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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1911, p. 8

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Y OU Eastern, Ontario and Motreal boys and g-irls expect 'Santa"' around when the snow flies. Thtis year the biggest Cereal Firm in the Britislh Em-ipireý has induced Jack Frost's old chum to appear now. A hot job this f'or "Santa" buti a pleasant one, be- cause- he's giving away dandy littie Shetl1and Pon-y "Turnoutg'is and Diamond Rings to boys and girlswo love poies3. Would you like to get one ? Go to your grocer and 'buy two packages-one Toasted Corn Flakes, and one Toasted Wheat Flakes When- you get bhome cut bottoms off cartons and mail to lis. You'll have very pleasiug infor-mation by retturn mi-ail-inside information that will show you how to seciure these splendid prizes for yourself. They'll only cost the win.. necrs a littie tim e and a littie energy. And your chance is excellent right now. on JuIýy lOh eave away thiree of these beautifuil ponies and outfits complete 11 theý boys and girls of Western Onatario. Let uis tell you whiat thley tink li of 1the-- f air - ___________ ____________ nless of the contest and the prizes. Namle ----...... -----,-..------- . N.B. Fili in coýupon, mail Street AdIdress___ it to under-mentioned address, and let uis en- roll you as a cont'lestant, City or Towa.... CONTEST DEPARTMENT, ORANGE MEAT CO, KINGSTON TUESDAY -ANO FRIDAY MIP1~M II~ TORONTO 50)c AND RETURN PER STLR ARCYLE JI1ow Frigbit ae-uik esac E C, PJETHICK, Age trgyle S. S. Co. VACATION TRIPS TlO ItkoaLake of Baya, Temnagami, Ai- gonquin Park, Georgian Baty, Kwr tha Lake, MgeeanRv Frencb Rvr aeHrn -Lak- Suenor, Meiac Island, ~nee, WhitMouintains -an([s. Se '5ide Resorîts. hrgbTouriat pflîm-1an Sleeper to Wiinnipeg anS d monton Leaves Toronto 1_1p.î. Ang'. Svi'a Chiicago. St. Ptaul acnS inapls Very Low qRates. nny randTruk Agntor addriesa A. E UnfDitrctPa1ssen1geýr Agent, Torontol, 'Dntax'io. ROLe MInTEMR PICUREQUE81 LAWRECEROUTE IVilontreal Fn. Joue 23 Fn. Joue 30 Fut. daly- 7 1'ri. Jnly 14 tO Lîvelpool. victorien Fnl. ly'A liontreal to Glas gowN. Set. inl], Hepeiar St.,ul l lat. Jl oinSt ny2 Sat. auy5 Gauie a.Ag Mon-treal to Havre & Lond on This Service is composed of one class, seconId, cabin steamiiers, sailing from Mlonï- treai every- Satnrday, rates moderate. For fuli partiars of rates and salinga, apply t10 M. -A, J AMES, Bownvîle, Oit-arloý. WH ITE STAR - 3MW Serv'ice Sailing Wei ewe MD TRA QIuEREC - L RP b'y tthehe twuin and trzIipl cc!semr L A U HRENTI C M MDR SAMERSHGBETWEEA CANADA ANDO EMRPE TEUTONICMIl çiý!Y C0 Repiete with tCelateatdevices for com fort anId saýfety, nidn.acn n The ThirdClaaAcmoainiWh est epeieni-ceeu deviUse. ClOýýedroo For Ail nfomation apply 1 M. A.JAMJ~, Aget, GOODMIAN & GALIBRAITH Barriste;, i (1enSSolicit(ors. Notar liesPble A. K. COOBAANi. O. C. CALGRAITHI 508 Lumsden Blg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto, Ontarlo. * Ths Peate's pressig and tailor- Y în lg workLs is carried on two doorjs east of Densemi's, barber shiop. As i have learned theliig,clyilig, pressing and tailoring businessI can do anything to garmensa well as any max> ont earth. Genits' ontward apparel a spiecialty. Prices 50e and 75e. 'This is not more thian hiaif others chargec. Lai-:es' skirts cleanted and press- ed. Suiits dry cieaned or Frenchi cleaned. AIl work promptly done. I'l Term Open Auig. 28th in the Popular and Progressive Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. -TOPC)TO OQNT. 1h shnitnsbigillo1ineon it.e best busnes clleesof tis cotinenit. ro of thi sateeet le fouind ilu rlrg. ctlom Wieto-da y for lun. Slrisolfered-1 gradlLates thie yearlaiger hai eerbeore .1 itpasloe "t he eepractica'1Liedion. W. J. ELLIOTT, Picpl ALBERT COLLEGE BELLEVILLE, ONZT. nua, hiall of whlom ;are youn1g ladie's by eleectri.ityv. Wil! eoe usa Sepembr lth 191.For Clna oroom addreýss Principal Dyer, D. D. BOWM NVILE, ULYv 7,19 11. Leeds county scboi(,ls rmade a poor rec- ord at entrance e.-ams and the people cati- not accont for the ovcr 50 oper cent of failures. The desp;atch clo-ses with this sentence which gives the cause unmistk- ably- "Brockvilleicoosse-nt ut, 121 can,- didates and 100 passed." Good tchmg produces good results. The steamecr Ca-spian, wkicbl ranl ashiore at Point Anne in dhe Bay of Qint-,e, is out of dry-doc(k, inspector Davis found that not a plank in thlull was brolten. Two or thiree e bruised a-nd were re-eni- forced, but the steamer is as good as ever. The Caspian di(! not strike a rock but went;u againist an' oid! wreck sunk neaor the point. A loudwbn from Port Hop)e appears iu The MAaln Empire as-ebéildish as it is untrue. h, e heard of aniy large suîms of mony bing spent by the' Con- servative Govern1ment at Ottawa ,,lIn a con- stituenicythlat rtrnda LiberalMP. Thle despatch w,,as slightlly ont in saving ithat Dr. J- B. Poweýrs was Lîberal can- didate at last election when Mr. D. B. Simpson, K.C., -was the candidiate. It is said thait our Junior B1al Club can't lose for winniiing wb)ile the speil is on, wbichi began witb thie defeat of Bowmnan- ville a fortnight ago and Continue(! last Sattnirday in routing Orono on the dril shed grounds and is expected to go right on untilBom vil is put ont of th(, business, perbaps Saturday afternoon.- Newcasle ni'? endentý . IH1e c row S 1bes t wbo crows last. BowmianviIle wo't be ont of business fr a litti wbille yet. Score 10 4 in thecir favor Saturday. You'il have ta try again, NewcastIe. HAYDON. Recent visitors: Mr. j. E. Elliot)t and Miss Annie Monntjoy, Cadmius, and Mrs. Norman,.r Cornieil, Newmrarket, visitedl with relative-s lere; Mr, A. H. and Miss Ida Moore at Mr. Abramn Beacock's Black- stockc, Sunda-; :Miss Etta Camipbeil, Ty- rone, w%îth friends; Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Monntnjoy at Mr. Wýeso.Munjys Black- stock. Miss Ida Ryan, Enniskillen, at Mr. J1. .rig.t.sTyron-e Junior FootbIall team- visited bere Satnrday nigbit iast, and played a friendly gaine with the juniors hiere, resnIting in a score of o-o. . ..Mes- srs. Lorne McLanun and Thos. Semon have been remiodfliing terbarnrs, and M.Thos. Muto is building nad tien to bis bouse. The transition from WAinter's cold to Suimmier's beat freqnuentiy puts a strain uipon the sytem at produces internai complications, always painful and often serions. A commocn formi of disordeýr is dlysentery, f0 wbicmony are prone in the sprîng and summeur. Tb-e very best medine to use in subduing this painful ailmnent is Dr. j. D, Kelloggs Dysenitary, Cordial. It is a stand-ardi remed-y, sold everywbere, NEWVCASTLE IMr.SW.CG Bryans and daughter recent- ]y visited bis mohrin- London.M.ýr. and Mrs. Wý. C. Aluin, Glencoe, are spend- ing tuheiuonas wt buhibrothers and otber hfrien.s. ne .Whiteand daugb- tur arespeding the summer at MrnCbas. Conlteýr's ... . Mr. and M\rs. T. Bryan andI ehïiIdren, Miss Poison, MTiss Lockwood, MIr. C. Wbeeler,'>Mr. H. Attree andi Mr. Evoy, Toronto, vîsited Mr. and rsLock- wood by auto) recently,, ,.MrF. and Mrs. W. J. Corner, Torontio, visited biissitr borne, retsurned home wth ber fOr a visit .... Mr. Jamnes Pbilp), tbe popuflar G. T. R. agent bere, and Mrs. Pbilp are takýing a tnp ,)East.- Mr. W .GaIlbraitb. ýa for- mer Principal of tbe Higb Sch1ooi, nowý Public School Inspeýctor, PeetLCounty, witb bis wife and son visitedi frindisbe. 1. Misses Lueind Iva Eeron sb- a1wa, recentlýy vsttheir auint, Mrs, W H.Jackson . is...e.Podo, ox w-icbis visýiting ber cousin,1Mrs, j. R. 'ishier,, .Mrs. RcadHill, Trnehas becen viitgbr sseMs (Capt.) Gibi-J son.i..,r. Mason and Miss Hattie Mas- on. archoid'ayin1g down heSt. l.awrence and inOebe Ci ty.. r oesand- w-ich, III., and M\rs. Bowers, Wes;t Pull- maIji., are vîsitinlg their brother, M' Wm1i. Perrîn, sr, . Miss Mý,cLeod, teacher, British Columnbiaj, rceýntly visited bler brother, Rev. A. McLod and sang a solo in tbe Presbýyterian Cbure]b. She wil! spend ber h1olidays in Nova Scotia, Pain fro ndigetodyspepsia, and too hearty eating, is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pillis immnediately after dinner, Don't forget tMIs, ENNISKILLEN1 Bell phone emipioyeesrhave been ýwork- inig here again liatelIy. The peopie wbo expected to bhave lbad their phones in-. Satnray evening. ..Mr. anS Mrs& Piow- WVinniipeg, witb frienida here;MAh. Lsi igbitan Master Eddie spent Aunoy in Keiler, COb)ourg, a i hom-e; Mh. \W. I. Clark Piekenîng . M x' Aý. and Mur F. W. Lee and aon itb friendsata Port Hope; Miss auitoed 10 Whitby Sunday. .Rev, J.E. 1Allie GgBowmianvilie, att'Mil. L. Nid- Robeson, Cherry Vaiieyil., preached ta dery's.. Womn'sInsttue wiui mt a lar ge coogregalion hueeSAy even- Tbrsday Aug. 3rd aI 2.30 p.prn.a on ing.He s a eanes anSclouen spak-ofMr Th-os;. Pa1scoe. Subj a h y cx' na. ei bs zaudiene in close aýtten- phoid fly, eoronykown-i as mhe bouse tion. M1any appreciativ e remarks were f- ly"; Bs cer-cals aînS blow ta prepareý beard concerning in. . -.rY J. Virtue is them" to be taken by MAbc T. J.Clrk in Coiinwood distrctIbs week judgng Mthe H. Elliot anS Mrs. Go. Kersiake. standing builcropa.Recentviiors: Alii embers lease be prepared for roil ML.isses Lavernie anSdlv Orebiard aI Mx'. eau on "Rcipes for cook'ies."Alil ladies Johni Orcba-rd's; Mirs. H. Averv and bitte are inviteS to the meeting x. and Saughter, Ingersobi, wit hersicstM's. Mx'rs. Frank MsnanS family bave x'e- Wmj. Oke; Rev. j. E. ,an1S Mra. RObe, turnS1t hi on a redbp . Cherry Valley, fil., Ax', anS Mx's. Hl. AW,. af ter apesatvisit witb friends ,here. RoeoToront-o, witbthir parents at Womn's iCssinaSociexy ,,-metusa tCe Parsonage;Mx.%Wil! PascoeSasha- of LaeI wek aI MAu.Burna'When Mrs t0on, Mirs. Thos. PaýsCOe, Peterboro, Mx'. buirn,.- gave a ve2ry interestinig anS comj- an VIs Gn Tyor lauppton, at r ieerpoto rac eeigbIS a C. J. Pascoe's, "Cedakr L AgirMx. Garnet Napane ýin June ir.x'. Walter Chami- Chapmi1ani, hba orne SundY; Ms inhsacpe oiini ohse' MabeljMtjoy homie aa t fer apes . .M onCakebaS bsis-,a ant voit Vith fiends nt Nestieton.. . .Mx'. lbrOken recenily bya i from lahrs JA. Wex'y bs béen ebeted teacher of1..The draina "ReS Riding H.ood" givýen ,the Adit Bible Cls, sucessc o thMrs under asie of the S. S. waIs a greýat (Rev . .A. Jewei, removed. Mn'.Thos.sumea.Proedaabout $ MeGii laassitnctacher,.. x. anS.. (Rev.) Thos. Brw, visng - Mr. Sus Tr Win vte atIMx'.Wm. ber dangbtex'AMrs, (Rev,.) C. VW.Brrt Trewi'.a.1 at de pasonage,. I TYHOINE. MrL. David HiBaitîirnore, was recenti guest elMr.Alex,. Staples. . . .Mrs. m Gilders and family. Norwood. are visitLing bier aunt Ms Hugh M7i-ýRýobe-rts,..M'iss", Sophlie VEl liott le visiýting at 'Mr'.Wm Hmls.... .Mrîs. L. A. J. Short andSoni 'Carl, Courtice, recenitly visited bere ... M'iss Miiande Hoopeýr, Toronito, is home- S. Mr's. Agnles Harrisisitfrnd.. Apple buyers are busy niow. Asafe and sure miedicine for a Cild troubled witb worms is MothejIr Graves Worm Exterminator. SH-AW'S SCHOOL Ruy ag(honlors). ToJr. I wr Cleene2 , Lnise(CydrmnRena Jew- eh John Trewin hoor.> To Sr. II- 'Waflace Bragg (eomne) Ernest PeCrcy ilanElton Mannliing.Tobr il Gertie .Leask, Jessie Tre-win, Enc Weathecrilt. To 'Jr. li-Lill!ian Clemnlce. To) S3r.Pt. 1I-Mabei eelEva Lae. OLIV S. ICIcRD eacher. Warts on tie banda is a dîsfiguremnenti whicb troubles mlany ladies. H1oflway's Corn Cure wVill remiove tbe blemisbs with- ont pain. SOLINA. Grandpa W3err7y feels justly very proud, of bis two granIld -ebIildIren at Kedrol h passed tbe Entranice examsat saa with bonors, Florence Luike mnaking 492 m'arks adCLarece We"rry485. M,,r. Ja-s, Heatlie bad a barn raising Tbursdlav. 1Mr. Norman Leacb is the contractor. . . . Mr. J.1 W. Brooks is buing apples. . . Sons of Temperance bad a good treat of ice creamn Friday .... Nearlv ev erybody from berie attenided the big pieie at -Hamp)iton. . . . HuIeberries blave been very plentiful bere thiis year and s0 bave thle piekers,.M.Nrs. Frank Hloekaday bias returned ho)me fromn Bow- manville. Mr . Fred Flintoif will sooni have M.John Baker's bouse ready for brieking. Recent visitors: M\'r. Virtue and MiJss Colwill, Tyrone, at iiMr. N. Leac's; M\r. Stephien Hogarth at, Islay ; _Ur. and M\rs. N. S. _B. James and faily, torn, at Mr. S. E. Werry's-,; 1Mr. ancid'Mrs. j A MelClellan anid tamily, MUr and MiJrs B MeMuILrtry and fai rs Pro-wer and Mdr Royý, Bowimanville, fMisses Pearli Mc- MllenCi, Flo and Normia Shephard,Ked, at, Mr T Baker's; Mfisses Minnie_ Scorgie and Vida Worden, Bowmanville, at MNr, W Wordei,,s ; Mrs Geoj Vice a t Osbawla ;1 M\iss Leila Hogarth at Foley; iNss Ma-ggie Taylor, Bowmrlanville, at M\r. WV. T. Tay- lor's; Mýrs A ! Courtice and Doris, Bow- manvýille, atlr J. T. Rundle's. Lehigb coal is barder, lasta longeýr and contains moreibeat than other coalI. Sold only by E. W. Loseombe, phone 177. HAMPTON. LAKEIEW AFE-ce-ream,,jce eream ls'odlas, Sn~,Chocolates, Cand(ies, nults, fruit. Qystersý in season. Best of accomiodation for- Cie travelling pulicw 25-tf ~A. E. enns M1r. Wtvesley Redanr and Mi;ss Luella WIestaway are, visiting at Ms a Mr.E.Hnnmanid Miss Edni-a are home alter a pleasant visît vwith ber ebiîdreni in Toronito. r. Edward Groat is visit- ing friends at Brooklilo. . . M'. F. J. Groat is visiting friendsaia Port Peurry.M..iss TEva Pascoe is visiting beIcoui,Mss ilaLeacbi. RND FURNJSHI-INGiS To continue untilk g s ist are rea flitatwen weusay IBAIIG, weeai-W wanit to get rid Of the oos w h 1en ale ad wearemakling thie pricýe do it for uïs. TU E EXTRA SPEGIAS FOR 1H1l' WEEK ARE:--- Twenty doz MenC 'egIigeûe'Shirts, Regular $1.2 -ad$1.0 Our great argrnprice ...................... 65 c Just th1link ýwh]tla aving t:, (:ins 1a 0sto ou, tlots)oflour eus- tomers ]have bought Ï,li doz. of fthese shirts, and il,-epg he for future use, beausea sap ike this does not hpe ln ever'Y day. $1.-),50 , nale vwhie e y labt for.......... ....... ..... .. Greater Bargains than ever in the Men's and Boys' Liglit Clothing. Get your share while the bar- gains are going. Ail new up to date goods, no old goods being worked off. The Andegrson Clothing' Co BO'%IMAN VILLE. BAKER'S SCHOO L. Report of S S No io, Darlinglton; names1 in order of inert: Enitranice-Lonie Annis, Lavern Orchard; Sr 111 to Jr IV-Lydia Tayl1or (bonors), Chas-lie Smith (honora); Sr -il to Jr III Elva Orchard (honiora, Mary Soucb (honora), Wilson;- Abe-rnethiy; Jr7 Il to Sr If-Mary Wilkinsoin, Frank, Abernetby' ; Primer to Firat Book --May Hry.LILLIE 1,GILBRT, tahr ORONO MisBertha MCmTrno iie imer 'ncleMrThsMcob. Mr Fr-ed Rundie, St. Mary's, visie at Mr. A. j.taesreety.,. Mr. Fred Rîo-we, Charlcote spe tiuday- with ;bis cousin, Mr. H. . Be-ýt. . i.Jolis Ric!kaby vvis- Bowanvlle . . rs.N. Green field aný'd fail y are visiting bier parents, Mr'. anS Mrs. Levi EdMwards, Mr. Clarence W. Aliin, an Orono boy, bas comnple te,' atfour m-lonîhai' termil at WnipgBusiness Col- tex'and epbe, Nw York, are ,-isitin-gi their fatber, 1M1r. James 1Hunter.x. F. c- Davidson bhas returned 0 oduty at the Standalrdl Bank afler biolîdjaying in the city .Mx'. Percy Riekabï, wbo I la canging rromi Claremiont 10o Bowmranville branch of the Standard Bank, w;as home x'e-cently ý. E. Crook, Okilabtoma, U, S., a frormer Leakard young- ladyV, the adlopted daaugbter of tlie late Ebenlezer Rails, is- Visiting M1\rs. Broad1-Lýuxon... Miss Vida, Tourjee bas gone to C-anninïglon 1o reside witb be,-r aiut, Mrs. Win.MPern.. iMr'. Chas. Reid, brothier of the Managiuýer of the Standard Bank hiere, was înn tbe Porcnpine mining district, holding a posi- tion -witb thle Dome M2ining Co., at the timec of flie great bush lire and nlarrowly escaped death by 1imersinjg himsýeif in a rsearby pond. His face wascrcedwith tlle beat . ..Mr. Aif. Saninder"SI, wbo for the last five years bas tenanteS theA.J SËtpies tarmn, is going 10 the North Ws .M. Wes. ndrs'horSecam Wes ~ ~ ~ ~~Ii ssandseinuisbtis aroundIC agai.. . x'.J. W Maw ci, hicago,fIl., ia hIIeefor bis usual smmrouting, Ironit strong...Mrs. D. MeConnachie, Bow- man vile, anS Sanighters, Mra. Feit, Osha- wu, anS Mlrs (DW) Spencerof the South- er Staes, drove clown ftrm Bowmanviie anSd spent a few hiours b ookinig abouËt the oStow.n....Mx'. Guy A. An-drus anS daungbter, Lnowitb i brotherBert anS sýister, Mrs. Geo. Cornisi, Bwnn ville, visiteS their b'rother Wes. anS( other frienda bçe. Gyowns a hndom ord1, -"unabotitanS wili vieil Pot,,Hope anS Lindisay frienda before etrnnghome x'. nT. J. erry, Toront, is spendinig a few days whib is boteranSdother foinds hee. Heuis iàtceempioy of the1 Dupge Manufacturg Co. Toronto For Infants andijirn Th KndbuBae /roiBagk A FW A Miss Violet Hen.ley, Toronto, is guest Of bier brothiers. Mr. John Nott, Toronto, spent the we. end at bis home. Mr.W. E. O'Brien, Toronto, is atay- inig witb Mrs. Aý, J. Stalter. Mrs. J,'lH. Bulndy an]d son Frnkrcent- ly visited relatives inOsaa jMrs. H-. T. Carsweil anid Miss Ethel are eenuiying a boat trip to Quebc.ý Mi:sses A",nn-a and ElmaKelrar ped in-g a coulple of weeks at Gaebrt 'Mr. and M fs- J~T- GnyneaSm duhe Vivian hav-e tak ena tageon tühe Bayv Mis, John HoileJran and twoebhild-rn h-ave beenl visiting ber mothier Mrs. i3oyd, Port H-ope. M'Iiss Rhea Schiofiel, Osh1awa, is spend- b er'vactin with b ler aunlt, Ms.Wm, annParis. M.and M,,rs. W. C. White and(, dangb.- ter baive been viaiting Mrs. W. H. Dows- léiy, Broek]vil Ie. Mrs. O. J. Clatworthy anid Miss Alverdrca Bro wn i sited their sister Mrns, W. Mc- Millan , Peterboiro. Mýisses Elila Býale and Ella Gnmiimow are- hoîaigwithI the latter's sister, Mrs. A, JCurtis, Montreal. Hollis Ward will miake a fali season at- his stable, 1f2 mile east of Oshawa. Fee $2o.)oo to insure. Jno. B. Wilson. Will positively cure sick he-adache and prevent ts rtr.Carter's Litie Liver Pills. This is flot talk, but trutb. One- pili a dlose, Sec advertisement. Smnal Small pull. Smiall, dose. Smlal price. M',ayor W,.E. N. Sinclair, B.A..,lbas been ei-ctedà District De-pnty Grand Mdaster by Masonie Grand Lodige for Ontario District, Msr.Russel Wotten -and lRussell Bale hiave been hIoLiidayin g at thie formeir's. home in Peterboro and on the Kawartba Lakes. Tlw McLý3-i.- ' fiin C~ (nosr donTbursday for thec Union Simncoe Methodist anid Presbyterian pie-nie at Cobour-g. The Sons o nln gave a ongb ex1cursion onIl th1e Steamer ýArgyle Friday evenling whichl was patronlized 1-y a good. ly nuber. Th le engagement is ann11onncedi of Miss Pboe-be A. Fishe.r, second daugbter of Mr'. and Mrs. E. E. Fishier, Dudsio lMr. C. W. Deten)beck, Oshlawa, the ,xarriatge to- take place Angust c). Il you are tiredi taking thec large oId- fasbïined griping pils, ryCarter'S Little Liver Pilla and take sme com-fort. A ni an'tsand ceverytbîng. Onie Pili a M-1rsý. Jas, A, Ram-say and cb--lidrn, W'indsor-, are speniding the summaier wt ber miother Ms m cLubiprior to leaving for Otw whre Mx'. Rasnsay bais been ppinedPrin1cipal o f the new Come cia heool. Forenhomning pigeonls, twelve bec- Ionging to Mv.S.E.Dons and the ot ilers 10 MI r. Waiter StaCey of"tiiStOWn wVere lieae.from r. F. M. Hawivey's. Cob- ouirg, L',Thnrsdlay f'or a raceý to Oshawa. Tuesday the Samie birds 'ae from Port j ' s (5 GREhT jMID-8UMMER SALE 0F OLOTHIýN&r Names in orde-r of menit. Etac Mildred Burns. Jr. IV to Sr. IV F . Cryd(erma,-W%.Wit, A. Cole-', F. Johns C. MrtinSr. III b oJr. IV- E WbiteE ie, R. Rogecrs, -M. Wiîlcox.% Jr,ý MII 10Sr. 111 - -M. Cydran". Clatworthy, O. Claqrke. Sr. Il '() Jr. II SalrKoward AlnRo Stevý,ens. Ive Egro.Lourn -lasi 'I.r. 1Il to Sr. Il Mrjoie ole" MaionStevens", Rutb J 1obos", El1va PtrsLouise Jobu" Ailnite, li'Haroild nColin Stevenýs, Ed(naCremaAbrayrom nd ed. P1t. I Jr. 10 Pt. -i Sr. - Ernie Spry, N Vsn Wîacott, Wse ood, Olive Brockl, Allie Wodrecorînmenýded(. Prim- er - VernliGreeni, Shiirley Gay lifford Alliîn, Gordon Brock, WrikWinaýcott, Trenouth, C' arie bieErnie ay Puipils obuaining h1oora m-arked 'upl present every day of the yeart, M. Hlastings L- Ha'stinlga. F. J RAT a.N. BRWTeachers. VisiLî.rs: Mr, anrk Mrs'. Fred Tanublyn and daughter Max'ýijory, Oronlo, at Mx', lM. B. Cxydermian's; Mx'. and Ms.Cla;. Pa eoek and famnily, Oshawa, Mrs. L. E-'. Rtusei and twocilen Toronto, m-itb thieir moter rs.H. llitI;Misses Grrd Martin anS Edna Hannamr, Toronto, atl hom; x'.an Mr. . Crnshand Mrs. A. Pe'nnington, owaniLE tMr. Thos. Eliott's; Misa Annie Johons, Bowmanvîlie, at homue; Misis M. Katerson with frienda at Nestieton,;-Mx'. and Mx's. T. Salter and fail]y at Greenibank and Port Perry; M'. anS Mrs. A. B. Crvdermnan witb bis brothi- er- M.Frank Cryderman neiar Shaw's sehool; M isses Mary aSLottie 1101-1n have gone 1o 0 'Watford Éto visit thleir brother John; Mr'.W.Inch, Weston, witb bIis mothler; Mx'. anS Mr'. J. Currie and dau1ghi- tex', Topeka, Kan-i., with Mx',i. M. B. Cy dlermlan and terfinrsME 1 Pil d- .IT -n -ýH

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