MORE BEEF" BETTER BEEF àW have bought this week frmthe IJniol ota very butchers' catt ,' trade. Tliey a For tende fromi Bowmanville's Leading Purvey- C.m A ors of iigli-class meats& poultry 1 0 Pione 64 J HAMPTON MI Best grades of Bread ai Flour. 1Always a good stock of F( Crimped Oats, Chop and Mill hand. Orders given prompt attent: PHONE 129 R 6 The Old Reliai Reason it out for yourself. &v people have bought Dominion Inst and every one of them sati sfied.1 and nice light easy touch nothing ca Dominion Pianos. The construci frame is beyond doubt the best ir We make terms to suit any pers( you can save a good many dollarst a Dominion from JAMES DEYMA AGENT, BOWMAD IFLOUR 0F QUAI DOMINION ELECTIONS SIEPT. 21. Sir Wilfrid Laurier's Clear-Cut Reasons for Dissolution and Appealing to Electors. )I Stock Yýai ds, Tor Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in an addrcss to tlic "Not content f0 debafe this proposition choce ar l o f Canadian people, issued Saturday after upon ifs merits, flic Conservative parfy in le- foïr ou August the dissolution of Parliament, places the the House of-Commons has adopted a are th' ino lot of issue before the electors as follows: systemn of organized and avowed obstruc- tion to prevent any vote being takcn in uglît into Bwman "1To THE CANADIAM PEOPLE Parliament by whicli the opinion of your "At al fimes during flic iast forty ycars representatives there couid bcecxprcsscd. orlr if lias bccn flic constant effort of al po 1f- "Day after, day when flic presiding er juiy Ilea icai parties in Canada f0 make wi h flic officer lias triedt f put flic question licelias Unitecd States an arrangement for flic free bcen met by diiatory motions, by endlcss exeliange of natural products betwecn flic speeches, by obstructive devices of cvery two ounties.kind, ecd put forward on some spccious é,KER k SONn 1854 Lord Elgin, on- behlaf of Car.- prctcxt, but in rcalify nothing cisc flian BenaVille. ada and flic Maritime Provinces, negotiat- an abuse of frcedom of speech in Parlia- cd witli fli Unitedi States a treaf y for mcntary debate. that purpose, whicli lasted until 1866, and "Sucli pretences are simply a ciumsy whicli, within flic mcmory of many stili attempf f0, give somc color f0 unwarranf- alive, was of flic greatest advantage. cd and undignificti obstruction. Ever since flic terminafion of thaf treafy "To cvercomc this obstruction, affer a ail public men of any prominence in Can- session whicli lasf cd ciglif monflis, would 'W j ada, whatcvcr their differences on 0f ler not oniy mean flic continuation of flic Lb Iquestions, have been unanimous lu thc unscemly spectacle prcscnted by tlie Op- attcmpt to Ibi scretis free cxcliange position in flic House of Commons since of atralprducs.Nor f l-tis to lc ercsuimpt ion of ifs siffings on flic 18thi 3nd Pastry wondcrcd af, sccing fliat in flic industries instant, btf would also mean weeks and of agriculture, fisheries, lumbcring and monflis of wasfed lime, and pcrliaps in flic mining Canada possesses advantagcs flot cnd flic loss for tiîis scason toflic Canad- cnjoyed by any other country on carthlinpoue fth reAeia edCorn, and fiat upon flic markets sccurcd for flic ian rodftlcsr. mria Feed on producfs of fliese industries dcpends fle Ic markconiio f s.s fhs em growfli of our manufacturing and comn- "ti odto ftig fla em merdiai interesîs aud flic prospcriîy utfail cd t bis Excellency's- advisors more in classes in flic Dominion. accordance witli fli dignity of Parliament wiîlthflic traditions of fliose Britisli institu- "The lafesf atfempf of tlic Conservative fions whicli ail truc Canadians value so, party f0 fliat cnd was made by Sir John highly, and whicli fli present Opposition 1, Macdonald himseif, wlio dissolvcd Parlia- degrade wiîli sucli a iiglitliearf, wifli fli HAMPTON.imenf in 1891 for flic purpose of submiffing bcst inferests of flic counlrv as a wliolc, to ftfli eleclorafe of Canada the expedicnicy t0 remit flic issue foflic people tlicmscives ol f bis approaching againflic American so that tlic people ticmsclves may judgc' aufliorifies for a renewal of the trcaty of betwecn flic Goveroment and flic Opposi- 1854. tion, and declare wlicîlir tliey have "In 1893 flic intention to obtain recipro- cliangcd their mind or wlicîlir tlicy arc cify wifli the United States, if possible, stili in favor of rcciprocity in nafural was mady a prominent teature in flic piaf- products, and wlieflir fhcy wili or will form of flic Liberai party, upon whicli nof bave flic American market for flic thaf party aftained power lu 1896. promising crop soon fo be garnereti in After flic present Goverument fooli Canada. j U idrenee nvi ll fe 0fi "The issue, my feliow-countrymen, is in officed States, but, meeting wifh no re- your liands, and fo your decision his sponse, if declared fliat no furtlier over- Majesty's Governmcnt in Canada arc wcil turcs of fhis nature would bc made byj content f0 leave if. Canada. The Atnexatioit Cry. The Uilited States, Offer.I "If lias been aleged by flic Opposition ~le Wifin fic astfwclc mntisfli f at this agrcement, if conisummatcd, ble ithn te lst telv mothsthewouiti imperil the conneccfion wifli fli - Pesienfof licUnicd tats snt 0 Moîlier Country, and finally bring flic Ottawa two Commissioners from Wasli- anxfo fCnd 0IeUi ingf on for flic purpose of opening nego- States. It is impossible f0 freaf sucli an ver 8djooo tiations looking t oward flic lowcrîng of argument wif h any kind of respect, if flic tariff barriers whicli have hiflierfo iudect if eau be dignificti wifli fli naine trurentsstooti in flic way of free cxcliange' of of argument, for if if lias any mcaning ifs In quality commodihies bctwcen Canada and flic mcaning is that flic people of Canada ~nsrasUnited States. These negofiafions in wouid bcseduced frorn their allegance by fon of thle bcfwccn flic fwo Govcrnmcnf s, by which naturai products from this country ho flic flic dufies of each country on, sucli pro- other. Indccd, flic vcry reverse wouiti ýn Canada. tiucfs migit lic lowcrcd or aitogeflie,-becflic naturai consequence, for the cx- 3oji And rcmovcd. This agreement was strenuous- perience of ail ages abundanfly festifies - lyressf d l flc Uitc Sttesby arions fliaf frade ever is flic most pofent agcncy infercsts on flic aliegeti ground thaf il was of peace, amity and mutuai respect bce- alîf o flic atvanfage of Canada andt f0h flic naions dcfrim cnt of flic other country, but flch eenntos [Uvicw thaf if was mu' ualiy advaîîfagcous "Nor is that ail. This agreement, whicli I o boti counfries inaily prevailed in iîn no way impairs our fiscal poiicy, whicli ICongrcss, aud flic agreement stands to-day stili maintains af flic topmost flic fecunti LNý as an offer byflie Unitecd States f0 Canada principie of British preference, this agree- of tliat vcry measure of rcciprocity whicli ment, by open)ing ncw avenues of trade flic carnesf and constant effort of cvery flic fricndly relations- whicli now happiiy le iading Canadian statesman. exisî be weccn this country and the Mother iii Country on flic one liand, and flic Ameni- LUThe Opposltiolu's Tacties. can Rcpublic on flic olier hand, and 'J "The present Conservafive party in whici, if is iopcd. may, af no distant day, Parliament sceks absolutciy f0 reverse eventuate int o a gencrai freaf y of arbitra- the ifelong policy of ifs great leaders in tion tlic effcct of whicli woulti be so re- flic pasf, ticciaring fliaf if wiîî oppose to move forever ail possibulif les of war - flich bitter endtheli very pritîciples enuciaf-I betwccn flic greaf Empire of whicliwc cd byboîli Sir john Macdonald and Sir larc proudtf0form apart, andtheli greaf -John Tliompson intfli last ciection ad-!nafion which wc are proud f0 have as Idresses upon wliich ecdiof these sfafcs-'neiglibors. i ~ rmen ever appcalcd f0 flic Canadian people. I "WILFRID LAURIER." 1411 Y, FLOUR is a high grade patent un- IMPERIAsurpassed and makes excellent bread. PsELOUR makes delictous cakes and ECLI SEpatrymade from selected white [al wheat. USnJc FLOUR is a choice bread flour nmade [rom CYRU4 Manitoba wheat. 'WlFLO1IR is a fine blended flur espec'- VICTORIAially for family use made front Ontario and Manitoba wheat. W"e deliver flour in town or order from your gvocer. Phone 77 F. C. VANSTO<NE, The Fair that Leads. Don't Mliss est, OTTAWA, SEPT.8-16 Display of Canadas finest specimens of Jie stock, tr, field and garden produce. .$16,000 in cashpresgldmdltc awarded for agricultural1 produets. Many object le.s, a fo Farmers. Pavilions filled with Novelties. Marvel of the age presented in sensational filight ofCýsrls ero plane, includin race with Autoînobile. Rpoutoio h rn Naval Review as seen at Coroniation of George V. A Gren i works Display; Unique Midway and SuperiorVudvll, The Grounds, whiuh have been ipoe niel~~wl b ht;i (. cotmies in fil sing whole of Sauray 4SptJm'r [6, ;ih eularge programe. Iiilwa>y rates ýroduced. 0Gbtaî. aPiz Ls VERY PLEASANT OUTING. Mefliotist Sunday School's seconîd an- nual picnic anti excursion 10 Cobourg came off Monday witli ideal weather f'or a trip by wafcr, cvcryone tlioroughly en- joying thie ouf ing. Victoria Park is wcll adapt cd for picnic purposes, bcing situ- Iafed on flic lake shore, every convenience Ibcing affordeti for h4aving a picasant soc- Iial fime. Among fliose wlio welcomcd tic e xcursionisf s, noue werc grccfed more licartily Ihan Mrs. (Rcv.) J. Garbutt anti famiiy wlio wcrc flic first f0 wclcomce the school as tic boat nearedtheli pier. Afler luncheon flic party aniuscd fhcmscivcs lu variaus ways some visiting frientis, oSiers going for a d'ivc arounti towu, visiting flic public institutions. THE STATESMAN party affer a long drive siglit-sccing drove ouf 10 the Home for lie Ageti anti was kindly sliown flirougli lie building by Mr. anti Mrs. J. F. McMillan who contiuct flic instifution wifi so much satisfaction. Tic olti people seemeti happy anti con- henti anti wcrc very gladt f0sec visifors 10 vary flic monofony of flicir lives. Tlic returu journcy began ah 5 P. M. fo Bow- manville anti was vcry picasauf, the iake lieing caim as a miliponti. Ail arriveti home in gooti order at 7.50 P. m. grcatiy ili love with flic couufy hown anti ils beauiîful homes. The oufing was con- sidereti one of tlic pieasantest yct iciti by the school anti those who titi not hake il ýn misseti a gooti outing. WÎnseers of thie races turing aftcrnoori sports werc: Primary girls' race- Helen Garbutf, Violet Mason; boys do. - Ken- nefli McConncil. Girls, Io, vrs anti under - Marjorie Wcsfaway, Mary Findiay; boys do. -- Hcrbert Baker, Dorvilie Tbickson. Girls 13 yrs ~Olive Beilman, Lizzie Lawrie; boysdo. - Clinton Spry, Vernon Baker. Girls 16 yrs - Olive Beliman, Mary Lawrie; boys do,- Clint- on Spry, Wilton' Elliof f. 220 yd race Clinfon Spry, Vernon Baker. Rclay race -C. Spry, V. Baker, L. Etiger; A. Baker, D. Waruica, N. Williams. 3-ieggeti race - C. Spry anti V. Baker; N. Williams anti A. Baker. Sack race- V. Baker, H. Baker. Boof, race Len, Soper, Wm. Levif t., Apple race J. Levitf, N. V- liams.' Broati jump -V. Baker, C. Spry,.! H-op'sfcp anti ump -A. BakerV. Baker. Girls' 100 yti race - Evelyn Dickinson, Ray ,,Kîrkcntiail. Consolation Race, open, D. Tlompson, Lyle Bouudy. Tlirowing ~base bahl--L.-Etiger, C.-Spry. Tlirow- ing ballirongli loop --V. Grecufili, L. Osborne. Tug-of-war -W.L;iisay's site. FOR FLETCHER'S 0 ASTO RA THE CHURCHES. Sacramental serv ices in flic Methotisf churcli next'Suntiay. Rev. C. W. DeMilie, Newburgli,lias refused an invitation f0 Regina, Sask. Mr. antiMrs. WiiliamSkîppcr, Fletchier, have been visiting Mrs. J. J. Mut ton anti other fricnds in fown. Rev. H. B.Kenny was grccted by two good-sizcd holiday audiences Sunday and ail who attendeti were rcwarded by licar- ing fwo excellent sermons on flic "Divine PotIer" lunflic morning and "A vision of Service" inflic cvening. He aims to make ecdiservice during flic hot monflis one hour iu lengi and Ihis coupicti wish bis short, brigif sermons lias won higli favor with ail classes. Strangers always wclcomcd. THE HOUSING PROBLEM. A public meeting will lie hplId in flic Council Room Friday Aug. 4fli af 8 p.m. for tic purpose of considering flic best means of providing lionse accommodation anti other quesfions of interest f0 flic citi- zens of Bowmanvilie. Mr. Thos Gale, wli ashlati consitierabie experience lu bouse building in Oshawa lias been invif-' cd f0 atidress the meeting. As fliese are matters of vital importance and necessitafc prompt action, a_ vcî y large represenfaf ion of cifizeus and espec- iaiiy manufacturers and business men is urgent ly and rcspcctfully ticsircd. VIIEWTORY! Tliseiea Convenition f0) select a anidtet confest Durblim Co)unty MONDAY AUG. 21, 19119, ýat 2 p.m.hap Tt i hopcjd fi at the iHon. Mac- Ge-o. A. Stephens, I ALBE RT COLLEGE BELLEVILLE, ONT. Over 300 studeats enrolled an- nually, hait of whom are young ladies lligliest advantagesf in ali departments. Buildi;ngcs heateti by gtealm anti liglif d by electricity. WiiI re-open Tuesday September 1 Ith, 1911. For Calendar or room address Principal Dyer, D. D. -"--I M I ol ai ci ci Fali this wvrit grad It pý War firg Il Terni Open ÂAng. 28th in the 1Popular and Progressive' cor. Yongc aiad Alexuader Sts. TOROJNTO, COT. past, estlya, agrSia e eoe J.. ELLIO-TT, Principal. Thos. Pea,ïte'.prsin ndfil rw ing wrsi arelîtodoor eas-t of Densem'ts barbr hp.A pressing and tilrng linsinsail4l can do ayîin t pga;snî a iwell'as a 071arionurth. Gn~ ard appjarel a seily tie 0 '5e. Tli i ia netmoe itnhal th -e. Ladie, 'S! sirts ccane atiprsa Suits dry çeleýncd or Feot~in GCANADIAN NORTNhERN STEAMSHIPS SHORTEST SIEA VOYAGE. MIJNTREAL QUEBEG BRISTOL Fromi Bristol Steamner M,\onfreal & Que and fortrighit1y therealter. For full informa11,tion! apply tce M. A. JAMES, Agent for Canadian Northern tasic Bahileral FMotel Company Limited. limIerithe peý,ovisions of The OcLtarkuipcs Act, 'Ihê Baheioral IotelCopai Lmt, 'liereby gives public notice that it výi1 ;,eiko 1aýppje @lcienteHi" lonour theLitea-G- orj n Coanneilfer thoeepa " t SIte ARCH [I' TA"', ¶ihi neicel~ gvenje ersuncei, e ,e Iltet ~v, day f Spteber 1910 Ass ic tnates e1nceri ngaea s a y ate neete 1 TO THE AMATEUR Why flot give me a trial developing your films and finishing your pictures? My prices are right and my work is best. THOS RonsoN, Photo Studio Bowmanville W. H. ALEXANDER, j 7. S. OF0. V. C. 1 -- tiat iseases of ail domesticated lanimais by the latest keown niethods. Will visit Blackstock Wecdnesday of each wveek. Dentistry a Specialty. Bell Tele phono Connectien. Ofice and Itesidence, ByerWlok ENNISKILLEN. DR. J. C. DE VITT, Gradate DENTIST, Grlael Royal Dental Coillege, Toronto. OFFICE: Temperanco St..Bwavil. -ex;cept snnday. jBTAC KSTO7CK: let "tyc ad onh RUB13BER TIRES~ Hav ng stalied a ncw and up)-to-. date RUB]BER TIRE MACHINE, I amq prepared t-- furnisli and put on 'uie tires at reasonable prices. 1 solicit CL31al te atEn lckmî Shop a.ndgtt pparticuilars. A. W. PICKARD, !OM~VLLE. Phione 185. 1.3-tf i GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristeis and Solicitors. Nofaries Publie., A. K. COODMAN, D. C. CALBRAIThf1 508 Lumnstin Bltg. Yonge & Adelaitie-sts. Toronto. Ont ario. w mmmmmù-"ýl 1 IWEST END For one week we wiI give you Special Bargaîus each day. Keep a good lookout and watch our windows and display tables., There will be lots to interest you and you can save money. Special Sale of Ginghams, Prints, Muslins, Embroideries, Laces, Rib- bons, Linens, Towels and Toweling Men's Clothing, Shirts, Unt- derwear, Hats, antd Ties Boots, Shoes and Leather Goods Giroceries, Glass and China- ware for one week at McMurtýry 0&1Co., Ltd. Big Departmental Store BO0WMAN VILLE.