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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1911, p. 4

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MORE10E BETTER BEEF We have bought his week from thie Union Stock Yard, Tor- onto, a xery choice car 10a of butchers' cattle' for our August trade. They are theflre, lot of cattie ever brought ilnto Bow1ý\man- For tender mucyneat order d from Bowmaniville's Leading Purvey- ors ot high-class meats & poulfry Phone 64 Bwavle HAMPTON -MILL -v.cmn ý - -- - Choic grades of B3read and Past-ryý- Flour at Reasonable prices. AI] hkinds of custom work clone on short, notice. Highest prices for ail kinds of grain. PHONE 129 R 6 HAMPTON. - -A à Tr"he Old Reliable Dominion Pianos and Organs Are sold on tnonthly instalments or any way-to suit the purchase.--They are guaran-_ teed* for' ten years and will last a lifetime. You cannot buy a better piano in Ganada and you can save a gcoc1 rany dollars by buyiny a JAJ AGENT, ,MES DJ3VMANe ULOUR ()F QUAUITY. FLOUR is a high grade patent un- J MPERIALsurpassed and makes excellent bread. FLOUR makes deliejous cakes'and ECLIPSE pastry made from selected white fall nUS FLUR is a choice bread fleur macle from CYRUSManitoba wheat. FLOUR is a fine blended fleur espec- VICTOR IA ially for family use made froma Ontario and Manitoba wheat. We deliver flour in town or order from your grecer. F. C. V~NSTONE, fl.wnianvihhe. esien inwhcithey wer eld mn theni wcne,,two handsome pieces ut furn- ifune trom flic McLangbhlia Carniage Co's office staff, aud alsu several pieces oftecnt- leny frurn fli shipping and mouný ting room. Mn. and Mrs. Hagermon leftiby automno- bile ton Toronfto fnom which ,t*,y go on a wedding trip fo, flicKawari.a Lakes. When fhey nef urnatley wiil reside at 981 -Allient street. THE ROW IN PARLIAMENT. EOWMAIÇVILLE, AUC- 10, 1911. EDITORIAL JOTTINGS. Cobourg World came in a new face 0 type hast weck - a long needed change If looks modern i ow. It was foo bad t( publish sucli a well-editf d, newsy pape iu sncb a sbabby dncss, but readensxvil gneatly appreciate flic up-to-date pape: Bren. T. B. Lapp is f0 be highly compli menfed on tlic installat ion of a ncw iyp, settîng machine which lias made'flic in mense improvement. Editor Sam Cuttelh of flic Orono News lias refunned with bis family from a wel merited holiday spent in Toronto an( Niagara District. No NEWS was pub lislied during bis absence and flic timý lias seemed veny long, incteed since tha bnighf, uewsy weekly visitor's hast wel. corne caîl. -It is a positive punishmenft t be deprived ot even une week's issue o1 Bren. Sarn's "bcst ut allichefownshil weeklics.".. May flic News ever flourisli f0 delightf its numenons neaders. Bowman ville cifizens arc not as large buyers at city departrnenf stores as those fnom oflier towns wc know and une reas- on is because Bowrnanville rnerchants make ibis sncb a good fowu lu wbicb to deal- goud class ut merchandise, mod- erate prices and honesf nepresentation. 1We beieve that if flic peuple wbo do paf- nonize cify stores would unît' go f0 the f owu mendiant wifh flic mail onder bouse catalogue that thcy wili fiudàunr local mendiants can and will scîl thern flic same or better article af flic same on lower pnice and save them flic isk ut not iiking the fhing bouglit "unusiglit, unscen."' Any- Iway, give flic local merchauf a chance and if you cannot be snitcd with qnality and pnice if will be bis fanif if yon go-else wberc. But give your-home dealers firsf chance ahways, and unr word for if, you will fane better, f aking ahi conditions into account. Tny if and ee. LETTER FROM HASTINGS FORMER HAMPTON PASTOR WRITES THE EDITOR. The many friends lu Danington uf Rev. T. H. P. Anderson willibe deligbted f0 re ad these paragraplis trom a letter sent f0 flic editor, with nu thouglir ou bis parf ut anything in-it being pnblislied, but lie was su well liked wbcnever knuwn lu West Durha'm that af the risk ut a repni- mand we f ake thliiberty ut using some excerpts. Mn. Andenson says lie bas been exceedingly bnsy; bas already had a wcd- ding and tuneral. 1"I cnjoyed flic drive frum Hampton here. Two fhings I nof- iced as being very differentfnomDariing- ton, thene is 11511e or nu fruit, but a great deal ut Eall wbeat is gruwn. This section is not flic garden Danlington la. We shaîl scarcely expeef f0 lie in a section supenior tu Darlingtuu. Mcthodism lu Hastings lias a gnowing cause. Rev. C. W. Banrett did a splendid work while here and un every hand is welh spoken ut. I arn sure lie wiil do Hampton- splendid service. We alway; enjoyed your papers whule we were lu Haimpton and otten cx- prcssedounr opinion as bcing that your papens, bofliofutfhem, were flic besf local papers we liad even corne across. Local papens faking a stnong higli stand on -moral questions lu a communif y have a puwenfuh fouie influence f0 elevate flic moral sentiment ut a fowu and district." SUMMER WEDDING. MtJNRO -KELLY. A veny fashionable wedding cercmuny was solemuized August 2, at -'Thie Maples" the hume ut Mn. T. A. Kelly of Cavan, Wardcn ut Northumberland and Durham, wheu bis youngest sister, Berthia Beatrice, was united in marniage witb Mn. R. J. Munru, Pet erboroughi. The bride looked chanming lu a gown ut whit e duchesse satin, veiled wif b chiffon and embnoidered with sequins and peanîs. She wore flic customany bnidal veil, witb orange blos- somts and Scotch heaf len, and carried a showen bouquet of whit e roses and smilax. She wurea pcanh sununst,flic git ofuthfli groom, and was given away by lier broth- er, Mn. T. A. Kelly. The bride was at- fcnded by ber sister, Ethel, wearing a bandsome gown ut pink satin, veiicd witb cmbroidercd chiffon and carried' a bou- quet ut pink roses. The groom was abiy support cd by Mn. F. Clarke, Pet erboroughi. Rcv. W. Jobusion, Millbrook, officiai cd. The wcdding mardi was played by Mrs. S. E. Eakius, Millbnuok. A sumptuons ncpasf was scrvcd, flic dining-room being preffiiy decoraf cd wifh smilax and white satin ilibon. Guesis numbencti about fit- ty. The bride was tlic recipient ut many handsome gift s, including a cheque ton $1 000 fnorn fli groom. His giff to flic bridesmaid was a gohd bar pin, set with rubies and peanla, and to flic groomsman a bandsome signet ring., The bride's go- ing-away gown was a suit futfan broad- clofli, with bat f0 match. Mn. and Mrs. Munro lcff on the 9.30 train for Montreal R. M. Mit chlcl G. R. Mason F. J. Horne1 J. Deyrnan, Sk î6 J. McMnrtry C. B. Kent T. G. Baker J. H. McMnntny1 Sk i8j AT PORT Hopa D. N. Hoey C. H. Anderson J. Caldwell L. A. Tohe J. W. Bail J. Lyhe H. B. Roséevear Sk 22 Dr. Hazlewood R. S. Fincli R.F. Beiti k1 S. Luckingt on Maj' or W. C. King F. L. Curtis W. B. Mc'%urtry H. Jordan Sk, î5 D C B3ctfs Sk 24 Ï570 ch hif re M, th th ci tir Charles M. Bice, Denver, Colorado. The so called popular branch of, the British Parliament on TulIy 23 gave a sing- ular, if flot a disgraceful exhibition that of may appeal to outlawry but is scarcely ,.comroendable to thc great body of mor- to aliy enlightened Englishmen. r The lords, if seems, had returned to the' ll lower bouse greatly emasculated a bilP r. by which the said lower bouse aimed to l- deprive the lords of their veto power. As pe Premier Aséluith arose in his place to n- state the attitude and intentions of the goverument witb reference to it, he was] not permitted to speak. The Tory min- us ority in the lower house, in truc Western Il1 fashion, started in to make parliamentary rd deliberation impossible. Hisses, catealls, b-yelis of "Traitor" and the "American nedollar" absoiutely drowned the Premnier's atvoice, and the speaker of the bouse, affer f ineffectually trying to restore order, gave toup in disgust sud declared the bouse ad- of journed. As a plain matter of tact, this ipTory outburst about "traitors" and Amn- 3h enican dollars" is the rankest nonsense, flot possessing even the menit of candor by those wbo disgraced tbemselves in giv- ing sncb epithets utterance. Tbe real -e truth of the matter is that the bill to whjichi 3e they suvociferously and indecently ob- s- jected, is one which puts both parties on tsan equal footing, and nothing more. ýO-Everybody knows that the House of 1- Lords is, and always bas been, extremely *Tory in its make up, and hence when tbe -Tories chance to get control of the lower h ouse in the elections they become absol- utc masters of the government. It is said, tbat no bill passed by a Tory bouse was ever rejected by the House of Lords, but Twben the Liberals gain control of tbie 9Commons tbey find a very different situa-- -tion-to meet. Everything they do in the e way of le*gisiationi is subjeet to hostile re- yvision by the lords, and thougb tbe elect- eorate of England may ever, so emipbatic- ýally express their wishes at the poils re- *gardiug public measures and policies, tbey *always find themselves bampered of fnl- filment by the borbonism of the hereditary class lu the upper bouse. Twice in recent years, tbe Liberals ap- pealed to the country on tbis question of the supremacy of the Commons, and were Sfully sustainedSby an overwb'elming refer- enduml vote. Stili, tbe Lords wonld flot yield, and thus, practically, tbey assumed to veto the action of tbe whole English 3electorate, and set at naugbt tbe will of tthe people expressed by their ballot. t Here we bave bistory repeating itself, for it was ever thus in the world's ebron- idecs, that wben a body of privilege hold- ers are driven into a corner and bave reached a politiçal cul de-.src, tbey caîl heaven.and earth to witness that tbe pas- sing of tbeir unfair advantage means fthc assassination and destruction of ail hope and bonor among men. It is fo bc hoped that the-Englishman's- characteristic--rev- erence for everytbing tbat has been, will sflot work its myopic speil, so that ie, will fail f0 discern w4at ouglit to be. 1 We think the Liberals, in view of ail the circumstances, are absolutely nright in fighfing out the battie they have so glor- iously and courageously begun; and with flic assured assistance of King George, it is to be lioped they will not stop short of overturning tbe Tory obstructive majority in the upper bouse, if needs bc, by the creation of a sufficient number of Liberal peers, or otberwise, as occasion may ne- quire. No doulit lIte Liberals are humgn and have made mistakes, but in the matter of thein demnand for a popular government- a government of and by the people as near as may be under monarebical forms-tbey are unquestionably rîght. We may differ as to the wisdom of Mr. Asquith in assent- ing to a naval program whicb, if carried out, possibly would bave given Genmany control of fthc North Sea, but wlien if comes to a matterof liberty of the citizen and bis niglit to be beard in the affairs of bis own governmenf, bis attitude on be- baîf of popular goverument cannot be bonestly questi 'oned. Tbe Liberals may have yielded too much f0 the altruism of their natures in turning the country into a so-called happy "ýpauper asylum" wliere the aged and de- crepid obtain goverument pensions, but this, after ah, is only a side issue and easily subjeet to remedy if experience proves the policy f0 be unwise. But no people eau ever for, one moment yield up their political lîberties, and expect to re- tain thein manbood and self-respect. 1As long as flic Lords liold the power of veto, tliev practicallv control the policies of the wliole nation, and clan effectually tliwart the will of the people however leg- ally expressed. This is the greatest ban- rien to popular government in Brifain to- day and it is time this mechanîcal, unin- telligent opposition gave way to a more liberal, just and humane policy. ,We ahI fake speci;a irtnercaf lu Allient College, Belles-hile, bhecaus-e ifs popu han Principal, Res-. W. P.yer, M. A., B- Sc., D. D., is a Durham ou tyby and lie- cause su many of ur con boys anti ,girls have at@ented f iat inistitu'tion. S'- eral Bay ut Quinte inise also wre educafed fhie ineludîýng Rcvt\. Dr. J. J. Rae, Chicago,-, anti Retv. John iGarbu1tt. former pasfiors 0 f f lic NMethodiat Chu-,rcil hiere.anti.d . H B. Kny Èflticrsent [paster. MtoitGenieral Conteenec at Victoria hast vear ýýeeced Editor M. A. James on fthe Board utf Guvennors. Thxe past yean's recoard ut Allint Coihege is a grand une. The re-tu.ns fr Senior Mat- iculationexaminatýýin hvjuaS been ne- ceiveti and onut feig-hf caýindid7a-taAl- lient, six wcn scestha eclln rc ord. Mr. Geor!ge tce t elvle anually Jv0 'i i oennGur nd ing lu bis exam. Mn. -ýSteele (-is a son &' fie hate R11ev.17. P.teesha nds nesides in Èthat cI -fy couviïnce'd that fbcy neyer recei.veïl hetten coal value ton thii moncey. We are sf111 busy unloadling cars ut flic fineat Lehigli Valley Coalset irc from flic mines. If youha ve eyr tieti Lehigli Valley Coal let me fil yur in and you will be anoflier of mny saf1isfic!d costumera. Orders wil receive prompt attention if let at my coal yards and tiffce ah Fluide s Evaponaton,opposite lHigli Schooh. E. W.LSOME Bowmaniville. Phone- office 177, lionse 144. * Thos. Peat c'a pressing ant iior t ing wonks il ar eanicduntwu touGrs l I have licanued fie cenndig pressing and tailoný-ing buiness I eau do any(1iutg f amnsa wehi as any m1an on e-anFli. Gn utadapparel a specciahy. Pnices 50M ajnd 75e-,. This- F.isnot more ha hIt th (Z. Suiti dIry CIOated unFrecli leact Ah iol okprom1pt lY doue1. I TO THE AMATEUR Why flot give me a trial devcloping your films and finîshing your pîctures? My prices are niglit and rny work is best. THos RoBsôN, Photo Studio Bowmanvhhe W. H.ALEXANDER, V. S. 0F 0. V. C., Will treat diseases of ail domnestiest>ý'd animais by the latest known iaetlsods. ',iii vigit Btackstock Wednesciay of eaeh week. flentistry a Specialty. Bell Telephone Connection. Offiee anidIteside,îce, Byers' Block, ENNISKILLEN. D.J. C. DEVITT, Grana,~ DENTIST, of Itoyat of Deýntal College,' Toronto. I OFICE Temerg~ceSt. Bowmanvilie, Ijý om t offRing St.) I OFIC HOJlS: P. M. da- I exeept Sunday. IBLACKNSTOCýK: 1sfMondaY et ach oth. Will 3e aSiýloýwmaiýnville office rest of Si. PH'IONE Ss90aSPlOS O Having instailed a new and up4- date RIJBBER TIRE MACHINýE, I arn prepared f0 fnrnisb a-,,d put on nubber tires at neasonable prices. 1 solicit ~alat the ECastEn Bacsit Slo ~dget part iculIars. A. W. PICKARD, BOWMtINILL. Phne 85. 13-tf 'WEST END BOUSE. For one week ýwe wilI give yfon Special Bargaîns each day. Keep a good lookout and watch our windows and display tables. There will be lots to interest you and yo'u can save money. Special Sale of Ginghams, Prints, Muslins, Embroideries, Laces, Rib- bons, Linens, Towels and Towelin1g Men's Clothing, Shirts, Un- derwear, Hats, and Tics Boots, Shoes and Leather Goods Groceries, Glass andt China- ware for onie week at McMurtry & Co., Ltd. Big Departmental Store BOWMAN VILLE. Phono 77 The Fair that Leads. Iion't Miss tue Best. CENTRAL CANADA- EXHIBI"TeION., OTTAWA, SEPT. 8=4=6. Display of Canada's finest specimens of live stock, pilry, field anid garde n produce. $16,000 iu cash piegL.Reiiec awý\arded for agri cultural produets. Mn betTsoEfnFres Pavillons filledl with Novelties. Ma,-rvel of tbhe age presented in sensational fïightF feurL Acro- plane, includîng rae ithi Automobile. Reprodta Eth rn Navali Review as seen at Coronittion of George _7. A GgesFine- tvorks Display; Uniique Yidway and Supeior VueiI. The Grounds, wichi have been improved auJ nr-gd il ea blase zt- feleýIcteilluinaiittion during Fair Week.Re~a'r Ehb tion coninusinfui swiing whoic of Saturday, -enerlw it culi gd rogamm. ailway rates reduced. OtiiaPieList JE. /Vc IVmAfHýON, LEAV augmammum MRS. W. KENNER'S WILL. fý COBOURG HORSE SIIowV Tic Will ot Mns. Kennen, wife ut Rev. The 7th annual pnize lisf ut the populan W. Kenner, Peterborough. Cobourg Horse Show Associafthon is ne- I, being ut sou a md, bequcafli tu my ceivcd. Intending exhibîtors sliould send hlîdren ail my a copy as cutnies close Tuesday, Aug. cIlde beuath f0 them aiflic euîsaltoa faf; J. H. Davidson, Secnefary, Cobourg. utf o tuil for their moral and spiritual The show fakes place lu Horse Show telae1 euaht emth hita Park Ang. 15 ta 18. A new horse ban reigion whicls bas heen sucli a cofrniot t f0 i ul, comdaig6 hoss me and 1 hope may be fa0 hem. ligglted by clectricity, wit i wash rack for I bequcah a hope of ne-union lu heaven 1a . cfleloeadote uvn wben the parfingsout ite are over. Shane icuces. Mn. J. D. Haydcn is President. nd aaneahie nsy fey nient eenu l Phnîy ut accommodation, as Cobourg lias iches. 1 bequcafli fo thein flic wishilthat iihotels Albion, Arlingtun, Balmoral, tey may avoid my errons and copy auy- 1Blto reBritish, Cedarmere, Columbian, ting fiat may lie worthy in my lite, 1luCmmercial, Duuham, King Edward anti te naine ut God who made me and tflic St Lawrence. Rernemben dates andi plan Chrnist who nedeemnet me andtheli Holy tu atienc. Uhiost who sanctified i e Ianake this my LEHIGH VALLEY COAL. tsft wiII and test imony. Witness ail ye '? sofu heaven, witness ll ae tLhgiVle oltrn Lme, wifncss etennify, 1910. Nyslso eihVle oldrn EMILY KENNER. the past fcw montis bave been fanrlieyond _______my sanguine expecfations, wliich clearly shows fiat flic peuple ut Bowmanvillc A SUCCESSFUL COLLEGE. and vicinity wlio purchased Lehigh Cual eOWLING Bowmanville Bowling Club is on top in league matches su tan playeti under aus- pices oIf'the Lake Shore Lawn Bowling Association. Tlie ciampionship is dccid- cd ibis yean by points însfead of games and it is possible ton a team f0 lose every game and stihl wiu flic champiouship. Standing f0 date is: Bowmanville............... .227 points Cobourg.................... 153 points Pont Hope..._......... ...... 151 points rWhitby ..................... III points Oshawa.......... .... .... . 79 points Oshawa bas playcd one game, Bowman- ville tince, ncmaiuing clubs fwu ecd. Wcdncsday a splen did match betwcen Bowmanville and Pont Hope was played, two inka aside in caci tuwn, with Port Hope up 5 abuta, flic inksanad scores lie- ing: AT BowMANVILLE A Bndgc R. B. Thompacnn W. G. Biffun Dr. Aldrichb Sk 24 J. G. Bennett A. M. Scot B. Thsoupson G. P. McLaren Sk 14

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