P«wURE BLOOD MEANS STRENGTH NYAL'8 BLOOD PURIFER' means pure blood, Try it and you will be convinced. Bouls, sores, pimples, skin diseases and rougli skin indi- cate impure, thin blood. Nyal's Blood Purifier, purifies and ennies the blood, driving out tie poisonous niaterials that produce such disagreeable symptoms. It is for tie saine class of diseuses as tiose treated at Hlot Springs. Got a hfottie at our store: we ,recommend it because we know what is in it-aad ev ery NYAL Remedy is good. Pnîce $1.00- R. M. MITCHEIILL & GO., Druggists Phono 92a. Opticiaus Bowmanville. N t' .1 I HE SKANDARD BRNK 0F CANADA, TORONTO, fias remioved to it3 new-lHead Office Building, Kin- St. West, corner of Jordan St., Toronto. Tie Savings iPani iDepartment- at the new location wîll be made a special feature of the Bank's business. -M The Contrai Busiaess Cotiegoe ofi Toronto invites yOun f0write for a2 copy ofi us curriculumi if you are in auîy way iuteeted in a training which wll leaS you into a guod biusiness appointuenot at a good salary. TUe Faîl Touai opens onu Angat -28th. Iddress W. H. Sots', Presideat, Vonge & Ger- raid Sti, Torontuî, aud îmentionî fis paper. Fail Term Open Aug. 28th in the Popular and Progressive //à= IOT Con. Yonge and Alexander Sfs. TORONTO, ONT. This school canki higb anoag the beit business colleges uft fis continent. Prouf of this statemneat i tournilinune large catalogue Write tu-day foc une. Salaries offeced our gra utes ths yeaî, largo han ever befoce. tpay to get the boit, practicai education. W. J.ELLIOTT, Principal. i COLLEGùdq BELLEVILLE, ONT. tOver 300 students enirolled an- ualy, haif of wiom are young ladies Iligiest ndvnntages in ail depant ments. Build;igs heated by steant and lightcd hy eieetcicity. Xill re-open Tuesday Septemaber ilth, 1911. For Calendar ,)r roont address Principal Dyer, D. D. ECONOMY IN SPRING CLOTHIES Why buy a rcady-made on made-f o- measure Spning suit that costs from $22 to $35 when we are making failor-made suifs in lafest styles and-of best matenials from $j 5 fo $20? You are invifed f0 inspect our new1 SSprng Suitings anel Overcoats withoutz Stic least obligation f0o buv. We have the popuflar, shades of tweeds andl fancy wor-1 ïselsicrfecfly woven, perfecfly dyed and « ùiiisiel, wiich wiIl lie nuade up lu our nsual first-class style. JOSi'H iJEFFERT & SON, Tic estar Home -Bownsanville r ~~~rcîelnt locatious. lnmei ossin p F "IÎI FOR SALE-EBf of!i,t1', nmesi6 trm -vliigÉ, sturn coai Ox', 1x 11n1S a sUeS 1Sv2, ond frit boin, stma-stales. pigpos 4x1 an 1v5 , r-su ie i ber ,,e are i rchrda mcci slig f oi liiar i sittr n eleion ial y BOWMAN VILLE STATION. GOING EAST. GOING WEST EExpresse 1.44 a.in :xpress 4.22a.. ^=xp.e. 10.18 , lcal 7.43 Pasnger 3.31 p. i. Passenger 1.48 p. mi. Local 6.49 , :Pasîenger 7.58 , Mail 9* 58 , j Daily. -ibe ~lf4 teinn BOWMANVTLýE,, AUTG 10, 1911. Social anid Personal. Miss Clara Riches, Cambray, is visiting Mrs. F. O. Mason. Miss Carnie Martyn is visiting friends- ai Jamestown, N.Y. Mrs. E. Belîman spent tie week-end with her sister at Prince Albert. Miss Elsie Wite, Toronto, has been guest ai Rev. W. C. Wasiingtons'. Mr. Geo. P. Freeland, Toronto, spent a few iolidays here at Ciief Jarvis'. Caldwel's -conveyances go f0 boat Tuesdays and Fridays. Phone 127. Miss Lakins, Millbrook, was recent guest of Miss Ross at Hofel Bowman. Mrs.. A. Gully, Oshawa, has been visit- ing Mrs. F. L. Bragg and other fiends. Mr. M. W. G. Purser, editor of lie Port Hope limes, was in town recenfly. Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Sciofield, Chicago, Ill., were recent guesf s of Mr. Thomas Bingham. Miss Annie Veale, London, is visiting old friends and relatives here and enjoying her native air. Mn. and Mrs. W. Rouîley and daughter Hazel, Torout o, spent Civic holiday wifh Miss A. V. Cole. Mn, and Mrs. Chas. H. Anderson and, family are attending fhe Old Boys' Re- Union af London. Port Hope Council are giving their band $150 for furuishing open air con- certs fuis summer., Mr. James Bellwood, Richmond, Virgin-, ia, has been visiting Mr. Jacob Pollard and other fiends here. Miss Stella Washington, Mrs. Gibbons and fwo children, Toronto, are visiîing Mis. Albert Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Macdonald, Tor- outo, have been guesf s of bis uncle Mr. James Smith and othen friends. 1Miss Gwendolyn Winterburn, Trenton, is visiting at Mr. F. A. Fosfer's, "Norv% ood Place" and enjoying many auto outings. Dr. James A. Newsome and- daugifer, New York City, and his sîster Mrs. A. A. Powers, Orono, were in fown Saturday and called on old friends. Mrs. White, wife of Edifor White of tic Milton Reformer, was guesf of Mýr. and Mrs. W. H. Rogers oven the weekend. Shie wenti ouf f0 Feniella f0 visit Mrs. Chas. Taling. - Coboursg IWord. Mi>.1H. W. Hutchinson, Manager lie Deùee Pow Co., Winnipeg, M\an., wvas guest of lils cousin M\ ,rs. Chester Power, Maple Grove,, last week and cailed on a goody nuberof olel friends in fown and vii 1yilding an auto trip f0 Mrs. auý ànt at Pontypool,.-' PlicMagistrate W. M. Horsey who -_ce f0Bowmanviîle on Marchi sf, 1858, fe1ý uIs nshat 50 far as lie calsremember Mn1. Peter Murdoch, seedsman, and Mr. Mnrkus Mayer, hatter and fumrier, are tie onl]y mn now living here xvio were in business on their own. accouni 53 years a- go. Iu comparison with ihese vefernes the editon of THE STATESMAN is a3new romIer to town, in the face of his bavîng entered uplon us 34ti ycar.Mi.J.Jefrwa livinig here tien but did noct go into0 buLsi- ness fuI1 a laterdae a quarter century, iaving gone f0 fie ciiy wviil fie laie Mn. FH.H.Massey and is ag- rieultural imaplemeat industcy. For ycars Mr. Powvers ws orensan of flic painting deparnient of tfie Massey-Harcîs Com- Sparmy. rHe wasa Liaîigc--heartcd inSu ïiwlti a positive genlu,,s fc idsiips. 'Hel leaves a widow andiw cilelcen. Mr. Powors is a brteni-la fMr. W. W. lTamblyn of Bowmaville,, Silos, sold and erecteel. F. H. Mason & Soi. Capt. Wînsiow, Millbriook-, was in town receutly. 4-in silk ribbon ibe yd Safurday af Nîcholîs. Miss Lena Keys, Toronto, is iolidaying at home. ,Mr. Chas. Weeks, Toronto, is holiday- ing at home. .Big snaps lu tinw are 5e bargains for Safurday ai Nicholîs. Toilet soap 7 cakes in box reg 25C for 10c Saturday ai Nîciolîs. Miss Sherlock, Pet erboro, is visiting lier sisi er Mrs. W. B. Tapson. Mrs. John Macdonald, Toronto, is visit- ing bier sister Miss Smith. Store open MVopdaýy usday and Sat- urdays. jas Ma nachie. Miss Florence Belîman is attending fie millinery openings in Toronto.' Mr. Albert Linton, Rochester, N.Y., is visiting his sister Mrs. Robi. Finlay. Miss Pye, Oshawa, was guest over Sua- day of hier sister-in-law, Mrs. J. R. Pye.. Order ail youn funeral designs or eut flowers from S, J. Jackman. Phone 8o. Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs has returneel from visiting fnienels in Toronto and Hamilton, Men's fwo-piece suifs ai away down pnices ai Couch, Johuston & Cryderman's. Leave youn order at Caldwell's Livcrv for boat Tuesdays and Fridays. Phone 127 Dr. Howapdc Riekard, Port Colborre, is holidaying ai ils fathcr's, Mn. J. G. Rick- ard. Rev. Wmn. _Kenner, Peterbono, is visif- ing Mrs. John Reid and otier old fniends, here. Mrs. Frank Jackman and family have been visifing ai Mr. Ihos. Moore's, Port, Perry. M. and Mrs. David Allum, Toront o, spent the holiday witi bis sîster Mrs. F. Cator. Mrs. M. Mayer, jr., and Master Ted Humiphrey have beesi visifing relatives at Barrie. Miss Minnie McPerson, Toronto, spent fie week-end wîth hier auni Mrs. J. N. Lawrie., Ail Summer goods sclling off ai greatly reduced prices ai Couci, Joinsfon & Cry- derman 's. Dr. J. C. Deviti will close is dental parlons; from Aug. 7ti f0 Aug. 241h while taking holidays. 301f Miss Gonfle and Mc. Victor Beacock, Trout o, are visifing iheir -gnandmother Mrs. John Beacock. Mn. Ed. F. Wceks, of tie Acf on Pub- lisiing Co., Toronto, has been home for a few days' iolidays. Miss Margaret Mitchell, Misses Mabel andl Madeline Gilbert, Toront o, are guests ai Mayor Mitcbell's. Mn. John Hellyan, jr., is bolidayîng witb friends at Clinton and camping on tie shore of Lake Huron. Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Piekard recenfly visit cd ai M. W. C. Ferguson's and otier relatives lu Caritwright. Muslins, prinis, gingiams and dress goods ai gneatly neduced prices ai Coucli, Joinston & Cnydenman's. Mns. John Bcock, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard and family speni Civie Holiday ai Mr. lios. Beacock's, Kinby. Ms. M. C. Selby, Markham, is enjoy- îing a mont h's iolidays wiîi lier faiher Mn. John Ayre and othen relatives. 1 Brîng youn live peuh a-nd Sprng chic- ken fo Jas. MacCoun le, Bowmanville, and neceive h gîeprice in cash. Ms. J. J. Ra has nef neltobrhm in Chicago, Ill., aff on visiting lier sister, Mn. Edward J. Sanford, Bright on. Mrs. Rohi. Conklin and daugiter Mild- ccd, Kingville, are visiting hiec fathen Mn. Robt. Collacuti, i"The Evengreens." Jos. Miles of Bowmanville visiteel Port Hope Monday and gof drunk and noisy. If cosi him $8 foc uis fun. - Guide. Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Hoskin and daugli toc Lola, Jefferson, Ouf., werc cecentý guests of bis motien and otier relativceý here. Mn. and Mns. W. Adams, Oshawa, Mc. and Mrs. WiII Kinby, Pontiac, ici., ne- cently visited Mayor and Mrs. J. B. Mit- chell. Mc. and Mcs. John H. Wickson, Mn. and Mrs. E. E. MeClellan, Miss Ray 'Walker, Toconto, spent fie week-end ai Mr. J. J. Mason's. Mrs. W. H. Clemens, "Lakeview Facm" entectaining bier cousin, Miss Helen M. Clarke, of Chicago, and her fcîend Mrs. E. Graif of South Bend, Ind. M. "and Mcs. F. H. Frost and family, PentU, are iolidaying ai Mr. Jos. Van- Cm'.Mc. Frosi has been appointed Principal of Leamingion Higi Scliool. The bestis18tieceapesi; Scranton coal is recognized by ail tic leading dealers lu Canada andl tie United States as fie besi coal. Sevenal cars fresi mmced just rç,. ceived. McClollan & Co Limited. î Rev. Wm Kenner, Peferboro, visîted old friends heno wio were glad fo sec hlm lu Jerusalent, ou the way frons Jerusalent f0 Jerîcho, fie Jordan Valley, tic Dead Sea and thie intel in Jericho." C hil 1d ren u ry FOR FECE' Ask F. H. Mason & Son about silos. Blackt Kuigif Siove Polisi 5e Saiurday ai Nicholîs. Mc. Harley Percy, Toronto, is holiday- ing ai home. Live poulfry takeVôndays. Jas. MacConnachie. v Miss Nellie Burk is visiiing hec cousin Mrs. Eacl in Toronto. 36 pair scissors reg 75c on sale Satur- day 49c pain ai Nicholîs. Dr. Grey, Kingston, visiied Mrs. Flem- ing for a few days last wcck.' 11 Miss Sherlock, Peterboro, is visiting her sister Mcs. W. B. lapson. Miss Ethel Cryderman. Walkerîon, 18 visifing ai Mrs. W. Cryderman's. Leave your order ai Caldwell's Livery for Acygle lucsdays and Fnidays. Mn. and Mrs. WiII -Tyler, Cobalt, arc visiting is fathen Mn. Clanke Tyler. Mc. and Mrs. John MeGill, Toronto, are visiting hec motier Mrs. R. Windatt. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. lamblyn, Toronto, are visiting is faiher, Mc. W. W. lamb- lyn. 2 lu i shoc blaeking 5e Safurday ai Niciolîs. Mc. and Mrs. Fred Hoal, Toronto, spent tie week-end witi Mr. W. W. Allun, tic Post Office. Mn. H. H. Todgbam, Toronto, spent Civie holiday witi bis wifc and family ai his fafier's. Ladies' suifs and spning coats selling off ai a big discount ai Couci, Joinsfon & Cryderman's. Miss Irene Fce, graduate of Lakeside Hospital, Chicago, Ill., is visiting her auni Mrs. J. MeInfyce. Mns. A. C. Holmes and litile daugifers, Marguerite andPhyllis, Lindsay, are vis- iig friends here. Mrs. J. W. Arciibald and daugiten Marguerite, Belleville, are visiting ber mot her Mrs. R. Baiicy. Remember Bowmanvillc menchants have ahaîf ioliday Wedncsday affernoons durîng July and Augusi. rSCRANTON COAL-Ibe standard for over 40, years - for sale lu ail sizos by MeClellan & Co., Limiied Mr. and Mrs. Reaben 1. Cox and son Charles, Toronto, are iolidaying aiis fatber's, Mn. C. Cox. Major Clare Williams and wife of Port- age la Praire, Man., are visiîiug bis fati- er Mc. W. H. Williams, ciurch-st. Adam Henry Marvin, brother of Rov. Dr. G. W. Marvin, died ai ils home lu [Belleville, Augusi 7, in ils 59th ycac. Leiigh coal 15 liarder, lasis longer aud contains more icai fian other coal. -Sold only by E. W. Loseombe, phono 177. Mc. and Mns. Geo. Callan and faIlyt Miss Rutherford and Miss Clara Robbiý, Torout o, are visiting ai Mn. W. Robliid' Silvec ring with large coral Stone los I July 26 lietwccn Centre-st and Post officcFinder please leave ai STATES.lVAN office. Mr. John Dunne if, Dundonald, and Miss Cannie Dunneft, B.A., Victoria, College, Toronto, sponi Suuday ai Mn. W. W. Dickinson's. Mrs. Clark B. Tyler is on a visit f0 fie Great West visitirug ber son ai Kellar, Sask., and brother Mn. R. D. Foley ai Winnipeg, Man. lie busy becs of St-. Toin's chancih were nîccly enfertained ai flic summer cottage of Mrs. W. Durnn, Port Bowmanvilie, Wednesday afeiernoo. Mn. and Mns. Hanry Cherry and daugh- fter, Schenectady, N.ý Y., Mcs. L. E. Mon- don and, family, Simcoe, with thdr motion Mns. R. Cherry. liere are more heat nuits lu a ion of Scranton coal ihan lu any coal produded. Egg, siove, uni and pea sizes foc sale by MeClellan & Co., Limifed. Mr. R. H. Collacufi, Salem, is enectingi coal sheds ai the C.N.R. station and will, shorflybhoaile to supply ail demands. ,,&Wtch, for particulars lai on. Mr. T. H. Follick, B. A., St. Caftharines, fonmerly Science Master of Bowmanville Higi School, has licou appoinfed to tie staff of Cobourg Collegiate Instifufe. Mr. Garnet Chapmau and Mrs. Jesse 'ýj4%,Oshawa, Miss Olga 1 Williams, and Miss Tuffle, Toronto, n cre gucsts oven ithe week-end ai Mn. Chas. Williams'. Principal Elliof t rciurned Tucsday front a two weeks'vaeafion spent lu Huron and Bruce Count les. His mother aceompan- led hlm front Goder ici on a visbIt f0 Bow- manville. Mc. and Mns. Richard Sylvester, Lind- say, announce fie engagement of theic daugiter, Aida Ethel, f0 Mc. Charles Mortimer Squiers. lie manciago will take place quiet]y on Aug. it. "'Give me fie bniglit shiny coal witi fhe short, round fractuare. 1 do't like these long, thin pieceos, they barn ouf f00 quick. I want Scranton coal." lie ouly place fo get, i is front MeClellan & Co, Limif cd. Misses Annie and Amy Allun and May VanSuione rr'trrned lasi week fron their trip f0 Cononation and fieuds in fhe Old Lgtnd haviug itad au exceedingly enjoy- able lme with t udr Englisi relatives 19.3CRE laDariogtun township,,,irhàiii couniy, o i- mile truai Bowmals 111e. 40 11mi Ls 5 hua 'uiliatwomilesf-onG.T.U. ttn IuliLes icuta Iligii !înlhatmie ro nPbmi ci sehool and hrhsa innuil u al Grove. So0i', ree dylaa lgtyclig uearly] Iwlsith gooldang;1IsIsci asstsgrctiagi, Baldwus, etc., yiif; mi bi Lo M. A. JAmES, Statesmai Office,Bwînile 32ff "THE STATESMAN was a welcome vis- itor to our home at Courtice, aiways dlean and up-to-date, and of such character that we neyer feit afraid to allow the cidren to peruse it. I enclose $i for which kind- ly send your paper so that I may flot lose sight altngether of Bowmanvill e District."e -(Rev.) Jos. BARNES, Tamworth., A despatch fromi Brandon to the James Papers says: The topic of the past week was the Summer Fair. The weather was favorable and the attendance unparalleled. In every respect it surpassed ail expecta- tions and ail records were broken. Com- petent judges pronounced it the "best in the Dominion." Capt. Robson, one of the judges, stated that the exhibition of cattie and horses was easily the greatest farm- ers' affair in Canada, and the most im- portant for farmers and stock breeders. In no place on the American continent, excepting in Chicago, had been seen a better show of six horse teams. General live stock was excellent, too. He emphias- ized hîs statement by the remark "It -is simply wonderful." So keen was com- petition in some classes that it was verv difficuit for judges to award the prizes. The implement and machinery exhibit was the iargest ever seen on the grounds, and a great number of labor-saving de- vices on exhibition were demonstrated to a large and intereýsted crowd resulting in a large amount of business. THE CHURCHES. Rev. W. N. Arnold, Toronto, will preach ini the Disciples Church, morning and evening, August 13. Rev. T. G. Lewis and family, of Wark- worth, are spending a month's vacation in and about Peterborough. St. Paul's Presbyterian 'church, Bow- manville,' contributed $65.oo towards the Fire Relief Fund for the Presbyterian sufferers at Porcupine and Cochrane. Miss Ida M. Trewin sang a solo, "Twill not be long" very sweetly in the Method- ist Church Sunday evening which came in very appropiately on the eve of Pastor Kenny's leaving on his vacation. Miss Trewin's singing is always appreciated- by a Bowmnanville audience. Rev. H. B. Kenny, pastor of the Metho- dist church, left Tuesday to spend a month's holidays with fsiends at Mont- marte, Moose Jaw, Regina and other points in Saskatchewan. Next Sundav services will be taken in Bowmanville Methodist church by Rev. Wm.,.Hîggs, the new pastor of Tyrone Circuit. Pub- lic cordially invîted. Notices of Births, 25 cents; Mairriages 50 cents; Deaths, 50 cents, ecd insertion. Wheni funteral cards are printed at titis 'c.insertion free. BIRTHS - 1,Bowmainvillo, Aug, 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Fr~e, a son. È NerDarlington, Aug. SLh, mrs. T. Vilbeur Ogden, a son. MARRIAGES blia "Woon At Medcaif-st., Methodist parsonage, Oshawa, July 31, hy Rev. S. C. Moore, eMiss Olive Irene Wood aud Mr. Roy Bacnett Smith, both oi Port Hope. TinoM-psoN-CAmUPBELL-At the resitlence of the bride's mother-in-iaw, Mr. A. H. Seymour, Sim- eue-st., Oshawa, Juiy -Zith, by Rev. S. C. Moore, B.A., B.D., Miss Letitia Mande Campbeilland Mir. Arthur J. Thompson, both of xvhitby. HlAfIER-,AN Rî.CHARDS At the home of the bride, Albert-st., Oshawa, Aag. lst, by Bev, W. B. Tuekoer, B. A., B. D., assistedl by Rev. S. C. Moore. B.A., B.D., Miss Lottie Floren'e Bicb. ards, yugs dao,,hter of airs. Richard ýRich- ards anS lir. Harvey N. Hagerman, ail of'Osha- wa. DEATHS PRATT-lu Cobourg, Aug. 4, Alexander Pratt, Posfmaster. GAuDRir, ,At the residence ot hec brother, Mcr. Chas. alassie, Port Hope, Aug. 7th, Miss Agnes Gandrie. MooN-At the residence of ber sister, airs. Bath Boyd, Part Hope, Aug. 7th, Elizabeth Aun Moon, in lier 76th year. "Lest We Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablef 'i Markers, etc. in Granite and larbie. Bowmanville, Ontario. I FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son j Most Complete Equipment I Sunday and night calis I Bowmanville Pons10-34 B ranches: OBONO HAMPTON GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Baccisteis md solicitors. Notaries Publc. A. K. COODMAN, 0. C. CALBRAITH5 508 Lumsdon Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Toronto. Ontario. B OARDERS WANTBD Also plain sewing at MRS. HUUETTSîs, Concession-st., Bownian- ville. 3ztf F.A. H A DDY'S Ideal Soap First Class Laundry Soap 6 bars for .............. 25c Ideal Baking Powder resuits, 1 lb. tin........... 1Ideal Tea The best ever for the money Black, Green, Mixed, Two Qualities ................. F. A.' HADDY, GROCER, 20e 25c,40c BOWMANV[LLE. New This Week At S.- W. Mason & Son's k 2 pieces 4 yards wide, Englisi Linolemn, Special value. î Floor Qillotis, 1 yd., 11~, 1-, 2 yds., wide, new patterns. Lace Curtains in white and ecru, Ladlies' Wlite Muslin Dresses ail sizes and prices. White Linen and Duek Wasi Skirts. Newi Parasols for Ladies and Ciildren. Emebroidujred Dres Mluslins and Flouncings. White Muslin Waists, with K-'imona Siceves, the very late.st creation in Waists, Lidies' Collars, Ties and Beifs ail the newest styles. Specials- This Week., Ladies' Tailor-made Suits, balance of stock to clear, $14.75 suits for $10.25, $15 suits for $10.50, $18, suits for $12.50, $18.75 suits for $14, $20 suits for-$15. Ail new this sea- son, Northway iVake. Ladlies' and Misses', Spring Coats, $3,50 and $3.75 coats for $21?.5, $5.50 coats for $3.95, $6.50 for $4.7-5, $7.50 for $5.50 $8,50 foi' $6.25, $10 for $7.75, $12.75 for $9.75, $14 and S$15 for $10.75, $16 for $12.50. 12 doz, Black Cotton Rlose, great bargains, 2 pair for ...25C 10 doz, Pure Linen Towels 18 x 36, relu. 17uecd for 2 for 25c 52 yd. ,Pare Linen Table Damask,c, cnt snap,- per yard. 35c 3 dox, Linen Toilet Mats, hbund made, pure linon, reg. speciai 10cecdi for 5c, reg. 15e for 7-c, reg. 20e for 10e. "v ent's Furnishi*ngs. Stock compiete and Up -to-date. Nus botter va lues., SErly Closing Notice. This Store will be closed every Wëdnesday afterwoon Sat 12.30 o'clock during ,IuIy and August. SOLE- AGENTS for the, Leather ýLabel Overals. and the Home Journal Dress Patterns - - Grocers' Due Bis Taken as C,,w:as Next dooIr to Standard Bank, BomnIlle. CARBO MAGNETIC RAZOR H TilE RAZOR 0F PERFECTION [ [I ~ Buy a "Carbo Mag- [ netic" Razor. Shave with* ~ ~ it 30 days, tien, if yo"f IlWONT GEl DULL. \vOuid rather bave yo ur FOR rnoney back tban tie razor[ * YEARAS' four million in use. H~ % NO HON ING~~~ *AO Razor we have them, too.* Oal nd e hm MASON & DALE, fl 2 DooRs EAST'0F POST OFFicE, HORSEY BLOCKC, [PHONE 145, BOWMvAaîVILLE. [ * M M MM ~MLi