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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1911, p. 1

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£ anub i~n year in advanice; -$' .50 to United States. BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, TUHURSDY AGST1, 91 VOL. LVII. No. 32. M.'-A. JAM ES&SOPorers fAnnumai Mild-Summi-er Sale. A lot of Dress Goods att haif price and ' off the price of ail Sprin g Coats. alsI a lotI of Men's Print Shirts worth from 75C to $1.2, your choice for 68c, Men's Two-Piece Suits at, greatly reduced prices. Ail goods sold as advertisedÛ. COUCd, JOII'NSTON & CRîYDE>tu'RMNI BOWMVANVILLE. THE CORNE-R TO]R Welave SUMMER WEIGHTS In Combining COMFORT ANDY HAN»- SOME APPEARANCE ALL THIE POPULAR STYLIES j LADIES' heel, Plain toe, Shoes Lwor High Cut. CHILDREN'S îStra, 'Siippeý,rs a4Shoes. Entrance drn itrtos from Si1mcoe Street Eiasto TEBURNS Lui OSHAWAITED MAIN FOUR CORNERS. Hearinge, 3ent on triai free of expense or r sk. Address ioORGE TiSSwA, S &Co., l10 Par Ro, Nw TnkCity, N.Y. 22 3m -i BANKOF MONTREALU]SME'OD ESZABLISHEV f817, Capital - $1 4,400,000 Croquet Séts 4 Bâ1l.95C "6 Bail .$..ll 0 "8 Bail ... $1.35 Rest-- $ 12,000,000 1lamck... $1,25 upwardsuâz Total Assets $(83,169,159 Departmenl" Head Office, J Montreab. IJ. A. mcCleIlanl, Manager, Bowmnanvîlhe Branel. Souvenir Post Cards and Lo- cal Views Just -recèived. W. T. ALLE~N, Big 20 BowmftnvIlle.1 ~! P I First Class *Hôrse Shoeing Uaigseeured « La ometent loor mia srn sssant m r botrprepared hian e\vrto do Outr speeialtyv is soiagbut wedo othler bilacksmithiiag as el GEORGE WATleTS, OPPOSIT--E SAILVATION ARMY THE OLD HOAR SIMITIIY, Farmers' Attention Wycommit peumnote yourselves tb liabîlity in a county iMutual wlien you ena insure in suchcopis as theý London, Pêrth & (jure l'ire 1insum Liance Coimopaniesa frwm 50e to$1,0 oa rae of nsaneamid!no pron- maonig thebeat doing fýpambusi- niess, la Canladia and rates as iow' as Mhe lowet, Ha A RR1: Y C AIN N The Clty Hallm trlcl am Phoile ~O. Bowmauvilhe. l'E I VICTORIA, B.C. Mr. Walter C. Goodei, autbDarling- ton boy, manager of a big drug anýd de- partrnental store luVitoia BC. bs sent us a lovely collection of sniap abiots of "Victoria in Faîl and Wite" i17 suitable comntaiu accornpanyinig eatch picture which addis very ma 'raly 0the interest of scaunîniig the iew Il rnay be remernbered by our readers thatt a few montha ago we pbihdsornieosra lions and informnation furnlll.ihedLuS wbile on a visit 10 Coast cîies lu Septeniber of 1910. We vsie Mr. 'Goode alno1p' other Durbiam couu bos anmd beard 1bis story of tbe wondcers o f Vc o0f w hicb be is very optiristic an bostfl-jstl so, we believe, 50weL are !biglygrýatefL- for this book o.forLiial's iiaiîuconi- firmation of the glowin1g atones be b 1' ld usý about beautiful Victori!a-thie Qenof aIl the cities of tbe Westý. Mr. Goode says truly that Eastern1 peopfle neyer really believeIalVcoi bias pracýticaliy no winter. The midues las caua-ýedlby be Japan curren,' t asinilar cturreut to the Atlantic Guif srernibat mnakes Eniglanid, tho rnucb fartîber nortbk than Tomonto, a "summeresorlu iuter," Viîý>toria eceirLs 1thie bne fil, 0 th'e lbeated wteýrs rallier more than anly other city. Vanicouver, the rival city by officiai re- turfs, bias more ihani douible th-e rifal, ter and is much warner if Su or oe of the Puget Sound cities bhave clirnate to quite equal Victoria's. Pr-iince Rupert bas still imrera, tanVanovrand la a few degrees cooler. Thundi(ertand ligbt- ing are practically unknown in, Victoria -in 3yq, years Mr. Goode basnerkon eitber. A large IndianRsaon lies Ah Ibmu lasI October and Novemiiber banda of Indliaus of tbne Wes-t Coat cmp- ed on tbe reserv e or mad.Lie tibeir born-e ir, their salI boats. They ,wý eei-on their way home--from the Fraiser Rivercanr, aind bop-growing districts in Wsigp state wbere ihey pick thie cropý, Tbie last contingent left for Ibeir homes on Dc This plgrirnage is annuial. Il ayb mentioned thIe Victoria Reýser-vebas jual been bouglit by theý Goverurnient for $500,000.00 spot cash. Two'views sent us were suapped lun December, 1910, sbowiug tbe sbrubbery ou Parliament Buildings' lawn. Tbe grass la greenler in Winter uib:ilu umr owingto0the latter'beigusal dry. These grounds are mowed evcýerynonth of tbe vear. The Parliameý,nt 1Buldlings are majestic in tbeir grandeuri. Mr. Goode giývesaliai of :-!e i ee Ltooming in Mr. Th-omasShobol'sgar- den on hila Dysok, oecr snap dragons, msmranhrufucb- sias, peiwinkles, sweei aiyssum nd w- iall flowers. One view shows a pretty rose- bush witb 14 roses and many buida show- ing, "suapped on Dec. 31, 1910, and be adds "This la not unusual." Hardier kinda continue to bloomrn ImJanuary and ,'I bave seen rose bushes fu of blooiü in February." Anoîber scene visible from Jauuary îi, te 16, 1911, shows Alexandra Ladies' Club building in course of erection wiih the ground covered iu snow. Mr. Goode ex- plains that building operations are carried on ail tbru tlie Winter, including cernent work. A snow flury visita Victoria nearly everyWinter. This one of Jan. ii gave 3 10 4 incbes of snow and joy of youug people was uubounded for liglit leiglis and cuttera ran for four days. Few of elîber could be found, bowever, and tbey ired rcadily at $5 au bour, so eager, were Viciorians io enjoy a real, cutter ride lu tbe City. Sîcigli beills were the exýception and noue were obtainabie lu city stores. Mr. Goodle says Ibis speil of wlintry weatber broke the record, being thec ouly one lie bas seen there during bis residence.-. BOWLERS AT PETERBORO. JLIEUT. MORRIS WELCOMED. - Good playing was done by four rinkofG 1DOAON GEN H oo -Bowmanville bowlers Lat Peterboro touru- ILY sment o n Civic Holidlay and tbey brouglit b orne sorne bandsomne prizes. These rinks. iwere: BiîhTbe place was ablaze wîth illuminations 1R. F. et Geo, W. Baý-il î and fireworksý. as tbe Montreal express Geo. R. Mason Mor KIng train pulled mbibt e G.T.R. station Tue3- W. B. MýcMuirtry C. B. Kenit day eyening with Lieut. Frank H. Morris D. C. Betîs, skip. .HMcurys on board returning frorn bis brilliant viciories won again Ibis year-aI Bisley J. J. M'ason' T. G. Baker where between two and tbree tbousand of C. W. Meath L. A. W. Tole the best rifle 'sbots la the British Empire F. J. Home A. Mitcbell meet annually 10 strive 10 winthie honors J. Dynn skip. J. Lyle, skip. anJd prises of the National ifle Associa- In the prelirninary round tbree of our' :lon. rinklswo over their opponeuts, J. H.' - itizens bad gatbered lu grýeat numnbers MMiiurtry's rink going down 10 J. A. la weîcorne the(2 Bisley hero. The D. O. Tbompson's rink, Oshawa. & P. Co. band played a welcome-home la the first round tbe three Bowman- selection, the citizens cbeered lustily as 7ville rinks were again winners and the Lieut. Morris aligbted frorn the train and situation began t e veî y interesting and embraced bis wife who awaited birn on our tbree rinka went int the third com- the platform.- Passengers on tbe long petition wben all three went down 10 crowded train crowded every window opponents and were out of the hune for and exciternent was, intense for a few Stratton Trophy wbicb was finally won minutes. by D. Hall's riuk, Oshawa., Chief Jarvis formed the procession of Next came tbe consolation competition over 200 torchbearers, beaded by tbe wbeu Jaus. Deyman's rink won isI prise- band, followed by Mayor Mitcbell's decoli four bandsorne walrus club- bags. J. H. aîed auto- containiug Lieut. and Ms. McMurtry's rink won lu tbree rounds but Mooris, Reeve James and His Wor-sjli: wunt downuno the 4tb. It is said that witb Mr. Fred J. Mitchell at tbe wlel several, Bowmauville bowlers did sorne Dr. Hazlewood's auto came next coný .in- siellular playing., ing Major -Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Job&, IH. TIE, BOWLERS' EXCURSION. Aanîvs)-ur770PESedNS PARTICIATirn Bowmanvilie Lawn Bowling Club's au- nual vexcursion 10 Peterboro sud jubiléee Point on Civic Holiday was very largely pï troniseý,d, tw,,elve or thirteen coaches be- irî' me ub-cd 10 tconvey the excursionista. A large nber stayed lu the' "Sheffield C aI I"several participating ilu the Bowl,-ing Toumnarnent, and others visited InondacI or speul the day quietly. Mauy of the Party boarded the Sîr. "Slony Lake" and those who could fol gel on board went on the Sîr. "Otonabee" and took a trip dowu the river to jubiléee Point ou Rice Lake wbere some of the pariy huncbed or wandered around for a short whuhe. The trip on the river la very pretty but the weaîber was 100 bot r 1 make it very pleasanî Mondav. Re- tumning 10 Peterboro harbor tbc boat went up the vorld-famedt "Lif't Lock" and bac!,:10r give ail1 a siglit of wbiat it means 10, ie !iitted(about9 etin nmid air aud 10ý be iowemed Ibesan dsaneWitb ap- perceptible motion. This part of the trip was exceedlngiy enjoyed and everyoue bell wehl repaid by the sight of thîs won- derful piece of mecbanism sud bydraulic power. About iV2~hours were spent vlew- ing Peterboro by auto, carniage or trolley car and aI 8.45 p.m. the train pulled oui for the bomeward journey which was made wiîbouî misbap or mucli dehay, the Bowrnanville contingent arriviug home about ii o'clock. Theweatbcr wassex- ccedingly bot ail day which made the tnpl a 11111e-lesa enfjoyable than il other- wise, wouhd have been. This exüursion seems 10 be growlng lu populariîy every year. SOME KIND WORDS.' Toronto World M. A. lames,,editor, publisher and pro- prietor of THE CANADIAN STATESIIAN, Bowma.nvilIe, bas euîored upon the 341h yeaïr 0f bis, career lu these tunctions. A reviewý of the period since lie entered mbt possession graces the front page of the curren t STATESMAN, and thougli le bas flourisbed under il, Editor James stlh op- Two prettv views show a part of the poses the N. P. - Beacon Hih-i Park on Jan. 27tl I, 19, one Prom The Daily Globe, Toronto. beýing a litlo lako witli swans wmig Fratid0facnuyTECND round liiuroly. He writes: Our parka Ira TTESMANfas enownTEd, eAditd are commonhy tbrouged ou suuuy winter AST EMNhabeno edeit, days. Witb grass, many sbrubs vines,, and published in the town of Bowmauvilhe etc., green and fiowers bloornîng it isfno by Mn. M. A. James, who lu a neminiscent aI ahiunike Summier. Ladies with babies and optirnisîic addross t0 bis readers sud in carniages aud chiîdren visit the parka patrons aunounces bis entrauce on bis the year round. îhirty-fourth year of ils management. It la nol ton mucli to say tbal THE STATES- A Fel.i. 5tb, 1911, view shows a China- MAN bas duriug Ibis long lutorval lad few man wecding bis garden. Cabbage, car- equais and fewer superiors among what rots, turnipa, radish, ettuce, etc., are are calied the "local weeklies," It lias grownail Winter trom Fali plantinga. done mucli to mako sud keep Bowmau- Sweoî peas, blnba, etc., are otten pIauted ville in tlie front rank of Canadian towns lu January to produce early blooms. and 10 maintalu around it an industrial Suowdrops appear lu' jauuary, crocuses, enviroumeal worîliy of il as a centre of daffodils, etc., in February and Mardi. influence suad commerce; il bas also ren- Vogotables arehef inl the ground by farm- dered effective aid in koeping up the ers and gatbered, and marketed as requir- standard of Canadiancivilisation in ahi cd. The liglit occasional frosta have variod forma. TUe succeas of THE 11111e or no injurions effect on vegelation, STATIESMAN îuay fairhy be attribuied to tbe moisture possibiy rnodifying the et- tbe strong boid Mr. James bas of a tew fecta. A laurostine bush on Parliarna great principhes sud of the intelligence, grounds laken Feb. 4, 'il, Mnl. CGoode saya persistence. sud boieration witb whicb lie always becomes fulof lods suid clusters bas-eudeavored 10 apply lhem 10 bbc of bioom lun November sud contifuecs 1111 realment of existing conditions. Spring-pink externahhy sud wite ùsde Daily Lii-tcsay. A bed of rhododendrons siown- developa large flower buda lu Fal il sd reins tbem- Under Ilie beadiug "Bowmanville's Vol- sud he lavestilierain Joumuailt" thie Lindsay Evening mos m'gi!ýcn boospnngrsl-ig mor Ostsasys: W/th the isat issue of that ev- moatmagifieutbloma n hle pni orcllent wcekly publication, the Bowmau- Afoytaylmth. so- I- vi lle STATESMAN, Mr. M. A. James enter- A fotallmach s h-w sd i asys ed upon bis i-,iirty--fourih year, as ils -,edît- tlUe football achiedule la played ,1in W/VinterOr, publ)lisher aud iproprietor, liaving as- hiockey Ou the grass o or ler skates. umed ibeu ptropnlietorship la 18,8. The New Year'sDa is aiwaysý celebrated Poat desires 10 o in wvith the hoat of ollier with a roadic race or boat rae.Ho-nwppr u h rvnei xedn sdhefisiug ,,for gnîse sd ioler fihis ýwarmets congrabLations to10 tUeveter- Continues ail winter. Deriheasans;, an, eito,,-sud hope-)s iýe bul ielong spar- grus, tc, rcsht itin12mile-s of cd 10 onmoï"ýDl t1Ue destinies OC a inewspap- V'ictoria, sud a large pautbier was abiol flc, whicli ocpe niu oiinas April ouIy sixmieouSlniau-thfarssxpnnofpicpswic iui]euoyedtheycýar ro nd sud any tend ýto upbild -Cainadiiimuboo su of thern are ilu use.lcuctlU gbtidasMnJme Amouig -aillnur of mo'L!1uled aves la inse nn cagsl omn sent la one of the Arbubu'Ls. re fti il ic leasmdcnrlo H es mcd bulit relais l ' bvesthe yariBowrvýnauihod3 cuisaslni round. ositionas aulve I itbapopullion. comosd o agresîe itizc-ns. A great Mr od io nawî hSsigni- deio rcltl u dio ae or tIbis ficaut sentencC "o ilyubliv? rtfi~conditionofaai. Morris and grand-daughter Baciand Mrs. H-azlewood. Then followed long procession of gaily decorated autos, foats, carniages and bicyclista, .with bunr s of pedestrians -tbrouging tbe ad ls stepping Io tbe lively strains of Ibebnd Mr. J. Gilhooley andMr Geo. W. Ja es were in charge oft. frworks and tlýq )F is ss is it, )f roceisfiliugibeairwitb hir ,varieî!y of briglit clr.Severrsidce cs along ihe, way we2re illuiuated and flaga and banuierettes were mutc i l, evidence, Great praisecla accorded Mr. Gilliooiey for the succesa of thejrewýorks3 display, being one of thie besi ever seen luý this Iown. Aftter the parade, had passed aloug King-si. up Silver and along Churcli-al. to the Opera House, the principals ascended a platform erected on the Aima corner wbere Mayor Mitchell exiended a cordial welcorne 10 the reiurning sbarpshQoter and recouuted sorne of the bardahipa of two weeks' streniuonis lite aI. Bisiey, His Worsbip having becen a noted prizewiuner when the place of shooting was Wimble- don, Mr. M. A. James, Reeve, read this address: Lieut. F. H. _Morris, Bowrnanvilie. Dear Sir,- Alibho Pea'-'ce Confeýrences and Congresses are rnaking splendid progresa lu securin g setlhernent of great national questions by arbitration instead of by war, we are requesîed to sav 10 you ou bebaîf of tbe citizens of Bowmanviile bow great is the pfleasure we ail feel iu your magnifi- cent success and skili as a marksman with the rifle in compelition wifb the picked shots of the British Empire at the 'great annuai Bislev meet and we, your feliow cilioens, bave gathered to give you a Iruce British welcome homne and t0 offer vou our beartiest united congratulations on the very bigli bonor you have won and the world-wide distinction you bave there- by won for vourself and your borne town. To wiu the £iooo trophy aud severai other valuable prises in addition t0 being the winner of $1 16.25 for, yourself and $184.25 for the Tearn the largeat amount won for the Team by any member of it- la truly a very great credit 10 vour akihi as a riflernan and we assure you that we are aIl proud of your achievemnt and are pleased to welcorne you back 10 Bow- manville. We need bardly tell you bow eagerly the daily newspapers were scanned to learu about your good work at the largets at Bisley, and 10 your bonor be il saîd. that your narne appeared oftener ou the daily liaI of prise winners than auy other narne. Again we assure you that we rejoîce witb you aud your family over Ibis year's rernarkable succeas at Bisley and equesi your acceptance of Ibis Club Bag as a siigbt token of our sîucerity aud good wishes, aud of the honor you have brought to this town in compeiion with over 2100 of the best rnarksrnen in the, British Dominions.- Sigued on behaif of cîtizens of Bow- manville Ibis 8th day of Auguat, 1911. M. A. JAMES, J. B. MITCHELL, Reeve. Mayor. JOH-N LYLE,. C. REHDER, 1 Clerk. President Board oftTrade Mr. Charles Wattîeworth made the. presentatioii. Major R. Dillon, 34th Ontario Regi- meut, Oshiawa, wbo bad corne dowu 10' join lu the recepiion reviewed the shoot- ing bistory of Bowmanville, saying no other town in Canada had sent 50 n'any clever riflemen lu the matches of the Empire as Ibis-sucli members of the Association as Mayor Mitchell, Major W. C. Kinig, Lieut. W. S. Russell, N.S. Young, j. H-. Morris, Dr. MeLauglin, Charles Windlatt, G. J. Rowe, and tibe leader of thern ail, Lieut. F. H. Morris, who bore Iie- dlistinguisbed bonor of wiuiniug the Grand Aggregate Prise, one of the great- est honor, yet wvon by- a Canadlian, The lailer's unitormly succe-,SafL reordat Biýsley made bim ihe fb-ira manilu the Dominion as ariemn He ilstratedi biis contentLion lu tbis wa 11Onpuin iia ec,,hool ýigbt imake 100 per cent on one1 suhjýct :lu a tes[Xtiixamination anid win a big prie, aîb i adle owavrgso ah1(i(, hrsubjucta, whiueanlie tudenit mad anaveageof 90o per cenit ou al the ~ ~ ~ cn sujca.N n illl quecstion ha ibe ail-roundï sucesulsudtwaIh bete chlr.Leu.Morris -bad1(1bat by), b-dy. e ten ld of Ibt dffiulIo1 b'ý ovecm on -h!fe aI Bisley anid ken esa ofcompet1Liton ann g bten tLwo zand thrFee llousand picked n rifrom,ï LIBERALS' FIRST GUN. OROý ýNO CONVENTION To-DAy. Tbe Libenai convention ton Durham- lias licou burried owiug 10 electiona corn- ing off Sept. 21, sud will be beld to-day- Tbunsday Auguat 10-at 2 p. m., lu Town Hall, Orono. The intention of the panty leaders la 10 make Warden Kelly, Cavan,, tle Libenal standard beaner aud tfli 5o delegales will bc requested 10 confirm Ihein choice, as Est Durham waut the, candidate lUis lime. 1A mass meeting ot electors wilhl b eld. at 3 -p. mn., wben Mr. F. L. Fowke, M. P.,ý Osliawa, sud Mn. J. B. McColl, M. P., Co- bourg, are 10 deliver addresses on -the 'Reciprocity Agreemnt. As evenybody shouhd tny 10 hear ibis important pact dis- cussed lUcre sbouîd be a large attendance negardîcas of former polilical views. Evorybody la invited. HIGIL SCHOOL RESULTS. 1,esults of tlie neceul examinations ab fras published are- Enîrauce luto Faculty of Educalion - Eduna E. Staphes sud Katie M. StepbIeusý Part i, RobI F. Tnewiu Part ii. Entrauce int Normal Schools - Flon- once J. Alun, Lilian Bounsall, Rîbel CocU- Fnue, !la LE. Gouid (houons) Manjonie C. King (honora) Effie J. Manning, Kathleeni W. McGIil, Norman W. Reynolds (houons> Donolhy M. Sanderson, Clark P. Taylor- (houons) J. Bidwehl Tueker. The nesuhîs for bbc miatniculatiorn exam-- mnations have not vol licou annouuced. W/heu Bowmanville passed 21 Of 25 candidates wbo wrote aI the receut en- trance examinations and Port Hope pasa- ed every one, and other Durbam couuty centres made fairhy good records, il rnay- intereat our readers 10 see tlie record made by Russell county as publislied lu, Kempiville Advauce: Prescottî 63 wrote, 44 passed Kemptvihle 51 " 23" Merrickvillc 32 " 23 Cardinal 29 " 12 Speucerville 18 " 7 North Augusta 20 " 8 Burritt's Rapids 8 1 Total 221 wrote 1u8 passed 15 THIS TRUE? It is probable that the man working up- on the farm las now rnaking, and is able te' save, more rnoney than rnost of the rnech.- anics in cities. Thjs picture oflifeof city rnechanics cornes pretty close 10 express~ ing the trutb: But, says sorneone, look at the wage s which workmen in the city earn. They do look large, but ask some of tbe men,, and see what they say. Tbe sad fact, is, Ibis, that, while sorne corne 10 tbe city and prosper financially, a few arnassing great wealth, the vast-najority of' city wage-earners live frorn baud 1 rnoutb. Here is the way it corrnonly works out-~ A young fellow starts in, and afler a tirne earns good wages. He ia wortb as rnuch as an older man, and gels as rnucb. He2 might save, but, generally spe)aking, he does'nt. It is so mrnuch easier t be like the other boys and spend il as il cornes, After a trne be marries, and the incorne that did for one has 10 keep two- more than two, gfter a while il is to bc boped, His fine, ten or twelve dollars a week,. that werc flot 10 ranuch for hirnself alone secritfar too amaîl. He feels pouris poor. He has 10 live in a bouse flot nearly goofi enough for bis tastes; city rents are very bigh. He does without things that, he would like, and feels be bas a riglit 10 have, but stili there is nothing left over. His nooe is kept 10 tbe grindsto,ýe for the rest of bis lite.. Tbe picture is flot rnore darkly colored than the trutb. LeaingîI 9 out tbe exceptions, sucb is the lot of the city wage-earner. - Parite-1s Ad vocate all over tbe Britislb possess ions. Great applause greeted Major Dillon's rernarks.. Mayor Mitchell called on Messrs. J. H. Morris, J. J. Moriarty, Chas. Wýattle-wortb, W. E. Kavenagli and J. IGilbýooly for short addresses. After Lieut. Morris biad suit- ably acknowledged the splendid recep)tïi given birn by citizens, their handsorne gift wbicb be would ever bigbly prize for ils associations and the rnany flattering sentiments expressed by tbe speakers,. tbree lusty chjeers were given for Mani led by Mr. Wattleworth andthe large corn-- pany dispersed. A complirnentary banquet was given at the Balmoral botel afterwards in' honor- of Lieut. Morris where two hours of plea,;ant intercourse, bright speeches,. songs by Mr. Wattieworth and a sumptu.. Oua repast provided by Mrs. W. Rolph were the outstanding features.' Il la the intention of tbe Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co in wbose ernploy Lieut. Morris is, to send hlm back to Great Brit'ain very s(oà on 1lbr ail tbie latesL pointers about ru-bbermauctrs 19 A ConstitutionalDiae. Il maàýnifes tiself in locaul ache, and~ paisintaredjoints and istiff Muas- cO-util canunot be cired byloa applications. il reqire,,s consL*tuUionaltear! n, anrd the best is a course oi the grea'. bloodpuriying nd tnte edicine hihcorructs thie acid condition OI,ý the b'l)Ood anid builds up tbe ssen eVry wher.1ODoeOeDoa, Now Going On. Muslns ort 15cfor90.Mslins worth 25C to 30C for-15C 1Cotton Suiting's worth 20C for 2 'l C. Cotnton Suiitings worth 2.5c for 15c1 Ginghas worh I25C fo 8c. rints wurth 12!42c fr 8cn 0 Silk 'Muli Dress Goods worth300 for 15ç. IlL 11 1 i i a ; cjose to Victa ï an- two viewsare sent. 1 a 1 a > m Muslins worth 15c Uir qc. Ginghams 12ý<C for Sc.

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