ruetBoe rsignature et soe Fac-Slmllc Wrrper Belcw. Vary Omani arndas enAy ITL FOR O L~ FORr Li fI PLL.FOR RTIO FOR SO.~L1WSI JFOR TRECMLEXION rffFSICK Ari.SG,-t'E A. E. l4cLAUG-1,,TIN. flarrister, Soliciter and conveyancer. 0ffie -I31akle y Block, lKing ,Street, BOwmanville. Mn,7 5.o Jouan&t reanoa- &hg, rateti. &I. BJ.Hazlewood, MD.,C7J.M BO WNAINVILLE. O0 T COLD MEDALIST of Trlnfty Ur - iestToronte; pour yearg Attendît OU-lce ~ ad Isdence Well-glloa St. Te' floeNo. 10. IA Business College course. wil p15 if tis, taken at a -Oond s'choo]. Tbihes S, nons better thail the BI-itis i P.ol 1 ricai Buisiniess onevM.C Canadii-ý e attended, Studonit, ejner. iv,- ,hluiLrit o-ctlge C.ook's Cotton Root Compound. '£ho great Uterine Torie, and Ony saf e effectuai Monthly - tgulator on wlieh w'onien ean , epend. Sold intere degmees - o~ f strength-N o. 1, $l; le., lOdegrees trenger e; Ne. 3 for secial caseýs, 4 per box, Sodyal druggistas, or sent irepaS on rmeipttf peine. Pre paphet. .ddress: TE COsOK DIIORNECTosONT. <ormerly~Windzor> mal t-Oer invntrr, A i.vIer sn io MOnmea adwshn ouDC..U.1 NOTES AND COMMIENTS A writer ini a Ye4cent number of the Pais Figaro give,ý sorne inter- esting facts about Argentina and cadis attenition teo the great pro- gIosa w Yhich thýat Souith Amerrican repubIe has; ia t i n 4the hi'st few eas.Argen-itïna,acodn te Ml'. Jul]es Ruret, oWes ber r'C a- theItuian, we hve orn fIIte w h " e n e i s f r a n u l ture has dw ewonrs je the trans formatioun fror cattIe kcepngto crop riin.The Spaniard was inert anti wetideti to methiots cf farming that were centuries olti; the desîcendiant of the- Caesars Las! b,ýccme a modlem nagricultu rist anti, uses theitetcrrvdmhi ery. --No 'sxndc he ucceds The land ioircutvtnin Arguntna haIncreascd ninefelti in the last 'L ueaty year§; the ceun- try is beiýng tievelepeti by means of thŽe railways coàstructed with British capital. It will supply in tbe ea future not-only a large share c thec worid's meat supply,, but ai.-o, a coositierable proportion of' the- g-ain suppiy. Under 'the Scutheqýro Cross, possiblv, the ma- ternic ývii1zatîon will ho devv'iupd that ill'î en&ble eventualiy the Ar- geiiian as ne11 as the New Zea- lander to stand on the ruins of London bridge anti speculate on the gr.eatnes.s that wvas. That time, however, now seems far distant; the population that lives about Londen bridge is neededti t con- su me the produets of Argentina and cf iNew Zeaiand under balance- cf-trade conditions. Much lhas beern n ritten about "bad boys" anti "boy gangs,"' anti n'ise writcrs have eiaboratcly ex- pl aineld te these whese impulse 's te calfor the'"police," fer paills a -d penalties, tilat juveoile tielin- quenýcy doees neît always mean cri*M-- inaiity and depravity. The e- îergy and spirit cf youth, especiai]y cf the maie persuasion, imperatively demani channels of expression, and if parents, educators and seci- cty arc tee indifferent or tee ig- nerant toecreate safe, wheieseme channels, unsafe andi undesirable cnes w-iIJ Inevitaibly be sought - anti Ieund. Dr. Luthpr 1H. Guiick, an au- th ority on exercise anti play, deait instructively vxith thIle "gang" questlon'ru a reent review ar- ticl e. There is, ht, show s, iethirrg alarmi,.ng in "boy iepredations" cf the kinti om.meniy-reperteti in thje newspapers. The boy gangs that steai apples, invade vacant bouses, throsv steres at street siguis, anti se on, are no'tlest te goiod citizenship. Thiey c.a-L re- iaetanti their insticts ca ho uitilizet for rigteuncs.Tei gang istincti cail thle c pr ati\eiscte dsie te forim grepsanddotea )wrk. The Tho"-- -Lack Energy a n d a, r e Unsuccessfl I Was h-edb Lydia E. Pink. ha'sVgetable Compound Waurika, Okla.-"Ihbailfemale trou- bles for seven yea-ts, was al mn down, and SO norveus I h ceuld net do any- t tbmg. The docters 7troateti me tom dif- r ýk?1 forent things but n ,~ dsd me ne good. I i-- ot se bad that I couid rnet sieop day e., o night.WLile in tlis condition I read /1 f Ldi .Pn- f "i Compoupd, and bogan its use and wrote te Mrs. Pinkham for ativice. In a short time I Lad gamned my average w esgt and am now streng and wel. " -Mrs. SALLas STEZVENS, R. F. D. Ne. 3, Box 31, Waurx a, Okia. Another Grateful Woman London, Ont.-I feel as if 1 coëx1d net tell others onough about the good Lydia E. Pinkhamn's Vegetabie Corn- peundi Las dene fer me. I was se weak and tiroti that 1 ceuiti net rest nights. A friend recomnended yeur Compound and 1 soon gainoti LeaitL and stregtb anti ceulnet wisL te- sleep btter. 1 knew other women whe Lave taken it for the sarne purpose andt tey jein me in, praising it. -MRS. WM, A. BuFFY, 905 Dame St., London, Ont. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cern- peund has sureiy cured many cases cf fernale ills, such as inflammation, nicer- atien, dispiacements, fibreid tumers, irregularities, periodie pains, back- ache, thiat bearing-down feeling, and nervous prostration. !lis un n kinti and w ishes te cei things' through ernulation, cempe- tition or disciplineti co-operation. The ciements ef the gang spirit are leyalty teo the leader and other members, a xillingness te stand anti fall tegether, endurance, cour- age. These are fine, masculine qu1alities-misapplieti through ne fault of thc beys. WLat is the moral cf thisl ,i5inp- ly that team play cf the rigit kînti must Le inteiligently substituted for gang rendyisr. Boys shoulti Le erganizoti anti ied te undertake tasks that caIl for the exorcise cf their facuities. Football. hasebhal, basket-bal anti ether form S Icf sports ant iathieticis give iýpportu- nity, as Dr. Guiick says, fer tise_ direct empîcyrnent cf the great so- cial force, the, gang spirit, ie the cuitivation cf hoîesty, loyalty anti selidarity. We noulti atit, houer- or, that other activities bosides those nameti migit Le encourageti. The, BIay Scout movement reogniz-, os this'anti teaches beys the art cf "croughing it," of conquering tif- ficulties, cf avoiding danger cm coping uith it. Natur sttiyanti manual trainlingfarat boys. It is for scey t cth them yeunig" 'antipd ie hm nt Leal!tjy fun ni eoiefur Ïbodyl This is îLe Lestintî-dei(iin2ny prescription kuon n te social psy-' chülegy. -'f. TRAN--'SPORTATIO'N MONOPOLY Arabs Coatrolled tht- Fimsi Parecî>s- post. tpaial ,nt e, WIRthout Cliprgeg, Ila tueTe is ncei ifiu $cIettIIc .H erîcit, Should Read This Closely. 1Tn-he fmet-al cemm flfLeclose Aadomlnltcted 'W ekl. Largel.t lir. 1cf (tihoJ'ifiecei cntry Arabs eaoain tf aT sleni our'sna. Teris for , t-an'ada, $osh a zyesr, postage prepaid. Sold bu *I arnm rl7tlîrty years eld, yet for I controlit the 1verlnt meutes ail Ce,i"aerw. alroUo2t tn-o yars I1lhave frît more like f,0luin t Ir Mtueruna Srane&h Offc. 06 F St.. Wa,lngtos Vrk seatY-fve. I1 haie tonnd t dSfficult ra nti n ieLmenolieidie spimae ert, no MPStWahngo. . to st-t-p at îglit and in. tht- rnrning __________________________feel se depresseti and beavy that cf- wi1ch they inleds partnccshrp fort wns difficult. My banda %vtre al- x1iiitIlic Výetetlns. Dimectly afier ways clarnrny and perspiration on Vas;co ta Gamna reachet Intia Ly slight effort wenti breuik eut ail ovor me. It uwas not unniaturai ihat son, lienever, Portugal sent iii- sliçîeuld bt-gin te broed over tlire c'lance then a fleet cof trading sLips. In tttI sheulti e ho ufit te, domy spite cf bitcresi eppesitio-in on ili ï, kand thls retimi<n my astep--- le-sa n igbs efec nise . terre - part of tic monopliîsic Amabs dLe pesed riasof n ,clc n d antmix- sLips succedeet in securing cr St'epjetCaadin orhwstLanfd tî a r ailteo's Puis ave me gees cf spices and ti etr Oin N rsnRegulations. the flr-t tlemoet oire. EFrom. the unres n-iicb tht-y breaugit te E-- NV)esn-ho tie ole bht-fad i 5r vryîs T t:cenltisec tht- eredit- oe Th amui'y cranu aie .oçe, Il y 1 l.I eot « cIo frorn ohrpi.Tht-y mai' ýn bon-ta a uarter section cf aviS. e- e ti a,id acteti as natuiruliy as 1repie tichesupi n-us apunit- in able Doinion land in UManiîto. .'. ddVeie îep1c f pcs hr stecu ,ýnor Alberta. Tht- apoicant mustIfSt na1tî,r _na net tht-pilla were fainqg frfîy pt-m cent. Ti tihe amn l n a u erson at the- Dom;,inion Lanud,lneuu n lgoiu-sso.M rb a aetnfyuec ii Ar-n'o eiAec'for tht- district. ,p , t1 ent,y toIt much boterM the b ,a ae hit týctj bi uryby rii-cxi' mai' be made at aur ag. 1fl uh etr h e us. n certain' father, socvil ciof o the system gav, mnoo, is inticatet Ly tice fact ia-tht-r, siou. danabiter rte rastrIw~tenraacvly Dizziness and that, Pin spite cf tuis fallin nica cf iuendig homsteaier.headacbos ctast-c, pttue, geod t-dom, îePct eeare sait te h11av'e ute i nt Oednn p anrd ambition te ->work tretunoiandjý,a -n C, i anti cuL4tivation of the- land Su Cacb f as, rmieibnv lke,,l;nnevia thmee rears. A hometeader ma i ime with. 'rmiei r ieac- a si hi pcsa rftc i Su oint-iles of hi, homneateat on a fan mand 1 ibanli Dr,. I'Iailic.'s Pills for ih huirIccer -ocent. PmobL-ably tic e. soýn, duhe.brot er Or FSur .bscompcist1at tliey xere ra1liy 1u certlaini districts a beteer Parirbursi, a -lkn igrcr b, vletprsu nt nagti gooti stnding xuy pre-eos a ouster denIr in Jererson.andlow bi- ati-n ,ca1 logide li oetet.PrS idueDr. Hmlo' lsfyou1r taemsl o hi el tiOfrotr are.Dnte,-ilut r-aie iX1 stom,,anli, kdcyand iver, antoi yoU îI he eamesscf tansomitiq menh lSuo-a h ! ix rt-are from daite 'af - e ornteati try fincludong tht-e Me.1ni0y long life aýnti rebi:ýt goot 1tat.a n ren'samttrc mi qu-iriv l t-anbonst-d t ent i su-"d./Ail diaitms St-Il Dr. àtHiamiltene is PPiilse i etltefifty 2acres eifra. oyelv boxe, 5t-;. pt-r box, frem '1lhf mOral- o commerce ew asi A ismeteve weha eiofins iCaamh Co o ., YKiingste. in,(ýt. 'cifycnle eatce fl loooutstad riziit ani t-nnObStai , accus c tOual.-i t-e lx im-npSn ay ttaké n nsirch-sedbcsoas lth bu" ,ýpiees an-ti et_--ct nbUse Vw Ofty at-ma', j pûrtatýin éne rs rate tie cosi of- ,ah tthse tar..n iil m~Ite - the ceesre c Ithere seeisi L [iver and Kidneys dCCidedi1y less excusei for, tolerat- adstieeslnviist bê taid for, 1 n' ouphsi tFalo 't DELVING INTO REGINNliNGS OF BRITISH IIISTORY. W1as the EncsPaaAgît Daughter o es IKiLg Theýre is suî-eiy ne place in Wales orrwiihîLte muse cf istcry beats bem uiegs mere imnpressive- ]y thani Carnarren, says the Pali Mail Gazeite. Close by toness great Snowdon, tic most inacces- sible part of ancient Wales, the scene cf rnany a stubbome fight Le- ineen Welsh andi Engiish in days gene by. Fartier Lack still, the Romans built the fort andti tnnof Segontiumn (the olt Cnt-r Se nt cf -Nenoius), as, if te strengtioo(. the hoit -of tic legionamies u-- ii disturbed ant i mîrh ceetesteti me- gien. Segontium w-as in touci wiih Chester in Neoth Wales just like' Caci- Mardin 'vas in touci wÂ-th Caer Leoni in Senth Wales, proig tic tenacieuis grasp cf tiese mas- tem Roman strategists upen Bri taenia Secuntia. Histericaily, Camnarvon may mean te us senîieth¾*-ig more than, York anti ccrtalnly more tian Chester. The chief kingdem lerYe n'as calleti Gwynnedd, or, in Latin, Venoedotia, about uhicli Sir Fran- cis Paîgrave Las mut-h le say aos a maritime nation nth roots exte- ted far anti wide in Brîttiany anti eisewehere. \Vien Etirard 1. con- queredc Lleweiyn nje1-98à, there xvore founti amcngst the spoils cf xvar ai Carnarvon anti amongst the mesi xalueti anti sacret royal treassures cf the princes cf Gwyn- ietti, or Venetiotia, tLe Lones cf Constantine, a fragment cf tLe truc cross keown eas the R-ocd cf Saint Neot (brought from tLe Holy Landi, as -olt Nicholas Trivo't tollsJ us, by a Saint Neotus, anti caileti in- Wlsi "Crcsntaith"), with tLe crown of King Arthur. Matthew cf Westminster gives bis testi- niony aise, ant in emodemn ifines, Sir J. Ramnsey, bi*s Dannof tic Constifution, alluties te' THE COMMON TRADITIONSI. But n Lat couidth iese relies mean, se carefuliy stowed away ai "Y Gaer yn Arfon," as Camnarron tiquary, that ibis p--artiienar kiid of cincture hêti be adepteti by C3onstantine tie Great, It anwas preservet aise amongst tLe Weisa princes anti especiailyLy tLe tirc sens cf Rhoderick-namely, Un- avawti, Catel anti Mervyn. Athel- ston was ecrwned wiih a tiiatiem, anti net a "ecorona auea." Sir John Dotritige tells us tint nien Edw 1- 1 IIcreateti Edxrarti the Black Prîinctie Prince cf Wale-, he- investeti bim with ihose sis of hoecr hichwero requiretid the charter-namely, a chap!eiet c goLti mateie he cfashion cf a se tumn or garland, a geiti ring ,au- nulus), anti a silver rcd (virga ar- gent-en). But may net the serturu lie a remindor cf the former dia- demný~ or fascia Tics-o is a Sure I{1elcn -that passes iirough Carnar- Son; theme is aiso a Coeet Helen anti a Pen Caer Heloni, se Weki.s antiquiaries- will tell us. May net tic Helena thoy commomeorateti Le tic groat empress herseif anti net Ututiec reputed wife -cf Maxi- mus? Ile these natumai inquiries nwe feel tint ne are aitich VERX D AWN 0F 0CRH IISTORY. ln tLe Cronicon S. Neoti tieme is an entry for A. D. 310, unnitig tins:"Censtantinus, tihe son cf Constantius anti Helen, tic Glori-J ons Qucen, began to e -ign." Notei tic ex-pression, Gloriesa Rgn Sumrely net tLe Stamularia, buLthti British lady andtihti Fluria JuUia Helena Augusta cf British coins,, with tLe cliv elimant-h cf peace je her riglit liantianid tic sceptre in Lt-r left. If tic Princesef Wales andti îLe rulers cf ancient Venetiotia grasp- cda siadcw, it n'as indleeti a ma- nificont siadow, mni!nùg gîetat renlities, anti if tice dynastie thougiht is carrnet on dewn tirougi tic ages from Briti-.Is tu, Saxton, from tic Princes cf Veno-1 dotia te Ina, Aifred, Etinardt tic Confesser, anti se tcNorman Planý tagent anti Tudior anti Hanover ian s-uIt-s, how mîsci dot-s it nai net only ini time, but in the cn tinuity cf Christian Listomy in this land! Not- an Ixion-lýike hdw but a clouti pnssing ever Sncw-1 donia, fertilizing as it descends te Motier Earth! 'NERVO1ZS CON-DJTIOYN' Resuits From Kidney Trouble. ",ick kiine ,ys make yen feel sick' was nncientiy witteii. s0 as te ini a number cf nays and it is ncw lie reekoneti arongst tic royal kuno that a notions cendition cf- tmeasnrssof Wales i It is c'ely'ton rt-sults from kîdney trouoble. whon xvo gatier togetier tic car- When tLe kidneys are siek ticeulicle lit-st ints and noties cf the Chri-- ros s tran religioèûn -jeitis landi anti se-tt-m7litcornes jr- member licw C rsaine wedtid àrat-tca-using (se tradit-ion i credible litera- h endachedz turc aliko have it) a Bsritish lady Zi spelis, fis of n'hoso uliolo life Lad as its keen "'bluies," ne- anti persistent ebjeci tLe pretec- prigeattacks, tien of the Christians andthtic on-unm ti cr cf tLe Holy Cross-anti thon rC mes e member how. j e c aîf-mythicaie1esgit, dtel anti entirely rmrantie story cf L'tiiet days, anti King Artitrr, tht- objcct -,f Lismule Iaenstant inclination te norry over aise was tie propagation cf tic itrifles, Christian faiti-that ilion we dan I BOoei's Ridney Pis sirengthen-i disceme seme ki-t of Listomicalisick kidney s, cure bacîcache, egu- timeati, mnning like goidt ilroiigilaie tic urine antirt-store te nom-- tic annals. cf Voectotia andtihec mai conditions. TLey are gîsaran- Uoýmliest stemy cf tht- Pmîncess of tooti. Ail dealers st-Il, 50c. boxý, cm Wales. May not tLe Empros,Fia- posipuiti frein Tic R. T. Booth Ceo via Julia Helena Augusta, as sic Lt., Fcort Erio, Ont. If ye o u tl appt-ans en British iceins feunt like te test tht-m froc write for a lately atBath antiesd ee have trial box. meulybtentIe anue i a Soit anti guaranteetjiri ownn WlLKing Coilus lrin it in a, ville by Jirmy & Loxeli. W-lsli kingdcm? 1Te empr ehm self basb-cn tecribt s"Ru ev; enssfro te twnani distictUND BRITISH EJT o og,,s iniiu~~, os wasý supposeti te hvebeenbor But may it net have enReoi the district that lay between theý Silurýes anti Demneae 1le Walcsi The holy shrine cf Glasutonibury preservedtihîe came ant iconory cf KING COILUS : "Jn this tcmb cf the Saints rests, Uoei Rex Britonium,'- lather cf-S. Helena, anti mether cf Constan- tine, the Great Jmperat;or." seO John cf Glastonbumy xrites. Royal insignia mean sensething aiways, anti whcn Ehyulf Lad Lis heati crowneti "diatiemr.ate sire fascia," we are remindetin by Sir John Spelman, the olti Stuami an- They keep the whole sse i t1he pink of Their singuflar curative pro- perties discovereti by an Indian tribe-in-troduced tecivilization nearly a century 2go-com- p ounded since 1857 in the Comstock Laboratories ai Brockville, Out2rîo, Root lPlis bave a rinirkable record for consridently curing conàstip2- pu &yfg te bloq-d.banlslhfng1 headisch1es an1d c!eam,ý!ng the 28 kiïï 215c. a box vrwee j Successful deale (New .I EIvery salle brings ethers because the Souvenir pleases. The Souvenir is buÎit differet- Luit siniply, because scientificaiiy. The firepot cannot ieak gas; dust chiamber; 'the bot Lvery é in o air is lorc ed te llya bondson, every romrJust chose, guarani at the tepera- aisi îcracks at th teme'ra a'ykind for ture yen want iÎt; THE LIAMILTON STOVE Suessors to Gi A IlLiN TER'S FEAT. Weird Adventure Whilc Catptturing Cubs of Lioness. Manebausen hati a atixe'turc with a lion whicli appears quite tame in comparisen with the -doings of an Inidian hunter, Nizam Shah, n ho reeýounit3 Lis stery in "Saras- vati" (Allahabati). The record cf his feat has been translated for the Literary Digest whcnce the follon - ing is taken: The hunter followeti a trail through a roeky ravine until le carne te a peint where the jungle was dense anti the rocks rose high on ail sides. Hie ciimbed a tree te recennoitre, anti frem Lis high perch gazeti right into the cave in- te which the' lione'ss Lad jumped. It was new dark, so Mizam madetieLm as securo as ho c.julti in the te tili day dawned. The iiouess left her den shortly after tiaybreak, but Le eeuld net get a shot, anti an heur after her departure began slewly te make Lis n vay te the cave. The lest of tihe stery ils given la the narrator's usvn wcsds: On looking into the pit I found the lionèess' 'tno cubs-about as large as cats piay- ing with each other. This specta- cle delighteti my heart . . . but since the' cave was' about eight cuhits deep anti the rock was per- feetlyporpendicular, I feit puzzied as te haw te get into it. After mueh cogitation 1 founti that a luw braneh cf a tree was Langing part way into the pit. This wculti help me te get tionn. I depositeti my gun on the rock, andi matie rp my mind te use the limb cf the tveo te as- sist me in entering the cave. My weight matie the brandi banng a littie lower tiowu, anti I1asthusý able te reacb the bottojn cf th bole. Presuming that thIir mothler Lad retumneti, the cuLs carnie<eut cf thoeir nook and slewy akei ve te vhere I was. ToepnJtc Boer urJ Det O îO, cane ous ceu i! vu, sotl nereaed Eght eastss up in ià, tien iukin h1itic Illuîdred Million Dollars. it I began te figure liow I conît gott In 1899 tic dtbicf Great Brn- away xiii ny-boety. Now,.erîLeý tain sîoti aitihe cu-esi poi-nt since fimst urne I missedtihîe brandfi f,îL tic Napeleonie nars, anti fer four! trocn'iici Lad helpet mces-ýcend. lYasGovernment bonds bearingBust horror cf hormors, it n aýsne ye' ns-s wiilîin percenmi, eaci. Aftcr I Lad got trt-st but solti ai a prcmium arer on hemnt y ih a a,, ng- a o t t e rce Lsemoveti, it liati resumeti lis fermer aging bout ocs p-positiTie,- - îearing me ahsoîuîeîy carne tic Boom War, increasinlg îL" elpe dteLt Ly ciglisi isntimet million tel- Now 1 Legun te hear a noise lars anti making tic total neaîdy wlsieh J aionce teck te Le proceeti- four billions. "Tuis," tht- edtor ing from ithe iioncss.' I quitlysast cf tic Ecenomist mecenily cberrdo-un.Insienti cf lookingie tiche [et, "wavs tic Ligiesi po1int se cave, sic mmcrnd er baek ten'arti 1867; se tint tic national savings it, being attracieti by tire rifle1 of tiirty-six ycars -of poeno-refsiici I bat tiepositet rspon a sione, swept away Ly nationial Lorrouings rcaring ai it in a îcrmifying iian- turing tirt- yeams cf xvr." Anti nom. Tic mays cf thre soin, falling in Airril, 1903, it-rets on consels tiireetly upen îlt-esteel bai-mol, matie was reducedti t two anti a Laif îLhe grin shice brighily, anti daim- per~~ cent ethticattention cf tIse big bt-ast, For a gooti n'hiie censois Lare _ýwho swite(fti hem mu, \liicb unw s bten iselling ati adisenet cf about hbanging ie tht- ýpir. Myvrte inenty pt-m cent., an te - iiiesperation maie m n nia- cf July iiey tiopetite, screnty- fast. I1rt enc gabet i boIt f tic -eght anti' îa rt tc iwesýt til tint was hunging ove îLeetig pit-e in eighiyyeas. Tic trop cf îLe pit. Tht- lionesa av jm wus attributet t appreheiesi- oxor the Morocco iutonxic I ninmllymiss aqîsiestion as te tht-me u t-e real wu scare. e te ay cmeiosfor11P ti wcmd'sving:s. Tc1 eltie1ri- es c-f Bri1tisi in oani a Laîqf pe-cm Restores color te) Gray or cents antLi Fecihe1pe et Faded hair-Remioves Dan- sgst in ivetesdo net h druff and invi9orates the Scalp pbond, evrte ien al, rooesaluuiat Tic, mor'e iiporant rpo1iîti s tht helth-y hait rowrr-thi-Stops its about5a yca cf a issai tintg with .falling out. lanot adye. a lanfui VEer casei1.00an s sd50 enrg ,t, dict "o viiNapoeeon Mi tbeib i cf LiiU UG AId.8UBSTITUTES pee.That sugge-sts the-coosa Or s'vle s;lreonnindd Ê dectucivw&e4ss if mederu warfame. jury & Lo-velt. ITHE MERRIAM'ý, WEBSTERý iThe Only New unabrIdged dc tionary in Inany years. ý Contains the pith and esseizee of 'an authoritative library, Covers every field of nw edge. An Encyclopedia îu, a single book. , - --i, Theo 0mly Doinr hth'e New Divided Page. ý 400,000 Words, 2700 Pgs 6000 Illustrations. Cost n ear-ly haif a mîllion dollars. Let us tell you about this, most remazrkable ringle volume. --WrIte for mample ticulara, etc. paper and send fe G&C. M1,41cam.1! anti quick as a flash 1 wa*s lan-de4l outsitie, anti, as iuck wouiltiLd it, near my rifle. I hai the pre. s o f mind left te grasp ic gin anti firýo it at the lioness, ki 1cngbe instanItiy. After tins the mes-t a easy The Pil That BrigsRelief. nuliI pisit if it Le aot 31atiith Parmele's Vgetable ?Puis are ver-y Lest medicine thýt canje tknte hring relief.Thspil are especiaily cempo)uýdeilte1-ai wrîth dyspfe,,sia, anti their sein qualities in tliýS respect cnL voceifor Ly-logionis ue s TAJIT STATEMENTS'ý. Fortune won't smîle on yuuni- iess you mect lier Laif wav.' W'hen sorne people tlýep a int, it soutids like an explos'on,. It doesn't requtire an eurtak teo shakýe our faith in some pe- pie. 0f ail Lurnan virtueýz.thIl!r- is apt te regard sccsa h Th pepe hopoe sbaryr see togeta lticf st iaton("ou, TWee, s lf as crtin eis rIt' cfthe s Lventeicsasat Any muser ill ýftel auta even x hen thy payfor it 't isposile fA nmae v"' b-'a te be tuetiL faccy ee e 1