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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1911, p. 5

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PURE BLOOD MEANS STRENGTH NYALI'S Be""LOOD PURIFER means pure blood. Try il and you will be conviîîced. Bouls, sores, pimples, skin diseases and rougli skia imdi- cate impure, thui.hlood. Nyal's Blood Purifier, purifies and enriches flic blond, driving out the poisonous muaterials that produce such disagreeable symptoms. It is for the same class of diseases as those treated at Hlot Springs. Got a bottle at our store: we recommeud if because we know wliat is in it-and every NYAL Remedy is good. Prices$1.00 - .M. MITCHELL &CI Druggists Opticians Phone 92a. Bowmanvîlle, ]HE STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA, TORONTO, fias rensoved to its new Hlead Office Building, Kinîg St, West, cornier of Jordan St., Toronto. The Savings Bank Department at the new l ocation wili be made a special feature of the Bayik's business. A UEW POINTERS. Tise ST. ( ,-'UARINES BUSINESS COLLEGE classes vs open fo-r tise FPs terrm on Tuesday, Sept. 5tbi, That the sehool lias nsaintained ils iigli standard of work for another year is evident. The St. C. B. C., tiîough owusd and snanaged by the Princi- pal, T. F. Wright, is affiliated, for examinafion purposes, witli the Business Educatori' Association of Canada. Candidates, in order 10 pass the B. E. A. exaninatinus, must make 467 marks out of a possible 700,, or a minimum of 67 per cent. Twenty St. C. B. C. stu.dents who wrotc on tbe B. E. A. examînations during the past year maids on an average 80 per cent of the marks obtainable. Six candidates made Lise honor mark of 85 per cent. Two C ommercial candidates made 633 and 608 rsspectivelY o)uf of a possible 700. ToSlio)rtiand.candidates made 620 and '612 respecfîvely' out of a possible 700. Sueli a record few secîools can dlaim. Due Credit must be giveti to the brigbt, energetie studeufs as wsll as to the sntliusiasüic, liard-wýorking teachers. Students desiing the best iîn Business or Sliortband tmaining shouid forwamd their siames and addresses4 at once f0 the ST. CATHARINES BUSINESS COLLECE, 28 Queen Street, St. Cathacines, T. F. 'WRIGHT, - - . - - PIRINCIPAL. BOWMANVILLE STATION. G0ING EAST. OOING WEST ExpreIss 8.44 a. mi. Express 4.22 a. ni. :Express 1.18 , ocl 743 Passenger 3.31 p. ni. Passeaiger 1.48 p. in. Local 6.49 :Passenger 7.58 Mail 9.58 Daily. BOWMANVILLE, AIJG 17, 1911. Salem chicken pie supper Aug. 27-28. 4-in silk ribbon toc yd Saturday at Nichoils. Mr.Jay Weaver visited his sister Mrs. W. Anderson, Brighton. Miss Mary L. Metcalf, Burford, was re- cent guest of Mrs. M. A. James. Miss Hilda Hamiey, Oshawa, has been visiting at Mrs. R. H. Hamley's. Mrs. 1. L. Hobden and family, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. A. W. Psckard. Miss Alicia Creeper is visiting her uncle Mr. S. C. Barrett, Mount Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wright, Toronto, are visiting his sister Mrs. J. J. Mason. Mr. Wm. Sinclair, Grand Rapids, visit- ed bis sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Amos, Burford. Order ail your funeral designs or cut flowers from S. J. Jackman. Phone 8o. Miss Young is visiting Mrs. Henderson, Cobourg, and attending the Horse Show. Men's two-piece suits at away down prices at Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman's. Leave your order at Caidwel's Liverv for boat Ttsesdays and Fridays. Phone 127 Mr. Vanstone, Brantford, spent Sunday witb Dr. and Mrs. Amos.-Burford Âa- Vance. Dr. T. C. DeviitI and Mr. Geo. W. James are enoying a week's flsbing at Algon- quin Park. Ail Summer gonds selling off at greatly reduced prices at Couch, ohnston & Cry- derman 's. Mr. Wm. Buxton, wife and son Earl, Toronto, are visiting bis aunt, Mrs. Wm. Richards. Miss Carnie Painton bas been visiting ber sister Miss Marie Painton, Centre Is- land, Toronto. Misses Lena and Gertrude Hamlev and Mis.s Mary Hamley are visiting Mrs. Tbeo. Fishleigb, Oshawa. Muslins, prints, ginghams and dress gonds aI greatly reduced prices aI Couch, Johnston,& Cryderman's. Mr. Chas. V. Cole and Mr. Frank Chris- lie let Tuesday for Cupar, Sask., 10 assist in harvesting the wbeat crop. Mr. Wm. Rickard, Newcastle, bas been appointed returning officer, for Durham county in the coming elections. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ives, and Mr. 'and Mrs, Geo. Purdy were gucats of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDonald, Millbrook, recently, Miss H. E. Cotter, Oshawa, and Miss Mildred obnston, Bowmanville, are visit- ing Mrs. Frank Barton.-Belleville On- Mrs. (Rex.) Jas. Hodges, Oshawa, and Mrs. J. C. Seymiour, Belleville, were re- cent guests of Mr. W. H. Williams, Lib- erty-st, Mr. Fred R. Foley bas rcturned from a month's trip 10 Edmonton, Calgary, and other places in Western Canada greatly deligbted witb bis trip. Mr. A. J. Gay, Osbawa, who bas the contract for tise building of tbe new scbools in Lindsay, was in town to-day.- Lindsay Vost, Aug. il. Miss Nellie Oram, Toronto, is spending ber vacation at Mrs. Alex Taylor's con- cession-st. A very enjoyable picnic was beld Friday at the Lake in bonor of Miss Oram. Miss Mabel Borland is visiting friends iu Toronto and attended tbe reception given 10 Private Clifford on lus returu fromn Bisley to tbe Queen City Monday evening. Mrs. Jas. Ciare accompanied by ber son, Rev. G. R. Clare of Newcastle, left Tuesday morning for a trip West on a visit to ber sons, Revs. David and Bert and many other friends.-T1weecl News. "'Give me the bright sbiny coal with the short, round fracture. I don't like these long, tim pieces, they humn out ton quick. 1 wanl Scranton coal." The only place to gel il is from McClellan & Co, Limited. Annual meeting of Bowman Limited, proprietors @f Hotels Bowman and Bai- moral will bc beld in Council Room on Monday Aug. 28 aI 8 p. m. for receiving report of diceclors, election of officers and general business. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kelîs, Milibrook, announce the engagement of their daugb- ter, Mary Gertrude, 10 Mr. Henry Augus- tus Sums, son of tise late Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Sims, Prescott, and manager of tije Býank of Tomunto, Barrie. Durham Old Boys' Executive heid a basket picnic at Centre Island, Toronto, yesterday afternoon wben we trust the anticipated good time was eujoyed. Dur- ham Old Boys ansd Pretty Girls know bow We re in a dlemaavinig eceived noie a orn ouAug. 3, of tlue Liberl Coserv'tivec.nvcntion 1Iob bd i xndaHl, ecsîe us Farma 10 rent. See advî. Farms for sale. See advt. Aak F. H. Mason & Son about silos. Black Knigbt Stove, Poua.h 5c Saturday at Nicholis. Miss Nellie Gould is guest of Miss V. Steveus, Pelerboro. Store open Monday Tr6s,y -and Sat- urdays. Jas MacCUàiÇachie. Miss Mabel Brock ia visiting friends in Meaford for a couple of weeka, Mrs. Sidney Morris is vîiîing aI tbe home of ber parents aI Sparts. Miss Gertie Sinclair, Toronto, is visit- ing bier sister Mca, Alex. Christie. Leave your order aI Caldwell's Livery' for Arygle Tuesdays and Fcidays. Mrs. J. Kennedy, Winnipeg, Man., is visiting at Mr. R., T Stephens', Beecb Ave. Miss Julia Sinclair, who bas been hoi- daying at Wiarton, bas returned to Tor- onto. Mr. Fred Gale bias retucned 10 Toronto afier spending two weeks' vacation ai home. Miss Lillian M. Smale bas relurned frons a pleasant visit aI Lakeport and Castieton. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morris, arec iiîn their daughîer Mrs. R. H. Osborne, Mon- tague, Micb. Messrs. Ed. Hoar, Fred Foster, Lorne Squair, and Aif Nichols left Wednesday for the West. Ladies' suits and spriîîg coats selling off aI a big discount aI Coucb, Jobnston & Cryderman's. Rev. and Mms. J. F. Cbapman, Little Brillain, are holidaying with relatives here and at Orono. Mrs. L. G. Eastman and daughter Eîhel, Toronto, were recent guesîs of bier sister Miss Emmerson. SCRANtON COA-The standard for over 40 yeacs - for sale in ail sizes hy MuClellan &'Co., Limiîed Mm. and Mrs. F. W. Kirkendail and Mm. and Mca. R. Warren motored to Castlelon recently and vîsited friends. Lehigh coal is barder, lasts longer and conlains more beat than other coal. Sold only by E. W. Loscombe, phone T77. Mrs. Harold Fan sund son Newby re- turned 10 thein home in Toronto after a pleasant visil with hiem mother, Mrs. James Gale, Mrs. (Rev.) C. W. Barett sud son Gor- don, Hampton, Misses Nellie M. and Tess. L. Brown, Lindsay, are visiting their aunt, Mra. T. G. Mason. Mr. A. B. Ramadeli superintendent of The Rock Island Terminais, Chicago, Ill., visited Mrs. James Gale sud other relat- ives over the week-end, Mr. and Mca. Frank De Hart called on Mrs, Hiram Bumk, on thjeir way 10 their bomne in British Columbia after a three montha' tour in Europe. Mca. S. M. Stahi and grandson Teddy Ramadeli bas cetum-ned in ber homo in Chicago afier spending !thmee weeks with hem niece Mrs. James Gaie. There are more bealunuits in a ton of Scmaïnton coàal tha-n suiaun-y coal produdeëd. Egg, stove, nul. and pea simýes f'or sasie by McCl-ellan & Co., Linsited: Mr. R. H. Collacutt, Salem, la erecting coal sheds at tihe C.N.R,. station and 'wili shortly beabie to suply vail demanda. Watch for-»articulari.ster Mrs. Alex. Martin sud s ou Foley, Cal- gary, Alla., wbo witb hemerbusband bas jusî retucned fnom Bisley, Eng., are visit- ing bier uncie Mr. Wmn. Foley. Mr. sud Mrs. C. H. Mitchell, Hamilton, are guesta of the former's parents, D. sud Mra. Mitchell, at the esidence, Eastern Hospita.-Brock'rî llcReerder. F-Mr. and Mcii. W. J. McMurlry sud daughter Gertrude bove ceturned borne 10 Toronto aftcc spending a week with thse Misses Stephens and other frienda. Mr. C. R. Smîh, formerly of Cobourg Coliegiale Institute, bas heen appointed Commercial aud Art Master on the St. St. Catharines Collegiate Institute staff. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sanderson, Coîborne, asie enjnyîng' a visit witb their children aI] Rochester, N.Y. Misa Jennie Clarke, Cal- gary, Alta., is guest at iheir home lu Col- borne. Thse Dariingford Comelsasys: "Mn. Ev- erett Brown, Maple Creek, wbo bas been presiding aI the Regina examinations, is visitîng aI the home of bis sister Mca. J. Rohbins." Mr. aud Mca. R. T. Stephens, Miss Clem- ens accompauied by their gucat Mms. Ken- nedy of Winnipeg, Man., are attending Cobourg Horse Show aud visiting r'elat- ives in the coîtnty town. Mr. and Mca. C. B. Kent, Mas. Haddon, New York, Mns. Hiram Buck, Mr. John MacConnachie and Mr. A. B. Ramadeil, Chicago, spent Sunday witb Mca. A. Bac- con at Port Bowmanvîlie. R. A. Barris, Port Arthur, manager of Font William-Pont Arthur Fair, W. 1. Scbweigher sud Editor Allen of The Chronicle, are speuding a week in Ibis district taiking 10 farmers and holding ineetmgs.-Fort Fra nes Tiïnes. Mr. Camenon Pbilp who bias been visit- Kings Pise u Slsbryilain, saýiled for Englad laI wee, lie paty cons'sts tha Caaabaoel e n 0Efln 10~~~~~~~j cMt o ieKngsPie oor NEWCASTLE Our information thal Mr. H. J. Havi- land, B. A., Napanee, bad been appointed Principal of Newcastle Higb Schooi was not correct. He was offered il aI $1200 but did ont accept. Notices of' Birtits, 25 cents; Marriages 50 cents; Oeiths, 50 cents, essch inisertionl. wlsen fusueral cards are printeti et tis office. insertion free. B1RTHS r'FLD$ Tu Oshawa, Aug. 7th, to Mr..,antl Mcas A. C. Fieldis, a son. LO RJoOshawa, Aug. 41h, to Mr. andi M4' s, as Bloomer, a son. COWAN TuL Clarke. Assg. 51h, b Mr. and Mcc. ý5 : Cwan, a tiaughter. !".)IhS. Gs'o. GmbletI, a sou. -)-In T Clarke, Aug. ist, to Wr, and Mars. Al- borti V. Reid, (neeC tanra F11 tt) a son. WrLSON -At 75 Casîle Frank Roati, Tooto, Asîg. 111h, te Mr. ami Mrs.Charles Leslie Wilson, sou. MARRIAGES HARRISON-CA RLSON-In Minneapolis, July :24, Stanley M. Harrison, Oshawa, and Miss Ellen Carlson, Cutlin, Mian. HOLDSWORTiu-LONCsIOTTo-M rAt. St. George's charch, Oshawa, August 7, Milss Ethel Longbot- bsn ni Mc. John Walker Holdsworth, both of Cv, ïswicn ucu XD-At Port'Perry, Ang. 5, by Rev. Bi. Bamforth, BA., Ioua B.A., second cangh- ter of air. Albert Orchard, and Alymer B. Caw- ker, Port Percg. MeQuAsu -GAY-At Meticaîf-st. Methodist par- sona,,e, Oshawa, by Rev. S. C. Moore, Aug. 3, aMiss Ada Lôretta Gay amidair. Claude E. Mec- Quaidc, both of Oshawa. DErENBRCE FlslonsAt Dundas, Aug. Oth, by Bey. J. B. Htamilton, M.A., Mis, Phuebe Anu, dlaughter of Mr. Eloser E. Fisher, ami Mr. Chas. W. Detenboci,, Oshawa. HOUGrIION-HoGuie ,At Port Hope, Aug. 9tb, by Rev. Canon Montgoiner, Rector of St. Marks Church, Samusel Houglîton, Oshawa, andi Fila Miay Hogue, of Poil Hope. JONýls-LEwi,ýoNGT-InT St. George's Churcli, Oshawa, by fiev. 0. fR. dePeucier, Anig. 5, Miss Moy Beatrioe Lewiugton and Mr. Thoumas Bur- bank Joues, both of Cetiardale. HÙumzS ROBEsTISO'ç At Owen Soundi, Aîsg. 2, Miss Roesiehael Roberts, neldest dangiter of Mr. John Riobertson, and Mr. Frederirai. Hughes, sonr of Col. John Hughes, Newtonville. DAvirnsO\ H UNS'At Woodctock(, Ang. 2, by Rev. Jos. Toull, Eastwood, Mr. Ernest Ward Davison, of the 'Traders' Bank, Port Hope, anti aMisa Marcia Adeline, îlaîghtoc of air. E. S. Hunt, Woodstock. CUM.wcIsNri'Ho.sKiN-At St. Autirews ehncch. Victor ia, B. C.. hy tie Bey. J. R. Manco, Florence Edîia, daugbier of air. and Mrs. Freescan Hos- kin, Winnîipeg, and Jacob Glbert Cumming, of Claresholu, Alla. WoonMcCCauýiîtiey At the resitience of the obitieý parents, Aug. 9Ib, by Rev. A. S. Stewart, Mý,ai ha Lonigîidge (ace), daughter of Major anti Mcc- John MceCassgheyi lo*atc, Abert Edwarti Woodi, boih of Cobourg., SALnE ADnssAt Woodstock, Ang. ird, by flev. C. L. MeIrviss', pastor of Central Melhotiist church, Mr. Wesley J. Salter, Classical ataster of Woodstonk Collegiale, andi son of air. Harry Salles', Oshawca, anti Miss alinnie Adamîs, Wood-. stock. DEATHS Cons Tu lHampton, Aug. 121th, John Yeo Colo, Su his 721h yes c. ReGNîlI l Tucson, Arizona, Aug. 3, John S. Rogan, iii his 551h year. intercedtia Oshawa. WcALSRAt Orono, Aug. 10, flebenna Adina, third daughler of James asnd Margaret Walsh, TREw- nuIHope, Aug. 12, Sar'ah Jane Stotidard, couret of the iate William Trew, lu hec îlot year. Ooc' t Otawva, Aug. 14th, Henry Hotige Horsey,iSuhics8isI ear. Inlermenl aI Kingston. Venuier, ifoe f J.Groves. InterrotiatBowmsin- ville. SrssuîsA'î Tsi Oshawa, Aug. 91h, Fr'ank, youung- est sou of Mr. anti Mcc. Leonard St edîsan, ils bis 151h yeac. itOWEA . the residenne ofhbis soui-l-ac, air. Lewis Allie, lHampton, Aug. 10, Roger Rowe, ageti 82 years. Inter,.eti aI Orono. VA,Kouaii-sEr At 34 Earl St., Toronto, Ang. 10, Agnes, wife of tire laIe Saller J. VanfloIIgh- net, K.C.. daîs5hter of Hion. Benjamoin Seymour, Port Hope. AHSBsURY-At the residence of ber danghtec, airs. A. W. Pringle, Port Hope, Aug. 9th, Mary Stev ens, relint of the late John Amsbury. Inter- ced ai Oshawa. "Lest Ne Forget" E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer anti Dealer in Monuments, Tablets. Mackecs, etc., in Granite anti HarbIe. Bowmanville, Ontario. S FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Sonj j Most Complote Equipusent I iunday ant i ught raIls pcomptly aitendetu . I Bowmanvilie Phones 10-34 Branches: ORONO HAMPTON ,Bft ER o TDAS l nsNigat > alas. HUCGORTS, Concessiîon ias., Bowîncun- ville. 3t VIPEFOR SALE-Two storey double brick flieling bouse, nornser Concession asiC SHnog.sts. 4.pply le fR. R. LOccoIcI, Barcister, BowmanvilSe. 2 -t ,f WANTED AT ONCE-First class piassoregu- lators, lurnish experieuce anti wages ex- peceet. Apply W. Dohecty Piano & (>sgass Co. i.i, Cl'Intu, (Ont. 32 6w AUM4R~ TO REINT-Excellent farm 10 reuI aI LOshcawa harbor; splendid cSaylbain, Sisi- class graisuanti stock farsu. Plowiîg after preseul crop: posseSsion April ici, 12. Apply2t to 0. D. CONSNI£, Osbatwa (South). 't1 ROOMS TO LE]? Over Mitcihell & dos Drag Store. A successfnl dressnaking buscinssc bac been narrieti ou bore for over 20 ysacs. Excellent location. i-mmesOsto possession. Ap- pSy to R. M. IIsCusLL & Co., Bowmanville. Mt F A 11H TO liENT1'100 acces, boîun lt 14, Cous. 5j, Daîlisiotosi,about 11,smiles frosusse Cv.N. stalos. Wie assi hce ii pciriame bouse and g~oC outdoor buildings; bard ant 'ilt wsater. Apply t toN U'OcvaIN,\ Banupîcu. FA.RM FOIR SALE-e50 acres, bciuug lot'15, cnu. 8, Dsilîglýon, osie msile sîirtls of FusniskiclIeni. ou wbinh are gooti frassue bouse, bansiiidout, ba'idings.Goil mate. lFor- parienî.srýs appiy,, te Mies. xv. 1H. 'îsîe's, Oteli 5., Focemncille'. ,)UOSE ANIS 1,01 F01ESALE-A brickliîoîu-, ou -IstsiSt,C6 ceorne, gooti cellar, icf auains î,t ad ihavissg 8 or 1.) rhoce applo trocs, ct à, 1 g roi si, iiiiving sedianti now stable. 'esc cash ori soy hc a sinia.1aicîust iuay resus cii ouiîst Age puim teoH. R. L.c 'inziiiBan 0 fiEr î0C acces la,5,lot 19 , c. s, DBas- liost 00 aiS ile sssath-west if H'îîsptcuî, Tli enieist tes bubaue i 'bohJ. Ons ther pcîp- itsl 1 4;romi -rauelisoe, guod stoîs rlIr a iScu Iutr, uf a -, io frasue natie coculliepu wsa'rec su ,hacul and5î,. usuei Pogssgpoeaos buis faîl, fupdciull s lic,1911, rrcIlcSu 'btser pitsls îlp MteWc. S. STsUART, h'te FARMS WATED« WC IS"i- cl5nf ulo 4 si.î is Frut r aiy îrm wogt ipke ShrIo er Ulay rteii ing l prtiulas sd lwes ne * What About Heating H your home with hot water from [ Rangc?,[ Cali at MASON & DALE'S before M lu ~buyi*ng a Furn'ace -or a Ranige if * Sole 'Agents in West Durham forn for Goodyear Auto Tires. * MASON, & DALE, Il 2 Doofis EAST 0F POST OFFICE,HOSY BLOCK, f [PHONE 145, BOWMANVILLE. [ F. A. HADDY'S Ideal Soap First Class Laundry Soap 6 bars for .............. 2d5 c Ideal Baking Powder resuits, 1. lb. tin........... Ideal Tea The best ever for the money Black, Green, Mixed, Two Qualities - ................. 20é 25cM4C Fru its ,c)f Ail Riridtff. .R---.A. IIADDY,- GROCER, BOWMANVILLE. S. W.Mason & Son' s 2 pisses 4 yrswide, English Linoleum, Special value. Floor Oilclotlss, 1 yd., 11~, 11, 2 yds., wide, new patteras. Lace Curtains in white and ecru. Ladies' Wiif Muslin Dresses ail si'zes and prises. Wbits Linen and Duck Wasli Skirîs. Nes Parasols for Ladies an~d Chuldren, Emnbroidered Dresa MNualins an,' Flouncings. White Muslia Waists, witb imnaSîsevea, the very kîtest s estion ia Waists. Ladies Collars, Tissasd Bellsî allihe newest styles. S%1jpecials This eek.e Ladies' Tailor-made Suils, balance of stock to c1earý' $14.75 suits for $10.25, $15 suits.for $10.50, $18 suits foi" $12.50, $18.75 suits for $14, $20 suits for $1.5. Ail new tlis sea- -sou, Northway Make. Ladies' assdiMisses'i Spring Coafs, $3.50 and $3,75 coats for $2,75, $5.50 coats for M395, $6.50 for $4.75, $7.50 for $5,50 $8,50 for >$6,25, $10 for $7.75, $12.75 for $9.75, -$Il and $15 for $10,75, $16 for $12.50. 12 doz, Black Cot ton Hose, great bargains, 2 pair for. 25e 10 doz. PurseLînen Towvels 18 x 36, reg. 17c each for 2 for 25c ,52 yds. Pure Linon Table1iamsk, great saap, per yard,...35e 3 doz. Lins i Toilet Mtas, baud unade, pure linèn, reg. special 10e eacb for 5c, ceg. 15c for, reg. 20e for 10c, Gents Fu rnishings. Stock comploesanîd 01) 10date. No betf cm values. Early Closing ', Notice. This Store WHI be Closed everyWdnsA afeon at 12.30Oo'clock during< July andAgut SOLE AeýGENTS for h Leather Label vràs and the Home Journal Dress Patteranýs I ~ ~rocr~'I)tae BiâI Taket as Cms, 00, O Standrd Ban, Bo a n I'e J j~t t A r- vs F LOUJR is a high grade patent un- PIPERIAsurpassed and makes excellent bread. CLISE FLOUR makes deliejous cakes and E CL 'Pasa:riimade frorn selected white Lall CYRUS - URi choice bread flour nade from ~ FLOU is a ine blnded flour espec- ICi aii forfamly se mde romOntario We elve fou-2 îwnor odrfo orgrocer. C 'V 3 CIN E, àýý si,

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