___ £ ta a year in adlvance; $i.50 to United States. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, 'UCI AAUUS IL191 VOL. LVII. No). 34. M'f. A, JAMES & SON, Proprietyrs. ~z2fluLz- _ I ___ Cotton Suitings worth 20c for 122k. Cotton Suitings worth 2.5c for 15c GinQha'mq w0rth Ti/r.for-&-. Prints th -,---fo- -Q-o-n4-ip I Ail goods sold as dets . COUCII, JOI-NSTON & CRYDERMAN BOWIMANVILLE. I 1L il n THE CORNER S HOE TORE We 1Have SUMMER WEIGHTS SHOES Combining COMFORT AND HANIX SOME APPEARANCE ALL THE POPULAR STYLES 1~LADIES' "2 W heel, Plain top-, Shoes Low or Hig-h Cut, CHILDREN' S Straro Sliip >ers and Shoes., Entrance (during alterations) from nSîmcoe Street East Side. THE B Ns 0 OSHAWA5 ONT. Farmers, Attention Why commit prexnium note county Mutual yonrseivee to liabiiity in 'a when you ena mesure in snob companies as the London, Pèrth & Gore Fire Ineurarce Comapanies t fi,m 50C to $1L00 per hundred of IBnsurance andw no proma- iune note. Irersetthiese throee Ompanies wbîch arîe a- mong the be digfarin busi- ness ir aaaand rate-s ais low as the lowovst. HARRY CANN, TkeClSy Hall Ilnseraisce Mati Phono rpO. mewmnv Ille. BANKOF MONTREAL F32 ABLISHEV Capital - $14,4( 400,000 Rest - - $1 2,000,000 Total Assets $ 183,169,159 Savings Banh Department Head Office, Montreal. J. A. MIcCIellain, Manager, Bowmaavilie Branch. SUMMER GOODS Croquet Sêts 4 BAl...... 95C 6 Bal .. $1.10 ,GOLDEN WEDDING. REV. AND MPS,. JOHN KNNECELE- BRATE ix FTYrv YEARS 5. ARREDLiu Es SURRrUNDED BEv Til LR FAMý 1--IAN NUXIEROUS OruER FRIENDýmS. At "Tie Pine"Tnesday , getI5thi an event which falîs f0 the lu -f but feýw wasexperienceti when thie cbr o f their Golden W/edtiig was aricpaet lu by Rev. anti Mrs. JohnKne, Mit- chell, Ont. The members oi I$e famliiy hatibee ilooking forwarti fe-ioriithlui anticipation of the pcainctn ati he foilowing were preseut tfuesiare lu the joy- inepiriug occasion: Mrs. . S. J. Thoin- peon, Nanaimo, B. C., Mr I dMme. j. 1H. Kenner, son anti daughter, S tra.tfford'c; Mnr. W/. Kenner, Porcupine; Mr, C. P. Kenuier anti wife, Hamilton;InecrW.RBl, wif ani ,ColIingwo-o(i, Mies lUk Reii, wît ili, Cornîwall,,-Egat, witb R--v%- W/. Kenner, Peterboro,wo officiateti at the weddiurg arSI. ColombCorwah, ff-,C ty years ago. Dinner was sý-eretiat t o' dlock p. m. affer wbic Mr. J .Kne wbo was toast master, propostitb tas f0 King George, which was respodi f0 I wifh zest, by singiug TIhe National t- cm. The toas t of the brî7ide atigoo was responded fo bysngn "o fe are jolly gooti feIllgws" ai "Sýce eü m tozether with a touchinz remirisce l ti drees by Rcv. W/. Keýnne r-oib afof thec famiiy. Mrs. Thomipeon reada very ap- preciative address f0 the bride a nd rom followed by tbe presentafion! by Mr. ell of a wcll filled purse of five and feu dollar gold pieces. The groom on bebiaifoflmn self and bride prcsented f0 cach of bis ebidren their Wives and buisban1ds and' children a. souvenir steýrling dlessert, spoon duly eugraved accompaniiied ianad- dress, which will not be soon îf orgotten, and eut cred upon an-otier ifty yars hy biniding the wife wîth adam dbu. In théecvcning a Receptioni was field. Ferus, flowers, ribbons, Cieelnen and electric lights aided ini bea 1iyig the perspective. The only; MisKne of the family waited on flhe door, wb-lile the two daugbters assisfed MUlrs. Kenuer in rcceiving. Mrs. 1. IH. Kenu.er presided at the tea table assisted by M'Nrs. Ewart Kenner and others. Abiiotone hundred and twenfy of Ivitcheli's citizOners were kind enought10cali and ex-,tendL felicitat- ions while numerous telegrais, letters, andi express parcels fron ints about6,0 miles apart gave evid!ence of an Iinter- est iii the eveut much byodthe parties, immwediafeiy concernedý. LIEUT. F.II.MORRIS A WONDER Thie T oronDto Gl obe- repîiý> thcrof iug at Lonig Point Rifle rianges iast wveek under auspices of Ontario Rif' le A-ssociat- ion in aparagrapb headed "Mlor-ris aWu derful Shot" says: The fiesi the ext'ra stries matches, which were shof off Fr1- day affernoon, provideti mucb excitement, and were watched by ahl with the keenest intereet. Iu the fie shoot at 800 yards Lient. F. H. Morris (Bowmanville) heat Sergt. Major Dymond. Morris' judgmeuf of the strong rear fisb-tail wind that w as blowing at the time was regarded as won- derful. For instance, before.bis lait shot be had tomakea buli's eye to wiu, Sfudy- ing the flage very caret uiiy Morris fireti and madeIbe bull's eye. Afterwards hie said that lhe bad changed bis wînd allow- auce by eighf minutes for the last shot. "But seven would have doue", lie remark- ed. Lieut. Morris won firet prize lu Extral Series, $20, andi firet prize lu extra series aggregafe $io, besides several smaller prizes lu other matches. 8 Bail ... $1.35 Il APPLES -WANTED. llammocks.. $1 .25 upwards Souvenir Post Cards and Lo- cal Vîews Just recèived. W. T. ALLE~N,- Blg 20 Bownuuville.1 First Class Hlôrse Shoeing, Having secuired a competent floor manl as my asitant I amn 1better prepared than eve-tr to dIo firet ý o1s os soeinlg promptly andi satisfactorihy. ()Ur speialty is shôirgbt wve do other blacksmithing asý weIL. GEORGE WATTS, OPPOSITE SALVATION ARMY THE OLD HOARSMTY BOWMANVILLE. Il, If i uley but thie high wintie have blown down quantifies of apples. Dont let theini waste, the evaporafors can use thein, large or emnîl, You can deliver thein fo the Bowmanville facfory, opposit e the High School, Newcastle factory or f0 J. R. Cooper's, Onono, on or affer Aug. J. R. FINKLE, 32f f Bowmanville. ECONOMY IN SPRING CLOTIIES W/by buy a reatiy-mate or mate-to- mensure Spring suit that coste ftoin $22 f0 $35 wben we are making failor-matie suifs linfest styles anti of beet maferials from in $ to $20? You are invitedtof inspect our new Spring Suitinge anti Overcoats withouf fh be asf obligation f0 buv. W/e bave the popular shades of tweeds anti fnncy wor- sedts, perfectly woven, perfectly tiyed anti finishet. wbicb wilh be mate ieupn.uour usual firet-chass style. JOSEPH JEFFERY & SON, The Star House Bowmanville LEHIGH VALLEY COAL. My sales of Lehigb Valley CoDal turing the past few monthe bave been fer beyonti, my sangui ne expoctations, whicb clearly shows thaf fhe people of Bowmnanvilie ani vicinify who punchaseti Lebigh GCoal mest spring were thoroughly satiefieti anti convinceti thaf fbey nover receiveti beff or coal value for their mioney. W/e are sf111 busy unlonding cars of fthe finest Leigb iVnlley Goalsetdrc fromi the mines. If you have nover frioti Lebigb VaIley Goal let nme fil your bin andi you wihh be anot ber of m1y satisieti customers. Orders will receivo prompnt attention if left af my coni yards anti office uf Finkile's Evaporaftor, opposite IHigb Scbooh. E. W/. LO0s cOM"B, :-E; Phone: offlice 1717, b-outse- 144. o-7avle Ohildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S Shorter Catechism on Reciprocity.1 Q. What le the mieaning of the word reciprocity T A. ht means give and take on a basis of Q. hat does it mean as between na- tions? -A. It means the exchange of commodi- ties cn equai terms. Q. What does if mean as be tween Can- adla and the United States in connection wihwhat is called the Fielding-Taft Agr-eement ? A. 11mn-Ls a lowering in both coun- tries of thec tariff duties heretofore col-' lected on many commodities, and the placing uipon the free list of a large num- ber of "niatural products." Q. Have both countries made precisely t'he same reductions in the _tariff rates?_ A. They have reduced the items in questin toIte same rate, but this has meantIl a muich- greater cut in the case of the United Stte ltan Canada, because the, Amnerican tarifi rate was higher in nea-_riy every instance. Q.How does the question of the agree- metnow stand in the United Stafes? Q. Do fhey prefer American institutions f0 their own ? A. Dccidedly nof. <Q. Why would tbey change their mindc? A, I do not know. Q. W/bat is the basis for the second ar- gument, viz., that reciprocity will prove injurlous fo the business interests of -,an- ada?' A. If is based on the assertion that the great increaselu the importationI of Amn- enican goods will seriously injure our do- mestic mauufacturîng establieblinents. Q. Does the reciprocîty agreement pro- vide for a lowering of the Canadian tariff ou manufactured Lgoods? A. No; exccpting in tbe case of -agri- cultural instruments and prepared meats. --Qi -Are- t-besc rechictions greýat?__ A. No; veryslgt 1 Q. Are the esfablisbimeuts affected able f0 stand the reduction? A. They make millions of profit every year. Q. Te the reduction likely to 'hurt fhemi at al? 1A. No; free c"Pq tbici h -Xri~~~ i ongr a questionu ucre.1 lie markets wiil likely add 10 tbleir bjus:iness. reciprocity bih! was passect by Congrese and Sente byý large majoritie and was Q. If generai manuifacturing establisb- formally signied by tbe President July 26. meute are not coucerueti la tbe proposeti Q. Ilowdoe th qustin sandin an-reductions of duty at al, why should they Q. Hw des he qeston tandin an-be disturbed ? ada? A. Because fbey may fear that this sleght A. It le awaitiug the ratification of the faste of lower duties may iead f0 a de- Hou'se of Commous. mand for a general reduction in tbe tariff. Q.Wby bas that ratification not Len .Cnyo-eoce hswthteie givn? t'at the reciprocity aigroement will prove A. Becase fthc Conservativepartyin ai iijury 10 Ibe ipoeople 0f Cauada?. h, IbeHosba by obstrucî.vi. mcliode, A. No; thle two idtas canuot ho re:onl- Ipreveuîed the question frornt comîrg 10 a ciied. vote. Q. Ho-w wili the redluction of duties or Q. Wby bas tfi s been per mitteti by a the puttiug of naturai products on the jGoverninent wbicb enjoyed a large ina- free list affect wage-earners? jorîfy in the chamber?- A. It wiil enable thcm f0 buy their A. Because there le no provision lu the footi-stuifs af a lower rate; in other words mIles of Parliameut f0 enable the Goveru 'if wiil reduce their cost of living. ment fo preveuf deliberate waete of finie Q. W/îll nof the farmers of Canada oh- lu thia- way. tain bîgher prices in the homo market Q. W/bat action bas the Goverumeuf than they now enjoy? takenlu the matter? A. No; the free entry of Amorican na- A. fiblas dissolved the House and f ural producte will tond f0 lowor prices. bîougbt on a gencral election. Q. W/heýrein, then, will the Canadian Q--. Wbat doos this mean? fariner ben efit ? A. if means that the question of reject- A. In flue addçition of another great ing or accep)tiug the reciprocity agrcc- market for bis goode. meiqt le uow upl to the votons of Canadla. Q. W/bat markcýts doe he possees at Q. Reciprocîtiy, thien, je thile chief issue i present ic, be2ic e utepesn apiu .The om mr inluCanada, d A. It is. It le practically the only issue. the British markef acrose theocean. Q. Wili the question proceot, then, Q. le I the Americau market wo.rth much upon strict Iy party fines? f0t Canadian producers? A. No; a great many Couservatives are A. If is a market of 90,00o,000 of per- lu1 favor of the measure, anti some Liber- haps the beet customers lu the world. ais are againet if. Q. le an extensive free 1sf of nafural Q. W/bat arguments are used by ifs op- producte wortb mucb fo the Canadian poncuts ? householder and the citizeus lu generai ? A. Cbiefiy two: (i) 1ihat reccprocity A. It means simply an addition to the wii iead f0 annexation, and (2) that it purchasing power of their wages. will prove injurions f0 the business inter- Q. Have Canadian stafesmen of the ets of Canada. past faken the view that reciprocity lu Q. As to the firet argument, upon wbaf natural producte with the United Stat e basis doe it reet ? would bo a good fbing for Canada? 1A. Ou the basis that greater freedorn A. Thcy have; leaders of hoth parties of intercourse wih unrneigbbors wîll have striven wifh ail their might f0 se- tend f0 wcaken our ailegiance to Great cure a reciprocity îreaty since tbe abro- Britain. gation of the onte wbich ceased lu 1866. Q. W/orlti this resuit be probable if thaf 1Q. Can you give the naines of any of lut ercourse shoulti prove unprofi table?, these stafesmen ? A. No. - Q. le If, then, assumeti by ifs opiQocnents that reciprocif y will prove profitable to Canada? A. Nýo; qiuite the contrarv. Q. Do fhey aliege thaf Caniadians wîll bc di;sposed ftoward anxainbecause thcOy wîll find reciprociîty nuprofitable froi a buineiss stanLdpo;inf? A. T'la t le wbat they scein f0 mean. Q. ie the agreement lu forin n treaty for a-peiie mci, wbich must be ad- hered f0o whetber profitable or not? A. N\o; if le merely a mrut ual understand- ing wbich cither party le af liberty fo fer- minaf e af any tipie. Q. Why, then, should Canadians think about annexat ion because, upon triai, fhey were tiîssatîsfied with rociprocify?. -A. No reason car, be given. If tbey diti not like itfhfey coulti repeal if. Q. 'W/hy shouidt fey be disposeti toward annexafion if the agreement proveti a greaf boon f0 their countrv? A. Beca use. annexa tion woulti give theta Anican polifical înstïfutïins as well as the Amenican manket. BOWMANVILLE TO FRONT. Oit IdBowmanville le booming np H--er people are awaking Anti those wbo use t f take a sup Are their bati wnys forsaking. Ail day you hear flc sounti of tools, Wý1ýieidet inl honteet labor No longer are fbey count cd fools W/ho bny lots fromn their nigbbor. No more you hlear the2 cry for- work Froin many nhay iubb)er For tbiene le noom for every turkc Down whero fbey shape the Rubber. The Goodyear firrinlbas pif chieti nght bore With every goo inlt eutin The Yankee bias if, do usot fear, The bump) of gooti invention. W/ifb Tetty vLarge anti Sissier, f00, Anti Greenfielti as their bosses, You bof your ife fbev'll pull bonr tbroughi Withouf a chang.e of biorses. Njo more will Bowýmanivile go slow W/ifb Mýitche1ll af the nutider, But onl f0 vicfory slite wîll go As fast as hoe cati sentilber. Awalço ye sleeping molecuiocs, Anti join lu giorlous battie Break off fcoin your olti msfy rulos An ake the civïer rattie. -T!IRTN A. Among ConservaI ive leaders I wouil naie Sir John A. McDonali, ýSir A. T. Gaît, Sir John Thompsonü, Sir Chas, Tul ppr ant ir Leonarti Tiliey. Q. Were any of these imen suspecteti of disloyalty f0 Brifish inistitutions-? A. sNo; fhey were ail regardeti as emi- neuflyloyal. Q. Yet t bey strove f0 secure reciproc- ity wit b the Unitedi States ? A. Yes; useti every possible endeavor. Q.W/as the Conservative party in gen- oral favorable f0 sncb a mensure? A. Yes; Sir #ohn A. Macdionald, as their leader, tiecinreti for "nreciprocity of frade or reciprocify of tariffs," anti they supporfet hlm f0 a mari. Q. If Sir John A. M7ýactionait were alive to-day anti wished f0 vote in the coming election consistenthy -wîf h his Pnrty's re- cord anti bis own oft-repeateti opinions on reciprocity, how would lie cnet hie bal- lot? A. Ho woethti be obligedtof0vote for Laurier anti langer markefts. JW/. Bengough in the Globe. DR. DICKEY'S OPINION. APPLES AND HO0RSES- BRING HIGH PRiCES I; N T111E STUATES. If any penson doubte the benefits ofr-ec- iprocify fbey shoulti reati the lotcfr bceow froin Dr. W/. W/. Dîckey;, a former resiti- eouf of Clarke; but now living iii New York. Dr. Dickey sf111ownspnoporty bore antid Mn. M. J. Hohinani, Clarke fownsbip, was tiesirous of bnying the apples on this prop- erf y anti matie bita an offeýr for the sine. Here le the neply: New York, Aug. 3, 19i. DEAR FRIENI) MORTE: I wouhti consider your offer g-eneronîs utier ortinary circumrstanices, butI1 look for apphes f0 be very hîg.,The wint bias blown nearly ail of theifromi tercs in titis State andtifho reciprocify troaf y would easily mnake theta Worth $2.00 on the froc lu Canada. W/. W/. DIeE' P.. - 1I!GO"- for ereryth-ing rodcet on the farnito fb--overy high. One man bohre gave an ortier for 50o wonk b. orses at DURHAM ELECTIONS, Alil electors are cordially invited to at- tend Public meeting in the in terest of the candidature of Mr. T. Alex. Kelly, as fo)i- lows: COURTICE, Tuesday Aug. 29. TYRONE,ý Wednesday " 30. ENFJELD, Thursday " 31. HAMPTON, Friday Sept. i. 9ý4 Chair to be taken af 8 p. m. Mr. Kelly and oth-er speakers will ad- dress electors. Whaf's the matter with Kelly? He's ail riglit. What's thec matter with Kelly ? He can fight. Oh, hurry up Thornfon and get the tin For Reciprocity's sure to win. What's the matter with Kelly? He's ail right. Sauc-y -Kat TO LIVE IN BOWMANVILLE Mr. Andrcw Jackson, who in J1ani., .3 was appnintod tnirnkey ln Linrlsiy Gal and three years later Gaol W/arden, a posý- if ion ho bas fiiled most satisfactorily ever since, bas resigned that office and is coin- Mr. Jackson is the oldest gaoior in the Provinice of Ontario and has filled) the position of gaolor longer than any othier man in the Province--48 years. Mrs. Jackson is a sister of Mr. D. E. Galbraith and sisters of Bowmanville. CALGARY A GREAT PLACa.-. Mrm N. B. Cobbledick,. East Toronto, who wit Mrs. Cobbledick went -west te- Calgary and the Pacific siope a little over a, gonth ago, bas returned and like nearly aIl thie easteru men is entbused with) the marvellous development of the far west. Mr. Cobbledick says that real estate ln Calgary le booming and the boom for the most part seems to be of the bealfhy per- manent sort., Everywhere there is the same feeling of optimism and enquiry from, the best informed centres and a- mong the farming community faited to locate any very mat erial loss f rota rust in the wheat crop. Mr. Cobbledick's father resides in Calgary and iVrs. Cobbledick remainsover for a time, but after ail N. B. thinks there is no place like East Tor- onto and especially Coleman- Astf0mat-. ters political ouf in fhe big breezy west be did say something about reciprocity carrying ail before if, but then lie neyer was an, athobrify on that co' 'old Mr. Cobbledick's many W/Vest Durhiam friends will read this para(graphi with much interest.- HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. School opens for the fali term on Tues-.. day, Sept. 5. In view of the large num- ber of successful candidates at the En- france examinations and the excellent record of the scbool there should be a large enrolment of new students. Few schools have so large a number et candidates'at the teachers' and matricula- tion examinations in proportion to the enrolment as Bowmanvilie Higb'Scho. The markedsuccess of the students bas therefore actually tended f0 keep down the attendance. The dema.tds for teach- ers in the public schoois and for edulcated Young mnen and womeu in aIl walks of .1ife is sucb as fo iniduce many t0 ]cave the school inistead of completîng the upper scbool coLurse. Many students niakec theý mistake of leaviug echoolts0oon. Qtb- or conditionis beîng equal, the boy or girl with a trained immd anid infellectuial pow- er a cquired tbrough thie discipline of a. fhorough course of study wilad in the race of life. The, B. H. S. prize list for the sebiool ycar i910-i T, which was dlepýendenit in part upon the rýcenit examination resuifs, 13, given below. The prizes wil1l be- distrib- ted on a date f0 be fiired affer the open- ing of schooi. Form 1 Writing-i, Kathleen Knight, 2, Ru 'ay Jewell. Reading-Rita Carvetb. Composition and Literafure-Hazel Wil,~ cox. Geucral Profiçîency-Alice Werry, Form Il Reading-Gladys Cousins. Comfpositi on and Lit erature-Nancy Johns, General Proficiency-Gladys Cousins. Form III Composition and Liferafure-i, Marjorie King, 2, Re-glinald Jolliffe. Follick Plrize f or Science ' -, Kathleen McGill, 2, Marjorie King Gi 1llnPrz 1frG ncrlPrfciny lia Gouild. *'Form IV Hioskini Prize for highiest staning at Sen- irTeachers' EaiatoPobt. F. Trewin. Years ofSf~ A Desperate, Case-6oCaarrh in the Head. "My father had catarrh ln the-,head for a, long time. If wias such a despe-r- ate case that he didni't know what te~ do, but one of bis frienids recomimended Hood's Sarsaparila. lie got a bott le inimedlateIy, and as soon as he coin- irnenced taking if he felt reliof and ait er the use of fwo oflier botties he~ Was-l çcilrpltely cured. _H.e was so well peased iehas ever stuce rpecn- mended liod's sarsaparilla." 'Delle Alin Dein evis, P. Q. et1ros Sarsaparilla today. Sold. by all drug~gists everywhere. e -3Bowman- ville NÏews will be sent f0) a niew subscri- beýr at any P. 0. in Caniada or Great Bi-. taifrom date oforder Z 5 c to0 jan. 1st, 19q12 for 25qç $I.oQ Annual Mid-Summer Sale. Now 6*G oOn ~~~~~~~Muslins wot15fo9.Muinworthi 25C to 30C for 15C Silký Muli Dress Goods worth 30C for 15c. A lot of Dress Goods at haif price and '13 off the price of ail Spring Coats, also a lot of Men's Print Shirts worth from 75C to $1-25, your choice for 68e. 1Men's Two-Piece Suits at greatly redueed priees. 1 ing BeXt niOnth tE) FeSJde M BOWnlanV;Ile. -L Muslins worth 15c'for qc. 1