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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1911, p. 8

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"iTUESDAY AND FRIDAY TORONTO 150C AND RETURN PER STR. ARQYLE 3otleave-. 7 a.,nm, lReturnisîg leaves Toronto- '-- p. m. froni East Side Yoge St. Wharf. Corne suýd enjoy the sali, Low Freight Rates -Quiek Despatehi F. C. PETHICK, Agent, Argyle S. S. Co. L. . & B, OF QUINTE STEAMBOAT CO. (LIMITED) MAIL AND EXPRESS SERVICE BETWEEN Rochester, N. Y., Co- bourg, Port Hope. Str. CASPIAN C01MMENCING MAY 29t1i STEAMiýER Leaves Cobonrg ............ 1.30 p 'Leaves Port ilope.......... 2.30Op. m Paily except Sunday for Charlotte, ~N. . (Port of iRochester). Return- ing sý,teamner leaves Charlotte at 9,1à &LM., dai ly exeept Sunday. Full information from ail agents. F. E. HORSEY General Manager, Kingston -e. A. JAMES, J. H. H. JURY, AGENTS, BOWMANVILLE. Onlyg 4 Dayis at Sea WHITE STAR - 'A' mAh AN Service Sailing Weekly Between MIONTREAL -QuEBEc - LIVERPOOL b>' the the twin and triple screw steamers' LARCEST, FINEST, LAU RENTIC MOST MODERN STEAMERS BETWEEN CANADA AND EUROPE MECANTIC ORCHESTRAS CAR- RIED. TEUTON I C ONE CLASS CABIN (11) IMAXIMUM FACILITIES CANADA ii AT MINIMUM COST. Replete w thi the latest devices for com fort and safef y, iucluding Marconi and nubarine Signais. The Third Class Accommodation is the Lest experieuce can devise. Closed rooms 0111y For ail information spply to M. A. JAMES, Agent, BowimANVILL, S ELE 'IINERS addressed te the uluder- miii edor-.ed "Tender for Public Buildin;, ~idc u ii"will be te- reelved at thi ý office until 4 p. in. on Mouday, Àuut21, 1211, for iii- erectioîi of a Pubhc jýePlans, Scn an sd feonîni fcontract eau ceeu aud V, iFsc nîer obtaiued at ibis ~epatnidr, oi plicaýtiîn te Mr. Thos. A. ~tasiug, Ueîkni cr ,peostal station F, Rnge stree nt ot, 0., and at tPepuai Pensns eudetu"are iciidth-it tenders willtuerbe ciîs,t-c nla ade i the print- ed toies soplie, d signed wi trheii-stîi ~fgatuessiPi-î i ,ir ccp18atinssd places 1, rsdec.ule case of firlils, the actual sigatue, he i îre f the occupation and place of reide ecfc-i uiienber cf tPe rini Rachu tender nit tle- ccinl)ah'edtby au ac- eepted li sc qtn,--h icdikipayable te gOe rdr cf the !Hoinurable the Miiter 0f P>ublic Woiks cli to tri pet ciii (10p. c.) fii tIse asnuRt cfnter, - ,hîchwsill be forfeiteçl ftIe person r enini" Enlcete enter jte a ;.-owract xtui oiu (,10 ,c, 01 liit, lse lplette If the tender seoit acd P t ec i Pequc sil be returued. 'The Departmen ic e ît bnd it. elf te accept thIestCror any tender. By ordeî, R. C. Desbroehers, Secretary. Ottaw, t, July 28,1911. ,Kewspapera swil cet Pc pafîl fer t1ls ~adyerise- iuaeur if they iia t fitutntuuthrity frein the ;Departmeiit. l2 Deering Implements eiami Macliinery. Are lx, oming, more sud more tIhe farmet'0 friends. They find by actalu0- "otthey uear better and have improvemertts that other makes lad. Cali sud see thc Dëerîiîg Biniders Seêd Drills Dise1-larrows cùltivators Disc Drillsvwýith broa ca!st sqpo,îS FRED T. HOBBS, 1Pholne 166 BiswfilanvilIe. g i i I 25c The Bowman- ville News will be sent to s uew subscri- ber at auy P. O. lu Canada or Great Bni- tain from date of order to Jan. ist,tigi2 for 25c STANDING 0F PARTIES. Resulis of genersi elections for tweuty years sbowing standing of botb parties in Ontario are: Libs. Cous. 1891................ ** 44 48 I896_.................... 49 43 1900..................... 37 55 1904.................. 38 48 1908............... ..... 36 50 THOSE $500 PRIZES AT CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBICION WILL GO TO SHORTHOBNS AND HOLSTEINS The special prizes of $Soo each giveu by the Canadian National Exhibition, Toron- to, go 10 the cattle classes tIsat last yesr bsd tbe aegest number of entries lu the beef and dsiry beeeds respecîively. The prize will go 10 the best animal exbibited un Shorthorus or Hoîsteins witb- out regard to sex, sud the value of il en- sures a wide range of competition. Il shoubd prove a greal incentive to cattle- men 10 put their- best iu greca condition for showiug. CLERK'S NOTICE 0F VOTERS' LIST. TOWN 0F BOYMRNVILLE' 0fFrst 1Posthtg of0 otrs' List 1911 oýf thlle unicipa1fty o1f tte Town of Bownîanville in the Cou nty of -Dur- ham. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1 transmîtted or delivered to tht persons mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of the On- tatio Voter's List Act, 1897, the copies, required by said sections 10 be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list, made pur- suant to said act, of ail persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality at Elections for members of the-Legislative Assembly and at municipal Elections; and the said list was first posted up in- my office at Bow-j manville on the 22nd day of July, 1911, and remains here for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said-list, and if any omissions orany other errors are found therein, 10 take immed- jate action to have the said errors cor- rected nccording to law.t JOHN LYLE, TownClerk.S Bowmanville, july 25, 1911. 32-2 ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS AUTUMN SAILINGSs Montreai to Liverpool. Fri. Aug. 18 cuf-î Fr1. Sept. 159 Fui. Aug. 25 Co i Frri. Sept. 221 Fri. Sept. 1 Virginiar Fr. Sept. 29 Fri. Sept. S8 'lunisiaii Fn.: Oct . 6 Montreal to Glasgow. 0 Sa+. An"g. u1 Setian Sat. Sept. O Sat. Aug. 19 He~pna Sat. Sept. 16 Sat. Auo. 26 oî Sat. Sept. 23. Set Sept. 2 Gîips Sat. Sept. 30 Montreal to Havre & London This Service is composed of one class,e second, cabin steamers, sailiug from Mon-.p treal every Saturday, rates moderate, For ful particulai-s-of - rates a-nd-saiings - apply 1 r M. A. JAMES, e Bowmanvilf e, Ontario.,k- CANADIAN-NORTHe STEAMSHIPS SHORTEST SEA VOYAGE. MONTREAI. QUE8EC BRISTOL From Bristol Steamer Montreal & Que July 2th Roy al Elwail Aug. 9Lh Aug. 9ih Royal George Aug. lîrd Aug. 23rd Royal Edwaî'd Sept. Cili Sept. 6th Roîsl1 George Sept. 2th Sept. 5Oilî Royali Edc ard Oct. 4th and fortnightly thereafter. For full information apply bo M. A. JAMES, Agent for Canadian Northeru Steamships, Bowmanville. RATES Toron t-o -oami Returil 1000 ISLANDS.... $12.50 MONTREAL ........ 24.50 Q6UEBEC............ 33,50 SAGUENAY ........ 46.50. Inoluding Meals and Berths. Tonnitsteamers '"TORONTO" sud -~KINGSTON" leaves Toronto 3.00 P. m. daily, *counecli.g with steamers "Running ihe Rapids". Steamers "BELLEVILLE " leaves H1ianlton 12.00 noon sud Toronto aI 7.30 pni. every Tues loy for Bay 0f Quinte, Mo-aleadi d terruediate po-ts. Foýr ratesý, fold ers and tickets write, 0l FSTERîCHAFFEF,îA!A F FP BOWMANVThtJE, AUJG 10, 1911. 1 Recent visitors: Mes. W. C. Werry ai Peterboro; Mrs. Nelson Gerry sud Mrs Thos. Gerey, Toronto; Me. L. Jewell ai Me. J. Vice's; Miss Garbutt, Stouffville sud Miss Irene Glaspel, Oshawa, ait Me S. E. Werry's; Miss Verna <Wbckett sud Miss Mildeed Cobe, Hampton, at Me. W Wserry's; Mes. Ashton, Hampton, ait Me. J. T. Ruudle's; Me. John Shaesei, Mitchell, Miss Vers Colwill, Betbesda, Mes. Cook, Port Ceedit, sud Me. sud Mes. C. Good- man' Bowmanville, ait Me. John Vice's; Miss Jessie McDougall, Chatham, ait Mr. L. T. Pascoe's; Me. Jas. Stanley sud Sen- ator Beitb, Bowmanville, ait Mr. T. Baker's; Me. sud Mrs. Thos. Swire, Yorkshire, Eugland, ait Me. Jas. Jebson's; Me. Geo, sud Mes. M. A. James, Bowmanville, sud Mes. (Dr.) White, dsughter Mosetta sud niece Miss Louise White, New York, ait Me. S. E. Weeey's; Me. T. Baker at Port Hope.,, .Miss Vers Fletcher leaves for ber borne ait Kslamszoo, Micb., Ibis week afier visbtiug ber many friends here. She bas recently graduated froni O. L. C., Whitby .... Miss Georgie Langmaid gave a party Tuesday 10 ber girl frieuds. The action of Cartee's Little Liver Pilla is pleasant, mild sud natural. They geutly stimulabe the liver, sud regulsie the bowels, but' do, not purge. Tbey are sure 10 pîcase. Silos, soid andi erectetl. F. H. Mason & Son. TYIRONýE. Xisitoes: Me. Clarence Rabm, Moutreai, ait home; Mes. Letitia Cook, Port Ceedit, with feiends. Principal T. G. Baker, Bowmanville, supplied Tyrone pulpit veey accepbably Sunday eveniug. Ou account of the inconvenience of, gettiug 10 the home of Mes. J. H. Werry, Bebhcsds, ou Tuesday Aug. it, the coni- mlttee bo arrange for the W.M.S. Quar- terly tes decided 10 bobd it lu the vestry of the cburch. The day beiug favorable about 6o assembled in the cbuech where the devotional exeecises were couducted by the Presideut Mes. W. H. Hicks, The watcb. towee wss well represeuted afier which thai veey peetty duel "Anchoeed" was weil reudered by Miss Florence Cleni- eus sud Mes. M. J. VWerry. The latter part of "The Song of tihe Syrian Guest" wss made helpfub sud iuspirng by Mis -EttfaCamipbeIlt At--eclase-of th"-rog- ram ail weee invited 10 a pretily decorat- cd les roorn in the vestry. Tbeough the kitidiiess of M1,. j. Il. Mution the coni- mittee were euabled 10 give a ireat of Lce creani with the other delicacies sa, tbaiîily served. Mes. Weery sud dsugh- tees, Misses Florence sud Alice proved [bat bhey wee uite "At Home". Thru illness s number of members Ivere unabie [o be prescut. Ask F. H. Mason & Sou about silos, ENNISKILLE14 A number froni bere atteudcd quaeteriy service ait Mt. Vernon Sunday mrniug ...Sunday eveuiug's soug service bere s'as rnuch enjoyed by a large congeegation despite the beat .. . .Busy time lu Ibis vic- nity latel>' makîng use of bbc uew phones bhat weeîealiy pub in last week, . . .Mr. Almer Hereing ia improviug but not able to resume bis duties lu store yet,..Re- cent visitors: Me. sud Mrs. Wm. Noble and daughters Blanche sud Clara, Tor- onto, visitiug Me. Jos. Martin; Me. sud Mliss Robeson sud feiend Miss Peeey, Tor- onto, R-t bbc parsouage; Me. Frank Virbue, Toronto, ait home; Me. Garnet- Chapmau, Oshawa, ait home; Me. sud Mes. John Siemon wifh frieuda in Bowmanville; Miss .Jaud Curtis, Toronto, ait Me. Thos. Mc- Gibl's, Miss Maggie Stewart in Toronto vith ber aister Mes. Esmoud Hall; Miss Fauny Vietue sud Me. Wibl Staples, Ty- rone, ait Me. J. J. Virtue's; Me. Eber San- deeson and daughter, Oshawa, ait Mes. F. Sanderson's; Miss Christins Sauderson with friendsaiat Oshawa-on-tbe-blake sud T oronto; Miss Ina sud Me. AImer Hee- rig-witb frienids-at--Bo'wiiranville -sud Newxcastle. .... Mes. Dewsbury, Beookiin, and Mr. McKuight Law, Waterloo, Iowa, re visibing ait Me. Gco. Argue's. Me. Law was a Canadisu sud bis mother was aBradley. He weut 10 Iowa 43 ycaes âgo, when a boy of fonebeen. This is bis est retuen yct hesays usany places bere lok very famuliar ..Miss Ethel Gilbert las been eugaged as teacher for Enfield Ibhool sext terni. ihï Kind You ave Always Bought 'Bears tas ,e'_ lignatu-77- 1 ---- 1 i OBITUARY. On Juiy 29 at Tory Hill passed sway 10 ber eteroalt est, Miss Fborence M. B. Short at the home of ber parents, Mr. sud Mes. R. C. Short. Miss Short la one of a famiîy of eigbî, six sous sud two dsugbters, viz. Wesley sud Hugb of Saskatchewan; Arth- ue sud Marshall; Herbert sud Jesse at home; aiso ittie Marion- Florence was four yeaes of age when ber parents came 10 Tory Hill, teoni Courtice, Darlinglon township, so for the past sixteen years she bas resided at Tory Hill, bcbng 20 veass of age at the tirne of ber demise. That she wsas uuusually popular was testified by the large ceowd that ableudcd the funeral whicb was beld on Tuesday, Auguat it. The services weee conducted by Me. Wil- kinson sud Me. Bailersby sssisbed by Me. Weir. Theee wasss service held aI the home after which they proccedcd'10 Wib- berforce wbere a service was held firat ai grave Ihen in the chuech. Mes. McKague sang. "Will the Circle ho Unbrokcn." Linds-ay Wcrder. MAPLE GROVE Me. & Mrs.Milfoed Wilkins, Osbawa,aud Me. snd Mes. John Muudav, Maple Grove, visiîed bbeir cousin Me. Henry Bevis, Superinteudeut cof the House of Refuge, Lakefield. . .. Me. sud Mes. Fred W. Lee, East Whitby, visited wibh frieuda bere.. -Miss Maud Giibank recently- visited at Me. Fred Hockiu's ..Miss Maud Powe visiîed aI ber uucle's, Me. Chester Power. .... Me. sud Mes O'Brien, town, visited ber sister Mes. 'Truman Power... Me. Bert Wilkins was guest of bis sisler Mes. R. Wordeu...Me, sud Mes. McLesu sud childeen, Toronto, with ber brother Me. R. D. Teimble. Silos, sold and crected. F. H. Mason & Derangernt of bbc biver, with consti- pation, injures tbe complexion, induccj pimples, sallow akin. Rernove the cause by usiug Caetee's Little Liver Pibîs. One a dose. Tey them. HAMPTON. LAKEVIEW CAFE-Ice cream, icej crcam sodas, Suntl&s, cisucouies, candies,. nuls, fruit. Oystes lu season. Beal of accomodation for the travelling public. 25-tf A. E. jenuinga. Ask F. H. Mason & Sou about silos., Miss Ida Scott, Dauforîb, la visitiug ber sisîer Mes. Wmn. Petees .... De. sud Mes. Locue Hastings who bave been spending tbeie houey moon with bis parents, bave reeueued to Phibadeiphia. Feoni there they will move to Allants, Georgia,' wbere Dr. Hastings bas received au sp- polulment iu the Geueal Hospitab 0f Ihatj city. Succesa to anoîher West Durham boy .. .. Me. John Y. Cole, au old sud re- spected citizen is seriously iii aItutîe of~ writiug .... Mes, F. A. Cole sud sons, Tor-J onto, are visiliug at Me. J. T. Cole's. Miss Irene Peters, Toronto, is borne ... Reccut visitors: Me. sud Mes. James Tom sud son Cccii, Toronto, with Mc. sud Mes. C. N. Ruse; Misa May Eliiotî, Toronto, with Me. sud Mes. I. L. Brown sud Mes. W. N. Brown; Me. Mar k Hanmansd Wiliie, Toronto, visiîiug bis mother sund frieuda; Misses Maud sud Minsie Horn visiting frienda lu Bowmanville; Miss Neli Brown, A.T.C.M., Lindsay, wilb ber sis1er Mes. C. W. Bseeett at bbc parsosage; Mes. Walter Kelle home froos a picassut visit wibh ber dsughtee ai Stirling; Mes. W. Ruse- and -twin-- ons, -Peteeboro,-wit- L'iends here; Me. sud Mrs. F. Petbick sud tlaugbîer, Toronto, ai W. Marliu's; Mes. Chas. Cole sud sous, Torouto, sud Me. E. Ford witb friends; Mes. Philippsansmd daugbter, Toronto, with frienda here; Miss Annie Johus holidayiug at Grimsby Park . A large sumber froni here took in the1 excursion 10 Peteeboro Monday, . ..-Me. Wesley Redman sud Miss Fila Wesîswsy have returned froni their vacation on the northeru laites lookiug ihale sud heaeîy .... Mes. W. I. Clarke bas been -laid up wîtb inflammation lu bbe ey . ... Me. R. Avery recceufly puechased tbeîc stock of VMr. S. A. Champion sud removed same to ais ow staore. Me. Champion sud fainiy bave renioved. Soery to boose Mc. lbarupion'a famiby as they were good ibîtzeus.--.One night sa weksome iesons enbeeed Me.. Heus ii.Tbe intLer comblubtion of the safe wsslsot ocked but tbbc muer deara were brokeni peu suad. coutcots strcw-n vsoulid. No naey was fouud. SALEMV Mr. Arthur McEvoy visited friends in Lindsay. Mr. C. A. Bull visited Lindsay friends recently. Miss Flo Moore recently visited friends in Orillia. Mr. Dick Hayes recently visited frîends in Lindsay. Dr. Rundle underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mrs, H. J. Harris, Toronto, spent tbe week with relatives. Miss Lily Hann is holidaying in Tor- onto and Port Perry. Miss Lily McNeil, Woodbridge, is guest of Miss Jean Garrow. Mr. A. Garrow visited bis uncle Mr. James Garrow, Peterboro. Miss Grace Bahcock, Toronto, visited her parents over the week-end, Miss H. King, Toronto, was guest of Mrs. D. Park over Civic Holiday. Mr. jack Jobuston and son Vernon are visîtiug Mr. James Keeler, Port Hope. Miss Elorna C. Becker, Toronto, is spending ber vacation with her parents. 1Mr. Benj. Cook, Grimsby, visited his sen Mr. Harvey Cook over Cix ic Holiday. Misses Jean Garrow and Mabel Coad have been bolidaying at Jacksou's Point. 1Mr. Morley Hayes, Toronto, visited bis mother Mrs. jas. Gregory over the- holi- day. Mr. and Mes. Jos. Braund are visiting relatives --at Peteeboro --ad -Kawartha- lakes. Mrs. S. Alcoru and childreu, Newcastle, are visitmng at ber fafher's Mr. Wm. Blamey. Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Doidge sud Miss Vera, Toronto, were in town over Civic Holiday. Mrs. Morehouse and chiidreu, Montreal, are guesîs of lier parents Mr. sud Mrs. W. H. Thomas. Mr. eiid Mis. IM., Wilkins and famîiy have been visiting relatives at Peterboro and Lakefield. Mr. W. A. Kirby motored over from Pontiac, Micb., 10 spend bis vacation witb relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Houston and sons, Cincinnaîti, are guests of ber mother Mrs. Edward Carswell. Mrs. J. D. Storie sud Miss Ruby Cour-1 tice have retueued from s trip 10 Winni- pcg aud western points. The Misses Georgius sud Clara Saut, Toronto, are hoiidaying witb Misses Lor- aine aud Marjorie Drew. Mrs. Dsvidsou sud lutIle daugbter, Tex- as, are speudiug tbe Summer at ber nother's Mes. Wm. Lander. Mr. sud Mes. H. Salter sud Miss Mabel atteuded thie marriage of Mr. Weesley J. Salter, B.A., at Woodstock Thursdsy. Misses Mayme Adams sud Edua Park- er, Toronto, are speudiug two weeks' vacation in Montreal, Cleveland, and Osh- awa. Me. sud Mes. Fred Bull sud family uotored to Brighton sud speut the week- end with their parents Mr, sud Mrs. H. Blîl. -Miss-May-iVicregor, who--re -ny-e-- signed ber position as Assistant Superin- endent of Nicholîs Hospital,- Peterboro, is n town prior to lesviug for the Pacific Coast. Wby dou't von tey Carter's Little Liver Pils? They are a positive cure for sick headache sud ail the ilîs produced by -lis- ordered livir. Ouly one pill a dose, Trustee Board ot Medcalf-st, church las grauted a mouih's vacation 0thei esteemed pastor Rev. S. C. Moore. Rex'. S. F. Dixon of tbe South Darlington cir- 'uit, will occupy the puipit next SatbbsîhI. Chîld-£ren Cr7, FOR FLETCHER'S FOR FLETCIIER'S CAST'UrA 1EBENEZER Ebenezer wili hobd services un connect- ion with their chicken pie supper ou Aug. 27-28. ENFIELD. Me. Ronald Hall, Whitby, visited at Me. D. Ferguso's ...... Miss Buerou gbs Wbitby, visited at Mr. A. Oemiston's.. Messes. Howard sud Edwin Ormiston have been visitiug in Bowmanville.. This viciuity was greatly suepeised 10 bear of the destb of Me. Wm. Knapp who bsd been iii ouly a few boues. The funu- eral was largely aîiended by ueighbors sud feiends Thuesday 10 Hampton cerne- ieey. Me. Kuapp was higbly respecbcd. He was trustee of the Methodist cburcb here sud wibb be missed much. He leaves a wife, five daugbIers sud tbree sons, be- sides graudcbibdrcu sud geeat-geandchild- ren 10 mouen bis boss. The daugbtees aree Mes. Cýollins, Mes. G. Cochrane, Mes. J. Avery, Miss Lizzic and Mes. Hi. Goodman. The sons are Messes. Wesley, joseph sud Daniel. AIl the famiby live near their old home except Miss Kuapp of Michigan sud Mes, Goodm:tu of Alberta who were both home for the funeral. The beseers were Messes. R. H. Camipbell, Donald Mc- Cubbocb, James Gilbert, Beni, Powell, Wm, Wotteu sud G. Martin. SOLINA. il Il OSHAWA FAIR The Management beg leave to announce that the big Fair will ibis year lake place ouMoudsy, Tuesday sud Weduesday Sep- tember 11, 12 sud 13. The prize lisi will corne from the printer ibis week sud be -mailed. Remember the dates sud watcb for futuee announcemeuts. STANDING FIELD, CROPS. PRIzEs AWARDED Iu CLARKE TowN- SHIF. Me. D. Smith, Smithdale, Judge in stand- ing field crop competition for Cbarke agri-, cultural Society, oats beiug the crop, bas, made these awards: I. A. J. Tamblyn, Orono, Waverly, 852 2. Arthur MoKay, Starkville, Improved Ligowa, 821/2. 3. C. G. Armstrong, Orono, Improved Ligowa, 82. 4. A. A. Powees, Orono, Waverly, 792. 5. W. J. Stutt, Orono, Sensation, 78 Highlv commended, R, Gray, Newcastle, Mammoth Cluster, 77 Commended, C. L. Powers, Kirby, Waver- ly 75. JOHN RJCKABY, Orono, sec'y. ARGYLE NOTES The Argyle carried over 1500 people 10 Grimsby, Civic Holiday sud hsd to mnake an extra trio to accommodate the passen- gers wbich necessarily made lier late, on bier regulay trip Tuesday last, being one bout ister Iban usual lu leaving Bow- mauville. On Tuesday lasI week owiug 10 a slight misbap to the engine, the passengers were sent home by train at the, expense of The Argyle S. S. Co. Since Ibat time a new staff of Engineers have been eugaged su-d also s uew crew of deckbsnds, sud since that bas been doue the steamer is makiug better lime than ever. The usual quota of passengers weut 10 Toronto Tuesday sud The Argyle will froni now on give better service sud eut- tleavor to please ail who may travel ou the steamer. Come sud enjoy a ssii on the lake. -1 Salemi Methodist church willhold their -aunual Harvest Home sud chieken pie supper on Suuday sud Monday Aug. 27 sud 28. Particulars later, NEWCASTLE Miss Sarah Moise visited frieuds at Dar- lîngton. Miss Ethe-l Ashiby, Wbitby, visited Mrs, Coulson. Mrs. W, E. Bemau, is vî sitîug at Or- chard Beach, Lake Simcoe. 1Mes. Geo. Gray la visiting ber daugbter Mrs. Geo. Meleose, Listowel. Miss Mabel Beock, Bowmanville, bas been visiting at Thos. Barrie's. Miss Olive Cobbledick bas been eugsg- ed as teacher of Mooeefiebd School. Mes. Lawlor sud family sud Miss An- nie Geose, Whitby, visited, Me. Wm. Grose. Misses Besîrice Toms sud Pearl Staple- ton bave refurned from their visit ýai Port Hope. Soft corus are difficult 10 eradicate, but' Holloways Cocu Cure will draw thern out paiulesiy. Revs. J. A. McKeeu, Orono,a'sd G. B. McLeod excbauged puipits in tbe Presby- terisu church Sunday week. Unless worms be expelled feoni the sys- tem, no child can be healtby, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is the best eztaut to destroy woems, Me. sud Mes. G. A. Walker'sud daiugh- ter Evebyn sud Mes, S. White sud son, Toronto, are hoiidaying bere. Mr. Hugh Haviiand, B. A.,of Nspauee C. I., bas been engaged as Principal of our High School, ou a sabary of $11î00. Misses Nellie sud Ils Gould, Bowmau- ville, have retuened home after a pleasaut sojouru at Pioneer Cottage, Port New- cast le. The change of dietsry thsI comes wîth speiug sud summer, bas the effect iu weak stomachs of setting up inflamation, resuit- iug lun dysentcry sud choiera morbus. The abuormal condition will continue if not attended 10 sud will cause an exhaust- ive drain ou ibe system. The best avail- able medicine is Dr. J., D. Kellogg's Dyseutery Cordial. Il clears the stomacb a id boweis of irritants, counteracîs the inflamrmation sud restores the orgaus 10 hesitby action.' M 'FOR HARNIE-TIN!G IN WESTERN CANADA Goin ~ Additional for Return on $1p Folio wind Conditions: GOING DATES AUGUST 3rd-From ail stations on ail lunes on sud South outhei Grand Trunk Main - ------- li ni',-Tornuto-te -Sarnia, -incindins -ail -stations on -C.P.R. Turoiste to Detroit aud Branci Linca includiug Gelpht sui division fronm Guelph Seti and Bramipton Seti. AUGIJST I 2th-Prom ail stations North of Grand Trunk Main Line. T ronto to Sarnia, Ï uncluding C P.R. 1points, ,uitou jc. a,d wesL ;aise G-rand Irnkpoints, Toronto te Caleudar inclusive. AUGUST 16îh-Fýrom al stations in Ontario, Toronto aud East, Orilila and Scotia jct. sud East on G.T.R. also Azilda and Eastern Ontario. AUGUST 23rd-From ail stations Toronto to, North Bay inclusive sud West. AUGUST 25th-From ail stations Toronto sud East ini Ontaneo sud Quebre, aIso Est of Onillia, Scetia Jet, sud Nonti Bay. 0NE.WAY SECOND-CLASS TICHETS WILL BIE SOLD TO WINNIPEG ONLY R1epresentative farmers, appoi'ited ha' Manitoba, Saskatchewan sud Alberta Goveru- met, will mcci sud engage laPoners on arrivai at Winnipeg. Free tiausountation wili Pc fiinntished zutWiun, o poinits'on ranadlian Pa-iSe whcre laborers are necded, euss of t'îoos Jaw and Saskatoon, incîLdir-g branches, sud aioue cent a mile caci way wcsîtichreof in Saskatchewan aud Alberta. A certificate is furnished witls -acb ticket, sud tii, t"tifdcate, -aben executed Pa' farmer showing tiat lainren Pas wornkd tiuta days or more. vi!l bP itonrd frot, that point forsa second class ticket Pack te stanting points io Ontario, at $,18 0,union to Nov, lOti 1911. Tickets are gond enta' un special Faima Laierers train'. i vl Pbc rmn froq; Toronto and Ontario pointa te Winnipcg witiout cPange, making trip liq about 36 heurs, and will be issned te wouueu as well as to men, Put will coi Pc issued a' ba1L tare te ciidren. For full particalars sce uarcat C.P.R. Agent, or Write il. L. TIIOMPSON, D.P.A.. C.P.1t.. Torontozu M CêndatFARM LABORERS' I 4elTraçk fc'r ni lT EXCuRSINS $1O--00-TO0WINNIPEG AND CERTAIN POINTS IN WESTERN CANADA INCLUDING POINTS ON GRAND -TRUNK-PACIFC _RYý VIA CIIICAGO, -DULUTH- AN0) FORT FRANCIS.' $1800O ADDITIONAL RETURNINO. GUST ( F rcin ail stations norti ot, but not, iucluding Main Liue Toronsto AUGST 2th 0te Sarnîia Tunniel, vis Sîràiford, te sud includina the lune f rom tToronte te North Bay sud west in Ontario. "'" ' 6h -m Troto sud stations east in Ontarie; aise easî of Oillia A uGuM I a{d Scotia junetiou in QOntario. A UGUST 23rd Fo. aIl stations Toronto, North Bay sud west iu Ontarfoi ýl ÂIT(ITCT {Freinal stations Toroute sd ud st eof illia aud Scotis Juisetion CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO SINGLE FARE AUGUST 26 TO ,SPT 9INCLUSIVE (MINIMUM CHARGE 25c)ý FRON ALL STATIONS1 IN CANADA WEST 0F CORNWALL AND OTTAWA SPECIAL LOW 7RA.-TES AND TRAIN SERVICE ON CE"RTAINý DATES Full parlicuiassfrom Jury & LovelGeand Trunk Agents ori addreas A. E. Duif District Paýsesgee, Agent, Toronto, Ont. E I BUSTER SHAW . PLAY SUIT -. 1 R-ýEDUCTIONS IN SUMMER GOODS CHIJDRJNS' PLAY SUJTS m mu va 1 Long Pants or Bloomers, Blue, Tan,. Gray, Plain and Stripe. Splendid Xash- ers, regular 75c, Sale Price ............ 5soc Just the thing for the Hot Weather. Ail other Summer Goods selling at reduced prices. The Anderson, Clothing Co ]BOW'MANVILLE.

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