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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1911, p. 1

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aib tat~e~ a-. ,ýïooa year in advance; $î.5o to United States. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO,'HSA, AUJGUST 17~,1911. VOL, LVII. No.33. M. . JAMES &"_ SON, P'ro"prietors. Myuslins worth 2,5c to 30C for î-15C I FAnnual Mitd-mSummer Sale Now Going On.e Muslins w,;orth -lbc for 9e. Cotton Suitinigs worth 20c for 12Ife. Cottont Suitinigs worth 25c for 15c, Ginghams wiorth i2fr,C for Sc. Prints worth 12 12ýc for 8 cand ioc Sîlk Ml Dress Goods worth 3oc for 15c. A lot of Dress Goods at hiaif price and '13 off -the price ofail pring Coats, also a lot of Men's Print Shirts worth from 75C to $1.25~, your choice for 68c. Men's Two,-Pieee Suits at greatly redueed prices. Ail goods sold as advertised. COUd, JOIINSTON & CRYDERMAN BOWtýMANVILLE. THE CORNER H fo STOIRE We Have SUMMER' WEIGHTS In SHOES Combining COMFORT AND HAND- ISOME APPEARANCE ALL THE1 POPULAR STYLES I LADIES' ILowý heel, Plain toe, Shoes Low or High Cut. IStrapSiippersanShoes. ,] Etance (ur -al terat loti Sîmicoe -Street East THE BURNS M.~ VL OHAW, T MAIN FAàR CORNERS. A IE vou: I>EkF? A-1 Aid tb those liard of A Ilearin. .ïent on trial free o expense or nsk . Address GEORGE TIEMAN&C.., 107 Park ltow, New York City, N.Y. 22 3m I BANKOF MONTREAL ESZABLISREV 1817 Capital -$1 4,400,000 SUMMER GOODS Croquet Sêts 4 Bàli .....95c1 11 6 Bail ..$1.10 "8 Bail ... $.35 Rest- - $1 2,000,000 liH lammocks ... S1.25 upwards Total Assets $183,169,159 Savings Banh. Departme rt Head Office, Montreal. Manager, Bowmanville Brancb. I.. M _________________________________ First CIas4s ý7Hôrse Shoeing iluor man as mysin stanti an Ont speeialtis siîoe n u GEORGE WATTS, OPPOSITE SALVATION AM THE OLD HOAR SMITHY, BOWMANVILLE. Souvenir Post Cards and Lo- cal Views Just recêived. W. T. ALLEN, BIg 20 Bownanvllle. Farmers' Attention Why c ommit preminm note euunty Mutual yourselves to liability in a wben you eau masure in sueh companies as the London, Pèrth & Gore Fire Insranc Copaii 'at fr.,m 0e o $.00 purbudd uf linsuranle and nu opremo- ilm n 1ote. opeet1h thnecmaiswihaea mogthe best din arm býusi- nesin Cana'da and rte a u-w athles HARRYr.CANN, The City Hall InSnravce Mat Phone 50. Bowmivihle. KEL-.JLY THE CHOICE. Durham Liberals bave nver Isceen a belter polilical conventI "ionthan Ihelune in Town Hall, Ononoç, Aug. iuth. W-. J Bragg, President Durham Cou'nîy vLîberal Association, made a captlcairmian, making practical suggestions and eungin- eering the business with the skill ut a pair- iameutary speaker. On bis sugg-estiými7 an open nomination was mnade lu save time. Thos. Baker, Solina, mioved and Dr. Powors, Port Hope, scnddtbe nomination ut T. Alexander KlyOF Kelmar, Reeve'ot Cavan towuosbip, East Durbam, and Warden ut United Counties ur N\ortbumbenîand and Durbiaml, and uot othier nlame was mentioned. Tbe wbiole convention rose as une mn appruvinig ot, the nomination and cbeered entiaslic- ally. At nu pneviuus selection ut aj politi- cal candidate bave we seen nione aim ity and optimism over a coc.Good short speeches were made by moyen ý- Land seconder, Ibusgive a key-noteut ncur agement 10 Mn. Kelly. -Sevenýýalpromniunn Libenal]son the platform gave 1dm a hearta bandsbýake aýs ho wais esc-elu heplat- form amlid cbeenîn1g. VPresidenItBag funmally tenide2red the pinc-lation su en- tbusically given, in a neat sec and Mnr. Kelly accepted the nionauior, as be. could flot do olberwise under such unmýîîistakablo désire as was cxprNsecd. Ilic Was very modest and moderate in is ad ,(dress. lie was but une mnan but, wiîb the hearty co-operation ut ail el-ctors wb,,o favored reciprucitv !he boped lu wîin out1 onSetm r 21. Ho had Ineyer Suugl ta public office tliitbefie souglit himn, Wben lho accepted!niatiobweven, "I go attor il lu iehosad.Tbs as -a great convention Ibat wa-s asuccess in numbers and enthnsbasmi.SuIwa the Milibnook meeting that miet luapon delegates 10 Ibis une. Everywberelho went in East Durbam fa rmens areý favor- able lu Reciprocity. This is rigbt evenyl farmen sbould look afler Ibis oxyvn nteresîs. Other mon associate tbemiselves tugoîbler for mutual behp and romnotion uot their interests. Farmers bave a chatnce nuow lu secure an additional market vithout in- jurv lu any other industries and wbo wil deny them flic pivilego offened by reci- procity? Wbile hoe would do ail bu bis power lu win honestly bn this contost hoe must dépend on the eloctors doiing their best, 100, bu their respective puling sub- divisions lu se Ihat eveny voler flavoralie to neciprocity gues 10 the p iolsý. A public meeting was thon- organîzed jwitb President Bragg ' in Ibechai r. iArtbur A. Powers, Li beral candidate for the OntaioLegislatur,-Was splendlidly received and made a model shýort spech1 that won favon for îund mliany whowil voe fr he rcipu~iy and date. Ho interestîed everyodybinLg the agicultural intorests urt ibe Dom-inion aI beant to support tbe zagneemont that gives additional markets.- Manufacturons' Fair Reasoing. H. T. Bush, Presideul ut the Standard Idéal Co., Port Hope, an employer ut sumne six hundred mon, said: "I appear as a manufacturer bu tavor ut nociprucity." lie bad tbuugbt the malter over, and con-. clnded Ibat if the mtantacturoers are on- titled lu protectionan the Goverument gives tbem reasonable protection, they bu turu, to ho tain, should help 10 give the tarmers whal they believe wihl hb ib eir best interest, for whatever is fthe larmn- ors' benefit is iikewise bu a lange measureý for tbe mannfacturer's inlerest. Manu- facturons succeed best wben farmers are, doing weîl. Ho counselled ahi present lu have courage lu stop ont and déclare bu favor ot neciprocity, regardless ut or 1er polilicai affiliations, Ho assuned Mn. Koly of sucb support as ho can give personaiîy, and ho was c-onfident a guudly iiumber ýf the Idéal Comipany's employees are in favorcutrociprucity. Mn. Bush's addnes aroused very groat applause, coming fron the President and Manager ut the largesil industnial conceru in Durham county. Two members ut iast Parliament were preseut and delbvered splendid' addresses in favor ut the recipnocity agreement and it is doubîful if a farmer or farmer's triend bu the audience bad a doubl remaining afttor earing lbem speak. Where Opposition Origînated.' J. B. MeColl, late M.P. for West North- umberland, said when the agreement was annonnced bu the House ut Communs it was applanded by both parties. A greal many doubted if il wouid ho natfiiod bv the United States authonities, but everyone foît that it would ho ghadly taken up by Canada. Free trade bu natural pruducts, ho said, does not advecsely affect manu- facturers. The general tariff may stihi ho increased or iowered at will, the British preference likewbse. No markets will ho interfered witb; we shalbave ail we now have, witb the United States with ninety million people added. Itfxill stili ho op- tionai with.Canadians where they selI. The agreement dues nul bind for al l ime, and if nul found satisfaclory il can ho ton- minated any limie. The Consevati'ves bad nul instituted the opposition lu reci- prucity, but the tarmers shuuld takç A POPULAR CANDIDATE, East Durhami people, especially resi- dents of Cavan, tradte largely in the City of Peterboro, in the adjoining couuty, so~ that the uewspapers in the "Electric City," as il is known owing 10 the location Ihere of thé Canadian Electric Company's Works, are more familiar with, the public men of tbe eastern part of, Durham count-I ty fihan we are in West Durbam. Hence1 we welcomeè this editorial Ibat appeared iq.n The Daily Examiner of Pet erboro on Salurday last under beading of "A Popu- an ï7Canididate": "Liberals ot Durham County made a good selection when tbey nominated Mr. T. A. Kelly, Cavan, t0 contest the Riding in the. coing General Election against M\r. C.'J..Thoroton, the present Conserva- ivenber. With an issue like ýrecip- rocity and a candidate like Mn. Kelly, the Libecrals were neyer in a better position 10 rteem the Riding. Mn. Kelly is a ideal candidate. He is a young man witb aIl kis of energy, of exepioalability, immeniLisely popular and witb splendid municipal experience. He is better known iitiin-oghout the coun- ty of Durbuam as "Sanidy Kelly," and no young man bu Durhiam bas 1ben moire pnominenîly befone the public during the pasl ten or lwelve years. He hias been President of East Durham Farmens' Insti- tute and bas been pnominenlly identified with eveny movement thgt bas tended 10 the best inlerests of the farmers of bis district. Mn. Kelly is at present Presideut ut Eanst Durham Agnicullural Society, one of the! best institutions of ils kind in On- tario; Reeve of the- Township, of Cavan, aindl Wa'-rden of the United Counties of Nortbiuberland and Durham. Hie bas pnovýed tial be possesses splendid execu- tive capa,,cities and bas been looked upon for soe ears past as one of the county's miost rmising young men. Mn.Key' nomination Tbursday at Ononio1by ilie Liberals of Durham was onec of the miost enthusiastic tbal bas tak- enplc in any constituency. Every munýicip-alitv ut Durbam County, was rpX presenited, and the candidate wasss d of tbe most encouraging support. hbey aIl like Sandy Kelly dlown in East DXinam and alîhougb lthe constituency bi bore- tofore been looked upon as Consýnvatjve, jbere is reason lu believe that Mr Thorn- tun will bave 10 "go some" 10 teat tbe aggnessîvo and populan voung reciprocity candidate from the Township of Caî-anti BOWLING .At Peterboro Bowling Tournament a Central Bowling Association was formed w1itbibdese officens: H1on.irs-Hn J. R. Stratton. Vice Pesdnt-Jh Ll,Býowman- ville; W. L. Allen, Cobounig,; D. H-. Hall, Osbawa. Sec.-.Treas.-J. H. Renwick, Peterboro. Executive Commiltee-R. B. Rico, Ton- 0nto; J. H. McMurlry, Bowmanvillo; Sboniff Paxton, Wbitby; H. B. Rosovean, Port Hope; and T. Burke, Lindsay. TOWN COUNCIL -Regul'ar meeting of councýil was bieid Wednesday nighit. Mayor Mitchell pros- ided; membons al, present. Tbe important business was psigof estimates oft different commniîtis and fixing the tax rate for 1911 at 27 mnilis. These estimates were struck: -Fire and Water $2,200; Poor Relief- $600; Police $î,55o; Roads ançlJ Streels $2,000; Printing $500; Cemeictery $700; JPub- lic Property $2,300; Salaries $1,290; Cn. lingent $4,ooo; Higb Scbool $2,700; Publie.ý Scbool $6,725. By-laws were passed fixing rate for i191i aI 27 milîs or a mill bigher than 1911i 1approving of location of Toronto & East-. ný Eleclnic hune witbin corporation lim- itý, and deferrng'sale of land ton taxes for one u , Mr. Pansons, of British Amonican Oil Co., Toronto, addressod council on malter of oiling streets. Il was left witb Roads & Streets Com. 10 iuvesligate same and 10 test Ibis plan for dustlaying if deemed ad- visable. Tbe Finance Report was read and the Troasurer instrucled to pay same ou or- der from the Mayor. Treasuner Mooncrait was instructed lu arrange for puncbase of debentunes of Lakefieid and Havelock wiîh money ne- ceived from Seymour Power Co. for electric light plant so as 10 secure higber rate ut interest than banks allow on the money that must be held to, meet malurng debentunes issued by Ibis corporation, Tbe Statutes aliow use ut fuuds in Ibis way. Communs, ho declaned that C. Jouas Thorulon was 'anti-nociprucity, for be spoke against il in tbe House., He was sure Mn. Thoruton misropresents bis cou- POLITICAL JOTTINGS Evr ïlcr shuld nead wiitb open imind specheýis oufthIe pulitical leaders on rocipýrocity ad, ike jurymen, decide lhuw lu voteA on evidefnce prodncod. Rç_ad Laurier's spe)ech at Simcoe in Wednies- day's Globe. It cuvons the ground nicely. Recipnociîy is the issue in Ibis election. Mr.Aiox.Weatherston. reeve utMurray, bas heen-nnanimuusly chusen by Liberals ut East Northumberland tu ho the nec- iprocity candidate. lieis uneoutthe clev-1 erest members ot Counties Council and electons down Ibenre will make no mnistake in sending him as their representative in the House ut Communs. lis onhy handi- cap is Ihat like Sandy Kelly Ibis Sandy is also a bachelun. But that cendition eau easily ho remedied. Mn. F. L. Fowke, Oshawa, vas renom-. inated aI Brooklin un Salnrday as Libenal caddt or Soutb Ontario Ïluthe Fd-ý1 oral eLecîbons now podig, Voterans deciare 'Ibat the ring ut viclrcy was nover more manifesî Iaypeiu ovnin Witb a good( cause and aui extra good canddateIbe shaw maus elction0 i sut'e. Ontario electors are sinigularlYi incky iii baving again a gentleman ut Mn. Fowvke's igb character and splendid abil- ity asi a candiidate. No member lu our recohiection bas dune mure for bis con-. stitucucy thba n be, and as thcrc is nu ques- lion about Sir Wilfrid Lannier's Goveru-. mont boing netnnned tu puwer aI this election the peopîe ut South Ontario who vote for anothier man will simply îbrow away thi-,ýr votes. Sounth Ontario nover sont a betler represontativo lu Ottawa, and the riding had sume excellent unes. A vole for Fowke wil ho a vote for dlean, bonest, progressive goverument and ton a man wbo onjuvs the groatost confidenceut every member iu the last Panliame2nt. TlHORNTON THE MAN Consenvatives met at Newcastle Tues- day and nomînated Mn. C. Jouas Thorn- ton again as their standar&blearer bu the pouding politicai cuntest for the Communs. It was a welh attended meeting and very enthusiastic. Mn. Thornton spoke for sume timo bu condemnalion ut the Gov-. ornmeul's extravagance and ut ils action Z, 1 regard lu) Oliver changes,.lie couid see nu advanïitage bu the ýreciprocity pact and disapproved uftIhe Govennment's ac- tion in tnving pass lu il ýwithont snbmit- ting iltu Ibte peuple. TOWIN 0F BOWMANVILLE MAKES RAPID STRIDES. Extensive- Enlargements to Goodyear Factory Gives Town a Sub- stantial Boost. A represen.ativ(o ut lte Turonito World was bu towýýn lasI week ouking over the town.and onMonday is article appeared in that spicy journal.t Special to To'ruo o ii BOWMANVLLE,Auig. 52>. Bowmanr-1 ville is boomiog as nover eue and if' the prcse>nt staluis ut gr-owth can ho, mini- Ia-ined the tuwui wiil sodôn ho 'senriouisly con-f temiplaing seekiiog icroainas a city. Manufacituning b)as maude rapid strides sinco the cuming ut the Goodye-ar Tire and Rnbb)er Co. ut Akroni, Ohio, and the iunther extensive eniargements plan- nied by Ibis company promise lu, give the tuwu asubstantial boost. The Goodyear1 peuple are putting up a new addil ionu lu theiralneady commodious taclony. The1 new orton-ihl cost $5o,ooo, and ondersI bave aiready been placed ton $Ioo.oou ut ýnewv machinery, to ho installed as soon as1 the riew tbnee-sî orey tactony is completed.1 A spnr hue is being bubîlt by the Grand1 Tnunk fromi Bovrmanvblle station, a mile lu the sontb of the tuwn, lu the Goodyear plant, and negular froigbt service will ho bu onder bu the nean future. The Good-. year Tire and Rubber Co. boughl out the ohd Durham Rubor Co. about a year ago and have already incneased ils output by about two-tbirds. Tbey omploy over 3001 mou and arewi~orking nîgbtand day. This1 force wiil ho iucneased tu. 600 as soun as the uew extension is ready ton occnpancy The town is going ahead rapidly, and as the Canadian Nontheru are building an electric lino fnom their Toronto-Ottawa main lino intoIbe tuwn, and the uew C. P. R. lino wilh pass rigbt Ibru the central portion of the mnnicipality a steady gi 0w- th is pnomised ton yeans ho come. The lown council is conîemplating the puttbng bu ut a $200,000 waterworks service, and turîber up-to-date impruvemonts wbich will place the town right bu the finst rank among the progressive contres of Ontario. Occasionahly une will1 hear the' remark, "I wisb I was ouut fbtis lown" and thon une feels like sayinig "I wish you weî e" for a man who stands on stroot corners, chew- OBITUARY. MÎR. JH YEO COLE, HAMTO'(N. Aniother uoanitb's nblme as passed to bis nwrdM.John Yeo Coleofu liamton turerv known hy way ut dis- titicîton as "anr h"or -"John Cule, tieTne. De-ceased was son outie laIe John a ýnd Gr'"ec oleofutMaple aneybu'sinless in Brookîbu, Oîtlanio), t'onr an years heuone mvig 10 liamipIo, aidl"ash or Hides" lbas lonig b)en a famliliar sign lutaehos thnu Ib illage0un bis ýpromiliss oi -th Scugognoatd. i!s wife was Jan"e Pascue ut Kedron secion,)"1East Wbby wo pro- deceaýsed lhim weveyer agu. Shie was l'or long yasani]nvIaIîd, anid a mnoreý fabîbitul ki-nd and indulgent buisband conld! nut ho'. le nvehad an enemy touIlhe writen's knuýwiedge and île lias kiî iu1d for 55 yeans. lie was of a. very sociable nature and aiways lpassionateiy tond ut music. lie was a member ut Bnooklin. baud and bas been a memben ut cburcb. choirs neanly aillbis lite. Tu mosl ut biis tamihy connections ho bas been known,, for a quarter century as Uncle Johni Colo, and ho bas always beon a very great fav- oirite witb bis extensive circle ut relatives. A cordial weicome awaited evenyuno whoý entened bis home, aud bis kindness sudý bospitality were widely appreciaîed. lie bas scarceîy known a day's sickness tihIIa, vean or iess agu, wheu ho toit a sligbt strictune in bis Ibroat and a hoarseness deveiopod, but it was only 24bout two months ago Ibat ho roaiized the serions nature ut bis abîment. Modicah <skill was obtained but hoe gradualiy grew wurso and passod away Salnnday evoning abount9 o'clock, lu bis 791h year.' lis tuneral was very langely attended on Monday, a large numben ut relatives trom Ontanio county and Darlinglon be- ing prescrit. Rev. C. W. Bannoît, pastun ut lampIon Methodist churcb, conducted the services, assisted by' Rev. William Jolliffe ut Bowmanville. The paih-.bearers were six nephews-Messrs. T. J. Colo,> Maple Gruve, W. F. Lee, Kedron, James Arthur Wenry, nihe, A. R. Wick- eIt, Toronto, Samuel Bray, Enfild, and 1Hartueil Cule, Geneva. The flPoralti- teswene beautitul. lintermentii was miade iiu liampton cemnetery. Qnly oneson, Mnr. Jesse E. L. Cule, rmans wo othier suriviýes, Mrs. ýRt XiktToronto. Cures al i hmors, catarrh and rheumLiniat4-isni1-, relieves thfiat tired fLeeling, restores the appetite, curespaleessnervoulsness, buldlp 4the -whole jcsystemi. Ac 1p1n0sbsitle; ii1 on hav- ing ~ ~ ~ ~~~* Io'sarpaia.Glil Ioda:Y4 ........... jBOWMý 1ANVILLE FAIR 1 West Dm ham Exhiitio fo(-,c r i"better than ba ben, will be treld onr rTuesday and WdesaSept. îýy and 20-, 1ai the new arclua grounds at Bow- manville. Etis uibe imade wîth thef Secretary at the Town Tesrrsofc not laler ltanitusday, Sept. 14. Fv cents will be char.iged ]foi evcryOnry fe that lime nup 10 Saturday. This exhibi- lien has no speias a stock fa", ir inOn- tario. Intending,ý purchasers of choice stock or poullry"Vil', find a splendid o-. portunity of getlýing a g-ood article. Won- derful performý1ance bef'ore ',he grand1" stand, alsoprmnd concert inexi- tion hall on the,- first niiglit of the flair, when ail the exhibils as wel11 as the new. ponllry building will be open florin ispec- lion. D. O. & P. Co., band w,ýill furniish m usic boîfi days. Sensational perform- ances before the grand stand Wedniesday afternoon by the Carl Da1mman troupe, the world's greatest and most fiinished equilibrisîs, Prof. Schlitzý and hisý comedc,,y mule and Bollini Tiroupe i1,1he great sený- sationai attractionî, "An Acrial Teeýth Act." Don't misýs Bwmn i'air or you wilmiss the lmeOf youF lle. Sil- gle fare on G. T. R. Tes a adWe- nsagood 10 rcturn ui 10thuo a night. See prize lis i or enquire of tie Secretaryý, J S. Moorcraft, for furîhLier parliculars. FINE PLEASURE TRIP We ookanohersa-il on our grand ardc lovely Lake Ontarîo on Friday on S r, Argyle, and really- our people do nult see n 10 appreciat( leie splenidid waler trip theyv have right aItheir very doors. 'The lani- scape scenery on the north shore is very bèautiful and Ibe biest view of the cottages; aI Port Bowmanville is obtained fr-om a1 steamer deck.' 'It is a grand sighit -ou r tidy surnmen resort---r health'y locatier and neal appeanance unisurpass;ed on Lk Ontario anywbere along the 'north shore. No need to go away miles to)-find a pleas- ant water trip when yon can take a dlav's- outing including an 85-mile sail on lovýely Ontario for onlY 50 cents. If you enjoy reading you may nead te your heart's con- tent; if you are sociable you can find con-- genial, companionsbip and as many people ready 10 converse as you wish 10 talk to. We always greatly cnjoy meeting friends and acquain-tances and baving fiendly chats on the boat with tbem. Friday was a very pleasant day on the 'Lake goinig and returning. Sunset and moonnise were very beautiful. The Argyle made schedule lime and we found tbe wbhole; day's outing a very greal pleasure. They ,say thiat the Steamer Argyle hias be tboroughly overhauled since hier recent mishap and is safer and sounder tî,an et er.

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