"Ho* (tare yen 1" she criei. *"Let thee book, whiltst the etiier (iraggect-___ __ 'Pro me mss"sdth me pass I1 will cali a policenman.1 ber back roughly. N OE1ý'IRF. com '~don't aiv- s"fiera, that won't do ! said SvN 10WDNDUE ~ron acd an."e ns The man addressedad Jm rett starnly. uy&LvlKwwWlaisMk n. dare say yen i4 oaa g' ý(Uesa iecangtit hcr by the arm. M7What de you mean? 'How dare U Y 1,a0 Yalps ~vo ar butin cae yenden'tI il Dent ,Lyen be a fooui." hae said yen "' exclaimed 3Mrs. F'rench. l re erdyu cl ffl gruffly. "anthave yen telephon01inlg," Mr, . French almost colla9psced.said Syrett. "Yeu my agivin1gthydanr i yen musdrksingh FA LY USE 11cr hnsbiand ha1 been aw,ýay on the xarnigfteseme of your pals h iter,"m. hr sabardes pre ios undybut o ibad told job, orailix1 no Who Was calledParisian agewhich 1if,110w ____ ierithat haiebaid beandatMaine.d at i l 1" solinevery tow C (ana&da. It Verk until Mon ayumerning] on 4; s. French bit lber lp.iergaiate dadv r, to fllo ~n Ieal emoy fG Oouhzspecial business. Oh, if what these: "I had, ne chance te hear," shel garned *yJry&Lvalt Sore Th Czt atarrh, amea s,,id1sbonld be truc, after ahi rpled1"enar'urasonable. haîr, splittinghar n sal ic Wýak chut "Yen may be Mrs. French fer ail New this dreadfnl thing wili bc ail in twe weakis cor rmney back,ý W,-.kriow," said the dark man over the, place." If yen have dla druif get1 a large setbngy;"and if se I'm serry fe)r __50________________ tca bottle to-day; and rid yenr- After iavn mae an eea stndy vou. But where's yonr serv-ant self of it. Rfteaber that if dan- -~ fr t5e .t yers, rof.D. Jck-druif gerîns are net destreyed ia sonttasthait hie oinien ne pe-an, ofcourse, wetoohc yen h ar ilsrlvf u ' -r fr enral faml1ly use is 50 iRe pausadl, with another glance. and ,baldnass xii follew.' îtýit, se ea nse certain te cure at bier headgear ___ -__ ~atarrhzene. She lef t suddeniy this mernu __ A his resfr nmaking this clairft., HELMT0FCEK for tarhzoe-Dr. Jackson says: ing repliid Mrs. French miser- '~trroon sfree from opium, ably Brown is a brave man, andc whan ljie patient can breathe its ricb, "Ah!"' said the' rian briefly. 'l the other night he beard a noise mefumies direct te the diseased "'Where is the telephonel' Mrs 3 rnch otined umby - dow astairs hoý promptly arese, 'jIs a, remredy that treats and tee1;ok a poker, and proceedcd te in- snre ca~er-revatsdisease spreail. towvards the instrument flxad ii thevsiaetecue On eah. 'o 'hall. lgh 'iecisthe innermost recesses of The brown-faced man Oîahiteh hllpheIib tha hrot, nosùe, branchial tubes, andfradan rgsppd of the candie hae carried revealati lug.briskly fradadrn up the a urlar in the acet of leaving tha "Alavate cest sorenesg. ,echaiîge. HIe callad for a number, "Soscoughi'ig îinstantly.t "Fulhiam Police Station," ha add-j Prensbrcnch'al rritatiorna. cd. And Mrs. Franc's last douhts "H îcit Bon Cm "Relevescloged nstris. Idied aw ay., Sha istened as though bak" "Cure snsiffles and nasal eatarrh. , The burgiar turnad and gazed in "Pevnts La Gripp. inl a t rance. M..Bret "Ra pive itelf acur fr wak -e rcyen thara l Detectiva Sy- 6o2 Moreau t.9 . urprîse at Brown. ug, of et vice, speakers,' Fsne rm o speaking. We are at 'Lar- Mnelay:'Whtshe mtr "h in throaî , asthnîa, bron-chiýtis, catarIrh.,,tnui Lodge, CI)u rt n ay Roati A ç horrd quireti. "Have I forgotten any- couhsco]s, adwler is. trecl k rsh am ot iloAe pauslae 5~ thing? îAh ! of coumrs. The s:ilver Catarrhoone is nqusstioably th1 g r ad until it had totally covered hMs scalp. adestckyIi a2(arjg 14s retest beahal cld hat! Nîa imlGo!Eh 1I B aF lIrtatiag 'md pain d causcd cnl tc e r arig uj. ndctarhmeiin, ndle-Mlngb! e biiserc he I tlll1,ile eue houirso>Cf suffeing. We trled Tbank you 50 mnc-1 " im sfrmal rwy 110nir-lencnw, 1Rit!" A ndHje soaps ad powders and slebut ilie goî Then, bafere Vioc atnse ~le~~'s a ideaî fmily remey. Be- seaker ran off, thn turned tne better. 1H0 refused lis foodi, got quite oncudraiewbtLdbp mrpen al ded 1 byti eia rfsin rnb hin amd nud wsreduce,,d to a verypnd asie h ath tc aiYoer bnshl :Jaiud bheen ars- Zam-BukPU, and didsoý>. It 'Was wuefladvns notangt Nire of miaingl"trr-IdutVcoi Sationi," ha saki, how'ýit seemned to cool and ie he cild's ua~'ony;large size lat W itiy'f orew av e hurig, painful skin. Zam.Bukz from the inhs ndj guaranteed, price $1-qity "Ocore ehv no eycmecmn cmdtg gtt H DLU . $uIorsimzes 23e and 50.'By ', thing against yen parsonalhy, Mrs. v 1omneet emdt orgitt IR ICC ~m he atarhooneCompany, French, and I would advise yent tept dthe pImpleadeeadh If meney graw on tracs. l'Il bet tng5ton Ont. say but aîîow irritation grew less and less. Within a btIdb oeo hs synothiag furtbar,bu just lo few weeks y baby's skin was healed ThtIdbonofhe. u s te do, our duty. We shah net comnpletely. He bas now net a tracé of Who live on the Saliara, wýhare C URED dîsturb aaytbing unneessarily.' asbr rupi, or eczema, or buraing No shade ti-ce ever grows IN 2,1 HOURS "What is the charge l" brokeè in Vsore. Net ole but cured of the tor- oncnpainlessiy r,-move any crn, in J ýintobe eba mrvdi ei(her liard, sort, or bieedlng, by ap- Mrs. French, desperataly. "'hI eu nFske touleli lis iNpoveWi liwg Putnums Corn Extruetor. - 'y- ~~» ae e egeneral heahbYFL AFRNW p! Ile mhme, jeu-vsHneosdu,1 Tntain bîm toIZam-Buk is soid t ail storesa aa nd edicne no clds; isarieahe !e"er And sha swayad siîgbtly. ~dors, 5c. a box, or Voei free (rom Zam-Buk C. "Wh'y, Tommy,"? exolaimad the ,hLi]0S oas conTootfirc,6 waes for$sa. o, Acerticuxeye -1 qivy of heallnggus and balme ' Now, don't yen do that!1 said r11 et A k spdforpiks. Suniday sebool teachar, "don't o tYc yes are 1- ue.Cure giaruniteed. Jîm îky a on myr vr 1d bya ildruggîes, 2ýc. bolties B> e.. mq1cIr vr ih e ieisetiue.Mrs.Fenhpullad bersaiýf te- PU N MS~ îm ~ sgath1erwthanl effort. ~ Ntaay m rerpliad Tom- iutfiechag i-h4r y;" at lwenI 1shc"pt in a CORN 'yTrAOTOr 0Rpat eld-fashioned leather or cord nets are better. The man who negleets to keep ail of his farm butildings insuired is taking a greater risk than lie -an afford, ne miatter hew.well off lie ray he, Many prumising colts are rnuinedý by beý,ing foie nlogdie ,vîtthe'ir damjs. Thisiss ne nyý a cruel practie, buInt aseses ûne. The price of a cock 4dees lot 3aI- ways determine bhis value and the, buyer must know what he is buv-l ,ing or find he is paying ont hisý I.ood mofley te ne purpose. Dirty1 un-oiled collars dnring the hot weather season soon start a bil for gal cure and lay a firin' foundation for excruciating pain tothe work horses. Some peepile presuime that younig chicks, ducks and goslings onght to have as much sense as a gromwn man. Maybe they have as mnch asI some men, but they mnîst ha cared! for as if they had net. Intestinal disenses are more ahundant whenever and vwerever ,ven find flics and the flues and net the summer 'heat are the active. agents in the spread of such sick- ness and of infant suminer com- plaints. Cleanlincss is next 'te flylessn ess. When cultivating the erchard use a shiort singletree with the_, e nd s cnrved back like a half mooni --neo capn the bark off with,! 'his. We ail have t e]scratch when a ' 4',ti ge i n he place and the, han wýi!l ii do b shre owrluft-i i sring and summer, it's the natural time to store up health and vitality for the year, is Natjxre's best and !ýears, by tie simple means ot threatening ùe exposa an early in- disýcration. At iast tl'e persecut- cd- man tunend at bay, maade bis I eif is confidante, anti calleti in the olice., A SotladYard sleutb 'avis that htolakmaihig isthe hasithrgae p1usicess in îîlacd. Acýýiu theg gte pierari_ fc aeslhacqo aitd itbd F rshe haris aho bartupLcytoe indisretisoneo otablehati log telay taiieïsiny tua bel, thic r owerla- scss tote ut, j ita gtfaerasty cfcasa e aekmSotaic pYarsonprefesbuvnptcy i oeathe wpnbhicity.ow t Thepotera sfe ntae _) th leof hlackmalars He iLonown xslthe Cow e as ndtsasuc ee eUcfutt rt he. iots chif e Se,îpro Yead marr a wosauv e, lst1 nivE af theabsw ontei oknw hw cf the gia. Haicow'i , andlî Cwa 'meanti ay bchat oe 'e'ItIagfo peopleforn earthirstic aar Wchsn 'fwalhan sto Aathaorn ti te ief preoilire- the is an nthi,-alestiuatf AYtiuoCglirhe 0einte s k1;' the KgcfBarckmî]es tei r twoanil et ' amua cd w efan txho weî t at hc know eni t Lond ton p d olil las riiîiulr Thcerd is alîostimas slî 9,koti g teEhis ase the womsc, a vadryat- Ithraie ruet the ne as he it tic ie ii poninnt posintin iros areyolicr, wber, ralew tn con TeSeIýitVscd Yard sleu!tb b ,.ain..oicdIastaaîtly 11 n from yrw'ife, anti he a-ys b j hope's ITwo't alew o ecoma home as yenbhv er al o wards hle." PnWe Jocsa suluvted, and tura 1 (antaia, ray I say somatng iare tw' ofetthe. flnes't lhure living. Fi l mieSnarî4'ed ut al 2 \VATER AND SALT FOR CALVE,ý C('alvas, 1111e, other farcri aiials, Iglthirsty even tholghmilforcie alarg-o. part cf t!1îDîr ration, CIv-es flîree mouths dof cge w il drink -a- iocèhias fIve qLuar te watcr daity lier lc .They hk t0 drink zolten, spîga liilo utr a time. A ha f- bai r-lcl?'ed unda- impI"ni Ihieicc dol',w iii serve nicily as a wtr reî]. An- other geotI de-ieie is au ',automatie 1,wclercti, siuaeh m a li1t e ahov tie fler e ,kcî on te itteiîLr. Sait- iesntý ialt tedxlpoctor the culf, us ýof t bi a nitnals, uand she'îLlti ha kajît comtIuialyavail- Love u, t firqt silglt proves tf<bat (