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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1911, p. 3

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hie Oijly Road to luiflity is by Being' llumiliated, Which RHurts Onueus-y te open a Ioker) door iy icarna bcýw te Uvu tili is's ruady ia tu faîl at it and scrath, kick, le die. And il witl t ouas, ai aur) shove! A btter way is te go cof as, ile is a niglîv geiticig ruady, gei the key. then t 55 a guttîng ready for- le1 other uso-ds, pludlu mud force suai? and sull powuer are al ighit in ileïr hi, is tireasendus question place, lut they are far fuot bei:ig tIsait uniecs ihe door cf deatis sud the ouiy secret cf auccess. TIc>- gives us car sancai IIope of thc aie dosu right silly withoai-pre- ulic Iuyoud. pnmatc:u.DR. FRANK CRANE. Kn-uusiog hs-esis l'al îlebtîe____ Prmactice no-i siady ceuni. Slill sud eficiu su>-me:ît a i-ecg lime TUE tRIU3LPIIAŽiNT -N OTT. gutting ready. We are faniliar ,eneagis wi t is ts in.odinamy Acta 2: 17-21. matons. We seur) boys te schôol Courageous soûls this day eau seec an-c presutices io tise sbop, anud Ne cause te leur di'-astcr; sýul «tud-bu stenogmaphers te -nighi Fer grandest days are yct te be &cl3oul. For vie rucognize tIntthîe lu sersvice for car Master. unîmasoff teanth il s da î Ian t e ieviciomies tînt lave blic on c g-et~~~~ of1 ]Hauihm' e on ave made a grand begîissnng; for it n. Bat we ofleus laui o cry u11le mwl,-) 1"car Sil u u thisý primitisve cosusiose1 uuner Sîiihlane uss tnsig ie îe mtoi-e serionus concraYV fongut tînt-ceôiie In ioicmu on sentr) ledarL suOAri -isous- te lise. Onu causuo)t go-a it nî]g1h býoul andnda-il. itisnot to e b isntinir o-e wrcfuris alerter), forced, sund _iumpeded. But rno-w tise gluant j i nonif hgi i takes science, tmaiing, and ha evurywisere- appeansng. pract ice. Ris sers-anis us-uehave ateadînsiý Tle leamting how is lasr), ai- Icun wnys; bai ussential. Tise Ocuyl>- hieir unclianger) decisieus, iluinsonme can do wiuisat prac- Are viuewing now sit5 intereut tice are ever-uating, ove-drsn-kit:g, keen lazinessu, ad tumper, seifisli'uuus, 'Thc grand suecesa cf missons. aur)d genemai teauness, nîso caeaus ceas. Biuth îe goor) ihings ce0'ý Yoong mes1 wlio love the Savioar's luard.i Talc Ie umiliiiy, rarest anr) a urn nol-Â'f \ itus. Tbetseis us te Hlm are yielding; TRE OL WAY TO PATIENCE Aur) maidens Rlis great promise is b>- self nestmaini suder irritation. _ý MWlo is île sceptre wieing. hI' ttuere is eoihi-sg te gcawandr)Audr iel in Ris ancousuýe mtu stl, avcny andr)huckle as, ibun we cuver lfis pmaises tise>- are s oiesu,.g: lean thtiibeactifi ami cf Pati- TIc>- bring tle Rimthieir yctî aurd encec. The'ual>- path tu beliel, tînt healtI: ig Uf Lbpc Ul - nîv nu T- Tctits L+1,., is of any use te'clamacter, is throagh dcli. Faith is a pro- duccitisai is greund eut of îhe miii of distay, confusion, despais- and sts-uggle. la tellecicai assent is cheap1. Thse confidence ihai is a triaunl f îe soul over pussints'u su; lau s rcnsonunjigs ýis wrtl me tIlI -stg. Tise only meanassuarrosiis sirlt is te iircd bonus tîle bcdI tastes sweeî. Tise seul canu neyer cnjoy ictiing go tisaibas neyer lacng ou. Ruai piacidiiy is îhe preduci cf strenuosity. Se also tihe prepamation for kuowiedge is love. Trais is net a lump cf somihing a mans may go -and pick up. Truil is net aoiy ihicg ai ail. hi is relation, a qua- lily, a shie, an odor. ht is noi percusvued by il-e intellect; it is perceivcd by the huart; tse in-tel- icci nteruly criticises and classifies il.T'lie seceti-cf Edison's discov- erucas, and cf Kocl's, sud cf Mar- couf's, is loe-. Ossiy lovecaena sue. 1,t lias tle X-ray eyu. And tuis is trýuc in business, or science, or lit- e-rature, or art, qite as mucc as su rlgo.Brama ca:,-ît aïa,,su nss and pigenhole 15cm aend arra:ege tisemi; only passion of acte sort can flnd tIent oui WHRIE TREY ARE IIDDEN. thisss ar île nier ocf grentf a mat eu i-r-w suhre bu resunsîlus aoiinary mass about as muci s n a f1ýie1iboroughbrc-d herse rusembles a,,cbeap, broke-iidowsis ack, or ns a rose- reserblies a dusty weed. Nobiece'ss of cluareter, grandeur cf soilsw~seetness cf spirit, ne eau tau get tls euusithoat being pre- Soiie cf us las o tle ignorant ne- tisa tbat use eould lebchbe if use ýnrcl te talc île ,-ffert. We are hLke Llise inan suIe, suheiasked if he b u -tiiily tise s icln, saud le kidoti ow isc d nouer iied. W bat a, huai of geLtiicg rtadv l [ive i needed! A mac neyer reai- J ln Itisutttey are rejoicing. The huarts tînt sucre agaiuusi Rit sealed Are for Ris prosunce yearinig; Thie siseh Savicur stands revcalcd, And men te Rit are turniig." And -He wlo all e lieut eommae-îds Coirci7s t-le eartli's cemnoticu;1 Ie iod creation in lis hands And rai-us thc air anud oecean, Thc prophecies subiimely fair He is ai lengil fuifillinig: ln answcr te unccasing prayer Eartl's tempests Reies . s îiii'sg. ISi'nce Ris great banner usow un- Leads on tise grand eyuQdavoir, Soon ,iil tise kiugdems' of thiaS Be Ris alonu, forevor. T. WATSON. lona Station, Oui., 1911. TIGRTWADDO. "I undurstand liat Mr. Picci-, penny las been oerstcd on for appendiiis," rinaark-cd Mis Cay-i cane. "Ycs. It's tise firsi lime anyon was kaown te gui anytising oui cf "But yen sue tisy lad te give lit eilruornt t e gui tînt." Slc --i supp)ose yea,,r nuw babyv us a delîcate punk"Fh ReL- Nsie's a robust yeller il" A PLAIN INQUIRY. "Wnrdun, wisat arc testcf itlce tels doing isure " ý"Trinc4,pally doing time, ma- Ru (scslfuiy)-"Thuru are 1a thcusnnd stars te njgit iookioig upon Ion." She-"Is My lai- on stîaight i" A tan usases a loi cf tinte ask- ing qsîeSîsiýS Lital lic doe-"t sn'sti ,ussse r ed. 1 FPHYSICIANs Faited to Cure Rbeumatism Miss Plora Ohaprnan 'Viv- idly Descrilbes Iler Suffer- ings a7ind Ultimate Cure With "Nerviline." "Afler buing an unthusiastie user of Nurviline fer -yuars, I fuel it my duty te tell yeu personally what yeur won- durful pruparatien has donc for me. "I suffurud torture from rheumattsm and huart trouble, trlud scores off se- cailud rernedies, consulted -fer wuuks and months with Toronto's meut cmi- nent physicians, but derived eîtly slight bee f it. "A friend lnsistcd on My uslng Nervilitie, and te miy surprise a vig- orous rubblng of this powurful lini- mont easud the pains and reducud theu sttffnuss ln my joints. I continued te use Nervilinu and was permancntly cured. I arn now pcrfectly well, and for threu years have UR D had noeumts CURE D ai aIl. I know many 3 amnilies vyhure ne ]YEARS lter iedicine but YEARS Nerviline is kup- 1 it luse ouseful in miner aîments, like caraclsetoothache, nenralgia, cnîîghs. colds, lumbago, and 1eatc. cail Nurviline my "Life uaird," and urge aIl te try lis murit." Dec. 7tfi, 113 Paîrnerstn 2Fc. Ail daus rTh(,aarhzn Crs Rheumatism avlCullege in Gruenwieh, En gland. Admirai Toge, cf ail Japan's greai men, is tle mosi Japanuse ai hennI, se it lias leun said by for- eîgners wlo bave hiver) in tle em- pire, anr) suo kaow ai firsi hand as nuccî cf tise J'apacese, character as ans' foreigner tay kaow, se- cordiag te s- wriîem in île News Yerk Sun. This nteaas tisai aside fremthîe parely techinical aspect cf hbis traning as, a commnander over modemrnitile fluets the s-icter cf Tsushimta m5 ai huart cf tise old sebool cf mediacual Satsunta fîp lu- ing saturai sudh as wc see.ou île vases and kakemnscos, tcrrifying in aspect cader grinîng war masks. Evun under île.modemn conditions, ushici las-e'changer) and bewilduned Jap9n bis code lias beun île an- cie csn ode cf Bushido, aur) bis hileý off t"Ic uatedul f liÎs fa is' as Ineariy hile e lise% f i fýoaiers as"bueau iidc it Gnutdouve)f tîle dpr or f ise4 Japanesu flet adrbsct laud orPo Liu r, adîel girining'cI tise great stugh Vsiti Russia, ibis admnirai cf a modemn lictol f stecencaler)lis efflcera i 4-----l,ý - l- --.t f, 1 te liiasiL anthLre, under tne ______ ___________sadow of an eiglt-incb gun 1 NNEWCSTLEbreecli in bis cabin bu addressed NEWCASTIi ilim. On the table before but lny the "thrue and a baîf inclus, of Mrs. J. E. W., Ph*,io) bas ben lenor"-tbe sbort-dagger cf hara- visiting Millbrcok friclidu. kiri, wbicb in trie code cf the Mus. D. J. Cilso-n s,--oeed ru- samurai is thc hast recoarse cf a lative-s ai Corbourg-. warrier in defuat. Toge made ne MissBs, Toronto, v-Iisit,>d Ms., allusion te îhe unsbeailed dagger. W. E. a. "To-cigisi wc shail attack thuenei- Mrs. RuIf and c1 are visiting emy," lu said. "Front that vyg lier fatber, J-csis arso-a. ing thiere is ne returu." Miss Nuihie Bruen, Toronto, ~isjfIlS LIFE. vîsiting ber -auntfi Miss Hlele.n Bren. The biography cf lis early life is Miss Clara Roîbins,Bom - scanty in detail. FRu was boru in ville, s isited Miss ElvaRuie Kagoshima, tlie-capital ciiy cfili ford. Lord cf Saisuma, in December, Roy Tuer is down freta St. 1847. Saisama, a provinuce in tise .Mary',s, visiting bis grandustoir, souiisurmost isiand of the Mrs.Thmas, lihas beun f rom the age ef0 W.illiam Ja3 nus cf tise lesh1 fable île land cf figlters. Tego, ýis %îisiti'sg lis breleaadoth seers r of a famihy cf figiturs. relattixes. in île West. Rlis fatber waaatri a retaini- Miler',s Drink Cure lias mdeor of the Lord c-fSaua undur the tl-ousands cfliappy, home".s. od odfeudal rugimu; is miotlier was by Jury & Loelul, Bowmiavil!hý a daugliter cof a sutjurai. A, few Mr. IDavis and wife, accompanied days after 1er chutd lad been boru by tise iattus"ýs sistur rucenihy front sIc took it teo tiese lrinu cf the Bng]a'td, are guest ai Al. Lake' s. guardiani god of île clan, laid lim Mr. . Wodur stueatc upon île altar and, after île oid AI r W. oodgr, sridet 0custom, dedicaiud, île infaint te Victoria Univer-sity las charge cf"o edfuec h adc l R~v Cire' wok.Gods and te île service cf île Ms-s. Thsomas Douglas bas soid Prince." lier erclard property on B-eaver STRNSHOLIG struet, te John Douglas for $3175. SENSHOIG tSeymour Eluetric Power Co. 1bave 'e -boy's sclooling was ihai cf started te pole te Oronoý île polos l youths cf tle figbtiug clan cf laving arrivcd ai îlhe depet, hure. Kageshimaà. Ardisery, île use cf Robert Brown cf Teoroî.tou, ac- gan and sword, rigorous traiuning cf contpaTied by lis dauglitur, -Mabel, thie body and île 'developmeut cf, spu 'nt tle wuck cnd is his sister, île mind tîreugh reading of île Mus. John-, Douglas. ciassies, ilese weru île elements cf Alter a pleasant week's sjoarya bis trainingy. Aboenal cisc, afler sith Mrs. Cecil Horrocks, Toronto île eld code, buesvas maugît aIse- Island, MVss Mary Farneomb re ulae'self-effacenseni. île coatrol cf tarnud home, ahi passions and tise ability te -Mrs. J. R. Pyc and Miss Isobci, mainiain silence. At tle age cf 16 Bosxnsansille, have,buen enj oy ing hb bcamu a sailer on île single a p1iaant hioliday ait Mr. W. H warsbip owaed lytI Lord cf Sat- Puare'a.suma, and ai 21 lu- was a peity cf- i'trs.McrleyClak eieriuiudfleur aboard tise uile cruiser Kas- tie dd \ id f1Mi~i~ gouc l infants,,cf îlh(,m pur1'ial ]navy ui i len iii procesa c f 1û, at- a Soitlua, ai li lete You"!t!1inýk 1I ook s ch btter; FIRST \WAR, î u, as4 ful btte Mllur's TIe youugster's first engagement l'i1_ ý'1dil Sidcame sulen, in the Eumoto rebul- by Jury & L Ue-il, Bowntanýville. lien cf 1868, sicl wnsahi cf tda Wid, Ols'.erand suwife, acce.-nsii- pari wiîis île civil svars cfle Rue- cd by lissit, Mrs. Gorîing adsîcration, lic lislped serve a gun ciidemoiorcd front Sluithvilie abeard one, cf îhe primitive war- te visit their parents, Dr. and Mrs. ships - ainsi île defeucus of tise Ol1r Lord cf Fumoto. lu 1871 lie was Mis. Gros-es, auint cf, Mrs. Ma- setnt te Eugland by tle Govuru- sn 'and fürmerly an' old-titîtu e- muent along, willi thirteecu young sident cf. Crocio, dîed ai Orillia, men t e iaîn île crafi cf modemn and tise.body usas bro ught down b 'y ivarfare. Rue speni ses un yuars train on Mondny for intermeni in ilere in a military scisool necar Besxmanvillc Cemeterî-.,Pouistioutis and iistîe Tînmesi Air. Ueo. Mitchell wsill shortly Nautical Traininîg Cuilegu andrte- ions e for the West, alrd tise famiiy taraud ahoard tle warshsp Riyui, are nousç movicg fron thîe homie, suhiel lad jissi been coaîplcted in base lice, seuIl cf _Nîuwto.nvi1le, te an Englisl shipynrd for îhe Japan- tle Asa Thornpson residence unst use cas-y. cf Boidlead. Iu 1887, wlen Ceuni Saigo, a J. R. Finkie laving pardhasedl powufaiman cf tise south, quarrul- Clarke aud Young's nppic us apor j led wtl île stili su-onuGos-rament atorai iseIsscu ortrs ts i cf wtIcEmperor, and thc Salsuma se(curcd1 front S. Baskerývihie the lotrbeinfoowdTg fougisi on dirctl '-uti oBa wastetise side cf S-tige Iceausue ae Po le'a Satsuataan and al l is oyi lyig nxlte ontracterwas cf lise oid feudal ed o f pr limIer yard. sonar ahlesgiacuce. Sig wad- waifupe lir sstu, Ms. ihar dmanders on îhe Nsua. R ler<bolies n a Mr crîtica cond iti, ans.Rîifes ungToron- W'ARecItH CIN ,tAn I t, s bie M. li i eofied e i Tog caine sadd0C)y m i îereî Fled AIlons h e i Triu. Mrsfcfîle usîi oorh itie hube docii't al--i--n-casen-gak iu*ý-Ltlie- waxjct'ecsi Japa "nit bri dauglt, Dor (a, accompnci C(iau 19.Rewste u i Rufmnnan ie cilrc' a-IWbue rusLigit tisbuilowd Sua i ay Rauffmian1l ayd if. oeuneoa(ijnee l tensi aul"Cdt d cyig1,0 Cits oi hi is cocus nient. Juni & LOVIiILL, Soie0 A eýa ts.1 comply with these orders, nor wuld they permit him, and bis rew- of wbite meýn Vo, put off f rom the 11swigj h sem? oýbats on Togo's )rders'. For four hiours thie Nniaay «ati a% distanceýaway froin ithe transport while Toge trieto briug- the Chui- ose te ternis. In the end the Jap- anese commander fired. a shot threugh the hall of the transport and she sank wjth ahl on board. For a time Togo's action tbreaten- cd to involve, lis country in inter- national difficulties, but subsequent investigation justified him com plutely. lie servcd through the rcst of the war. WAR WITH RUSSIA. When the war wvith Russia for. whicb Japan had been prcparing for many yuars, seemcd inuvitable early in 1890, Toge was made vice- admirai in command of the entire, navy of the island empire. Hie as- sembled bis fleet at the great naval base of Sasebo; then on Felruary 6, after diplomatic negetiatiens with Russia bad been broken off but buforu a formai deciaration of war bad leen made, Tnjgo sent part of his fleectt o conveytasot fuil of troops t Cra ad 0onthe I thu. mmeiaehyaferthe li ttie vesîtment cof Port Arthur -f rom tihe sua sida nd on April 13, afer bcavy bombardments of thse forts by Togo's ficet, Vice-Admirai Ma- karon made the fatal sallv -,whicb re- sultcd in the less of the first class battiuship Petropavlovsk tîrougli contact with a ýstring of floating mines which the wily Japanýesu commander hiad strung in bis ad- vanc. BARRED LETTERS FROM HOME After long weeks cf mx cstment inierspersed by bombardmneiits of their land fortifications the' Rus- sians again made a sliewing euit- side the Tiger's Tail on Auguist !,tis and after a runniutg fight hdte rctreat beatea te the support cf t-'he land batteries. This ended the na- val campaign of 1890, and Toge w as net called upon te do serions work until the Baltie fleet under Rozh- destvcnsky was despatched frein Libau on Octeber isili, and after many vicissitudes saiiud up tnroui the Tsushima Strait teward tie Japan Sea. "You must not distanUt my m'mdý.Iii by scnding me lutters wlisse I am in command of tûe flee2t," Togeý, wroe tt his wif c during trle montlis of strain in which thc fleet under bis command was pruparing for the final conflici with the Russians on the sea. Se lie dcx otcd himseif strictly te the business in hand and lie hid bis fluet in the Corean port of Masanpho upen the approacli cf thc blundcring Russians, ready te dart eut nd. annihulate tlem in bis good timce. THE GREAT VICTORY. On the morning cf May 27, 1905, contact witl the Ruisian fluet was e stablisbed by Tego's secouts. At 1.55 o'clock thai- afternoon, wbcn tbe two fluets wcre less than five miles apart, Toge boistcd this mes- sage on thc signal-lialyards cf tise Mikasa: "'The fate of the empire dupunds upon this battie. Lut ev- ery man do bis, best." Tîsen the two fluets engaged. In less. than forty-five minutes thc Russians ,iw-cru vrxiemd butit î was net unt)ýil tody f slps xcept trewib ipd into: Manila, werecubr dstr11 et, captured. ]Duringtiefrtmn utescf tise figît, when isulîs ae spattering about theuYMikasa, Tf'oge refused to e lax cthc place lie had' cbosen tberc, and it was net until sus ural of bis cificurs had bgnt drag hmt thte conning tecr b lie agreed te sisut bimself, in Jlýebind steel. After the battie bis retumu te Japan was mvade a triumph sch a s thc. island empire lad neyer wit- nepssed. ci enp as m'ide a count by tics in an uqualy ,accamate 1-u taINsnu ýVE nur. Nu'- hXISOST ETR inNwSeuil Wales îOle notific- C~AA ation of cases cf pulmonary sud- tIrent, tubereulosis bas bupnca en- Thse Grndhui RaisvaSysient - pciscry for lover tua uas. The nuncausce iatmon TudyJn waihs and ceilings cf lessin 27i1, Jcy liiiand21,Ags whicl cases occam are ssyewsith 811 'ansd 22nd, Spebrsi u a solution cf formalis aud ihe i19tis, 1911, onsekr'xa- floors are wasliud sish a solution cf siens wiil bu rua re al saton corrosive scbiinti. lin Octane ncad Quebete1 esers Tise uffec-tivoesa cf the educa- Canlada, via Chicago and Daîct iLo tionai camipaiga is shown by îlevIa Chicago, Si. Paul and iu- faci tisai open, air sleeping is more sapolia, ai reuced round tnpfates geucral tîsan in any clur eairy. 1Tise welknown double Lirackl une Tisere is scarcely a dsuclling bouse j cf tise Grand Trunk frontm theEs consiraciud nowadays. in Australia, i te Chicago appuals tote eiaer usen a ioborcr's cottage, usueh is 'and wiîis île superior trainsur- ncl pmevided witis a suitables crani- vice tisai is offured ly tibis ueif]- dah for ouldoor sleepinsg. Tlercîis ciuding tle famions "nenoa vcry uitile, expetomating On tho LiailedI" front Monitrual dihyl ai sîdusuals or otiser pallie places.91.00 a.nt.. and whicli is, île inesi Ordinauces te prevunt lise con- land fastusi train in Candanxy tainination c f nilk and otler food passetîgcss wiîîlebcatiracteil tlli staffs are sueil oisserved. Iu shops -a.Ternevaii; wliere ft-es]lmuai is of1 u fo- sale, it is ceomryte flýd sheets msen nterusiiaog ccc ta i i pa o f us ner itnning oser tise fi-ont 'ad ose ngua brugs le prinianiL diadwadn% walls for ,)- tthe pusiP.051Statuasf Mchinuauid lndiana. Ir of eathu a h ag Aiesaides, additien te 1i li i &i 4 fsee hieaynydMloc-uAeaidu, lices betLwuen Chicago and St, 1Psu]i tomia sud als 1alarge n-,i-, rcfi and Munuapolfia is cffued-. beds foi-rone aeTisGee- Osuiug tetisgranubrc ar insitaticsii Europe antAM; - 21 ite- uie uirue leri n Gratitlï icg pou- as been flnd ma arsswh vi aead- asae 2ilîisohaiing cbroie aind More unaec I po-uiyiîaa jparticclariy opens cases cf tales-frdcilu foaIievsiaits cuiosis. Iu New Seuits Wales, Vic - stations su l tîeîr foids. torin, sud Seutl Australia ià is iCndasctzn teeep uslintatcd tisatitai est sO peu-cent. frot ecle Imgai N ixl! - cf ilese cases Insu bec piaccd in snion, and iiomei- nu dtnii isospitais aund n goor) propotrtionuuof! ni ny point. île setainder'cadet-speusiî. Baggagc ,is caîrsud îrou l îl TIc lisalil officiais lelice iluhat eus- nIiter) S Atin on iilair- 1 a few y-cars suidlape eorelcsin.- ox p--s.aieni1so es-el-ycase cfi-uImon.aian d tituosî tise pi -r cfJiiepau(,. nîc tulercuiesisusiiil cadet '-ucht SOi' tients o i1 eescya usc h tu-oh as te reduce lise dainger ci, soints i[ tise i'". tu-aîîsuitiing tise iention te a mIi'- Atoîe fu,îsretisi sli , ea 1111it,1111s tO tise t-nese-ck ýl,-is i t iiieco ior'- PROFIL 110 VS 11V 111 hLIlS. cgS.lalcdIsltîms Auîsirlî'han lias News-Des ue for i- r - i'g 11olic eos-î tî-uiis Poswer iof Veslseis. 1x-ng cil 1ic 1 ii -suecr inventer Scitrouder, au Aitîstraile IneriUL eleaov -sls ian. las dus iser) a systes cf pio-sthlise ni()f iîi-is s a iitls peiiittg babyly -tirbbles. 1Ris:cd vin as-i, theicNrtcu udea is te force air iluroa,'gi aut sys- lŽlas ic'ît" (înueys aniucn tut cf hîles in t4c IciocftseScucrcs-aLkeRteu d vessýe], us-icI are ai nmnncdtisii ae oerc iler ispmaiîcil~ n ar eo-iierj Fu- fîriîcrpartessarsappyJ. on le foi lsie uptsc'c ufo oa-esr tal ,Mnrao sels-es. B-siutu f iti i t ninSainTscs the bowciý-ml m , rio Sept. 19. ' tssecf icsoenarlesm. -----'--- abVlobo eaJse m t-efi irl e acli2t \Lhur1jv-ui are ci rei(, isTlisn tise slip gees sature. Tise heir - oiigys adncp areexpctd t lealie e iasci I i vit au ffrd e py oube- aclierd c spuda, nd ar non u'assa capszabi. Tie iventon has i la and la ain al lands under the sun-m n l conditions of ife-ýby gera- tion after generation-the snfest and ms reliabie famîly remedy the- v.-rld bas ever kno va la Beecha-m'sPis The good these un- eciunalled health regrulatorshave done, in the qick relie-fof human siffer- ng ad thepre-vention- of serlous s*, iekasses, f byod aiu7t-n Beýecham's Pills do their beneficent, wo)rk ini accordance with Nature's lax s, Try a few doses just as soon as physîcal trouble shows itseif and see how immediately effecétive they are -sue how quiekly the wvhole bodily system will bu benefitud. Thun you wili know for your own good, why Beechan's Pis are irrcpRred ci y by Thoinas BePechami, St.ILsiin, assairc, Eq91aned. Sol ee In ,raliC.nada ad Ut. S. Amerlea. ln boxes 25 cets.I The OId Folks fi id advaincingy"ers. bring an inrasn endenoy to constipation. The corrective they nleed ix NA-D UmtC " Laxat'ives A tablet (or less) at bed-t1ime regulates the bowels perfectly. Increasiîng doses nover needed. Comnpounded, like ail the 125 NA-DR--U-CO pre- paraions, b expert cheists. Money back if flot satisfactory. 1,1oý25c. abox. If your druggist has fot yet stocked îhm, send 25c. and we will mail them. MNATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL COMPANY 0F CANADA, LIMITED, MONTREAL. 22 NEW MýETHOD TREATMENT We desire to call the attention of ail thorie arAucted with any Bloc,! or Skiai Di..fease t our New Method Treatmeait as a guýaraiteed cure for these comIplaints. Thieriý s no ex- cuefor any pers5on havîng a d f r fce from eruptions and blotches.'0o inatter whether hereditaryor cm urâ,ar pcl remnedies and treatmnent neutrillze ail poi- sons in the blood and expul them fromi thei 0ytm ur vast expý-eice in t!1e treat- * net ofthusnd o Oi ost serjous aind cornpllC.2ed caseS CenableS U& to perfCt a o1l 0.1an~> y ii'for tii e efit Yoia ere.If you bave any blood diseuase, cou. sit ns Frýef cfIarge ald kttius prove to yu howy quickljy oiir remnediles ,il remiove ofthe New e thod TreaItaient the sakin be- cornes clear, ulcers, pamiples and blotchie2 h jl p, elredgad ara rednced, fallenz out hir g in 2g atin. tleyesbecome crtabiin n eegy returoi, and h w5ic11 41r1alîes1 ew lige ha. oend p ta CQ ANI ARRANýCE TO PAY AFTERt YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION PREZ Sed o nc!et on Diseasem of Mcae TE-E GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE Ifua Le al, srite for' a Question M4, for Herme Troalmnent Mil lutters from. Canada must bu addrse T t our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire- to rie s personal]vly eau t our Medical Institute in Detroit as we scu and treait no patiente in our Windsori offices which are for Correspondence ait( 1,a-boratory for îaadanbuiness only. Address ail letters as foilows z ut. Homere disfrclai resuits,1 but, , îer a lest a Break up a Cold i oe

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