GLERK S8NOTICE 0f VOTFERS' LIST. 0/ PiFîrsi Posting of Voers' List 1911 .fMte 1unicipality of the Town of B'oirmafn 'ille in tho County of Dur- N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I -ransmiitted or delivered ta the persans mientioned in Sections 8 and 9 of the On- îaria Voter's List Act, 1897, the copies, âeuied by said sections ta be sa trans- xitted or delivered of the list, made pur- sujant ta said act, of ail persans appearing by the last revised Assessment Rail of týhe said Municipality at Electians for ,nisembers of the Legisiative Assembly and nt rmuknicipalElectionis; and the said list -was tirst posted up in my office at Bow- inanville on the 22nd day of July, 1911, adremains here for inspection. Electors are, called tipan ta examine the said list, and if any oissions or any other errors are found therein, ta take immed- !aie action ta have the said errors cor- -eected according ta law. JOHN LYLE, Towvn Clerk. Bowmanville, July 25, 1911. 32-2 Onfly 4 Days at Sena WHITE STAR- NAIA S-'ervice Sa iling Weekly Between MONTREAL- - QUEBEC - LIVERPOOL by the the _iwin and triple screw steamers LARCEST, FINEST, LAU RENTIC MOST MODERN STEAMERS .BETWEEN N CANADA AND EUROPE MNEPuAHNTI'CIORCHESTRAS CAR- RIED, TEUTO IC 0 NE LASS CABIN (11) SERVICE, AFFOROINC IMAXI MUM FACILITIES IJMIIMUIiAT MINIMUM COST. Replete with the latest devices for com fort and safety, including Marconi and Subl:marine Signais., The Third Class Accommodation is the best experience can devise. Closed rooms conly For ail information apply ta 11.A. JAMES, Agent, BowMANVILLFE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS] 1AUTUMUN SAILINGS Montreal to Live"rpooi. J"r1. Aug. 18 victorian Fs. Sept. 15 Ys.Aug. 25 osican 1?i. Sept. 22 Fr1.sept. i virginiail Fr. Sept. 29 8 l.,Spt. S8 'Iuaisian Fs8. Oct. 6 Montreal to Glasgow. Bat. Aug. 12 Bet. Aug. 19 Bat. Aug. 26 Bat Sept. 2ý Montre ai Scotian liespenian Ioulais Granpian to Havre St. Sept. 9 Sat. Sept. 16 Sat. Sept. 2i Sat. Sept. 30 &London This $ervice le composed of anc clase, second, cabin steamers, saiiing tram Mon- t.-eai every, Satunday, rates moderate. Fon full, panliculans aof rates and saîlinge appiy t a M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville, Ont aria. MONtREAL QUEBEG' BRISTOL Fromà Bristol Steamer Montreal & Que Jsiy 2bth Royal Edv anC Âne. 9N Aug 9t Rioyal George Aug. 23rd Anp. 23n ilotai EdwsanC Sept. th ýepn. tth Royal Geosge Sept. 2th aiept. 2th Royal Eciwasd Out. 4th and foi tnigitiy tisereaffer. For full information apply ta M. A. JAMES, .Agent for Canadian Northerti Steamships, Bowmanville. Deering Implements and Machinery. Are beeoming more and maore tiefarmers' friends. They flnd by aculuse that fhey wear better ndhave iàprovements that ther makes lack. Onul and see the Dëering Binders Seêcl Drills î Dsc Harrows D'isc DÜrilis wîth b road- W c rya fuil Vln- f er FRD T. HïOBBS, Phone 166 Bowinauuvllle. The Bowman- ville News will be sent ta a new subscri- ber at any P. 0. in 25cCanada or Great Bni- tain from date of order 12 M ý'tojai. Ist, U)912 for 25> OSHAWA FAIR. September il, 1 and 15 wiil see a big fair in Oshawia, The prizes offered are bigger than last year and theprize list has been ecoüpîetely revised. If you do flot get one by AUgUSt 2Ist send ta the secret- ary, Mr. Wî. E. N. Sinclair, Oshawa. No fair shows a prettier book and the book indicates what the fair will be. FALL FAIRS. BOWMANVILLE Oshawa Orono Port Pennyv Peterboro Lindsay Cobourg Blackstock Pont Hope Millbrook Sept. 19-20 " 14-15 "14-16 "21-23 " 22-23 "26-27 Oct 3-4 4ýý5-6 ECONOMV IN SPRING CLOTIIES Why buy a ready-made ai' made-to- measure Spring suit that costs from $i22 ta $35 when we are making tailor-made suifs in latest styles and of best mat eials tram $15 ta $20? You are invted ta inspect aur new Spring Suitings and Overcoats without the least obligation ta buy, We have fhe papular shades of tweeds and fancy wor- steds, perfectly woven, perfectly dyed -and finished, whicb wilil e made up in aur usual first-class style. JOSEPII JEFFERY & SON, The Star House ,,Bowmanville LEHIGH VALLEY COAL. ý-My s-ales of Lehigh iValley Goal-during 'the past few manths have been far beyond my sangui5ne expectations, which ciearly shows that the people of Bawmanville and vicînity who purchased Lehigh Coal last spring were thonoughly satisfied and convinced that they neyer received better coal value for their money. We are stili busy unloading cars of the finest Lehigh Valley Coal sent direct from the mines. If you have neyer tried Lehigh Valley Coal let me fili your bin and yau will be anather of my satisfied customers. Orders will receive prompt attention if left at my coal yards and office af Finkle's Evaporator, opposite High School. E. W. LoscomBE, Bowmanviile. Phone. office 177, house 144. GOODMAN & GALBRAITH Barristeis s nd Solicitors. Notaries Publie. A. K. GOODMAN, D. C. CALBRAITH, 508 Lumsden Bldg. Yonge & Adelaide-sts. Tononto, Ontario. TIhe Censtral Businiess Cllege ot Tononto invites yen te Write for a p cofetits cuninuluns if yen are in auy w yitenested in a tnaining whih w ili leacl ye nlite a geod businsess appintment at a good salar'. Ihe Feul Terna opens 0on Augnst fth. iddress W. 1H. Sus', Presideisi, venge & Ger- rasl bts., Torono, and emention this papen. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Ste. TORONTO, ONT. This scbooi tanks high ansong the best business coleges ef this continent. Preef of this statesueut is ieund lu eut large catalogueI gradustes this year, larget than ever before. t pays te get the best, practical education. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ALBERT BELLEVILLE, ONT. Oer 300 students enrolled anr- nuaily, haîf of whom are young ladies Highest advantages in ail departments. Build, ings heated by steam and- lighted by electricity. Xill ne-open Tuesday September llth, 1911. For Calendar or room address Principal Dyer, D. D. AIND RTR PEIR STRE ACYL Boat leaves 7 a. m. Pteturning leaves Toronto, 5 p. m. from East Side Yonge St. '«hart. Comne and enJoy the saji Low reigt Raes -uickDespateli pgel t', ï gyLe .S fell visiting in Orono; Miss Meud Curtis, Tarant o, et Mn. Jas. Curtis'; Mns. S. Pal- lard, Bowmenvilie, et Mn. B. Pollerd's; Miss Elsie Collacaîf, Maple C-nove, and Mn. and Mrs. Lamne BrunI, Toronto, et Mn. L. Skinner's; Mrs. Jas. Wight and Mn. W. Wight, Providence, et Mn. Jas. Colla- coIt's; Mise Mabel Wight witb friende in Toronto; Miss Pearl Skinneeéwitb tuiende in Brooklin; Miss FIorenice Clemens home etten spending afe days wvitb Miss Mab- el Wright, Wbitby; Mise Elfe Goodman homle tram Dundas. -strong chrielian fotilude. Thet funena-l on Tuesdfay, though pi iae was attended by a langeconouseoffiende. Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B D., cond(]uctec the ser- vices, andu' Ibe pal baeswr ees O. Durralit, Gea o'Pjwde'n, A.'.- MýcDon- ai, A. HaenoncGo. Bray zand Luther Satn.The floral offeringe en very beu'tul anld epreL'Ssed tedeepeest syml- pathy of many fiends. 1 1~ BOWMANVILLE, AIJO 17, 1911. APPLES, WANTED. It is early but the bigh wiuds bave blown down quantifies of epples. Dont 'let thema waste, the evaporators cati use them, large or email, You can deliven them ta tbe Bowmanville tact ony, opposite the High School, Newcastle tactony or ta J. R. Cooper's, Onono, on on atten Aug. 2ISt. J. R. FINKLE, 32tf Bowmanvilie. MAPLE GROVE Viellons: Mrs. A. W. Foiey and daugh- fers Lottie and Alberta, Edmonton, Alfa., are visiting friend e be; Mn. and, Mrs. Sam Conlin, Oshawa, et Mn. Jas. Wood's; Miss Maud Axtord, Winnipeg, with bier uncle Mn. Chas. Axtord; Mn. Edwerd and Mise Lillie Trenoufh, Hampton, at Mn. John Snowdon's. ..Sympatby is extend- cd ta Mn. Fred Hockin in tbe death of bis infant son wbo died Friday and was in- terned et Orono. We cen crect you a silo in one day. F. H. Mason & Son. DARLINGTON Let youn silo came witb next carload- F. H. Mason & Son. Visitons: Mis, Sidney Lodge, Cornwall, -Maryland, witb bier tathen, Mr. Thos. Van- Camp, Mns. Wm. R. Knight, Hamilton, with frr. Thos. Power; Mn. Wmn. Marri- son, Toronto, et Mn. Albert Goode's... Messrs. Noble Melcaîf, Alvin Tenny and Wmn. Batrupt left Tucsday of this week tan the West an the barveet excursion-,. Mise Stelia Blackburn viited friends et Providence. Many Moîbers have neason ta bles Mothen Gnave's Worm Exterminat an. be- cause if bas nelieved the litIle ones of suffering and made them bealtby. HA-MPT OUN LAKEVIEW CAFE-Ice cneem, ice cream sodas, SundSse, chocolates, candies, note, fruit. Oysters in season. Beet oaI accomodalion for tbe travelling public. 25-tf A. E. Jenninge. Visitons: Mrs. G. Argue, Enniekillen, et Mn. T. Pascoe's; Mrs. (Dr.) Reiily and son John, Chicago, Ill., et Mn. C.,Rogers'; Mn. Theopholis Saiten, Mimico, et Mn. T. Sel- ter's; Mn. and Mre. W. H. Densem, Bow- manville, et Mn. Gea. Kenslake's; Mn. and Mns. J. Williams, Oshawa, et Mn. S. J. Williams'; Mrs. H. Elliott with friende et Taunton; Miss Litta Ruse et Jantville. . ....Womens' Institute held an intereet- ing meeting Thursdey, Aug. 3nd at home of Mrs. Thos. Pascoe. Next meeting fa ho held et Mn. Chas. Kerslak's Tbunsday Sept. 7ti.... Mns. L. E. Ruse and sons have retunned to Toronto eter a pleasant visif wiîb aid friende... Pleased ta re- port Mn. S. J. Williams improving in healtb ... Mrs. C. N. Ruse bias been in- disposed but is anound agein. ...Miss Mary Clarke iet Tuesday ton an extend- ed visit with bier sisten Mrs. J. J, Hennis, Bock Lake, Sask ...Miss Litte Ruse leaves Ibis week ta accept a position in Montreal ...Misses Mary and Lottie Hornnbave neturned tram Western On- tari .... Mns. John Bornne and Mies Lu- lu Burne, Janefilîle, are visitiimg et Mis. J. G. Burnns".Miss Olive Webben, Oshawa, is viiting aI Mn. W. G. Doidge's. HAYDON. Miss Brooks is visiting et Mns. Robt. Moone's. Mn. Elmer Sleman intende going West this week. Master Gardon Fanrell, Tynone, le hall- dayîng wjIh friende bene. Mis. W. Ridge, Pontypool, visited lier parente Mn. and Mus. J. Wright. Mn. and Mis. Thos. Brown, Toronto, are bolidaying with friends here. Mn. and Mis. J. E. EllioIf, Cadmus, spent Sunday et Mn, R. Slcmon's. Mis. John Cowling, Punple Hill, le visit- ing bier deughten Mns. Rd. McNeil. Mn. and Mrs. N. Hall, Oshawa, vieil ed bier parents Mn. and Mis. D. Grebam. Mn. and Mis. A. Grant, Toronto, spent a week witb bier parents Mn. and Mns. W. H. Creeper. Giad ta cci' Mns. W. Aungen home tram Alberta atten spending ine mofithe with bier tamiîy thene. Mn. C. J. Mountjoy, Peterbono, and Mn. Egbent Wright are with relatives here previaus ta ieaving ton the 'West. Mn. John Rodd, K.C., Mns. Rodd and daugbten Olive and Mns. E. Austin, of Windsor, visited et S. T. Mountjoy's ne- cently. The sick of aur village are doing well. Mrs. Henry Ashton îseable ta be ouI agaîn W. M. S. of Ebenezer will hoid a chick- en pie supper as follows: Special service an Sunday, Augusýt 27th, at 7 p.- m., when Rev. S. F. Dixon, pasf or, will preach. Special music b 1 the chair. On Monday, August 28, at 4 P. m. chicken pie and oth- er good things will be senved. At 8 p. m. a goad concert wiii be given in the churcîs by the foilowing artiets: Elocution by Miss Storey, A. T. C. M., Markham, and and Miss Georgie Langmaid, Zion; solos by Miss Laura Bragg, Providence, and Mr. Frank Waltens, Courtice, and other home talent. Admission: supper and concert, aduits 35c; children 20c. Came and enjoy a good time. SOLlNA. Silos sold and erected in one day. F. H. Mason & Son. Mn. Normae Reynolds is reoeiving con- gratulations on passîng his examninations with honors... Mn. G. J. Nortbcott, "Claruma Brai'," has built anothen cement silo. Mn. Geo. H. Stephens was the con- tractor ... . Recent visitons: Mrs, VW. Col- will, Bowmanviile, at Mn. F. Hockaday's; Misses Laura, Ethel and Myrtie Bragg, Providence, at Mr. T. Baker's; Mr. Will Ellis, Oshawa, at Mn. W. T. Taylor's; Mn. John Lee and Miss Gertie, Kedron, Editor R. L. Werny, Montreal, Miss M. Meteaif, Burford, Mn. Geo. W. James, Bowman- ville, Miss Irene and Mn. Norman Bray, Enfleld, at Mn. W. Werny's; Miss May Reynolds at Courtice; Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Werry apd Audney at Kedran; Mn. and Mns. Wm. Oke and Miss Leta at Mn. S. Shortridge's, Mn. Elgin Taylor at Toron- ta; Mn. and Mrs. S. Northcott, Taunton, at Mr. W. Werny's; Mrs. S. Thompson, Courtice, with friends previaus fa leaving for Toronto; Mrs. Rupent Raines, Ypsil- anti, Micb., and Miss Cladys and Miss Leta, a necent graduate of Ann Arbon University, and Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Stain- ton, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Stainfon and Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Stainton, Zion, at Mn. R. C. Scott's. OSHA WA - -Mrs-. J.C-ntfTor-onto,-is visiting- Mn-s.- W. R. Bond. Miss Hazel Lowe visited Miss Myrtie Edwands, Glbante. Mn. Wm. Couithard, Peterbono, bas been visifing hie mother. Mn. J. W. Bonsbeny wili lease bis band- some residence on King-st., E. Mn. jas, A. Ramsay, Ottawa, spent the week-end with his family in town. Misses Allie and Lily Wotten are holi- daying witb thein sister at Sharon, Pa.' Miss Emmenson, Bowmanville, necently visited Mrs. A. J. Stalter and othen fiends here. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Cooper, Lansing, Micb., are nenewing aid acquaintances in town. Miss Elwood Reid, Toronto, has been visiting lier cousin, Miss Miriam Reid, Toronto. Rev. C. R. dePencier, nectar of St. George's church, is enjoying a trip up the Saguenay. Wheather the corn be of aId or new gnawtb, it muet yield ta Holloway's Corn Cure, the simplest and best cure offened fa the public. Mn. Robt. McCaw, Miss Mamie Nott and Miss Maude Bassett are taking in the Mackinac trip. Mn. and Mrs. C a ,"R Bailes, Evelyn and Douglas are lidýaying at Old Or- chard Beach, Maine. Mn. Chas. W. Owens of the Standard Bank, necently visited his uncle, Mn. W. 1. Smith, Newmanket. Mns. R. Arthun Wright, Boîssevain, Mati, and, sisten, Miss E. Kirby, are visiting fiends at Blackstock. 1Miss Evelyn Bedford has netunned tramn a thnee weeks' visit wifb ber aunt, Miss Emmerson, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Adams are spendîng a few weeks with their daugbter, Mrs. Wm. A. Kirby, Detroit, Micb. Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Rose, are spending the month of Auguet with Mn. and Mns. W. A. Goodwin, Stungeon Point. Rev, Talbot, Strectat ilie, was in town Monday conducting the funeral services of the late Mrs. Mothensili of Hanmony. If there. ever was a specifle for any anc complaint, then Carter's Little Liver Pille are a specifle for sick headache. and eveny woman sbould know this. Only anc pili a dose. Tny them. Mies A.'Ellis left on Tuesday ton Sal- mon Arm, B. C., where she bas been ap- pointed on the teaching staff of the public school. A permit was granted John Stacey of Oshawa ta enect a row of five bouses on Hamilton street, Toronto, at a cost of $22,500. Mn. W. J. Salten, B. A., and bride have retunned tram their honcymoan trip ta Quebec and are 'gueste of bis parents, Councîllon and Mns. Salten. Rev. Father McEntee, a former paston SALE M The annual cbicken pie-supper services of Salem chunch wiii be beld in their large canvas tent on Sunday Aug. 27 when Rev. A. H. Foster, Coîborne, wiil preach at 2.30 and 7 p.m. Special music, will bi' turnished by Providence choir.' Collec- tion ini aid of cbdirch funde. On Monday Aug. 28 at 4. 3o p.m. tht ladies will serve a chieken pie supper and other good thinge. la the evening a.splendld concert will be given af 8 o'clock by Mr. BeniOliel, leader of Cobourg Methodiet churcb choir, so!oist and entent aier; Miss Myra Rose, Minneapolis,' Min., and Miss Nelson, Peterboro, elocutioniets. Short addnesses wili be given by Rev. Mn. Foster and others. Admission: adulte 35c, cbiidnen 25c. Public condiaily invited. More cases of sick baadacbe,, billions- nees, constipation, can bi' cuned in les time, with lese medicîne and for less money, by using Carten's Little Liven Pille, Iban by any other means. ENFIELD. Mn. Samuel Bray's west barni was struck by ligbtning Monday night, Aug. 7, and wiîh ail contents was totaily destroyed. Lacs $2000.00. Insurance $1,200, $800 On barn and $400 on contents. It was a mod- erni barn witb silo attached. Contents in- clude about 12 tons of bay, $200 worth of timber and lumben, about 500 bushels of grain, some implements and many oîhen articles. Miss Jean McCuilocb, Lindsay, and Miss Ge orgia, Milleson, Belleville, visifed at Mr. John Campbeli's ...Mrs. Wm. Evans, Yelventon, is visiting ber daugbten, Mns. Alex. Smith... Mn. W. H. Tnewin and family, Haydon. recently visited Messrs. W. G. and F. L. Smith. ..Miss Lena Nîddeny7, Hampton, le visiting relatives her' ... Mn. Jas. Gray, Toronto, was recent guest of Mn. Arthur Onmiston..'.. ,Miss Mary L. Metcalf, Bunford, is guet of Miss Irene Bray, wbo bas ne urn ed fnomn visiting Mns. Cruikshank at Peterboro.... Mns. G. Yellaud and daugbters, Ingersoîl, at Mr'. W. /\veny's .... Mr. Jos. Kniapp bas purcbased the 5o acres joining hie fanm on nontb ... Mn. Jas. Stark had a paralytî-c stroke wbile goîng ta Pont Penny last week and is in a dangerous condition atPort Penny, being fao ilI ta came home ...Mn. Fred T. Ashton bad a cow killed by lightning Sunday, Aug. 6.... .Mns. W. Griffun and cblîdreni, Enniekillen, visited et Mn. T. Wotten's.. .. Mn. Thos. Wotien bas been spending two'veeks at Oshawa ....Mn. John Avery bas punchased the home fanm of the late Wm. Knapp. Dr. J. D. Keilogg's Dysenteny Cordial is compounded specially fa combat dysentery <'holona morbus and aIl inflammatory dis- ondens thaf change of food on waîen may set up in the stomach and intestines. These complainte are more common in summer than lin winîen, but they are not conflned ta the warma monthe, as undue laxnss of the bowels may seize a man at any lime. Sucb a sufferer wili flnd speedy relief in Ibis Cordial. ENNISKILLE.N Mn. Geo. Preston and son have been beeutifying Dr. C. W. Slemon's residence witb thein ekilful brushes. . .. Our Sunday Sehool attendance bas kept up wcll, one hundned being present îwo weeks ago. Our aduit bible dlase members are 50 in- teresîed in the lessons that fbey drive sev- eral miles ta attend, eéven on bot Sundays. Mn. Thos. McGill, assistant teachen, taugbt veny ably and acceptably last week. Recently, toa, the clase was deiighted ta baye witb them Miss Virtue, a beloved teacher of the past. Miss Vintue's teach- ing always gives ber bearens an uplift.... Messan. Walter Oke, Herbert McLaugb- lins,an Wili Preston lefI Satunday on an excursion ta the Nortbwest. Mn. Wîll Preston going ta Moose Jaw where bis brother Steniey nesides ..Our village is becoming popular enough ta hi' caiied a sommer resont-so, many sommer gueste bere. Visitons: Mn. and Mis. Creenwood and daugbter, Buffalo, aI Mn. W. J. Brad- ley's; Mn. and Mrs. B. Palmer and family, Weston, at Mn. Nelson Smith's; Miss Greta JWickett, Bowmanville, at Mn. Wm. Oke's; Miss Inene Fee, Chicago, Mrs. Fee,- Ome- mee, Mrs, J. MeIntyre and daughten Ella, Bowmanville, Mn. Lamne Frank, BQ>wman- ville, and Mise Muriel Hall, Wbîtbv, at Mn. Wes Oke's; Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Robe- son, Cherry Valley, Ill., Mn. H. W. Robe- son and wife, Toronto, Mns. Wm. '«asson and family, Warsaw, Mn. Mcllmoyle, Tor- onto, at Rev. J. E. Robeson's; Mn. James Grant, Edinburgb, Scoîland,, with hie aunt Mre. Andnew Sharp; Miss Maude Calven, Tarant o, with Mns. McConnechie; Mn. and Mrs. VanCamp, Tononto, at Mn. J. Don- lend's; Mn. R. Acheson, Tùronfo, and Mrs. McDonald, Cobourg, aI Mn. Jas. Manoney's; Mn. and Mrs. John Rodd and daughîen Olive and Mns. Anstin, Windsor, Mr. and Mns. T. Chas. Jewell and Mn. and Mis. Wm. Trewin, Bowmanvilie, Mn. and Mrs. Thos Slemon, Mies Rilda and Mn. Cecil, Haydon, at Dr. C. W. Slemon's; Miss Lizzie-Mille, Chicago, with Mre. George CHJDRflNS9 PLAY SUJTS Chïlciren. Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CA sTrCDR Chictren -Cry ForFECE' CASTOcRýA BUSTER SHAW PLAY SUIT Long Pants or Bloomers, Blue, Tan, Gray, Plaïn and Stripe. Splendid Wash- ers, regular 75c, Sale Price..........5SOC Just the thing for the flot Weather. Ahl other Summer Goods. selling at reduced prices. The Anderson Clothing Co BOWMAN VILLE. 'FOR H1ARVESTING UN VWESTERN CANADA-3 1C Goind 2 P dditional for Rleturn on kI~~> r1p Followind Conditions: GOING DATES AIJGUST ard-From ail stations on ail fines on and South of the Grand Trunk Main Line, Toronto to Sarnia, including ail statiflos on C.P.R. Toronto to Dietroit and Branch Lines including Guelphs sub-division frons Guelph South and Brampton South. AUGUST 12th-From ail stations North of Grand Trunk Main Liins, Toronto to Sarnia, jncluding C.P.R. points, Bolton jct. and west; also Grand points, Toronto to Calendar inclusive. AUGUST IGth-rra ail otatzost. in Ontario, Toronto and East, Orillia and Scotia Jet. and East ou G ' R. also Azilda and Eastern Ontario. AUGUST 23rd-From ail stations Toronto to North Bay inclusive and West. AUGUST 2fith-Fromn ail stations Toronto and East in Ontario and Quebec, also East of Orillia, Scotia Jet. and North Bay. j O0E.WAY SECOND)-CLASS TICKETS WILL BE SOLI) TO WINNIPEG ONLY Representative farmiers, appointed by Manitoba, Saskatcewan andi Aberta Govern. ments wsli meet and engage laborers on arrivai at Wipnipeg. Free transportation will be f urnished at Winnipeg to points on Canadian Pacifie where laborers are needed, east of Moose Jaw and Saskatoon, inciuding- branches, and at one cent aË -ieech nW st thereof in Saskatchewan and Aberta. C.ihe B. KE teAghtcetan hscii-t, Bowm xctd a ,ine. o r ulpANDTiclRUsenK .PICR.AgeCrwiIIAG, UUTIN f Fss al taisrtrbtet , iuciMPS N.dieg ain Line -.Tornto UGUT i2t -~toSaiia unelvi Starfrd toan iuludngtis ue fo7 c N uo oT h Aysg e slnt arlo. m n il', ~ FomToeeo anCsatos tl Outse ieRSt fOrl Auu~ I6n aSeta Jntoni ntr AUGST2 u roCIal satos'olno NsY a adwetinnani AUGST25t {Frin alsatu ootoaCea fOila n ctaJnto FNRON AI STAIONSINCANADASTEN FCANA R NWLLANGOITTAS SNEGRANDLOWRTES ANI Ry.NSVICEICAOCERTANDE Distri jtenrhAge not, nldgManLe Toronto