Lt=W Pharb Sies. Lio some thom ith pnk hb', eut mul, nddua, gte lemn i 0 u an a an fer incpis, ahcpndn baken Be- toe sondiug te tablegy ut aso Pertua L-eu (,ilk {. Wav ha a têcopul c rio, nd ae t inla ajbl suopan ith nue pant viole mitureis likocre m. Beat i th.l, au o e t it, coolf the Ptiry i therapîk of twe eggs ar- anr IotÂhruhl- u osnet coole pnnlce inoa glass dish.o unvry negs a Sla. av i-omo small cuaae ai-i utrte ~sud ihppeCd tene or hum nhe even te se' hrAgl ea 1.g i a crl t titadgane Littli mtto Pies.f, durTakea LAeud out scap ofe mute, ar- pa enio a NoA parsley Lno n her A nat equ un ut ties of iintan petato Bake in aUvr dmaw t a- eoe sel sage, giv Oxford Tos for Due teaspeenful of Worceste sauceWit eueý ef aveysace ad doms n0 ucv sauce aM quatre piper papiesi. Misoith sacek peporauJ si, wih hebef aud ti o e, o foi)qç ,iktir tithe mitreid btcry hlot. for thoe nueth erve iu n sev onh mntAesa oend. Neyer lot the ixtuer fuir nCup CustumArids>Bil eu pl ofrs mai. nud) 'Liretl ut huy ceoia aý kstý-Il togethe thoe pgh- C , d some suga ad fia rig 'nour Ic foto butere mnp ts,hea or sentý tei table. and pher the M r/luapany ha bolin pouter btl eho utd"s are set. k t ~ th4cssp eut c hex- waltr gSonish hot, ,ith a lte gor ounds cif ss eïnbot. tate up iie sen, tain off tise egetabies, aJthcentise! Belote layiug carpets evr tise fot itis esasr, .ihu- a W puv n vete ogc mmo.W tismiv'e J2stodinadugtaJ - novr putin ts us Noerbd dresss tnrned iide aide tsey stli netcreaas beenstaning o~ctimeIl n a 1Len' toma n'ýiliot igiser if 1ti on hMms mate dan ar Souak linon i nmwater i, li nigisi-proens te ausiugfer t rubbiug is leededc. Sctes sbuîd bho ipped in oui beleàse. - .Tisey wili lail ni-o tie nodfat usore onytius treatedý.i A si nsp]eafumiture1 opolilis1rnadfi ut au,1v 1moment lasuaS o!-eqal PUAS cf bedhinsocd cil, vingar, auJ turpeutine. Pon'Jered Hre-uii.- Smi the porsemudisi s lraierVin, lu' i il) tho oon iii ool bydi thop) unit uJ otiele-ose Flute teucpf-ar a difility te t1eep[,nchenu, spcil n'ierei-lng titoise sait, u ie fsta;ins 'i To freshen a curpet tu-yiss Me- i-hod: Put a abeuco ofle!arn- meniino Ahalla Mull ! na rm n-at--r, auJnietecretor ni-h a ebo)tIs s uto hs anayhecusetise ar di-y.Soap) liu ,gafiaIespeclu 1l nIparffi te ~ ~ ~ ~~~l tiena-t u tsyniIh ice %pInJ ai pohngun isW leue precervesit boterisak itskeu mlilt ,auJ i-len Jry-ing witb clone Proý Eg.-peur six quartý's cf isoiliîg uatro t ree pou unda -of lime, ue eceo!cr-oam cf taiar, auJ Aa Ipund cf suIt. Wisenis-eco puti-is Iever- frsl s uefull arangei,,d un jar, "and methutaIlarouer Tic os(-r n'it uaprao ne Tisetusm nmoutha as-e tiseimt Jaugeronfo! ticycar for thie littbec eu.Tisecom cdn>anitil-Ssa preuicieSAtlue is beyoud aid hefoe tse mi-hm raiiz.s abyis M1. Colie, Ji arinduJ chlemra r1uaîu are al-le uttis t;'imo. jThý ic meher muat, guard heriays iseni-is --emy minlute. Sic muat ho careful of bis bcd -tanJ carclul, Viat his soacsis kept sn'eet-auJ buil bowels moeo rgusury auJ! fteely. Te Jo this rsething eau equal Bay's OwnuTults-they aýre mnothera beat ffld t ail imnes o! tishearbult mr sei ulhy in tise sum],me, beuigve occasioually, ilcy netnsa-pr vefntivee!fthose Jrenuiddsm treuliles, Or if they vdo cone n suddenly tise Tuiets AUI jusi- asi q1nickly îeeO tie caset'Ji ab wlihsoonho ei s-, gain. Tise 'Tais- lota are od ymdiiedenilers o-r hy mirail ut 2fcntr bx tm, Mien tise sun shinea ivaycaide a Notes of artia Itretto Womnen Folký,s Br eak p-a C û 1 Is oe it iscneiet OATLF ROYAL WiIB A FISHP 01W D Y A TEN-POVND STRIPE DBtSSi. 'Ihs Ag~e Prndo! Catching a fig èthe sufTrhebie ryalefm if heeswtu a ý gaeilsh," aidanlrc xxie aid-1hied mxprec en ti- fu]the ro "a -nith ýate od ous ish teumil pof theoce su rfor inits hauts in he estu-lc aeors ef, the sea efostlhonghp whet tesefih remoe p len-1 fnýlu thnthey are on a tw n« fieponertas floýt ucommont an Vaityponers etUnenoxxn. Mmryem nshoe and kliid in thoe lern, cold, ripplinfresh wateo sdred andfmre iles ith a. m'erui1for la srli toardth' wchere iu the swoîî he got those C±h. 'Thern rocu(k fi s' a id ho. qKetched 'enm in une river last night OuiY got tn Was MiYtas thy11s! trnn-'veygood. ThSe heretwo iY poke êfer1un'I' tajkin' 'em to the man thlat spoke nd gondeih poue. Th thing that ama om,thuwa that srod basn nmuli etae in tat fesh ator s aithva ie o Puoelty there , aiug beenrcaght s log asuu unue culd reeber c -ryfui.Tey nere akenin eol racksý. "eeethereauot !h'd ee thouý,,ght of fishing sot the bsswîth stried ussa)nd tiea Uiecr plishing llthe unhurd oýf fut f il uein those far awuymoutai strpe busse futc te New "Ibad ue nc-essiy fr etting auy ofmthe aits ep usc di he thom ersfortheondhat the raoks in theDewre were nyfeeci- intercepted,( every night by the eel racks I Lad ne. treuble in getting hait. "One Octoer meruiug I rowed across the river te o I Jersey side, lauding a mile nip rtream, at the head of a rift lunhchan îcel rnick vwas set. The ýbod nfthe1Do- i xvu-re River s rocy, and a rift isý a. stetcho oe)r less fali thati- mIake4- cf ithe water pa (n,\aer- it %pear itho shore iittieheSAdofl this mift just wheî-e the Citrbe- ganifl igh t Lov er e tu fý alin a isyreaeh ofste ,waa water brhs htdarkuedit with the1ir sad.A hunred foo nu-ve the pol Iwaded îinto Ut riv-r, astdeo aJ astsetht drew m sale ait wy ln the enter edge nofit, botween that aJthepe r enid f thi e l irck wring on that, side, of the iilt whero the waterbgnitsifetrue te thutthruhaoenigote tmp ole.1IhaJdgod thut he pool would be a good iuirkplIacel for a striped bass. basa 0adna(Jep Plan ici that mouve- Jiv.dd it1f-cm-Ise.1main 11-1re auJ! mieut e! hiý. Tt n'as te whi-y rudssetie i ihand dryountise me aus1ISstood iCthe water, take aquand in tise shade of nPcoke cseî-'s bites about n egs wMtS tiselimp.has.- as I unie-se-en 1h],ck baýse auJ dtrýodt -Jus ni otl ia1enf'gistng do-u withi a lino abjout a projeetîugithat gaine fiAs1t a fions, auJ T1 roo orsnggy log. audJtiUS get a lound that In'as dimesi- as uearnly hold Vhst w;Sîid enable îmte Lu aised as thoehassas.But 1I sd break ioose !swm tiie hock. I lded natAu pouu sriped batn "Au tiereisut ny oub bu frnifreaiswater igis uoug che ý lhat ho \Wud- baye scarmie eut IS lP esns-v-lanaI a i undrcd miles pla i I1 had remlained in rMY posi-! &way 'tem Atshume ib -ho es, tien, ut wih tse itetonluad f ing my îeel in tku pthe slacýk ward ns fust us 1 could in the waer hdta-ken but an Ie-w n stopsi luthat vway wisen 1sipe Zm bq est for these. foot oun adbu<siewooe into th Le!j At, ve Y(X as satr "Alhegh0-wetnuder with th Dnqrt-I Lu S'oes~rs~s~Ara prwlIhid suy rod seady ises Smc auJ sealei te my foot. That plranduJtis ecommotion lu hl ,__mvotb-clore throllo-ustn ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W eWntoeqaiistqie gn u tIse Wbasa wsqdirîug if, og hi:L adin ig f',sh11i n thIe offth1àe 'r'eel in a Jasis diugo1n-uli_ SUrf.At fomuttl.s bass confl nupstrenm irely to-Ward the tur- hjimacîf teilthe pool0,1in makin usibuent water Wbre the pccl mok rushes, aud then sasdely h le made diucinarged the oserflewof thise ti n dusis ont into the Swift upe te bove. wutor of the rift and tond1 u 'fe eckont 200 feot of rmylino it iu tise rapid leadiug CfLthe CC, bele horeuched that Spot, and ack. Tise reel chired and whir- a.s ho tardîi n LutAt tumblug tor- mcd, uhtough wihhu hm e utl I wlkedt ad it, reeliin'g in was putting ubukswith u ailm i ieas I walked, udeaîoing at alih. 1 strvete eheek thp rush the lanme tîiue te dtaw the basa cf the fsh in tisat direction, us il away Item he tstho waýrs gtig hoe kept it he wnuld gù osalug I auceeeded auJaw h uen into tise rack. thus spopiig ïmy again towatd the Jersey shore. sport aud robbiug me of tisencreit Mauy hittie sundbars lupalog of lnding him audJ-cd estlihiuig thaut shore auJ a. long stretchn a record in angliug ,,inthe upper ýthe shoure itself nus gently iein reacses of tise Déeawre Riscm. SadTIsn'as a fortunate thiug "Alsot 00 footyo! myue was for ime, us fourmd a little Inter1 spun off tise teed ny the ushsng! on. Ifohlwel aleng nitertHe1 fish in spIite onI my efforts tei heu kfsha ut sIcudaJwe hu, udhown ct hevy-1en-jhocwas within a fer yards nI tihej tmacecftheec rek.Tie atr sh ho e Cwater hecamLe tuon shah tuhln oe torocks made isIorJw 1d bis ana ;r tumned 'auJ-_ aimost deaFeuiug noise, but I ain started lUp the rapid streteh o sure that if any-ue hmd b-coustem ow o hîcvim Ihad muie standing on tise furtier Sisore 'juatmysvid uson lits tmuil u ie h thon lie coudil have holurd Cabiýe started Itemthe polab Itheî t.he s uo!the amidsth",grenubonItise rift. thiat ee nide. "Ho n'as wenkeuuiu,as i ý1Coluld4 "Whpeetthe basa JiJ net like pianysoc, autJ husied te eue the appeuaun-ce e! things ult th of -hoisindb rnar tise shere, moud [fhi't filh mpoî xhhe to k mly peitinî)vunouit auJ pro- hocu funid he#stoigtee ore- tmnag tsebaate "iseavycnlud1 caànot suy, but the Are. Withlaynid heudiug like h-e fuced tise ywigtrop l'ahtrci a torm I reeld l inoW turued ami came \Wdltv bu2k np) agînît the futering moten tee the ~ 1_ mpd Neeawifiy, on ïfsî. iega ly gave wuýy [:te s vebut tist Iwusaise etaepiessure ou bim auJ hegan n- in tise pack line s asas"h-e camee.sxering the tCg af the Ceio hj se that svem hoemedIempelMq1the tusu)in ubis course. mnid and veered backttise épool " Ho stidil mnde ýua ,gamjjo gie a-gain 1ILise i nsonce me nwi-ihan howoe,auJ it 'vw n u foth tant lino. fHe ruished nilJi abut foot that I1orodhim osarne in the pool, this cap yanJ thit wa, I1gt bim ut last rnto te isa:-ilon' once or twice îeapiug IemtîCC daeo ïadsof is aro iutr auJ tryiug te shako the Lhook is-icis I s tood. lie cugt ight c 1oe.Thon Il saw tint holwusa 1me-uJihandU tu1ig tutiWoodlu a gaining eciinfrnm thAntes ng suiiiîlisse ho tuîmued, und lunspi'nithej wlhcerothe bigues.,rieIptbr ntetds't towar tho idJi el te tisr, Pnusytaniashor e beloteois auJ holJ hsm item luotisr 4Jas rn hc agl.Iuvre i auJ -e turteJ oivestrum anîn non ssiD agsdn. fvsapurt fh ade tiEuJersebrvsho ig ftis" e bis-J hisu unil ie mccl sang gai lid o! wer thatm, luy eteierstm ei uJd a acae that sing aJ tis shor, a. ouciso!. ht gst bis[fate Lend cam atsn peshupé,adhurled leynt o â adnew uvider iuniugh.nnn a goo d- fotrng tli salî ouv wo rbe skte e Jvertseyrisaoe sladeofdtet Td ied a h Wu, tsogis ut Celyac anl bok e te siioth nd ghtcmag ut i-, e mude anthet behew tlivtlt, sm a bÉ-ýitand auJ ts'ruead ate40go buea. I s unuble te hand tii-e Ii'ch ofl u meAeis frmyo gaif l n'a gen ebtn pauJ e soo nirdn. ff l-'eu is lae u y oI. nenlyai tie in o myte. uJ cs hwhn I eialu i waer me ing baek up ie isdigpssae1n- 1t nLi -îdl f iers1t tbiug vesriftfr eteJoiutfo- "oe nu ahin: uuioke dfor di- -ibleauJ toottietu udLrail Hn rM nyngistit n'a ith- I~ ~~~~~~~~~. Ivlmnaedt mk ns wymygu. Inekrse'as 1in bau alss int oue and moi ntusu y n il au lacus e cmei oilwi- fotnhu ts hpeyaoes cf aIlthe reel aried Ulun Ritu clalose sies au-,J sh(,'-esthroh tise sn'ift tete s'sndba o Yolouvemant nanet luitvarsîs auJ ',unitouisenatrn'ssesiow ýin].i Jepcithskepiri]g th sîssibatps s e oe i oi uîgts baudtisewhil, sîtil cam te isedinonuemz huncouplecou moo secuer ad rn!f ie radaJ:aov ise beoir1 reuhed arefll quiet- onat e am ise tiris- e j eut t sli nmy egeoucter th si, aJ sas ie s t cbnght ed bis yb lesi he sal n maneuves -lon o s Cu tsat 'Mybad wbaleat te, bis uI Maier od aio pontio n I isehe eCiws. mcaukoal Itbreugb detes sceOtirigettîg u i ai~- lmaodn'tatgouhels. uat cf ik udnnns!luMtho 1 flg(t.1Tise tog lue lm baul eof bis "ut tivassîi-tIse ypenteis sShegtsntiebruisfr-, tan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M( nelne tngs wyh ytgtu ilnis tise eighte! the neis-ja menus stpe itubis !)t 1gg dg'hu,i1 brthe 1 t i e oJ o tsel Ho, implys opau bi cours, Htn ie s'is- stopwhenh ndwle ft fot wth baornstoaýýusbiu un a ts g mieeut uJ thon tm kn'itb a gave) a f' elopeauJloued hacinto ing threet louItIse wriga ytr as fertte for me a tgontise ler ho. C ai ;g 4ha-dstace ofbasshre 'a n 1tisseauu1 arsa1 aud I gno-s1 e ouldn'thaem - eJ it mu ïsifI hd-otnn e lui Joiug it. JI',had tjist ue rgrand -precedcnted, unique, 1I beIevo, eue belote wich ailMy other ang- fuil c-f eciemntaJtiilshe cane lusere inidents ef tise sport. 1 1ONiG TP1 S. Do't luv81u-i1 t co dr u ti ss'-oug Vid , it 1 'noils. Put~~~~~ ~ uieaJio nter.tS on nutil al are doue ithron ou tis Le(h a, re1 1 essguit'is ise hsands oiy. - ae tie ou 'ý the igHtaid, nette mnion nnyLI- bessstiebing o %nsrbidel Jesgu tymn hxo YeC1 n doput tis'w lo' F god lbot- ye foi-etII is a, au fe ue are toir cu. illosmivslpbe iug dobemsa ae tome uvotrt oni hoth aides. kercisief boxes when mouiae lted- sus g ýtirons utie fue bl îlsel. ino oa tretCnii Cottonoman ho ode te tite raid kete ïor ito oas are inaluab as n enus I1 ivn 1adiug mueýis ten pitis size cfthe 'nly bte."ift auJiitemd alerhîn rorie stue n o'te- irons tuytus mursty whe u Ll ep n huUi i n thg. nc No Pearsoni Should Lose lleaut anid Ho-pe Because ý,,of lsMistakze, Aï i- rai iioub osoom -e h exchlecuo, hita lii-ereflectieni -trcin lies ii eut eees Ma'a'len'er natýure hascosu lu or sad kuocta hy a1l),a, uneabitabut ut u i-useViselot tise ceenof nuis oiuv As busmnn"lyity i isn'centrctd i , i i to te e sr o ho a'sy lovQe, asuy Umryuco nnytisîng ut ie or I' er ture ecepi l(- sedruaauJ g p- we-ro it inet fou- tishuus b erateJ -umlî's. WNe speut of "tise commuioin onf sa-ints," huit is tisere net alto al communion of sinunurs--e ne s-eot bocuud together hy tour lapses 1 I do net iriethis linjîmaise Oe! immioruity. bTsam neoJxl'-- voate." .Oxer au-d ever agann whoou or speaka c moie mr ur'a aur-' ali muat souund fýtise 'arniug ti- - n'iwe usmulA i-t hb.ue-e tee) fat; tht, nematti-r isut bi trish, it is but liaji!ise tmul tish-el other héïall hdig in Vie commen tise tender's mmd. But tise tstluof cdwihaIspa-i i-s'e, to ),tatou usitfis Usu thaduecisriintinn' canu g gýL o utof tise faut lia N inaus jla se uuiversally ioved as babies, ho rue mt ncompt. n pols; uJ il nt ctin rshe Lot-iinr'ueo butSeIsea ms 1oisv4 an-d eue. r S A, Tobemn- isim, hMitnet n'ioiiy ,wlsut-is rallyi ,mu laoerrau cfh, euiipp0u -tg. ( AuJ-0i is gl ibi hai-iug1 ibi Aîp cliu-hing, tnt hamates-zu r i-be husuan suil ia- t ovns as-e, sc-ambliug up,1uvitiste-nbads ',l1edý,i îsgu1es, Jouhi-)iug heuarta, Jobs baus a lighuisi ging suying: "Hri is lo i nethai- n' lao'd Godu, but isa1o it]ý-uhivd us." Les-e lon'emItem te morei-oi-li icas I '-THEFRTENDOF SI1NNEXRUS" nota0i-o Jiud of hoLlue t.,Vint r prssafromý granden r o!) selluii- i-e aliad pasin crsýed, auJ netd widiagusi-. lt-li-be mrk o Jeu'maýjes-y i-bat lhon'as Jrawus. se mugistipLyteOur loolisisaundvie su siso maui-. ontempi- as ne; -place in a seuli-bat lvs Hfon'vain, i-heu, eur f-ours lia eut deas, mn'h ave been long Sn tise purm eretincfbniemay fer tise neet i-by gron',[qyle, adefhlm n'he ioveJ tise n'eak aud wiCtod wl-h se urs-culons a pasounder b 1is utgeioplu, i-i f aigu I i-bJcros rupn1i-h1o viteoopungi euaonidos, h n'db theitâiii-cars. iug btlud fc! 1nuort"Ils apn ijshhy 1.11isrigupi-lie nopso!ght, DRý. F&NK CiAE Wvomen Need smtlyand hel-p when they ard ntatcd y we-akness and suffern'g At t;1mes when Nature seems cruel advery adweversin and deagmnscre i womfrens my isynpathyF ntrl ,helu cretonc h safe vand well-tried f-ml rmed Tluycorrct he esuthoerr. Thoey ave o ,hlfu cino the wole st(, They rlieva- dipl)erehionndnfrig sactrength 1, po o i ycon t 'n and ma beireeceupo um rod, n bj aeene cern- p C - ;elepoeot it -,wicl[ autmoilit au oneet his car' ain e1cie ad isresiu a tootach)1e. Wheu youhav se un weleome anvi lv D. h