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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1911, p. 2

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Slek Eeadachý,e and iltieve al the troablea Iiel- jdcnt ',0 a blos tate of the csYtem, sccliaW flîccicesa. i'ius, ]Srowines5. fiatresafter ratiug. Pain je te i"-, &c.' Wl-e ê)theirraoBt xmraLe ues asbe hwn ta euring Ecaiache. yet <Orter's Litte Liver Filuere equaly vatable e( Tnig tisannoy ingcoiaint,wle'they also correct ali 1disorders of the stomuachstimulate the i~re anCreguae11A bowiri. Even if tiley oUIFl 'Ahetheyt oldb ai 7sprcwes tuo t ho auffer fi-cmche tits iog ompaint; butforil- MatOtly tirgcoai e do9 ntend hcread thosa ibo oncetfiy thin il lid heseelittie pills vai. able in uo manyssibat they wiil not be wii- lins to dosv'hst b-r. fBut aftera11l'laikhO4 laxsebas c s nnylires that bers la where vis osS cargi-et ose.0rp llcureit utilO thers do Dot. Carer'sLilttle LirISF115rare vrt'"mal and very'easytf0taes. Oas or ti-o plus incea dozs. They are strictly vegetable anà do not griPe cOr purge. but tby ther gentle action pleaie al Who UH3 thoam.-1 A. -E. -MeLATJUHIN. Bairrîster ,Solicitor and Conveyaneee. O3ffce:-lea kley loecS. King Street. Bowmanville. Dey "w loa u etre&s0i2 able rates~. -lr B.J.Hazlewood, M.D.,C.M BOWM-ANVIJJLE. * OIÇT. OLD M DALIS of rinity 1Ur- Torot; Firyears Attendlcig OacemdReldnc WiPlgtoa Rt. Te' ilion. No. lot. A BusnessCollege Course. eri pas- if it s aison t a good sCh0oo. Te-e s noce het cr than the Biritish A erîcau Business Colege, Y. M. C. A. Bmuilding, Toronto, the sciosi that ucans- Efthe fereineit busintess mon of (aîca bu-ae srrecded. arudents entre- ing sbeuld write for catalogue-. T. M. WATSON, The gi-et Uterine Tonie, ccýd -etni acf e effectual Monthly' >Rey ula or on which womsn can , ù dPend. Scid in thi-ee de grees of strength N o. 1, ýl; No. 2 10 degrees stronger e3- No.e for speelal cases, e5 per box. old bal adrcgrste, or sent repl o ree laofprice. ree pamphlet. Addree*s l' YJtngineers and others who realize the advisabll- f ty t aving trhir Patent business traxisactsd y experts ...reimineryadvice free. Charges acdrate.*0r nventr's Adviser sent upon request. Maiion & Marlon. New York itîe Bdg, >LcL -Aal *.and Washircto:.D.C., tU.S.A. TADE MARKS8 COPYRIGI-rs &c. -Anyone scudlng a sketch and decrlgtlon May 'selclly ae0italii Ouir opinion fi-se w etheri-an invention is piobably pateutabie. Crunla tIoesstri-Irliconfidential. HAt4IBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldes ageîîey for secer-ng patents. Paents taken tluiougb 3iuna & C. recette si-orIl nofticewitbcui charge, ie tise A ianrsomelyIlllust,-atsd eekir. lauirgesi cli'. eslation f any eisntl(; journal. i'ernasfor Canada, $.5a eai es-r etage Prepaid. Sold by ail newsdealer. MUNeC.6BodaNwYr 4yflOPsis 01 Cancdian Northwest Land 1 1 egulat ions. A Ny Prson who isteicsoie lsead cf a - aiy or aur mats ovri-8 years nid, Mer homesead a uuarter sectioofai. able Dominion lanin e anIîînoa, Sas. atchewan or Alberta. The aupeicant must asîner ince rson et flie Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency toi- the district. Entry by r poxy may be maes ci cor sg- i-er, on certain conditions, bY fether. mother, son. daughter. brother or i-ster of iutending bomeasteeder. Dufies :-Six rnonthu residence upon and cuiti-ration of tise land in sach of three Ycars. A homesteader may live with. in Cna miles of his bomestsad on a farn ni ai eaut 8i acres soiely Owued aud nccupied py hlm or by is father, moth. Pi- son, dauchfter, brother or sister. in certain districts a houiesteader in good standing may pre-erapt c ceai-ti- jecton alongoide lits homestead. pi-ice 13.00 per acre. Duties-Must reside six ponflis in ssci cf six yecrs fi-cm date of liomesfead cuti-y inciudlug tise ime re- ~ai red toe aru lcemetead e-fenil and veutive t 11rae et-a. h. bmesteader who ias ehetdhi§ >cmtedightiSud c-anue,-t obtailisa eQad lin ai it-lf. Pi~.~.9uer el. XuteaMesi-ud ix msfnçhý in eîi c f tfb-se ,years. c-utivai. flft Icrusý sud ereci a bouse wOr-t *000 W. W. CORIYT Depsty MIster of the IntterG'. lOB.Uc.sthondpuIicvt4ousi"AtilI ~dvrtseî,n yl l " c vaid fez. GREAI BRIIAIN'S [NSU POPULATION 15 INCREASING1 MORE AND MORE SLOWLY. Great Feu la flie Birfli Rate and E nsigration. The population of Great Britain, for the, irst time since the cenuss of tihe kingilons as taken, has not, according te the report of the Reg- istrar-General, maintained its rate of increase. During the decade just past tiiîs rate was 9.1 per cmnt. During the previons decade it w as 12.17 per cent. Especially striking does this loss cf groxsth appear when contrasted with that of Germany, for whille Great Britain actually increased in population only about 3,275,000 in ton years its greatest continental cempetitor in commerce is increas- iug et the rate -of uearly 1,000,000 a year. The two apparent causes for fLis failure to maintain the normal rate of increase of population are the great Lall in the biith rate and the greai. increase in erigration. The bulk of tbis emigratien has beco directed to other parts of the Brit- isb d-ominions, s hti antb regarded as LOST TO THE EMPIRE. "The fact that the lowest rate of increase bas been in purely agri- cultural counties accounts partly for both the falling hirt.h rate and the interesting rate cf emigration," scys the Qucen. "Aseveryoenewho has studied the question knos the British rural population doe's not iucrease as t should for two main reasons, the lowness of wages and the scarcity of housi-ng aceomioda- tien. The former ilsudoubtedly due te car antiquated fiscal sys- tom, \vhicb admits foreigii produe free but taxes heavily the British means cf production. 11 "The latter is due te the fact that the capital required for oreating- laberers' cottages is se highly tex- ed that it pr oduces a much smialler rture than viben empioyed in otbh- er methods. The average rate of interest on agricultural land, in - cluding farm buildings, cottages, etc., is ou]y sree9- per cent., and uow that the rates aed taxes are constaetly rising while remt dees nec increase proportionateiy, land- owners are becoming less and less wîlling te siuk thcir capital on such UN~REMIÂNER VTIVE TERMS, especially when tihe securi-ty is a contieually faliing oue. "H1itherto great landlords havei been willing te accept a nominal' rture for tOce capital expendcd on' theix estates iargcly because cf the sentimental interest atcacbed te thete the pride cf possession, soc- ial status, family cenuectien, per- senal knowledge of aud sympathy witb the tenants, and so' on. But now that *tbe actual burdens of landiordiste are oixtweigbing its tanglible advantages large owners are beginniug te soul off their land- ed estates and tiE> uew ewners, cbiefiy farmers and smail helders, are ceo put te it te raise the pur- chase meuey or find the interest ou their mortgages that they bave scarcely enough cash loft te repairE the laborers' cottages, let alone, build uew eues. IUnder these circumstances yeung couples find it au over increasmng difficulty te marry and settle dowîîn in the country. Que consequence is that young men go te tewns to in- croase the competifien in tihe laber muarket, and another is that bethE mon andad s mirtt the United States er the British dem- iens, and se tihe country lang- uishés for lack of replenishing the able population and saffers frem the disproportiouate number of the feeble, old, vicious and degener- ate folk LEFT ON OUR SHORES. "A favorable fealure cf tise re-, turcs is the rnarked increaso in the grosth of our seaports. a fact whicli tends te shsow that our in- ternational carrying trade is pro- gressing ; tise pity is that se mucîs of tihe goods thus trcnsperted are 1 made nbroad and cot turned out i in our eue facteries by our osvn people. "iu round figures the present- population of the United Kingdem, is ferty-fixe and a quarter millions,E "FRiUIT-A-TIVES" "'Two years ago, the doctor maede forty-four cails ou tee, and then said lie liad done ail lie could for me. I w'as suffering with intense Kidney Trouble and Inflammatien lad set in. Two other doctors were ccnsulted and agreed tlsat nething could be donc te hielp me. On the recomnmenldatien cf a nieiglibor, I teck IlFruit-a-tives " an-d they eured me. Te-day, I take "Fruit-e-tives" as my ouly medicine. I amrn l excllent healtîs, an-d I" Fruit-a-tives "' is the medicin e that cured mie af ter I1lied been at Death's Dcci- for menth s. I am gled te le able te give yen this testimonial. It iay benefit eone other womau sufferitig as I suffered, as I believe that I wouid net bec live to-day liad I net used "Fruit-a-tives". Mus. P. E. WEBBZI. "Frruit-a-tives"- by its marvellous action ou the kidneys - completely restores iliese vital organs to their normal strengtli and vigor-and cures evcry trace cf Kiduey Trouble. "Fruit. a-tives" la tbe cnly medicine ie the world madeocf fruit. 5ec. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At dealersor fromn Fresit-a-tiVesiumited, Ottawa. TIIkT ENTOF TLLBERS. A Pî-eîaation W hieli Greatly Pro- 1a,,,~ro ~l~bo~u i ifa A cOH ' iflER RO-3A1NCE IN TE 1PEER'AGE. BIIIiIsu D)uke cf maliellster's Widou Wed- 30 Years' WYait. The deatis cf Louise Dow- ager Ducboss cf Dev onshire, wbo nas alrost, the lest cf tîsose beautiful and brillieut wnuen svbo lave lied se greetan infiîîencc on Englisb po1itics re- moves fîrom the ocrtbly stage the lest figure in tIse romanîce tlhct on- dured through isixty years, ccd that leLt its mark uponth te bistory cf Great Britain. Tbreugb oeegreat iuistake-the recuIt cf a suddeu qîtarrel -euh lber girlisb su eetiîeart-tho Ducehess on- dured tlirty yecrs cfanu unbappy marriage witîs the late iDuke cf Maunchester before bis dcath por- mitted lier marrage with tise man se really les ed. Tise Duke cf Devonshir-e ivs that mlan. But tbrou!gsout the long pos- iod -of tisrir penance their truc story nec kuownuacd uniderstood slyns patlietically not only by thse lesser ligbts cf- court-society -but hy Queen- Victoria duriug ber rr'ign acd later by King Ednerd aed Quecu Alex- andria. ROYAL RECOGNITION. th eaehesecond migbties't nom- an --l England. The Duke of Devonshire, ivbo re- maned a bachelor, mot ber esory- ixhere, There nec ne mistaking bis contieued devetion te ber. No eue ever tbougbt cf asking oeaof tbem te a functice nitheut also it- vitîng the' other. WAJTED TH-IRTY YEAPLS. fairs endured fer 30 yeers. It w as just a y0cr after the aged Duke cf Manchester passed asvey that, in 1892, bis widew becamne the Duchess of Devonshire, and recli.sod et lest ber long-deleyed bcppicess. The star cf Devonshire xsas thon ie the ascendant. The Duke was powerful in Parliament. Hie beld the confidence cf tIse Crown. The scoai affairs conducted by the Duchess brcugbt togethier the greatest i. sds cf the period. It was said that many a fcr-reacbing measure cf diplomacy w as hemn in the discussions in b-or bome-the famions Devenshire ilcuse. The Duke died in 1908 et Cannes. From thet time foruard the Ducb- esc seemed te gron more fragile. She gave up most cf ber social ec- tivitics-os-cu bridge wite nbieb sise bad becu o'tbusiastical- ly fond. ilTer visit te Sandeisn recently n'as bei fit-st public appecrance su corne tîme. She ives standing --on-g--a gmoup crf Lius- e- -e suddenly snooned. She wec car- ried te tbe Vincent lieuse, but died nitîsout regaining consciousness. The Kind Yen Rave Always Bouglit, and -whicli ba- beea lu use for over 30 Years, lias borne the signaihro c and lias been made under lis peru ~ sonal supervision sInce Its inrancy. Ï4 M Alowi no ene to deceive you In thig, Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jt-st-as-goode9 are buü Experiments that trille with and endang-er the heaith et Infants and Chidren-E xperience agalust Experlmneuk> Cast'oria is a harsnless substitute fojr Castor Oil, Pare.- genec, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains- neither Opium, Morphine non other Narcotloe oubstauce. Its age is its guarantee. Lt destroys Worms~ and allays Feverishness. Lt cures Dlarrhoea and Wind Colic. 31trelieves Teething Trouble s, cures Constipation .and Platuleney. Lt assîiilates the Food, reguilates the 'Stomeeli and Bowels, giving bealth.1y and naturai sleep. Thle Chîldreu's Pana7cea-TI-e Mother's Friend. This royal recognition cf a ro-- 110W TO STAY YOUNiG. Thîe preservatiesi cf mi-se timbers r.setic attcmesst lifted the Ducit- by chemical ti-ectinent bas net yt ess te a positiont of social dignity Try te ep a Cîea Siate Se Far bee adpte b tie einng ndus hicb ber briliant mird readiuy tries o, Canada ecs yloeiturccd inte pelitical powver. Sbo as afeieusDisase Go tics, Iowever, the distances re- iras the wife cf Menchestef, but "i-fheie's ne wcy cf prevcnting ~U e~ rO e 0 Y as oiedt tra setmn~'teleshcisc ectise friend acd slîresvd ad- oid cge itself," w rites Woods Ilut- i viser -cf Devensiie cesan cf pet- chinson in liampton's, "save by -, THEiee.i- ena I557 7775 CiY ar hoin getr oouer que- rietism cead sound sense, but oue tise rather beroic remedy cf dlyinig lities of w ods bas c teure agu ho usedo ary wi ci cacey otcihl tie ainrn g scct c ompke f i eqiencggin eingeearubcsissaceywrt hl aid uie ccnd te offset his deficience-s for this purpose cloue. ______________________________________ mer.Timeriteg ias bascng reat- i- eroucuity and eloquecce. "It is porfectly possible, hon.. or. Tise United It was basarayensblieveci by Tn u isat ievoer, te proeut mest cf tise lirait- ne are grening until ne are ene EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN rechsei tsi stSe cd asdon deotof tise Ducheus of Mac- ations and cripplings, svbicb alcue day suddenly dead, witbout ever CANADA. mucis in the treatusent cf mine tin chester te tise carcer cf tise Duke meke eld age te b-'- dreaded , by reaiizing in cny distressing or pain- bers; wisere it ha ec iis preven cf Deosbcre ncs tise sesult of ber tise exorcise of ou, ritelligence ccd funay that we are grening old Tise Grand Tmuuk Railncy Systeir tisat a treatrment of creesote Or zicO eart-feit repenîtance fer isaviug etir determinctien. at ail. ancounce tisat on Tuesdays, June ebloride decreases tise destructionl tismoss hius over nc le had fit-st "Mauy, if net meut cf tise cbacg- "Aiready eld cge bac gono quite 27tis Jùîyiltis cnd 2,5tb, Augusi due te decay, fire and ifflets, this cous ted lier-tise bccutifuu Count- es ne associete nitis old age, nicis ou'tcf fasision. Tise civilized, eda E 8tb and 2L2nd, September 5tb ccd sucreasos tise life of tise timbers and ecs Louise Von Alton, cof tise thon we iseve iin mmd uviets vie tisink cf cated menier neman cf 170 is yeucg- l9th, 91 oeekr'Ecr scoreases tise annual cost cf re- migbty Court cf lianoe r. grosuiug cld, whichisni our pemp- or tbae tiese asage cf 40 or tishe 91 imeekr'Ecr placing meine timnbers. Tiesher used In th6se hacppy days of youth sise eus teebeicai tersnînology we al-E peccant of 50. What nitis steady i.n Ontas-io and Quebee te Western in mnes as o th aveageabcd been one of tise nest femouus Inde e as 'ceeule degenerations,' spread of reguler vacations endfCadviChcgadDutho sisrte lie tscuneei ued erbeauties ef Europe. Tise-llanos- Ici-cthse reunut cf infections diseasesE couuïtry or suburisce homes and' dscCscg niDitse aey otiser purpose. Tise surround- erian court was ncturaily Englisis E ced bcd bygiecie hbits. walking clubs and golf ced gardens vi iice t aladMn iugc in a mine areverv conducive~ in sympatisy, aed young Englisis1 "Fer.instance, remete et fiîct ancd autemobiling acd tiavel cf aeh 'cpcl S, et reduceci reund ttip Lares. cob,'leusen, eccli er te a sast estate sight as tise counection may seem, sorts tisose who neuld bave cou- Tise suel knosn deuble track lino te ref, shich acher a pesii oo three -,,, a dukeîleus, cause te pay court macy cf thse disabilities cf oud cge sdrdodoc r o nyý0o h rn rn rmteEs te fine ycars causec tise tieuber te te 'tise uovely daugister oL tise Ceunt acethse esults of those îig1îtly iO- osid ear cdouncear os nl 0 fthe Gcago Trpenl te rtielBas or io ecr yeng. te Cis icagohe appole ise traseller- break, cruiribleancd becoimue uce- Voe Atee. One cas the Visconîst' garcide ad alncost despised infec- 'Not eiiiy is tisere no defîct c ii Ie peirtaesr buss. Experiments hase heen 00nI5 Masdeville, nio svcîld ene day ho tiens called 'children's diseeses' period ïn adult cf uter iLe sr sec vsce tisat is effesed by tisis lice, in- ducted in Ijiied States naiesjDueocf Manchester; the ether sias ccd 'cousmon coldu.' risese se-called ceeule cbcngcs be- ciuding the amons "International nithia e s-of iisntreateci andi- trent 'tise Marquis cf dei-tingfcu, -wli "If seems ludicreus te tbiek cf a gin, but there'is ne period at Nicis Limilted 'fîem Menti-cal daily al oci mineprpc-feeaey à-ac. 1nec toe iet tiseinsignia and tise gracdfatber -wise lias net Luliy tO - tiey become ccceleîcted er start rc 9.00 ans.. cnd suhici is tise finest Aftr egbtenmentiss csery un îpewer ced miglity weaitb cf thse cesered froin thise meses or cf ai rgesc cmt es at - tItan adfsettans aaa sn îreated stick sa s uecheneci by de-! bouse cf De',osire. graudmetiser use is stili suffesing befere. In fact, tise oxtraerdinarypsegrs viile fteedbi cay andi breken, suhile tise treated COUNTESS DID NOT GIVE iii. frein thoe -fiects of wboopiusg ceugis, paradox existu that v bat w e terni w ey. Tise ro via Cisicago is a pneps wecie sennid ai-id useful. Frous Ts aqi ncts aoe but sucs long delaved Neuses as eld cge istise time cf lmLe in uh'hmest icterestiug cone, tcking pas- s~Th Maieuuisectica experients o tisacof paiufullIy frequlent oc- uve are gî-ening oud uoas a -pii.songera tismougi tise principal citioÉ tiiskndnii dferr peie f er. But tise ycuug Ceoutescnec.Ts ol h htmks if aranci towns in Canada ccd in tise w-cd, mpotan rseis hse eo s ne epercoîs cf lugisspirit, and lc"hoeliyfrt bliocii iepear othernise is thac ne isare -b0en 1 States of Michiganacd Indiansa. In ebtasueci. n~~~as a m-au of stubberu pride. There best assurance cf a hsappy seconîd steadiy grong oid l ur1VS diio etsi -ioc c ee Fir iasa a rgecd5yes s-wasaIýèvers' quarrel oe eof tîseeoce. ILf ou are cniy sefficientlyj long ccd the flîcu -an1 impes -clii.- Ilisses botureen Chicago acd St.- Pacl Firhasanaveag Of5 yar un 1trifiiug misunderstcîsdings flatuetnfortenate je îour ouviroumieut ibue accumulations have mcnîsted ccd Minneapolis is offered. troateci ife. Treateci it lests 12 bas-c a wcy cf chenging thecre , U'5Oini ociy childhced ccd yeuth yen te a pitci niici ne c'an îecogý- Oning te tise great number cf years. liemicck iastitsg as a na-j cf isuman lives. Thsey perted. Tise may have a fu group cf coenie nizo."1 Canadiens w-ho reside ins Chicago, tunci weod 5 years, just doubles itsE Viscosînt proposed ced. nec ec- symptotes acd die cf old age cf 45. S~ t. Paul, Minnseapolis, Duhufli and iferni cf life whbou treafeci, as docc ceptcd. Tisey Nvere mearried in 1853 A large perceutcge cf tise mass cf. Clean btomecb, Clear Mmnd.- otisor cities en route, tisere 1,5 ne ebestnutancd tcnsarack. S»mruce in tise court chapel of lianover end hîîmcnity, botis monncd momen, Tise stemnacis is tise ncrksbcp cf tise doubt tiset tise Grand Trunk nili us one cf tise specios wiich deccys came te Eungiand. de se due, old before tiser trme.viafoconndwh t -sfn m yptrswowl aka- quickest ninunfreated, lasting Tise Visceunt succecded te tise ti- "If you suant your mid te reecis vitelofunoe thanci ni sentets id eofacy pat o ui n u eec- e ]y 3 vears. If treateci it iili lat ticcf Deke of Mauchester. Fise a healtby, happy, unerippiod oid eucf order ymptse nTeesyistem mactenf s orture it tisef 12 easthrey ccrasngil lfeciildreu more borts. cge geard bis credie ced bis nurs-ceg in sspty. Tesiisfrddbmfoabienstetie nodpo1 Icic iedgiyofcoteb nv sti jclusoce gaes tsefig, tise mmnddreops acd uvorK e h- stations witb their friencis. 300 per cent. To surl u, wod inmariago ced tise power cf anotlier demons cof tise littie evers cf in- comies impossible. Tise first cre1 Canedien citizecs are exempt set-atie ne oei proong tis hf ight cf influence, tise Ducisess fcncy ced childhood. Enen tise s-esndh ersoeieiific-f so-cle Imirto Bx - of durable timbers, tisus dee-esing alddlgofteod mnstien cff tlua si-maci acd tise hest inaticu. cand tisere is ne detontion -- cf icferismptonb eraloceuises is due nine times eut cf ton preparation for tisat purposo is, et essy point. permifs tise substitutionof c e io--trimnscfcidod cusiesVgtbePilîs. Gen 1- Bcggage is canried fîrotîgisthse -s1pecies, wiîose use ceesicierably ro-!E biborig i du oalTseeer ecc bs senthem ea United States ie bond witbont ne- à G lise feoef bshaigi u rluefryer a o duces tise di-ain slus ntise moei -dee-ucsiectek fucueo edigpeoinmdcn.A trial qeiîriug ccp speciai attention on simable kinds. uetrected celcis wniesspread frous nul atteut tisoir value. 1tise part cf tise pauseeger. Inspec- ____-Prince Edwvard Farmer Sol- bis tbrcat up te bis oustachian tube tion is isot noccusai-y et acy cf tise tetie drum ccd tise boues cf hic A FI'E MEMORY. poinsts cftishe Border. ABDBC.emnly Declares "Nervi-. middlecar; fthe dimmicg cf bis oye-Aohrfauett ilpel fiune" Is a Specific. sigbt is dite te tisat decay cf tish hîkatrinte de tuer te e eeseer stiecefr a Warîiis tht he udîe~sare_______ iteiity cf tise centre cf tise enystai- hic frieed Jicks, suie bad jut re- table transfer et peints like Chi- Sicka fifty yeai-s'exherience le raie-lice lens smis une clicafarcct, a turn-od freus ebroad, w-as teuung Icge, St. Paul and Dulutth jute Isek "After tyeas xein nri- deccy ceuseci by tise infection hum whiat a fine memety isis liiffe freshuiy vntilated elece cars, avoid- A bd hckfttissust'ytnetyina- horces i r-ce scfeîy testlfy that no siseck"c and evernork ced under- son Bobsy lied. ina- tise cceessity cfft-avelling a A bd acktuns vey teny-rcîssedY gives suds a-ced recuits for an ifeeding stîcins cf îife. '"Anide on ousuppose ho us11 re- long distatnce in flic samnecar, foui heurs ie oOne cmii r-uncd cf'all-rcund stable' linient as Nerviline." ipan ad msey-yu ae l .T'eus opens the vory eernest letter cf ,J. 'Ture quertons c f tise crippiings memnben meeV' saici Jinks. le addition te thse ebove routes, panadmsn o sehnse 111n Evnnten, nbc linos near Wellieg- cf tise cid mca or suemen nisicis Rememberyen i Wisy, ho ne- tise sale ef tickets is aise authoriz- tise uîes"ing, îagged ali day hi cajton, P. E. -1 bseC a nory neluabie horsea chain tisemto te ieir chairs cm mnake members osr'fc htle vre i anaadteNrhr duli throbieg scekache, caut t ufthat tcek dlistomper a mînth ao na-e e oîd bosates-tutr e to hn- sey acwts h N avd ieatîiCmacd tse aNrctîs in tise cm ning i a afrcid i nes geina- tosehichm. aiainCtpu' uenfe etRs cnotswlied ced bei-C lumps de- half tise nigbit long arc net due te An heur later tisey ectered tise Steamers ac-ncss Lake urns- andu cr s e p v e l etI v l d ic n strls -en ced lie hed a ncci no sm a i cm necessary pr ecess bouse, ccd , f fe t' Jinks bd shak o-si L ake S uperi r. rtîgst. t iuntsteriblecocah. E conececi miti adcncig i arsFnds witis Itrs. Biinks, blie cîles Fer fui-tiser pesticelars pply to P I te bond ove r, tried different tO- huit t es ou fseuaiu ch nt eIin straigisten up, Nervilio tofdies, ut uce ccpAgent cf tise Grand Trnnk J get tmp frens c unable t"rbeenscsi lms neibya c 'Andi de yen remeusher me, my iRailnay Sy stem, or write te Mr. J. chirs, er liit my anC umanîVcfQuiclan, District Passenger Agent, 11 CURES Pain ahdrs f i 1 ofoifction , flueaeuto os ousitl e ' een a ligbt ll1I sterted te use "sr netosdteu le "Cour'se I do. Yo're tiese amne iBersavnninne Station, Montrea1, Or ucigisi. Arsy 0%ai-vilien mx e cco-î f ou ia tteîn i'tds roiei lstc rM. A. E. Duff, District Passonger t An twist Q1%9UI11CKLY c hSI fner- a r%-sof ou itls sdo 'ed te ed nect meens fine more chanuces on tise mer, ced'ma was se cross about Agent, Union Station, Toronto. turc or enk- cil and rubbcd te muixture ce mbe scle cf a hendred Lot' a happy ced t tisat se dîdmi t speak te lises fer 24- te Sept. 19. w'ard toeeont sens a tecning Shroet and chest titi-e timnes a day and comfortehie old cge. On tise ctber a nisole wveek." fuinge cf pain thuîgis tise neck yoe WOuld scarceiy boliene the way ,iscus, -cIl tise se calied se-nule -SATSMTIO spot.m. iat lso have ed Ne1iiIeUfor changes may be ps-edîced et c piti- Tise Drink Habit curod et ihome' Booti's KidneoyPis î-eacb tise celle in hcrscs anC cens, and eareestly fuily premature pericd-cnd in acf- by Miler's Dsink Cure. Sold biy - "Whct is ce anecdote, paV" week spot, tise kidne.5s, ced quiek- recemmend iftetç every mac thet, is ural life are se produced itilipein- Jury & Loeel, Bonwmanville. "-An anecdote>, my son, is a shocrt ]yrs-r inyh'raisîng fstoucky." lîsetee ide eancd coin- For stcck." ais welngcoifui rquny-yeitler uedemfeed- __an cd fuuny tale su-iielt once re- fot he r uaated.'Aldisteasper, ceca-bs, ced ceids, no ln u ng or onernenjc et ce eariy cge or HIlS DEFENCE. minds tise other fellow' cf a tale dealers ancidt'cggists, 50., or post.-tuent null pi-ove se efficaceous la- the by confinement in foui air nithout A young Irish s oli na hagwiici is neither sliork nIenr fun-n." paid frein Tise R. T. Beotis Ce., stable cs "Nerviiie-it's goed ilPr preper exercice. eci nit tri -. s spior ocemg Ltd., Fort Eric, Ont. Seed for frcm aneor best, fer internai or oxtereal "Careful studios-,ced meesume- 1 - cimhe soii Pain Fleos Before It.-Thoere is? box, nwhich wil hogladly sont on nill cureil. Refuse substitutes. Large ments be-ne ssonn tfist eut'time cf 1tePeieti h bet t ymore mutues in ac lifle cf Dr. application. betties 50c, trial size 25c, et ail CeaI- actuel mcturîity cnd ci-test cf f tishPesideet ifo objotethe CanyThomas' Eciectrie Qil as a suliduer Seld ced gueranteosi in Bos mac- ers,. or'The Catari-hozone Ce., Kingston, gronfli in physicci ebamecters, sucsoh ieefiesfrmn ieCurt, cf pain tisan in gallons cf othier mulle hy Jury &Les elI. Ont. as iseiguit,, neiglit ced chest girth , bec ansncred:- medîcine. ,Tise public knew tuis, à% Ê- R %rN $ CURED mc mueis later than fot'merly ccp- "Sure, I ebjocts te pe cli n"hreaefw hoieiW %.î % M IN24 MORf- pesesi.Instecci cf reaching, as-w-as "On w'ist greuin-ci " auked tfue tand otthse e areofnr hese i -roi, 4n ainlecly move any coi-n,. cfeeime, confident]-ystateied ut'President.fuegiotis snry ileem Brown "I wantecd te get marri- cith ,eî- ird sorîï,biedjieg, by full stmengfh aet923, aio(ur :fu111 "It's cet gc1ilty I am "ecîsuot lebc .Thirty years eÀ nbr), ei e seçrar, consaîn, neoeI if t 5, ias a matter o cf et 0f course, lie nas ifres sela friiaiei iej- p fathse+r saisi -dnf't bjanc cuse ec id hrmls eas o-nesdn otne eicec1lwy i coec na- -loft poes.ritis ifansi nia-ei à %eîolo oeyor heallnk. a-unis ccd baims a' ft Wmedî 1brt." Gee1"n1au l- byal-lrggsf, 2e otie. e 11Byliing 8a leahlifuh, active, t1ooe x~wrd risi et tbirfy h-Brw -011n usîft cf hiry Iha-i te mch eus ~< P TNA '$ AIN ESShapy hfe nsikeping lcp ahi ou1r j"State ,ourjetion." i eef8 We can grew andi dt-voep "Sure, he ýwesn't there wbem An-ay a iman noeve r 1h5h w'ant a wife." C R X R O OR adaje orevsasife hI tbmuek 1-tise Captain !" £ilpreopoted te hlm, i 1 il e&-n i ' ' is ýreimnark le Co i 1 tlett Viefiu ul Bri-mriýhirT-Altel, 1 twm UULL IY"Lte ul OlVl"Ire ýuler 1

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