CURE ,%dm ~ ed~eadrele.alts tobe u v-on ea bITLtossaoc h ytm ks Siorn -l'O isndoylcompelt.herule hsiac V trt eciahoil stadorof the sbtein. u. tu Baifrer sud xguin tho boý,w,wie they ronly La uroeod a uru hcneithem w>Oii2ell ii ts ilae llalu. liver todowsnithe itisom. B"UtheroulylkIs do viser Into ane of s acIýny li7fes ibatIer n h lwemsiteourgroai isasi. O(ur pliil cure tiwhile CaOtr's Iit: Liver Pilla are eïory ImsllandS v.ry ~ ~ un estetk.0mor ivo ile ýmaire sdose. The ae trcty egtaiesulenot gipe or pIarge, but by tisoir gontie action, l pies. ail whie A.E cLAViGHJIZ. lieriierI.olîitrend Uncvyaneer. omC:-flskl. )le. King streat. llOWinanvile. 114Ie e o ale. eo- ahi,~ ras.48-4yr. B.J.Haziewood. M.D..,O.M ISOWERAlNVIILLP. 0* 02% T. GIOLD MEDALIST of -Trlnity Phivr%î,TemtePour Yeare Atieudtung lhitgetaan sul ugeon st Mt. Carmel fHospital OWCc. s"d BeSIacOCe WeliI'to i. esteu Nco. F.Te À Business College ili pa if it is take. t a good sehoni. i-,F i-; ifi e bette i thon thse British AmrcnBU%'snosq Coileue, Y. Mq C ATor u iconto, tie sciso0l tiFîl7 iiy ttifoieiost bliness neîc a ae atreliided.Suat ito m rihel o te foi catalogue T. M. WATSON, Prîitcipal. COOk-'g Cotton Root Comnpounî& The great Uterine Toni, an 1d 0c ysae effectuai Mlonthly - aRenlatorOnswiich wcmeliican ,.* epDelid. Soid iu threedeee O~ f Ftl'eigtli-No. 1, $1; o2 ç 10 degrees stroiîger 3;No., for special case, j i-ci, bx, 8cid blayl'digças rs Ty rie cee pamhlet A der es:tpn~ -00 MD;IKC.o MroNewONTork-ieBlrdgo '1"11îuee, sand - aii onrDiCe.tUe.vS.Ai. -TRADE MAiRKS CopyRiGHTrs &c. rAny-no meendng askcetch and description MOLY eiclkl, ascertain Ooffciniuon froc wu'htler au Inventiouns a irobably putetahie. Cominuuii',a. tiauus mriclycnfideuutil. IIASBOOK on l'atouts sent free. Oldest egency for soeuunng patenst. Patents taten thrcnehbitîmn & Co. receive myeccai notoice vithout charge. in the A.sandsonmely ilnustrated wsokly. targest air- uation cf any acleoisiia jornai. Torma tfo- cansada, 88.7z a yc&r, pQgSî55'5pepàtd. tubd by ail neo-sdeaers. JHEALTI- NEMT$ SHIN GLES. A persoan of an etymiooieial turu 0W N DC CT imaTI of mind, seeing a case of weii- I.III LUI flERLIO makdshingies , with the liftie TAK f ~fhIAI~; blisters se cioseiy set as aimost to TMK ', IIIUITUM>111L0 oreriap one another, miglit lhînk bbe affection xx cl namcd frein the VÂNcousrnm, B.C., li x. st. 1910. shingica of a roof, but the word 1I arn weli acquainted wîth a ma, is rutaiiy a corruption cf ùVie Latin known to tisousands in Vancouver, i cigulm, canng agirie.TbeVictoria and Nev, Westmninster, who for neariy a year was practicully a cripple trnwas appiieti because cf 'the frcmn Rheunuatisin. He waa so troubied arrangement of the eruption, which with the disae tha he found itdifficult jencircies thc body,. or une lateral to ex'en turi ovrcii bcd. His heart baif -of lt, like a beit. The scien- *ppeared sa, weak tisat he couid hardi tiflc terna is vester, or znafrom wa1k up stira, Last june, lue received a sample of tise Greek wertis for girdle Iorbeit. «Frp -a-,iver. He usedi thein ansd Shingies, or zo-ter, is a sikin dates his recovery froi that lime. ertiption due bo diseasse cf one cf To-day, there is no mats in Vancouver the cutaneous lierres wbiob run ejoyiing betterheaitli. frosn bbhe sinai, corti roundi the H le was building a'honte ibis fa11 and hody~ to thidmditle line in front. 8i hngied a good- part cf the ro!f ina The .ru'rîos away fclowsbbcdriviný, rain, wtbont srnfferixsg any bad The rupionalwas fllos th efect '. OHNB. ACY. course cf tise-affecteti nerve, ceas Mc, E. e. M iiPs (assistant postinaster sng abruptiy at thse front, uniess at Knowlton,, Que,) asa writes: the nervus on both sides arc af- "I îîouetlylbeîevethaiý,rii-a-ivs, fecteti, whene in encircies thse body ig the greateat Rseunaaisi cure isu the just like a girdie.' This compiete worid", Trv it youraelf.1 1 forin îs fortiinately, rare. 50c.1 ox 6 for$2,taise,2c The eruption jconists of a suc- Atdesicaers,orfroni FutatrsLntt oesosof bard bisteýrs like Jtbos P Ottawa'. c'f a Citi sror xe'-fse, e -__________ tihe fo)rin ofredibpts p en I1UUÔtS DULI F Ur w UStI n hich pimpies ýani. then srailib- tes-s forro. Tisese blisters ai-e ar-t ranget in gs-oups aiong tise course,1 ONCE -1 USEI4ESS ARTICLE, of thc affecteti nerre, or tbey may, ini severe cases, ri-n together, N'L(>W VERY VALUABLE. forming an, aimost unliroken line round one-hlf cf the body or face. For the first tîreeor fouir dnys A Gr'eat lllaîy Usefîti Thintgs Are the contents of the blisters arc NowMadeFron Wood watery; thon bbey become ciotiy, 1 thbe patches tur browni, anti final-L Waste. ly dry anti foî'm yeiloxrîis crusts I Only a few yens-s bnck, sawdust For a fewx tiys or a week precetdiiig wasregartieti by exrncrs of san- bhe erssptIon neuraigic pains are milis as se, mucit sraste, te le rit cf feti teprtt c fepe'aind fany hon, anti as quickiy as possible. turing te eruptiou thpnise of- Te day ail this is altereti. Saw- bon rery acute. In chltiren, eur i- tiust, s far' frein leing-leeketi upon ousiy enougli, the pain mny bu ab- as rulbisîs, is grcatly prized, anti sent. is turnedti t account ln a buntreti The attack is usuaiiy uslerýet in different wny s in arts anti manu- ly fex us, sosnetimc s siglt chilis, factures. asti a feeling cf guneral ilincss. 1 Sugas', for ins-tance, is matie from Tube eruption may appear ail aI! it. Se, toc, is aluohol, xrbicb is, once, or nsay ocur in sex oral suc- of cours-e, bbc lasis of ail spirits. cessîve crops, taking n, week or At a cecent banquet, attenduti by more fori-its full taeieopmeunt. famous cbemists fcom ail crc bbc Thec most seriosîs forin is tînt cf world, excellent "brandy" wns tise facè, for ib oten resuits in se- sorvet i bibiat been distilieti rere scarrsng, anti mny even attack 1from sawdusb. lb was mellow, 'of tise eyeblal. TIe pain îsuaiiy tub-'agrecable fias or, pccfectly frec from ides when the ecuption appears. any otior or baste of turpentine, anti There is ie treatment whicb xiii NONE 0F THE GUESTS KNEW, cerbainly cul short the attacis anti until they wre tolti, thnt it n'as thIe most tînt cars lie done tsss'aily other than ithe genuinu juice of is bo pco4tect itle blisters fremi ris bhe grape. 1i'ation of the ciotliing or other iii- Snxxdusb, agaisi, forms the lasis is dnc y apîyngof more than bwnty tîfferent kintsis îyisry. Tus of str, rote explosives. The so-caileti ý - pioc n tin he blisters with'n-ie'at'yciw'unoes n1- oc. psnîîng 1 darc mereiy se muid santiust satur- ber. ' Afor 'heayngck tpaentatutiwibl certain acitis. 11 maynet tene tre tatmtfrie Wla is known as wooti-meai foti- i-ied, onictretrapt fr ader fer cattie is just snxrvdust, tuax- ichile. _et inte a masls witb bot tistillers' Tises-c is ge mini y one on wasî anti flaxoreti nitb rock sait. baok Wisi-u hur aierepe teti Il clefedti te cbeasts in ils rucisreuscs tîce is suaiy somne fresbi state, or it eau lectiiet anti undulyin f'uhl f cnstitution pr'esseci inrte mouitis like cil-cake, xnhch ali fo caefu, sttenr~ic or it eau le b baketi intothe form of i useica tin men. -out'sCoin-Itiigli. Simialar saniuist tougli is panion. ate iintu 1reati, anti eaten !ly thc pesnsin tomneparts of£Ri'ssin 110Wý IT IMPifESSED ý-1)HlM. anti German]y. An AsicErican, n le n s ente saîr -Motar mnatie frein sandîsst is non' îng aý distinguisbcti Englisl gunti- rirei st icuiiiîsg operations. ilmati, as sîoxrîng lis visiter rund lufau,,nbuecutia.otl -"luisit cf santinst blrougsorut, foc - 0 thure is n santiust stucco ou the 'Yenu obserx-,' comark-eti b'lc market, anti ail kinti-s of iîost, 'htînwnhen nezAnserieans de- IMITATION WOOD rot ouse-x S 1 pinsuexrctii~5matie cf snx-tiust f rom plain tuai oregardless of exponse." iakstii thse most elabomate 'Itiiscdy utittiatn y,1c oak anti mahogany mouidings, or- spondudth ie n itty forcignur. "Rn-_ namuntal doors, windows, anti so tiser, y ciidevotu yotuseix-es toecx- fortb. pense î-cgard1es cf pleasure." Tisen tîcre is a wooti mai-lie xxi ch s useti for manteipieces, anti wbVhT sdtust combinet i wtî iv- ~ory wastu anti clorut i ntl uer- L U~z RUU LIitain pigments. Theraised "vol- Mrs, Biy Brown, of Tenecapo, N-S., aile, are matie cf sawdust siftcti Wus Cured b>' Catarrhazone of over a surface tînt las boen pro- Lung Trouble and Catarrh., ioîsi slu xib5san aiesr M U n I &cG U e10iurK If 3rosr iunugsarc weak; if tisore igloth cbcap anti permnuent. A 1irazch oefic. cliii'St.. Wasslulmto. D. C. coilsomption un yeuc faily; if CelIds, pouti of saxrtust dye, foc instance, Catarris, and Breechisis boiser you, ccsts ouiiy abouti inif as muccl as be suce te use Catarchezene 't s tise saine qssanbity of log-wooti ex- earîeiaily adaîstcd for these disuases : esn andi cures every trne tract, whiii possessgfouir timtes iMcs. Brown-e ioit cough mixtures, the tyeing power. 'buît tisey made, ber sick. Thon aime useti Ortiinary tan tust is uset 1>' jew- an. atomizer, bsi, after cesrting Witli chers te dlean tarnisheti silver, eut ienefit te poultices, she triesi Ca- at cc ats stcls e tarchozone. adbehswutitebs o 4ynOP»iî fe -CanadaesNorthweît Land W"I used Catarchozone Inhaler.", ishing powtiec for golti. San'tuist Regulations. writes Mcc. Brewn, "fîve ,suintos isýals sù ti _ý Lis t tries PAr0 Wfcaonsbo ia tise soie adofr lesery heur, ands sen rocogn1wzetbtii NLIEU1011O111 ~iIN±amlsuy voraily mails oirrl wsgeugte cure 1me. Icouitife ic rito ibl i e> f eîay iexo UsadaUL1rur Setion o! yaIf tise sSOobIiuing lr(1dcatcd7 air s1adn ithva c iert.Thearnise-'Untnmuet o scuoar un rton ajj ite DominLai md oeedtegn Ptýl ie Te c husni e osc av tjis:<y by pnoxy nmar lie miade ua, ocs aacioos emdtego :àiother. sonr, du0e, r e o strscousput a stop te in- cougîs Tt ce-uoli. ti aiinto sopr o ,! intendir1 omstadf Dutues ;-Six menthe rid,éience ucaflnt ored nme te perfect iseaitis.andi 1 ans botîhes, jute flat imoitis nibt iyes, tut cuuiatin c tse anitu n ecr c nvieeedttia e-'0cugis, celd, or Ca- i-, cornetcuit in1tIc ferincf iecloreti lhree years., îce5' drmay bise wus-h. ýtaccis eau exist-i Catacs'iozoee- is-1 u2n ine miles ofi s oiaoa ua farm 'uaed" phaqUmes'andtintiîtci nooden iles. bf au lenst: 1 acresý soieî y owned andi Occupieti py kssm or isy bis fmiser. mti, Ne treninieni is Sû dean, s0 pleas- Santusi is ncw isseti for bise cieap- er, son, daughter, biother or aiter. t n se certain te cure as ('atacris- os- kintis cf iinoee'trs, luttent c f gon cetaing distritaoossteAder ls, 00150 E-meanus efbise Inhaler, the tic mocc expensive Cork tUiSb, anti section longside ltQhmaeaiuart8er local ypossuhacngigi-id it $3.00 per acre. ISsties-must ceidle six fiamua tien andi cengesto resu ed- laedforsael menths iii euechf ir years frein date o! il>' ceccecteti. Fescozone tablets, sinal blocks cf coicreti saxxtsst homesteati eniLry ineiudinr the timer. -iwhicb arc balcon after encis ca, r"gante," acranget inlupatterns. Quired te can- homeetnuti patent iand puirify and cleansebise blond 0cfea lu act lee sn utt b tultivatt, fiftv'ace utra. i-f l Infcte inondoth A bumeste irwo a. orbauciqià oscs nsi builti up and strengthen r honetetiihtan1ti cannoýt ciuathe systons. e iuses te wicih tuis acccmmodatiag proemtio, alteke a acbst on. This locýal au11 coutiturtienal iront- ,Lubstanice iS plit. Tise nsoborýis tesi uscami dstics Prptice5, cr meuit f LK sefetvansicrs stOlbilsU>brilliant bepatiiglils, taS f hcerere l ivaelilt.y 'acres aàseA ercu a aUhua. wvorîr ýË- hoels.Moo'cai't boy Oc rdce cbi W. w coy. autisig btte, ad tp ge cuotiite~~me, rei whclb>'tilc Usisssth>nr'iaed iiescaiai14aYijenesoa ativctiemet yl et-b xsiiSfor ~ ZQ5ii . rti&î~.-uiii~ps WQkhy I YongFo50 BENNIE'S bESSON. When Bennie tas a, very litCte kitteni le showeýd his maiher quite plainiy that hie did flot tîýe- milk ait ail, and perhaps that was, why lie put both feeît into the saucer.1 She was the rnos't astonishied cat- mother, butt Bennie, did n!cJPare. He was bu sy chasing lis taau oi the portiere tasseis when hbcv1as in the bouse, and grasshoppers a-ad bugs and other things ouittoors. 1 He tIough~t mii k was - oniy for the litti est kit'tens, anid lie wvanted beefsfteak. H1e iiked 'beefst-eak, andi lie did flot like miik' That was ail there was to it 1 Anti the chiltiren of the bous~e heiped i hm along in bis naughity wbuîn, for when they found hie iked me',ib they carrieti hîm wraps fromi the table. 1t was* allin vain th.i lhis poor inot-her odkd so wise and so distressed, as she purreti antipd tsteanditheir uown mo -t tIs. ld t.hom ntbat the o141d cal kliew bs-se was ariithait Benne xxuidbuesick. Anid onu- day lJe(- a, Ii The chultiren tidiîlot secI 1dm ail! day, but Bennaie woke up fi n mwiat was'like a bad drearn' al] drenicheti andi shivery, for some one tI1retsy a whoie buckeý of wateî oves' inwle. they saw hum act- ing sîtrangely. As hiýs mother iick- ed him ailloff nice andi dry, shebo n d-oubt puirreti, "I toid you 5sol i toid y ou s ' Wben...+sbe tnt by the fire that nigitwith ber eyes haif-shtit, the chludren tloughit she- was dozing; but perhaps she was thinaking, thinkinig of the days when he miglît go Par' anay from bier and st'arve ý'Lo death if lie couid not have just -ex-actiy what lie wanted, to eat. All she dreameti that night by ,the tire aimoît camne truc, for Ben- inie xxas given to a kind fe.miiy wbo liveti on a farm. But tley diti not have everything they wantetl theim- ,seives. Tley liad pienty of miik, 'and -,,-,re surpriseti when they found that.thc new caît wouid not toucli a bit of it. They diid net have ýfisI se far away froin tbe sca. anti thbe butcher's cart came onîx' once a week. They gave him some roast pork, andti tr n some ronst mitton. .but Bennie turned away xxitb lise ýmoist tisgusýýtcd 1ieick and staiked 'Off. Theis they were puzzied. Wà-, tI at bmc ?c hW'hat wouti dlie eat, anyway ?li1e -was grownng 'thinner anti thio.tner every day, and bis eyes were '-o hoiiow and so xrjst4 fu;but tley dit not know lie saîti .,Beefsteak! beef steak?"' every udelie messecd. Nobody in that sýtranîge place knew what lie was 'taking aot The sicker atifainter liegrew Qbe lcss 'lie_,seemeti able ito tell îthem. But tihe day before the hiît'chpr's ceirt ennui the puor naughty cal xxas 50 hungry that lie dtetermincti to try andi taste the bateful miik. _He lad ju'-it taken one iap anti made np 'one- face, when Bren nie, thie -\ex-do neighbor's cat, carne over theî fence xxith one bount, plxsshct the parti- cular, strange'cat to one site, and drassk ail the crean, -as ýif she eu joyeti it andi nas glati to get any thing so nice. ,Ail the w bile Brs nie xatdched lungriiy by. Eo e wisbed lie couici eat everyibhing lika that! And then hie seemet te-,.re- member ail that, bis moterba tried to him about 'etn everything. 'Youth's Cornàpanion. FORBIDDEN FRUIT. A sailor lad just sbown a lady over the slip. In thanking lins, ,lie sait: "I amn sorry to see by the rules that tips 'are forbitiden on your slip." "LÀor' biess you, ma'am," re- piiedth te sailor, "so xxere appies in tIe Garden of EdJen." St. Jean, P.Q., Jan. 5tls, 1910. Faiber Mociscy Med. CJo. Ltd., 1 eau grateffli> testif>' in faror et - Fatb*r Morriscy's Prrimdy for Bronchai rciiable, 1 had efor sfo oae 1105e * gi-se me nuiil j tri'd. FathorMri- tcy's Presmcription (Ne. 10). To my ea surris, aierI iad inken thug reme->iv roo'ts, backs anti herbe cutmin NatuLre'e own pniorisien for tihe relief of couglisand e Idat remained foc Father Momric>, with bis wonergfui mnedicaI akîli, ta colts- bine extruasfzom bhoee in sucis a vii>'as ta mxake lie most effective cure for ail forma of ibroat and iung trQUbIss. Hic prescriptiou, kuewn aoa Fathr Mocriscy"s No. 10 '1 or " Lung Tonie ", stops a cough lu>' erlng tise inliamed con- dition of timoal or Iuns<s hich causes h. ht gues a sef-iirt'ic, antd earus ias niasse f - Luss Touicu" by tegh»is tb w, nkene-d rparts. Visur delg'sor 4friQm aerMci alla h>' uryl& Late JCADSE 0F BANK FAILURFS tcrest Sliouid be Avoidcd. "Wl>' ticbatiks lu 1"Ticwrit- or, puittbbc question te a bondon batik-mnaer,i- rbwo spent -a-few moments u int tougt efoe re pi>' sng, antie-, en tison lu was not quibe; sure, says bouton Answecs. Englisi bliks, Ibe-sait, aý-u, noir na>'s, rua un sncb conservatise lines bisat euh>'ý a long Eîîropearu wnr noniti smash tbem. 0f cuirse, tburo arc some batiks--icryr fc lu number-which tuai in tioutfl se- curilies, payiug bigli rates of itr est; but tise average joint stck batik battues oeu hble sosîntest aid nuest marketblecf socuribies. If ne take bbc lister>' cf pust batik falaures, it wiii le fouedthtît, su aimest ecrc>'case, tic suttien sto)ppage cf payrnent was dite te tiioheoty or rcckicess- on the' patof the trcosanti rspe- cf banllkinlg buoseintuiossan iret buiug at tic rate cf a score ai xoeanti about au equal inuscuber; fallut. BaBt thiat n as n-hon ail baiks werc private, concerus., Tics, in Feb)rusa>' -1, Parliament octer- ced anuaccuust te le taken cof thc bank failusces turing te Ïmcviotis fouir meutMhs oui>', anti it was as - curtaineti that ilu bus bnifpcriodl fsfby--nîe 'banîci, at closedti bîir toors, as bic result -cf ticeniitiest, rnndtust speculation on tise part of thuir 114 partuiers. HIGH INTJMEST BAIT.' Specuintion anti peculatiors. Que is airnest as bat as tise otetr To I ta>' ianks do net spucuhabe, tise>' sus-est. Thc batik tint speculates is lest.t Evesi instbisetweuticti centuryi Gh fii irnace nmezos 1hfiat 1czolsel] when 1 want o zân rezlize unnmiy v5net T ieucessfulel estate mari knows through expeiencetthUe ereigus le imîncdiateiy tit-uw away from thein as from a bot poker. When bbe obicîgsasw lis repudin- tien ef bbc goiti tluy'fcame te the conclusion tisat lexxas satisfseti enougli te re-depesýit lus casi, anti most of thc cronti wenb berne, witb- ent broubling tise casbicr or dis- eovering tbe trick. tiser e is a geucc al idea that b atiks RELYING ON it i1E AK' mou-uly mind tIc iney tiepositet - but bhcy te more bian that. Thev - Ifesuîybody nho lad a batik- use it, luutiing it bei-c bo a mercis_ ing acceunt went te bis batik, anti ant wlso wishes to tievelop lis busi-tiemandet i s floniy', it is. safu to tiess. or' concînde a big sale at{ Say that ne batik xouid le aile te once; bes-e, iuvesbing il insecurit- muet its liabilities, blougli, cf ses cf unquestiosuet integrity. ItI cour§e, some n'euid be able te co!-ne stads o easn tatthebak necer tioing se than others. len wbicl b akes a cisk lu ientiingtot it-c bcetigerjsucsui-t"re, be mCrýiantwliomay ot b ab n t il"11take time te cealite,anti e repay, or buying stock that usa>' course, iu ime of punie the,, ."iii possilbc lexxocthles lua sreek, is r ake longer. But bthexvbole s tiaiiy ritkitig its fitnneini stnbiliby - tein of banîisg s'usts on the isitpro Tebatik that offers bigli rates of bability cf tbis occurî-sug. ntesrest te tepoSitors sisoîitibu If there was a Sutitin run o-1 a avoitieti, for sic prepecly condîseteti wel -estaiuisheti batik, anti it 1md anti realiy safe 'batik cati affocti tol 1nottfhicit cirs-enex- su its cci- pay higlier rates than tIc market; lacs te meut the demanti, lb cousît,l aiiows. milosc if it wcre soirent, itixoku, anti pro-l Aithoug illins f cuntis arc babiy obtaîn, the assistance cf thc placet "on cicpo'it"-that i5 te say, Bank cf Esigianti, nhielu woutId gise bbc tiepesitor mslst give notice le- it bbc cuti cf its enormotîs ccsuî c fore lie cati traw bis mouey-many cf golti. more millions arc pait i ito curcent A lank iu-sl nixays bu prepareti accunts, anti ex ry penny muist bce to meset an>' tomant matie b>' ils rond>' at a mosîsesîtdos note.Itosnt, of course, keep eil>' W11EN DIRECTOIIS GAMBLE. goît on bbe promises, but it, sees The greatest bank failuru cf ce- tbnt ex ery sovecuigil tepos1itetil is cent yens-s was that cf Duimbell's, ceprusenteti by gootisciite.Ts iu bthe Isle of Mati. This was catis- hua-s> fails in Cos-ois we i ase et Ir thec hazartioss speculation on crippluti mauy batiks lad tynet the part cf bbc diroctors, whose xisely sprendti teir ins-estientLs ex prosecution is remembeeti te tiltOc man ti>'cbs'kints f stock-col- day. Dumbeii's was a batik nith a enini, corporation, and sucih ike. grent reputation, anti al],tise best It is a spienditi tribute te bbc ppt)I( in luthce cf Mati bat au sountincsscf Englisi baîsking thati coun11ts xnith lb, but bbe ticectors wnuConsols tiroppeti frei tise wa tet tee- mîseli intcrest ou thse late ninuties toteicari>' cigities, money their custrnsers, bat entrust ,and, therefoce, estaileti tremusît- et tiens xitb, andt hey passeti frets eus hosses te ever>' bauk cf reput", îurestmnents 'te speculatieti, anti net a singlceue nas scriouîly su- frein bhe latter te gambling-anti jureti. c en a gront cank cancu cossîros tic markets-tbc shacos feu airerl they werc leugît, anti rose whcn tley ivere soit, anti, cf course, iDumbl cl' s got mb tiffienities - Somcthing similar tesecibes tise City cf Glasgow Bank,,xx ich cioset its teors lu 1878. Rash spucusiation witb thuir customers'rmone>' ce-1 suutet imn grent hosses, andi, al- tltougm in the eariy part cf. 1878 aJ tivitent of 12 per cent. xxas de- cînceti, the batik stoppetid pay ment lefoce blie ent cf tise ycar. TIe dixitieuti was, cf course, ahit anti tîose responsibuti foc it were sent te gaoi. f Mars e1Ious stocies coulti le teiti o f certain batiks-non- fiourishiug- cf turnes when tiîey wucu vcry ucar- IV stopping pnymunt. Evun bise Batik of Esuglanti lins bat its cuises. Pcrbnps bbe Most extcaortiinary reason for a batik failing xvns A WOMAN'S SPRAINED ANKLE t THE DR'OP IN CONSOLS. The reason was tînt tiie men ce- sponsibie foi- uin«sng theuîeîsey, cof bbc couîntry wxree nsc eough net te pub al].bbeir eggs into oee basket. -Sccuriby ha>' lu tistribi- tien; anti, altisouîgi tIc dçrop in Consols meantt-a tepreesaLi'on in securities amcuntixsg te hsîctietis of tho usantis cf pountis, biseilu ceuse lu otbuc stocks couspersat- cd. -Wben tihe batiks take te play- ing xibl the moue>' wbici is net, theirs tîey pase tic nay te reput- ition of those enmiseralb1e seenes fwbicls foilon bisat most tecible cf ahi commercial notices: "ie dur- ectors regret tînt tliey base l'eu compulleti to suspendi paymenb." T<iC)TRiTE. "Wliat is lise hardcst thing bo leacu about farrning V" inqtsired the- M any- years ago au oit lady Islippet sîsminer cearot anti spcaini 1Îer unkie outtidtie bbc5 o'clock iii1bis offices cf a batik. A coiple cof pet- Frne orixtoi' estr Iiatis ncati er assistanecait xree crryng er int tibatikte ces i na crontdi aleteti.1L'abo -! cemes axieni>'uquretwliat bbc i miater mas, as4,t, treen a a ý,ote bc ou 1cfinsicu that bbece a ci onric ý,batik. Tic ne7ws spceat ike xiitfire, antidrueta el> on ei-Yb t>' wItbiun walkiug distan)e cf Restores c iset lkwhe bat an acceunt, nsbdite get bis or lier moue>'. Thc Faded har- restt was tha thbi bank, unable druff and invii te coaiîseI its secuiubes at once antid oo pa>' eut geit, bat te stop payment. -rmoe Il nover recov'cti f om the iloxv heaithy hair g Tisere is a stor>' boit cd f a certain falling out. 1 biaak-manager, Wb1osef' ustemerýs sl.oeandso. aD, wereelroigfebl' teposts.leuciptafsriceau H l net enugI ch(ash on bicpro- Nr.j,.X mumeshbut h i b li tbat EP- EAýLI. et4 se liI esbitaittpros u Foi rtIaawi rmûrisin, ,eld 'lor to Gray or Removes Dan - Ïgorates the Scalp a luxuriant, growth-Staps îiLs .s flot a dye. -)mi storem or diret ie LSU11515'ZTUTIIr t re-elml li t i b - 77U TI THE bMeRR!K V'Llëli ïa7z-.R TION, ,ý0ver1UE cr'ery ibId of the worid r thought. rnany yeflrs. bufore appeareýdbtcati oycca. 2700 Fa -s '.x- lustratious. 1 ecauie It is the ory with thu e xýw -1ùv ed IDrge, A "Stroke O: .an. Recause fit laaneu odn - a single vo h; -e. Press asthe one auprt Mo aC- tilority. Recause Ste vc, s. w yon about this new work. URTE fer ie ctMM 0 e a ded page. C.& . ER!A.M CO., Pnbiiers, Sp'riwgie!d. MA"' ~icnObiepesr, îsc..l . fiRamm cpsket uap. THE ONLY OBSTACLE. LDAdx," aîidthefrtntee, shuffiing the cards, "the fates cîcee that, you xviii xisit f-oreign! landis. You xxili mingie, in the Court life of kings and queews. Cor.quiering ail rviy ou w;i marry the mian of ~orchoice -a tal, dark, handbioe get of iUs- tinguisbed arîcestry -;ini fact, a peel' of the rar. 'IWil lhe be yon "Yes, young autd îich." ,The x isitor in her exeitement ciutched the seer's avin.' "But how," she cri ed eageriy, "how arn 1 to get rid of my pre- sent husband"" The Foe of Indige-sCon.-Indiges- tion is a common alment anti fevç are free from it. It is a rnost dis- tressh-g compiaint and often thE suffering attending it is mo-St se- vere. The xery best remedy is Parmeiee's Vegýetable Pis taken accortiing to directions. They rec- tîfy the irregsiiar action of the sto- mach and restore heaithy action. For many ,vears they have licou a standard rýemedy for dyspepsia and indige-stion anti are highly estecîsi N foi- their qialities. THE W'ORST QiF SUPPOSING. 'Listen fte m," 'aid tisecross- exMîosio.g cuisl Yu sa teiVt xt-nt te kuxu nisat ol sîtpt pest.I siposti bt s>'puss mom-nuusg, but. , a uate t il Mmxv, si, o-t an witliipousr c TUc case proceedeti itliout fusc- anasýty shoc7k, for im,isieot ue aller the tierfo'jilb' "Dit yen gi t tiasyodl "0f curse ditI gav lb eI fcbmale caot3e ti i