£ anuibian $î,.oo a year ini advance; $i.5o to United States. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, '(UHUJRSDAY, AU-GUST 3, 191. VL.LII .3. M. A. JAMES & SOPorers OUR THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR AN EDITORIAL. RETROSPECT ý . With this weekly issueiof THE STATES-' MAN, M. A. James enters upon b-is 34th year as its editor, publisher and p)roprietor, having assumed the proprietors;hip on August ist, 1878, succeeding the lute ed-' itor W. R. Climie who had publîshe.(-d the paper for over a quarter of a cenituryV. So far as we know there are probably flot a haîf dozen men in al Canada whbave been in active editorial charge of, a news- paper conti.uouslv for a longr r nriod, EDITORIAL SOTTINGS. We are receivinig reports frorn Winni- peg of the crop ouLlook truout the West- ern provinces and if these a re to be relied upon the West with favoring ripening conditions assured' of a bumper crop. Louder and yet louder cornes the cry as the time draws nearer for belp to harvest the enormous crops. Latest figures state that 70,000 more men are needed to round up the crops in time. The Recorder, Reston,1 Man., Mr. F. DURHAM COUNTY, BOYS. 1jBIG RECEPTION TO LIEUT. F. H. MORRIS. Mr Rhys D Fairbairn, son of the late Mr. james B. Fairbairn, Post Master, has won considerable prominence in connect- Arrangemrent'L are being miade f o givc :on ithanoherBowmnvile oyMr.Lieut. F. H. Morris a big receptieon n is Chas. R. McCullough, in Canadian Club rtr rmBse usa viig circles, In the Winnipeg Tribune of july number of citizens met in the Town Halld 17, indy snt s b anthe DuhamMonday evening and considered il proper 17, indl set usby aothr Duhamfor the citizens of Bowmanville to mani- county boy, a good, haif tone portrait of fs nsremne hi prcaino Mr. Fairbairn appears with the statement etiso namrh, onf that he is Vice-President for Ontario of the fine ail round shooting ofý Li eutf Morris Canadian Clubs. The 3rd annual conter- at Bisley and the publicity he ha given enc o Asocatin f CnaianClbsOur town and The Goodyear Tire & enc of . oiaïo f andanClb Rubber Co. of Canadb v whrm. le is em- -m ail