos -__________________ ite directien. SBtirentise main tl-iî--ads on tise t r cyl;inder ,are smcller îîc sd1 tise dcpth c f tise groo-ec e îe pregrcssively urnalier frein oic'- end te tise other, se tîsat it -iil1 hseldàise I eutire ulîat grain as it entes- tisje ïàv machine aithtie saine tinse, ccm - mcdnting onily tihe p111-i-e~ irheat aithtie exit. Tise n isat is prepareri by a thor- orîgli s ssisaftcs- si ieli ïepera-1 tien, sa\-s Rai-pers W cekl1- a'00t a plut cf tpi s te- ea poýiiss f grain Is cde, is niole oixture h ERAMWBTR i e1 Pii J ailc4-t aiC iCadl cs-dit tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ý ;aLsi.Itflshtuci ie11:a ~dAe ve 0,0 I Orss ne ~ncve tus-cd'.cf Ce nis ig scess 'A 'crth pp9red et-etw cf ric ~sdeorar ee lii ee, 7. Pî,.Ou sý uutuceiv s41ieq'ss~oe lsiaîie 'T p e s s i s I t r I "levywrk, severe'etraiul1usg suod cruis abits ln youtisboult on Vie(s elus. irben 1 Wcrkedlisard uhe seising would 1becousje ses ne ud Iivr otten laid ap fer a week at, a urne. ?,y el pylnti, me au'InePera ilon si-s my enly iscpe-bui I drke i t. r, - , -e sp- 'u-altbi eS0n fGuoutntail riscy wasited*qmas usy j ,~ ~ uic'. -. I "soto 1,-)te k b oItap ail doctorsas lttie isetter tissu ~ rego-s.O~s' dsy y bSoi asket] me s'-ly Iwas off mon e siuhsud I tei '-n r.y cadî ien.Headi ised me to conuat Drs. Xennd Xxn-'dy~isci~d l aen t , ietfroni tiscm isinsseif sud irew -,:ur y progrese was somewbtst lOo dnring tise f3,-. xn r jVsSi tuen b I-as ucesewbat d isceuraged. . Howevea, Icoooiued î1ei nuor atbree suentis longer and was aewvarded wi or M 1te c oura eud ouly ern $12 a week lu n cine siso before t1etm nuowlI m ear'iug $2r and ne verl.eose a day. iiwlhailtuf ijln J!yu. auable tresîmeut. HENRtY C. LOCUTSI. liS~OUR 9V'EEiD8ESD ELOODp oISi~soiare tis o ms! prevaieni n bsudionis eedisesses. TrheycSp the -vly1f e bicooth ie victim sud uniss e ertireiy craucated from tise system will cause srons comsplicatieons. uBeware of Mercury. I1- uay suppress tise Symptoms-our IKEW uiTHu{c cures ail bloso diseuses. YOUNG OR MDnur, AGÂcr MEN .-Irýmrdent acte or later exeesses have brokea -doma yeur syrIens. Yi ou ee tise symptems tein er -o i o n.retasly, pis5sieally sud vitaiiy yen are ast tise minu nseul to ha or s=11lcbe, iWiliyen ieet tie danger sIgnais? DEfl~ reyna itis aveynls spmAr e uedu easryl'lIas FrocW o atriieasretit hsye C rie e sne t oino Fre e!Chare. NO AY4S UED ITHOUT WRITTE COUSN.PIAE onmao boxe, r enve ape.E nyhing h- fd-e, Qu..edtion i....Cc. f Tetn U~EFr ME TREITMENT mno e n Wi dsont. en d ecret Z2~ AKeN nd KENNEDY is r, nt-1, ]c! tes, oas, prîvate addresr. feet "struek cil," aud. ultimatelyf "GOOD-NIGHT?" retired -sçîýth b1s heliday-won frIlC~ad'Go ih, n ehl tune! o-le ld"odngt" n ' il Benrneinouth was the- starting îbea hiang ny peint te fanse cf eue cf our best AuIn abe bopcdtn a e yeswo kuewn deetors. Wh1ile spendiug aAnbchp 'taheeyswué hliday there, he tesd i- uuderstand astreus earsîage aeeideut, the ons- What bis lips rcfused te Say. Iy cecupant , anedlybiug ser, He beld lier hand, and be mur- iously iujured. lI i;ediately mus-ed low rendereri aIl tise assistanece he "'l's'-ris te go like this, cenîri. and bly hi5 timeiy aid sa cd it ,ee-is se frigidly cold, you know, lier life. She died suddenly a ycar This 'Misirer' cf ours, and 1'Miss, Inter, aud the asienisheri jyoung dcctloi fouud that he had beesi left ',' ttoiigist-perhaps--" And, 8505000 fer bis help at the time <cfi hopansed te note the" accident. - If she seerned ineiinedte t frown;- fotuew as literally threw Tn But the light iu ber eyes bis heart- Awa on ho)liday once. A man uam- strings smote,- 1 1 edK îý;hi-î, bile taking it easy1 As sbbiusbiingly lookeri do-wn. ut Tigby.lunNeva Sctia, suiv al Sbesaid ewodçbt£h rec lump f talwy Substance flating . vrýbt;h about in the bay. Ile teck it beome speck ané ndevore toboilthe lum 10f dust frein bis enat lape]. aud ndeaore te eu ise umpSncb a simall- sncb ýa weeite, deun tý i e make scft soap. 1 tiny, tieek, le failcd in bis attempt, boue-,c- er, anritrew away tise supposed 'ua vuc b -u ewcl tallowý. The lump wben b-e firSt And it brougbt lber. face so ve*. feurîd it weighed about lui lb., and near, be kept about 5 lb. cf it as a cr- lu that di, uncerti.,' ligbt, iessty. Imagine wbat lie tbougist That tise thlcuglît, -unspoken, was, w hhee bcdiseevered, n little sîbile nmade ciite elear,, latci-, that wbat he. bad tbrewn And I know tuas a -,%weet "ggod- away uns ambergris, sseî-'zh $3.5 au iglt." ousîce! i a d ukinosiugiy tisrcw n an ay tliosauris cf dollars. More than onueuine bias been A Been fer tfie Blos Te folind wben. ou bcbda1 lient. The 1live r is a very sensaxise orgasi and- fir st nugget cf geld in tise C'aaeiiu easily tlerunged. Wher tbis e- as, for instance, svas picked 'tp byeui-t!iie is un die .ecretion eof' a man rnarner Budd, irise ias bilea'nd th-e acriri iiquid flows, into, speuding a fcw days in tise district. 1 the stoma.eb and sours it. It isa.a This nugget ulene fpietber. 4,250f most dýistrc'-s;rg aiment, and' Tue brother'-, ube ucre paying a rny are prorie te ut. 1_uI this con1-- isit te (Chili after aui eartbquake ditien a- man Pfinds tise beet rernedy there, came across- a linge block cf IinP1 mle"egtbi le ýalmioat pur iiÀler in n newly open- wsîbare wrrn ud e perdily e-sice,. Theyse up a îuining cr-~ts iedr hr.i s pla,;nt tlher,nud ijrn acouple, cf bie eicn ufe rtr it v-ears ned $7e0,000!Net a bad 1 ,,1(ýH 11j' liolidai --eh. li AIJÀ1t1' Every woman reader cf thia paper svho desires radiant bair that evervone admires shoulci go te Jury & Loe l t-o-day auri get a large 50 cents bottle of Parisian Sage. It is net only a dclightful'and se- fresiig bais dressing andi beauti- fiezr, but it is seld rînder a rigid gLiarantee -te banisis dandruif, stop fiing bais-and iitciig scalp, Or meoney bnck.. Parisian Sage lu the bcst bais- tisaat nuwl c"u're cdaudriuff, eanse the1 Most people thiuk that belýiduys scap nd aketh !iiýrgro logiare a biessii-, but some bave bad sadp ari mukete aa iw gmore cause te lookbaek witb ats and beatiful.faction on the'irheidi tan oth- OOE F THE SHEPFOLD. SiX ias g1 Oagw as No sc-Io ilyd se-PifLondon. One day hli as wne tbey are te Se ailowýed t-e stars e ing aleug the Thames embnnkmeut and rustie ar-ounid fo~r thernuelves. near Chelsea Bridge wben the tide A scrub will do Setter under sncb iras ieüw. HTis attention was at condious.tractcd by sem)ething sticking eut Nexci' Suy a ramnishosf.,v ccl us cf the sand and mud. On investiga- s-eanty oôn tise beily and legs. R1e tien, this pî'cved te be a wooden sboul' d Se well covereri and the box centaîing isîgots cf copper te fleece shoîîid be uifoirm. the value cf $25)0. Iu seetiug a rai alsi-ys pick An extraoadinary piece cf luck eut eue that stands qureou bis came te a Bradford m-an, ns mcd legs, shews couragean mascuF i I- ensou, while on bis bolidays a few itv. A slow, peky ani'mai wili prose, ycars cgc., An uncie of bis lied a disappeiutment. sus vited hlim te corne and '.tay at If a eue keepsber larnS in fine bhis fari in. Norths Lincolnshire. fat condition up tetise time cof Wbile there, be- began colleeting weaniisg, Se sure siseý is a goed me birds' eggs, and ene day bie elinsbed tiser, andi keep bier. an appie face te in-cestigate tise Tise real valise cf a slseep cannot contents of a nest. Finding it was be determin cd, palrt:ilarly as a jau old eue, lie pulcd it down, wisen breeder,'tnutil it isocre year cf ae.e several fragments of paper fisitter- A dairy fcrrn cf a dozers colss d frorntise brokeis % ucct, They (,ar maintain a, ficck cf fifteen or prov-ed te be tisree fis7e peou d notes. biesyshcep aimost isvithüut ex- One cf tishebocil ficlds in. pense. Penusylvanin uns discos -.ed by a pense. oliday tripper. H1e bappesied te New sigorj and energy are seen be a. miner, and. nepciku attin-i he se ýù M' 11 sin tise district, lhe laid siseof bis sttine b tie se f iliessandwiches on tise grass. Wlseuie, Dîmpnnd rouPiis 50dose 25pieked themin ip, !be fundi tisat tbey ~crt'.Sol byJuy &Lescli Bo- asted cf petrolcuim. le kew autý n'snvulle.once tisat tisecus eil under-i gri-oind, and, keeping tise secret te ON WY0F1P1ROPOsIïNO. bimucîf, lie bougist several acres cf "I pcnd et fr mscifAde lan-d in tise district. Rec put domn me,' nns-msred ue yeng ma a dill, and ut a deptis cf seventi a ,gl