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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1911, p. 7

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Not.ý of Particular mIn PICIKLES AND RELISHEÈS. To ste C'atsup.-Scald and tho-n press tbrou-h sievo. To on,- gallon cf juico acdd eue pi nt cf vinegar, two tablfespucuis sait, two tablespoons sugar, two tablespoDee' mustard, greued, cne tablespeon aulspice, eue tablespoon ouincamon, oue teaspcon black ppper, oe teaspoon sed pepper. Lot simmer eue heur, thon hettie and seai. Pickles in Oli5 e Oul. Tue dozen mediumi sized cucumnbers, three green peppers, tbsree onions. Pool cucumbers and suice ail and lay in saît water eune heur; nush cand dýrain. Thoni add tbuee tabiespeen- ~>fuis mutai-d seed. two tablespoon- fuis ceiery seed, tisree tubiespoon- fuis-olive ocd. Cover witb ooid eider vînegar. This uill keep ail wintér in stono jar xxhic cor or cao. Chiili Sauce.-Eigbteen ripe to- uxatoes, six eunois, tbreae green f poppers, eue cup sugar, two ta speons sait, tsvo and oee baîf cups vin'-gar, eue teaspoon each of cia- namnon, allspice, and nut-mog, coe Laif teaspoon cloves. Chowchow.-Ono quart s'nai' Ilnu cumbers; eue quart sliied cucum- bers cet peeled; eue quart small eýnius; two large caiifiowers 'di- vitled,[; four gi-cen poppors, chop- pe.Make a brine cf four quarts cf wateî- and eue pint cf saiýt. Soak tw'cnty-four heurs. lieut just, eueough te scald and 'turn in coi- lander te ,drain. Mix oue table- spoon Colomun 's mnusturd and eue- haif ccp fleur, eue socn tablespeeýn 1tumerie, wibb enough cold vi'xegur teo make a smiootb puste, thon add a scaut cup sugar and ecougli vice- gar t-o muka tu-o quarts in ail. B-ii until smooth and thiek. Stir al thie nhile; thon add vege tables. Cook nutil heated bhreugb. Adet red pepper te teste. Spa'sish Pickies.-Chop tweive large cueumbers flue and lot romain in sait oever night. One large head ef cabbage. The ccxt day ciaop twelxe onions fine and tweive red and green mangois; spriokle nith sait. Lot theso romain this svay foi- fis o hurs. Thon squeeze al out ccd udd ten cenLs' wortb C sugur, five cents' uertb ceieuy seed, ton cents' worth mustard. Add oe gallon iders -segar and ton cents'- wortb tumerie posvdor. Boil cati1 noeli done and cap Spiced Toie__s.-Ten pouuds ripe bemate'es scaided, peeled, and sliced, four pounlds sugar, oee quart vinogar, tu-o tablespeons grouud cinnamon acdclo1ves. Boii tili tbick, stirring often. , Do cet j put spice in bags. Tomate Roish.-Our. piuit ripe tomaboos, eueý cupful coelery, six wh ite ocions, tue ured poppors, al chýoppe-cl fine separuteiy ; ene ourice mustald saed, two pounds- b-own ssîgar, onie--huif ccpfual sait. Chop ceiery, tornatees, onions and sprinkie xith sait. Lot stand tweuty-fý-ur heurs. lieut vinogar acd sugar and lot cool. Drain te- matees and etber ingredients, mux in mustard seed and put en visue- gar. Do net cook. I'xdia Relish. - One-haîf peck g reon toînatees, six encumbers, oce ,imrali cabbage, threo large Spanisîx Clause. R.ush of Blood, Full-. Pus; they are mild,, certain, auid ai- M (1, àeairs sou Pr.I'Ha- ilton s ?5e per box, or The Cfuhz~e0. KmsoOnt, Cure and thoroughly n ii net require neighborhood is teeý quiet I get sncb constant sw eeping as oe, that ýiit the iawn mewer." Isdisteçlcarcuel1jly ancd seldom. on Luying a y, parcflv 'A ÀMATTER 0F REPAIR. turc h îack- the wrists aud write "I sec," said IHicks, "that they came and addrcss on th-e inside have started l.a me rent over in wilth iLk. Engiand tore dl the Ton Corn- Nexes- ut meatdirecýtiy on theil,(ei. ice," but awy u a1plate, as d I"Rmool ei"retorted Derk- raut untetwith he cexxii e is."W"hat a wate cf tixne! Al streyita laVojr. tbecy 'et'e israorto,- .erest to Women Folks onons, three hunches ceery, four green peppers; chop fine; add one Wre ufrn rmayfrio eup ~ -h satlo san tele -usillness-are invited- to-prornptiy coin- then drain thoroughly; a d d ne municate with Mrs. Pinkharn at Lynu, half cup mustard seed,,one-haîlf cup Mass. All letters are received, opened, colery seed, oe and onre-haîf cups read and answered by wornen. A-wo- hrow n sugar, two quarts vinegar; mani can freeiy talk hou util ende. ~of her private ill- 1.1 ness to a woman; thus lias been es-. FRUIT COMPOTES. tablished this con- fidence between Compote of Melons.-Peel the Mrs. Yinkçham and melons, eut thern into slices, trim ' tihe women of thern and put into a saucopan witfï America whieh lbas euough syrup te cover. Add a omail neyer been broken. peofcinnamen and Jet ail sim- LYDI F.Neyer lias she pub- piec of ished a testimonial or used a letter mer for about fifteen minutes. Re- without the written consent of the mose saucepan fromn the firo and let 'writer, and neyer lias the Cornpany the contects romain for soyverai aliowod these confidential letters to heurs in the syrup. Arrange sluces get Out Of their possession, as the hundreds of thousands of them ia ini a glass dish and serve. their files wiii attest. Compote of Grapes.-Take ont Out of the vast volumeof experience seeds frem a few bunches -of grapes, which Mrs. Pinkham lias to draw pult them in cold water and lot frorn, it is more than possible that se them houl. Take from the fire, let bas gained tise very knowledge needed stand cevered some time and thon in yonr case. Shie asks niothing in re- drai. Pt ino biling srup .idturit except your good will, and lier drai. Pu int boiing yrup ad vice has helped thousanda. Sureiy let t'hem hbou for fifteen minutes, any woman, ricis or poor, shouid be and when they are coid put in glad to- taise advantage of this geler- compote dishes. Thon houl syrup Ous offer of assistance. Address Mrs. thick and pour ever. Pinkham, care of Lydia E. Piuikhamn Compote cf, Plums.-XVas'b soud Medicine Co., Lynri, Mass.., piums, put them into a saucepan Every woman ought to have with just ecough water to cover. Lydia E. Pinkham's 80-page Cokl until tender, and then cook in Teit ]Book. It la not a book for hoiiing syrup for fifteen minutes. general distribution, as it is tooj This takes away the bitter part of expensive. It is free and only 1 the onion taste. Serve coid. obtainable by mail . _Write for Compote of Pears.-T'wo poucds it today, cf pears, haif a pound cf lump sugar, two inches of cinnamon Apiccfoutpaernte stick, a few creps cf red, coloring, Apc h cftpas:e n h ene cup cf coid water, juica, of endofthe forofinger o the lett haîf a lomon, four cloves., Put suto ha nd xiii proteet it from needie a sucean he uga, wter lepricks whien sewing. m a jice ote sg, ad iamon le- The stains on a tahleciotb, uap- stickc, oes and allw he t hu o n kins or a frock sheuid ho s'oaked in stik ad llo terntoboi fr ff-sour milk as soon as possible and teon minutes. Peci the pears, cut washed ont in soap suds. them in half er in four pieces, ac- If yeu haven't a sheehorn, drop cording te size, remove the cores, Iyo ur haudlkerchief into your shoe and stew themr slewly unitil tender, before inserting the foot, then pull frem eue te ene and a haif heours. tigh n twl lpo-aiy When, noariy donc add the coîoring.> glit aditwilsli on te iasiiv. Place pears in a glass. dishi, b b le Viegr oful rmeve thoediaree uth rupalwi oco lgt and tipu are; dip a rag into the ly and then peur over the> pears.. Decorate iith strips cf angelica. v'negar, and scour the vessrel with PRESERV IG> POINTERS. iA teaspoonful -of sait in the water ithe uutside vessel cf a double Perfection in preserves presup- boiler wxi i se the temperature cf poses perfect material. Undorripe the contents of the inner s essel. A ratîser thun ex erripa fruit is te occor cal mai ho made te houl in this preferred, hut "just ripe" is best svay without danger cf burning. cf ail. Use the best granulated To elean white plumes makeaa sugar. Impure sugar, when hoil- thin paste from gasohune and fleur. icg, shows a bine scum on the sur- Dip plumes and cover svith paste. face. Pool fruit with a silver knife'Lay aside te dry, thon shako weli, and drop iu cold water. Iminierselaud plumeswii corne eut cleaÉi pluais and peuches in hciling w and finfi. This hus beon tried for two or three minutes, thon many t-imes. plunge into cold water and the Gruted orange rind, sprinkled on skins xiii slip off easily. Use new top cf oid-fashiene.d molasses rubber rings each season and dip cakes, gingerbread and cookies he- in hoiliig wter befere nsing. Do fore thoy are put in the oe n, gives trot put an over arnounrt cf fruit t-hemi a crisper and nuttier crust. iu the kettle. If necessary use tweo Lernon rind rnay ho used- in the kotties. 'The wise hensekeoper s am e u'ay. puts up two or t'hroe jars cf jeliy Whipped cream stirred iightly each day or se, as couveusent, dur- threugh' a tinted ice creum, like ing the process cf preparing din - green pistachie creamn or a es-ou m ner. Heu sholves are filled by slow coiored pick n it'h fruit juicoý, nhilel an-c easy stages without any strenu- it is freezing, wiii stueak it xitb eus preserving days. The oid p3ro- w hite, thus produeing a pretty position cf a pound cf suguar te a eler effeet. pouud of fruit stili holds geod,____ though in the case cf fruits ceon- tainicg littie acid three-fourths of SIMPLE 1IIMEDY, a peund cf sugar dees equuiixr well. Fou jelly eue sheuid ailow a pound For Baekaehe aad IEidiîey Trouble cf sugar for each pint cf fruit The simpiest and rnost effectixve juice. When making quince pre I resnedy for sick kindney s is IBooth's soi-vos simmer the fruit in"w uter Kiduiey Pis. If there'is weakness, ucntil tender hefoeapiacing in thelcongesltion, inflanmmation or soro- sxrup for proservicg. Sav e ail nes ntsKdn~Pi ucl eeî-ns and parings of apples and relies e i. They quinces and couvert them mb 1er- ige-tl-stim- cuti. Home remedies fer cols cnd La Grippe. Tisey usually bronght resuits, but, île cure svas almoît us unpleasanb as tihe ailment. Weeks Break up a Cold is a Modern Prepurution for these compiaints, lb is conivlnieilt. Juror & LovFLL, Sole Agents.1 FIGIIIS WIJH MIJRBERERS ONE MAN IIELD OUT FOR 0V. ER FOUR DAIS. Pitced Battios Betiwoen the Forces of Law anid Order Are Very Rare. Armed and desperuta, criminels flot infrequently showv figlb when driven jute a corner. A gang cf armed burgiars had houri s-rprised by police officors in a turnicg off tle City Read, London, and bock refuge in a disused buriai grouud, whence bhey opened a heavy flue with largo calibre revolvers on their wouid ho captors, using bhe temhstones as cover, suys Pearson's Weekly. One constable n'as sbot clean through bbc choit, unether bad bis bhigh smashed. But hy Ibis bimo police n'hisbles n'eue sounding on ail sides, and soca reinforceements arrived. Thecremectery was rush- cd, but most cf the burglarsoscap- cd in tle durkness and confusion, unly one being caprured. Diiecbiy aftersvurds the leader cf bbe gang was ýscen te mun imb a uerrow cul-de-sec cuhied Tombit Court, and a dozen policemen dasbed bot-foot after him, certain that tb y hud hiai. But no. The mac, witb almeit icceredible agiliby, swarned-up a xxaber pipe, and on le bbe roofs cf a block cf scventy or eigbty bouses lyicg betwecu East Roud ccd City Road. Fucai Ihis raclage ground lho re- <-nmmenced flring ut bbc police, cf nbemn there noue ne-w seimo thue hundt'ecl assembled. Laders were procured, and about flfty constelles climbeci on te the roofs from dif- forent sides cf tbbcblock. Thon, ut a signal gis on from beleu lhcy converged -on bbc desperado, who, from bhind a shelbcriug chimney- sback, coninned shooting rapidiy. In bbc ccd hoen-as seized from le- hind w bile presenting bis revolver et bwo constables la front., What even a single urned and desperate criminal can do against a large force cf police, when ho is inside a building, and bis assail- anIs are oubsido, was shownuet St. Blazey, Cornuwall, early iu 1909, whena usan namcd Ceci, Dench lseid ut hay baîf bbc constebulary cf bbc county for neariy four days and nigbts. Ho bad lots cf arn- munition, ccd lho flred repcatedly fuom the -windows of bis cottage aI those svho stuove le upprcach lias. Ho succumbed in bbc ccd le exhaus- lion, due to lack of sleep an~d food. Iu April, 1904, again, un Ilalian curabineer naîned Maida, station- cd ut Bordigheru, after qssarrelling wibb and kiiliug a comraude, heu- rirudod bimseif in the aumory cf the bauracks, n bore ho was besseg- cd by bbc, broopi. 1Ho kept up a' continuons fusiiede, kiiling thue moue people, n hile tbe soldiers, on tbeiir part, fired oer u 2,000 bullols juote cdesperado's strongbcid. Finaliy, oeaof lise besiegers climbcd ou bbc roof, and shot Mai- da dead, but net before hoe bcd him- self heen seriously, thongi net fat- aily wunded., Practicaiiy bbc on-, tire population cf Bordighera, in- cluding buudreds cf Euglisb cnd Americun visitors, wera ont al cigbt in bbc streols watcbiug the, puegucscf Ibis exbraoudiuary cf- fray. Anoîber sensational case cf bbc kiud occnrued in Culiforcie. Tuo robbeus naîned Socbug and Flem- ing, after shooting and killiig a bcck manager ccd stealing lis goid, were hroughl le bayiun a loop-holed log cabin bbey had built for tbemselves in bbe mountains.- Four hundred aimed police sur- rouuded their strouglsold, but bbc outlaws bad ne thought cf sus-roc der. Wilb Ibeir repeabing rifles thykilled seven cf their hesilegeus, ccnd nonidcd ahove a score, lu tbc ccd a pouerfîsi dynamite bomb nus buried fuom a cliff abose doxvn rp- on tbc roof cf their ucoden fout, and it and, its garuhson cf bue ucre hiowu L0 pieces. Deafness Canuot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reacl tise diseased portion cf the ear. Thora is cnly one way to cure decfaess, end that is by constitutionci romodies. Doafucîs is causod by an inflamod con- dition cf the mucons liuîing of the Eus. tachian Tube. Vvhon tixis tube h lin- îlamed yen bave a rnmbing scnnd or imprfoct lsoaing, sud whec it is on- tireiy closod, Deafucîs is bbc resuit, and uclesi the inflammation ccc ho laken eut acd Ibis tube ustoed le its nor- mal condition, hoaricg cr11llie destroy- cd forovr; nicc caseseut cf ton are causod by Catarrh, which is cethicg but an inflamed condition of the mn- cous surfaces. We will give One Flnndrcd Dollars for aay case cf Deafuossi lccsed ry Catarrh) that canuet lie cured by Halils Cataruli Cure. Seud for circulars, froc. F. J. CI-ENEY & CO., Toeo, O. Sold by dIruggists,, 75c. Taiae als Famnily P'ins for consti- patien. THE CRY "HIURRAH!I" "Hip ! Hip Hurrah !"-the dis-' bisrcbiy British cry-i5 surprisingiy modemn. Thse "Hip!" and bbe "Huirrah 1" do net seem te bave resue together before bbc nine- leenîl ceuburi'. Iu bbc eigbteentb "Hip l' amounlted te just "'Hi!'" or " Huilo 1"' whiie "Hurrah t" n'as thon usually "Huzza 1" It ia very like bbc Cessack sheut "'Oual" but il is suipposed te has'e boen c Gos' mancrry cf tle, claie, adapted by Germun soldieus le war, and ber- roued from tbem by bbe British, perbapi finI cof aaut bbe lime of tle Thirby Vears' Wer. 'H-urra t" is said te have heen the baltle-cry cf tbc Prussiens in bbe War cf Lil- orabion (1812-13). Sti11, the curions fuel bthaseveabeenbh acd cigît- coulis century n'riters ceuh "Huz- ze !" a sailers' sbout iends support to tle conjecture ble:t il rnay rouliy have been bbcheisbing ci-y, "His- su!,' A Pili1 Thet Ligîtens Lile.-To bbc mac whoe la a sictim cf indi- gostien thea brunseclien of business heomes an added miso.ry. Ho cen- net coucentru-te bis mind upon lis taîksanad lois and vexation at- tend his. To sncb e man Parme- lee's Vegetbbe Pilla effer relief. A couses of brealment, aceordcing to directions,, will coeviV~e him%.of their grout excellence. Tbey, are coulhdeubly recommeuded because tbey u'ill do al Ihat is ciairned for tbem. 1105E FOR ARMED CRIMINALS. A ligh-puessura jet cf sxatcr n'il bioul oves- a mac as eesily as a box cf matches, and lbave him haîf- slnnned. lb null esen turc e buliet from its pabb. Experiments have shown that a jet cf watoroa bo puoduced ut sncb a high psressuie that il becomes pructicaliy a bau cf ircu. Sxvords bave been blcscbed su uttempted tle cut thueugb Ibeso extra biglispressure jobs. Some yeurs ago un armed bhief ulbcmpb- cd te bhld up a higb officiai,,cf bbc Banks of Engiund in lis puivala cf- fiee. The oùfficiai mcnaged te gel eut cf île rocrn unbaumed, and iocked bhe door. A resourceful ut- tendant brought fisc fise-bose. Ho opeued tbc door sufficieutiy te in- soitthîe uozzle. Iu a fesv minutes bbc xvocld ho thief xvus picked up secielesi. Millers Drink Cure is a homo treelmeut and dccx cct uecesshtate being ccoped up in a goid cure es- bablishment for sîeki xith couse- queut pubiicily ccd comment, oxv ing te absence from busiuess. Sold by Jury & Loveil, Bon manvilo, A tuchroceasked ac daiýs cf beys svhu t n rass. A lubife wad 'nt icp. "ei eny thc teachý1erakd.'Pasms" Johnny epie, grusks às île whis- ke;rýScf the eartli." -Mgatthe-w S2Y To Thee we look, our risen Lord; We triumph in Thy faithful word; To Thee we give ail praise. Upon Thy statement wc reiy; For Thou hast piainiv said, "Lo, I Arn with you ail the da.ys.1 Our every necd shall he supplied; For Thou dost -with each one abide Who 'fhy comnmand obcri s; Forth at Thy bidding w7e shaHl go; For Thou, ne do rnot surely know, Art with us ail the days.' 1 We wjil Thýy-prueius --word- -pro- d caim;- cBaýptize disciples in Thy niame, And waik ini ail Thy wa-s; 3VIay we rejoice Thy xvili to do; For in this xxork we know, that Thou Art with us ail the days. With us in the darkest days Thou art- W' ith us when dearest friends de- part And grief its sceptre sways; No more have xve to walk alone-; For Thou xvhose love is freeli shoxvn Art with us ail the days. Thy ginrious Gospel un will preach, To Thy disciples we -wiii teach Ail that Thy -word conx eys; Upon Thy presence we depend; For Thou, as Sas jour, Leader, Friend, Art with us ail the days. T. WATSON. Iona Station, Ont., 1911. Live Stock and Agricuture- Greatest show on contin- ent! Special Prizes cf $500 oacI. Increased Prizes in cli classes.- At-Genis freai Euro- pean glleries-mcsters from best collections iu Canada and Unite'd States. - M&NfactUreS - Greatest displcy ever sîown in Amorica! Goods mac- ufcctured wîule yen wait. THREFE GREAT SPECIALS Festivalof Lnhr-Pictur- COIlSti23il Guards ad- War Benaath the Waves - ing the giories cf the Cor- Musicians of the Royal Showicg a battie berween onction ceremonies. 1,500 Household, hy eperial a Dreadnoughit an d a perfermers' in uniforai. permission of thc King. Suhamarine, lIOSTS,0F OTHER ATTIIACTIONS LYR.A. Regata-Athletic Spo-rtý-3oy S-outs Review-Výauqlevi1Ie-Japanese Fireworcs- Twelve Massed Miiary nands-rotting and Pacing Races, ec. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS 0F CORONATION FIREWORKS Fer ail information write Manager J. R. ORR, City lial Toronto. IBRFEE HARROW SQJFAKS WONDEBFUL ESCAPES OF AD- MIRAL JELLICOE. Wus Ccommanidcr cf the Victoria IVlien She Was Ilcmmed by ,hie Catieperdoi . Sailous and others cocnected n'itb îlhe sec u'.suilly have bbeir fuir shure cf advenbssre. Admirai Sir John Jellicoe, bas lad a purtirîs- lariy exciting life, isaviîxg beeie ceuuiy kiiled ne feu or blan tisue times, says Pearsou's Weekly. -He enbeeod île llavy as a cadet in 1872, 'and hoe nus gazebted lion- tenant in 1880. Ris first nauuosv escape cccuured xvheu hoen'es sers ing as a lieuten- ant on I.M.S. Mccci-b, isear Gib- rulear. Thc neather w-as thick acd storrny, and ýearly 0110 morning a Glasgosw steamer, tbbc Ettmickdale, strauded off Europe Point, ou bbc Spenish ceast, about thuce miles frcm "Cil." All tempti by ber cre on' e gt bier off faiied, and bbc position seemed hopeicîs. TIc Monarcb bud gene eout for barget practice, and lad left ail hieu bouta but one imeloeebebiud. Seeiig tbc almost hopelesi position cf tbc Eruickdcle's mon', tho comn- mander cf bise batblcsbip cclled for velunteers, cnd Lieutenant Jellice- ccd s-crn o e se-amen imb the, small bout ccd pulled fou all bhey n-eue suerth. The bout could net lire in tbo bervy sous, îon'esor, ccd be- fore lbey conld recch île n rock it cupsized. Fortunabely, each man lad don- ced a cork jeu-cet befoeo staubing, ccd afber A TERRIBLE STRUOGLE in bbhen aves al cf theiss sere srasl- cd ashore more decd lIen clive. The Erick(ýdcle's crcxv n'ee final- ly bscdhy a Spanish fisbing- boal, efler Lloyd's agent lad offer- cd a e uxvrd. Thc Board ef Trae distributed renards al sound, Lieutenant Jellicoe roceiving a moedal. Ioxv lie lest Ibis me-dai bringi us te lis next narre-w escape. By bhi 1s timo hoe nus commander on board the Victoria, unidor Ad- mirai Sir George Tryon, inbise Mediteuraneun. Comsmansder Jelli- ccc n'as dcv n nith a sharp attuck cf fovor, ccd svcs cocfiîicd le hi bunk. Betu ecu bhreu- and four oclcock on the aflerneon of Jûîne 22,nd, 189,3, ho svas sbartled by e terrifie crasli. The invaiid strug- gled froue bis buis ccd staggeued up ou dcck, rlad only in pyjamas. Wlseb bcd bappeued i5 uc-w a nst- ber cf hi-tory. Tise Victoria lad boen îumused by bbc Cumperdownc anrd WAS SINKINO FAST. Commander Jellicoe sbood ounbise bridge, tle flagi in bis bauds readi for signal-s, n heu sud-denly, n ibisa wiid puge, bbc enermous sossel bnried ber ho-w benecîl tle surface of bbc soc. Most of tîsese ou dock noue thuexun imb bbc sec, and thon foilowed a- icone thaltbose xvbo sun' il would wiliingly fouget. Thc Victorie's keel nas bigl in tle air, heu bus rexi propehiers raring madly. Guaduelly, as lise vessel saak, the scresvs carne don louer and louer ton'auds thc mass cýf meu struggling ini tbc wateu. At lest fIe groat steel flunges, stihi w'birliug, sank imb fte wxvss, und luudred monnoee iterelly tomi, te pieces in the maelstrom. Commander Tel'ticoe n'as toc xi eak nitl fevor to dio mucl ýtte save himacîfIcml ld il not Lcb oifera youngmdsfinsh hie hlm te tggeawny fr-cm tle sink- ing slip, it is unlikely Ihut le wouid have been amongst the survivors. ii Board cf Trude modal weut dows vxith tise îest cf bis prcperty, and uhen ho cpplied for a dupli- rate the Board icfoî-med bim that be svcuid HAVE TO PAY FOR IT! AdmiraI Jeliicoe's next nerrcw escape teck place on land afber be liad heon prorneted tb e ho aptain. He nus oeeof the auos littie baud thut accompanied Admirai Seymour on bis unsuccessful ut- tempt te relieve bbe Pekiug Lega- lien duuing bbc Boxer Rehelison. $ urrouuded ou al bauds, they decidod te retucat to 'lienîsin. On bthc way they sigbted a large hody cf caveluy, and, mistukiug Ihemn fou a relies ing force cf Cossacks, itlsey stood eut in the open and sig- nclled. They found eut thisesumss- tuka, when bbc cavalry opened fire, In the melce thut follon-ed Captuint Jellico, charging ut bbc heud cf bis nmen, nu-,s shot thsough bbc iuug. Ilis xvound nus dangorous enosîgh, but it xvus made mucb worse by the ccxl five days' setreut te Tieubtsin, hasi-a'ssed bytbbc enemiy mosI c, f the lime. But even frem this, perbups tise nurr-cuest cf bis escapes, bbc Ad- mirai rnuged te pull thueugh. My nerou ssncss las lefl me on- Iirely as a resuit cf tckicg Milieu's Compound Iron Pis. Sold by Juy & Loe li, Bon manvillo. HIS BIT 0F LUCK.- Afler suffericg a roari»g toetb- ache for fourteen days, Tommy cousenbed te vsit the denbist's. "But he'ii kili me!" asserlcd bbc corsons ycungstor on bbc verge cf tours. -'I kuow he'll kili me!"' But it nus a caise of choosieg le- tuecu buoe viii. Hec wenl xitls sis nurse, and wlxen ho rcturued, gueeted bis moîhes beamicgly. "Net dead?" hantered mamma. "No,," anssvered Tommy; " 'con just before bbe deuntist kiiled me the boof camae, ut 1" Ceuni and svurbs disappeur whe'î tseatod nith Holloucy's Cern Curme nîthent leasing a scar. THE ER3IMT1EBSTE The Only New unabridged die.. tionary in naany years.1 Contaîns thre pithi and'esselnce of an aut horif atisve Iibrary. Covers overy field cf knowl.. edge. An Eincyclopedis in a single bock.,' The Orily Dictionary 471 te New Divýided Palge.' 400,000 Words. - 2701 Paes. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars.,"sus Let us tell you about tis moGt romarkable Single voIlume. týCU1a.2F etc. per ï snd -scasSi seu f ,nýý5U lý wbo get litie exercise, feel better ail round foi aneoccsional dose cf àive Thytoue up the liver, move the bowels gently but freely, tleanse the system and clear the brain, A new, pleasant and reliable laxative, prepared by a reliahie firm, and worthy cf the NA-DRU-CC Trade Mark. 25c. a box, If ycur druggist has net yet stocked them, send 25c. and we will mail tbem. NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL COMPANY 0F CANADA, LIMITED, MONTRÉAL. 21 C" injol xhiIO. August 26th 7-TO O TO -Septêmber 1ilth CORONATiION YEAR LEADS THEM ALL Il

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