TESTED IIECIPES. Haricot beans and Spanish on- ions served with baked bacon wil mnake an excellent and economiicai din ne r. Vegetabie Shape.-Take boiledý potatoes, carrots, and cabbage in equai. proportions. Mash these together witb butter, sait, and pep- per. Press, ail into a mouid and bake ja a eool oven for an hour. Sýtewed Cheese.-Take four oun- ces of dry eheese which has become too dry and hard for table purpos- es, Set this in a stewpan with ai gi -of milk andi hall an ounce of! butter, and stew the whole'veryý gently tili dissoived. When neari old, add a beaten egg. Put in ai iedish and hrown in the oven. APlain Batter Pudding. - Forý a quart basin take twelve table- spouonfuls -of flour, a gooci pinch of sait, and by degree.s mix with three beat.en eggs. Finaliy, beat al thoroughly with one pint and a half of miik. Let stand for an hour. ,Then beat up again, pour into a well-greased mouki, and boil one hour and a quarter. Brown Scones.--Take half a ponnd of whoiemeai flour and hlai a pound of white flour, add a tea- spoonful of baking-powder and some sait. Mix together three ounces each of lard and butter, and thien rub into the fleur. Beat up an egg with a littie milk, and with it mnake ail into a soft dough. Roll ontuý rather thick. cnt into shapes, brush over with miik, and bake in a moderate oven, Steamned Railway Pudding. - Cream together two ounces -f fresh butter andi on-- cnpfui of cas- ter sugar, add te this the wcil- beaten yolk of an egg and a cnp- fui of milk. Werk well together andi flavor with an-y essence desired. Mix a teaspoonftil of baking-pow- der w ith two teacnpfnls of flour, adgradually add to the mixture. Samfor one heur and a half in a greased basin. Turn out and sifti caster sugar over., Haricot beans cooked as feilows are excellent. Bell one pint of haricot beans lu celd w ater tili yeou can rub them into meal betwecn your finger and thumb (the beans must previously soak tweive hours). Strain off the water, acid pepper and sait and one ounce of ciarified dripping. Shake up well over the lire, and serve, hot with chepped parsiey scattcred over. N. B.-- Sait must neyer lie added to beans xhiie cooking. Beef kidney la inexpensive andi very tasty if ceeketi as feiiews: Lut the kidney into thin slices, flouri these and f ry a nice brown in drip- îing. \Vhen cookeci, make a goeod gavy.in the pan. putting ln a amal piece of butter, n quarter of a piut cf boili'g water, peppcr and sait, andi a tahiespeonful cf nîushroom ketchup. Let the gravy hoil np, stir well, add the slices of kidncy, suimmrer geutly fer ten minutes, andi serve on a thick round cf toast. i3eedKnucl-1e cf Veal.-,Wash lorrecieil Quickdy by the Use el Catarrh is an inflammation. Where fliere is inflammation there is always more or less offensive secretion. in- flammation may bc cf the very active sort, but it is often cf file'slow klnd, and this Is the particular fermn in whlch the breath la rendered offensive and the presence of the sufferer be- comes an offence ta> every person of delicate senslbility. Sad breath i i itself sufficient ta urge Yeu te correct it, because oe dis- likes to be unpleasant ta thoiir friends but this form of catarrhis dangerous because it supplies a kotbed for the developmnent of ,consomption or o" ther diseases cf the thrýoat and lungs. Bad breafth !8 an evdnethat the. mirbsha;efi~ goo-d restlngý four pounuts of the veal anti put if on te simmer, iei if cook for two heurs in tsvo quarts cf colti water witb sait' anti pepper. Peel anti eut up an onien wnsb four ounces cf niec, anti when the veai has sim- mereti for eue heur atit these te it. Take care thaf all cooka slow- ly, ntiding at the ast a tablespoon- fui o c hoppeti parsley. To serve place the ment ou a liot diali, ar- range the niec round, thicken anti celer fli, gravy, anti pour over fthe meat. A Gooti Beef Sfew.-Cut oe peunut anti a half of bef-skîrtîug înfo neat pieces, freec from fat, dip each in seaseneti fleur, using pieu- fy cf flour. Melt eue ounce cf dripping, anti brown the ment lu if. Take up the ment, atitiseme fleur te the fat, anti afir till browueti; gradnaliy stir lu eue plut cf gravy, atiti-eue onion, sprinkle -with cloves,. add eue teaspoonful of vinegar, pepper anti sait te ftaste. Place th e ment lu ibis, set flic pan ai the ide of the ire anti let if cnok very geutly for three heurs. Serve ou a hot diali garuisbed witli ip- -pets cf toast. A calf's hearni makes a nice roat, anti can lieceeoket inl a stewpau, se that ne even ueti bc, heateti. Clean flic hearf weiI, seaiz it lu warm wter se as te timaw ouitflic bloti. While if la soakiug make the stuffing as for veal. Take the heamt, dry if wiif a clean clofli, eut off flic "deaf cars" anti stuff if full. Sew up the heurt, anti place if lu the pot wifh twe cunces cf dripping, ever a very slow ire; baste if freqnenthy andt uma occa- sioually. Cook for eue heur anti a quarter. Sersve wiil a goodt hick gravy anti reti-currant jeily. The heart shoulti lieeut lu fhlu suices at table. Speffeti Dick.-Take a gooti large saneepan thre parts fuil of w nier, anti lot if come t-o the bell. Take eue pounti cf fleur, anti werk it with flic hautis, haîf a peunutiof sncf, a feaspooufui cf baking-posv- der, anti then atit sufficient watcr te make a atflf paste. Roll ouf abou hait an incli hiek anti ipreati the fruit crer the pasto. Roll if up anti iet the etiges., Dip a pudi- ding clef h in boiliugw ater, wring if eut, anti fleur if, tumu the pasto ou te clef h andt ie if up tightiy, ailowiug reens fer i1se pudding te swc.il. Plunge thle pudding into the fast-boiling wafer anti cook it at a gallop for twe hours anti a haif. TELINGIS WORiTH INOWING. Buy articles cf the beat quality. They are choapeaf lu the endi. Celti sater, a liffle ammenia, anti soap will taire eut machine grea-e. Wheu wanted te use as a dami- fectant carbolic acit i wll mnix nea- ihy with ivater, if the latter la boileti. Greunti ginger useti for plastera lusteati ef mustard la juaf as gooti te 'daw" -anti nover blisters. Creumisa an excellent substitute for ced liver cil, anti eaulie taken by -mauy whe caunot digest flic cil. Te :il ham anti cabiage wif l- eut oder, fhrow mcd pepper potis or a few bits cf charcoal infýo the pan tley are r'oeking lu. For sensoniug soupa always use thec whoie spices anti peppers, put- ting them lu affer if bas boileti Up, anti been akimmeti. Atit a hantiful cf choppeti wal- nuts te your cmanberry sauce bce- fore takiug off thc steve; if givea the sauLce a tielicicus flaver. When ceeking oniens, set a fini cup cf vinegar ou the steve, antýi let it bell, anti ne disagreeabli otior will be noticet inl the roeomi Do nef saIt stock unt-il yen bas-e doue skimmiug if, as flic saît pro- vents the scum fro mrising. Atitiaý very little ut a tisse. When baby is tmoîîbled with colii hantis f11l a smaîl sizeti satcr bag with warm water anti lot baby play witb if. If amusùes as if warms the littIe hands, Stains audtidiscoüloatiens oný) LNotes of Particular lnterest to Women Folks F~or svhcre the isquor trame ctn1ives And ruin brings te life and l1mb The Savieur bids us rescue lise-s That surely Peed te rcst lu Hlim: Through strength derîved frein an- swered prayer His servants'must the banner bearý "Furthcr Stili." Ti.at Local Option may advance ,Until 1the-cuirse la overthro wn , Thatbniht suom my ie, the ba),r lie bits us press thisrgltou a "Fuaîther tl. T. WATSON. Touaa Station, Ont.. 1911. For 35 years Sc ts EI-qulio haa beein the standard, w orl -widet e t m e t o Got Mil cf, ln a 13'w Ilorîrs. Tlieme la uoting ma-de tînt wsu1 se quiekly rdltfe scalp cf disireas- ing itehlucîs as PARISIAN SAGE flic liir dresser anti beautilier. Jury & Loel guamantees Paris- Ian- Sage te cure dnndruff, stop ifehing scalp anti falling haîr -or menriey bnck, atisella if for enly 50 cent a argeliefle.If etsvital- lfyv lto fliclii nt lvesIVa raI- diantelusier refrealiestIc scalp ntefbeiuig sfîcky or groasyidligliffnl te use. Eclie te l iliellaa is heý tif le et a Frech bjýouýrnal sbich isl pubishet inluthec Interesis et phlla- telists. Qucen Victoria's portrait appenret ou 3,193 issues anti King Edivards on. 1,080. The laie King Caries cf Portugal andthei preseuf King cf Spain folto!Ir ivit h df at 695 respects clu'; anti nfte flic 11sf cf Royalfy îBo'usarhbousts5li 11sf îs'ltli213 stmp, vhlle Colum-1 busý halien repreaceti 119j bis wih lis aam .en sud lang- erfaciGranEpiel n P l 4000. hairbrushes is with spirits o! am- monia,ase its effect la immediate- TRI[D Iwo DOgIORS Ne rubbing ià requireti andi cold water ean be ufsed just as success- fully as warm. WIIH NO GENEFII To make a beefsteak tender amear a couple cf teaspoonfuls o! salati oil over if, place it between two Then fDr. Williams' Pîiik Pis plates, andi bave for a few hours. This works wontiers in softeniug Wrounglirt a Iasting Cure the fibres. To remove tea, coffce, cocca or Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla have matie cliocolate stalus soak in colti water se many remarkable cures in seri- first, then place the stain over a eus cases that people are hiable te howi. anti pour boiliig water everlook their salue as, a tonic for threngh ,t, holding the tea kettie the blooti and nerves la debility at a heiglit te ensure force. anti gencrai mun-down conditions. While eating the body shoulti bec That such conditions are the cause hel-ti naturally upriglit, as the di- cf mucli misery and unhappinesa is gestive ergans shouiti net be crush-1 fuliy known te these who suffer et or fwisted, anti the breathing from t' cm anti the necd cf curlng should bectdeep anti regular. The them is 'as vital as la relief frem foodi sheutlieb well masticateti.' diseases with higher sounding A very good way to dlean handa ,names. We commendi the follow- when they are very dirty is te rubi ig statement te any oue sufferi-ag a littie lard weii over th-em, then from sxeak, thia blooti, or shatter- wash with soap anti water. If this ed nerves. Mrs. Mae Macabe, sa done in colti weather the hantia Glehen, Alfa., says: "A fcw will net lie so iikely te crack. erag1bem undwnt Stem ýystrs nti thy ae jstseriousiyilil, bot juat tired anti heateti throngh anti serve them on weak ail the time. I consulteti our toast that has been eut round antifd iytico, ogaemoi moisteneti with cyster juice. These faffer fo wi e avfeet.Irtin- are -equal te any panued cysters er oaewt oefc.1ga prepareti in theoven.' aliy got weaker anti weaker untîl Insteati of the iiaeln moth I could net do my work. Then 1 balls, if whole cloves are sprink- went te another tioctor, svho pro- led under carpets anti mga, among rnoned y c ase e er dclie , ati woolleus anti flannels, they will becomneiaw mrciat founut equaiiy effective anti the with c ompiete rosI. This I coulti odor in the roomn will bc picasant net afforti, andi I hegan to worry anti agreeable. anti fret, until I became a complet o To broul sait fish, soak the fish nervena wreck. One day whilc ovemnight lu akimmeti milk. WIïen visitiug a neighbor an olti gentle- requiret, wipe if dry anti put it man who was taking Dr. Williams' on a 'well greaseti gridiron. When Pink Pilîs fer partial paralysis rc- browncti on oee ide, furu careful- conunenieti them te me. 1 sent eut iy se as net te blacken. Serve with anti geV three boxes, but without frieti potatees. miucli faîth that they would help Jute a pail of hot water throw mie, but before they were gene I a hantiful of washing soda. Afterlneütîced an imprevernent andi I fhoroughly ssveeping muga go over contînriet taking the Pilla, con- thema with a cioth wrung ouf lu stanfly growiug stroug-er, until I flua water. Apply this solution teo hati taken sci en or eight boxes, rugir evory week anti yen wlll finti iren I was ecomphr'tely cureti. I it la the best thing --ver trieti. coulti do my w crf as easily as ever A ire la aoe ausoti by the over I huti donc in my life, andi the dcc- turning cf a parafflu lamp. svhich tee 1Loiu me that le od scarcely water has ne powser te ýextingiah. b~e fi o (_ change in me, as bie hadc In every house where paraffin la r-ot lad thse least hope that I wouid burut, a bueket cf santi shoulti bcebh stroeng ugain. N ow I alu ays kept lu a place accessible te aIl keep the Pilla on hand anti if I the lumates, for it wihl ista.nfly 1,el fatigueti or w cary takc tIens extingulal bumning cil. for three or foDur tiais se as nefte __44 ____getmu down." STILL." old hi ail medlicii dealers or "FYUITIIER IL by mal1 at 50 ce ta a box or six Joshua23: 511.hbxe fer 9_.50 trous The Dr. Wil- Joshu 23.511.liams' Me'dicine Ce., Brockilîle, Long hati the faitîful warrior 02f. yearnr'ti Thaf Roman bauds the po-Werc THE CLEVERIiST WOM3AN. might wielti: Sadi was hîs apirit whecleiraîred Fuels Abouît One cf Ilie Disc-overies That he must leave the battle of Radimu. fieldi: To make his changeless purpeýýe Madame Curie, one of flic discos- hue wn erers cf radium, s'ho has becu eaul- He ut hes wrdsin old sone-cd the clesercît ivoman in the He ntthee era Sti atoe :w cii, bas hecu seeking, threugh "Furter Stli."a LondIon house ag-ent, a "litfle hejuse lu rural Englanti net far f rom A nobler aim our mark inspires Lontion, with a garden lunsvhich a Than Roman warrior -ever knew: liffle girl couiti play."' Tiese ssere Anti evemy carneat heurt aspires ail the purticulars "the clevemeat To win the victery now in vlîcir: woman in the world" gave the msan Those who their risea Lord o1 ey cf busiDescf her requirements. If Move forwarti as they hear Hiîn seema the doctors have orticreti say, change cf air for thec particular lit- "Further StilI.,, the girl -in question-a amaîl per- son w-ho i5 the apple cf hermomrh- Whiie thnnkful for thc fuittul pat,1 er's eye, anti of far more acceunt 1For nohlé work lu faitît begrin, flan all tIc radium in the univsea. For every vote fer freeod-m oast, . Madame Shîctiakska Curie is sf111 For every victory thus far iwon, a yeung womau, bcîng nef înuch os- Muchlarer onqcîf s~ w uî~ei forfu-, Hem fenturea are dia- Anti1 sae quss v wudtinctly ,Polish, but lier foreheat isl -- se; wierflan cine is accustonsed te Adtherefore must our watclîw-rd sec lu a wensnn. Sue la taîl anti bce-:- wcll built, anti ler marinera are a "Further Sf11." trifle ditanf-somne eal hem nus- tere. As la the fitucas of things, ,Let net the victers thiulk ef case. bei lair la hem "crownîng glory,' Let net the lielpiesa eues despair - and t i l arrauget inl a large rol 1We are not calleti curselvca te behinti hem heu-cl absolutely lun--1 pIeaýse; cent cf tonga ' culpins. Again We must for aIl tbc tcusipted anti agaîn las socîcfy, especially1 cure : Parisiiiîi aciety, friedt telure lierj Before us lu this urgentf iglit îîfo ifs centre, but the more if These womti a apearin l shining seeka lier flic fnrtber she lices from1 light:-if, anti now socety la getting fîret i ligFur c tlUf pursuiug, anti icases hem alone., "Furher f111" _____A 1 JFS FAiNG MURE, MEAI DOUBLE AS 3MA-NY PIGS KJLL-1 ED FOR COiÇNSURPTION. Cattle Are Sol lVueh us Kobe Beef-Lowcr Classes Eut Rlorseflcsh. The olti prejudice as te i af- mug cf animai ficshalumeng flie Jap- nuece lins becu lioken tiowu te a ceusidemable exteuf. Indeedtiilere lins licou au nemensiug dcmanti for beef nmeng tics, but ifs compara- fively higli pnice serionsîy militates agaluat ifs beiug matie a universal staple fer dief. For flua ronson flic cousumption cf heef lu Tokyo-or tîrouglitfliceountry, for flint mut- fer-lias remaineti almoat station- amy turing fhe lat few ycnms, but an iucmeasing temant islaneticeable for perk anti lirsefloali. DOUBLE AS MUCU PORK USED A few years ago flie consumpticu cf pork lunflic capital titi ntef x- cecti 20,000 henti, but ai present scm-eihing like teue fbat number are sînughieretianti cousumeti. Thc bigheat mark for ftle cousumption cf becf lu Tokyo was reahdlin l 1904, wlien 3,600 caffle were sinugli- temeti, net iuclnding these infenti- cd for milifary use. At titis time fhe people were in an excifeti con- dition owing te flic war, andtifhcy werc appnmently recklessainu udr housdliolti expenditure. Wif b tle cessation etfliostilifies a reaction set lu andthficdesanti for beef lias cousideralily decreaseti. CATTLE SOLD, AS "KOBE BEEF." Wifliiu fli lait f cw yenrs fliene lias licou a grent increase lu the consuimptien et pork, owîng ne doulif te Ifs comparative dheapucas, andti te flictffat flic people luxe beceme use oti ti. Caffle are imporf edtot Tokyo for laughter from aîl parts cf fhe country. Most cf flic animais, heivever, come f rom Central Japan, Shikoku anti Ky- naIu, andthficfleaiofet flese caffle is selti unden the genemal nasne cf "Kobe beef." Mostaf e lcpiga lauglifemet luTokyo are importeti frins Chia, Ibamaki, IKanaga anti Shizuoka preteefumes. BEAT HORSEFLESH. Last but nef least thore is herse- flesh whichislailufavor amcug flic low'er classes. If la a liftle more than a tocade ugo tînt Japanese teck te flic catung cf linseflesh, anti aince thon flore liaslicou a slow but steady mnreuse lu ifs con- sumptiin. Af prosent ne fcwcr flan 10,Ou) heati cf lorses are butchereti anti onten in Tokyo an- nually. In Tokyo liorsefleal is of- fereti for sale unuter the liighly pmactical nasne et "cherry fies," w hidi lins eviteutly licou suggestoti f rom an olti pcpniar soug lunwliich tflicbhese anti the cherry blesses are associateti, DEALERS'UNSCRUPLOUS. 63 St. Alexander Street, Montrat. Offices also i New York, Ciciago, Londlon, EnÂg. andi Shanghai, China. F.ctoi-ies i MotreaI, Boston, Leiceator, Berlin and Paris. 267 wiîîïirbwipa, sticks, anti gurteuiug tools. The police îsere justinl tisne te rescue Michacis by fakiug hlm lut o custody. But fthe iusky ansaz- ena seurcd ini spitfhei police, for flic autîonitica lad to buntle their calumniator eut cf the isianti as flic euly menus cf prevenfipýg ser- ions trouble. The 1111 Pillsaran Thnt Leutis Thoni AIl.- flic mst portable andI compact cf nlmedicines, andeti! c.asy te take, arc tise mosi accep- table et prepai-aficis. But bleyi mst afte-sî their power te be po- pular. As Parmmlc-e's Vegetable Pilla are flic rnisif ppîular et aU plls thes- mustt ully mcci al me-1 quiremrents. Accuratel.y eîomnu Japanese are net adept lu ibis Iteti anti coshoseti cf im..redioitb aort ef coining uew terms. cf wSi sdlpiesen Le lie effectivin 0 egnilatiing flore are many sisilar instances. the, digestive o'tasfre is usi If la, bow-cvcr, te le regrefittntatsurci- sedicine tobc licad ans' unscrupulous denIers arc kucîsu to ebre. mix up piecca ef borýeflesl witli, leef anti adi fhe mixture us lief. Mhier "l iiri5tHr' Someflîses these msen are lisorgtikissou?g ' L -li"Oh, lie uns -o te bock. The consumptien cf nuit- pressieg-, ancl - Mflýl er -7 ton anti seal lu Tokyo is sf111 vely Tiais ne excuse. Yen nsaf limitf d. en e s,?o n-eid Edlit]is "TbafÜ"- ,jîîst siba.LI titi cas', A'NGIIY SAIILOAN WVOIEN. mefiser. He aske-d use if I irouitiý - - i le ungny if lie k-sod use." Arîîîed With W'hips and Sftieks Tlîey Atlueketi a Mule Critie. Millcr's Conmpoundi Ironý Plils '- The lafesi nesys sfroin tflicSýut1 store ftse celer Ét , Paiec cIsc '1au J cous bringa a sien' xihicîs ilus-bs tls lips. So1t I byJunî&i traies, lu a fashion ai once coînie Loveîl, Boss-ans jvile. anti serions, flic chiet difficultu cfý flic Gerna empire-builtier in Sa- ITEMS 0F jx TEIIEST. mon, te wif, tIc routiness cf ftic Germun seffler te intenînarry.wilfI TIe Austrian punlîaninîc lises six fhe naiiee vesen. The witie pop years. Thc Italian, Gemînun, Pmus- ulatioii cf flicGernian coîouy is sian anti Spunish is 1 c ire cars. about 500, andti lere aire alreaciy Thc Frenchi,fthe Duici, thse Bel- about 1,100 haîf-caste. Wthflicginu, flic Pcrtîgucse, andtheb-Bou- twenti' mamieti German officials, manian lise four y-ars. Tlie Dan- nc foirer flan twevehlaivc Samoani isli andthfe Su'iss lise ibree yeama. wires. As trie native girls uearhy The United Statos Parlianient i7es alssau s speak Engliali anti iefusse te tw c ycars, and flie Aus;tro-Hungarý leanaGerman, flie requency etfia, aîly oee er. fliese mesallaîsces causes particu- Mr. James Thomas W'ells, ageti lar disquiet lu colonial cii-clos lun- eventy-flrec, -%vas nmariled ut Sf. flic fuflerhand. lu Apiril last a John's Churci, Ealung. fe Mis. German sefîler narîed Miclacîs1 Emma Coster, agcd seventu--one. teck I ie lto is bond te ýexpress Thc couple w'eîo svieefleumîs lu thee tufh lua ltte tefli co- fbeir yonfli, iot flicir engagement onîilncwspaper, adding flintquite "' roa'of Ec mrieianti apat fcm nceconideatins Ic rought lip a large tml.Te Samon wmeumate inffiieu an1 uet agaiu some Lime uago, anti, i _nerli vires. Wben Ccines paiaents arriv inspii acion.Tjivc vynxmci ln l In,anti wisistIn s hyla)Ppymre- tire Sasnu iose cf arios teni f flic ai. l'dai oss shlades ivaiteti upen is ,Iarmet ., d o Far Superi'or, JURY & LovELL have the sole ageocy for this commnnity on "Weeks' Break-up a Cold Tabiefs", a preparatien for coltis and la grippe, as superior tfo oldfashioned home remedies as the modern automobile la te the Ox feains of the early days. 25ec GUÀR ÀNTfiEED 25c Maney back If flot Thorougthly Ple-ased. purpose for wsiieilics- si'erc in- teudeti. Coffins are t e le accuil mnaiy lieuses in China, some cf thons beiug ufilizeti as wartirobes. THE HOTRHEADS. "If la sai thiat impetueuis Jîo-1 pic base black eyes." "eanti if tlcy dcn'f nase tflemý tbey arc apite get flics."ý r PEAIILS 0F TIUJTII., A word to the wise is enougli. The sleeping fox catches ne peuh- Geti helps those, that hclp thcmn- sel ves,. Thrce remov ers arc, as bad as a fire. Fly pleasures and thcy xiii fol- low yon. Kecp thy shop and thy s will keep thee. If you ssoulti have yenr busine'ss done, go; if net, ýscnd. Want cf care dees more harm than want cf knowledge. Pride is as lenud a beggar as svant, andi a great deal more saucy. The eye cf a master wiil do more work than both his hnnds. If yen would have a faithful ser- vant, and ene that yen like, sers e v ou rsoief. Dost thon love life? Then do net squndcî time, for that is the stuff life is Made cf. Fate is really kind; every xývorL- icîs man gets aleng far betteî- than Much discomfort in this wcrld is caused by people neglecting their bnsîness te lie about each other, -Theî'e are only tu )o things in the sxerld to worr~y oser-the thinfgs yen can centrol andi the things yen can . control. Fix the first, for- get the seo.nd. To caru moncy and ,, pay bills seem-, to occupy mrost of a maiCs lime, and e c oders why he sn't hnp W \heu lie learus toeacrni love andi pay attention to his ssife. happiness vili ceze jute his home thrcîîgh evecry crack and keu oe coes 270d 0 PaHe s Lc'-a Il-g.t maay yUars. . Because it la the on'y dietionary witis the new îe page,-A. "Stroke cf Gnn. Because If 15 an enoycoPedia la M a &single volume. Èl Because tifls fecepted byth Courts, EhlicîIsàaid Prasa as the one spcnoan- thoritj, Decause Wb iWsWn -.- Bc<ro.s. Iet un fe11 you about t i isnejvwowck, Yeucs, ludeeti.*cHc eau ci-en dot P", t out E~A~. srrle4sfilj' You Can't Leave the Beard BehI nd So 0o111ti rffet the Gi 1ette The' hearty open-air vacation life seems te maren tihe beard gmow as if nover grews at lhome. To the sait without a GILIEBTTý it becomas a downriglîf nuisance. Cleaulineas, comfort aud self-respect demnd thee momutiug shave. But boats, trains, summer resorfsansd camps provide acant shaving facilities. That ucrer wories the man with a GILLETTE Safety Razor in his grip or lis pocket. Inlu lrcîin g cabin or swaying Puilman-on the back percis or beside a convenieut stnmp-whenever tîhe moruîug f uda lîim-he eau enjoy his regular three-miuutc GIILEFTfe slave in soiid cemfort, with a lordly indepaudence cf place oî circumstance. Pack your grip with discrimination. Tmavel iight. Leave ont Use "unnecessaries" of life. But whatever yen do, don't discount youn holiday îy starting ont ititu "The Razor cf To-day." Standard Sets $5.00. Pockai Editions $5.00 ta $6.50. Combination Sets f roms $6.50 up. At your druggist's, jeweler's or hardware dealer's. The Gilletie Sa! ety Razor Co. of Canada, Limited Office and Factory,