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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1911, p. 3

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,Littie iver ju,".J Mliust Bear signature of Se asiSmiîo Wrapper Below. Vary amas ud, ses CARTERS FOR !EIZ CI TTE FOR BILIOii5NE&2 I VER FOR TRPIRLIYER' J CLLs, fon cotIsylTIPTon rrF ICK HEACA.bk4Eâ A. E. McLAUGHILIN.> IrrscSolicitor and Conveyanicet- *office-fleakleï l lock. King Street, llowmanvîllo. Deny %10 jOan at re&501i able rates. 48-,r. IIOWMANVILLE. . ONT. (1 LDMIDLIT fTrlnitY Ur- ~A verIty Toont; ynr ear".qAttendiug rCarmel rg, Ka, Oece ad RaideceWlirgtoa Nt. Te' A Buisiness College Course. wilI pa7if it ri al a-t a A.. 13,;hool. 'ihere i nus- hets- hsîîtus ritish Ameies-jessainess CoiIege, tY. M. O. A. Bui'ilding, 'foroiite the sciîsoithat uaiy t the leraiuost busine8ss inuoa Oaufa ave attedt. Studenits enter- iug slioull iwrite for catalogue. T. M. WATSON, Principal. cOok's cOtton~ Root Compound& -'~The great Uterine Toetand ~ only safeele sua Monthly egatoron wxhieh women can ,.~dpe. 1. SoId in thrce degrees .àê of strengîli vo. 1, $1; No. 2, 1 ldegreesstronger e,; No. 3, for, special cases, e5 paer box. Sold by all draggists, or senti epald on ra etp t of prua. Me pamphlet. -Addre--s: Tns Caw<MUIEeotC.,TOeO14rU. ONT. fo.merlyiy Yîrscri e ïoicit tie business of MiinoiatturerF, Englnýeers andotierswho realiie the advisabd ity aih-ving ti ir Patent br.isiness irl an acted by Experts. Prelimiiary adviae frac. Charges inederate. Our Ioventer's Adviser sent zrpon1 redurs.t. M\arion & Mlaxion,Ni. w York Iif--Bldg, MooI lreal and Washington, D.C., U.S.A. TRADE MARKS Auroneseendliig aslete h sud d9gcr1l'oioY quielilyaseeîtain 0cr opnion fro wfýthr an nions strietiy exildettat. INBROC an Paenuts gget f ree. Oldest s eues for sceurnig Pa' lt. Patente iaken t rougir Mnu & Co e ofe * ciai sot se, viriSnt charge, iu 55e A bandsornely illaitrated wnekly. t argo.t cr- eniatuon 0'. aur sintf S ournal. TAhi teso Canada, $3.75 a yêar, isi tagopreaai. sý ail newîdeaier, MlUfff & CO.asîeteaday, New YOik Branch Ollice. 6255 P'St.. vcasehugtoîn. D. IC. 8YI10Psis of Canadlan Northwest Lanu 1 Reguations, ..zV e nann who is the soie isead cfa- family or ani njale, ca 18 veans u.. may hosestead a quarter section ef avail.1 able Domiînion land ils Mauitoba. Sask. atcheweo eor Alberta. Tise apslicant-nmmdý a1ppear su carao at tise Deominion Lande- Â&ge riayy or Sub-Agancy fer tise district. -' Etnibi rey - say be made at aran. fencY, on 'Snttaîn Conditioni. bY lather. mlother. s(- daugister'. brother or sistes' of intendin i; hemesteader. Duties :Six menithe' residence nison and cuitivation cf tise land in eais cf tisree yeara. A hornesteader mai ive with. in 0111e miles cf hie isornstead on a fasrn of ut least 80 acres soiely owned and occupied py iim or hi hi, father. Mot!,- er, son, daugiter, brother or siater. Iu certain districts a hernesteader in Cood standing i a re-empt ta nuster ~ ein alongsîde e hi, eshernd. Price 3.0per acre. Dutie Must reside six months ineaah oft six years freni date et bgometead entry (incladiog th iseure ne qcjrpd toe arn hemetead cant) squ d cultiate fifty acre, extra. A 1home1steudes- whe huse xhianeted hie bomiestead right and canet a pernte.mai take a purchiseed hme. ltad in certain districts. Price $300 tner acçre. Duties-Muet ceida ix mentis, iin eaeiýLO of itrev yraura. osltivats r tfCiacre, yand pest a housWorth $300.00. flepnty N1 o afte fintenior. N.B.-'Tjnauthl re,,d publication cf Cial advctiemel wIl ot bc eaW i frý 1- DONTITAE PY "Fruft-a-tives" Brings Natural feul "I arn a seventy-nine..year-old mian and a great believer iu, anid user of, "liruit-a-tives". "Stricture of The Bowels was the complaint I suffered frorn and I fonnd that "Fruit-a-tives" did me noe good than any other renedy. My dector advised me to stick te 'Fruit-a-tives" and I have doue se with best result. "I have been in business here for a good rny years and have been a resi- dent of Otterviile f or over fif ty ycars. WM. PARSONS. SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. Hlatpin heads are ernbroidered in beads in fiowers of natural colors. 1Bead ernbroiclery on sheer linen in flower forrns is' used to a great extent. _ The ýsilk suit is one -of the accept- ed types of- summer costume. It is seen everywhere. The passing of the loose peasant blousis prornised; aiso the coin- bination ()f red, wvhite, and blue. This is the season for softe.oing the face and neck with. lace 'collars and fichus worn over coats or dress- es, and the effeet is undoubtedly good. Not rnany chang-eable taffeta gar- rnts are seen, but tbey are. ex- pected to have a great rau a little later on. A large pale rose straw bat seen in the shops had a crown of eye- let ernbroidery draped to forrn a bow at the back. The separate handbag is flat, sus- pended on a cord, and of fabric that is deligbtful iu ste uewness and-in the possibiiity -of matchiug cos- turne s. Fringes and galboons are uscd t.o waight down tunies. Adjustable chemisettes and un- dersîc' eves accompany many gowns aud suits tu be worn on coo1 days. They are of net, Brussels lace and lingerie material, with lace and baud embroidery. Boleros are oriental in style-the Greek, Byzantine, Egyptian arn- broilderies-are used to stimulate the bolero 1-ne in many dresses. Ilair "swirls" have corne in again, beld in place by tortoise and amber combs, sometimes studden aud again of méotal set with mcck geins. There is a growirsg tendency to- xvarcl the Norfolk jacket sty le cf eoat, whicb means extra length and a belt that slips well clown helow the waist. Little coats of net are, used to finish afterueon costumes. They 1}haug over v Cils of tulle and give a Su-it effet-t witbout aiiy uncomfor- table warmth. Flossers of smaîl varieties, such as, lilacs, 'aud vio- lets, are comhinied with tulle to formn cabochon-v at the fasteuingds cf a bodie-' or skirt. 1Beads worked in designs are cf- fective on evening costumes and are used as well on afternoon blousl as andi simple little dresses. Eyelet embrei-de-ry in ail pos- sible phases, is used on the mid- sumnier bats. Bon s, brime, fac- sngs, entire shapes are matie ofý wbite andi colored ex elet work. A new ,coiffure resemrbles a Louis XVI. sty le. ,It is cf sons or pifs, very soft iutieed, placeed over thle sides andl front of the bead, raun nîing from front te hack. The new thing in a top garment te take the place of a sweathr ta the stripeti blazier, which we asso- ciate with the English crieketers. QIJITE TRUE. "Worry wears eut more people than w'xrk-ue, sai-t the ready- made philýos,)pber.. "Of course it d es," replieti Mr. Growi er: "for the simple rcasou that se rnany cf us vii lc rather put in our tume sxerrying about work than doing Have You a Cold?-It Can Be Conpletely Cured By It QiIuckly C u r e s Vyhlcorhng Coughi, Grippe, rnit, Catarrh, Hay-Fever, èiuIrE~ ~g tA ssuhter cf the Chinese, the rebeis ailege that a certain lf ythe Federals in the bauds DETA-II. 0F THlE oI~VCI f the Chisiese and that the latter 0F ordar te defend the ammunition, OF 30 CHI-ESE.flred on the rebels. This story is pronounced absoluteiy false. Surrise That Siicli a Criasse Should THREE HUNDIIED KILLED. SurilEsepe ith u LitieEarly on the l5th the Federal Eseape Wtli o Litle forces evacuated Torreon. Irne- N-\otice. diately the moh rose and nusheal stox eu c th mt tirl-about the tevin shcuting, "Death Ths yo neo h os hi-te the Chinese !" and incîting the Jing yet gruesemne incidents cf the Jisorderly classes te pillage. The Mexican revolution possibly iuvolv- rebels entered the town xithout op- sng serious international ýcomplica- position aundrnany cf thcrn joined t:isis, bas just beau toi. Tbis vias the moh in sackiug the Chinese the terrible massacre cf the unef- stores. They began with the res- fencliîg, defenceiess Chinesea t taurant cf Park Jan Joug, where Terneenl, the capital cf Coabuila, they broke open the door anti f-Illoming the seige and capture cf kilied ail present, wbethcr they Aiat city by the Maderistas. No vtere proprietors, employes -or cas- contiernaticu cf this butchery hy tomens. 'In the dry goods store cf cither press or palpit bas beau pro- IHec Nam everyoue was driven te rnulgated and it would almeet sern the upper floor and there killed that the civilizeti world hati beau and the store was locted. The engageti rather in justifying tbis same scenes cf mander anti robbcry awiul crime against civilization. were repeateal in other Chi esc The Chinese' Goverument, belpless stores. In ainecase thintecu Chi- ut its hast, bas macle a sligbt de- nase were dnagged into the street rronstratiu against Mexico ano. and killed with machetes and hý5,s feDrmulateti anti -preseuteacl a kaivas. The- Shanghai Company sanies cf dcrnands against the uaw and tbe Wah Yick Bank occupieti Goverumaut, wbich bave beau re- the sarne building. AIl the goode cesy d witb complacent assurance cf the store auJ aIl the money cf that tbey "would ho given consid- the bauk were stolen. Twenty-five eration" ; but vihether any repara- pensons w-arc killed, includin'-g the t-ien ut ail in proportion cf the treasurer cf the hauk; and altboug - cuorrnity cf the offense ean ha oh- these murders wcne committcd on taincd is a matter te ha determin- tha uppan fleor, the flow cf hlood e'ci.. was se great that it tricklcd through ANTIFORIGN 1OTS BEIN.the fiooring to the gruund. The ANTIFORION lOT BEGIN.Reforrn Club Building was attacked The officiai story, Janivcd f rom and aIl the baisdsorna furniture, Chinese sources, sets forth that the pictunes, etc., wene destroyeti and anti-fereigu demonstration Mhicbh stoien, as w cil as the monev in the ctlrinatecl in the Torreon massa- safe. I this building fifteeu or are cf May 1'2, 1911, hati its bagin sixteen men wcre killed, iucluding uiug Sept. 16, 1910, during the fes- lthe secrctary of the club. The fore- Atý nil dealers, or' fren Fruit-a'tiveo tival in- celeb ration of the centen- going were1 oniy the principal The Gilette Sately RaZOr CO. 01 Cainada, Limited Lirniteti, Ottawa. 'niai cf Moýxican indepenclence. The1 places. Tise total numbar cf killeal mainsqure f Trnen wa crwd-neah c 30. Tie bildngssueetiOffice and Factory, 63 St. Alexander Street, Montreal. .WRY TRlE TEETIL DECAY. ed and many speeches were made. were dry goode stores, four lauin- Offices in New York (Times Bldg.), Chicago (Stock Exchaenge Bid&. Sûme cf thein exýcîteal the people dries, five restaurants, ten green London, Enz., and Shanghai. China. f Ilere's One Authonity Who LaYS il greatiy, as they advocated an anti- grocare, anti 23 provision seres. Factcries in Montreai, Boeon, Leicester Berlin and Paris. to Liime iSarvation. foneigni crusade. The orators de-H "Te lo~ niera d.rv ,clareti that foreiguers cama into IIOBBED WIIILE IN JA-L 2411 "Th alostuniersl dciyorMexico te steai everything tise Of the Ch-nese colouy lhvisg su the îecth is proof poseive that our~ Mexicans bave, and pnoposed that Tenseon about 300o survived the nation is suff erin,,g lima sturvati ),Iltise Spania rds ha killeal off firet then massacre. These, isowever, .viere ___________________________________ w rites a cbenistry leattiren iL' t-ý,e the Chinese. rohhed cf ail their property auJ Dietetic and Iiygieuic Gazette, "J5 The mnob then stantedandau steneti1were sacd from starvaticu only by ty cf the massacre if Chinese ins RECTOJIS XN per Cent. -cf tisa seho 1 cbiidren uttie Ciinese stores, hneakiug the tise action cf, the IRed Cross Seci- Torreon andl other parts, cf tisa ne I Louisville bave hbatly dacayed teetis windows, but did -no more. The ety, the American Consul -anJ the publie ha punis-h-.d. 1 Lendon Div iîa ne i is Cîîsnte (Io "car deutiets prescribe bthl Chinese iesidents theught this de- representatives cf the fore;gn Fifth-Tisat the riglit cf guaran- so te II01p Pour Par ish. washes and teoti pastes, ativocate monstratien uotbing svcrse tisan the Il baurke. The survivons were cared tee vebich is COn-,ceded hy the a-en loical b1 giene, fil cavitîes anti fit efrecneda tets eaa1o y iegnrst ftioen--siîto f tise Mcxicarurepuric Tise parnch cf St. Gaorge's in tise hîsige, ntiai ticetsm inor fstivilies and expected ne furthen pie untîl communications were a5proteel tiselives anal psopcrtieý 1so pEues ndthcf L oudo, LuglaF.lSt. tise tact abhat the basic causes se trouble, but latar avents macle it'tablisieal analtise Ciiese in otiser Ciinese resitients affecîiveiy. sehnpoor sudti hs eeoRe. St.t lime starvation. dlean tisat a strong feeling against partsof Mexico and tise Unitedi 1' d te get enougis mouey for tise "etsewili tell you tisatishe tise Chinese was developeti, wiicslStates Camne t their relief.ASaeiifo feig\cre maintenance ef bis cisurcis anal te sagas- xou take in car mentisacte vas destineal te leat te asvfuî ne- It sAt be ernnkea tiafoerrv- bep tse pon f bi puch, isa directiy sapon ycur teetis. Dentiste culte. Chinese bouse isatibeau carefal Tis selutei12ec o e bssrc pnanvlmto shutther ees o th evden fat CINES NO-REISTNT. ciosealhefore tise attackc begats ant hi e esse, is a fuitî c a cf de f'raising tise wind" wisici looks that decay sarts first i the pulsunmany cases tisa windows wene e rngeentis afrutse caseofý us if it woaîd prove successfai. Ra beneatis, tisaintact anamai andl Meanwisile tise revolution isad hoardeal up. Most cf tise bouses hr andaentuonh-lsabln for tisee av bgu payn isoncycornhs tise interior teethuit- sturteal in tise Bepublie anti on May 'dispiayendtie Cisinese fia, butocf-he,-a bannaI os-gan ut gardan parties, tii tise sisell-bike bridge of cuarnai 10 il vias knoôwn in Torreon that!ten Ibis was pulleal dowu anal dbtru pains anal lassitude that so imany faire andal ausviere ut all where breaks beneatistise strain. tisa ravolut'onary terces wouid at- tepice.f tisen expenseuce. P anîr'l-e s tîisy may earu a litIle mcney. "Tse -caalgivs asoltepro tak tsecit. Acftise cs.Vegelabl-e Pis wsli correct irre- Tise rector wis u sy lturning thse "Tee.imlgvsaslt 0 -tc h iyýAmeeting o te More tisan 200 Ciineewhu bal uaiisc iedgsi ran aaec i ra tag tection ugainst tise exterual at- Ciinese Marchants' anal Laborars- escapea tise genaral siaugisten wene ana nestoahelthganalvie r Tis1 feteowfssis h aorganizda wbren tacks of aci-tis andl sîgar. 1 bave Society w-as iselti in tise hall of tise taken te tise city juil anal kept tisereandrsoehaih n io.Teft hc ehdognzdwe immensased sînalteetis for montisl ao oit.Ts ertr e o w itbttsis ffxddmccl delicate womau eau usethma correspondenît asketi hin about i.ia soluioBn cf fruit acide anti mina ddbis isearens cf tise speeches tis1em iutile reul protection, as tise viis safetyv, bea-ause- tiseir action, it. sugar, anti bave been tînahie te Je- cf Sept. 16, anal it was agreeci tiat prison gad erhdte oewihile effective, is usilti anal suotis "You sec," ha said, "vie ive in tact ans erosiauî litiser tiseenan- sisoniltise rabais enter tise City ail b guneads se ayarctheem n eune cf tise pocreet parisbes in Eng- ei on Il c lmir. Chinece siseulti close their places h u nito wyalts costs ut icast $6,000'a îear mdney tbey isad anti artscles cfI "W lic on cal sweetmeals, tise of business anti hourd up tiseir vin- cehos ia uîaigts A BIT TOC BAD. te de tise least we eau do, auJ I cloting sotha onleaigthe- want vety mach more tisaistise sîlgar. w si t reilb'aint ~ .It svas aise agreod tisaI neei fer~ ,t eca i lie omiswil finity drs.suc w1ea ssua aapris-ou tiey viere moucylese andal a- "Yen look vary lirecl," rakei least. But fron subscripticus we calc-si thea blocal andtihie hiocal andalta if tise revolulieniste broke ~nka.Jmst i net isu e uy~,0 eru ieet retaliates hy '-appîug lise soluble mb tiste stores anti Jenanalet geode STCBRY CF MEXICAIN HEROINE. "I'rn ueunlî aca," repliedth Ie sida, se tisane is uctising lefI for us subtane <f tse r mnai, tey houal e alewtl lons -f svag eneit, ~~-tireal eue. "LasI nigst 1 d-'dn't gel bat te geltishe mouey ourcelsas. fîorn the pulp andsbtncrfteoriA he hudbcalwd TIese is-fsvgeculyi-a wink cf sie-ep because Johuson' s 'Faine, plais, aulcîluinnents of ladsh. DraggisIs maka use cf Ibis te take vibut they pleaseti, tisul ne cideul b lise massacre are toc fear- eut w-as bowling se." auy sort ut aIl tisaI ara dlean, wc ofiit fesoluble' lime for cug r lises migist bha sueifceal. fui te be narraleal. Tisey are ne- "Couitin't ycu do anytising ?" go in for. We bave more couic te wlxen Jrearing tise officiai -svrup ot Tise outrages on tise Chinese ha- lieveti somawiut' by tise noble bru a-iî deluopnt -m eial witb tisan un nosl aits limie. Limse forme a solution tisirty- gan May 12, viben tisa rabais iegan veny cf son c f tise baller chues w iu1 nal beaeal a bd aI i To Je car viork sve must buse mon- five limes cîsreulger in simpleeyu sacking tise bouses cf market gar-c- Mexicaus, vise iercicully defendet indw n ev. ota h ey anal get mouey we will, aveu if tIssu in tlisaine quautily cf water. ecns living culcide tisa City, rois- 1tiseChinese us bes lise y cou'-dl eute a Jin.-" cieoIteM.Iecm asua niIbv If s ou sv-nt I car ciidrnn bava! biIIg lise ganýdeners cf liseir money' usualiy hy conceuiing theni. A in tseeuei"te grnd tise organ day auJ nigbt»' se-ud, vwbile tactscetisat tiseir ana ling ome o hm Ine -evatiesac'smd o eWacn't tisat al sigist?- ____1__ riai inlim ani por u kilig c tien.'Iny vry ctie sancs ws mde or No. Tise beult bit Johnison, un-cl daet is usuinlmeadtirIr ae a spaçiai point c'f slealing bhialten Chinarnen andl in this con-bc ha rew it bueis ever tire wall a nti- HAD NO CIIACF s IiÏ*ar." hor~~be-ces anti maies, tisaI ne new-e cf'nectien special mention is made -of rk mycubefais.Bt Al 1sndw engragid ____thisas-depraclatoûns nigisl ha sent a young'Mexican lady wbe hati iid- bieko my cucuten fiama. Bt i seebat n a l viasbeinghtarraigna I-E EA-%RLY rîY.hi, tisa victime te tieir countrymen -dan nine Ciinamen sînder tise hds tisa wa' etied word." i eufrrt i autbgsI i iu tise cily. Wilb a view te excus- in tise bouse. fier fulisar venî b "bu spput lsn1"Iwfafra-ule '-Ouaecviallov i ay nol nuise a h tet n xotuae ih "Wiy, hacvient bacis inticors antid 'Iuntirstand, c,"sis oun- summier, but," saiti'Mr. Blinislin tise mois, teîiiug Iban tiat they l ih a owigaa usde1 eades itehsad t ,u"ne 11 mai, us ake a lot -cfouîgist --o' tbkill tise Chinumen, o- naeofthe indgnîties ycu have troie. Y o u h ho anc useful membeis of th, A Povienfui Medficia.-Tise iseai- show ýereti upon lent- wife is tisat 'Ihis is tisa fi,-tisat coinm b muiyi ayasates'- cg prepertias in six easer«tiai cils Y011 hase net spoken te bier for car roon suviti lise firet davin Jvofe 0lseporpo1eb fî-are concentrateal in everi, bott1e of lhnee es-ns. le tisaI se V' tis a ouly i, nîer nmorang-, vihen T K ising tisani viti ciseup focalTise 1 Dr. Thsomas' Eclectrie Cil, fus-'uiug 'Ili"qicsyuswrd ts bu nighste bs tss to buî e ep enot tigrew angny sud, d-sarsssî5oee oftiese lioneo- bsh nti euhl due us, ansdi hts onciii- noce tisat impure bîncal vill il-s Ïwak- tisaIbise Mexichn was on tise s-de even offart ed tiste use cf nman. c \ineli,, " int it-deea t anti %vakes us ais anal trous tisaIou ening resulîs,unupicasaul breath o f lise Ciinamen, ss-ol bin. Five Tiûsc-an-tis ca n asîify as 10 it3 coersa,1"vihi, ?'tyospise ceurtînnes le annoiuse. eacaciîcs, un.-eslful ngtpoor tmstise, bwant t le bouse powerin iiallying pain, anti mayhamaI al "I dont th-Isici musciscf tise fiy aphi~ aîî thînnth s,-tiseusautis more cans certify that "Sispl-," raplie i t-ehétisband~, iu any viay anal stiltIcannot bc-a pttsllwsipimpl-s cad demaisding te know wiseliser ,ise tbey cwetirha,;"3aueIdidTlw ene- Ilvebla ay l i s epavdd epi)!on, cones fromnconstipation vier nesy Ciinurnen tisane, but te n e tipoer iiss ot eess "usle.I asdntwnul e jua lies e tisaIacy fi, is s depraved ieroic girl asiseal tien how sse~ odnu oe xne xreelrp a. aedsnso ns te Je Ibis nsulicieucll -lu In ais- J' conilthink cf siseltering anybcdv by il-cieajs-ne,'c,. "Mmany'tIg teis inguseup nalisepig a lianefle Iin lise bouse wisen ber fatiser bal fauscy sirase hall as a milkmaid? couctautly diettîsbati until it is lime I jiisi-beef"n killeal. nal iu Ibis wax- POWERl CF AN AIR BRAKE. bYu are 1e mai " 'Weil, fes-ticte el îp l i Amlifolow-sie savedth ie ives et nine men. Soe ides efthte powier cf an air can't I bc s concieucea milkmaial iug a fiy habit tianemitteal te il ______ cf DEMANDS CF CRINESE. ~brake may ba gaineal fren tisa fol-________________ tisroagis countlecs ganeratîcus'o EAD OFCI S. low-sng tacts: Il taises a powerfuîl flues. Il is net mcv ei by u-ny par- have beau coing' -ccd t eandi Tise Chinese Gos arnmenlt, locomotive dmasing a train cf tousee sonal animas towai-J use, uer is il woen for mauy, mrany yaars andtd Irouîgi tise Chinese charge d'ut- passenger cure a distance et about tesponsible for vi ial il dees; il is thiai value li as beau tesîcal and faines in Mexico City, bas suiitifive miles te reacis a speed cf sixty 9II sirnply obeying ils instilnclte ligist proved. Tiscynemove the cause et ted ils dernanals te bis-a Mexicani miles au heur on a straigist anal on somebody. physicul troubles. A few csail Govetum.ela, haseal upon bisa offi- levai.ltrack. Tise braises wili stop "But for al tisaiI swnl il ne- doses evill show' their safe tenue cial version cf tise massacre, wbicb' i-e- "anc train fron a speet et mcrseiesely wheu I1aan, as I wouil action on you. Beeccam's Pillesei practically Ihul cf tise foregoing. sîxlv miles an heur in 700 feet. ailhie ifI cula."wili suneiy heip yen te au active lis se demande are: iRougisly il rnay be staledth iat a liven, a gooti stomacis, a swet Firel-Tise courlesy w biais is due1 train may be stoppea by bisa braises GhRMANY'S CBOP CF DOCTORS brealis, eanbeaud aud refrash- China ou account etftisa Cisinese'in ab ut 3 pan cent. cf tb istieance lu"-slaep. la yung oir old they wm llflng hbng beau fired upon by thletisat must ha coe-real legis -il Tise total nuîmber ot madical dtus rax lubionisîs in Torreon. ils spea-t. tients in bheiseusivrsitie.s oetGr- Second-Thia the tamilies c many during the vante ir semestes', e Atiiose wiso pnsa as victimecfi Globetrollan2-"Yeu say, Ibis is aa 1910 t le 91, Il 1, ,iug an- _________1 tise Mxcarevolulion bhaussistl. bpjjthy1cim- ebut «e"t vou 1property was deslroyved hb nene owio-"btai't gel THEiu~ tisa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,( tibr4< eewme -s -' ebxa2c orbis-TisaI Ibosa wbvo are guiil- thini fellcrs died a na ýtiral death, -"1I BD. 1-A SU 1i tiresl" is miade of thse juices cf applFes, oranges, fige aud prunes. "Fruit-a- tives" acte ou the human svstern like fresis truit-easily sud geutir yet jnst as eftectively as the olti-tirne pilh. "Fruit.a-tives" does net gripe or irritate thie intestines. Il reguhatesatbe bowels andi cures Constipation bcae "Fruit-a-tives" acte directly ou the iver. just try 'Fruit-a-tives whvienyen need. a mi]d, gentie yet effective laxative ansd iver regnlater. 5oc. a box-6 for $2.5o-triai SiZe, 25C. Trhe GILLE'TTE blade, tibm euough te taka a perfect temtper, yet helti absolntely rigid betweeu the twe plates of the transe, shaves as ne other razor can shave. Yen kuow iaow the thin, taperng edge efthtie olti- fashioned open-blade razon vibrates tlI it fairly rings whlen it strikes a stiff beard. Tise thin blades cf other safeties are frac te do the saine. That's pantly why they pull and gasis. But the GILLIETTe edge, te keenlest and. finest cf ail, is clinped se firrniy that it catinot vibrate'or spriug away froas its work. Note how the curved enter plate presses the blade dewn tight against the teeth, of the guard, miaking the edge perfactly rigii. That is why it slips tbrough thse teughest beard so0 smoothly, quietiy sud easily. Tisa genuine comnfort of the GILLETF1'Esiave is a revelation. Wh ly deprive yourself cf it any longer? Standard Sets $5.00 - Pocket Editions $5,00 te $600. At your druggist's, jeweller's or hardware dealer's.

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