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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1911, p. 7

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"They cali your expeditionary force a legfion of lost souis. Let me make one ef them. Only beforeyou a.ccept mie - a recruit yen must know ý,ne ttInwg." The young man had spoken 11 hard, even ton es, but now, as hoe paused on those last werds, there1 wvas aslight break in bis voice, a, tuli ot aimost uncontroialb17, omeotion that wvas, hewever, in- stantly rcpressed. Tbe man upon wbom hee bad ai- most forced his presence glanced at bim with cold bine eyos, a theughtf ni frown casting a sbadew over bis worn, sun-blackened feat- ures. "Go on," lie said, in the curt voice of a man accustomed to com- mand. The ether obyed, "I-1 waut te go away, to clear out of England, for if I renlain I sbail be an Ishimael a parial." Herace Stone's eyebrews iifted a littie. He threw an eagie glance at bis visitor-a searching, merci- iess giance tbat resed a full min- ute upon tbat sullen, reckless face, that wvas yet, for ail its boyishnoss, se firm and strong. His own face relaxed. "Wbat wvas it, sonnie l" lis voice had ait ered; the iron had gene from it; he spoke in aimost a Iazy toe. "Cards. They said I cheated. I dintdeny it tben. I don't deny it new." "That's a big blot, sennie, on a yoting career. It will cling to you for life" 'I-I can't help it. I-I dlon't care." "Net now. You are young. But in the years to comoeV "Oh, bang it, sir, don't moral- ize !" The boy's veice was rougI. "Will yeu accept me upon yeur ex- pedition or will you not?"' "Do yon realize tbe dangers, the deprivationsl" ""Oh, the danger is what I want." His eycs biightened, lie hrew back bis bead. The sullen loek began to fade. <'Thon, yes-I welcome you among my littie fhock of black shee-p. But-wait a mement. Yen biave been frank with me; I shall flGw be the same- with yen. Yeu mnst Lkn.ow somethiug of your lead- r. I, too, as kicked out of club- land and drawing-roemis, ycars ago, for thc samne thing. Only, my lad"--the dccp-sct eyes grew somn- bre with a liglit that -was almost tragic, so intense was its regret- 'the difference be-tçweer ns is this- I was guilty." "TedifferonceV'" stamîuered Geoffrey Harding. '<What-what de yen mean h Haven't I told you that I-" He broke off beneatb that steady gaze, coioring and con- fuised. No more was said, but the twe mothebardened captain of peril- eus cîenterprises, ths bunter of the wilds, and the lad witb tbe stigmia ,MT dishonor en bis name, clasped hands * * * The scene rame back te one ef them witb vivid distinctness as hie sat en the balcony of bis botel watcbing with absent eyes the twinkling ights of the gay Contin-, entaI city stretched eut hefore him. Geoffrey Harding had accompan- ied that expedition its rawest re- eruit.. He had retnmnied from it as captain. The man in whose serv ice ho lad volunteered tbey lad bur- ied benea th African suns, in alien ground. First in every exploit wyhere dan- ger threatened 11e, t igilasat,-ceuir-' ageous, daring, the younger nman bad soon riou te be secend in com- mand, for military ule prevailed amongst thnt littie band. Upon the deatb of their leader ~e2ora1~m t, Stornacti ?~~or cornes Quickly writht~e Riight Medicine. "Ijy oci s'o'ed te deccmpos, i- niY aaOma'la,' writes Mr. Italph Clem.. 11ens1, Ofî Nsewbridge, P.O. "I lad r, Ztemacli iant fatiet ie tome xay t' perform its work. Digestion seeanco more or less arrested aud 1 grew thin. yeliow, nervous. The stomadli beca-me distendet and i ipeded appazer.tly thc action of the lieart, for ofteh at niglit it would de great stunts. At times 1 would vomit a mucens mass, and at these timesrmy lient ached moat ter- ribly. A 'Tr nd, vho had bee cured of a simiuiar Condition, advised me te Laite ýDr. Eamutuý's Pis regularly, whioh I did. Theý resuit Ia my case was simply niarvel-OÙs.' Dr. Haiitoc's 1111s removed thc oo.use, strengthencd thef stomach, exeiLte Icilver to normal action, the kidneys wes'e released of exesiework. Health soon gowed j ih1rn me. 1 cen eow eat, sicep, andi ilve lil<* a lire nmac." Be advised-Use Dr. Tîaumi'LtnsoPills -tliey are si-re te dn you g7nOd.-95c uer box, a, aIl eaer, r Tlhe Ca- tarhoizoneC.lieto, aaa Dr. HamltonWs P1119 iCure Indigestion Dyspepsia t v g Il A STAR 0F SONG read and answered by women. A we- man eau frcely talk Sof lier private il- ness te a Meman; thus has been es- tabiishcd titis con-. fidence bctween Mrs. Pinkînin and i the wemen of America tvhich has 1 1neyer been brekeSn. withont the wrltten consent of the writer, and neyer has the Cempany allowed these confidentini letters te get eut ef their possession, as the huedreds of thousands of themin l their files xiii attest. .Ont of the vast volume of experionce which Mrs. I'iukham lias to draw from, it is more than possible that she Pas gained the very knewledge needed in your case. SIc asks nething in re- tsîmn except your good wil], and lier advice lias helped thousands. Snrely aniy woman, idi or peor, should le glad te take advaetage of flua gener- eus cfer of assistance. Address Mms. iPinkînin, came of Lydia E. Finkham Medcine Ce., Lynn, Mass.,-., Every woinan ought to have Lydia E. Pinkham's 80-page Text B3ook. It Is flot a book for general distribution, as it is too expensive. It is free and only obtainable by mail. - Write f or it today. filrding lad been choscu te fill lis pesitice a firm, cnptaic, thougb thc youngest flore, n ian aI ma- terlul puirpose, warleo yca, aroso vesce, ahose very mien ccrried commaned. Tiey lad donc uvonderlul thiega in Africe, n nicgieg important con- cessions froni reluctant chiefs, pecetrafing into previousiy unex- plored parts,and, cîthougî bar- eiîhed by prix ate expeedifure, cl! fIe adractages tley lad reaped lad beenphcced cftichir ceuafry'a dispeîah-a gilt tîntthfb- Gcvern- usent lad glndly cccepfcd. Tiey aîouid have fetod Geoffrey Harding, flung laurel dreans at Iii, auhy sudh thinga as these acre distasteful te ii, for meny rent- ons, ced ielied boen giud te oes- cape from London. Saddechy le sfamted fornaîd lu lis n'icker chair, glnncing antis a non'hy-an'alened lneost across fie aride public square upea ahich lis blceny looled, araudering cf flie sudde animation if dispiayed. Wifliin fIe hast bar maments, as lue lied been idîy dreamsiasg flîre, aiaorbed in pcsf refiections, if lied filhed n'ith a cenceurse cf people. Far and aide tley stmetched, fresh arrîx ais sae]îing fhe human tide et cvery second. A son cf luman faces upturned toarard a certain point-a piafern et the base aI a cahamn, an ahich a araman aras iftanding, A huge arc lamp shoîse dean np- ce lier face, ciearly mcx cclieg hem profile as if as tsurned ten'arda Harding. Thon le'remenahered. A' fanons star of acng, a isiting flthe city, lad decharcd hem intention aI sigicg la the square for fIe bene- fit aofitoeoce poor ta pay fer places in fhe opera, lieuse. All fIe street fmaffic lsad been su'-spended, bar fiais aremen, ycung but already famous, bcd ccpturod every music levieg city cf Europe. A smahi band cf sfriîsged icatru- 1 moents, granped beIind lier, aras te acconipnny hem, ccd cea a huai, ce expectant, silence, fll over fiat wauing crend. Harding benf eagcnly lorarard, bis cyca stamicg, lis Iront bing hum- rieC, lis seu l alca by a waae af eot ion. Was lie înd or dmeamieg, o)r as tit aroran, tIis dazzlicg figure le tie forefreet cf laisse, cocne bc passienntely heved five yersce lîcracif a girl thon, but unlecan beond ceher can hiffle wîrld, ahbcitj sie lad a aronderful roice l If nuit le sic ie conhd nef bl mistalen. He acnld have Inoare lier ly fie lent ci us hsert she paaaed a shadoay bormin sua danrcîed place, he o uîd laie pick- cd hem e-ut frein the brigitest aI icavoîs's aîîgels. But cnw, ieîtead cf an obscure girl, sic et n astar cf iesg-naiw- man ait h a matciîess glît, le lad been told tiss anaan kcn e fame as Margaret Belvain. Sle begaxi te sing, fIe eotes baIl- ing la dlear ced liqnid cadences, in soued ced effeef as upremedit- eted as slylamk's seng, luit cxery note coîisidered, every phrase uhîapcd lv art seto a flan lest gem of -Sound. JrI lad tflic nderful qualify,tfo, uliat cclv tie loir grent, singera pesseas, -cf stirring a i1 line ise lan- aui ieamt fiat iheard iif sfraegehy rieg]ed mtiîs Iseesa aî jney'. Trlîe greýatcodsto n pt- cd. 1f, riigîit lae bec i(ne 1mat ant-tbal,,, fled vanita aei maaannered and lalifnaf;d audience, tLe sareet notes, fuil, il and Women suffeing frein cny forci of Ilunesare invited te pompfuly ,cernM- muni.cate ait I Mrs. Phukhan fLyu Mass. 1illelters are recejo Apenid quarters, it aras te find tbcre a lot- ter aaraiting limn. Ho broke tic seal anth cn exclamation cf sur- prise, alter lie lad rend thc first hie. A armi letter frein La Del- vain, recaiiing an eid friendsbip, arien thc e ukecan girl lad been five years yeueger than thc fanions woman of to-day. It sent thc blood lcaping thmough lis veins. is stema, grey cyes glened witli sndden teedercess. To le in lier presence again, te, speak witb bmr-tuis aene nIe lad beca even in bis theughts durieg ail tic perila cf those adventurous five yoars. Tee mintes Inter le entercd lier' privatýe suite cf ronis. île liad more about lier ef thc memembered girl thîn e icillint opera singer, noar tînt ho saar 1er, dressed sim piy in clinging robes tliat foule i supple, unes abent lier sim, tali figure, ne longer hidden beneath velvets aed fart. Sic gaie hlm lotI lier bauds, and engemnesas showed je every font- ume. It was a arelcome that would havte fiattcred a king. Tic cold- n'essthtIt Harding siowed te tic îrerld feil away from i hm. F-or once ie lent hiniseif te tic intoxi- cation of tic moment, Witb animated veice sic told him lier iistory-low sie lad been icard tinging cf semo smali con- cert by a travelling impresario, wie lad boen struci by 1ier thee ntrained voice, and had efl'ered inducive ternit. "Teims I aras thankfui te ne- cept," slio admittcd; "fer antI tic lest of my fatier I n'as pmacticaiiy pennïiess." A grlmu lino or tare came into Hcidicg's face. "Ho aras killed le thc accident to, tIc Seottiah express, aras lie net, seen cIter I iront aiiay-oeeof thc unfortunnte victims pined beneath -the vreck and bumet in thc suIte- quient fire V' Shc nodded silcntly, 1er heati lowered. Neitber spoke for a four moments; tien : "Why--amy did yen go aîrny," ýshe asked, "'in such a, susiden, sec- ret menu-or, trithout a word of fare- weil l It-it lcft a certain blank. " "Margaret" ho lent 'fomu ard, lis ýstmeng vi ce vibmcting anti ,emotien-*'aas aras I missedh" Sic ihad speken le a tone cof ming- led tenderness and reproaci, but eew she gavecan eveasive littie maugi. "On, I mustn't aeswer tînt ques- tion la the affirmative, cm it may make, youvain," sic said ligbtly, breaking the tension of tic, mcmn- et. Harding iaughed constrained- hy and set back in is clair. Then she added, nitb tint camnest note cemieg agala inte hemr voice, "And yen nould lave goed cause te le vain. I have read ah tinat yen lave dene. And yen must ho proud, Geeffrey, for thc w-orld is riagaeg wlti your deeds and fIe courage of y our hittie baud cf berces. lHe sprnng from i is clair, col- cmieg ccd cocfused, a pictume of absolute embarrassment. "'Oh, it xxnsn't anytlîing vcay iicalter acli," lieexpostnlated. "Tliere's been a lot of fussacd for my part I amn tired of if. That iras ahat mnde me clear ont ol Eag- land. ingcang away again- sOci." "Agane " Was it a treacherous fa-icy, or did there seued le tInt veace sDine teîîcb of' regret. "You have net et told me wlat it aras mcde you leaî'e Ecglnnd le tic first instance 2" Ho fron'ned iîcconsciousiy. "A reving disposition," le me- turncd, crash ciy. 'I ucde'rstand," sic replied, a iittle hardly. "Affer ail, yen w ere eely n boy, longieg for adveeture len unloown lands." W'as it pique tint gave sud n edge cf ice te her tece, or reali contempt "By ticwamy," aIe arent on, -I arender if it ail] interestyen te Inc a tt Iam geieg te be mer- raed 9" Restores color to Gray or Faded hair-Remo'ves, Dan- druif and inlvigorates the Scalp -Promlotes a luxuriant, healthy hair gr-owth-Stops its falling out. 15 flot a dye. V.O end iýk t Drcgs '>'e. dire&t tc recipt c! praie And d*£ramem. Sc*& 10k.e La vamPlebotl.-h4HY Seili.V Ne, sk, N.* J., U.S.A. REf;USL ALL bUà)EITTUTES Fr sale and rcecomincnded by Jilry & Loveil. cera web of entraneing sonnd,' scemcd holding them in invisible me Ies. When it was ail ovor, and the last seng lad boen snng, f bey fol- lewed hem lu triumph te lier botel. Geoffrey Harding jolurd lu thel conwd, bis -oyes shieieg like stars. But arien le appmonched thc botel thc old look cf store self repres-ý sien came back inte lus face, and! abmnptly tnmning ce bis blohl n ont off le a fresli direction. It aras ail an oid dream tînt aras nover anything more, even in tha past, wmy hnd it ceme bnck te moek hlm' with reviving memeries tînt wcro btter sleeping lne cgrave of thc past h SHE WASSURPRISEO When Or. IWorae's Indian Rool PIlla Oured her Ohronlc -Liver Complaint Mrs. R. Smith, of WÀienipeg, Mac., tells an intoresticg stery of relief froni almeat intoherable suffernga: "I can hardly fell yen how greet cîy suif ernuga have boen, Chronie iver dem- plaint acdenipauied by biliausnes ier a dcily source af trial te cmo. Every day I expenienced the sîcleeing effeota cof these ailmnta. I lorged for tomne medi- cine thnt shoald permanently drive theni axray. Hearleg- of Dr. Morse's Indien Root PIl, I thoughat tisuy acre aarthy of a. triai. My surprise aras indeeti great. Fron i h e,-, ,,e - r..x Centinuiug witl theni I feund mny troubibtie that it wouid ficd it way inte les arere slowly but surely leaviag me, tome of tic baser gossip joumnals- and belore long I once more kneca hat raga tint tmade la scurmahty. it aras te le free freni the harassing cf- Tumning toarards ioniceone night, tfects of the aliments thot lad long idk- a lîoat upon the evo of departure, eaed aud wackened ime. Se great ismy faith in Dr. Morsels Indien PilUs fiat Ylie pcssed outside a big restaurant, shall neyer on any account be withont attractod ly a smali cerd. In tic them." centre of them, iitl flushed face Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pilla cure ced defsaut attitude, stebod Ring, Boarol ced Kidney as ivell as Liver troub. cddressing thin le lch, becter- les, and keep you hiealthy, 23 ca box î tyu elr.s ig tories. at yor deler'. 14 Incamoment. IHarding iras at lia ide, holding lis arminl a closel L arding was sîlent, angry ced grap. A far store îaords, aed fie perplexed iiti lumacif on accounit- croîrd lad mclted. cf aîî everwhlcming seîaue cf dis- The sigit cf lim seemed to sober may tint lad corne oî'or îim. Rang, huit an ugly, malicions smile "Whe ný,ýIe is it? W Ho asked the came leto his face as le olci -ed tic qu-estion qniethy, after a paulse. ot-her, acd passively eetered n taxi "Barton King," she jmarmureci. wniielG Gofimey hiied. "Yen Inoîr îim?" "It's aàî right, old mac," le His face iiglted. said, "But-but I'îe hcd a bloîr to- ("Yes; axe wree Inonda in tihe day. It'sa alever betareen Margar- past.- Barton Ring, aIe knea et -and myseif." wiat the arorld did net Inen niant "SIcia glae yen up V" Fer al oely tIe dead mac, Horace Stone, lis -cure it was impossible for Geoo- lad dliined-hit eue innocence in frey to keep fruna lis voiue tise won- thaf ugly epesode. "I-I ciru glad," derful relief tit hbI et. And Ring hosi,"Barton Ring lad ail the-1 detccted it. Ho -eke at hunantI gilta, alliechcances, cn c e ilii a sacer, tint ugly expression deep- gain ahaf mast croare tiem ail eeacg. wîce yen becomne bis nile. Wc us-, "It nas I ahe broke it off," li cd te thiuk le aras singhed eut for scid, aith an attcmpt at digeity. a brilliant car-cor. Hes le aclicicci "I found tiere was scie other ma if yeth" ie the background of lier lIfe." lis arords 'secmed te cause lier, "Wiet do yo mean " Geoffroy i tome nneasiness. demnnded thc question iarsbly. -"Net yet," se said. "lHelac "Somne macnarionisic secretly ia nt been citogetier lortunate. visita-an inivalid, I believe-some But fheî-p is time-is ti"re nef i" maca of Ioar whirth, illitemate, a boom, Ticro aras n trace of donît le tic siece sIc. is ashamned te acknoar- Voice thnt ac'sked the question, and, iedge te th-e aorld ier acquaint- ahihaf Geoffrey eedded renssnrlug- ance aed evideef attacîment. Sic lv, lia ienrt misgave hlm. He sud- speeds most f cfier time there arien deuiy remcmbered certain faîhinga an London. Spies bave ieformed of Barton's-failings thnt acre me of thts. There is a nafumal len- iikely te handicap a maln life's ferecce race. "Ne more 1" Hamdiug's voice Ho tool uhs lba-e seon cIter, con-aras terrible. There aa murder in scions stili cf tint sense cf desein- hus cyca, a light tInt silenced that tien wiielble ad foît at hem an- ,bîackenicg fougue.' "She stoopcd~ -ouenot. As howas ienving tic -ion ah" lot yen apprendh lier. She lietel hoe came aipon the xery man an la parc ced truc. If she loves this' lis theuiglts-Barton King. in, nhy sheuhd sic flot become The latter started violently acf Ils aie" tIc sighît cf Geoffrey, ansd 1it face TIce t her ssruagg.ed is shonîders lent a greyisi hue. Ho seeinsed un- suhheeiy. certain whether te adroîsce or îo- "île? aeuld give mie ne explan- treat. But Geoff.mey nould cet lot aticu bey ocd admitting tint sIc hlma pais lv.i cared for iim." "Cerne, man; yen canet prcteîîd "Bld your -douifs desorve aey net te Inca me," le snid; rihen, la oxpinnation V" a hearer voe'ace, "-ifyen acre one cf But tIc other lad reiaps-ed into those aie, did't Inoar, I shoahd si.iîy silence, and eîused te speal faecy yen wanted toeuct me." agaiu. Thc otier gaive a iffle gasp, a Geoffrey at hast dcsisted, and, sigh as -cf relief. Confidence- came elter scding hlm safely te bis ewn bnck leto lis face, home, etnmned te iiapartinas. "My dear eld dîap-arvelcocsc." He N-as licgerieg ovor a scce- Ho extcnded a baud', alicl lard- arlat behcted breakfast-for le md ieg grasped. "Yen-y0u lave accu tnt long into tIc niglit, aexîeus and Margaret-yeu nona l - ide-acîke-vahen aneunexpectcd Geoffrey cedded, visiter foleaed cloeo upon tIc au- "Corne, lef's hiave a drink, ced nouncemeef of lis camne. a tal erer eld timne.. Harding ghaeced af lin atI TIc tue men retumned te ahrre steehy cyca; this aras fIe min arl Geoffrey as stayieg, and Barton lad "cnt" huma a lea days bebore. Ring, cIter n ýstiffisî whisky, began "I forced myseif *upon yeîî, bar- te tal, beaailieg lis 111 hucI, de- ing tînt yen acnhd refus- o t see charing tint le was'bore under ad- me," lis visiter beganeahen fIe verse stars, ahilat Geoffrey isten- door was sint. "Harding, arilh cd aith groaieg but concecled ir- yen lorgive e ancd etîers for ever ritation. deubtieg yonr lonor h We ashould TIhetler's excwec- for lia f ail- lave Icoan botter. ln My came tire te maIe lis mark sounded se ced tîcirs, ailli yen take my areal aed pntry te flue man cf ne- hand V' tien, acd le alto, sfreegiy suspected Geoffrey ooecd acf himr beailder- fIat tIc greateat cause of thons as cd; but c sudden lardon secîued te te le found le an unmstaîable le slipping aay freni bis shoahd- predihectien for acchol tînt Barton crs-a burdea le lad ccmried pa- betrayed.- tieethy for years. Heavent! aiaat a fate for Mcmar "Wc lumea yen inutocc-it," the garet, te le aeddcd te a mar iewh otber coiitieaed, unbendaegian mer- night acon become a merci areck, veclient Insiion. "Tic proofs are j uitî sliattered nervos ced brolen lu aur landa. TIc truecdent wasi null. R oger Dale, lis daughfer, the! Ycf luewas fie man uIc niait lamons diva, Margaret Behvin, lave aonlier fron a creard cf suit- came te us lertel cclv hast evi on ors tint a wcman se ]ovciy as hiem- ig. It was ber eue dead fatler self n'as certinîste have attract- wlom yen siiehdcd. Sle enhy dis- cd, apamt Irom ber gloriosîs gif of coiered tbe truth itself ycatemdny, soeg. enly tien Incwaît yen bcd ever TIe Ichhowicg day Harding rc- becia accnsod. An eld diary, baundI tismned te England. Ho arould nef amongat forg-otten papers, betrayed rmn îhflre te il anther meet- hem Ictler's guilt. Harding, fIacre ing aitli Margaret. He pessessed is't n -club lente le the wiole of thc courage of n strong maenieh London tînt aouhdn'f be prend te cee ue arey froni danger tînt ho timr e pen ifs doors te yen. Lot f fenra. mine le tIc pleasant tesk'te assiat * e* in* e vur eiebilitatien." ' Week sl~ ~s-ed l hremruvplhv s * **4 Geoffrcy Hardinîg je maki.gpo paratie ns fer departure once more. Pep r ere af lait begineing tei leave lin alene-; hs pence aesusa-1 distarbod, cend fie shoavr-ofsaIie- vitafiin carda lied almostf cea-ued. One thougît persisted in troul- liîg lin-tint ofa w aoman waie mugit be maîieg tIe mistale cf ber Yet-, w',aetuleuh e do te acre 1er broui a seîf-clesen fate h In hea- everdeicate e f ashien, boa was if possible fer hirn ta lint cf an- ofler man's waenînes es, e aose eau iamater et irevcahly broakýiglit mcmv rudely homete iii, bcad lie ever permitfed 1inel;f forgef if. A foiriler fned a of igid if jurst picplshad pas-_ ed hlm by ait tonv gaze, reftit-1 IlWby did yen do tlis?" The we- man' s volco, was tremulons witb emotiejn, ber eyes wcmO masty. "Margaret, it was becanse I 1ev- ed yen," the man answered simply. while you may 1 The first 'good step li fe regulate theý action of your sluggish bowels biy eary i se of BeeocÀèharna&%-s 90#4, Pi ls EnbouêSâge kl -4 fi ing te recognize a mac a ý,rhem others wculei bave acknoarledged as a Geoffrey sîeiled bittemiy, flot un- prepared for thiltslgît; indeed, las own face lad been set and lard eugh. Tis aras onecf thc fear mon wio lad bee present at tînt card pnrty at widh seme coelad cheated-a suspicion last inte a direct accusation again t lHarding, te le received by liminlesilence, iuithouît aey attempted defrence. TIc scandal lad net bee widely circuli,edc at tIce time-le was tee unimpertant a yonng mac for it te create a sensation-but nea tînt proineece lad bon, in a morsure, "Yor fter begged e te ,tkel aeuid lave lest bis eppeinfineetý lad discovery' lecenmcdo; aorte fin tint, investigation once begun afler maffers xvendhd ave boen brougit te higît-fIe use le lad made cf noney behecgieg te ýothers, lest in rail spécuataions. If noaid lave neant prison for lin ccd a wreccîed life fer yen, bis did. But I-I wns elone-it oehy hurt my- self,n ne ee a." "But at a price vous paad te sexe as bothI!" 'Margaret, noir tint my lenor is cheared, throngh you, if I dcred--if théere net any hope-I ronid tell ýyn tînt aIl ft ilove, suselcas theagl i ifaas, las nieant te me. But as itif a--cIl, I Inoîr Lhere is- soine -otier cman." île sfcmted coma oushv andhoîked et bim itrfl aideeeoes., "Yen yen haie see Barfon Ringi He liaitold yen ?' "Yes-tInt cil is cicr betneen yen tu e, tint there as acotier man." "Yes, a man, uiom I pity and "TIen, nias. t here la indeed ne hope for eme." "Waif " A st range cnd nonder- usmile, came iete ier face. "I wiiî tel oiye'n ht I daî-e rnefcon- fde in Iîm-a secret, my secret. Geoffrey, tfus mass urioni I iait- if is mny car fafier--the mnn von shieIdcd." "But-but ho is dead Hoearas Icilled le fIat miiaay disaster "' -Supposed te baie, bon; ccd tins ho las boe saved prosecnfioe, for oxpeauroe t lest acuid lave bee inevitable. He aras injsîred, set killed, in fiat accident, struck upon thc head by a, picce cf ameck- agc, ccd ever tance then he les larht, in mental tarihigîf, lis rcnsoe hepehessly afflictcd. GeoffmeY, this is fie mac le fhe bcýckgreund cf my lie-fIs la tic onhy man 1 love- except"-her fone soffenedin m1e cf trcnblicgsnec r-e cept ycnrseîf, aIe el1 doscrvc ru eaf'lovc-nty l ove. "WIat mado yen cccept Bartani "'Can't yo-ýu guiets? Hie, was per- tittent, -my walking shadoar tîmough Europe, and hllad a supposed dlaim upon miy gratitude, for le lied te me, as le lied te you, Geoif, wlen le snid thnt it nas ho who bmeke off the engagement." "Ho told me tînt le was thc man who lad accepted my father's gulit in a card scandai. And tilt, lie de- clared, iras the secret causse thjat kept him dowc. Men looked aisk- ance at ccc whom they tlonght te, le an acknonýledged card ýcheat, and ahl advaccemeet was bammed te hlm. I believed bim, until thnt iccked diary, hidden for yenrs ie a secret dînwer, was discoe eed by mysif acd the paltmy meannesa tînt lad bec piayed uipon my pity reveal1ed, together with yenr ient lees. -Loden Tit-Bits. PINED FOR HER DOG. A pathetie little stemy came te ligint the oher day le tice adi ertis- ing columnsaof the Paris, Franco, papers. A lady offemed $60 rcwamd for the roture of a littie dog be- longing te hem daugiter. Tiec hild is an invalid. Hem dog, whom she leved more than anything on eartli, bad disappenmed, acd thec cild was iiterally dying ecoause thc dog lad gone. Mie advertisemî'nt broght ne re spciise for several days, but the ether day a littie girl, poemly dressed, rang the bell at tic la- valid's flat, and siecearmied the dog- in ber amms. She had fonnd the deg ton miles eut le the country. ED. 7 ISSUE 80 -11 1 ,1 That's Creai.i of the West Flour for you! If you'1l only try Cream of the West Fleur M'I stand every risk. 1 know what Cream of the West will do. It wil bake bigger loave.s and more delicious bread', tao. ;he bard Weat flour guiaranteed forbra You just try 14. Asiz yenr grocer. Tell him rou'rc toe ~t your rneney back if it fails yen en a fair, square triai, Tei] hîm the Campbell Miflng Company, Limited, say so. Ho eau _' ~t s Fer Sale by:-J. A. Milme, Bowmanville; C. h. Crysdal & on, Osbawa; J. R. Fishier, W. C. Britton, Newcastie; Chjas. ri[tteni Clar-ke; J. R. Ceoper, Orono. OUT WRITTEN CONSENT oMETmo TuAsTmEN for a serions hlcod disease w'thwhich I1lied been jnlkoted )for twelve years. 1 liad cousulled a score ~ >~ k. cf ysicii<ns tairen ail kinds et'bleuI m1e orne, vositsd Hot Springs and otherz mineral water resorts, but onîy got Cen - ~ eorary relief. Tliey would help me fer a à !m , but after ds theuuogl.ieçlcd- ,iecs the symptorns would breok ont agei-roeiugsores, biotcies, rheumn- j'atic pains, looseness of the hair, swellingsj ..i.of the glamds, palme cffliche ads sclng, itehinesof the ah-te, dyspeptic stomace, 7REA V UT etc. I haed giveu up in dospair wlien a eriend advi"ed imc toeoisult you, as yen lied curnd hni of a sria diseaSS 8 ycars age' i lid no hope, but ook lis advicc. In Chree wceks' tireC Csne ne toel up and 1 bea<e encouraged. 1 ceetinued the NEW !EHnTaE_&T.mRNT f01- four InvethS and at the end ef that tiane every symptein hlid disanpearrd I -as eur'd 7 ysc.s age and ne signs of any disease since. Mly boy, tbree years cl'c, is soend and bealthy. cer- taiuiy "an recommrnd yeur treatment with alil nmy leait. Yenoea re£er any ncren te n' privateiy, bot yeu ean use thti testimonial as yen wish. w. i-L S. îKNc; -ASECRET Dheza;ds. URINARY,7 LADERand KIDNEY col--iiu f MT ,N ilcure vou. lihat hi las doue for others it o ill do for yon. Cvaàueitaioa, re.No ciatter who l'as ir2ated you write for cenlionnst oplinn e!Ccre Charges% reseMble. Baock F- e-Iusrte) ediseases oet uitee, !ff \M15 SED -7WITHOUT WRITTEN JCOlN!7324T. E7r-,h!ng caafictil Qaa -e ist endcQat 01Idone Trealmeas2, 1EE Grir Mihi~n Ne.,andGriswoid St, Detroýit. ih T I E A leter -r1nCanada îmuet lie addressed wà ment in Windsor, Ont. If y ou desire te Sec us nezscrahly cal at our Medical Institute ia Detrit- as we sec aed treat no Pat.ems ' u e-tWindsor offices Wh-;Ch are frî Correspendence and la

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