TRE kSKINý FOR TllINýS Prayer is the Opening of the I{eart to Let ini the Infinite The gist cf bbc pi-a- an is net ask- insg, hat communi~son. Soe tbebest cf prayor is nott iho gettissg cf 'bat sac ask, but btse soisse cfi-he, pros- ence cfIlm cf sîhous ne base askei it. Tîserefore, nîl "ramarkabhe au- sweprs to p'uy or, ahi instaný-,ces nýii bore btîiug soughbt aise t sas-rprise the seeker, and ail fith foîddupon isncb argumnets pcon- tain a.s eilemeut cf penil te btse bb:onghtftul und sa-il 1hala iccdi ind. Fo',r tbbc in)-eligno,.ct believer in Oci jdmuîst alwuys couceive cf bbc universe as aî'der th cesroi cf eune ul nde sa-l, 'b ho nms' asbly boýtter ubat cugbt te Lbe donc than ne ; and tbc ast thirug suds a Le- liever n ad i s is l i-at b1is al taise svill shosîhi Le set asiie, or influe ucci in the ieu't by bis ig- nlorant tvll. The firaicof ahi prayers, there- fore, uni bbc oene prayer n'bichsc~ blains the seci cf aIl other pmycîs la: "Tby wilhL e doue." This cocs net ail impiy bhat we arc te usk Goi for ne fuyons, sncb ns nain or good crops, henîbhi or goci fortue. lu tact, nothniug is tee s-mail or insignific'u t te usk G0d forif ib h a-signifscansb enonghi fûme te n ont. Wby, thon, ask Him for auybbiug, whcn Ho ali'eaiy hrsows Lest, and -oui- oniy smsh is thsat -lic do- as -He pIeuses l Rigbt bei-e many base' bccone helpleshy pnzzled uni hasve givehs up pîay ing. But bbc s-siti )-i isl A SIMPLE ONE. It is hest undestoci by an il- lustration, Goi is t-o'ns as w-o arc te our ittie cebli-en. We idenet gise theus allh sey requesi, but ne -,I:sb them nouebise leas to ehep 2oufidiug in ns their wishes. In othe saeis n abol I el-very_ bai îif,' because wsa ftr ahi ai-e go- issg teo do as ave tbinh Lbest, tlsey sbould Le piquoi uni nos cm speuh te- us agaîin. The thing ne sanut cf oui- bil- rîren is precsely communiosn Nibis bisous. We saast theit' cîfkdeisce, fi ienisbip, presece uni pi-tile. Se i-be biug Codi nanis s wibisus, uni tha,%t ne neci fi-cm 11cm, la bbc mutaIl pnosowce, cosTr'ne. andi friedship bewineu as. The asis'g for tbîrsgs is ssiy oue phase cf thîs commun'on. The sefusal of thons, as weli as the IIORSEFLESIL 15 CHEAP. la Eatoîs by Poor People of ilost Esîropean Countiies. The seuding cf British commis- sions uni delegabions te Gernîany te susestigate- matenial -conditions bac been al bbc fashion. Political parties uni beagues uni 5ocieties advocatiug this or that hasve liai inqaisitors nansackiug the futher- land frous froubîco te frontier, uni bii-rfludinga hase becu embodici lu tous cf reports, somo instructive, but most cf themunuconsii'iug uni stupi. Hundreis cf "Froc Tsuie Leug- uos" unid'basiff trippers" lasve Eosagt bbesecret cf Gerusun pros- pesity', uni bLei-junhetirgs have producci deductîcus w onde rfuliy exps'essei, as might have been cx-1 pected, tise predilections cf i-ho via- iteors bave feaini ample support as a censequence cf the investigation. Fr'ee radors discos ci-c thut Ger- ssausy was net prospesing becatîse cf protection, uni sice soi-sa. Eus- phoyers of lubor lus ariabiy easuci tthebc oiiig usasses sacre poci- iy' pai und orhei monoeheurs thun ut bouse. Jus faet, os ci-n s estigutor secusci te discovers ast lie sa'shed te fini. INauly osery ceegabe pnblisei is "report" salîL the result bbat Englani lias liaid a plague cf icafiots. Hupireis describei w bat bbey belles cd tbcy ssaa-, but one tripper btrsely' boli n bat lie diiinet sec, uni this nuas bbe Lest report cf bbc asalanche. gi'asicg ocf othens cf tbiou, is a part cf eue eduiction;, even as tirse instances nberein n-e decline oui- ciliîen's jsequesta h a part cf theur ru-iusning ansi reveals te thons in lime our nature. Pi-ny c, themefere, is simphy ais attempt i-e feol God. lb is bbc un- ion cf a man"s higbcst s'iii uani ccn- sciounesa w itis bis leftiest concep- tion cf gocineas, nobhencssani boa ety. Any man who lRaves off pass 'N ie5ýng hiniself a distlnct hurm. Tisere is uic poSýsible excusýe for it. If lie bas fallin eut nitb bischureh, or sai-lb al churches ; if ho lus incap- able c f accepting recog(izei ýcieeds; if hoie ouLes bbcsincori.y aid belieses i t e d-hrsior cof mu ciy cf tboe wrsa-lie daim saisctty ; ail these arc ne i-casons sshy -lie hinsseif, in bis est n saas'dcain bis onu heurt sheuhi net seelk te huota- uni FEEL TME INFINITE. The pneseuce cf immense uni uýgoe long institutions w1se are sup- p(,ýcldtoee bb guardians of ali bbe trudrh abouLt QeGdý ,esndürs il diffionîlt te tbink o'igiualiy and simply ou bhc snbjetb Bit sa1so- oves' nlbave bise courage lu bis osmu usauner uni acccnding. te bis ownu iibte otry te cultisate a scuseutthduit os iepr sonai relations wibb bbec iffinite null uni henni that is above uni lui i ail things, wili fini is ile igbb- cîsci, enuobici, uni giveu a gi-eut rîrength andi ioise. And tise moi-c a man feels that ho is sahat is.caiei a "siuucur, bbc more Le ih coniscicus cf isasing ou w-at ie se uhi iot, unid of euusirg shost cf bis owu, notions cf rmcc-ii buale uni pnriby uni un ideul life, tîse usete ho ncecs te- cultivabe in llu-s secret mments bbe feelïing that- lieca eatalk il os'em wieh bbe in- sisible spirit. Il jsecxaetly bbc man n-bc is censcieus cof bis un- n'ertbiincss thut tbbc spirit cf Qed moît easily entens. lb n iii ncpuy any- mars te hep up uhînt jeresny Taylor- calici '"thse prctice cf bbc presence cf GCoi." lb may net iimply tout ho jcin Ibis chîurcb or tisai, nor subsc'riLe te Ibis cr thsat ciei, but it tai1 mean for h-un a sweeter, richer, soicler, kinrIer, uni bappier ifè. DR. FRANK CRANE. Heî'e is what Le sai cf Cermauy: "'No unemploy ci standing ut street corners. Ne drsukenuess or brasa - ing. Ne iooiguism. No shuma cf pcverty, as in Englani. No dis- conrbesy. No begging or hawhîng. No deforusci persous. Ne lunch ont cf cuibtivticu -No raggci chili-en, No labo rainîs." The alarusiug iiscovery was maie bbat biousanis cf peor subsist ou bhotsefless, caii, te prose bbc hon- mr, scores cf investigators brcught bouse bbc public aiverbisements cf horsofleshb moichants. Tlese pro- iucei au outbasrst cf ighteons in- dignabiou. About a Lundrcibh part cf bbten catcý,i n luGermuny is berseflesh. lbIt is-ohTdcpenly as sncb, andit i5 hohi te Le w'ole- csoe uni palatable, aui is igidly isspectei o)y heultb officiais. Pr- LaLly cves'y Continental couuntry baspeople, whc eut horseflesb on accorant cf its cbeapuess (in Ger- nsuny su scîls ut 8 or 10 cents a pouni). Other British jus estigut- ors pousseid upoîs the biack broui as unfit for bumau beings, com- pas'iug il dctriuenbally wibb the armer-coubed boases -cf rut-ai Eug- land.-Resiew cf Revicsvs. "Doctema are no gocul 1" growled bbc sarty man. -"W hy 1"inqainei bis frieni. "I w dît te sec one last nighbt. 've bai ne sloop for usoubtlîs, saling bbc baby up uni, icîvu the flcoo ut nigll.. Ile ex- amnîni ue uni toli me I wanteî msore exteice 1" When you warit to clear- your house of flues, see that you get 7 i; -o .a-~~>-- - ne Imitations are always unsatisfactory. c ~ I I o ORFAMS TuAI CAME IRLIF INSANESWIIERE ROMANCE ANTJCIPAUED FACT. Early Proimîecy cf1 a Suiez Cana- Terpedo Desenibed 300 louis Ago. A proverb wich by constant rc- itetation bas become somon'hut rus- ty, toils us that "Truthis l strunger than fiction," uni.sac hase con- stant evidence cf this onbsbippiuig of romance by rcuity. lb is net se generullv hnonn that romance bus ofteu anticipai-ci sober fuet, says thbc Scientifie Anserican; but such is bbc case. lu bbc pme-seub article lb la prenosci toenonumemate a few instances wbicb uppean te becof unusual iutenest. Iu bbc yeam 1869 tLe Suez Canal, eue of the usost important engin- eering enterprises even underbaken, sans opeuci ote cworld's bruffic. Il nus fonesbaiowei as long. ugo as bbe sixteentb century Ly Christo- plier Marlowme, one of tis eaulr iirsgilisb poots, iin the frllüwing lens: miles on more, a terrible exumple cf bbc poeror f propellants sa-ich %vas satuessed is the svar in te fan East. The terpedo was very well de- scribed by Bon Jonsou tbree Lun- drci yeurs ugo, as tbc following bit cf dialogue, taken from bis, "Staple of Newas," produccd in 1625, will show: "Barber-Thcy write home cf oe Corneliaus-sou bath usade bbc Roi- laudens au invisible eci te s i-n bbc haen ut Duuhirk uni siîsk al tbe shippiug thero. "Penuyboy-But bow is't donc? "Cymbal Ill show yen, ir. lb is an automon, i-uns nuder sater, with a smng ncsc, andi bas a nimble bail muche like an auger, witb svich bail she ssrigghes b"bsixt the costs (iLs) cf a ship aud siuks it straight. "Pennyboy-ýA most brave de- vice te marder their fiat-bottoms." TUIE STEAM TURBINE. No doubt, hosi'ever, eau Le en- bertainci rcgarding bbc reuliby cf the varicus desices described and iliustmabed in tbcesvcrk by Homo -cf Alexaudria, saLe flourisbei about 100 B.C. Iu this book may Le fonni bbe prototype of bbc steam trbine, the foi-m cf eugiuc that bus couse te bbe fi'ut wl-imbbe hast few ycurs. Turning 1ove r the pages of Ilero's in notu3es b Elit on and easyatsoupen- "Thence marched 1 into Egypt and work, we are reminded that the siiec, for the simpe Ul bond o date o pur- ate. It's always Arabia, slot machines whiche e e01 tti h Scnt sae u aks~ ied safe te, instail a And fa Alexnd suc of dspen- furnace Means "Y ~si cracks or breaks of ~UEIfr here flo mor moems newwayqulck sales. > v~ ace because it is ri, ing small articles are by no means Thse SOUVENIR generally known to SCATICA. Whereat the Terene and the iRed new in principle. ilere a machine possesses man ypoints of superiority effect a saving of 25% to 50% in Sea meet, is describeci and figured xshich is that appeal strongly to discrimirn- fuel constinition. Let us send yen Our To one who has suffered fromt Being distant less than a full hun- provided, with a slot the dropping ating buyers on siglit. The SOUVENIR furnace is made in sciatica, any descrpton of the drcd leagues, of a coin within which w iii cause a Thee lhrepot - the heart of the Hasmilton, the stove centre of Canada, by pain andci nsery will Lec neediess, 1 meant to out a channel bt them measured quantity of thé liquid to THE 'HAMILTON STOVE & HEATER CO'MPANY and to one who las not Lad it no bohfl0ou.Succeszors ta GUrmoy-Tilden Ce.Lmid ordinary îpen eau picture it ade- Taîat mnen might quickly sail to In- It bas been contended that a____________ quately. dia. strange foreshadowxiug of the X- --~---------- Th pinina el mrkd as I my e îredwih efrecerays is to be found in a book by _ The ainin wel-mrked-as Itmaybeurge wih rfernceDr. Andrew Blair entitled "Aunais is excruciating. It is feit with to this quotation that so sooni as it of~ the~ Twenty-ninthi Cenry."The, -greate-st- inten-ity-aboDut tb.e IniddlC e lcame Possible to make -an - -P date- of the work -is-not -given, -but of the back paît of the thigh, or proximately correct chart of the the prediction, if it may hc called higher up, cear the plevis, and world the advantage of ctitting suc b, runs as foliows: extends down itie back of t e leg truhtuItmsms ae "I perceived the Secundines - i:ýRTO~ N a variable distance. been apparent to many, and that couîd not only make glass and EXCESSES HAVL! UNDER- Tihe underli ing cause of the pa-- Marlowre merely reflecbed stones and ail inorganic substances in truc .sciatica is an io..flaafnmatioss THE THOUGHT 0F OTIHERS. mï-lleabice, but pos'sessed a power MINED YOUR Y E! of the sciatica nerve, a large nervre This, of course, is likely to be the undreamed -of by man of making Theent're otraacton of laboly sthat any- trunk passing down the middle of case; but no snch plea, can be urg- them transparent. I svas showui thicg iL t deihtntes ti'enî il saken ail orgaDs of tuhe system .Early Indisceetions and Excetes have tihe thigh and dividing near the cd agaiîist the veuy curions auiticip- aîimîaîs upou ic the youths rndtouadoSpmln yugo.Unara knee isito tsso main branches sîhich ation of wireless telegrapby by sîcre taught zoology and compara- rin tas eieirvisofnpvitaIity men.hoynererdevlp raittie in ome ohehic tIsete sa irperconditin of is'ar.hood. They remnaîn weak- wan dobnte cgn teome bntoeyeria 7, 1 akn atomy, aglasscaeswi- ling, ',nehtally, physiCaly and Sruaily. Hwyoifee? The treatmnent,__wbich__is the sub- vsbm tRm nteya 52.isi a iea cs hsigAre >'otu nerveus and weak, despondent and gieomy, jcet of chief interest to the -süfferer,i- Addison quotes Strada is uec beeahte oki otem-n.sscsbfore -theeeg v, th- darrk circles under t.en.. is ircte t bb cre f he nbis uotcd essays;, but we need bard- ces. Iu others the skin and mus- iuessIriale aiisto f h bat iy say that in doing Le b had no dles sîcre peilucid, shossiig the cir-dblttgrc'semntuiepspe flammatiosi of the nerve and to the notion of any anticipation of the e1- culatory system. in others al on the' face, eyee aunlun, lsoilow chleeks, carsworn ex. and storen, tieS oo r n ieges, rustfulg, cha nge relief of tbe paineslting front ectrie telegraph for Addison died w as perspicuons save the boucs, ad L g'htlackenergy esles iz it. Iu the attempt to accomplish -us a century before commiunica- with the view of their being subser- abli .odsý preisature dlecay, bocue pàiiis, L,,. r itoee, e tc. the flrst of these objeets tihe cause tion by that menus bLe cam ne pos- svsent tu the study of osteologY." haitecoltk uNw r -ýntes . must be ascertainecf, and ctben ,bc sible. Addison writes thus: GUARANTEED TO CU E removed if possible. This catis e is "Strada, iii one cf bis profit- THE X-RAYS.WE av retüLsssofmnorans1t-.le ntalwa s tlhe sainbi e 55 siotns, iesan qccout of ra S N imeca- trct etfhemac-0f Nn feralinet s'.ldee ut ges- ~ i5Ot Wba X OF CHARGE era:îy some systemnatic codtin or i;al correspondeucechmrte iyswrfitd- bn avtexeret.Cui s toxemia, as it is called, often i i- friends by the heip of' a certain action lapon a fluorescent semeen yyuuehrynaecrbeont dnieycaatrzdas gout or lodestone which had sucb virtue in aundtîpen a pbotographic dry plate WeIaaiecrbecS LO rheuusatism or the 'unie-acid dia- it that if it teuched two several the newspaper scribes gave tise dis-' YeRVOU S ~EYASCOEE, LOD thsis." needies when one cf the needles se 0 erythe erroncous title "the ne ANUi INR %DEASCS, GLCTLADDER For tise relief of the pain, drugs toucbed began to mose, the other, photography," quite ignorant of - RiAYAN bEYCM lANto though at neser se gi-eat a dis- r Zookîet on DiGrase3 of Men. If unboS a may ho and oftr'n are n1ecessary, is the fact that tlte dry plate was ne 'twrite for butmub ar L due y hyicl anemos ed at the saine ime and more than a recorder of the phen - -d1er yti QE'~LzeFi HOME TREATý_MENT meusures. The flst esseutial is in the sameeusauner. He tells ns cru encu. Strangely enough, whab est te the limb, obbai'sed by the thut two fiends, being each cf w nîay cuh bbce"old phobography"J tbomn possessed cf one of theso sieed-bsaprA recumbent position ini bcd, sorne- les, made a kind cf 'chaI plate, in- y sîbieb is meant the usulpo imnes ýcombinied withi fasteuing the itPihtefu-n ess sith camera and lens, ss's the o. ihiaAv- and Grîs.. d Sï. DE ýtroit,ïMÂch. scribiug i ihtefu-n-twen--ub ject of prephecy many years lcg in a spliut. Iu addition to, this, ty letters, and in the saine manner ago.9 lletc oCadpmutbadrsd loa plctosaeoftcu Of as the boums cf the day are mark- Tbis is perbaps nct se reinarkahle 1,te or adiaii Correspondance Depamt- gret serviece. -cdthonintise ordinf pry ieiain-platenienut in. -VlsrOr If-yoîs desire te. In some cases cold, in bbc fores They thon fixed'oreeof tene t he istaces f pedîtheu is nsncm ou ci atour MedîcaxIu'tî' 1ltotu cscadra of an elongated ice-bag, gîves ni st les on cacb cf tîsese plates in sncb readytienfoecr altogb bbc i- - nu ry ntslaor Wdîe: i. ouley. tiîAddes-1ltefoCorsuee ud relief. lun otL.eircases the pain a manner that it conld mese reund cven cf bb caera ,baumaisa Da~r r aaia5bsRS.eKU 'ouiEy. ddrs ai lter s olos yields more quickiy te bot appli- withont impediment se ns te tench Icmoi brbbdt utsaDS END ENDW~oOt Porta in the sixteeutb cenitury, its j.,wrife fr eue ir Divate addree cations, sncb as a poultice er mud- any of bbe fonîr aud twîeiiy lete-ýs. principle ssas well understood pack, or runAirsg a bot iron over Upon bbeir sepismatsng frein one many bnndred y cars before, bis the part, covered witb thin blet- another into distant countries, time. Ai1wc may feel confident tingpape, o thefiler-pperusedthe agred o wihdrwPIhmJevRES ha nanriedt hont,ëaiasf ot eedresaslte cful wof icbc bin puerorbbcflierpapr ud tbeyareed to twi la tselsstbtmai tbse dmeamcd ef FORPPASSENGE~Svîireîess messages will prebably Le by druggists, moisteued sitb vine-pncalyut thercstsa at-e pu-fb,Îility cf mukug tise im- II gar and water-, or the leg may mst certain boum of tbc day, und te con- ages formed b y tiseSunt take a more aeupb imtorhyan in a, box flled sitb bot sarsd. verse witb 0one another hy means permanent fcrm. Especially weuld WIIAT TRE CINE.IIXTOGRA'PIbtesreobtird svflon Len mhrtclamoe Some altemnute bot anti cold ap- ofthis masthe inser ogtio..... tîsis hobbhe case after Scheele, bbc MAY YET DO. accurute tisais bbose uttained Ly tbb, plicabions relies e wheu clither alone athis mans heycotinend ton-erSuedish chemîst, lad shown in bbc humsaitoperator. fails. A gocd nay is te appîy ccv- acrss a svbole cotineo nt, and -oueigbteentb century that silser Thtis Forrn of lEnftoîalajurnt las DIVORCE AND DEATH. oral layons cf clotb wet with ice- other ctlin cf lb arFntane, the Gainced a Popnlarity 'hat ls Th romance and trugedy cf bbe water and cover themt with strips IN AN INSTANT didlngbfreSbei *asbmAniainifg. csnematograpb deserves an article rubben tissue. The ie at cf the limb déserts." caau esO'givs snsueeof bis fables a mebis- Cinematograph pîciioros are te by themsclves. soo cos cIs isecoi aplictio Itssil L sen hw coseis heod of picture muking w bicb may Le Le slsossn by bbc big Lîsglisb rail- For instance, there w-as a case sin soa ov te aud Le siuation dsit ionbc ee wcfo siaiinst etregaîded as foresbadosviug bbc way s at important stations for thc Bid apest receutiy in whicb a man, inoahobnanrhîtiuaini dsýito fti ilisrmn beantiful art that is uoss cf service amusement aîîd information cf the visitirg a pieture theabre, w-as sur- cf circulation thîis effected binste the A B C belegmapb cf Wbeat- te muukind su se maîsy différent pussengers svaiting for trains. prissd te sec bis sifc Sittinsg n a great relief. Gcnt'e rubbi'sg or stono nbich until it wus superseded w.sîsec fiaigt ey r pbi ~re en isdh u srtiiuc bclm usad soteust ee r apboffi s iutcommon e It occ's undrer the title'"V.oy- the tu'-'eitain Lnosslcdge, und ssf11 otheîrmans. Hemade inuiries, gruefu. tse n mny ffies.Butus geug Suppose,' aud a description nmore uncertaiu cssiliby, cf porters, and divorce proceediugs follonoý,d. Iu tbc later stages, wbers bbc painI is. ne mention cf uny condncting runs as follows: bras chers w iii lias o full details cf Pu tLotie, iuideed, nus a case tîsat is less acute, massage and carehil sires bebss coutbe two friends in I Therc n'as ne painter iu bhat bbe arrisaa nidopai-laie cf trainsocurrredl in New York. A hrîsband, eoercise are sers iceabe. Electri commutnication, sae are justificdinii country, but if unybody nisbed, te platforms, etc., tht-cwn. on bbhesvho Lad lest bis wife five years Le- ciby cf bbc proper .kîcnd and scien- rcgard'iug this as beiug prephieticai' hase the portrat cf a friend, cf a semeen, says London Answecrs. fore, and speut bis fortune ini tificallv aippsbed-net that made bv ee~ivninc picturo, a beaun'ful lanidscupe, or- Already soine of the huge African ",ei,,hsng for bier, vssited a pîcture bi,-e ncisy littie crestic batteries-Mrcniof auy other objoot, water nus companies, and South Ausorican shows, andi, in 'a typical Newv York may be of tise. But this. or ans Roger -Bacon (1214-94) may hase1 placcd in groat basins cf gohd cor compaujos, tee, buse at theur Lon- Street sceno, sun Lis wife acrots the pon ciful meuasle, '-bosld L bfoeutdcb osiiiyo usakiu silver, and thon tbe object desired don offices the mneaus cf show ing Street. ooiy unider bbce drection cf bbc phy-dynamnite and other powercin ex- te Le puinted wu- placed in front cf prospective insestors tlise possibili' "My svife--my siife! At lasb l'v&, sciais. Ycetn'lieomuunio thessordsw: thut wuter. After a nbilc the, nu- ities cf bLeu properbies. Homo thisefennid ou 1" ho cied, dsstrucbedly Eia.-ot_'sC -aios ng bods er froze and b-'came a glaIss mur-I interested \7sitobr is takenon cm rosbiîg towards bbc stage, und bbh- "A srsafli portiers of mutter, about rot, on wbicb au ineffucer.ble im- A R \JLWAY JOUIINEY inicidlent uuhiuged bis uini. lunbtse COULUNT BELIEV E HTlM. bbc size cf the tbumb, properly dis- ugo rcmaind" into the intees' rte illaîstrute bbc, morsssng hoen'as fonnd wanderiagý Bill was a Fuar Westcvbcy, aussi eed, niil make a treendotîs resources that tLe riadnay tlps :or, bbc stîcets, raving. Ris elothes- noted fer lis crutiness. lb n'as i sudn- ousaiob wibagasu, lho N show n os ci a particti sacre toi-n te sbreds, and lho nus élities ui ai-mies might Le destroy- dtculcaial ill crin ot "Miy nife my possible te traust im. He o gt fi "Bu Lnhos etgos n s lGROW S IIAI-1. lui-goli uine that is seciing aid-tl eyu-o ally risoteb teils cf bbc lau', and ite int that it w-ou ever become But_______________________provo_____ ut bis trial lho sleaded guiiby. j ossible te tbrowsv ssulparcels cf 1 But -Not Aftcm the 1Juir Roof ht is Motiika paof te t-ove bb Ho dàIiweh, for bhecague agaiust ýexplosive usatter r'pou a doouscd Deiid. c h ieaoip sisapi bim wvus strcug aui irrefutable, place from a distaneof ses on Jrofevh i el e ha uite cieuatif re sIl- iNeemboies, bc uryin ts 'enih selis a g 'eut many betties of Records, for instance, can ho diet decianci Lim innocent. ~~Parisian Sage becanse it gises sut- blo frr prtes n a The Jndge, uns thundemstriuck. ifctc.subsequenbly Le sbowu bo bun- "Innocen !" Le ali. "Inocent ~They gnarautee it te erucicate dreds cf stuients, wTlso wcalidet h-___________ But thse mansîms( iiiuses5 leai sil- ci ane nverhbvete bc upportlinity by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ daouf tpfîin n pitu f seeing i-be opéraion in question i R tores color toGryo "We kothut," suidthe foe si n tbrs clo cynutil, pes-lîps, snddcnly calîcdi up- j add ar-Removes Dn man cf bctuh-,'btlie is sncb bchouteisdertýako scuds ý a bskthei- drfndlvoaesteSa- humr ilthu -oca' blev im y owasumr sweI aisian Sage wîll make hbain grow selves iin their fîuepractice. -rn>tsalxrat ý_ 5bbc e c el ft bfain root is net deai; -,it pbs A lat u ni-hemuars "Wata sieos aîfln heas a inter reme-dy. it life und i uster inte dnll aud faidei ssbccnmtgdpsi e e elhyhi rwhSosits sonen is," wbipenedtbbc old as the samre invigorating iar n i b1eb eihfîlbi eas IlRer cbianging exprCs aln u.Iutade lady ,1. 1V ariastrengthk-prd n f rsigin Ibbc world. Only -50 Cens ~ uiliu estues re e- iOndSot 1ç; nStora ord,,e ut he olce out. 'J ee qute frct in sunner arain winter. a large hobttle'. Conici on oithe film, ad hnwhn reci Of PriceeDd d 10, ae.Sei,>,&o "HusLi" s Id ber basau tba's Try it ini a littije cl i r Pan-isian Sage is the hest bi tsyaesbeunl rjcchOiNwr.N .USA P' n id ler it)or our money bailco plan.hoE ae iequs, tcl have bcersonar- gr&Lovl.J. .,, Thene you have tisa decisive verdict furnace -i s con- #1' of a practical builder and contrue- stnucted in such a qe tor-tha verdict of a man wbose ssay that tise maxi- kno-eledge cf tise science cf beatiug nsum heat diffusion is secured witis largely determinas bis income, minimum fuel ceusumption. Ho alwuys installs SOUVENIR Grates i thse SOU VENI R ,. are simple, strcug