wR or ad Ienr ùBrlow . Ch ad nesD b e cril;frthe1 ýpastc les adnerbefoýýre corne to openru isole. Graiger ns ne c Meses.Pet man iithe tim Lr yar. The la tor hd stîtet as u erinar 'I as o'rtouhedit " returned Georg Graigerjerkiiy, Tefoiemaýn flushed, steppins onewifh dnldfss "Easy, easy Wlat' the troubi lthhere w' tof1 tin ctarsten corerau. eldeiL10a, îsiho ,%pae tbem part.They lared a ou anothr fronejhside oh m "ý,I'm surpî Jsed Wlat an woc5 tise hasee ou t soebot about Thr , was a fwinklein is veyc ane bi aglier*ad aned at!-I.ic a't~ u ax hng t o iGate, xcn're w antcd inside !' lo aif e fTaJearrant was osr ,isalonedr, hm. i ' saisce yengantie egae six 'clok, x lin î cue comm' Ther waBa lrca ndbis oie. veoge rai;p.ger stavied a, er l nncemfo1stasl.cae ia n coard auddeide ta tossaoid th metngsat wofthe qoestier, reored o p hsený-i,(iauments. Meauwiie i asflic ie close byaiked o -borne. i aglter liarwaitg, au is mea r,,d. Ho stedoe w theugbeui Tvrd jit s I ame as thay." The gir io-ked acroscoaI him pensb, gta ltt asmte a, ter,- "aThe rea, "rig " h 1, li, I dofont kuotiAy.ecs Solddo.I gexp eeffyevoreite- rea, eaUr. Thney'fr nt partîcu- Iýlarl od forrnds-hl "If yn uîcan-, beeairNellie ITacroliinautly. anod dstod "iiigte if,"ernfatherangest position. Tba t lsiisthe sfore- Thiled irl earid toim socouu "if tbat'unsienr id e i in' aÈ- ime! ecausedMc. Burlow he. piý-es teetanled mote a qet "Thc; et gragerblusten-" h breke of o ut eeptnony. te "Sý-e tGraiuger terfaorte- "Orkher.rigr ctesek ndoumiki forlwe a re"m 11'm! P tity tiand pro' key wthat Dnrlug heutaeroo fgureaine id Bfrthe gidrel. cf hefr Ve io&edcamo.wHrdpto' six'cloc ail onwehainos.Tygoig ki ~ao iTie nse, was ehoud the "Hao!es o 'd e tom avuet 1ue; yoe toriner refleted tat, ithee e ee br aterale "i idDr toticL youy ceat and -înrsre's a lot of wa.ys you've 'Y.us imdeed 1' 11e caught Grain- gers Coilar. "And lIvea joli 111 Grainger sheok hn effree, Rl face- aswhite but 1he eyed ýBu:, r ed deia~sly.The foremn sce V "Jnstbecaniseye wrka dek ith a tpeu be'ind ye vur ea - ad vea apair o' cuis, yen malt li i, stad n tum for îfi'e m1ites !' George Graingeï faced jthe bumi1ý -i tiu rufli. Re wac, neither ta] uera0ieti(,. 1Heliad only tf0 li -ý 1 is îbaudI.an11 Buriow vo,,u,< re, leîwddeeuaot Ji 'irt yen then ! Butjusf loch k'cere yxou keeýp eut e' nmy way iii future 9Uîidecsfand fIat ? And, anethe thing, doun't ion go daugiiu' reuný ,- Nellie larrant-hear sibat I say t' Grainger conid only muffer "Go 'ou1nesv!Yen eau get ci "1-1- You'e ben hec, Griainiger siincoti at lhertoue, arný *bante speak; but she passetý iri The foreman advsancedi, smiliiu cooufldeutly. To bis dismay, sTIt turneti upon bim icily., -1 der't ssisli te speak te you. Ras my father gene 1" Reibe out in a inutte. I say, Miss Tarrauf,"-sbe meetaway "Yei eeist oai "aèýde b girl1 banghfily. parled reluctantl Y flfty yards axvay, bad liaIlted, hreathiug fast. 'On bis face wa look- cf delermiuation. Suddenlly h-e began te retrace bis Sfeps. "A bit of nexvsteda,"an- nounooti Mr.-Tarrauït aeos. "Young Graingor's te e-ase,." -11e w at-ioti lus dangliter narrow- ly, but she seemeti quite uincon- "Alfogetheor?"' "No; be's off tefthc Parkside brul.Yenlias c't secniriihm tis mecuiug, I suppose b" I?" She esset ber heai. "No!" "Ro's quite a picture, sih bis black eye and his cut lip, and-" "What's lie been deiug, Ihen V' "cFighting," lier fatheginfome ber, ' silli Hery Buriow. 0f course, yeiing Grainger ssas as geod as beaten before they start- Neil Tarrant notideti, wifh lier chu held liigh. "'You lake fI-e oee itb tise big-, gest wage, as 1 told yen beforo,"i added ber father sisely. "Burlow'o' thie best man, if le is a bit rongh." But bis daugîfer did nefapa to be listening. "So he fought Henry Bîîrlow, af- tec ail," sIe înurmnred, belew ber breath. There was a gooti deal of snig- gering at Poterïon's fimber-yard, some three monthls lator, wIen if became iïnown tînt George Grain- rger was returui.ng. Seme wondereti at his antiacity; others atisiseti Mr. Henry Burlo-w te proparo bimself. "Oh, no neeti foc that! I sha't ave any more trouble witl bim 1 'E's 'adl 'is lesson!" retnruied, the loreman scoffingly. Miss Tarraut hbard of Mc. Graýn- ger's impendiug arrival f rom lier lather with cool uucncern. "Looks very well, young Grain- ger," s'olunteered bier faflier. "Hasn't doue any wock as yet. Most of flue lime lie's been in Mc. Peterson's recrn. I daresay the guv'uoc' s warniug him te obave bimiself botter flan ixheu hoe sas here before." fis tr- ,r- a is- je d er id a et le L The ilies that are now in ycuir kitchen and dîning room were probably oesng orme iÏidescribabie nrti-es 1cm than an hour ago , 0nd týa igle ly often car rier m ïnytitousands of disease gers ratce e ihay ~edy k s th duy e v/ey h ae uerte ~5it nterminaisg thisr ýOdrc t to P-cf ise hinanrace I -w----- j L1flsL ajbiue:eqatýe a en4haapoee byayoi 7 Â aA -I1 Y J.8 By takig Lydia E.Pnka Vegetable Compound The following letter from àsI Orville Rock wiII prove how unwi it is for w omen to submnit to t] dan.gers of a surgical operation -h it may be a'voided by taking Lyd E. L'inkham's Vegetable Compo-un Sbe' was fourweeks lu the hospi;-U ani ame -home Sufferingwo liee l lir on tee r ot en m fet -.ithout mucli rel:i and at last sent n toAun Arbor fc y mier ar me f0fy Lydi E.Pînkhamý,'s eealCmpo adi did. 'foday I arnwell n! to and doailmyon oseokIow my halthto iLydia .iika VegefabLe 2Compound ad d in friends mÀio are affieccith Uiai female complaint 10 try it."-Mi ORvILLE Pix R . NQ. 5 Pa Pa Michigan. If you are iii do not drag aluguni au operation is necessary,, but at mon take Lydila E.' Pinkham's Vegetabl Compou, nd. For thirty years it Da be the star 1dard remedyý for woiren'sfils, and lia jpositively restored the health of thon 1sands of women. Why don't you try i - ieihan lie cause(-Ut atiat Hie bail net yct eucouistcnadti,'" oeuaanti le glunceti about. hir 1as lie usaýnt aleug. But lis miri a ;s roaî,ly ccapiet in u outerirj whetheu' Neilie Taurant sf111 dais te useet lier baliser at the sida gaie H1e reachietf at iast, ant i ingares srrcselntely. "l ait, ou. chance," le dccid 1- ed, --nut oeh na -seat eut'a -blow-ival Il uns bore thut RHctry Banco, duseexereti him. TIe vtry.peî'sist eut foreman bat put eut bis bea -te sec3 if by aîy :chance Miss Ta. Mr. Graingai, su li eyed hirn tei crately, hem hbudtotefoot. n 1"W by, if it isn't liffba, George 1Ise brait expeetin' to sec ycuu al da, uit fiey fell me, -ý7cu usas h1k lu', yonrself asay." s "They wane srcng," declarei Mc. Grainger lazily. "Net liai particularly sunteti te sac ypu."1 Mr. Burlow gros crsmsan, an ads'aaceti, breathing lard. At fIE ssame moment Miss Tannant -ap peurati in flic distance. "N ýo-e; I tiitn't mean tint! prtesteti Mc. Graluger lastily. "'Ave yen borgot, my lad, sihal I gave ycu bas lime-"l "Don't teudl mel" pleadet Mr. George Grainger tiespecaîelly, -el utiing him. "Let-let me off!" Re croucheti away. Along fise-lana Miss Tarraît la' startati te rta. "Stop!1" slie cniet. Bat neither of thamcii bard. In lact, Henry Burlos lad 8tanibled anti falcu. George Graituger liai faîcly taken to bis lecîs. The beresa n, cisiug furionsly, set off iu punssuit. Presenfiy tbey suere losI le vies.* 1 "Halle, Nell 1 Wlat's -nrcng " Sic turnati toesr Ifluher, antiex- 5plainat i idignanthy. Ris metuti f sitcelit. '-You seem exeiteti." "Well, il'5 nef fair. Re'sa biggec man, auti-n----" "Yen beava f hem nilone! Come along borne!" Site shtock lier lienti. "l'uýn geiucg te sait! Whsy don't yeus go anti stop tIbm, bafler l" 'Nef me!1 Loochere, Neli, I'sî gef somnetiing te tell yen t" But sIc soalti net listen, anti a: laxt.le began te move off aicue. "Wl-, tbere*s -eue cf ans cent- ing bnci! It's Graingar. Ris tangbier hînti tartedti ouardu tle, siowly approachiîtg figura. At sie tires acar, hllur1iiedly u l pea, the siguis of combïat bcom hi,; lace.- "01, George, sIcetcudl sng ut bis arm, "titi3 it j c gel away broms iHm1 Mc. Gratinger (1a: e lchall. i oi s-sled ak'utme, tien " o le Nal dTrit asîs c' mc ueeaty --er - thss, afimid Mn u iîngeî Inappqiy nti, shippig auan ronleieit i iseibrsd rs. dse ulie foir ed. i mse rer 3,d lis tel ne or a's nd ly rs. e hîm ~ ~ ~ 111 nneui,.frmlH u R er r, mel g tosaoirds 11cm, ldnsre1ailirst.EIXPL1ID N-910 BY DEPARIT- Hoe 'shoqkIlbauds su 1,mn 1 v 7l~ t- Grainger she lihe- houird the es "Bravo! Burios sxatlaking dowu a peg. Buit 'you're ,a cegular surprse-peket\yenare iePou side Nol lWli, tsfi a'arlent, ofbiosumpveetsle ,ieam sasv. Tbe flrn's ciu t fakif np.'l i;diý(ih- te make ahgccd bit of if, se Mc moneýity, Nol" vuuei le ate bai taen îi, ans "XVellbiism om te A IIYMN0F PRAL. 0rFather i b-'a t Tc Cor1,b"arts adeîrsdae For iso at rauelu e h jnp di ts asscof p- casse. vide, Wisîle auto ding; Fer Thon art G'utic, Our Futher, K'ng. Thy, ross and Sasieýur, at Reprt s bTiinbpr Along Pro- posd Rutenot vcry 'Ther i5 rcbaly eeugl tim meu cffli Inafor balipat expirsnga10g a orton p-t, Apton rs leMnlat lcsa;s pciulnsa lrate ln six: ct ý1ý-i mile ic ntervals. Thc men w orketi Tia-sels îteÙcsfi g n irnng fise ines by corn--___ _________ _____ pa w nisere aile te tuas ci1 fi-cm Ire eak fmibitc~ lsr r uut ubro s g T h e a . f o u r t e s i x m~~> ý,ý i l e s v e r d a y a id r e t u in a r a i i l r e a d t t h f c - g u n e - p g s o b t e , a s g e r lir Hopa nalkcslot rwto the ic. nlu fis îay ai rapitigabsisgtfcdnici ai e bi ncIt i Ant so cu afectonsaboa: reocnaissauce sxva-rstieihimate cf fi eîu f guatriAcrîgt lcCuua n otheus w as otuteiby tihe us 1cffield1pesslftiî minrai eereTaeRpustebini Icc se Anti urogius -atig 'Se. ai kn-,iw ganse authii l ur an>imais anti! takail fe îcetseti, l ,id Tfic measnreics sica bof Thîy TIMBER 01 F THE REGiON. eroies.pliaintaifirsf, hflcdadliu loea. Tîrougli fIe country cesereti by Tese1 breat i lai plaints, shli ne TWAPO. tise exploraticone ino es as ECURSIONS TO IWESTERN 1ne Moxving ussuhine siI on, r j. louna Station. On1,1911. boÙnd ut auydistance bucaem Ic F N .klidb h essett id - s~aler. "Ouly a nucre fatonothADkle ginh e persstntcuti e euo prn e nt ofîle aa sursie l i-feguîedigsfei.'e Ise ~~~~~~~-~~~~~~ KASRSTAT1NMSI, nscrnsmrhatac(,ie, h Gra;nd Trn, Raiixxay 3Lîstm bae uishet4i île wed bc r d- e GrmanEmparr, !NT Ern-i erer sas. un-un-e hatonTuetias, an brcnd -eansedelilntiscculient f ley 27th Jsi~ 111 ust 25tb, AI;gus ect ets lsl hr Plisîug fI ly i)teEagir, says îIlele bonl 'I id GJenfleseman, [lasfoibosed the ýaX eniy tituber tiei'e svhi 1 clu 1 ta largeîý ,1sýt iwjij, ampifle cf F retiick fie Gr'ant, ho eo1 *o s.felrorril yi91,1911, 1 Reeekers' Exeat'- -Te ct 3tecoetmcie Fn ibrý h pi3esîstol* cattng cf iele;ve S ti o n - a t - u s y s a a n i m e t o r i t t i e s , . - T h e - p ep l a r , b i c - h c n j e k s i n s w i l b u s f e n a ll s t a ti n u s - i s o s v i l t n a(feInpie lc eseal vry tirj-pîce arc toc short, spindtly, 1 limby i ntcean acc e etennmost uni ofîser rcteubut ringmarhes Fewpeole re nd co'oeedfor aniything buut fuelCaada va Cigo anti Duluthi or desniarteIegs. aaet fiat îcthe aiser is an ex- anipaipvo.Patcil2altsk a hcgS.P u niMxu- Ona lau n forms^ly a mssof jjceilen b-ytn vienisma-iauac asbeokiit b nses.aeis, aI 1rducoisdouleitlu-es.sietis las been matie te grosne- ic'y gifleti bo'youd lic crdinacy. ',Ve titi inet fîud tw u iudoi i ielkus ndubefach bine tling bat the finec grasses. Anil- - is faste su musse i's vry catholie. igrecco ta.mrac-L uboe ei chsilisincftie Gr-andl Trunk frein the East icîter is stuli cîndar procors cf freat- Sullivan's operas lie huoss back.- I dialin efer aIl su mer ries tir , t Chicago app ea,-ls te tle traveler, I m u. T c b i f i n s a l î svard and forwacti ant i is favorite Dicksn. at ibfi suparier train soc- guinen. pigs were first set te work is "Pinalore," s 'haehle eau wihs- TIe total nuimber cf tie3 aais- 'vice fIatisi offeceti by fuis lirua, i-n- bas beeu et qcuite even anti very fidte fcom cutitoeanti. But tht fav- able in f-ho district traversed is es- ciutiing the fumoîus "'International close. Foc goling if is as fr gi eorte of ah bhis Eisglisls soiigs à tihuateti aI some, 360,000; fIe sasv- Limiteti" from Moutreai dailY ut as il uns under tie administration P_01o, Listen to the Baud!" shich limber'tofai.s a1ent nine andi a hiall ý9.0 .-ti., anti wlicl is thc finest cf the mesing machine anue neta lo useti, te siuistie inoessantly. For million foot. Fer pile fimber e wnifsett'aui aaa ayxeed- is visible. Tise cîber hale, Basque mebodies ho lias a special tamaracks anti fthe largest if flue pa-sengessb leatateifi hera tIc animais base just been weakuess; anti sitI lis keen seisse cloea-graine d blaci spuicee cei ha way. The recto via Chicago is a turneti iocse, is a mass cf daude-l5 cf beaaly neoni sf11 ha sarprisedtiuseti. Tise possible supp1y olfue-most intcîesting eue, taking pas- liens. te bear Iliallie sets bis face agausinst ood is enormous, andtihie'a hî egastroughi the principal cities la this ncigiubocheif l as bceen the, noise of tbe "Stnr-m-nnd-- asol b a large suppiy -cf puipseeti anti towus in Canada anti in 'the bond tînt thc guinea pigs de nef, Drang" of modern masie, bat machs cf tise timber is as vet States ef Miebigan anti Indi nl suffer at ail b3 being laIt te sonk - te smhl veu or iuiiug addition te Ibis a choice cf seven lu sinfer as welcl as in summer. La.- O Lots of city farmers mnih a 1 linîes bhieuChicago anti St. Paul deitiey are Isealîbier Ilan uln- d specialty of rowing suld cals. RATE 0F GROWTH 0F TREE.S. andi Minneapolis is effereti. dec lhis suai treatment cif tIsr Youg Ropeul-"Fatber, sisal Tho rate of grosth, as lac as ob- Osing te lte great number cf sle heep fbem as pots. Aun s is a traÀter su palifii " eteran seu'veti, is gsoal eie lowe. Canadiane whe reside in Chicago, tonisîig tiemanti for fli anii îmaIl a Poliicianu--"A traiter î15, a inan Black spra., faki ,oit tise aver- St Pauul, Minneapelis, Duluthi anti -bas groisu up in the neigliboriot,, w h o ieavýss ur ra u'yr t e s o e g , e e h trti e r a al a n a o l e iles n -route, t Iare is n e an ti if tie in an ti g eolf ciubs, sisli il te o tte u . eî g 1 e e i m t r c e tteis- nc e , n i a t uat, Ithe G rand T runk i ll ii bave great difficu tiaIs svIfb pla nl- tunl- -We hten, \vlat is a-, man in ie rý, ame e ëiot(1 site sprnce finti many patrons suIe siil take, ad- tains, take te tbe nos meeti îlte ýt w04o_ leavcs hiî1s parîýy anti cerIr.e-sgroixi te adi-e of -iglt o vaut age f, fIe apportuuiîy tIns aI- guinea pig population islieyt ,voter te Yeurs 1" Veteran Polifi- Itejsvc ineba1s, anti ppar toecigia fordedti tIensfer a bncie visit at the go np in tIcl ratio fhsat fie natuirai dIan "A ceussact, my son."e euissees. -I sasv ne jaekpiue stations sitl tiair frieutis.leniycIt amlsuess _________________________stand xx bre tIse frees averageti Canadian, citizens are exempt- 1 exen sixî inclue-s in dianseter, the lrcm se -calleti Immaigration Exam- Mrr. Biggs <'My lusbati recui sSUFFERED FROM - ît-srsays. Tise slosw rates cf liein, anti thora ine detentien te be lest i tisughtabutIi gr oth re argly dueto he oldat ny oin.îte tm'" Mrs. Digs "I, VI OLENT CATHA RTICS slo f heunrane mskes agag c arrnedt isougb the posa uis ideas are si lai' apa:it Ét isa a whschi cever se manchu cf tIe district,. Unitei States in- bondi sitieut ce- le can't hlep getting loIo liaî T h e arni g of M r. eo, -, A N G E F R O FIR A N D - Ii ug a y pecial attention con w ay ro us t le o ue ot el tu r i I SE Tthle part of the passenger. Inispec - __ _ Fox Is One That Should "bfc esat iugnsp-to sntuisaya n c o ____________ 1 e'hHeeded "s anddat e r Mc pe pints at fIe Borde- ______'> I iords. Twe great fises basaocoeur- sothe honeîecker is the comfor- i W H T RS rew en o theroadareced, appreximaf eix forfy anti aigli- tabla f[raiistlr ai poýints lika Chi- Fas'mo te on ae btter fy vears ao apefseydnt ae t.Pu niDuluth jute known titan ganial George pox, ivises a ci eS'ycrer cf fIan eafiehîs'veutlci UaI araeti IT R A.XNý trlends ti-rougisout tise West arc legien PractcaIly eeycre ftefPTý%een a-i Ia tise fellowing latter ha expresses mogien lias boen burneti ever hyiîuîg fIa ecas oy f travellinig a gratitude for Signal services reudered tbio 1* '1 by Dr. Hamilton's Puis. lie goe, on t, Inistances isere creques ogiituei term a.D C INi S Say: "Until I used Dr. 1yrmlt tn-octet sbo.re Ibose fines but leapeti In adiion te ibe above routes, THE MERRIAMý,i,WE-BSTERp Pis aiqd experienced their wonderful lahos os os' a îuilo in xx îdtli. FireS îlhe sale cf tcetis aise authcruz- The Only .Vw unabridd dic- tfmilduess and curative pesii esti- lrequenfiy ise ini t-he dry meoss al cd via Sniat'iîu, athe Nuntheris tionary in many yea.rs.ý I maiad tise value cf every pill hy its sinter ant'i break ccii agui n aiatc enpnjsmgifetContains the pith arldesec i sctl-vity. Talking about tiis ,ýte a uveli- 1ai.i Sgtea osuncsLhoHn1a nnd o a ufoiatvIiba kueivu pitysician I met on the train sîîî'sng. IHuon ai oanstritve1ô,ry lise etîer day, lié exp!iained lbIre aIre Tsest-nf fIe inesis suppl-Le Sue-ic.CoVer eery f1eld Of nw -1 ifferent kinds eof igathat ntusnuaneihjît ftebc aue. Frfs-le atcuin psyb de nEcylpdai te hoiels, thise osýt uactl'sue heiug Nif gi A - sowu as drastie. Eep nitea ui'hs hscisesklei i gn fte Grand TuhI snl ok caeastes tseltee ts pten rufcah a uefrnrch utlnisy ytes, rixctat M.J.0O ny itlnrywthte dcpends upn îae 1vcutincfthy ue:Il*f(x-ritsfcyuI-Qunin Dstit aseue Aen, New Divided Pae.'. Site itcxxelr.is siould neyer ho dras- îl f i. P r aie nie caucs e c tc e aci e f m t r o aet mn-tto , M ur a, o 00,000 W ords. * 7 0 agea. 05051 crasd a vn fusseiýi~~-i iliel 2Aent UirittinToronto. haif a miJlon dollrs ha nsng or ,eu Oi~ u-h jLet us ýtel!i yen about this most il ould s,,e siyD.HniînsPî*ireru;Iarke re re curative anci net ritig vsrfsa nnyIglfngstfie - ___"'Wiefoame !vaee tfaisut ýtaiisespi egieu vra ieur iec iecouic- S)jý,i27l ijubirbhaît PliId o!1Us(4fIll i ess 0Olen alise, old-tasi toeihripcigp sýtipýat'on, hîud stomïacis, aud keep "2set ec 1efuse any suibs-titt0 ïfor D.Hn-te1flecgi rmfrbttt r. !aInient is big mjatie o)!In:a nmber lo's Pills; snld for 2., i eirJsre ss xtuieat rci fpiae aa nKnnii b or iseCaarrtooneCa, Kngton cils unuuiaifo fat1,i a fire uc eb trieti by a golf club inr ul sastiacanes c on1t' i r ligfjheniglothed oeof fý-i Dr a itnsPUIS t,4sislxuti a goti yst-r01ET, idailnel eugfo e sabstw- e f A ' Â I ie e t e is t î n î l I n i a u O n g a c i n e n t 4 i lIe w e t ul k il ie r . Cure Constipaionl derjunab selmr a I 'Arouant' ieI S sarcangti SrIuS,4aMa. île wbît~ mon. les iarrie'r anti t ie ________________ y ity e---,L - ý , 9 W-Ir wr%, ý» lm m -à ffl # li Tal eff r 1 v u 1,ý i F'. ýN - 'l