TIE ÎFARM Useful Hint.s for the Tiller of tha Soi! FEEDING COWS F011 MJLK. disturb the other occupants. Cat- In ninety-nrino, cases probablv out l te do not bite the grass clean; cvfa hua drod where cous in a herd hecp eat the heart out of clover, are nt producing satisfactory thereby kiiling it; they aise pick proitstheresitsaredueto lck -out their food daintily; the horses Of system in the management.luIn îp, as it viero, between hoth. the first place the1 breeding of the Sheep fold the, soil, which is ne herd may be, at fault, but this is small gain, but are not liked by ei- net aiways a criterion, and the ther'cattie or horses. Thero- is stil] farmner is riot justified in jumping which nfmatcete o beofedand te hasty conclusions, The w*,ý 'jbc maintaiae.d. Are they to realiy a machine for the pros Iti,~ifune h ubro a of urnng ougage mepu rposs hc soii.ed or leit to grazo l The of trnig rughgemea, gass latter is the ieast trcouleson, but roots, etc., iat.o milk. One does fwrha a okp.T oln net know wbether or not a machine ther eaea sufc must.beInt ticen has pofihetaet.cfafaity unti t Sa day and left somo heurs to heat pt totets.m afre ege down. That implies a great deal the miik of is herd of, say, tea of cartiag away manuro. But then cows, and fed the, cows alike, hie there will be more stock Sup port- might ýcome to the conclusion tuat ed. Ifi the cattie be ieft'out during ail the cows were doing weli, or lie the summer niglits in a paddock migbt come te the very opposite that outdoor relief wil be prizod. conclusion, that they were'ail un- The miiking caai take place in the profitable. In both cases he might stable as well as in the field. Ia bc wrong. The oniy correct hasis the rich grass land of Nermandy on which te estimate the, yield of the cattie are there feil by the a bord of eows is individual per- pieket plan. Every animal bas a formance. Then ho knows that tether of six or nine yards that certain cows are making good use works on a swivel, se that this sur- of the food they consume; others face. of fodder must bc fed haro; arc making poorer use, and per- the herder changes the sweep of the haps stili btter use. As seon as tether twice a day. At night the the question of individual produc- animais are housed. The water is tien is soived hie is at once in POS- specially supplied from pumps to eession of the data necessary te the treughis. determine whetber or not he is >14__ ____ feedîng tbe cows, se they will havc FOLLOWED. a chance te show what thoy cari do. Many farmers food eornstalks,' hay A gentleman was once night re- and qome roots, and expeet their turaing hime, when he found that cews te yield large quantities of lhe was fellowed by a man. Net miik. Oftea the quantîty of hay wishing te be overtake'î, ho hiur- is limited, and the whole ration is ried forward. The more hoe hur- wheat bran, corrmeal and oul- ried, however, the more the man meal mixed equal parts hy weight. hurried. Cc)ming te a church hoe This shoald ho fed twice daily. thought that hoe would get 'rid of ~Each cow shoul'd receive as many bis follower hy walking round it. pounds -of this grain ration a day He feit alarmed when hoe feund J'iat as she produces pounids of butter the man foiiowed bim round. fat in a week. For oxample, if a Summioning bis courage, he sharp- eow produces aine pouads of but- ly said: "What are you fellowing ter fat in seven days shie should be me fori" fed aine pounds cf grain a day, or "If yen pleaiso, sir," said the four and a haîf peunds night and man, "I amu g0iag te Mrs. Brow's, morning. If one dees net know and the porter at the station teld how much butter fat lus cows are me that if 1 foilowed you I shoald producing or how mach miik each fiad lber home aext door te individual yields .Iho is in the dark yeur. as te h1-e each should be fod. WViin the meai ration is setled, thon the No mari is a coward in bis ewn roughage, whatever forai it takes estimation. He cails it nerveus- May ho fed with a liberal hand. if ness. the ration ho weli balaaced good cows wl do justice to themselveq Miller's G rip Powdors Cure. and yieid profit te their owner, Sold by Jury & Loveli, Bowman- ,vea on dry feed. ville. II0W MANY TO AN ACRE. Misery loves "ompany that willi liston te a job lot of bard luck The aumber of cattie te ho, graz- stories. ed per acre must ho determined 1 hy the experience of the farmer After a girl j'. married it seesus te hiniseif. Under ne circumstances hou etenilîost o u is ou orstocki.-ig to ho practised, 'ifj remarks te the offect that she the suppiy of grass proves defea- 1,didn't marry the mari of bier ichioce. tive, seil offff the suiperaumorary1 animais; if the feed be abundaît,, Teachoer-"I would iike, soîeneul huy more stock or coavert the ex- i the class te deflîie the meaning' cess of grass into hay. It is an of vice ve-rsa." Bright Bey- "It's uadecided question whether it is sleeping wîth your foot rowards the right -or nert that cattie, sheep and bond of the bcd.", herses should hýe ailowed te foed together in the'samo field. There A woman who xîsited the Brit- are miany farmers who xiii bave no isii inusu recently inquireil of an such trinitv, and others who posi- attendantL "Have i nu neo kul of tively ehject te sheep.ý Twelx'e C romwelli? 1 have beon lcarking of the- latter te the acre is the raie. Iail round for a skul cf Oier fly herses are understeod, not (r;-iîeli.' "Nj\o, madlarn," re- working herses that are tee uorn pjlied the attýendicant. "We nos or eut te reasu about in search of food, hald oe." "How vory odd ! she and that profer the, soiling plan,' oxclaimed; "they have a. fine onie but colts wbicb are ail for play and linthe museîu at Oxford!" For Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Have you ever felt a lenden weight in the pit of the stornach -a feeling o! fuiness, wtb beichîng o! wind and perlîaps sCevere pain? Then yen iknow ïhow- ini!gestionfees.it ia -tcause-s nSerL ftrevr inea-it sa'pa thestenth -oe f the best of the Ite prescriptions-positiveiy cure, or Sour Stomach, Heartburn, cernes frein a " bad stornacl." Each tablet will digest j/pi Take "No, ri I! Tablets regi that yen have foud disagreee bencfitted frein the start- and so% 50e. at Xour Fathr PiMoreiucyMoinC. priest-physicia's reaarkabie lndigest'on, Dyspepsia, Sick and a1l the Suffering that poumads o! fooc-a good meal. -ularly. avoid articles of foodi ýe vith yen, andi yen wîll be Don cured. rDeaier's. 62 TALE 0F PLOOK AND OARIN« CAPTAIN WILFRED IIOWELL'S AMAZI-NG FEAT. TIhe Snrveyor Was Bittenl by a Crocodile While Swimmting a River in Sierra Leone. There is ne more courageous body cf men than thoso pioneors of civil- ization who, talcing thear lhves in their hands,' ponetrate savage ceuntries in the interests of com- merce, te survey and open np the land. These nords, once uttercd by the lato Mr. Cecii Rhodes, are recaiied by the gallant exploit of Captain Wiifred Howell, of the Glamorgan Volunteer A rtiilery, uho, in 1897, ieft Engiand for the West Coast of Af rien te mako a survey for the construction of a nexv railway, says Londona Tit-Bits. ATTACKED BY "WAR-BOYS." Three mentbs later lie reached Sierra Leone, and found bisuseif ameag the IÇwai people in, the neighhorhoed o! Songe Town, which is about thirty mil-es up- country. At that time the Kwais were shoxwing sigas o! rýebollion, and long before, Howeii reacbeýd their territery ho lad been warn- cd net te enter. But, accompaaied by a few native boys and oniy one white man, lie fearlessiy proceeded with bis survey. Niglit after nigbt ho was attacked hy smnali bands of natives, or "war-heys," but ho stili continued witb bis n'erk, being anx- ions te finish it if possible xthout havng te appiy fer milîtary assist- ance. One day,, however, a native schooimastem rushed wildly inte Howeii's camp and urged hum. to fly for bis life. It appeared that oniy a fow heurs previously five Amonican missienar.ies lad heen murdered at a village only ton miles distant, and the band -of reb- els îvbo lad committed the -out- rage were thon hasteaiag ton ards Hoxvell's camp. A PERILOUS POSITION. HI-astily coacealing underground bis theodolites and other valuahie, instruments, the captain and lis' followers made their way across the River> Rihbi and in due course ream-hed Waterloo, the second iamg- est town in the Celony, aftem warn- iag the people la Songe Town and Freeowxn o! the outbreak. At Wat- orlce Captain Howeil raised a body of eigiîty velanteers, and hy mens o! forced marches, thoy quickly- meaclied Songe Town; but ne seon- or ladl thoy arrived there than au- thentic information was received te the effect that Mrs. Kane, ixife of eue o! the missionaries, lad net been massacred with the rost of the victisus, as she was at first sup- posed te have heen, but liad os- caped from lier assailants and- flod into the bush. To roscue, the un- fertunate lady froas lier perilous position at ail costs was the doter- mination cf the volunteers. Ton ards the end o! a long and tiriag mardi they siglited tbe glis- teuing surface of the River Rihhî, and presently came aloagside it at a poinit here its breadth exceeds inox-ards ard its deptia 300 feot. jHardly had they arrix ed there jwhen, a rattie cf rifles hotu een 20fl- yds., and 300 15ds. heyertd the op- posite bank, foliowed aimost 'in- mediateiy hy a n b;istling shower cf bullets ox'er theiýr hbonds,. n arneil thesu that the eneamy bnci opened fine; and almost at the same mena- ont tbey discovored thnt aillhouts ca ioo5, and rafts apon their side cf'the streain had heen destroedj or eut adrift. ATTACKED BY A CROCODILE. Thero uns ouiy coe, way in wbich the lîttie band ceuld ho ianded up- on the opposite bnnk in order that it mîgbt puîrsue and disperse the enoiy, anîd uitimateiy rescue the unfortunate lady missicnary. Some mariîrmust suisu the treacherous riv- er--full cf u-lirioois and concealed I'wice the cro"codile returned te the attac, nd thie captain's cesu- panions baildgvn hisu up for lest xxu lientby saw himi emerge frosu the wate(l and !Umb il)feebihy np tue ap- puiebaank. ILtaftmrarnrds tran- sprdthat hoelaad oaly managed -1te liet to cocoileoff after is ,te-etti for ary cuise etieafesbi-, lcnuýused isy 'îarniug fih1ý a mile anay..,to e cSpdonit Bead. CaarrPtian cnne hoe ured by lli's Fou li tie n atciman's) replies Wbcrré CAlarriaCue.Sand boucclam-, fro.tî omequotea xoput teuio h nes ae-be oe l. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toiedo. , o cb st u-idepstan.1thtiho-um et ansumuberso! east me ceils Sol tm drggits,75e 'mîtiieueCalighllioffeadetcdy uePrdî-s tl [JA" lasF"Ènly PMu o sis ibmar iuigaruo aei t uu agr ubr r fnfunt 1dil 1 ltobnl ,gies thesu e eeages so'ne Ifa gir! oesnt kacw hew teon ie snccnemvi- !thirdsialoprprte.Yu ï1irt i'sbc lsi er hat3intj -i)1N(i A\TRIMC1>3' far thi 1esaamouat o!3ean eki dep..A mndywax teth 1111r1a which fiaisý its xs'-ay lbothc huma-nm Howell endeavored te repair one of T Uir T the beats, but found ut lait that bis I lHiEOU "BEI efforts 'icre in vain, and that aci îu lA0- IEI thor by book nor by croek 'ouid he, ho able te get boid cf a navi-y gable canoe. Se lie calmîy satiCONCEmmNPiG i lquLCL,1 MS- dowa te est, in spite o! the bal- UNDERSTOOD COUWI?-RY. lots arbidliworo stilI xhistling about bisu, and te stancli, as noli as lie ,could, the hleod stili fion'ing froc- Criminais Elînployed la1 the ue nbeyut a er Iy fresu bis laenrated 11mb. At last, iesnalyot c:hur feeling ýslightly strongen, and seeing Arc'Net ii-eated as Bad food and properly digest them. that ne good -as te ho donc by bisasIprtd momaiaing n bore ho uns, lho encea eotd50.abxt moe f ced the bornons cf the iv- The stories we bave rond e! Sib- 4 alaDropg & Chemioca! or hy sîimmiag sloxxly hack, this erin-of, long linos of priseners_ time, fortunately, nithout being at- cbaîned together, and marching__________________ tackeëd. wearily along for about eighteen retu'-ned tu Songe Tenufer rein- goadod on by Cossack xxips, and foremtsignt thtentre oxpeldt hemonbsat a tetchthe dî ng t RI othei wounded amen n'cre conxeyed snow; anîd thon yoars o! ciueltySEÀ RT I Y by hearers. At first it was feared aud incessant toil ia the, mines- tint Howell's ieg uouid bave te bave left an impression fan from ceme off, as in eight cases eut of ton picasant in tic minds o! !reedomi- L.fl ' T7* tic bite cf a crocodile hnings on leving Englishmen. Eliab rersonlity, Yi bleod-poisoning, but in thc end tic But this is net the Sibemia o! te- operation was ne.t perforýmed. Mrs. day, according te Mn. S. Turner, Practically Ackn( Fane,th Amenîcan nissienary's ixhose book o Siheria shows us wife, was nover heard o! again. that country as one e! thc limitiess_____ Hnd it net been for Hon el's possibilities, being gnndually set- prompt action in the fist instance, tled, mudli as Canada is heing set-. "If in this lif0 only n-e bave hope hewever, eveny nwbite man in lis tied, and promising as fair a fat- lun Christ ne lare of ail men nmost ewn camp, in Songe Town, in Wat- ure, pembaps, as Canada itself, snys miserabi."-,Snint Paul. erice, and most likeiy aise in Free- London Answers. The idea o! immortaiity is eue that tewa, would have been massacrod, is mest tenaciousiy cluag te by caur se sudden and se totaîîy unexpeet- ORCE RJDCS sentiments and mest conclusively cd was tic prising. Mr. Turner, as a memben o! a rejected by materialistic roasonîný,g. --___ ____-leadung firra o! provision imperters, There is danger tîmat the mmnd cf THE CRI-NESE GIRL. wn eSbmao uies u eleaverage, intelligen peron, found time 'te correct maay o! thc trained te the strict bonesty and [1)lt f , the W oa Against~ prejudceos le lad previously .bhld self-control- o! modern scientifle o th' l oryMan g i n emmonnwitl other people' nmn tos ilptaieti we j Cmpusoy Mrrige Britain, and te do some exploration etsudsi put asie th et One o! the most1 curions incidents and meantaineering at thc samne pruso sb aig t i o! wbat E. von Ruhstrat, ia tIe time. mnyths and guesses cf former ages cf Greîzbottn (Leipzig, Germany), Thiis is what ho, bas to say about ignorance. Lot us theroefore state cails thc "moderniziaz o! China," conviet labor ia the mines: succinctiy the grcunids anwbich is tic 'revoit against eaforced mar- t is generally heiieved ln Eng- an enlightened, strictly trutiful la- niage, organized hy an association land tInt tIc criminals thus cm- telligent bases suichi a bule!. which styles itsolf the Society o! pioyed in the mines are teated And, first, the wbole mas' tam- Sisters. The young girls, its mcmn- uitlî barbarous cuety; tînt they must ho rocognized as lying olits'de bers, bind themsolves te refuse sub- are, la fact, frequcntly compelled o! nnd beyond the reaisu of accuir- miss ,ion te, "the harsh muws cf Chin- te woîk. while la a dying condition, ate knowliedge. ose marriage." This lxv niakes the or, beavily fettered, and that ticy fIt bas ne kiuship ii th Oo1nîn; 'irl the slave cf 1er fatner befome ai-e often obliged te sleep wiile at- matbematic'., cbemistry, or aay oe! marriage, thc slave o! lion bushand tached hy chains te lieavy whlec1 thie other exact sciences. It lii's aftem marrînge, and, if ieft a wid- barrows.. . ...As a roatter cf fact, ather iiin ht ri'gian w ich oeîî'ý ow, the slave o! hier son. She lives boîvever, oacI convict las bis ocîvo e siniË t-a ako- at the lieuse o! hem iîusband's par- quartons, te wbidb lieea n etaria cltaed sienist the dai aclac ents. They can force hlm te div- after bis day's womk is -doncanad ledges te exist, 1e'thos.nee orce bier, even tieugbho loves her, ne miner is evor kcpt underground o rt iy im'aetejo or te retain ber at their biddiag, ut aiglît. Women prisoners, on raysteries o! the e rr.a aîi, t0ce evea if sho lias iacurred lis bat- 'the ether band, are only empioyed subliminal insti acta, aadt'a- 11:1-1 red. Lf sic lins ne chilîdren ber aboie- the, surface, la mach the esthetie perccpt' ai,,s. 1 bushaad is permitted te take an- saine n-ny as women woîk la con- These things, o! cea' se, a-c ji- other woman te bis lieuse, nectica with the ceai-mines la Eag- as meal, thougl e.ut '.u ucli -' wbose offspning the wi!e is expeet- land. as ti'. exact scieaces, n.Id have cd te trenat as 1er cira. THE CONVICT'S LOT. quite as mach., if net moi-e, te do The resaît bas been "a marriage twtlie stnike," says Louis Lnloy in the Dedactiag hliidnys, the conviet ib1ie "Grande Revue" (Paris), a move- works for ciglit montbs in the yea, ALL MATERIALIS'fIG PROOI1"S. ment toward feminine cmancipation hehurs o! laoor being frosu six ols nte onn t idvo! a eutare lite, tI'i'oiore, -n.ch a spnending fari- and nide frosu Can o'elock latic mornia te nuiadd ton tîroaiguut tIc ivîole province and fromu two o'eiock la the atr-pshirasrcadsartaîsc o! IÇuang-tung. The course tue noon te sevea durng the sanamer, perfaormances, mav be set a ie asi "Sisters" tako, aiea their intend- and f romu sevea o'ciock in the, morn- liardly conasistenat witiî intellectuaa cd lias been named, this writler thus ung te four o'clock lu. thie fternoon self respýect. receunts : thdarng tic wînter. There are mere The uaost convi'acing proof cf car "To, refusee husband tîcir severe conditions o! laher tbancntad existence, hoevor, te parents choose n-ould ho te ise ia tbese to e honet witî ia Engiand. tlioughtful pom-scns is the faet that, rehellion ngainst patemnai autor- . t îs possible for a prisoner, iithoat this, hfe loses its moral îty, crie alidli s puisiale , go dudct, te become "a f!ree significiace. Tic aext iiorldid lÎmn with tIe severest penalty la tic 'commad"-tlint is te say, le is extricably hoiind up aiti car ethi- Chinese code. Thc future bride, obiiged, te woar the convict dress, cal sense. Andi that net meuroly by therefore, pretends te subsuit liem-j but is oniy under police supervision tradition, but by a paofoand reon soif, but la three dnys after thc and is at liberty te make any mon- son, ubici was tialy faIt, thccrgh wedding mtras te the parental ey hoe can by practising a trade or fantasticaily sttatid, by amea since 'home te take the castomamy final engaging in business. He may mar- the begiiiY.-o adieu. Fresu that home it is hiem ry, and, if le las any pnivate mon- -h pining cf morlmtie reselve nes'er agala te dopant. It ey, lie is eatitied te retain it. Hoe h en stntmrlmtv. us a sacred asylusu frosu wliclm it is is also at liberty te receivo bis- net peî'mitted evea te the liushand frieads. peasant*s heurt seesus te ho te show hisuseif te drag ber axî'ny." Escapes are more tana frequent, hlm a trick. This w-as Mn. Tara- Furtiet' particulars are furnish- it.appoars, abc-ut a third o! olhebeors plan at one otit-cf-the-Nvcrldi cd by a Chinese writer aie as nl criminai exiles sncceediag in tbrca'- p lace, and how admirably it suc- the "Sin Clou Ki" ("TIec'New îng off ail comtrol. Aad thintbey ceeded lis -own words explalo Age," Canton), an organ cf the R1e- roarn the country lu bands, mur- The linguistie dificuity hoiag foramists: derîng and îobbîag. practucnily insurmoantable, 1 on- "Dulring tic tînce days sIc BRINO YOUR OWN PILLOW. denu oreti te ailay nny suspicions the 'Sister' nither eun'ts nom drinks, these pleasant fellows : - ccss o! theilunsophisticate-d Intel- and refuses te couic sicar hini. If Ammed nith a stick, te n-hich is ligeaces bv adnoily balncimîg a pa- sic breakîs this ule tic otier 'Sis- attacbed a strong pioce o! cord or per funnel on my nese, àud apply toms' expel li'r frena thein associa- c'atgut, tlmey nihi nppnoncb the un- ing a iighted nuatchi te 1k This i- tien and acier agama prencunco 1er waay traveller frosu behinil, throw- prosseti thesu s am inumch. Tieysaîi nane. Soumoe ecape !rom their dis-!tic' cord rounîd bis neck, and quiet-I they bath acîci' soon a'ïsthiug 11ke grace by suicide." i y strangie lisu by tnistiag the it hefore. The oigbt recumbenti Thoseyoua woma ar umaoyefstic, te rob hlm at their leisurie of forsus assuimet ai eu-ct posatue a tiem wnell eduîcatcd iii thecneu' ihateven hoe may possoss, or te se- and n generai expansiv e grn. sciaools o! China or are, ut aay rate cure Is passpcrt in -ordeî te mako Thec Bassina bas a uay cf lais skiiful enougli toecama their owa their escape frosu the country. ewnae! tak-ing lis bath, anti the liv-ing "Tîey work i silk, andi Anti, o! course, it is uip te the Iaittbor givos bis oisonsvations on naay o! thesu cana more tîman is 1travoihon te proteet linaseif. the flrst Russian bath le ac ut an suifficient for their wnts. This en- But it ib enly fair te nota tînt opportunity o! inspocting: .11 Outlast Death is .wledged- To-day are tee long te fit tisea rl4iy, 'short career. Ail1 the higlier, miore humanizing, subtier, and more al- truistie otmus are toc craîaped flâr rolasu. They cannot fitly N pay ins , de a space cf thirty-taireýe seai o r . Brutal. bes-tial, sensî'al, and al destructiveeot n reap a quick harvo t. Thecir revn ard is in t-.'ir hand. The selfisb man gets wwhab lie goes after. Ho makes bis moo.ýey, hoe sates bis lusts, lie fuls the mea- sure, of Mis priýde, and, as wioth the beasts, dleath comes mercifullv u"th thedecay of his powors, se that bIi3 termi as in a uay rational. But the reuard.s of \irtuc are, long a"l, slow. The in.,crîee-tt of gjode's sceins a cosmi- prlco'ss that neods net davs, but ceoî-tiuîes. Ha,:ncsty is net the best po)li ai n ai s, u ithin a peried 'cf a yxeno nor of alilfetime ; u a feel it te b" lc hest pol .',cy alu ays only wlcn it can a lia -to OTIEALLOPIITi. Even se, loyalty, piirity, nobil- itgL-ý, and. aill the lxIirtrait-,cf u, ei ýC hI V 2V charnceo a ' ,id T he o c aopoul in'i' i És d1îh t0c re ce ij t lýitre sk' a&o hobctakie- es ulcrc men a-idvc0 ot smiling te -death for a pri~vIe.,i)) Horco, te removo fresu me n the feelinýg that anothýer life soap-e mu ci., this uould eut the noev-of jmoral ont ; it wûuld rcmuve the halo fi 'su Our flesh ; it wou1d, rue out our tint cf ciiinîty; weuld elituicrate ail l iaz far ionc-- ing oaa.î f seuls that leads--tze commit tb'einselx os utterly te noble aï~ms. The world n ould ha peor w ithout its Wcilif, and Saî onarola, t-.id Brumao, and Paul, an Socrates, and Jesus, aillcf uhosu had moral ce .ten.ts that spiilc-1 over ýdeath. The-best reason foir keopiing hoe,- von is because it is ueeded. DfR. FRANK CRANEZ. dgsie systesu is introduced with baery goods uhicb havo heen mado' fresu ficur' Yeast is'a fungus and belongs te the saine family as the mushroom, for n hich most people have a dis- tinct, liking. The ago long use cf venot foir brcadraising purpcos proies that this fungus is capable of thoroughly agreing with the homan organissu. I. xiew of this fact it i5 sornewhat surprising that immense anîcunts of beer yoast are annuallb allen ed te go te u aste frein eîery bre-wery in thecatr There ar-e sexorul circusustan.-, ibic bhaive seemed to stand in Janle w ay cf cmpioving beer yeast ii fa. il production. The two prianpal eues are its dark celer and its bit- terness, duc te the simultanceous use cf bops in, the bre-,,ing proces- ses. These properties of heer vxea4t, howei or, niay easily bho l'ouata Beer y cast is not suitable foir bak- îng purposes becaLise it growin lea .old mediaum and doci net posess a g cet enougb raising pou oer for the purposes of the baker. There is ne question about the nutritixvo value cf yeast, since iveight for xxeight it is quite comparable la nutritîix value te the boit beer. Frr drect consumptien in the fe'- conitî,in ý east mus ho Putt ý Lqtu.t 2'ntreal, Que.