OXFORDS MUST 60O!à!l To make room f ail goods now arriviug we have Idecided to clear out broken lines1 AT GREAT REDUOTIONS SNAPS FUR MEN 17 pair Tans, reg, $4,00 for ,.. l335 18 pair Ptns reg. $4.00 for ... $3.35 10 Pair Gui etal, reg. $4.(O0 for $3.,3,5 LOW SHUES AT 10W PRIGES POWýMAN VILLE, ATJG 24, 19ý11. DURHAM COUNTY BOYS. At the 21n(l annual summier school of màethods for Suniday echoo l an msson ary workers hield in Bethanry Park, mndi- ana, from Aug. 9 to Aug. 18, Prof. Chias. T. Paul, Principl of tfeic Missionary Train- ing School, Indianapolis, gave a wondler- fui series of niine lectures Of 45 mlinuItes each as follows: i, Missionary Mlotive and Obligation; 2, Meaning of World Evang- elismi; 3,i Missioniary Expansion of Early Churchies; 4, SoIe ýModlem M'issionary Achiievemnents; 5ý, Missionaries at work; 6, Difficulties and Problemns in Evangelismii 7, Tasks unfinished and unbeguni; 8, Pres- ent Strategic Hour in Non--Chiristian World; 9, The Church's Resour-ces and flie World's Challenge. Prof. Paul is a Boçfmanville boy who made a wonderful student record, and has been a successful instructor inHra ColgOhio, for several years. His school mates and miany friends will re- _ýpom. 2tiiilroolk Reporter, Mliss Norah Ross, 'Bowmanville, i's th-e guest of Mi1ss Millie Eakins. Mrs. J. Phielp, Newcastle, was gijest of Mrs. R. T. Adiains for thie week-end. GOINO WEST made a special feature of the Bank's businems FLOUR OF QUALITY. 1MPERIA FLOU R is a high grade patent ut 11, surpassed and makes excellent bread., ECLIPSE FLOIUR rnakes delicious cakes anid matyiade from selected white fal wheat. CYnUS FLOUR is a choice br ead flour made fromn n Mantobawheat. ITIPT(IBIAFLOIJR is a finle blendçd flour espec- YIC O# I &1I ially for faily use made from OntarjÏo and MIanitoba wheat. Wve deliver f]our ini town or order from your grocer. - F. C, y, V ANSTOl<NEi, , Phone 77 Bowma~vi~ The Old Reliable D9ominiion Pianos and Organs Are sold o c'il yintametor an wvay tu suit the purchase. They arc urn ted or ten yar and wiJl la st a ilietimet. You cannot buiy a bette,ýr piano in Cnd aîsid you ciin save al gCod 4many dollars by JAMES DF2YMAN, AGENT, BOWMANNILLE. ý ]e is urouer ofs. s. oIug- Iers, Haropton. I StJMMER WEDflING. BAIN-TRFwJN A quiet wvedding took place on Satur- day afternoon, Auig. 19, at flie residence of Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Trewin, We lhi ngf on- st., wlhen their daughter, Eva 0., was muar- rieti to W. A. Bain, B. A., A. L Aq.f Tor- onto, the ccreniony being perfoiimed by Rev. Wrn. Joliliffe. Thte brdçk w-sut- tired in a ver~y duinty gown of. lowered net ovç- silk. After a buffet luncheon nd Mrs. Bain left for a trip down the St. Lawrence to Montreal, up flhe Saguien- ay andt on to~ Quebec and other npoints. The bride fravelledJ in a sxaly tailored lpearl grey suit. On their retunu tliey' wll be ut home at 36 Wulter-st., Toronto. A very pretfy wedding look place lFues- day Aug. 15, ut St. Paul's church, ixlla.v, when Miss Alda Ethel Sylvester, daugliter of MIr. and Mrs. Richard Sylvester, formi- erly of Enis-killen, Darlington, andi Mn. Charles Mortimer Squeir, boîli of Linti- suy, were united in the holy bonds of, miatrimnoni, Rev. Canon Mlarsh officiatin.g.. In tic absence of Mr. Sylvester the bride's brother-in-la w, Mr. E, R. _Michie, of T'or- onto, gave her away, the wcdding i arch' being playeti by Miss' Leary. The bride, was atfended by the mutron of lionor, M ýrs. E. R. Michie, Toronto, and MViss Kafhrine McHugh, Tononto, ucteti as flower girl, Mr. Milbunn Sylvester acting a_,s groomsman. The bride looketicani inig in a prettyv travelling gown of1 nuvy bIneý serge, with irisia lace collar anci a taq n tri match and c arried wite', e~rases and lilies of the Valley, while tile maîron' of hon or carnieti pink roses, a nd the flower - girl a pretty baske of punk sweet jpeas. Immned iately aflfer fhic crnmony a re7cep-1 tion was held at fiebone of flie bide's parents, after which thli happy couple left on a trip on thie St. Lawrence riVer ,andi thnougi the Maritim-e Provinces. O11 their nef unu theiy will reside ini Lýindsayv. The wedding wa very quiet oiilv the im- miediate relatives being presenf, consisîinig of th)e bnide,'si.mother, Mnsr-. Sylvesýter; Mrs. Scquires, the groomi's mthetï; Mr. .ar Sylv-est1er, Rcv. anld Mrs. Qreî-hton Mr and Mrs. Hauiglit and Nlr. Luigard Hlaighit of Wellinigton3, TMrs. Meaglicn-, tice)M isses Kenn&~y, r Ahhr Shnpsonm,' A. WV. Scougail, Mr. id Mns. Doville, of New York City, andi Miss Lcaty.-rW der For Infan.tsand C141drenm The Kind bou lBave AIwaýs Bougbt Bearts the still survivîng, six girls andi four boys. Sisters who survive are M4ýrs. E. Williams, Exeter, IMIrs. Tohn Dayxuian, 1ruckersmith, and Mrs. John Harris, Carrievale, Sask. -EeerTimers. Mr. Harvey is a friend of Mr. Johni Hellyar of this town, who succeededl hini in flic shoemaking business in Tyrone neairly 6o years ago when Mr. Harvey reioyved west f0 take up) land. Miss R. A. WALSI-i,.ORONO. A useful li.fe was some'what suddenly ended on Thursd y, August 1 o, when Mis Rebecca Adinia, thîrd dauglhter of the late James and MVargaret Walsh, 0 lre passed away to fice land whereckesi unknown. Deceased was on,- of a famrily of ten children and iher rleath is the second break in thie circle. About fhree monfhis ago wile assisting -Orono Branch Wo- meni's Institute to) plant somne shrubbery in the fowni park she confrâgted a c 'old whiich led t9 pleuiy which was su~cceed- ed by other illness and 'she gradually failed. J±very metdical attention was giv-- en lher. About a 'week previous f0 bier demnise attendant frietsds realized the seri- ousness of lier ilhiress. Deceased was an 'active ivorker in everythirig she believeti to, be for the gooti of the comnmunitv. In the Mlethodist Church she has been a life- long worker, and in, Leagzue and the Wo- man's Missionary Socety~ of whiçh she was'Secretary.. Wheni the Womien's In- stitute was .organi7ed in Starkville she was elcctcd President and later on mv ing to Orono held a similar position in Orono Branch. A year ago last June shie 'was elected President of fthe District In-. stitute, a p)osifion she helti until lier death. The funeral toolk place Saturday after- n10o1, Augnst' 12, fron-L the Mýethodist churchi, whcre a 'very large number of relatives andi friends gathed eta opay their last tribu~te of respect to one whko has liveti a u.seful andi worthyv life. Rev. 'R. A. Whattai, lher pastor, p)aid a very kindly trîbute to hier memory, spcakrng from fthecvwords, "The3t shail walk with me in whiite for thecy are wrhy" The choir sang vury appropriate selections. The paî- l-bearers were hier brothecrs Ale- ander, Jamnes, Howard and Albert, andi nephiew, M\r. Walsh, of Brampton. 4Bcauffulflorail offerings from the family, the District Wotnien's Institute anti Oro Brandil testified of the sympathy of be- reaveti oner, A 2mong fibe friends presenit were: Rev. Canon and M4rs. W. WValsh and son, Brampton; Mdr. and Mrs. jas. r. Walsh and Mýiss Bessie Walsh, Bowmianville-; 14r. Alekander Walsh, Pcrryfowni; Mr. H-ow- ard Walsh, Osage, Sask-, iand Mr. A. R. Walsh, DaîJrympl-,e; Mrs. E. Cobâbledick, Calgary, Alfa.; Miss M. A. Walsh anti Mrs. D. F~. Wals;h, with whomn deceasýeti residet;i;Miss Lillian M\cLcanr, Bowmian- ville; Miss E. E. Haycraft, Secretary Dis- trict Wonen's Institute, and -Miss Lillie Penfountiw, Bowinanville, and thers, MONEY TO LOAN-at flve, anid tire an a hait perc2ent on mortgage seucurtty. Private fands A81ppy to R. R. LosrombE, Barri4ter. Bew- manville 2-tf Farm For Sale or Rent. ROYAIL MAIL STEAMERSI,Â,fi4mle at 1cTcnnty, ueiv. f rein Bfininui C.T.R4Oadlesei AUTUAIN SAILINGS bifrotso t on iýIfl rie patin scioo ad huchs t ]vmu 'l1Nuapin 3MoutreaI to Liverpool. erybdwhgo*dxsssIac nt- FrI. Aug.1 VcVr', 1 gi atçi . sre ,,cn i i1,-l bush' .4 ,,,re,, Fr1i. Au g. 2.-, can Fl. Sept 2T slenid'5had'osi wi ieekS'pies Fr1. ýsepk'b1 V irgiai ia FIL. Sepat. lo Russets Treige 5adie ii.1sfuH bear- Fil iýSepts. S Ttiefan F*1. Od. ig1 ramc bustýsn D-111- oisîto lWontreaI te iasgowt. J ender brn; cenýet JI oosiisý)lt,ý abfý siaü. Aug. 26 Ioiin fi at. Sept. above iggry, I-e ~lnsApply on fart or Sat "sept. 2 ' (raenpiaýms St, sep-'. :w te aM.A.JMStesaOfc, wnavi. Montreal ta Havre & London ------ . 2 This Service is composcd of one class-, second, cabin steampers, sailinig frcin M1on- treal evcry Safurday, rates nioderaf c. For full particulars of rates and sailiags apply to M. A. JAMES, bilDT'NESadrse eocSr Bowmianville, Qntario. I;nd ndedne Tedrfi uill- GANADIAN NORTIIERN11 STEAMXSURPS SUORThST SEA VOYAGiE. MONTREAL QIJEREC BRIST OL From Bristol StLearner Jmontr-eal & Que iy 26ih lRoyal (wrd Aun.jSth Aug 9th RylGere AUgL. 2ird Ang. 23rd ylEwrd Sept. (Ah sept 6fh RylGere Sepýt.» Lti S3ep t oi oylEwac ct andifr ih!ytcefc' For ftul ifrainapply ta M. A. JAMES, ,Agent foriandinNGrfhern iSteans ips, dingÙ1, Port Perry, Ont, ,îl]I ho reccived ci! 4.@0 P.M., on Wcdiiesdta,.Septeoiber(, 1911, for thse 1,onstructi 1io ali Biing at Portll perryv, Ont.g 1,9ù Plas, 'Iieainad oî f cnr a be ,een andernisoftenderiotaIneIlo aIl ica 1- tio; toth , ot mnasï Iera vlo i rY, (t .,a b tise, officeof Mi'. Tio. asige Cerievork, fi, ti n i onierfI unil. Ieon tise print- sin tre, atn u'r occuat i ons,, unS iplacesý oIf rcsideue..... o.. t he ca-1 ni irm!,; i e a' ca V;nar, I tdimisntreof is ocuptio aui plae- cepteud ihequo u nm ,nf utpaaete Ihle 'dr tt heiloouabntie Minisier of Publi Wors, euai t innper ent (0 p .> o te um ut f hetede, ieh iiih ofis T 01Dpatmet'tocs mIot bin1,diif acp tie onertorn l t1der. fr 0l,:1 veti, mmstif they PseSif withourlt uhrity fru I ise,, 1-IeparIj t 3:3-21V 1 . TO THE AMATEUR Why flot give mie a trial developing your films and finishing your pictures? MUy prices are rigfit and my work is best, THos RoB3soN\, Photo Studio Bowmanville W. H. ALEXANDER, V. S. OF 0. V. C., Wili treant dsassof al PU si~t~ ~>eatIIaeyIa Spec ally J-41 Telephone Connetîin, Offiie an( Id tesidenýce, fyi'Bok DR. J. C. DEVITT, DENTIST,' OFFdICaE, Temperanc Si. Ro,navie fjust of Kingst.) BLACKSOCK: Ii Monday etcdinots Wiili~eai Sow anvlleofice ýrosi t, ti puerNEdu0Housa PUOE W IRUBBER TIRESI Having instatlld a new and up-to-j date RUJBPERTRE MACHINE, 1 arn j prepared to furnish andc put on . î!ber tires at reasonable prices. soci your patronage. Cal! at the East-End Blaeksithl Shop and get particulars. A. W. PICKARD, BOWMNVILE. Phone 185. 1 3-f Cobourg Hlorse Shiow had a record at- tendance last weekl in spite of thiceee-tionI fuïroreý. Durhiam county again held lead- inig place among prizewinniers. Thursdlay W. E. JewelI, Bowmianvîlle, flrst prize for single horse in harnecss; John Darch 3rd on half-bred hackney; Hon. R. Bieith's "Fireworkls" ist in harness class under 15.2 turnout first prize by J. A. Culverwell, Port Hoe, 2nid George Brown, Millbrook, 3rd W. H. Symons, NWelcome; best har- nesshorse over .-5.2, Hon. R. Beith's "Roy- al George" 1 st; harness pairs, 1.5.2 anid un- der, Hon. R. Beith it. Hackney staliliQn' on rein, Fý,ilgraive Royal, Hon. R. Beith, 2nd; champion high steppers, it and 3rd, Hon. R. Beith. 1 %. PERSONAL