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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1911, p. 6

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FRUIT JiECIPES. B'aked Appies and RIais. Ti'- tisý for an entre or dessert: WXash as mauyy apples as ciecred and stick wiTý4h eloves. Place ver caci' ýan uiit one f easpeoo of sugar, add six or se nraisins for oach apple pro- pareil, andt ten about lial a con of~tr. Replenish water ifif sbulilounou. Aftev apples are sotcerthroughfil it them. Make a iesauce by stirring in abou t eue C1fourth eup of thîkening to fie wNater anti boilirîg oser the fine fc-r a minute. Pineapple Pie.-One cup. fiuely ,rhopped pineapple, one and one- half teacups of sugar, one-baif cup ei cream, yoiks of four eggs, one eracker rolieti fine, one teaspoon- fui ocf butter. Use tie w ites of tefour eggs for meringue. Froý_zen Banana Fitff.-Cut seven 1ha'nanas cf mediium size into slices, spikle f hem witb lemon juice andc ,ýhre--ded cocoanuf, and stand the dih thcm on ice for an hour, Then put fhe fruit tîrough afii press, or a Keysfone eggi belatr (jari be useti. Season with a pfI of sugar minus one tea- spooful.Foiti into tfus mixture 01bc stiffly beaten whites o'f four eggs audtIen turn if into the free.As soon as the crank of bbc efreezer _begins o_ tura la&rd. opent the eau and add half a pint f4 oream i at bas been whppeti sff.n Freeze unftil flie conisistency o'f miusl is obtaineti. If desireti, îibis<-an be uset inl charlot-te russe Spiced Apple Jeliy.--Wasli and Plnt in pieces leas ing the core anti sjeeds-one-ba]f peck of appies. Bl fhem util tender in tbree pints ûf-vinegar andi one pint of water fo,- ahieh hs been atitict one ouoc e ofý stick cinnamon and one-haif ouc f cloves. Strain firough eheee-cltb.To eaeb pýint of juice aioýw ne pounti of sugar. Put tie jumic in a kettle ant il it five minutes; then ath te sugar, stir unfil it dissolves, anti hou until a littie juice put in a saucer will jelly. This receipt w orks equally weili wether ordinary appies or crab-apples are used. ]Dufob Peaci Pudding, as made by 1)anislî cooks.-Beat tbc yolks of t-wo eggs, andi add one-baif tea- Epoonful of sait, one feaspoonful of sstgar, one eup of nîilk anti one tablespoonfu]. of melted butter, Mix svell. Adti one andtione bauf cups of foeur witb thrce lexel tea- Epoonfuls of baking-powtider. Fin- aliy add, stirring carefctily, fhe beiaen whites of the two eggs. Pour the batter into a shailow gçreaseti pan, iay balves of fresb or eanned penches on top, sprinkle witl four tabiespoonfuls of sugar andi bake in a quick oven one-haîf bour. Serve wamm w ith creamn or peacb sauce. Ssicet Chufuey.-An excellent Eat Indian rcceipt for apple chut- eycalîs for fhe following ingredi- ents : Fifty large tart green appies, ix punds of ligit brown sugar, tMopoutisof raisins, six ounces P greeýn ginger or four ounces of gr-ount,,I, drieti ginger, une ounce of, garii,-more if Yen w-Is a stnorag flavor,-six or eigbt ebillies (bot peppers), two cups cf sait and three pints o f vinegar. Core an-d chop fie apples. Grinti or pound thie garlic, ginger, cllies andi sait in a liffle vinegar. Make a syrup cf the sugar and thc rest of the vine- gar, add the rcmainirsg ingredi- ents-and houl about thirty miinutes. more vinegar may ho neetici. Thc chuitney shoulti be of gond ecousis- fency wben donc. It slioiîmit e put in w ide-moutieti buffles. PRESERVE DON'TS, Don't use cold sugar for jellies; mensu em straineti fruit juicez f4 eacl plut allou' une poîîad ofi the best granulateti sug-ar. Put it on a platter in the ox en fu heat andi add it to the boiling lîquiti. Don't make a mistake andi wait until the special fruit is -neariy over andt ten pay the hiigliest prices for if. Don't use what is called "A" or soft -white sugar, or brown ; use graoulated whife sugar for ail pre- servxes and jellies. 1Dont thiuzk, overripe fruit miakes gooti preserves or jellîes. Doýnt ever use anythiug but tIe best maferials for géootire sultg., Don't use granulateti sugar for spiced fruits; use light brou n4 only. Don'ftiuse an abundanco of spic- es too much makes it faste bitter. Don't cover preserves or0 ile while cooking; thcy are apt fo houl ove r. Don't put hot proserves in cold- glasses or jars andi not expect aceý hiet av e, the glasses -or jars', in salding -wafer,ris well, flîcu fi11 as qu-iie,,kly as possible. DoIu't 1a1low preserves to stand ab.1outi affer they are colti; put meietiparffuon, cover with lids, svash off evero'y trace ôf'sfickiness, anti pili a c!ool, dark place for future tise. Don'f cook preservos over a gas. range without an abhestos mat. j Notes of Particular Interest te Women Folks, rig ee be I fn s loir. an"d )neIlvoaisrostration fter ail other 1)on't niegecet to trop appes, anhdaldW yo'turi? pears,, penches, anti ail ligît col-- ureti lu-ruit info a bowl cf colti waten B r*ide's Cake. ýOiie seant cupfuil as youu do them, te prevent-discoi- cf butter, tlsrec cupluls of sugar, oration before cooling. eue cîplul cf milk, u'bifes cf fweive eggs, thre&feaspoonfuls of baking VECETABLES. powticiS one cupuil -cf cornstarcl , Small Vegefables Rlelp.-To cool fumee cujufuls cf foeur, oeequarter smal egetables in a fiseicss cook- teaspoonful of sait, crean, buffer, or let tIen boil n feu' minutes, bl-eu anti soigar. Mix foeur, bnking pou'- put then, w iti tIc w ater they tien, anti curistarcli anti att alter- boilet in, int o mason jars. Put lit nfwh ite lvnul h anilippct al on liglsîly anti set fhe jars iu fIeuits Florxtlvniara- large cooker keffle, nlmost ful cf -nionti exfrtYa Lanti bale in 1balftin- hot nater. Let itfluanti pack as ilneti iith four flicknesses of1 usuai in thec ooken., papor. Rl-ave osen modtef. Asparagus and Egg Toast.-To SALADS. make.- asparagus toast wi-ul eggs unsî anti scrape tIc 'asparagus,1 Fruit Saint.-Four oranges, tire lefting if lic for a Icîr minutes in banianas, tbrec apples. Remove al colti siaber, thon tic in liffle Iuntles skin anti eut in small pieces. One anti bui untîl tenter in . wafor oupîni cf California grapes; eut in enougi f0 oser; in tic m,*eantime lalses anti remuve seetis. One cup- prepar rorn tale breati a disî of fnl cf blanchet Englisl n'ainufs. toast, tereny broect, anti set One-half cuiplul cf caudiedchecir- sucre it w-il kcep xarin . Wlen ries. Mayonnaise drecssing for the asparagus îýý dune drain off anti samo : Juice cf crie orange anti one sase fIe wisatein su hich itif as icîsic, oeehall cuiplul of sugar, huile4 anti misten tIc toast witl butter btse size of navalnut, thren i if. Do not mna-le oo u'et. Then eggs, beafýen very liglît, anti oae- clip off flue ,tender ents of fIel bsn f cuplul -of sher-ry irine. Cook sfalks anti lay then on tIc toast; su a douille houler iutil fhick. break an cgg ov)ýer iacl anti place Whln ready fo serve atit one cup- in a lot ose1n until fhe w lites are filoI,wlippet creans. fN-m. Suffmmer Saint.--Linte tIc saint Soifucra SýttfTediCahbaUe.-PutI bsn i lucîisp lettuce icaves. Tale fie whiole cabaige lcax es into a luces of orange anti arrange pan; poumr boilînïg uater over f1em nround tIse siie cf flic disîs te corne to nake thon tender. Man up ex Ca. forming coufuast witls jet- dre(ssîng of eun parts ofg0 unltuce. FiltIc centen wtî sliiec contbcdati sIj prati baýinas, cnt round, a-in-cl straw- ori-fbnticf au'nic, ati easn hnnis.Cosenv i th suippeti cream u'ifpC1 itcaylue pîpcr onnana nti placnC e rticherries on top. fnl cf ifie tiressýin uoaIcabbage - ' ]I LUIIION TOP. beal, anti rolhie a cigan: put in If Panisian Sage, fIe hani- grower pot, cover witfliw ator, ]ethoU ln- thaf Jumry & Luscli gunmauteos, xiii fil t'oue Sensvc hot. It's goot not cause unir fo grow wsîere flic enotigl for a kiing; try if. hair is fhi;uinig ouf, uofluiug on tihîq eartl will. CAEE. And ne say f0 exerybody, you eau Leopaît Cake- Ligit part: n aeyu -lnybncI if 1'arisian and hal cuVý ofwhie suigar-, Sage inut thc besi Isair growiPm, hand n bail calmps cf whair saxen, hain heaufifier antj su-oct nl, tu o aid a hlf cîtps cf' tancînîmf cutie on tIc market te- siîponus o ak1ý! -ùweleoiI îs stopsitching scalp and failing flavoring. Dark nnt -: One cul) of hairuuantiyke, hor oy hiand 5 hi-ownu u gar, haill n mc olases -cenuts for nainu-ge hottie. ParNsian bl cup of buffe r, bal Cup cf Sage mate'S île laiu- soit anti bnil- su eet ruilk, yniks cI fouir eggs, f'o liîant and pronsotes grouxvfi. andi n hft up"cf tiuur, fuvo tea- spoonfuls of hakiug pontici. Fia- ver ixiis sopice. Mix ftf-si to bat- fers s eny iightly togetiser as fer a imarîle cake. 11 Ir American and Canaclian Scientists tell us the common ,ouefly i3 the cause of more disease --ard death than any ~-Y &R t1f3 1zâ seas BE OBSERVANT. "lieu omanyseeti comparfmnns are f1icre Su aua pl ie ba-nket. No une an.swivecl. t cs "Aud ýyet,' Oýjýud h cho Tupeti, nll cf yeu cnt, many an appile i ln- heCourse of a icar andi sece flic fruilt cel-y day, probubly. You must, iean f0notice the lutile tlsiugs imlNatie.- Thc balk of île inssector impress ed the chldren, atîd at pînytine fie teac1uei-oser1searcl ticm dis- eusng if. A Ufflie girl, geftiug e~ oaspaniolis roumnd lien, grasve- "om ebiid'en, stuppsen1Ian Mnr. TaylIor, voum'xe guftot knout moýre about coînnatiings. If you dbon't yc îw ili ail gnow un bu be lc.Nîîs .telln, lne, ,"she conîje 'd, Iknng steriy af ui pln~nat, "luei n 'a7yfeatîsens anc ubere una heu P SE YEN Y BARS "0F Ail Relieved by Lydîa E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. Sikeston, Mo. - "For seven years I suffered everyf9n. Ina in bcd -- -for four or five days at a tume evcry -monthIanud 80 wenk- I conld iardiy waik-. I crnmped andi lad baekaclie anti heati- 4 -ache and wnas se Snervous andi wcak fiaf I drended bu sec nayone or have nnyone move lu fhe "2,:, room Tise doctorg- gave me medicîne to caeme ut blase bumeg, a,).dsai thaf 1 dughf fo have an operafuon. I would not listen te fIat, andi wîcn a frienti of my lusbanti toid lim about Lydin E. Pinklam's Vege- table Compound ansd what if hati doue for lis ivif e, I1n'as willing te take if. Now 1Iloock flicpicture of heatl andi feel ilce if5 f ooc. au do my own bouse- work, boe my garden, and zil cow. I cani enfertain company and enjoy flen. I eau visit wlen I ehosat walk'as far as nny ordinary emn anyv day in btcenuonfli. 1 wil I ceuflt taîl teeverysuffcingwensan antigin." -r.DEMA BETIqINE, Sikeston, Mo. Tise mosf eueeessfui remedy- lu thîls countury for the cure cf aIl forma of female complaints is Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegefable. Compoundi. If is more widely andi suecessfully usedt fan any other reuiedy. If las cured flousantis cf womeu wlo lave been troubhed witt dispiacements, in- flammation, ulceratien, fibroidt umons, irrcgularhties, periodie pains, haclache, tînt bearincr down feeling, incli,stli toye bbe-ddl- i jaanti I endurcd fhem to' fIe end to he bbe di 1say to myseia fîd(usand fimes if is nof frue. The, without complaint, as y ou have iKing's grace ýcoulti ne bond to so i eard.e unworfhie as I. Anti Godde knows If is doubfful if any moniarch ev-' ai lis graco -of, Canterbwry eau er left a fulien or more infim afe ac- fell, anti Fniar Riobert, wbether or counit of ýa'coronafion in sshicb lec no I shedi tears not of joy but as- w as the central figure flan fIat tonishbment,' uhen the golden bonde sont by Queen Victoria to lier Un- of Sf. Edward w-as put upon mnycie, 'King Leopoiti. forchcad." "I reacheoth fe Abley,ý"'.sIc BofI William 111. and his queen writes, ",amid deafening ebeers at a srof 'e accounts of their coronafion, little affer 11.30. I flrsf wnt info fIat of fIe former being confaineti a robiug rooru quite close f0 the in a letter f0 ýone Coîuf MHoyen or enfrance, where I founti my eight Koven at The Magne, sîhere fhe or- train bearers altinesseti alike anti iginal sf iii is. beautifully in whit e satin ant i sus r "IT AS GIIAT OME tfissue, ivith wreatîs of rser corn, "IT AS GRET MMENT" nars lu front anti a smail one of si-ote thc King, "wheu 1 acfually! pink, roses iu the tnimnniiug of fIe anti temples, anti Il"Affer pufting on my m-ianfle anti conîti not restrain a fhi-ili but not îleji yoîing ladies liaving properiy of joy, my deat Koxen, but of awe, got hoiti of if, I left flie robig at the responsibilities iMïnighty roeni andtiheI procession begaIn.l Goti las been pleasedti put tîpon Tic sigît w-as splendid; fhe bank I2-P i,intA qnd. SPOMfA &.-P-- - i il WHFN ROILERS ARE CRU WNED KING S AND QUEENS DESCRIBEL THEIR CORONATION. qucenl Victoria W3rote ail Inlinîate Accouint te lier Uncle, Riing Leopohd, George V. anti Queenu Mary hase not toit int hou' tîey fbit iIenftle final acf cf fhe coronafion was per- 'foi-met, but fIe Strand Magazine bas coiectedthbI expeniences of Othser kungs anti qucens on fhe stil- jeuf. About bhirty years ago flore uns tiscoyeret a hetten Irom Aune Boleyn fo lier fafler iuswhicl sic winies: 1"I saidtotu yseif on tînt Wlsif- suntiay n ben bis Gm-nec dit do unto me su nsghbic lionor, tînt I1n'a' ahi ia a dm-ame andti tît if couldtiîo lnsf, butf flît I shouit awnke ouit of My siecp unto My civ peffinesse. Ant in t fat nmomuenttnthfis Mayor anti Aliermen titi greet me andîi er Grace cf Norfoltiti benne 1mv traîne fi-on Westminster Hall Live Stock and Ag1llre- Greatest show on contin- ent! -Special Pnizes of $,500 each. Increased Prizes in ail classes. fi h-Gems from Lune- peau gallcries-nlasters from best collections in Canada and Unitc.d States. .-e Mmfcv's- Greatest dslyever shot. n in 'merica! Goods man- ufactured whie you wait.1 THREE GREAT SPECIALS Festival of Empra--pictur- ing tle giories of tic Cor- onation ,erelnonies. 1,500 performers in uriiiomm.. Coldatusai Guàrds 52îl- -1 Mulsicians of the Royal Houschold, by special permission of the Kig. War Beaa th 1.Wae Showing a battie becween a Dreadnughitand a Subrine. IIOSTS OF OTHER ATTRACTIONS LYRA. regatta-AthNetic'Sports-Boy Scoutq Review-Vaudeville-Japanese Fireworks- Tv;elve Mmed M;ilitary iands-Trettirg and Pacng Races, etc. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS 0F CORONATION FIREWORKS For all information write Manager J. 0. ORR, City Hall, Toronto. E"XCLuISIONS To WESTERN CANADAL. nieC. iientneizana " ---~"aiOrpecresses quinn noautirtus allici caugît my glauce, anti wîen fhey tîcthir robes andtihti peers On the Tho Gianti Trnk Raiiway System capitafeifercst new t flnngtîscar otme r sitie. My youung train bearers announce tînt on Tuestinys, Junie cap upardkne flt hu' f ft- ere alvvays ncar ime ant ileped me 27th, July lifi anti 25th, August cd sifî me. l ienes er I w antoti anyfhing. The 8t1 anti 22nti, September îti andl "Non tid ti Ia ît supreme MO- l Bisi up of D)urham stouti on fhe sitie l9tb, 1911, Ilomesceeis' Excur- ment forget my oun firsf cjounfny,1 near mnn but le-w-as nb Lord Ml' sions wiiil emima fron ail stations imy belovoti iollanti. The crowniug Iboum-ne toit me remarkabiy mala- in Ontario and Quehec bu Western business us sufficîcufly fafîgumug, tii-roit anti neser couldt ell svbat uns Canada, via Chicago and Duluth or but I tîank Goti, alfîougî lasf f-0f ake place. via Chicago, St. Paul anti Minine- wenýk fan fron x cl, fthe day foutîti At fIe begimsning cf flic an- apolis, at reduîced round trip fanes. me in the best oflatI Like-, tfi1 refiredti f0St. Ftiwarti s The sieli kiiosin double trac-k lino i'se n'as thc Quecu ucvli anti wentf!chape], a tiank small place immeti --Of fIe Gr'and Trnînk fron tIc East fhîoug bb uble ereonyb ipiafcly bebinti the aftar. uuîl m'y f0Chicago appoals f0 tIe traveller, puly, harning a foclish error by a 1 ladies~ anti train bearers, tooùk oif anti witl fie superion train sen- 'page wlo haruxed heýr Majcsfy a myicnison robe and khuile anti pt vice thsat is offereti by fuis lne, in-ý wrong pra.ycr book." ou fie super funica cf clofli cf golti, clutiing tic fanotîs'nraioa Qunen Mary n'as chargeti Y laiso -'li ic sbape cf a kirîle, xsbseb Lîmiteti' bfrun Munfreal dtaily af miany sîtb unbecoming ievity in uns put oser a singular surf of lit-!' 00ar.,. and wlich is the finest s-iesv of tIc circunstances,t fli lgit fie goun of lineis tnimmedti u1fîanti fasfcst train in Canada, nsany anti teposifion of licr fafler, fIat lace. I also took off my pas-sengers ul l e atfractec this lad raiset iber bu ftic flrone.* But front 1cr oun account trius -as a CIRCLET 0F DIAMONDS way. Thcrouute via Chicago is a misjudgment. andt ten proceedeti banelcatict in- mosf interesting one, faking pas- 'M\lany," sIc wrifcs, "sçould not to flic Abbey. selngers fîrough fhe principal cifies beliexe if, se tînt i1n'as fain fte "I1 was tIen swateti upon St. and tons in Canada anti in fIe fonce mysclf te more minfî flan be- Edwantis chair, w-here tise Dlmnaf- States cfr Michigan andt Indiana. Iu came me af thaf fine, anti nas by ic robe uns cia-peti arounti me by l addiion i fo fus a choice of ses un many inferprefeti as iii nature, tic Lord Grcat Chamberlain. lien linoes hein en Chiicago and St. Pau1 pnitie andtihfe great tilight I lad foilon cd ail tle vaious things anti anti Minneapolis is offereti. te be a Quecu. But, aias, last (of clese fhings) tise eroxsn le- 0w ing f0 tIc gi-cnt numbci of TIIEY DID LITTLE KNOW Ult ing piaccil on my head-svîicli uns, Canadians who reside in Chicago,, I must cxi , a mosf beaufîful in- St. 1Pnul, Minneapolis, Duluth anti wîo thougît nme guilfy of; I pm-ssise moment; al fhe Peers anti other cifies en route. there is no0 i lad been ouly for a regency, anti Peelresses put ou their corouets at douîht fiat tIe Gr-anti Trunk w l1 sist for notîing else; I lad neyer fIe samne instant. Thc sbufs uhîcli fînti mauy paftr-ns w-ho wiill tako ad- tincadeti being Qucen, likinlg MY xern very 'greaf, tIc drms, fhe sanfage of f'ie apportumiity tIns aI- condition mnuch better. MY beanIt trumpets, the flning of guns, ail at fordedti tIen for a huief visit at tic 1 is not matie for a kingdom andtihfe saine instant, neniencdthetI stations wifli,,fleir friends. my inculnationî tenue me, f0 a netir-spctacle nost impusîug. Canadlian cifizens aie exempt cd, quiet hife, su fIat I hase neeti "TIc entîronizatiomi andti tIcfroin s al Immigration Exani- of ail the resignafion anti self tien- homnage of flnst ail fIe Bislsups antidai on amt tiee is nu detoention al in tic worlit tebear suihsud Ienmy' uncinýs anti astyal thce a, '1point. a condition as I am nosi iii." peers iniei en espectis ,îeorden as Bsg1,ai- 'carrled t fhrrugbthe, __________________________ ery fine. The Duke cf Norfoik! Unitetij States in-bond isithouf ne- (holding forî me tise sceptr-e uitl atii-.n nn special attention, on Y lQh etr cross) wniliLord Melbounsue thticPart of flic passenger. Inspee- close f0 use On muy ight andtihîe itin is niot necessary at any o f tic c ce fIRichmnondi wifh île ofler points atthe Border. The W orld O0ver! scetre on iny lbIt, &c., al Wr1y Aohc-faneta The Words of Harold p. hindth, tisfrne. P0or old Lord[ uletîufe i itsik Cl- Buh era-Ruile, silo is 82 anti tieadfrtlly n cago, St. Paul] anti Duluth into Bsy, W'ho Tas e 11% i, inattcmpting fo ascendth ifIresis]y sonfilatec ean cars, asnid- fleltl Cued f Crone' t-ps feu ant ,i met quite dow'11, 1ingtfIe rnecessity of travelling ia huit wsnnot flic lenst hurt w svli'g istance in tise saune car. Lumbago by "Nervilîine." e nîatemptedti b measce-fid tiens 11, l diint h bv ots golus addinion t-o the aloile rouîtes, gteutp ani isn oetito peticn-utihf le sale cf tidets iN nîso autiieniz- "Three years ago 1 discovemed that s m ctrt ue u ncdsVin auY and tise Noitlsnnss mran subject te lumbago mîght jut as oterflu. Nas iLy.tion Conspia svs's magniflceut weii be dead as alive" Tiiese wuvrds. "Aftert-hle homuage n ns conclut-Staescr-LkeIun ui open the sincere, straigintorward jecîcu d etIiitishe tii-une, touk off myStemr rs Lake Huropeail'. of 1-1. P. Bushy, -a xell-knosvîs man in lw n eeedts aînct tî n most thse plunsibing and tinsmthing buzi- conadr iedteScrmn;Lke Initer t-t îu. ness in Portland. -I.tIen put on mus croun u and, o antirpriulr pDvt "Oue attaclr cane after anotheîr, ani nenîcendedthfe tbronme, îcanmîiog on nrgn fîl rn ui lumbago got te be a clirmnie thingssithî rý Loi-i Melbournes,,atm. U t fb BluusSyîtem. or n 1ite f0 Mn. J. me. 1 coula scarcciy gef in a day's r comsmencmentcf tise anfluein I de-<i ar , l) t - t P 9ogr cmt svurk betune isaf Laii g, cruel paintucSao r -oul atscksnyback. 1 used a gal- I sceistet fions fie fhrouîe and scf asiiuî îaBo',Mnte-,qi 1o utlnents; unto St. Ednaîd's Chapel nul riny IMn. A. E. D-,iff. Difîc Passenger LETT~~~ not ,O"f"e etimladies, train bearers îrd utWuî- iAgent, Union Station l cuo Iseemred penetra îmsg lotigh -wee oJ f 1-ý a-ý-t et 9 enougiu to gef at: -iy e- okofîeBi z e~îf 9 thse ore ufthe:isa usaie robe, su-pertiiunca, &c., andt j 31I pain. 1 read laj put on the putrpie velset kiîtLle anti LITTLE IIINTS. _____________the, Meafreai Wit. ranafie anti procceilei a.ain f0 tle Fumiturc Pj ish.-Tiie lest 'iI ness about Nerviline. and gotftive but- ilmrone, sshicb ace1 elleainig cjîcapest'X'vtîre1o sls cedani fies. If 15 a xondrtui înedcine-I ra coula teed its sootlsing pain-relieving i nLotrd Meibummmne's bhand' c1 - If ca le bpaichasnl Ironsila action cycny turne it sa iplicd. -j g id I'~ ,i i e ou'-e. Tue a Yard Wben T got tise discase uder confrul A SOFT ANSWER. q1*les cut, idit fin bamf. wxitb Neni-lJine, I buiit up my strenatis and fortîtied my biod vak"ing Fer- "Always nenenler, lniad, o-s e s e incco ~lJ issi-' rozone at uscaids. Thlis ineafment said his ioîing pae t 'tt'a1 o1rngd :then îpouri011 as nuîcul cuned me le aanul and1IurgelsI uue unt i swri. Ha u at er ; ison nul the cveiryonc f0 g iveuptise athicit. ivisite. i ý oiiy linime'ints they are usinýg, 'and-fryi So if any littie b oy or girýl ifs you, Ifimuitur lgistly ; folion' niti drv an upý-to-date, e n r otber's onustdn - ciotl. lThN nmal- ilsec ous the "Prae ubisi nykientie roi iag, anti touýt b os;l)umrtmsî. lsstfîut'ic ni aNo 01po'lisis-1 cicr. Itn al to Isear et Noviilne TIn erdianantitrtetof 0 t l'n. if eulles s cry ifle rDI' onb cjid in-to n vn n-siuadwbnhecasehm f0uilîg flsing tronsou- deier bt"erlne"Ilnhlsmfeaseih-:Caia et css \. li'tI Large boffles 50..f iai sze2,5o. SCoid Ad-d u lu--inener---dvc-a-----e-uts-ee e - evcrywtsene oqr Caarozn e E KVILINE~I0n A Fami I'y Liniment cev' uni -U' i1iii i y 5-fi smtIc-,aniu l te ui makes a cool lunch for fiot alter- ncoops. Nut iBalls.-Oue eupful of colti veal, fscvee hoppeti blancheti almontis, eue-half tea- spoo.ïIiul of sait, eune egg, pepper fo faste, anti-one cupful of tomato, sauce. Mix the ment, aImoutis, anti eaF-oning anti moisten with tIe, wol bcaten cgg. Iouinto - halls the sizeý of a waam atiset in al akiyu-g pan. Pour cee1,,ýr ien fhE lihot tomato au e Conk in a hot ovcu tient minfev Serve ou a pi affer griseiwitî iwnfer AreSre A Se Corectv c ia iocy i-i the stomnacîh irov ffgs causiog pains antiod eso i fhe stomnachie regioný. 'TIce, be. iug onroetation of these'gmes Ï offon-sise andthetI only wyt-o pre- vent them is to restore the stomnacb to proper action. Parmelon s Ve- getablo PiIllswili do tfIs. Simple direct ions go witb ecdi packef anti a course cf tIen taken iyatematýi- cal]y is certaiu te effect, a cure. EXTRA CT FROM A LETTER. '-Oh, Alice, I must fell yon about a boy sfopping here at our board- ing bouse w ho is a perfect littla gen-(tlem-ani. Thse other day ho brougît lus sister in f0 dianer anti introduceti ber ns follows : 'Ladies anti is my sti. Tlmen, frw o ftfe girl, le ad- tit i tt, these are lifiea antigntee.'\eail ronreti." Pis willi make îif.a ,tieagure f4 attend to hîîsiuess. Sliby jury & Loveil, Bennaus ic. PAINTING FARM MACH t1NE-RY. Iron oür steel surfaces -hbou!ýd be carefuily cýeaneti, hy mens cf a steel wire brusl and eiery, paper, to insute thse nemosal of ail rus( hefore anfn.Painit ge'seraiiy siould be ajpiend wîti- a g&oo4 round bru sh,,anti si cl ruibet otut. The ruhliog out serves to reinus'e amsy milles cf air, also fte lc ilo f air fo-ti ceonail surface 's; and it insures a thon nnýgh ineco-pi rationý of the y aîî,tw ith the surfs ce, this afforing cetter protectionî. Tho r usfiuig of farnu maclinerî- N doubt ]"oeiydie10 Ie îcifIe if is p i t'l fe dpîgpo m'ss. Arbi~sCaumse oeîg in the pis fln oNueeteri ani rutiîisg bgs;nst' an not being cenetoit li ufc reirnovedlmnnciy ED. 1-L IS U --3- IÀ Queen Anne wrote very freely onu the subject of hr wn coronation. "I need haridly tell you," she saYs, in a letter t0 one of her in- timates then abroad, "I sufflered agonies yesterday, aithougli Lord Jersey very consideratoiy arranged that 1 should be spared being on My feet as mueh as possible, for wxhich 1 owe him mucli thanks. But in gettin'g into the chair I gav 1e my right foot such a wrench that I w'as fain to cry out, but the hoaring of the cries of the multitude sustained rme then and afterwards iu the Ab- bey, although when 1 rose, with the help of the Archbishop, 1I was forced to keep my eyes on a very guady escutchoon on a pillar, littie minding lis words u- ntil lie nudged me to turn to the East. "Moreover, what is not usual with me, my finger was so swollen that wvhen the ring -was put on it w-as too ýsmall and caused mie mucli pain in the endeavor to make if pass. They shoul-i have provided two, and so I told Somerset to tell the' Duke. You ecan well believe that I had more need for resf than food andi furfher eeremony, but these dufies nerec NOT TO B3E W ITHS'IOOD &tl]hd1873 0F CANADA 60 Branchus MONEY ORDERS FOR SMLALL SUMVS Safety, conýVenience and low, coït unite ta make Môney Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory way of sending small sums to any part of Canada. Under $5 ... 3c. $10 te $30 . .. 1IOc. $5 to $10 .. 6c. $30 to $50 . ..15c. Drafts issued for larger aniaunts. Savings Bank Departmnert at Every Branch$ *' 8 Bow anvUe ran h:A. N. McMIL1LAq, Blakidcke:W . .WHITE, Branches also at Newcastle, Newtonvifle, Ororio,' Oshawa. Whitby an.d Erolflin. August 26àh TORONTO -September I1lthi CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM ALL PADS,

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