BO 1 O1AN ER( EI 8'NFD SR!Vigorous ieràï thdp! Hom A 0000 019OR Il iüj ST PIE S. A Treatmoint te *tr the Blaad WATER SUPPLY. Notes of Particular interest to W me Flk p'lyTliat Has Boon bIalot The health;ne-s of the household SneSnaita Ipenns1e Your food being PrOP-eyconverted-iMto braun and sinew e io n is JlargeIy affecteud by the ch,ýaracter fore th i Itutas ïolil ybri, 0.a oqa ou rggist's or frorn Suosflof the water supply, whic-h must be Nt"Ra Dugdor" SmiColh.,aý,Liitd tea-who are pale, weak and bloodless. hdness and its puriy uaeri rceIrclwttk Frie Egs wth ice. -parboil sinscatter a littie chopped on o u reixleadwek ecueonce of lime and magnesia dissolv- a smile, the humorIus ,sidJe Ihich ihis, at h ae ieps- ra nilh ee SOiflO s Toneiiand invogeaadea th .,ne itinaUne od ravwhhan i c ver and of w * * ntilYou h' "Tepurary hardness," which is men are ostantly together, and, e t a3e1a .rgua lClOSSytm ak~f a teaspooIul cffurryopowdr Lay rvoerthe cife-tO faleandrccases ri'sol tick n av h i er a scaldied and floured cloth n'lo eaytm u nra gbouates, '-permanent hardness" to 'sS saty changing. Permit pose Ihmy bowling, hle hop- mar rhlat WekessciLsionie and bodl the putdding vo slwlyYOur hloo'd SUPPlY, for Peopu wi suiphates of lime and magnelsia. mne, then, to relate one or tivo stor- e htfwudacetasalcn iliciepr, iîo.s.Oewlpl1e,à sorhed the gravy. Serve with for five bours. If carefully okeugle't arta'cmia, often slip into a lard 'water is readily detectod les whicîs gave pleasure 1 triha n m bs ard, and as wt. e aefe.ThWoIMiinC. fredegs n heto. hî pddngwil e qul o dady ecin. he yu as y its behavior witb soap. colcerued at the finme. stned Irmebsor slippndg s thie frlvWidar) Tonht Lemon Pudding.--Place iu a ha-I made with the'best rump-steak. i,ýcreîts&j. yur blondSUPPlY YoC; Evory householder knows how I shall always sividly remeý,nïher itth e pooet of m laz te r The 1 -- - S [nvt[, breaceus eah f ohoppr, cd bonrepairing wall paper do cnreý -l xpewt av ith certain waters the soap pre- the incidents of the sonsational 1ar- r o u n e f u g r, t h g r t e r n d ef e d e s a s u h a s p o s s ib le a fte r th e ! b r e a t h l cs s fe f i g , t e h a v e a g o o d c i i a e s i f a y P a r i l e e e r s f t e S r e r c e o sa s c r a c i p a p e r t h e ga r a t nf o d . wu b ti t u e t r n e e a a g r s u e t, a re o a n d m b ,o n e u r, s o n e efu u a q a e p t b , b t c t g n d c l r tha e l s h tis p o s s ib le t e p r o d u c e a , la th e r . C h e s te r fie ld , fo r th e s im p le b ui-t s f- a s I a ened t h e st a ir s, n dte wao r e h o o k e ad o ejt e r e s te h hafalmn n u esonulpattern., On a plain paperi s I[ aPp1etiteanud get geod nou hismasta pr fteSo ap fcn esnta a aty£-note. I was feeling very pleased, commTiodationsfrabgprinm eif bakiog ýpowtderý. ix well, and gcipa etertepaea ent from , yoir fcond. Now the is usec up in softeuiug tewtrsonsible for it. Yeu will, per- h cure hen aa wordrehe was secured at litti n ad l efeciveplaenwor ' apsremtmhbr tat w cae wis- mcousewhe, voce en m miAk. oPla einagradasl finabs clesely. eued2,, ly quick a a!iI,ýavsefetieor, i su wrs, that there as a. ba'Ilazer,' did yen eost.cAnnther wemnn wbe beaste fxhen ac on a gg a-d asinf ths iake athnur dg, s ic ,ay to get -a p oy f new, ricb, diywatif ep n the ban of the law for the hein shoted:of ber î ngteaiyspeedaar aud1 steamn for euie heur and a haif. To Make Buttcred Toast.--'oast red blond is Lto lýe 'Dr. Williams' lard waterca.e the limv do- ""' effoucceof kickiug a hall about, drop thisPIo ir nei G1-olden 'Sauice.--For boiled pud- tise hread hefore a brisk lire, siight- Pink Pills. Every d os t in ketties and heilers, ad in the street. The bal-a beautiful- V_ 0W RAZOIL CAMEF TO BE., e he ro iocnnth e dings. Mix tvo teaspooinfuis of ly moisten with bot rnilk er water, bhelps to make neir hlood, time chokes nip the hot-water l ecste pecimen cf its kind-- I happenied te -beoue cf the taf.usg ibte amtcoi ta, s arrewmVoot jute oa smooth paste with theýn butter. Toast macle in this Ranci ti ciblond Co I gpps ivligdnerc xl-hhad pur-cbased 4for ray son and a heOai1ndh eldinsfhug bngrs eke h egan a lion if means are noVt t'akea for i as asalmmuocaryhbad another $25 note(!, 1e teid apge.t a pint cf bhnihug iater, strrngies qnantity ofbuatter i,han i.-nthe I ad strenigthýtt Dryhre te overy orgats ________ai as meais Ahile. Put the pan ron tIhe edna way. eerprtcth heymkig tmfomietete.nsaI. ot1 ' mc1 i aisel nupleasant fer cce- gi ne ynm hneec h ait aiinsg nos-ïngin.d~imdaeyi Vwas car.- cf thead Lbs rsetdm an tices, te dnetaiibl- 1Puta n vrysmall lump corf pugad tnu.Thslisbenprsd knn,"hlpg i sitrerigabub testeu.It-sfrmathwidie hebudoe o MnrWlr ahig i o spofu fanraadeu e- nte rig pan, add tItLa as busnso ae o hc hland lis a ruîitfi caseof ïuy bd- pse n easdi ra tlgf ylte.Iaui ee htAcvabe speonful cf ongar, and the Jicc cof i poud cf cearse brown ua, n as fMss. GeorgeclarkIA- u dragmets icdugd s-ud nSnrepasuad n gbai jStyper thgivcby1tr f tiinots maysc ith halL a lemon. Mxiel n teatbepcful cf salt, and stir htsfrB.C., i arsml inua iellitg, ,gen, ere1 iprfctl-.Wod -ar ter of andnntesta seci Claiesiscfrtim ran, apnigp psia dlrsý umdapretV .-uiývr tr,'S Sas nry scramhiedf eggs usake a then add haif a pint of boiling tise veaï and six nutbs in a hies- e ouýýrin ofssi. a e ali waer ouup udire cidbt iLitriru franurse, Il began o ri flm e alo erdo h oio.I bai-e seen iL fteu stated in sPiratos'y aPpaaiYh eaen delicie-us breakfast-dish. Beat u.p watee;bi p n hncl o-P fwairceastitutes eue degree cf pitta w yo lns n tur4ne eggs, add oeeteasploonful of tic for use., te fail ini bealtbi, was very Pae de ss adiL bas been laid ON YOIRKSHIRIE ROAD)S. pin at I ew my nekufane c gan d tes a o te at rd cboI-pped parslcy, halIf a teaspoon- Rou lades cof Mutto.-Cnt some and tishe lcast exertion wonld leave dciin by authorities that ne Public The'I'getea nbine" ol lak ttr. u hsi o rc the scalp. fui of mccIlionu.two, table- uiiderdeoneor raw mutton into, 1me ont cf brcath. After graduat- water suppiy shotsld cxceed 10 de- notet isentemepantins o apol Iate LhButth eue at ud ny 1 s ehwîer ugs spoonfuils cf milk, pepper andl sait pieces about thre inches long by 1iug 1I came te British Columbia to gec.gie bto xtniosor lugt tepc1- I hom lichaiso hefornmy aptsncf tha t, isn odte anancen Le aste. McIt a picec of butter Ione inch ansd a half wide, ivthouil take oup ny professin,)s aprivate e$e hs Todm i ssc lc tto. atr oke ale Ricardn fom's carts tactr ns, ithe beisolib osat the size cf a waluut. thon pour in fat. Season with pcppesr aod saIt nuýýrse. The flrst case I Look ~wIlet isaiasot'sn apr - erius, nd smaerc s, fed a rar, orstics iva e, club bis >casocter-s yw sbdtToefoqen sasi '1he ePgg uicre uistir over the and pput a few capers on each pie -, ouudin i1ras net able to go 'on 5ith wetus inosnecaotiewi the cr- es-ion ntdsbe reling sme aset svih ams tq ueont cf to orin- cf1 thea hedi e2 avsba e lire Liii iLtldicens; iben sers-e on whicb thon mcri up and put on skice- y or. Dcrs tonics. failed tic system. Au efficient water as Vo isîat wecld happen sn the ary. Wc wes'ýe sitting together eue mci h entrlilsthsr- ~qars f uter j tost. ies lc nthe oven cn a boit- madavgo sos-judg- ,cftener ost f Inep;eusise Fo ake.Wr gds, witb just enugh %wateî' mnt ,Ipurc (haseci a supply of Dr. teru in swhich a certain definite Tenatmrsigw wr. te rtffnvorneeraou. fctîh ur- ete fwtr tebi hc sa Innnonesof lard into e 1 te cover, ud bake for abouit a laa s 'Pick Pills. IBefore ? 1amonrt cf 'anuclaire, or erelief inferrned that eserytbiugmeoacrti sbjtsysg th exosit' ftehisou cf b,'ad ne one f ugr ou r. S ip the roulades. cff itse h inishedthem I1ivas reallv -) tarsfvnngaeti it- bdhe mei "/ to ynh a sbnct , Razi- ~e, nreisch eoe ie su Ls On(S f urans.Knadskw rs ad ere i thcaesprsei t hereui. ie clrduced automatically into the water more wouid be beard of th(- matter. orl", Everybody iaugised at Ie>,dy a ail tolcler auno,! ino facI aueceandi mashed potat.ies. ecame bý to my a.o I gained sun as iL Ieaves thse macn, and a fiLter Frnm viat ive hoard aftcrsvards, "RPazor." ILflias scever ilV nie Iout.eslybncn sd a1 cae poi aisnid plate. sLýCorij 1 U pdbytseLme~system for intercepting thse liny iL wuuicseem that a certain noble sauce. One a menoi heeoei f acmos ho tes in ciamonis-an FOR THE HOME. used nn boxes 1 was back at my deposit which resuits. lord iuterested in Surrey crickettoseugteiasViehd.l bakI e for three q1irtects cf an, Befor E, using a ciwsaucepar houivcrk i a anurse. IL baves ue Weil water may ho sinîilarly succeeded by lus influence in po IŽDY TO OLS ',R, 111? 11' 'U thse rmeantimse, ohsapaîibi heuLr. Ton minuîtes befoie VUe cake' iL ieli nutL with socawater Vo îîhich nare1,btstl aeeyfieayteaeuffecdinoac-tm h-vetn oraparuebfoetecusb kp en nibcllyb idonc, bics h iLfnor - .with nik ja Ï'civ potato pariugs base been felin o D.Whlas iakfreue oclbnc.Te11IyNe oMbdOte,'c dailv actiio fters.Ti aisci scatter browis suga, over iL. ad'cle l.Pil. Evon more important than blard- I rernember ons VIe Suuday heforel but Soaslisles Wr 1î ush. sbouid nct et otnbîi uiso A cheap blanc irauge smd yiXsnsatng pVtes nder the Solci hy ail mnedicine dealers or uess is purity. This mav ho aýffPect- the Yorkshire match at Shseffield, disolsiu baf a onefcfgeltin mutthe soul frstho arcilhymail at 50 cents a box, or six ed by tise py e e fanudewe ient ont sightseeing. "il" Arepais' mass vlked junte un f- have n-ioderatelogbito.Ts pwlr in hrce plUoitscof mikélatn t , onc timi, î ist bpinc i wtî oesfr 25, sc T. on perisru ' termiLckecsuseeceis ury iercetceuse:'nvfr bof îîl aea tmsatn oi beoesevsg', - Ont. cier ha tal ie asjacai htuedeci only a fcw sîng effeet noVoleut he~ap înasqîite diý,ýs]eivd.add oee Neveyes'bsavr a ietal SI ,)_____nte the evse, aidthe remedy as ef- Tom. e were battirnsg g.,aly schr ,btatheo e'dc o aebtoeits nrisbcuei none n sbite sugur anti any fiav- saucepan if younivislisthe contents RUBERBO$M Ot ise atb hilIs atr ongst oursoîves on ourborne- thetonîs. "W/uaL îvi11yen charge wl si efo tfoateds riglikeci. W/len coeled ucicia Vo hou quickiy, for ise spoon J5 outairad, tVitersward way, wisen suddenly Leck- te moud this ." lie ws as akcc.and cirt'cf th] topee h ni ofa pintcf ecam and tise meunscfca0rysi of agrati mvceny ts," was bis price, and haisir, tlsereforissud es'i qtuar'lte Ccyion lIseNow Take te Rubofr nce -of ergasic mater addisease wodsare 'oeu17osla' "itvc Iti,,r,,sec it, ii pace x'i iin Kett ep nId kicoc atde51 seÀ!One of tise ceituinties of tIse fut- bst te have tbe 'eter e7c-nii l ,sote cided thsaï;Vice pcb was not worti possible, once dîigted alci ndsot,i tisndplcein a five ine Lp V oic'th escf1'm a vnstsy ancreuseci suppîl of b' nepr. ' aste asBiy l htaacn.So ie ce ols ea rcsa mosldani et i san Liifl'm jbetties wllhon travelling. l ti by anIeSpert. upieiniber. Millions of ubber-ti'ees Gnrly tna osi ia "Oh,"' replied Lockssond, "I'mljdriver and Lu o dezen screws were champon powd'scotiigi Dried rilIigsm'ýuakc excellenit Ion tightl1yeno neeId haie nbrI r eis etotevreari h aerallom snrfave ie si sbold getting used te tihe Yorks'Iiie dldt hceupseî fta f uin usuc~ udnt Maiuy Peninsula and iu Lýeielri3 hds1 af foloîa: q o f snia posud wiîli '140 emoîe iu1c Stains asi fteEs ais s a wbc reil rue - is saL pitcon-.bds fice and the chiair' was mondedi used forssigtIebd. l mi ean ie iec at Place ithse:pStae iatft d lero io L t ncheun.e.u sVrstnrniated in tIsePcisterj-. Wilfrid Rhsodes ras ut bis best ut cf 10 cents, and the soreir dri-em foot upon the sap ycran in ldw aLoi' qiiv. Pick the lit foî'an lînsr os' twio :îid f neces- nîrts Lu mobber, in snob largoe meas- --that imie. andi lthotsgh-we did noV e fsusesvuk.ig.leaving iL oydyan eo' suces almn a.Place111-a q ar sur speut the application., uses tisat Lise isiauci svil ho nu n AM IDEgrasp the usiful pouul t once, we TsanI antrnia liruen rfouf Ilsi t'si ecinc haUnadelsupsffic 'IuL wuto oVii('5 i W/heu hoi-iussgr'een vogetablés, I orantLutorinth rube trce-,laughed long sihen we dii. ihue n a cetoofan did noVLta luf i upîrsc e he anci sok frtvnyfu'hus cc srnhhrxu illen ftsrrc.Tise doctors crowded round the Dsrsug an intervul occusicuned' tnagthe ofesîcir once or a L'en centipicecoVo ftis e niesn!A in oi f sbe-inigbeciside cf tIse ma who eus ill. Iby ain in a ccunty match ut the'lk ecîgVsn tbsnac-tiesi io essac iehu ec hoth e ss'îes'avsii h hey are Isileci. This mil isoing on in some districts cf Bm- "W/e cougratuinte yoss îuost Osai, sevemal cf us geV enaglecilesto i etVs ure' ffouoty bcne xedu tirce Wlsui heiises av sukJ iprseboIscoUbacltisor in.IVis . ret ncigm'euginbeatiy,' aicttsespkesssa.sua ig rgmet s tino aa aboigs iargumeeintetoiansas'asv mNt nd lx.Grdull abserbed I- ý, la fesh fruit. Amua ta hodh utaout dityi prs fCetalAerc. 'ALr xmining our cacre- Engiand's ost îicket-kee-per. W/e irtild lcIave paid ii for a tril'sîiïgIsLorie isitiy.ach- GîgebrodBaýcuits.-Dry fnueloee and a quartes' to neaî' oheaemn ubm lrtuassnlvd la- creLetecc -decided Vo stand on]Lise s oie f ]job cniiing for o ipes Vs li. I ~a-1tolwspurchuseci by the per s Tis isst cIlospctht"nh p<omif insi s'ld pass thmough a'haif incIses tican'd then, if n Mexico. There sulbhorubber j clusinu thut yen are suiffericg froua 1tise siting "keeper."\\/e souglît Itilsa siese. ,,Idcoc, rmoIs jte iLt IMObroileci oîvi'a carfire for eighit 1groves in beaig befome long in tIse 1au outirely nois diseaso . Aga ir e eut oîsr man, ellîssg bh*isthut tIs he ueeiitn ie xeiewa îo I u' le-i gts cl n ouscescf 'litasnsîc Vlree OltIices te "en inutes, it -sili hbc so)kedi, Pîillippines andi Cochin Chinai. i essgrtulate yeoi."" tedsistino 'ev'iî I3 ettssutantcs fSIkoîssiVs ae ugoicnite cf 'c'd Tho aîc V tie loir j e e"cios. I s-nbe esss mucl cIeper, i "But mhat forl" inqoirec tise dopendeci on bis verdict. 1Ne look- entsadsihete irsadciIstse i nnseg.WhnIs etc. a .eaUoonoi f bkinu po i ioîsewssves cossslu'iu tiat milk ýits ciscin the Vîmes of sehlic1besirill aten."Arn I likely te rocoveri-' 'a mcvokf cic, dssrtsjoo ofilnicaindieci Ipoinge aci (OSt)sds ciidloin incroasce euormou)isly, ssiilo Liii 'htir adt n,'releiand tison saidi: I us oh isy srith tocis, legwl i eîsrc.Teyisc ,c g uohall ais tlceOf icok'g. 1Ifthe rilk ýis jsculdeci, sureiy ho useci for pavemencts and h otr."vi ey oito Lilley ho a gooci'un, and Strud- and a littie money expendcch itwsmieo'gs sunuoldhheenm at VUicîssui giigore, ndscisix ounîces Of jaisci, ulboscc Vto b c col iscioro ifloors, purticuliry sshoeethere isasyt"'ikhoiunsnltcshcig.Iios'prcsemisxoncsii-n1 icsoireraciafidrp brecn ugar.W/a rus halL a Pound ii adding ulse cggs, it ,'.' 1 noLtosrdie I Special raosen Leavoici noise. I "hn hyc'sîat;Thmee'n To tee ieHsupieesc Dm-easue cuuinVsecore f i-a-.nilquii mei ra tonhmae cf cîde s'ip, rmix icto iLtise W/ile stniagrisins hase seady sili ho esupinycci in large quniti- "W/e use goiug Vo carnie the nomheuc ussc eît ni ' e's'sLsy a e oneeiIdd UoloLtrn lt j ae o kep Sp-i ,,safseubbes'r______ iho, in youur opinion, us tise best Y'"Isummer aauci a Loir ns n'll ho ly 'miith hot soi sae'tseekc- gond dtighi hoil ut. Lin, ci tÉise firmigorsiin. IL lceeps teL ison n i ncrasig ug 5iofO'Ata aîtfrIt a,'îot a sneVuîsteroiish g n'tuemi orîhdmi n intoroun" in u tsnbier, pacdccssa f isele S -s i!fi te tis siih soumntlgmpanciVoe-ABSOLUTE PROOF. saici nuis.frienci ses' r mcdeStls-. - est. Unless a ïpert snlias o -tote -scalp. on grsscitin, anducikle slo55']i bnttùmof ci lAu'bsssin, sas Virn im1Phone appuratius. More rsbbeî' Amua Iso bnd eceiveci a jury IE Nv. se oIs Ie Li us iehi gi sc crisji. ~To PoliSb an iron.- On e oe, nticua'iy1s diigibetneVicepleaeci eafnss u Isi ex eniieon sut asandiec nsoi'trnetjain i itis -clos.Lpd cLeae Bunàiseci 'cail --W/as ail no xtiail îsinslooths puoce o f hourd. siih us aand ercinari' bual oon s. Aisothor cucoforl-isot attendsg.ILsiltseflo igss'vry cLohses',aî nissnyiesuiaitaeniVecgshme il,ît into !:iei lccgtiss. 1box 'îo' si aLashe i svl frrsis in soismas' ' seally a deni" hrsni gonlua], figueSsaher si for a coisupnmatiseiy has- cihiperci dvVis cgs Moît usl osisce el drippsing ii lua emorv cleVis This kesi t ah:anc ls sosos..thtlehesiens uohig Is u'yinj5 I n "iss' o hiiosplayrout Bxe innsacibasisfr o rsîute it I;tes Illas.nud fr1'Vuhpi'ces 0O? I Ou I si I l c, lion' sonc'gand'iuci eeu Ise i Nprobable that Lthe produscLof naines. tsece1,JLLrLiefl's uyspîylu tch ithi a sasiot -of sizes u ndikimics j pea'Leo-t]i edean mu sun.Xou frt i thelh 005~s ot ci ~ ia. Mis Jiuu '\t xcîl.le eeinZn u! Àpaors ie pu3! nastt J'1ice ilie iac 1-. hiLi pas cloroni h lacailiaci co la nseh os ci" ',iise ho ieas1s :i e bu l ng, >~~ ~?'~ ic ~' tngn ouo ta Ian nyinmi"ie 'lRsi ctaeuesc'cmlc on uav&Lcv-sbv-tsjsl Mcc chortd le tic reliiblc ad i rei'l lu ,,piu" w " -pi, tp lýigan rns retuse ieiiht ssik a ccdd i usdcfoisrt cICIfrti enwnt-n iVct'Beku pro ed fa i~ rrn dy nc~ i itiis cti. st ml ' u" iun ca siO a tîa mupe ae. Pereernco E, hzam ),PneofVuestanguWs O, u Imaiy ti smsiigi'uaIt'cl ni rpe ssioirs i'tssoe hr'ai'c-s îa~s; osst'ig oc otîsc amma Lce 2u oasur. hnepov aii u n te plasnes, ex ~ ni sfe' o1sulihilJ om ricsusaa h mdm utmlsl lo nr'uta' scsciîît s u s ci ut1m sicccs n icîia- l bi? Dîîg'%Vb i c lseOxteni c Me ury uym Vis Osi nsVsemoi, ji5 nsIonsueuin'e vi:ie thhre ira o lu- 'i c'u us mt t î"u~ îLea s ftimuauate enou i eL md idr : V Pi's.a ai a'ho" e2i5 U RÂ TE Isotle i Mll~»'~ a'ii Po " n"'~ I usncredim ik t I sas assag ~i c nts.isu ~.i'i~n'd c as '.cuà,A Jsen% ba k I nu