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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1911, p. 1

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e $,.00 a year ;ii advance; $i.0to United States. BOWMTýAN VILLE, ONTARLO), 'UHIURSDAY, JUTLY 2 î7,t11 . Vo-L. LVII. NO- 30- s M. A. JAHES ý& SON, Proprietors. p 21r UE DI E Atnnual Mid-Summer Sale- Now Going On. Muslins worth 15e for 9e. Muslins worth 25e to 30c for i5 Cotton Suitings worth 20e for 12 4e. Cotton Suitings worth 25c for 15ec Ginghams worth I2ýe for 8e. Irints- worth 1234c for 8 cand ioe, Silk Muli Dress Goods worth 30c for 15c. A lot cof Dress Goods at haif price and '13 off the price of ail Spring Coats, also a lot of Mn's Prinit Shirts worth from ,75c to $i.25, your choice for 68c, Men's Two-Piece Suits at greatly reduced prices. Ail goods sold as advertised. COUCU, JONSàTON & CRYDlMA BOWMANV[LLE. ~z~Y -J~~~? -~ T 1HECORNER i ARE YOU DEAF?- An Aid to those Bardo flearine, ient on trial free of expense 0, insk. AXddress GERoGE TiEýNiAN &Co., lSt Park now, New York City, N.Y. 22 3in Q O l l ANOF7 SUMMER GOODS OTORLIIIMONTREALI- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II i S'S U M M ER WEIGHTS In Combining COMFORT AND HAND- SOME APPEARANCE ALL THE POPULA.R STYLES LADIES' ovt4elPlain toe,Soe Lowor High Cuit. ýým Simicoe --Stre(et East TýLýE BURNS 0GO. MUN FOU CORNERS. Croquet brs 4 DaIl .. 5 ESZABLISIIEV 181,7 6 Bail ... $1.10 Capital - $14,400,000 8 Bail ... $1.35 Rest - - $12,000,000 llammocks ... $1.25 upwards, Total Assets $183,1 69,159 SovnrPsàad n o Savinge Banli cal Views Just recèived. Departmnent W .A L N Head Office,-W T.A L N Monteal.Big,20 Bownianville. J. A. MecIeIIan, I Manager, Bowmanvilie Brandi.j First Class Hôrse Shoei*ng' Haèving secure"d acoptn floar mnis asmv sitatI btter prepared than eve.r to do4 vis eîlasshresoigpop Ourt specýialty 1shoiut GEORGE-WATTS, OPPOSITE SALVATION ARMY TFIE OLD HOAR SMITHY', BGÇWMvANVILLE. Farmers' Attention Why Commit raumnote caunity AMutual yourselves to liability Mn a when you eaut insure in such companies as the London, Pêrthi & Gore Fire insistance Camipanies -,aIý fnni â50e ta $.00jpr bundred cd insunaue aud napne iut, I reprî-eenltes thnee companies which are a- nng thile best dloing farm bui- nesin Canladlaianc rateýs as [(P-" ' shlows HARRY fCAÈ'3NN, Tise City Hal Inisitranice M aLn Phono ~O. Bownianvibbe. OUR HERO AT BISLEY. 1 The Goodvear Tire an RlbewC, muade considerabie scifc 1 eri very valuable manin ihei ri ,Ce Liýeut. F. H. 2Moris- to go 1 Bi1e1Ibs year, Lbut ifl musl be eceed-cingbgra -li;fy-j ing ta GoodLear ofcai ad e-nloee as L l s5 10al citiesofBomrvleta he lias made such a remiarkabbercod It is probable siien the resuits nretabu bated tint it wil beseen thïal LiutMor- ris lias won more prizes at Bisley Ilis year than any otier Canadian. We wý,old not detract an iota from ithe honor due- the wînner of the Kýing's and Pr-ince ,of Wets' prizes, but he Zwas vn1 ittie aliead of Lieut Morris in the(se cmeiinand, in consideration of' ithe barge numnber ai allier valuable prizes won lirv &r Leve townsman, inciding the $5,ooo chalenge IÏI Trophy, we contend Ihait Lieut. MJorrisý lias reallv achieved greater vcoyatI Bisbey Ibis year than any allier eme of7 the Canadian i eamn. Bowmanviibe hans good xeasan b pn-oud ofis record annd slioubd 111inslue tangible way show tbhatapectin Tlie 46tli Dunhami Regiment lias been highlly lionored; so lias Dnhmcounty, and indeed'Ç ail CanIada, by bis unl-paral- leled success at Bisley, for I"Lieut. F. H.T Morris, 46th Regimient, Bw nvlle, a been oflener in tie Bisbey desatcbes than, any other Canadian. By abi mLeans ýaccord our "liome-grown miarksman'" a welcomei worliy of the town and ils sporîsmnauL hero. EDITORIAL JOTTINS. Toron)to citizeCns wiib do0.a very sae nd mlagnanimiouts act 'if îley enahtbý Mýavor 1Geary ta, present PI-.. W. J lffrwho liswon such famie for Toornto iluenr1 and tthIle sli hRoyal Grenadiers inpan licular, witli Ilie deed I 'a niceciyhm for ile instead of biowviing hI mneii spectacuiarfireworks tiat pass ina- minute. We notice with.pleasýture in cîty apr Iliat Mn. Rbys D. Fairbajru is nmakIng bis influence feit on thie Board cf Edu,;catýti in Toronto. He is a younýlg b;u,ýsess:man wilh ideas aI lie praclical kinid. 13Y lie way, liaw wouildlhe do as a canicdiate fan the House of Common o is atv county? He certa'ilwofldn't lie a cipher or a figure liead if li- ie et 1 Ot- tawa. Wlien il is cousidered wbat lrge ;L-sum aI money the present Domiin Gveu nient lias sp)eniton Part Hopýe barbon it ccms viIh igb-,ity lad grace ijuSt naw for the Conise-rvatiives ta taise scba wail "of woe xwien their pbtcL-frie-ndls1 preven Ing Ithe volin-g af supplies, tla say n.otin!g ab)out sub'sidles ta allier epis pi:(,oerty- we think wve are corret in suppasing that Port H-ope barbon dces not belong, 10 lie Government. Wbat riglit bave lie awners of Iliat pnoperly ta expecî more public funds 10 lie expeuded Ibene when the awners of il are constant- by abusing thie men who have the power of gnanting the assistance? As a matter o act tahle Government fully iutended rnaking a grant ta Port Hope barbon but the Opposition tactics aI Ottawa lias pre- veuted thema doing what lhey otierwise would do. JusI now il m oubd be more ap-' propos were Port Hope Conserx atives ta abuse lheir owu poitical frieuds aI Olla- wa for hobblbing the Goverumeut al Ihey can. THERURCHES. Mn,. (Rev.) H. McConnel' is visiling relatives at Cherry Valley. Bowmianviile Metbodist Sunday Scboalî excursion la Cobourg Monday, Jl 5 Rev. Lewis S. CosI, Buffalo,N.Ywi preaci morning aud-evening in Di.scîiple chuircli Sunday. Rev. L. S. Wighit, B.A., B.D., Stiriin, preacbed aI the re-opening services ini Methodist churcli Brighiton, Sunday. Rev. Prof. Chas. T. Paul, Indianapolis, Ind., pneacbed aI bath services in the Dis- ciple Churcli Sunday. His many obd frîends were pleased ta see and bear him. Mrs. C. A Cawker sang v.ewry sweetly tIbat favorite sala "The Plains of Peace" in the Preshytenian cburcb Sunday even- ing. Mrs. E. S. Senkber presided at lie organl in the absence of Miss Tamblyn. Rev. W. M. Haig, wio was recenly in- ductedpastor of Columbus and Brooklin Preshytrian churches,, was presented by bis cangregation belote leaving Millbank wilb a purse of money. Miss Grace Haig was made the necipient of a liatidsome signet ring tram the Mission Baund and Sunday Schoob and a beautiful peari brooci from the ladies of the congrega- tion. This clipping is fromn a Chicagc paper and will interest many people in owan ville: "Dr. 1. J. Rae is pastor allie lgill Presbyterian ciurcli. He was baui n O-rono, Ont., Canada, but lias becomne lioou'Lgily aCClimnated ta Anicancs tosalongwith alercoliine. He is a loyal son af AlbertUnvriy BblevIIille, OnIt. To -now D.Paean POLITICAL FORECAST. anld classes Duirhaml couintyV as "Daubîful Conserva.iv.Thîs is wbaî it lied Dnirhamr, basIct oC. J. -Tiornlon, (Con.) mnajonriîy 622. Libenral candidate is ualye placed inl-,fie field. Likely an didate is Mn. W.>.Bag a Danlingloni lownhipfarmr, h as balJ expenience in tle CoultyCoLuncil anld iS Widely ]knoCwn and poptular. Durham was fornerly twa idrgiecast beiîng pretty strangby Coneratieand lie weýst petycon- itetyL'iberal, tibou)gli oflen by smiail m_.ajorities. IrVas Ewad-lae' id-1 in.1 904, ',vien'ibe presýenit nicïing was formied, tl went CanlserVativýe by 149, 1whici was conisidered 10 lie somiewbat undler narmiab. In fle 189w redipracity ebýclion East Drbmremained Conserv- ative by only 65e, whibe Robent Beiti, Lili- enal, 1had 198 m-ajonýitV in lewest. These tacts wouild ilndicatle thiat a:trnLiea candidate woluld bave a fiýgliiug cçance in Ilie present conitest, tbougb Mn. Tioru- loni's lead laoks formnidable. Doutbtîni Conservative. CANADIANS AT BISLEY. (Cnlddfrorn livst wek) Lieut. F. HI. Morris on Wednesdlay par- licip)ated initire Imperial Tobaccp Co's tropiy nmatch, ten shots at i5000 yds., mrak- îig only 35i points ouI aI a po(ssib)le 50, fouirteen Canjad'insleading iÎi. trithe Alexanra, nialcli at 200l yards, 7 shots eacb, fle md34 points, file higest ne- ponted,wing $25. In theu Prinice of 1Wales conslpueila a 300 Yards lie marde ,34 p-oinits, tie highest made by any Can- adian. 3 bin1 ne1lig'iesl. but lie was less succeýssf lut aI 00arsmaking only 43 in a possible 50, whicli was exceediugby uinfortuinate for himi for PIe. W J. Clifford af saOli Rayai Greniadiers, Toronto,, won the first pize of $500, wiîh a score Of 48 points or a, ttalioaI8i points, whici gave hlm a bead Of4 points aven Lieut. Marris witi a total of 77 points. He won $ia,, however. This is lie sixîli lime the Prince af Wales prize bas been won by Caniadians since ils institution. In lie Ranlge Pnizes aI 600 yards in the King's prize mnatch Lieut. Morris was 8tli and won $, '5. tl mray lie remanked ithat inii ýe Alexan- [drai match-i -eut. Mrrs o sotplace, 1w!hile Pte. Cliffard, who wou sist pnîze in Prince aofWies.vas lit157tb. Luck lias some11thing 1 o xIth sll>Doting, apparent- PI. . .Clifr, Roya Grediers TavC_1nîo,wntire ngsPr ise of $,5. a gol medai and a gobd cross, by ascor 0f 359 out af a posýsible of 35ý5, 6, points ahýeaGof bis nearesl competitor. Clifford aLo wan the Prince of Wales prizýe af $oso that his pensonal winnings in lwo matchies are $1750 cash-ail uis own, tao. Lieut. F. H Morris made 308, and slood 2nd on the Canadian Ieam. Last vear he was 3nd lu lie whole competilian. At 800 yards this year lie made 9 bullseyes or 48 points out of 50 possible-a remrk- abic ecoîd, Liuby, butie feu duwn lu 41 points aI 900 yards. Lieut. Morris was 0111Y 4 points hehind Clifford aI end of first two stages, witi 184 Points. Lieut. Marris was 531h lu BinmingiamMetal Co's match and wvon $5; bis speciai pnize and one he wili carry wili great pride is a valuaile gobd walch presenited by tic Caniada Coimpany. Toronlo, papers Moinday evcrting liad flare beadluies about the Bau nvibie Manksan'sWonderfui Shooting iI Bis- ley, and The Teiegnam iad Lieut. Morris' portrait. Alliohle feil somewiat short on thie lange prize piums lie won more hionors ihian any olier maember of the Can- adcian team. Addl lý,( otiisI of win- ninigs previauisby giveni are Iliese: Territorial Rapid Firing Competitian, aul aggregate of the Buit, Pedestnian, Sec- relary af State For War and Waulage scores, won by Lieut. F. H. Morris, Bow- mnanville, wbo gels lie £r,ooo Challenge Trophy, and a prize. of $50. His aggre- gate score was 135 wiIh lie Lee Enfield rifle. Clifford, Toronto, was 39tli with 124 and wn S0. Lieut. F. H. Morris iras second lunIlie Service Rifle Championsiip and won lie Silver Jewei. Cliffard was fifti and won a bronze jewel. Iu lie Wantage Rapid Firing Campe- tilion Lieut. Morris won $5. For the Association Cup Lieut. Morris won $Io and $5 lu anoîben stage. In lie Burt Competilion Lieut. Morris won $10 and Clifford $5. Iuli e Secretary of Stale matchi Lieut. Marris won $5. HAYDON SCHOOL REPORT Repo)(rt PrmtinExamn--ýatians at S. S. No. 2"1)Danbinglon. ,Names lu ordeýr St. 111- Selia Siemoni, Eva tMartial To Jr. III - MydAshton.Tot I Cash fan aV 01,t .<f ive pouIllry ýat James Mcancls :ia Plerlio""ro dfaeBwmvilua Midlud eage gme I te JEbecînic cily S4 r~ ar 1 Satrda bya scre t 53. t was ac Acts dîreetly a~ndI peculi-ariy Ra-er -men i on the blood; purifies, enrihswr fQiln eebr' ice.H andrvtaie it, and in this lidsxeu tieolalbowed Bawman-1 wybuilds up the *w\hole sysville na ults, mý!d lcdOntahoen tem, Take it. i jlnu'lce "veýnîli. Dan. MlcCtiead There l no "justýý-as-oo" edicine. Pelýerboýro slab artist, unirdsatista,-ctor- Insial on11ang lHo"%'sGeo il î"pUaY.l-Ltndsy PUs. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS) Ho for Peterboro Juîy 28 ? The tes oi t fheexamîinations Of Bow- Exursio;n to Peterboro, Juule o*int mnieHIli Sc'oladafhae cenitres and Idyl Wyld and tibrougli Lift Locks b'y Of Bîcsokaind Sobinia are giveni below. the Medcab)f-st. S. S., Oshaw,-i on Fridaýy, Sixty pet Ycét Of the aggregate or 390 Jufly 28.OsI)awa .5a .,Dnigo is ihie boweýst pass mark. -Ail whio ob- 1..mBwanie 7.12 a. rm. Osh1awa_ lainied 75, pet cent of the aggregaîe or 487 Bn nbad aire ranki-,2d as passing with honors. Th ose wýho passed at Bowmanviile wvil E"-l receive thffeir cecrtificates from thie prinici - Ex ursUion LU obuUrg, pal of the hligh schol duting the holidays on at thie op3eing of the school in Septemi- ber. Certificates for the other centres ON MONDÂY JULY 3IST. iil be sent 10 the succes,ýsful candidates by mail. A statement of marks oblained will1 be sent to each studenLt mwho failed. The Methodist Sun)day Sehoo)l wil rur A-Il wlio passed, at whatever centre they its Annual Excursion and Picic b y Steaý- wrote, wiii be gladly welcomed shouici mer Argyie 10 the beautiful Town of they decide 10 attend Bowmianville Higli Cobourg, anid a very cordial invitationï is School this Fail. extended to the congregation of the BOWMN VLLEMethodist Cbuirchi and to the Puiblic gen- BOWMANVILLE erally to attend Ltibis outinig anid enijoy tfic HONORS iloveiy sail n ihe bake, and sýpenid afewi Alan Gale ........ ....538 Cynil Soulci ...........5-22 Ailin F. Anuis..... ....5SIS Greta Morris.... ý......497 Vernon Baker........ ý-.495 Mabel Couch,.........487 PASS Willon ElliolI ........473 Jos. N. Bannes...... .... 468 Norma Loscombe...464 Nellie Battrel......... 457 Gladys Bragg .........-449 Marlon Baker .......... 444 Greta Beliman ......... 435 Vera Gilbank .........435 PhYllis Hoîtý ...... ... 434 .A drew Nichobis ...433 Clarence Woodley,..427 Mildred Burns... -....420 Gardon Rice .........-420 Florence 1- VanNest.-... 4J8 Arcilh'e Mingeaud ...418 Mun ie! Cliartran .........414 Gaiet MCCoy.... ..... 410 William Roenigk. ...408 Eva Spry........... ... 406 Harold Osborne,...396 Agnes Christie ......... 395 John Hibis............. 392 Jack Mealli............ 392 E~dna P. Virtue ..... ,.... 391 Reynolds Cousins ...390 Gardon Manning ... 390 45 candidates wroîe. BLACKSTOCK Rosie P. Mau ...oy. 91 Wm. G. Crozier .......4 78 Mlurray M. Fonste.-j....446 Austin -Beccklý.........4143 Maye $uc.........4J35 FrnMalcalm....,.432 T. Harold Woods.... 417 Howard Baibey.......... 413 Ho-ward J. Philp......... 413 Vera Beacock ..........411 Margaret Forster ....402 Alla Bentham.......... 397 Elmer Mountjoy ....391 Bruce Heaslip.......... 30 27 candid ates wrate. SOLINA HINORS Louie Anuis.......... 514 PASS Laverne Orcliard ....469 Marion Or ,chard ........4-64 Florence Werry .......4ý-52 Mibdred Werry ... ... ý.423 Vida Langmaid... . -... 397 Milton Sanderson . 3. 94 Annie Mauutjoy ...391 17 candidates wrate. JANETVILLE Clara Heaslip......... 457 Fred McDonaid..ý--... -.468 Ella McGiII ........... 391 GretaMcGillb...........434~ Mildred Sisson........ 410 16 wrote. NEWCASTLE Maud Bassetl .......... 437 Gladys Bradley. .... -.... 469 Vera Cobbledick ....424 Roy Douglas ...........411 Vivian Galbraithi....392 Arthur Gibson ......... 464 Beatrice Glanville...398 Percy Gomme .... >.... ý475 Harvey Henry .........4155 Grace Moise..........-516 May Otton:............ 456 Edna Tnewin ......... ý.437 Bessie Wetierell ....456 28 wrote. lORONO Helen Armstrong. 46 Harold Barwell....... 4 7 Gerald Carveti. ......437 Clarence Cain.......... 39,' Pearl McMullen ... ....400 Clara Moffat....... ý.452 Wilfrid Ogden....-....2 Gladys Richards ........4179 Milton Staples .........469o Percy Winler .........4 60 Mary-Wnna.,. 42..8j1 25 wrot,0e. Alice Ryley......5 PASS Irma Sta ples......45 Erma1HOap)er ........3 GerLîdin e Sier........433 L ouije MMasIn 429 lau'lra Sica......... 428 Peari Twýigg........20 Mary Petn....4,!4, Maliel Leacli,..........40Ï Annie Logan.......... 39(6 27 wraote anld asd a nemarkabby godre:ordl for a rural centre in coipan- isan, with allier records tbis year. RstsOu lie w0101e are, muclilicItter1 hanhase aI bast yeair. lu 1910,at Bw mavle24 passed ont11of152 wowae aI, Biacksýtock 10oui, f 01 , and ai -lSolinia 4 ou-ItOf 12, iii cseIn tpercenitage aI successful'cadid-es ianis shio-wu fer hauts, in Cobourg, one of lie most attract- ive resorts on tius' side of lie lazke. Those who ttendfed the excursion last season speak very hligly of thle trip andi of the very cordial re:-eption by the towr, officiais at Cobourg, who did ail in their power to niake the excursionists comfott- able and happy. The fate wiii be for the round tnp ,)25C for chiidren and 5octs for aduits. Conveyances will be providedi for thýe members of die Sunday Sciooi anjd others who wish 10 ride 10 the wharf al a nomni- nal charge. The boat will leave Bowmanville wharf atq9 o'ciock a. m., and relurning leave Cobourxg at 5 o'clock p. m., aliow.ýing between five and six boutrs in Cob-our-g. Hot and cold water wilI be provided for the picnic at Cobouirg free of charge, and a good programi of sports is beingl artaîgedl. Bring your baskets and come and enjoy the outing. Tickets for sale at F. A. Haddy's, Johna Heliyar's and Mason (I Dale's. EtXCURSION- By Rlail and Boat to Toronto - and Niagara Falls. Fridav july 28-THIS WEEKtai time and return fate as follows: Time Toronto Fil Newtonville 7 18 a in $1.65 $.3 Newcatle ï 32 1.50 22 Darlington 7 5ý3 r.25 2.55 Oshawa j CL 8.09) 1.05 2.00 Toronto ticke2ts good fût one day only Newcastlemand west. Niagara Falls tic-- ets good for twyda(1vs. Chidrlen undieri 5 haif fate. See posters. CIVIC HOLIDAY An Excur.sion willlbe run u, nder the caus- pices of Bowmanvilie Lawn Bowl*ing ClubUoi Civic Hldy AU 7GUTST7tli to City of Peterboro and viaLftLk and Otonabee River to Rice Lake. Train Service Station Time - Rate. Whitby 6.30, a. m ,$î.o57 ,Whitby jet. 6.40o" 1.05, Oshawa Jet. 6.50 1.05ý Darlington 7.05 JI T.05 Bowmanv'iie 7-15 " 1.05 Newcastle 7.25 " 1,05 Newtonviile 7.40 " I.00 Port Hope 7.55 " .8e Cobourg (Local) 6.48" 1.00G Grafton " 6.25 " 1.05 Coiborne " 6.15 Mo.1 Brighton " 6.04 " 125, Arriving at Peterborough at 9.15 a. m. Children over 5 and under 1T2 year-s lhai fate. Tickets good goingspiionyvad rturning samne date, xet hty OshwaandBrghonvaidret[urning followýýing cday, ecp on train1sNs.2& 4 Re2turning special tanbvsPe4erboto, traineat openi to thleDoion on greenis of [;-f- Petrbrogh l lb, aI hihvaual prizes il e awardedl. S Jpcal rageet Haqve be marie itSr. "Stoney Lake"l of thie StoneuyLake Naý'vigatiÏonCopn [1- rry ,,L!ýxuursi0itsistTR0UCH4reLf Lock" anddon hefam-ous Ooae River to Jub-ile point, aioel uimuer resort on Rice Lake. Bring aiong you basket, take a trip 7 i(throgh the la,,rget Lift Lock in tÉhe wvorid! and dine in conesand comfort aI i pie oinit, th-c jùncton ofthiOon abe Riet ndRice Lake, Boat, Tickets AdutsROc.Chlldreii 25c, Retuningboatarrives at Peterboro at 7 P. m!g-n-ecrsoiîs1X ours ta visitL the Sheuffiebd- of Canaýda, 1", i

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