1,STRY O PLUK AN DARîRrr1 heard the tiger'ieap ovei the fal- -T O ' TR EMP To &IJ Y Late en tree, and, sick ýat heart, 1J re- you need a healthy stomach, a- R C O I E B T E N Y longer I should have to gîve up. tive liver, kidneys and bowcls. RAEFR1H BTE" 1 Gieatly to my relief, howeý,er, relieve and cure indigestion-acidity cof the stomnach-biiuns-fauec 'ibese organs-and the nerves CLIST 'DTII VI LIER, a short distance in front of ny -dyspe-psia. They re-îuforce the stornach by supplyigteaci rnips Lies in Knowing llow to Adjust Oue's 'e1f and the blood-are better, du left 1 sa-w yet another road, andneeded flor the digestion of ail kinds of food. Try one atrec el b teNh nh l e yA IRAY 0F IHOPE 5 c a box. If your druggist has nt stocked the e, sn s 5c to the Fact of S bttr, he hepe'n A Frcnch Trau.eller IIlad a iS rvc- carne te me as 1 noticed a steep de- and vie will mai2I ycu a box. 3 raeckiig Ativentitre in sent. This 1 entered upon like an atoia Dr.ig ad Cherical C.Mpamty of Caa~ imte, . Mota. Intia. rrow, and a minute or so later Me l ife is engaged in a tre- opennetýs tu truth, and the- lostire nnia put fitty or sixty y ards bel. een nïy ________________________________ itidouts effort to "look pIeasant." against alil ucli fraudulenft imita- I-0raeyasqut ubropururadmsl.Iw-spet ____e 2____________________________ Liîterature of thbe day is inundated tions of truth and aiieged suhsti- 0flt er ut ubro use n yef a rtý wih sraî fadvice, u~u tutes for truth, as. superstitionl, 501d Everywheru. In bozes 25C. attempts have been madlete waik weli donc for, however-se mnuch of round the n orld. In the majority 8o, that at eone time I felt I must us ilteoherup Tes pil- usc'n ndauho-iy.of cases lie task lias been undertali- faîl out of the saddle. à" W R Fophers are the fashion who telil Ileason, eniighted by W-Isdlomcniha~e t inn e, "A little farther along I ]ooked rus hat echig Intter muc se he kowlege ad prutic cf he jand the intrcpid pedestrians have round, but the tiger was nowhere Is L U K long as we chcw eur food wel idî lawss of thse universe; and ths t 'tl aysoi iite te bc scec: he 44,1 given up thse DLPrsa. K.&41uV TAKE A don't worry. And the most suc- heart, lit up by love, tse invig-or- told mnn stoI - rgarng the_____________hase._____________ cessul o preent ay pepegnd- tionstreminglu fem CD a'rit L~ ~ jperils cf their journeys afoot cae si are tfbeschortva te os tai it i rem gedmenn and orncfl;un tihese fu h oeeif andscf tese dob-stukm.EdetyIadlt n andhouhfîeg ans tXsdub- 'Then another feaful thouglit i tiseshes cf exess, fersthnas Contary te wmtetomedpeple on a aing tou tre is ne heul, on devil, neo rc,_ ae hy ha0ha ecue the neclrkad e ai.Menwil arecten seul from its onse-trotters expciiened such thrillhng vay aitogether, and I reflected ý hearts cenime te brek, homes put brood. AUJES V\D KI I MILE adventures as those which befel M.ceesyuo y odto nts tie beshiponriued, moeuthotes lientbod. CFBANKANDOIRANB. il.enri Gilbert, niso started fi-cm event of my being benighted, situ- b c s, i p -w e c e d , o u h s t b D . P A X R A E .P a r is in 1 89 3 o a 1%a k . a d a I t e n w s a t h a t tig e r -in - full f theashesof excessf-rt*iiteround thse sserld nitlp a slow te fested wildcrness.A to lbe lest, and quarrels te deveiop. tink I have eouuld t pcssible iut rc Tis ktattac, eerai s te RON rasecales uccsiuii ei sks- achicva rec-d. In China lie "But, luckiiy, just sshen I had - 'rie ret-t-e tena b JTi c5n1is'ïl m as v e2y neerly kiied by -a -mois_. arot gîven _pail ho0pe cf ing Cured Iw the New Metlrnd Treaînre race, is tragedy. 'NeÇ-t for uothing ns 1k u, ays a ce respordent. Teh u t a ie pasg irug y a- a Hindu oanaead thse gseat cu-ative minds freml (Frein the News.) way te de is-> put theYoUtîster lucha tisat lie met -ss ith his Mtost on the road befere me and, lu ans- NNMEORPTSUEDWHUTRTENCNET. AeýchvIus te Shakespeare,, h old UP in a pen by sîseif alter it lias suck- nerve-rackiag adventure. wer te My inquiries, indicated, the NERVOUS DEBJIUTY te u s .the poliblhed mirror cf tiseir RECEINT VISITORS. cd tise mother for two or t1sree fHe arrised at a place. called Nag- right roai."--Loudon Tt-Bits. Tiôias ~~of young ad middle.aged men are anuil1y swept rmtr rv verse and show us elften the div ine Mrs. Gilfilian and family at 'dau s, and let it get hunigry. Then poor, and oxplered sonie cf theseur-___though 8y tsnquîeitous Fx eeitstadlaodDaaea fyuhaeayoftef1 humait face stenie sçitten wuith is aBowmansillc; Mrs. Wm. Beacom take some cf tihe motheslitA, ik and 1rcundÎing country in cornpany witis dent an gloomy, speeks b fore the eyes, with d ~csce ne hrwa ak look -beiand ,snake. lsaired has returnied f roui lisiting her par- tc-uch il. tedrink, suIsiis h euldiea scientist suho sas ecugagec ils se- 1INXE 1WOIIED BY INLICE. iletonisees, sedîment rn urine.,Fca e'l co with herrors. eN!,Mr. usto)n, Toronto, at, acco)mplissed alter tweorý three 1 seat-ch woetk there. During tise day - fudistrstful. tc:esergy and kairengtlr, trdmrîas esiJcaueb have ~~~~ Fe i brca Iay, te ame t uallae t TwsootchCeail 3iners NHave LuJo0, ea rmalldecfty, Ubone pain, arloe cetr~,ec Aii sorts of c hrav eenM.Frank Mcgan' ý îtislinol; tria-ls. aFeedit tireagemes YOU WILL BE A W RIC Fbàswkcd do'uvn the streetsf ime. Miu. anid Ms.Gigg and faily at and ut irst do nût gise ic mure1 which an Eng-lisis parÉy had aise aqieN et.OiwNewMeioTramacan âeyunC nialzeamanyo.Udrt nu One culit sayt cf us ce, laugis aïtit; My.. Dravid Mfftt_;Mr. and Mrs. tan a gallon ofi 5lk ea,, î day in rj euoe cf theie temucîs of .zurteen years age two cth d ea,rhe an the ecoaaîo as efeîL hasro sl îisbhfIesanid- aliber, inWc't iucspenitelitial Frank -Stinscu, Toreteoii lst isýe three, feeds. If ise ealf cees wisicis had a bicycle sitis him. Gil- ceai minis'named Ifugis Ferris Ild crvansh, the eye beconesbrigh, thiaface fi),and ceav nrg eunat h tomns nyeurself'that you eut- 'fatler; Mrs. Richards and daugli- net seens te ie veîy strcisg, give hcrt asied permission cf tise cuvace and William Hastings set ou foot b'iory'vthmoalwter<itiieaad xutsysteinme ,ï,ýqz-,sa n gake:a dan caei d tent on rnor.,viit waolefly;tan- tertOlive oithherquacteranMr fakirsgoîfor an hour or tard doit neisr fc i soidy a trOlv, vihlirsite.Mi.it a fourtis feediiîg at bcd lime. t ofra ero ' ie a sciseme sihicisbas îesuited inaoee re olr.we wiiI cure YOon oapay. other, deuy it, n4.twvithstanding tise Joli,,at 'Prcte; AMi-a-ssiseit ii wam Routh-eitiing ou c tno ,i cars sinc e leof tise mest vouderfuui creatieus ev- EEYHN RVT N OF fact; aethr, ohn ur nsttuton, rfod i imrovig fom ieriîicow until it ls a agood staîrtand isad meunted a machine. This was rseen lu the Britishs Isles. They READ: no rattr Woha treatedye, write£ran honeso;inF. sr wh,,ch wli jesure you agaiust it, nets; Mis. James Miller, hetme front is drinking useil. Continue titis glveu, adnsiec ies~uusddntsedsci n suisQUU10 IO ST FOR HIOME TREATMIENT SENT NRQJS if n-ot ha thisusoriti, in the next; thse bespital at Toroto; Miss Lou practice for a fertniglit. of tise scientist, niso lad iseard that peuîriug over books and dictionar- agh avdisoo.Bhed ise e a ing ae Oanwod, br tîir tister, r- Tisen beglu te feed lu skimmili. tiiere were uany tigers hantise dis- les, or levea experimeatiugiha, Mix tesponfu offlasee mea trctGilertsared ff.chemical iaboîatery sitistest tubes tuhabout it, ,which is tisat ail Mis. R. H. Brosvu, Mis. Wmn. Mc- -uMxatapofofli ase d e ANtte, GieNI sated off. a nd the'mometeîs, but-tisey~ realtrobea1iela alra Leod, home from visiting lier with a teaçpciumte~ NA A~NN HC bought two white mice. As tlseyCr.Mcga Ave. an-d Griswold St., erit ih peýace is daugists, Mis. as Scymourset it ou tise baci ef tise steve for PoragtHe; Ms. WKenneymScet-a'few minutes. Ths mix with oee Afteî îicliug a feîv miles ii iy rudedhome in-tise evenings f rom nOTI E _Ail letters fhem Canaaxsbedrs I1 R ENES OWN HEART, landportHpM;,M. Mceln Mr. aScotquart cf shinimilk and oeo euw clown in an open glade te rest, plac- tise mine the~y used te looi fcrwaîd ___________ uen a insr n.Cgindeet an is ues wuhuercur ~ Ms.Pefendaur. e uan iis ýand fecelit thiee tises a das Âug bus bicycle agaiust a bush. Ul- te feecliug tise animais and -natch- i nWnsr inon'son nnrcorti Ms.Pefun adMýý.*e, A-tirnately, lie feu asbeep, f rom ivischis îg tieir w-ays and habits. They set. us personally call atocur Medical Institute in fletotasesc dtrt tis ral rea c tlumpli or cf uts, Courtîce, and Mr. AIf. Aluin, al'wau-s ut a temperature te e iswa sveedoyacuios oiekept them puîely as a hobby, and Po patients ini oui Windsor offices wlsidh are fororsodneat defat.Bownmaux ic, at Mi. T. H. Von-cs let jduly euc her ntise bed cf a smîalsatereousse g avee up a lot of spare time study- DaoaoyfRS. KNNEDYan&b ENr NEY, A ddrs i etr sflos Tise2re is ne 0t a single tragedy in Mr. and Mis. F. G. lioney, Victor-] Next, andialiy ed e s tmise tuen-'wbich nus directly in frnf i m Iing thc animais cîoscîy. Thcy brcc R.KNED END, idoOi hito'y s acelioi pitseu a, B. C., witb Mi., J. . Hiouey; miiraud incrase tise simmili unîoutoîm. b ,MissLasa Ede-ards home fionss:Couttii ut tise age cf oeemonth tise Thc story nsuy bc tobd lu Giibcî'jfostss w ni ut ooy Wtecoyrvtades n lis "Wisclem aud Destîny, ~~~~~~~~~~on-n suortis: "'I lifted s y iead cof thc littie rodents had spîuug np; _________________________________ inhre fataiity randy se,i.Ex-ber ne; Miss Rrribv Tisrutea suPet- caif i-- gettîug thrîee quarts cfilj iiys-"," le sais, "aud loo.çss nd tignitrsigfe do sem t erbrouh; Ms. J R. oopr vi- sknimik-ad on teapoonulcf towaîds tisespot, my gaze îested almost every mouse la thisesucollec AeIVNnIINNW toth terual fata'ties titere osex is orgir;pMretJ. R. Cooerovis- lasiniiniii.uud ee tâe aeonful efire n wckdhe tien to-day is ad na ntfmGNR NIGFOR *sfciesste tsetp fcai c ai beh sce, s i-mtsuccdh asti 1esprnt u ndrwol;fixee ea tscetiasccdyidenRt, thei fsend on bn wti er deea f tsewiied ad ise Mrt . Ed. Fieldisig, Toronto, witb Sec te it that tise miii is alwavs und long, lithe, striped bosdy cf an tise fiîst pair. UIIbU1iuiy at tise e dftes uel t e iatheîcisa thg is sister, Mis. John Riciaby; Rev. ssect. Thsis is a point cf tise ut- immense tiger. 1 sisouîl judge tisat Speuding, us lic did, part of lis The cases a- rpe tapê as n itenaifaaliy eesne ex Chas Adams and fasily, Newton- most importance. F7uriserusore, be wa, about thiîty yards fies me. day ut home -itîs pet mîce and arranged, spot n ieAaso ist. ise hre aiays tiumph' utville, ut Mi.-Ed. Cebbledici; Miss never ouerfeed. Oefedrgon "Whethier ho el tected nsy pic- part at wr n-ciihie colliciy,, it is I 5A EI1U PO otîtets for sbn byaeitue iest lTh eiut brun, iuhes a te cy om'fom Uder- sislRas sstuints a ealf. Ir scuce I cannoty, but ic remain- net surprisug tisat tise tur phases FITABLE OCCUPATIO-N. [go off by nIiit nsai ot lt inps rtclat bas ainy hre anuinge odMir. perey Rickaby, of thse it des net dr ink itsmik up cdean cd motionlesfor tome time. It cf life gradutaiiy became intermhug- jpick tisem i, tsigtssah -trisat iors, utisîbs onbin- tny ,,zidard Bank, Sltriffand ,totnce, taie awuy wisat .s lef t semed absoiutely- impossible for 1 led in Mr. Ferris' tuind. At liome b y meuns cf ts ee.l aeo a1ýaiiw.n h*,ovi home; Mi. andu s hrfadad gis et attiMe unti it me te tliulc cf escapiug 1,11, meaus, h15must hase cftc-a heardinlua fig-Scotsai btyRfe Cnaaîtseresaucfoueh S i îUc-iihie tefamiiy, Tuoente, at lier motiers, lias an appetite for thice quarts cf tise bicycle, for it suas ut îcast urative sense, tic ruttle and dia eu'-ily eut. ax nniu sbut e ; identupon 1 cftsn;Manager H hr thîes adfay, scidos any twcuty yards fions 'me; and îow! of tise celicru, and at woîi tise Be Pîîîeîased for a Th-ce uc-art gteetc lc are ythn ut yehaadn iirH. id, ofa thetandrduhBankmire, aud as, ne tn-ccalves are couil I possibly ireacisit and maie tiouglits of hisncecih dyson g. apro -ituersiaur-dbygn .-ýc ,eyin ny eat 1ic1 l hoidain tPetrbrouh; r.aikeJxcv paîeulaimy wy oteiigh oa s-vthout have bec-nfa rmhsin.I1poetei sport chance; etbas eyinbynGumsby of tise C.P.R. cf- jceiisesnrCnucrigteisatatn ientc fteterrible it littbe wn der. then, that v7ery Net long ugo a London finladriinuers. Atîemse ii r sutre ia thiri operation as tise fcs, Toronto, at isomne; Mi. and animal, w n-b atise or tht-ce bouuds soon lie came te associate mîce nîti salue a Million biu-nd -snle river off TiL udiega anstisatins;e tise sua. Ila tetisiMis. Elmo Pattersea, Oshsawa, sith cgc. nir al oler ihmce htrfls npr ecndstao.ige le ts, aîea words, esery wietcbeci- mais a' bis sister, Mis. liens. Best;Mri. -,'isen tise caîf is a uicîth old sueuld 'hc upea mu b coller m au oihi roasublcex-shotfes u ere c t codtaisalb) on.in e ag oadss ntv Lapcon tangled andl cruslied by and Miss Latisangue, Lifford, wlth isegin te fced it a little hay and a DISCOVEIIED. Aften sanu oryesecftroouech- Thoesehngete hc as erta sttiui t ) oereu fies re tise serpents issuei fries his own their cousin, Miss E. Maguire; Mi. fc-w outs, or a littie meal, se as te ihterýw ad n t o-es n a ed ogttecrot telf.l. 0ae adM . o.Castels, keep it growiug tbriftiby. Tisougis "iPîesentiy T suiv hlm drop lis inca c-ectcds-isthrow hasiuitftesuîdas-cdiegetseagoebcrflsudaesc Among t-licse serpents tise uîýst[Toronto; Mr. Jases O'Dea and this usethod lascives sortie trouble ,bead àuclbicgin to îap thceuater.a initue mco.his irte sue soîigcftiobslnoete seoao i a crtîl cosnmou are the bodilly appetites - dauglter, Miss Lois, Cadilue, ut times, it is us'rth whisi'e, and bai- At lie raised hiuc-ad again Ike THE VESSELFE N LG tisat have been iahowed toe trangici Mici., aud Mrs. Tises. Doncaster, ring accidents, tise rcsult uiiletu u iîgefiemsecu ny tien dcl flot sieuse the-utlisnfes uith tise c un.Aiil- . a i I~~talsC notice. Foilonwi *sryms -ettbe set te nrork te buiid suiat hias ammualtion ssouid be a seicuis Tise Frenciausoteseneu eon, it is as- il a man drilves lis BertDobson and Fred SaieC.naking tise best cf cwsor bec-ses. jc bts ulgg, oserwti etiMeinwgoe ohokowaa tcmutr ftîe apeedt bl nt syugita umerc amd ot shedge over tise suons cf dcstiny, ateaddugaerMssNele,- axet y na u 1ni cîivclIJuge eteColei onpuy is ans fîeeutourc. yict uîrude is ese, a guiding stîong wclves, whicis publ1ornt; Miss Lenora Wîiamsea ADOPT GRADING SYSTEM. tescii paetî bu er td," tilt nasne beiug explainc-d byP Nous these rifles ushicix can ble pur- suaited tub dan ohud ud biMewr ein sh rv)Tis Kt ilasnwt is Teqesino rdn raiIsturu huto tise jungle w'encc- ieisad 1th e ue tlattihexhibitioJnnhlad ecbasedsecheaply ha Euglaud arciy camne a tesrfeeplso. Ts thes, bu-f -.tuin and tend hlm suheu isK t yriiasuiiisMs eqeton fgrd ceti tcorne; but, aias 1toee httie bird bce euc y tcBso ugi wrl isfixeote tn tises their spot nliere ts1 mgie a e- l-pni-tco---sn- -n -Ann-pautsr;--" -lyi-ng "a"-iide-- acouc o lic Actes ectWtson ad f.mil, of Nw Yorker-ttr-atomre cth-f-ie msoi èll ilTbse iu< e structure is tvo large whueeîs. Tisat Asia and Africa. Tise bil tbes smok-. W lie tbcwnay is Foremoat cores aicehol, suhichi atnadfnlu fN- ok eyeeaossi hn a tand tise effeet uvas hstantaucous. 1i as pilzd b- ay awitlî bis setIer; 'Mn. and Mis. isast uc-uit. It is a subjeet cf vital Ts ie tpc udny adou tise left las otîci cf thce rs Ion tise Indian -frenther thini so e scihad dspeacdcRrcp !tlea s r-hI, d burued- teJohn Ramer, Markham, seegitests importance te tise nery inter- Theeled r sond lue nyigntaiglsut tise pit-ead, suhile ail tise me- highy cf rifles'tisat tiscu nul risk tain, seeiughisefotuneed risc- grouid hrw m yandpinit's at- "Litoiurst' ; The Misses ests. Wisctltei feutunately or unt- giaeyc-s round lin teni pntise cisniscf tise ceai-cuttiug machine thiscis-ils -cecpiug inte British bîad fic-cl tish agcossigc d1weliiu it imigit bave dieered OLeuiy, Wagouei, Okla., sitii foitunatcly ne scienthît has lic-en veîy spot sîhere 1 îay. and tise rstctieudrondjfoirpstbyigtiniere 0ba scfodrad le T 9e1i edunadtsti so ieranMît. A. A. Go.niby, able tà, evolve a prccesi for tise "H usd o ýonet nsorkinIgs arc set su motionhy tic- ttc-ai ueapeas fies tise racks. Thec isiseif, lissbpadtesboec Thsritua schidrenkad t ie firt LînathurDt .Jases New- manufacture cf good butter fnom thon, to my indescribable h4 u iselou tise riglit. Tise sole col- average Patisan ivilireadilu give al lis ýcreuv te etuto.oetsn pitui is1 edmpAndcfhau uic-o sot ,sîle nd family of tise child- 1îiery is uvrkeclhy 300 mice. ,Tise tsat lho pessesses for a modern ile Weekiy. bele prsc-r istiat e raî.c- io, ewYe, it1 issite, ieîcrc-am. If sic are te have a commenced te cîcep siowly su sy ïstaie>r i Mr-,. A. A. Poies r; Mi. and Mrs-gcd uniforni grade cf butter, ts heto.Pesnbl o tse pc-an d-r ic-wc-p r ncii s udaalstcyfasunto.s tisat.. as noonc-macle aitsi-i dînkzy itm ratogan iccMiss faîmer mst dcouver -a unifoîns, close titat 1 was cniy able te dis- bc- peueado if suthd cofan THE AIIAB TRIBES. cot sisc-f.Aieictui sucso lliam Aobsong Ma.dJoiu aei 1gcod grade of creain. Unifority tinguish is hsmovemeuts b tceau Se sec-n dtee do a fuir sisare cf IIS T hcptself Ac-Ss ýmisnee Em Dboy; Mr. on W..-dd i dayprouctt enor. They sien fies 2 tili b5 acagee, E. --s- a- - hi oune otise mst caklu f tise leases anîd tuigi ,n-r i t-5- ardeut ic-sykentise us ealtses CLNECIA ALWYS UIT dci aîd Mn Tioma Cewn bs eesseuatial tisings in tlîcir manufue- as lho crept along. I noui felt tîtat adfes t00 'le. t {aiedq a y ien,_te -aisàtiese s, "en.ci eyancdbe Slt -dJnteo~f turc .Pcepic acquire tait-es, and, my case sias quite liopeles s. 'No occi and 10 ocioci a cusîseus ni t stesprtacodto cfgene Wecst; Mi. JmsBelo pcalecnb inesd r o prsiten- - iNciefor il- asm Tcn.seebrgasu an impothensrtul catihionîssfRiciyond, Virginia, wniselcft this In eider te be iutisficd, tise.acquir- thing,' J said t tehycf e ectaineres e îitnese, injmetprsset utmesfr ii ai mot.n il htis oeeS.jell,'ca aeniprm a îig ltscf icftrpclon u îts as usd1 as rifles and ammuai- my bicusel.s sgt' sog e ctin ve tiry eas aoviit e ti1s msdbc-s fid.Tise two lotienoare tie leader cf iseenu- 'aid luii Vstbuec-b Wemhglit aise speak cf ged gMi. George Polsard und otherl J. itkJi, Stute Dainy anu' Food ucatîr And uct-se qucy de osprt eatetutli stoaetelaeso h cls idte t cf ambition, cf idienets, cf euvy, cf 'rnaivs.Commissioeîciof Minnresota, tissist- tise hiain n'otk inu scb case'.-0mfîy - clep a a i j si, tise Did thevdeai ucursilSecret cate f egctism, cf piead rlelatins ci. -aewcrem.r ina more fraction cf t- tierth se two ewikaaisît i-et Moisamedn tecret "o 'l hnrsïdrced and oe tiser suakes tisat Cupu in iî. Scld by Mininesota uvierte cmanagement despairing tisonglts. I coaceived ia saagdts bftcuti f -tise Saltura. 'o h ,oicsprsp ' ar nste- i tsehmas eutJuy oin'l, o-wmilc-. itcnd-e nyanepu bn iustiedepoat dea i ain adai tsO5iclos bfttaithse ts IScc-u tseimeseprfisou"inxe iadaîyuthot, ui liatlieci n te wrmcis f slf ut i. mbieseO. iudayfoi- acoringte ts uabty.It s tse or iseble cil.oiie-deaîtsen anl sce et-a. eibng uniion cfsua- t saageior - MseseusuGleitrefiesut end cf Orne oun fbteru hhbemacle1 ycutha utseo a I ad uîre yard. betweejonn y u t r asa n ubr u1 ad i tht ne-w roudasITbld, urnig bbut 10,)6000 tons usore tisan tisatus ulepoi sm na Dî - " yar. Jc aîiei uhciOtltweiad e er twc. an git aîs my patsa4 lui ic-c- - wysihi usashaiand ut tise end cf mite, tee, and poNider sere tisere, r- - ........ut W . J e a E.de uDe wa Iieyil l rs han-t lah go tv c, A quarter, and excee ls SY 358,- encugis te hios a fleet siy bigis ' 1the' kuet sio. sy.____ t ld alontheu1sdeay W xO tn s tisetonnage building ila These "suipples" siere intendcd fuWO' hOpO3 fer surtburnà, dc o gi ioeet npPsdn ueharged tise objeet isedleng and ,mn, 1910[hoCntaesitinr Cs q mTe î-tEpiatR ef Mn.W. Maxsiell Miibota 40l"sr'a jui nerieis syCuie. mties s cci er agustutMu Wl-SocibyJuy LvelBoimn- beor cauin ltoitI c p Bitaiss great pieweUsence ,as a itttee, usuel bad ihio duies oisadivgeae i h lias Aistie ets a îw uetittd b uryk le. ever ,, iecll(ilelflin cntîntiatshipsuiidinig nation is ith!]nasal-l is e Cuau.î sW etlca ri.Wry ~114~ AS~If~~~ hom teClcugo. Ms aei Gnlmn(enessg--"Do ipea ise tiger sias gaining. îtwgos )c' n tise tonnaeune na H&'Y f WoAr t uc fts u u-o<n ~,îWare-.~~ Who lad bec-n isiting Mu !eiWork lae, boyb" Offie Be0y - iltîcut saytng tiiut IThtcraliy as rmueb-- under couf- by rinning mb 1a port it ae iltrSJ ~ t r~sso ait friuds jine li leuea fsidayt " 'Only sileistise qvemtor hà loch- threw amyseif into ic c eaddie ugui i nIsnîcic aailï tic- u-t cf tie tise rifes wpueied ilu ai;tgtcaejpai .c-ip.optf Àeîp.n4 1~efonc lit leaiiig. ing.-"witI Luanie1eny, assd pdald -ul ut togetiser. Ishdiaecncidii iee