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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1911, p. 4

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Tlhe Old Reliable Reason it out for yourself., Over Soooo people have 'bought Dominion Instruments and every one of them satisfied., In quahty and nice ligbt easy touch notbing can surpass Dominion Pianos. The construction of th e frame isbeyond doubt the best in Canada We make terrns to suit any person. And you can save a good many dollars by buying a Dominion [rom JAMES DEYMAN, AGENT, BOWMANVILLE.. FLOUR 0F QUALIT JAIIBDIAJFLOUR is a hîgh grade ptn n 1iurI~W 14 surpassed and makes exelnbread. FOUR miakes delicious caesad pty made [rom selected wite ail CYRU FLOUR is a choic'e bread 1flour mce[o Manitoba 'wheat. AF LOUR is a fine blended [lotir espec- VICTOIR iay for family use made [rom iý- Ontario and, Manitoba wheat. W'e deliver flour in town or order [rom your grocer. Photte 77 B@ Isavlle. FOR HARIVESTINý,G iNWESTERN CGANADA 1<1 Goin4 $I~AdditlonalfrR. o GOING DATES AUGUST 3rd-From al stations n'al i uni" ndSouth of tihe Gr"sd'ssikMi Line, Toronto to Sarnia1, 11InLudinýg ail tati!,on C , , R T t Detroit and Brniine nldogGtlhsabdnko wnGep South and ratnpttn So ith. AUGUST i 2tb-From ail station's Nort I i otGrand Trunk Main Lisi, Toeato o ssn inciuding C.P. R po.ints, BtnJct. and west ; also rn ms5 on Toronl'to to Cina icuie AUGUST its-rmalilstat i Onraro, 1rotoad Eat. Ori',Ez2 sioel Jt a ' at n' ..aloAzildaan strOta-c AUGUSI2th-rmalsatosTrnoaid East in O"Lnrl» ni Quelea nt0 Rersnlime farmersj , a ppojinteSI by, Maýnitoba, SiachsasandiAbds oen menits wil',l meeriali!eneasg Lait-r!re o;,i rrivai ut Wini"to Fres t ransorato Ju Zlmnslh SrWnîicgt pineut C -,Pl mier laboers are neeCd, cnt n0Mooe Jw adSakranKniuigbranuss,ns - an met a mie arlaïwettirei ni-kriew a ad lisr ACcetificasjefmici iati ticket l l- , sdtscrî1ae lss xrts sbie oInMg titMa bo"e Las wrkcd0israyda"s or more, Y-Ii mmnnre fwm Ac n4palt c e second mriais ticet atesarmgin ons0lis nrto, t $100, prier tau Nnv. 2tt. 11 Ticktaegndutiyo seil arro ier taiswluslIcill le e fa Tsstz and nat poc ic Wtu\\inntpcg wtsn ta ,making tép in aiset i36usnaha' A' -l ýb baued te omcu Pas wuas te mon, u wPuinot bucism'et at hait laretaulia. For tai ri uLa ca e sareusr a.Agent, or wrte- ___ R. L. THOMPSON. ~D.P.A.,,CPR, ns~s BOMNVLE JULY7, 1911. HAMPTON MILL ATBoi NLE l. A. VW. Tole L. -, W. D 1 idley R. ~ ~ ; M.Mthl, s 8A. TH. A llin, sk f. J ao G. Robb C' 113 'T'T D. C. Beits F. J. Home, sk R. J.Dow 22Ssni Paxlo?), ais Best grade-s of Bread and Patry, Flour. Always a good stock of Feed Co1rnl, Crimped Oats, Chop and Mill Feedon liai-d. Orders glie prompt attention; Master Lawreuca aud Miss M.rgaret Kerm, and a meadiug isy Miss Frances E. Conley. Chuidreh Cr1 Ohlden Cry FOR FLETCHEllR'S F FLETCHER'S ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONý Parentýýs sould net tedteebadly bc cause their eilîdruen faîl in ise entranc, examninaions. to coilegiate insLtlues and higb schools for, in cur opinion, a, boyyc girl under îificc:s years of age is likeýlv tg receive as mueb real benlefit, under ai efficient teacher, lu a good public sab1on as lu a bigli sebool. i is a mistaken id,, tbat young chiltimen should be sent te big] sehool. Fan boiter, if sehool condition are favorable lu thse home section, fo boys and girls to rumain under, parenta roof and discipline ihan te o ( sent te board inl city or towu and be aïllo)wed t0 dg petîy tbey like cun t ofshoc heurs, Roierec(e te oun columus this weel will show n luibereports et local examir igcentres eueetfîwo conditions in il, country sehools eiher that several teach ersý alluwed pupils te write on enimanei examinations who were net eady for ti jwriiten test or tisaI the papers set for thi! Iexamination were tee difficuli. Frem in Iformation ibai we have been able to gat Icm we must conclude tisaI the trouble thi: vcyam was not tihe diffieulty cf thse questions Î or Mn. Robt. Giliies, Principal cf Pot Hope public sebeels, sent up an entranenc class et 42 candidates every one of whon passeti, 14 taking houons er over 75 pei cent of thse total marks. It may be me. corded that in ii years lie bas passec 453 pupils and only 3 have failed. Thiý record goes te shew ibat il is a great mis. take 10 allow pupils 10 write fer entrancE to high sehool before they are "good anc readv.t' Il is a positive disadvastage, too, to puipil to attend higi scshool when lie gelý thru the en-trance test by tise "skin et hi Iteetb.t' Uless ela sau exceptional brighit andl diligent sebelan be will likel3 remalus tlise "foot boy" lu bis ciaswhiel is a mistonrfietue b appien 10 any studeni, WisatL is earnesîl1y called for by thse e trance resultîs labtter teacbinig un many of tise country sebools, and a litile mort judgmeuî or coumage lu preveuting unfit scholars fnom trying thse test, thon wî should flot read cof sucis wholesale "pinck- ing" cf candidlates as tisereports tbis year show. If an outrance class la properly traineti not more than one candidite in 10 or 12 sbeuld fail. One teacher in a neanby county sent up 8 pupils and every eue failed. We have had the privilege etf seauuing tise e.amiuers' reports in sevemal centres and 10 our vemy great surprise founti thal several of the unsuccesaful o ,nea failcd te make a single mark lu spelling eut cf a possible 5o marks. Some failed 10 make a mark lu aritismetie whiie sevemal made the fulli 10 marks. Low marks were made, t00, by many lu eading aud wril. ing. A seholar wbo made a low pass lu speliing, reading andi wriiing shoulti net enter a bigi s seool, for these aubjeets us- ually receive very uitile attention there. The only infemeuce we eau tairly dmaw frum the examinera' reports et the recent entrauce oxaminations, therefore, la tisai the teacbing doue lu tise public sehools is cf an uusaîisfaeîomy andtinlefficient char- acter, for they tell us plainly that even the impler or primary subjecta are lu- diffeently taught. We' siuceerciy cougratulate Principal Baker ant i te beys aud girls who have passed tise outrance examinations lu thia tow n ïd especially those whe have wou honora -Alan Gale,, Cyril Socis, Greta Morris anti Vernon -Baker. .Onily four failed from Principal Bakem's entrance elasa anti their failure is very lîkely ibru irregular aitendauce, or sonse othen easily explained reason. We must make special mrentiion oif Master Alan Gale, son cf Eti- ienr and Mms. James Gale, wbo bas thse ati- dtional houer of iseadiug tise liait of sue- cesaful candidates in West Durh-lam. He bas been a good studeut baviug maintain- eti a leati thruoul the sehool year. It ila the constant study tisai tells. Spuris for' a short lime before exams are ineffecive. A spurt may wiu a foot race but il la tise regular, continuonus plugging al ibm a ternmtisai tells aitishe final exam. Many have passed-witb houons Besides ibis happy bey, Andt isougi tise long vacatson We wish tbem everv joy. Thougi tise days of stutiy are weary 1So are the future yoams, But 10 ibose who try anti couquer Lite's great rew«ard appears., When thse pauhsaof ligisI grow broatier, Andt ie problemas are mastemeti ail, Andi you take your place with tie army Tisai answers to duty's caîl, May tise cbildreu pasa witb honora, Tismoùtiemptations, triai and strite, For these will be the problema That wiil puzzle their atter lite. Keep pure and sweetinlutise stmuggle Eaeb lesson with patienJe beeti, For tise wold is a sehool, my children, Wbere only tise brave succeeti. We are not aIl bore with talent Andi learnsug we cannot buy, But we eau pasa witb isonors If we make up ou n minda te tmy. L aWN BOWINGYW1 DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT scotch Gînghams at Ilc. Ail Giughams whick were sold during the sao for 14e and 1 àe to clear at............- ......... lc yd. Cottn Fulads t 1e. hes 3ýare ailgood colors and ,pretty desigos. 3 Don't neglect to, sec- th(-m.Reua 20c and 2.5e for ...... 16e Cotton Vo)iles iii large variety of patterns 30 in. wide, plain closreg, 35c yd. for 23e Figured patternis, reg. (Ocfor............. 29e English PntLilae .s1 and Blues, good pat- tcrns, reg. 1 0efor ..................... 7c yd. Drill saitîngý, Piîqueýs, Muslins, etc. in great varicty. Al tprices- which wil do you good to sec. WHITEWTEAR ,DEPARTMFNT White Cotton Cmiatoî,Princes-, Slips, etc. We hv a large aumbeýr of tese, matn- facturers samples, worth from $1.75 to $2.25 for.......................................... 85c White Cotton Drawers al-,o a sample lot of worth up t'O $2.00 for ................ 79c Lawn. WaisÉs ail sizes, reg. $1.50 for .. 65e Laces,. Rihbons, etc. Ail silk ribbon 41~ in. wide, reg. 25oe............ ........... .. 10c yd. Val and Torcheon Laces, 'worth from 8 to 12e for«................................ 5c yd. LINEN 7ýDE'ýPAIRTMENTI 72 ùi. Bi1each Linen Tabling, reg. 90,c and $1,00 for... .........._.............. 69e, yd. Linen Huck Toweiling, reg. 30e pair for 2.3c. Sheets, -Sheeting, iPiilow Cotton, Bath Towels, TVable INapkins, etc. in ail sizes, and widths at very spe cial Iprices during the last week ofthte sale. FOR MEN-AND BOYS Ail our Stra v Rats to go at isaîf price dur- iug thiq week. MEN'S SUITS New is your chance to get good, argin Duririg the weeký we will give :20% oùfe r -ne of our coiored wed uis Corne in n v alok at them anyhow. Neglige and utingShIirts witli orwtht colasre. l.0and$12 for ...........79eý UNDERWEAR Men's Balbrîiggani Undenwear, very seil per garment . ................... '-0( Men's Balbriggan Iinderwear, reg -50i a garment for .......... .... 75e a uit BOOTS AND SHQES, We have a large stock of Grips, Tuts SuitCaeec at very speciai prices., M1emts Box Caîf Blucher, reg. $3.50 dd$ for................................. $28 Me'sllavy English Kip, Bluebeur, rg $3.S................................$.9 Ladies' Patent Oxfords, reg. $2,50 for$21 Ladies' Fine Dong Oxfords very specia 1,5 Grocerîes 6 bars McMurtry's soap for 25c. Canned peaches, i5e. per tin. Maple syrup in tins, reg. 30e, for 2-5c. Canned salmon, 12 fiats, 3 tins for 2-c. ,3 pkgs -"Anchor" j elly, miould free, 3fr2e Hobokscustardpodr3 tinis for 25ec. T~ag etepickles, mixed orchow cbý,ýiQw, 25e. Tomate e-atsup, large bottie, 20c. Fmesh ground coffee, 25c, per 1!). Moton's fresb bierring, 3 t inis for 25e . Scettriug powder, "Wbicb", 7 pkg for 2a5c. Package raisins, 2 pkgs. for 22e. Glassware Dept. Dinner sels, 97 pieces, reg. $14.00 for $1 f2.0- ' Dinner sets, 97 piectus, reg. $io.uo for$8o Toile'. sets from $1,90 to $5.oo. Table of fancy china, reg. 50e. to 75c. apee your choice for 25C. Mrs. John Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. IGeo. Haurvey, East Liverpool, Ohio, are visiting friends in town., Muslins, prints, ginghams and dress sgoods at greatly reduced prices at Couch, s Johnstoni & Cryderman's. Mr. Elmo Staples, St. Mary's branch of Banik of Motelias been promoted from .teller t10 accounitant. Bring your live pcuitry nd Spring chic- ken to Jas. MacCon-na hV , Bowmanviile, and receive highest p in cashi. Miss W7.innie Morris, Toronto, spent a few days at ber home, Beech-ave., accom- panied by- Mviss A. Hemn, Toronto. 11 Miss Alice Ryley, who wrote on -the Entrance exams. at Bethany, made 552 imarks, the highest we have seen reported. LShe is just 12 yeams old. Judge and Mrs. E. C. S. Huycke, Peter- boro, arrived in town thîs week and wil spend a month at their old home. here.- Mrs. W.ý E. Pollard and niece, Miss Katie Stephlens, Darlington, have gone to Deloraine, Mani., te visit hier sister, Mrs. Ae.Craig. !4r. W. Quibeli, Port Arthur, is District Depuity Grand Master of Algema District by election of Grand Lodge of Masons at St. Catharines. Miss Winnifred Cooper, who has taught school at Providence for the past two years, is engaged.for Starkville school at a salary of $55o. Mr. H. W. Hutchinson, Winnipeg, ex- pects to visit 'Bowmanville friends some time early in August when hie cornes East on a business trip. Miss Eliza Moon, Garden Hill, pupil of Miss Tuer, lias passed the second piano examination of the Toronto Conservatory of Mic h leld at Pelerbomo recently. Mr. Chasý. 1Htsrley, and Mviss Marie Pain- ton, Toronito, Miss Ethel W\ýomib, New- urg issoui nd Misýs Eva Bale, Osh- awsetSund(ay with, Mrsý. Wm. Pain- Messrs.Emr Lick and W. F. Stainton, Oshawai, :arelO' n a business trip to the West for ihe Oshawa Fruit Growers' Limited. They wili go as far as Edmon- ton, Alta. The best is the cbeapest; Scranton coal is recognized by ail the leadiug dealers lu Caniada anthe United States as the best rnoal. Sev eral carsfres' i ried just r,- ceived. M\,cClellan & Co Limited. Mr. Aihu-tr W. Holmes, 39 Lakeview- ave., Toronto, was in town on business Friday and enjoyed a game of bowls, witb a few of the Bowmanville bowlers. He is a member ofthtIe Lakeyiew Bowling Club lu that city. Mr. W. H. Keniner. son of Rev. J. H. Kenner, Mitchell, former pasior of the Methodist cburch in this town, was a ess- dent of Porcupine who has.various inter- esis, who lias gotien out safely but with properiy destroyed. West EndIiouse. JULY IVEDDINGS REYNqOLDS -ELL,4AN A very quiet wedding was celebrated ai "Balsam Grave" tise residonce et Mr&. Edwamd Belîman, Centre-st,.Bowmanville, on Weduesday Jctly 109at 5 p. m. wben bier oldesi daughter Miss Annie Maud Bell- man was, uniied lnu-,arriage with Mr. Fraucia J. Reynî-uds,, Teorceto, Rev. T. W Jolliffe efficialiug. 'Tise bride was unat- icîîded aîd wtsse hm ras eliung suit ut grey clotb. Afler tie cerenainy a wed- ding dineer was sorved and the happy c:)nple left by thse ovening train for a trip te Moritreal aecosnpaniod bY best- wisbes- cf ibeir nucnereiss friends, andi relai es. TEMPERANCE PIC-Nie. The Sens of Temperausce picule at Hampton Xednesday was weil patronized by 1,ihepublic gessealyucarly 1eeryonýc speaker-s gveaclrssstRe.,,E.Hal Re.Wn gTnnRevev JF. Ro'beson, Ensi-iý leu o.C .Bre Hapin Rs, ,. ixs, ontc;A n J. M Walon G. .. uros. Ahasba2 matc wasbeiu plagd b Neslietn7a1 Ilmutt unz u 1t5va uiu-, l el dampeao9t,3 i 1Ldtta ae frtise maivn iis osli av udi m aonstdlyts etpet et it BomavFle Wm. Mercer, aged 50, vas fatally ici- jumcd in Port Hope canning factory Wed- nesday by the blewing off o)f a deer ef a retertinl whicb peas were being cooked. Over a dozen boues were fractumed in diff- ement parts cf bis body. He lived 12 heurs and was cousejous 10 the end. Executor's Sale of Farni Land s on Kingston Rýoad Betweeui Whitby and Oshawa. Tie ExecutierorfnIMary Colton wii stlf bà Miction utt ýI e <ýIauwa Housse, Town oni Oshana ý, sýaturday Jiy 'o1.1io1, aI 2 p. ia., tisefarnn 0 acres, south , Psits ni lots 17 und 18, inii tse isu conscession ni thse Tia îship of Whitby, froîstiîsg, on thse Kuugston tload. one anti a haut utie et ni Oshatwa. Gond and suitabie Dweluing, Rýars, Stables, etc.: 'I acres ni young bearing O>-ýira Sacres ni staniding thunier : streain anS iand soit scater. Thee îîew Toronto Ris etrie RuýiIw-ny isrs cye(ulamis thse landt. Fiartiser partictilars f rom tiseoidersigned. Port Ferry, Jnly 10, 1911. H. L. EBEELS, D. D. ADAMS, Veisdor's Solicitor. Exe"ztotr. STEFAMSHPS H IOTES 2AVY1E iMo nHA UBO DIT .Fîsly fOtis RuORI Fdwarl Ans. Plis aag. Stie Butai Gtorge Aug 25ru1 A ug SIrS Bittai 15,1w scul SepI. ahi Reps. Otit Royal Genui~- St-pt. 501h anti torînigistly thereafler. Fer feu information apply te M. A. JAMES, Agent fer Canadiasi Nons arn SteamsLip-, 1- Bawrnaeville. W. H. ALEXAN-DE,ýR, V- S. 0F 0, V. C., animi b y ths e I- known Iet Il il isit Blarkstoek WedIllesdaylIl ad eek. D)eIt i "try Ia Speil BIell TelephoiseConetin office and Rsdne yr'Bok lite. Lt will cest littie to doth, Gt1 o plans. Write Thse SliawCorepodec Sio, Sl Yonge St«, Toiriit- DR. J. C. DEVITT, Givdtste etRoyal Dental olU ouno OFF I.CE : except nday f~~~~s -sLc ~ oei lslïMIrday'i arhiîo Wiil e at on nanvi fieret&tt, RUBBETIRnu prepret te unns], aniput on!"be Cail at tie 1Easýt-Eni icksi A.W. PIOKARD, BO(J NiLLE. Pliscne 185. 3t social and Iersonal. Croýquet etsClearng ai ceaI ai Niciseils'. MisElia Mehutyme is visiting friendsaia Straif'ord. Mis MaionMeDougali is isolidayiug in Cois®,urg. 1Tmy N-1iolis' variety atome tor writiug paper anti envelopea. Mr. Lomne Reisden, Paris, la guest of bis uncle Couneiltor C. Reister. Re.H LB , Keuny was guest cf Rom. J Garuti Cbougon Montiay. Mmî. Chais. PotIer, Principal of Whitby Collegiate tý hutitute, bas rmsigned. Mr. avc Mingeaui, oethbie Royal Bank,, hugorsoli, la holitiayiug ai home. Order ail your tuneral tiesigna on eut fiewç-era froim S. J. Jackmnau. Phone 8o. Men'sý two-piece seitsata away dowu pnices ai Concis, J oissten & Cnyderman's. Leame your orden at Caidwell's Liverv for boat Tuesdays and Fridays. Phone 127 Orden Lehigîs coal from Loacombe duniuig July anti gel a rebate of, 25e per bon. Mn. and Mrs. Chias. MeICuilocis, Toronto, arp_ visiiing hem parents, Mr. anti Mra. N. Horne. Mn. Clarence and Miss Olive Mutioni are visitiog their aunt, Mra. W. Lowe, Oshawa. <ýMiaaEv Shepparti, Orono, bas been Icuegagedt te teacis Salem sebool ton tise ,eoming year. flci try& Co. Li td HAMPTON. PHONE 129 R 6 I.- 'Iwo dauglers of Public Sebool Irispee- tor Albet OdelI, Coboturg, fommerly cf Orono, were suceessful la Toronto Col- lege cf MseExams-Jean taking firsi elass bo)norsý in junior Piano and Jessie first ciass hono-rrs in Primamy Pino. It is a bit of coincidence thaut the,ý only two Annis' w ho wrete on eim an-ce exams w on honors and came within eune mark of having the, saine number --Allun F. 4ù-: nis, Sbaws sebool, with 5.ri marks nd Louie Annis, Bakers sehool, with 14 marks. Lieut, Edraison, of the 3md Dragoods, entertained the officers of, the 3rd Dru- goons te a filb supper at bis home at Har- wood on Sunday iast. Major Dudley, Newcastle, -and Capt. E. and Mrs. Camp- bell, Cobour-g, were preseni, as well as a large n.umber of offleers from Peterboro. ICollingwood would not go baek 10 the use cf water. Sunce the oi bas been sprinkled over the several leading streets there bas been ne trouble from dust and no complaints froro residents or business men. On tise other bhand, the eouïncil's action in thisý malter is warmaly approved. -Cotin.wocc Bslletîu.Cobourg's e- peiment was not satisfaelory. Miss TLeca HIorne's music oupils gavea necitail i-,ber msi-c ece,Church-st., Friday afteiemnoon. Ti is the firsl recital Miss Ho'n bs hidauil proved (ýLa plcasing credtaby l thmsevesandthor pains- taineiacher. Instrumeintal solos were given b!yv Misses Vera PnigoEdiib Benneit, 1Hazel Wiloxý, )Olive Mttton, LenaI-Imle, Magart KrrNeilie Bunrke,, Edith Piuchi, Agnie_- Haddy, Ruth BaeClav inComish adL_ vrnJ grtKrn.d (Oive MtIIon andMses Edht Pînb, sobel Pye(au! Ag-s, d dy; duels b Msss ea udVea ne- I OUSL!î XVe have decided toucntmu or Bg Sale for one -weeAk nmore, This- ilgv o an opportunity to stili furthec participate Mn the Brgin we are off erjIng-. Our Summer goods must be cleaned out to maiUke roomn for ouL.r Fail Stock. Now is the time for ycu to save mnendyu CAN do it on every purchase you -aake at the WEST Eý-ND BlOUSE. Bowmnvile's Dep-iarmntai Store Héère is a Iist of some Unes we are sacrificïnrig. E ND0 i 1 1, 1 M 1 U. Il. Anderson 1. laseer aliu J-ly th Gýovll- ýu ý-r ý-r a 1 ý. ij. , ý . ý ebýýi a 1 i-T 1- 1 --M-A M" 1 FARM

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