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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1911, p. 1

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auubtan tte~ s $.00 ayear in advance; $i .50 to United States. BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO, EH URSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, i9ii. VOL, LVII, NO, 46. M. A. JAMES & SON rpitr Fl'al Shoe For Women Are the Real Thing Always Good. Theyare-used,,on an av- erage in every third house in town, and on some streets, a.mosevery bouse. If i Doubt Ask Your Neighbor. The chances are she has woern this admirable make fui~ eas REAL GOOD Anyone who glan5es, in our windows gets the im- pression. We have been lucky in getting some good Shoes to seil at a iow price: 'V'Ç' ejcia1Iy Childrens We are ready to show you Our Windosws Tell a Whole Lot. Rubbers. Our Rubber stock is large alid of the best quality. THE BURNS con S HA WA, ONT. MqA!I FOUR CORNERS. -ame 7c.. t 1, cl ipl 11 1 Pl w o c1 dur jî 1,1c j0I jr Why Not a Piano, or Orgarn for XmasP Did you ever think nf t he pleasure if wouîd give your Q~ famîly to have a piano or organ-in tbe, home? You know your wife or daugliter is just longing for such an instrument to Sbrighten up flic home. Young folks must hiave attractions to Skeep them boine andi music keeps nid folks young. Many par- ents are solving this probiema by buvîng a DOMINION PIANO OR ORGAN. Dominion instruments are sold on menit, Ask any of tise eighity thousand owners. Prices are lmw for sucli rccognixed lj menit. Tem ranged t suit any reasonable case. Second hand pianos and or'gans aîwaso ad Yeu have been thinking about buyîng a piano long etiougbi. It is time for action-Cbristmas will soon lac here. Come lu and lct's talk it over to-day. JAMES DEYMAN,' Phoneê 50 Agent, Bow-manville. THE EITOR TALKS. Affer nue "Taîki" for lasf week's paper were wriften but before they were peint cd a le f e came from a mothler of a family felling us liow mudli sle enjoys these talks .and fiankîng us for giving fime and tbouglit to write flicm. Tic longer we are sparcd f0 edif this paper and flic older wc Iccomne flicgreaf e seems nue desire f0 make this journal bclpftel, upîifting, in- structive and interesfing to cvcry mnember of the household. We fry fo eliminate tise--banef-ul,--sensafional,--corrupting -and- immoral and f0 direct flic flouglits of flic young to the gond, flic truc and flic beau- tiful. We sincerely wisli f0c lecptul in encouraging fli cdhildeen and young peo- pIe f0 read good, dlean, educafive, whole- some books and oflier instructive and bclpful reading matter. A young lady in fown f old us last Sunday of a father wlio rcad evcry story book fIat came into is home before lie allowed bis young child- ren f0 rcad fbcm. If 'acre well if al par- ents did likewisc, Thc comic supplement issucd witb mosf Sunday newspapers is literarypoison and tends to perveef flic taste of'chldeen from instructive and lien- eficial reading. The polifical newspapEr that constantly filîs ifs, edirorial columns wýifl articles -denouncing public mcni of opposite political fifl j,, rnoilie publica- tion tiaf sliould lie prohili'ed in- homes wliere fliere arc childeen. Scînol feachers are bcbng engaged for next year. Already many arc engaged.] If is poor poîicy f0 engage an inexperi- enced teacler for a large scliooî as some trustees have donc. Looking over Thc Globe adverfising pages we notice fou many adverfisemenf s for teachers in wbicli no salary is stafed. If hs foîly fo adver- f ise nowadays wifbouf stating amonof of salary fIat will lic paid. Plenfy of Nor-. mal trained feadhers cao lic lad at $55o f0 $750, 50 flicre is no excuse for engaging non-qualified or noo-cerfificafcd feadliers if trusteces gef busy early, adyetise prop- erly and offer a modern salary. Properly qualificd and expericnced feaciers lave no necd f0 accepf less than $600 f0 fake charge of a school and flic sonner trustees acccpf flic situation and advancc salaries fie sonner tliey will get proper teachers. Now fIat we are falking of country sdhools we may say thaf if we were thec sciool inspector we would insist ono betier- kept sdbool grounds, cquipment, libraries and cleaner closets. We lad occasion f0 visif a, school closef some fime ago in Summer time and found if unf for use- filfhy beyond description in these columns. If wvas in a prosperous section, f00. 'T'rus- tees and feachers wbo permîf tsncb a con- dition to exist sliould lic inicte-d for man- slaugifer. In conclusion xvt% say in al seriousness f0 engage gond feadiers, pay tiem adequaf e salaries, insist on sdînol and grounds being kept dlean and tidy, on proper equipmenf 50 fIat the teacier cao give efficient s'ervice, and provide a suit- able library for supplementary eeading. We cannof lielp but heave a sigl of re- gret wlen wc read flic report of flic librar- ian fIat 90 f0 95 per cent of books faken from tic public library are fiction. Wc occasionally eead fiction wlien we are f00 weaey f0 fhink, but -if no one rcad more novels flan we do nof many books would reacli furtlier than flic first edition. About flic fime fliaf flicwritcr was budding imb manhood lie asked, a minisfer wliaf lie flouglit about rcading The Waverley Magazine, a higli class sfory publication well known baît a century ago. Eus re- ply was: "Beff e read publications con- taining more wbeat and less ciaif." Tic answer was convincing and lias off en come f0 mmnd. If lias also been nue cule of lite in nue home reading. When we bear persons boasfing of 1mw nsany. popu- lar books of fiction tlcy lave read fthe clause, "More iwhcat and less chaiff" re- cors f0 fIe mi. Any'aay, wc have found lite ton short ro spend precinus days, wecks and months i n eeading fiction when flere is available so much inferest- ing scient ific, fravel, descriptive, historic, religions and other instructive liferature availalile. TIc novel reader seldom amounts fo more flan mcdiocrify. Suc- cess in lite is nof adliicvcd tien flic mcd- ium of modern fiction. Prof. Tins. N. Carver, Teadlier of Rur- al Economics af Harvard University, is autliority for tIc tlicory fliat riglit living and rigîf farming are closely nelat cd, fIat fli cdurci to succed will lite i one whose spirifualify meets fIe practical test of pnoductivify. Prosperous, progressive communifies of flic woeld are Christian and in fliese is fonnd tIe most successful farming. The churcli laying emplasis- upon a sane and wholesome kind of spir- ifuality, along wifh certain formalities of belief and condncf, lias gcnerally inculcat- cd flic plain cconomic virtues of indusfry, sobriefy, fhriff, forefbonglit and mufual lielptulncss. TIc betf eflic type of Chr is- fianity, tic more flese virtues have been cxhibifcd-fiose so living have wasf cd lcss of fîcir energies in vice, dissipation, brawling or in niotons living-economiz- ing fleir enengies, tîcy are able fa pre- vail over tbose who bhave wastcd theirs, MR. N. W. ROWELL, K. C.,9 New Liberal Leader, wlio speaks-in the Opera, BowmanvilIe, next Mon- day evenin.- at 8 ù'clock. BACK TO THE COUNTRY. TITLED AND VWEALTHY TORONTO MEN BUYING PICKERING FARms FOR RESIDENCES. Foliowin)g example of Mr. W. F. Me- Lean, 1.P., of The Toronto Worid, and sex eral wealthv Americans who have bouglit some of fthc best farms east and we,,L of Cobourg and cronverted them into extensive estates, some of Toronto's first citizens are buying large tracts of farma lands in Pickering and converting tliem into big farms on which palatial residen- ces will bce erected after the manner of gentlemen's estates in the OId Countries. Tforonto World of Nov. isf says: Pickering is to become the postoffice ad- dress of quite a group of gentlemen farm- ers, according to tlie developments that have quietly taken place there in the last three months. The district around Pick- ering village has been practically ahl taken taken up by wealthy people, and will es- tablisli larg-e est ates an d make of them highi-class farms. Lord Somers. who has been in Toronto, for abouf a month now, lias purchased considerabie acreage on flie north side of the Kingston-road, Pickering Township, halfway befween Pickering and Dunbar- ton. Associated with him is a relattvc, Mr. Somers Cocks, and these two gentle- men will build an imposing mansion on their property in the spring. They will then lie joined by their families, and will maIre Pi,-kering, Canada, their permanent residence. A near neiglibor of Lord Somers will bce Sir H-enry Pellatt, who lias bouglit 560 acres by Kingston-road, just east of Pick- ering village, and -;ill fliereon eetablisli bis country residence. He will convert lis purchase loto a most up-to-date farm, and wili use aIl the newest agricultural inventionîs known f0 f111 the soit for hlm. R. J. Fleming lias aiso just lafely pur- chased a big estate nearby. Altogeflier lie lias got 400 acres. He, like Sir Henry, his near neiglibor, will become an ideal farmer, altho Mr. Fleming',, rural predil- ections will most likely mun i, jersey cows. Then anoflier electric railm a~y man, W. HT. Moore, lias 240 acres nearby, lis prop- erty being on the lakefront adjoining Rosebank to -the east. His property is possibly the most valuable of aIl the recent purdliases, intliat it is on the shore. Then E. L. Ruddy lias a couple of hnn- dred acres near Pickering. His farm in- cludes the site of thie old ýPîckering Col- lege, whicli was burned down some years ago. Noel Marshiall is another Toronto bus- iness man wlio will become a summerfime farmer., He wili work 200 acres of bis own land near Pickering. Rev. D. C. Hossack lias also agricuitural aspirations. He lias got a place of 150 acres near Pickering. Several other Tor- onto men have purclia led propertv in this district and will become gentlemen farm- ers. Most of flic purchases ýwcre made af farm val 'ues, around $80 and $Ioo an acre. There is very little property, for miles around Toront o fIat lias flot clianged hands lately. Pickering, whicb is the same distance from Toronto as is Oak- ville, is enjoying flic samne land activity as did property in the viciniity of flic latter towo flirce ycars ago. Undoubtedly flic expectafion fIat flic Toronto and Eastern Elecfric road f0 Bowmativille wonld soon lc starfed lias led b omucli of flicpurcliases f0 flic east of the city and along flic shore. TÉle riglit of way for this line lias flot yct been bouglit, but flic survcy runs just nortît of thc Kingston road. TIc stretcli of excellent farms in Dur- ham county lying along the nortli shore of Lake Ont ario are admirably adate for gent lemen's estafes of fli c cara cter outlined above. They liave flic advan- fage over most of flic Pickering farms ment ioned fIat fliey front rigîf on flic lake shore. TIc sliore is mostly clear of marsli and the land lies sufficienfly higli f0 be liealthy.- No bef fer soil cao bc found in Ontario for agricultural purposes whefber for mixed farming or specializing in agriculture. The adaptability of al tliis norfîshore tract fo apple culture, dairying and stock raising, flic most proflit- able lines of farming in flese days, gîve flic Darlington and Clarke township farms a prestige thaf no oflier norfh sliore tract can surpass. EHif er of the James Papers f0 ncw sub- scribc,ýrs, from 110w f0 Tan. 5sf 91,for si. Donnt miss flic chance of geffin1g flic best paper in the Counities af a low price. THE McGILL LEGACY THE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES OF MCGILL BUILDING, WASHINGTON, D. C. Mr. D. B. Simpson, K. C., for flic town of Bowmanvillc, lias received fnom flic Trustees wlio bave in charge flic large office building deviscd f0 this f own by flic late James H. MeGill, a sfatemenf of fIe receipts and disbunscmcnfs in connection witî flic trust ,for tIc cigîf months fnom Mardi to October, i911,' inclusive, wliicb showis -as -follows:- Rents received ...-$17,08.3-92 Coal account....... $ 665-10 Supplies. ý.............371-73 Salaries and services 3,665, 34 Repaies ...... 809.39 Gai account .... 313-57 Eîecfric current accounit 752.76 Teleplione acconof 123.8o Insnrancc, infercst, taxes 4,489.60 Commissions., .,.. 850-97 Miscellanous .... 140.51 Balane...,..4,941.15 $17,083-92 $17,083-92 This shows for flic pasf ciglif mont hi a nef profit of $4,941.15, which amounts f0 $7,4I-L-72 for a-vear. -If -wc-add fhIssimm f0 $4,000 payable for intercîf on thie mortgage on flic premises, if discloses a nef revenue from tIc building Of $11,411.- 72, which calculafed on a basis of five per cent-would sem f0t indicafe that flic val- ne of tIc premiSes is $228,235.00. Jo large ciesic these invcstmenf s are usually valncd on a four per cent basis, and if 50 trea cd flic value would lie mudli higlier. NEW YORK HORSE SHOW. Provincial Election 1 A public meeting will lic held in the Opera House, Bowmanville, oonflic cvening of -M-oniday,--Nov.--201th, wlien addresses will lie delivercd by N. W. ROWELL, K. C., Toronto, Lilicral Leader in ftle Provincial Legîslafure. W. E. >N. SINCLAIR, Mayor of Oshawa, Liberal Candidate for Sout h Ont ario, and A. A. POWERS, Orono, the Libenal Canîdidatc, for West Durham. CHAIR TU BE TAKEN AT 8 O'CLOCK. A cordial invitation is cxtended fo al clectors. GOD SAVE THE KING. J. J, SMITHI, W. R. ALLIN, Pres, W.D.R.A. Sec. W.D.R.A, BOARD OF TRADE. ELECTION Of OFFICERS-IMPORvT NT QUESTIONS DiscussED-LARO,. ATTENDANCE. -- Bowmanvillc citizens bave vef f0 learn. TWIENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION flic importance of attcnding meetings on Nov. 18 f0 25, AT MADISON time. At flic annual meeting of flic Board. SQUARE GARDEN. of Trade on Tuesday niglit only five per- sons wcre present by 8 o'clock and an boue later flic Council Room was wcll Canada will bc e rprcscnted this year atfiflled. This seems f0 lie a regular occur- flic National Horse Show in Madison rence in this town for citizens f0 be any- Square Garden, New York, liv somefhing wlicre from fiffeen minutes f0 an boue like one hundred liorses, and from reports late in keeping flicir engagements. rccived by Toronto horsemen enfries It miglif le said thaf flic Board of Trade have been unusually numerous, some clas- crficers were elected by "blind'" ballot,, ses running to nearly a bundred in comn- as- slortly affer President Relider took tIhe petit ion for one prize. chair and called for nominations flic dcc- N. Y. Cenfral West Shore Railroad is tric "juice" suddenly stopl4d and ail was, running an excursion from Toronto fo in darkness. By flic aid of ex-Reeve New York City on Tliursday Nov. 16, Tole's matclies and later Aldermen Peli- round t rip tickets gond to retuen up fo ic's election forci, flic meeting continued. Saturday Nov. .25--last day of flic Horse Offic-ers clected xvere: President-C. Reli- Show-af $1425. Full particulars af 80 der; 1sf Vice-J. B. Mýitchel; 2nd Vice-r Yonge-sf., Toront o. Wm. Cann; Secretary-C. H. Anderson, Hon.. Rolit. Beifli will s 1end a represent- Trcasurer-F. J. Mit cIel; Executive Comn- afive from bis Wavcrlcy Stables, Bow- mitfcc-D. B. Simpson, K. C., jas. Dey-m manville, in flie person of importcd "Yap- man, F. F. Morris, Dr. -B. J. Hazlewood, bamn Fashion", flic Hackney Cob whidb Archie Tait, Geo. W. James, T. H. Koigit', bears an lotecrnafional show record. 0f lier R. Copeland, F. A. Haddy. well-known Canadian borsemen who are. if was decided to again bold a Christ- sending borses are: Toronfo-Crow & mas Fair, fu!i parficulars of whidb will be- Murray, junipers and liarnes bries; Jos- made known later. cph Kilgour, hunters and saddlers; H. G. Mr. Simpson addressed flic meeting re- Cox, huoters. London-Hon. Adam Bcck, garding a large American industry that jnmpers;Dr. T. H. Hazzard, Markbam, lias decided f0 open a facfory and do bus- Clydes and ligît horses, Hon. Clifford iness in Canada. This company is desir- Siffon, Ottawa, bunfers. There may also nus of iocating ini Bowmanvillc fo lie near be some Monfreai borses. flihe Goodyear Rublier Facfory, as tliey ai- Canadiaos usually attend this annual ready do a large business witli fhis con- popular National Horse Slow in large cern. Tliey estimate ao initial expendi- numbers and flic probability is fliat this turc of $500,ooo, will cmploy at lcast 300 27tli exhibition from Nov. 18 f0 25 will men from fthc star' and will biein opera- sec more flian usual owing f0 tle cheap tion by Sept. 1, 1912. Tliey do ont ask excursion coming ai such opportune time. one dollar of a bonus, free site or excmp- The President fliis vear is Mr. Alfred G. tin fromn taxation. All f bey wanf is an Vanderbilt; cliairman of Execufive, Mr. assurance fliafflic empînyces wîll be taken Robert A. Fairbairn; and Secretary, Mr. care of, whidi means fliat one hundired Or James T. Hyde, 16 E. 23rd St., New York more dwcllings wi11lieb required f0 o iuse City, N. Y. tîem. To do flis Mr. Simpson proposes, 0f flic fweoty or more gentlemen in- forming a building compary compcsed orf vited 'to acf as Judges of the several clas- mercliants and citizens, requiring about ses of horses two arc from Canada-Col. $So,ooo stock, f0 build worknen's bouses. William Hendrie, Hamilton, ôn Officers' All tIat is needzd 00W is flic assurance Charges, Militia Mounts, Clydesrles, Per- thaf fIe mooey will lie suiscribed but n& cherons and Hcavy Drauglit teams; and calîs will lie made unfil ao agreement is- Dr. Charles McEacliran,- Montreal, Que., signed fiat flic company is going f0 locate on Clydesdal2s, Percherons and Heavy _ee Affer conisiderable discussion flic Drauglit teams. Lord Decies of flic Cav- meeting was adjourned till nexf Tucsday. alry Club, London, England, is also a judge In flic meantim'e an endeavor wilil bc made on Officers' Charges and Militia Mounts. to raise tIc necesaary stock, several liav- Is if nof surprising liow flic inferest in ing already subscribed $jono eacli and finc liorses continues 10 spif e of flic intro- ofliers lesser sums. If is now Up to fthe duction of mot or vehicles ? Gond work-j people to meet tlic dcmand. This is Bow- ing or carniage bories neyer brouglih avles potnfy higlier prices or were i0 more brisk de- I olwysCr ur ae h oi mand flian fbey have been flic pasf sum- HolwysCr1ur ae lccr mer in Canada. ouf by flic mot s. Try it and prove if'. IWARNN!i lýThe Seymour Power' & Eîectric Co. Limited wishes to caîl the attention of the public to the folîowing extract from the Criminal Code: INJURIES TO ELECTRIC TELEGRAPHS, ETC. Every one is guilty of anl indictable offence and lhable, to TWO YEARS' IMPRISONMENT who wilfully (a) destroys, removes or damages anyfhing wvhicb formus part of, or is used or employed in or about any elcctric or magnet ic telegrapli, electric lîglif, telepbone or fire alarm, or in flic working there- of, or for flic transmission of electricif y for otîer lawful purposes; or (b) prevents or obsf ruc s flic sending, conveyancc or delivery of any com- munication by anv sudh telegrapli, telephonie or lire alarm, or flic trans-:. mission of eiecfricity for any sncb electrîciglfr for any snicb purposes as aforesaid. (2) Evcry ooe wlio wilfully by any overf acf, atfcmpfs fo commit any such offence, is guilfy of an offence, and hiable, 10 summary convic- tionf0 a PENALTY NOT EXCEEDING FIFTY -DOLLARS, OR TO THREE MONTHS IMPRISONMENT, WITH OR WJTHOUT HARD LABOR, R.S.C. c.168, d.d. 40 and 41. A number of insulators on flic transmission lines of fIe Company have beco broken by bullefs or stones, and as flic breaking of insulators causes grave danger f0 life and property, flic Company hiercby warns flic publc taf o effort or expense will lie spared in detecting tIc gnilty pensons aod prosecufing fbcm fo flic full limit of flic law. ý The Seymnour Power& Electric Co-, .1' L 1mitEci

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