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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1911, p. 2

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c u4 lie Little Liver PMls. Must, Dear B!natur. of S5ee paC.Sile Wropper Baby,. V.,w mmii endI as eosy C q FOR READAC1lL CARTERS FR 071NE FOR TORPIO LIVER. PI OR ~ COI4STIPATIOIt FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR-TH~E COMPLEXION OU-PF6 SIK HEADAGH4mL I.E. McLAUGHLIN. Barrster, solicitor and conveyancei. caoifleak1ey Bbock. King strei Bowmnvilo. onoy oubnaet reanoa- -&hle -ratez. 48-lyv. B.J.]Razlewood. MOD.,O.M1 BOWNWANVILLE. 0 ONT. GOLD MEDAIST of îr1nty JE- lverslty, Toronto», Four viargAttmndlmp PbySiciaan sd Surgeon at lit. Üarmel Itompital PitUoburg, Ka 00 ce an -d gmflUWdbvgoa Rt. Te' 1tile Ne. Ioï. wilpay il it is taken at a gorl scheOL. V 'here is none b.tter than the Britislg Aniericail Busîuesq collaeo, Y. M. 0. 1. IBuilding, Toronto, the school that mýazy1of the Iornost business men of Can'adahave attended, 2tudent5 vnt9r. Sshould writg for ç4tabog4ss, T. M. WATSON, cook's CottoiRoot Compound The great Uterine Tonie, and - Regulatoron which women eau ,.depend. Sold in three dogrmes o4 f trerigth-No. 1, $1; No. 2. 10 degrees stronger t'a;-No. Z% for spedai cases, 45 pr bov. Sod1al drugglts o ent Mplaonracel t of price. OooU oNuo. OuT.OT. fjormerlyjWindwo4 xxig1neers and others who realize the advisabil- ity of having their Patent business transacted by Exprts. Preliminaryadvice free. Charges ndrae. Cor Inventor'a Advlser sent ripou request. Marion & Marion, New York TLife Bldg, M.nteal tand Washlnzton. D.C.. U.S.ÀA. "FEEBLE STONACH" Causes Digestive Weakness and Poisons the En- tire System. "NeOone ean have suffared more titan 1 dbd wlth stomach troubla," writes PhilL E. Pascalar. well known at St. Andrews Corners. "My doctor told me my indigestion sud sleepless- ness were due te poisons in the blood. NY pdson wo tethre sol ied e! oa dsodn IfamUly Ioran male over 18 rears old ' sud I seamed from the ep-en snaY homestead a quarter section of avail. feelings that swept over me ihat 1 able Dominion land in Mtanitoba. Sask. would loea my reasen. 1 happenedtet atchuewan or Aberta. The apulicant muet read about Dr. Harillton's Pilla and appear in person at the Dominion Lands lought fine boxas fromth te druggist. Agency or Sub-Agency for the district. Entry by Proxy may tic made at any ag« Such bodly-cleanging pilla I nevel' tset; ency, on certain conditions, by father. they wcre mild sud yet qulte strong mother. son, daughter, brother or aister eueugh to drive ail the huirs oui et tt.tendlng bomesteader.oftebod Mysmah gid Duties :-Six monthe' residence nponao h le. M trah gia and cultîvation of the land in each ci traugth rapIdIv with X)r., lo5mliin's 5ae ars.L-&he.tQs eader may lire w~,,- 15aii 1 improved so mucli thatl in nîne miles of hi- no 1se-,un amie eght weeks 1 could cat and digest i of!t at e 90 ! àefflsclIyI_ owned and ordinary food. Deprassion and weari-i 'ircÏied pY hMm or tiy hie father. moti. noms passed aNvay aud I amn, thauks te et', son, danghter. brother or siter.> in certain districts s homesteader in Dr. Hamlton'a Pilla, enjeytng sçobUst good standing may veeempt a uuarter 9ood health." seclton alonuside bis hoinestead. PriCe No rtecdy for bilietisiesS, 1-lIdles-1 84500 per acre. Duties-Must resîdo ibÉ, h.heàaache, alck stomachx r coin- enonths'le cacti of six' yoars frein ae et" ,-tîtcmae lhD.Ia bomestead entrY including the ttre arc-S p5til' atbt ars th r1Rm quîred te earn homesead vatent I)and itons P' tz Refuse substitutes. SOld cultivate Mity acres extra, lu 25e. hbuxds. Ail dealers, or 'lhe A bometeader who has exhausted bis Cata:-irhozïane Ce., lKiugston, Ont. hometead right and cannet ebtain a- vre-emption, mas' take a Purchasedliome. tead le certin districts. Price'$3.0i Der Dr Ha itn sP s acre. Dutîces-Must eside ix nmenthe in >îach o! threc years. cultivaise fus' acres and ret a jou.- orLC$7.00 N.fl.-Uaut.oW.ed pulto !Ii sed ertabuse wenicr ft( Itpor ; 10C0nia0c advrtliiniîtwiil noS be pvaid for. French ware rated un ativance, of. auything in Europe, andi their lu- fantry was helti only numerically inferior te the German. The un- stable character of thre French geov- erumeut and is dîfficulties regard-' ing military policy off ened lIitile jus- -tification -for ibis -opinion, --but- the experts founti warrant for their ideas lu the admirable equipment anti training of the army. Gormaus now endeavor te cal the attention of their people to thre iucreasiing French superierity in, the "fourtb armu-," -the- aviation corps,--an- ar-m whhch they say exists iu faci, as well as name. A retireti German naval offleer, Capt. von Pustau, reporting on thre French autumu manoeuvres, says:- "If thre resulta o! thase experi- tuants jmstiîy thre hepes ihat have been foundeti on them, 4we neeti ne longer indulge in illusions, but muai confesa that the brilliant anti well thought eut erganization of French aeronautics contitutes a very grave danger for ns. If, furihermore, our neighbors continue to progreas at the same rate as in 1910-'11, ant ifi they maintain their ativauce on us, I de net Irestate to preclaim tIrai in thre next war this lnferiority will loati as straight tu a catastrophe." Prebably the underlying idea of this antiothor cautioning ativice is tIrat military confidence can grew tW a point where it ceases ta have vrtués. In connectien with the discussion of the poasibilities of employing coen- vicia on farms, attention Iras been called reeently to the successfui ex- perinient of New Zealant a long ihis lina. la 1900 tIra governmeni of that country decided ta try the etu- ployment o! prison labor in the aI- lorestatien achame. Four prison camps were estahished-two iu tIre nortb anti two lu tIre seutIr islanti. One camp was cleseti afior a few years, the other threc have since beau maintainati andi are con',,fir- Iighly vaimable to-day. Thes~ for the camps are ai a considerahl.e dis- tance fretu towns or villages andti n healtIrfil districts. TIra convicts, under conditions tIrai almosi ameunt te freedoru, have planteti several hundreti thousauti tracs andI have been greatly benofiteti as te health. There is ne, competition witIr akilieti labor, inasmnuch as the men are employeti tnter conditions tIrai would net attraci froc laberers. Meat o! them have learneti some- thing o! a uselul occupation, ho- sides tioveloping Irealthy bodies un- i der tIreepen-air ife. Perhaps therel 1 -The-greatest reuîady in thea worlt for- ail fomins of Indigestion sud Dyspepsia, is "Fmnit-a-tîvcs". Doctors as well as hundreds of people proclaim it. 'Fruit-a-tivcs" cures all atomnacli troubles bacause it muakes the liner active, strengthens the kidneys, puri- fies tIe biood and keeps thea stomach swact alid cean. "Pmuit-a-tives" la theconly ramedy aa of fruit juices. 5oc, a box, 6 for $2.5o, or triai size, 25c. At ail deniers, or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tinas ILimited, Ottawa. is a lesson in ibis for many parts of thIs country. Municipal farms ouglit te hc possible with us, se manage-c as te ha profita-ble andti t teach thre pnisonera employed on them something tIrai will ho useful te, thetu lu later 111e. Wby net iry the experiment where ihere is a large number oI convlots or va- grantsI In a better receiveti by thre Grand Trunk Pacifie Railway fror. Mr. ArthqrO,_Wh.eelen, tIre weii-known ,Who lsataipresent lu the Canadian Reekies making observation Ion the purpes-e aI mapping oui the district, Ire 6ays : "We have a great amouni of splendià material for publication anti a collection of photegraphs that caunot be surpasseti. We have just completeti wbat la very neariy a 100 mile circuit amounti Mt. Robson, thre highesi peat lintIra Canadian Rock- ues. Thie peaka anti valcys, lakes anti waterîails on all aides cf it, anti the glaciers are very fine. TIere g- gienha immense, anti there la werk for yea rs te corne, exploring, map- ping andi depieiing. There is a fine bunch -of 11gh poasaanti large suow- fieldis anti glaciers- southwcsi cf Tete, J-aune Cache,. Thene are aise great peas up the Athabaska snd Fraser headwaters. iributsry te yemr lino. The mosi .showy part of Mt. IRob- son la the Robson Passa-iud Glacier, anti Berg Late.." Iu addition te the ,ahane Mn. Wheeber reports tIrai bis partyhave collecteti er 600 speci- meus of animal -anti bird 111e, anti a gooti hotanical collecti-on as ehl. This- expedition , wbich wserganiz- ed hy thre Grand T. uuk Pacifie, tira been a mosi sucessftil eue, anti wben its resmîts are publisheti will Ire ofI grenu value. The lacts n-ow tuown beur oui the general imrpres- sion tIrai the tennitory cantigmeous te tIre- mouniain division of the Grand Trunt Pacifie Raiiway will surpasa lu aceiebeauty tIrai whieh can ho seen on auy other cf thre N orth Amenicani-transcontinental liues. KNIGHITHOOD FOR WOME-N. Iu la net at a-Il woil known that knighihooti bas constautly been conlerreti upon we)men, says thre London Graphie. Mauy EnglisIr ladies receivedth Ie 'accolade, anti many more were inembers of sucb knightly ordens as the Ganter anti Si. John. Wheu Mary Cholmon- deley, "thre belti lady of Cheshire,'" was knight"ti by Elizabeth for "bier ,vait ad4resýï" on LIreQncntt li«~ ciiiniÏari' aihIe threateried in- vasion by Spain, titi aIe know tIrai a whole city cf 8£panish women, tIre gailaut wonîen of Tortosa, bat been kuigbteti for saing tIrai city from the Môors I Mary sud Elizabeth bat both been knîghted ai their coronatian; but by tIre urne Au-ne, tIre second Mary, anti Victoria as- ceuded.the tIrîone ihbatd een quite forgotten tIrai acoarding te EngisIr law aud use a woman who fillet a, wpan's of5ce acQl.iired ail uts privi- loges aud was immune freim noue of lis duties A MATTER 0F HABIT. Hie (nervousiyý) <Whnt nili yOur Istie3ar snty uhen I tell Irim wir ho aiwaY2 lbas Lbeîî." A arter's NOTES AND COMMENTS Imay bc to the en ha, tOlR TU RED FOR German people will net aobject c heavy military expenses that Gar- mani army officers are iucîinedti , THIR TYFIVE YEAH agree 'with experts of other co-n tries in giving au exception'ally high 1 r8ally Could Rlot live ithout "Fruit-a-live rating te the French military estab- FXNArGHvÂI., 0"~. Jan. 29th. 1i! lishment. When the Moreccan inci?- <'or thirty-fiva years (and I auln(r dent made war a snbject of cliscus- a nat a ver saventy) 1 hava be terrible suffarer from Constipation.1 slon thre question of thre relative matter what reiady or physicians strength of the two countries chielly amployed, the result was alwayst sy ntur saiam-impossible ta get a cure. Abc concerned ini the contreversyntr two yaars ago, I raad about 'Fruit alîy came up for se calleti expert ta s nd1dcieotsr them. censideration. The opiniom then was They are the first andi only medici set forth that in only one arm were that suîted my casa. If it wara not1 1 Fruit-a-tives ' I a i satisfieti that the 'Germans superior, and in that, cold Dot live" JA1MES8 PROIJDFOO the înfantry, only numerically. Ia artillery andi eavalry the now No s1 the bout it-a- lce. Cie for A I .Êosàý MORE TRUST.- One whe amiti earth's smiles and te ars Hati serveti his Lord fer ifty years \Vas asked about those arixions fears Which mortals oft deplore: In kindiy toues the veteran saiti, "New lighi upen me ham been shedi Since by His grace 1 have heen led Te trust the Savieur more" Te me that word of truth was shown Which tells of life in Hum alone; Anti I was led trttt :)ne te own Whom heaven's vast hosts adore: Anti yet I sought the n ork's ap- plause, Anti ofien hadt te dubiandi pause; My path was staap and dark ba- cause I tii net trust Hlm more. With all my energy andi skili And ail my powers of mind ant iwll, I sought. my mission te fulfil, Anti heavy bur-dens bore:- Yet lu me something was amiss; I failedti t taste -the sweetest bliss: Anti now Iknow the cause was ibis, 1 due net trust Hum more. As I my pilgrim path review, 1 see the source f rom wheae I drew Thre light and i 11e by which 1 knew Why much was dark before: On fim alone my love is set: Neý longer now I toil anti fret This ia my eue suprerne regret, I did net trustiFinm more. If I might line my liS e again, That One shonîti always lu me reign Who ean lu peverty anti pain To perfect licalth gostore: Because fils choico is always best 1 would lunfils sale keeping resi, And this shouiti be mychief request Each day te trust fim more, To ail my younger fIonda I say, "Iu trusiful love your Lord ohey; Let Him within you have fils way, While yom fis realms explore:- Frem auxieus care sud fretting esfse:- Within your hearts enthrone Hia pence; Andi learu, while yen in power iu- creasse EacIr day te trust fim more." T. WATSON. Ions, Station, Ont., 1911. AIBAD IACK Ia Waruing that the Kidntys arelJ A bati bacit turna every twentY- four heurs into one dm11 round of pain anti misery-yeu are lame iu the meorning, naggeti ail day by a dm11 throbbing backache, can 't rest in the evening or sleep well at nih.It hurts SI t e bnd over, straightan mp, got up frotu a chair, or lift oven a light weight. Any sutiden twist, - turn or awlt- ward movement sentis a toaring twinge of pain througla the weak spot. Booth's Kidney Pilla reacli the weak ýspot, the kidneys, anti quickly restere kiduey health anti c>.mfort., They are guarantecd. All dealers anti truggists, i50e., or pooipaiti from The R. T. Both Ceo., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Seud fer Free Box which wîll be gladiy sent'on a.ppli- ANVIL SPARKS. Kinti words brecti their kinti aIse. Intention is a poor thing with- oui attention. The lazy man considers ail toil slavery. fie whe breaks his word smashes himsclf.briany e lu tioesn't requîre rlinyt cast refiocuions Yen can't butter itw~hen you havei Yen will probably bc deati a long, tîme, but that is Do reason why you should malte a fool of yourself wbile living. Restores color to Gray or Faded hair-Removes Dan- druif and invigorates the.Scalp -Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth--Stops its failing out. la flot a dye. $1.0 ad 50e nt Drug Stores or direct istio reaelptOf Priee and dealers noe. Seed 10e foz sipebottie.-Pailo Hay Spolities Co., NS,,Ak. N. J., U.S.A. REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES For sale and reeomrnended by Jury & L'Oveli. The daxxipness which destroys lumber only intensifies the strength and hardness of Concrete. You can impair a wooden trough with comparativelylitile use; but it takes a powerful explosive ta put a Concrete water tank out of business. Which is your choiceý-expense-producing Wood, or rnoney-saving Concrete? We'd ho glad to send a copy of aur book, "Whai the Former Cari Do Wilh Concret,"-Free-if you'l ask for it. It tells the many uses of, Cancrete in plain, simple language-tells how bo make Barns Mens' Neste Stables Cisterne Hltching Ports Stairs Dainles Morse Blocks Stais Dipping Tanks Houses Steps Foundations Pouitry Houais Tanks Fence Posta Root Gabiers Troughs Feeding Floors Silos Walke Guttera Sheiter Waiia Weil Curti Cwa ada CementCo 51L-60 National -Bank Building, Montreal * t ~ ç ~ . ikçpiy to be pale, ner. eus, and sub- J FAR4TRAVELLED NAMES. je t te Iteadache; they c a tch cold- - - o d -N ay easily, eld talce -ie -i-ntera-st -in- Pamiliar- EverydayWdsHv U their studies. After the windows Corne Long Distances. E A L have btec opened, and the tempe"- attire ha s been lowered, and the air Calico takes is namre from CaWi Smacle fresh and moist, thlesane chîl- out, a city in India. Satin is frern dren, ini the sane roont, with the, Zaytoun, in China. Damask was SCHOOLROO.M VENTILATION. saine t-'acher, will ho, different firt made ai Damascus, in Syria. In n adres dlivrednotlon eceatures; not enly licalthier and Gauze is fromn Gaza, in Palestine; In~~~~~~~~ anadesdlveedntln r<er from colds and heaclaches, but and baize from Baza, in Spain, -agothe healt.h coomissioner of Chi- m-eair -~ Dimity is oailed after Daietta, in- cag, pekin o te sbjet'~for theil lessons. e Egypt, Cambric was first mrade at th.g odventilation i olsimprat a- he reports fromn the seh-ols Cambria, in France, and muslin at atg for eveontilationve rage, - whs e thrs artieular experimeut Mosul, in Asia. isfo neyer e nesryas duerinage, t h o madte and ttie resulta care- Serge got ius namie from Xerga, ischo er s.eesr sdrn h fully neteti, declare that thet change a $panish word. Volvet ia our equi. Aiholtheghs yearstehd iieietlepct o h valent of the Italian word velluta; erof theochildheneteeaappthethody-anad gingham la from Oingamp, a. is growing anat maturing rapidly, selves îown lu Brttany, the ctoe an hsclhabits, are being estab-h ath was firrst Used for umibrella covers. anti ~physicaleil ] change for the better, ai- Cashmere gets its namoe from the lished, Since wlîatever m tea c ouThthat, tee, was great. valyo ahee nte1ia formed in this time will have hatheomisdoerdids vlyo hei 'l ia duty throughout the years -of aduit The ha do issiopeor vitonlayas bueckram frein Bokhara, 111e, it is a hati time te malte ma- l itsteqitatn orkak from Laon ini France, and terial rhat is belowew sadr.'2t wok s-h uc-atn rk iis thei Indîan word for earth. The human hody- tandc omar air-borne infections, and the slow- But, we have miany home-made ed teý a garment.mabeop acting or air-causecl conditionso. naines of fabrics. Tweed, was great deal of rough wear and tfear An o the frerheplaceninfl1- originally the prDduct of the weav- if it is madie of good material; but enza, cnds, rerspinftinsmsenig9 ers of tuie Tweed, nielton was first ifi smd fsodit will grow uadvres netos uh as made at the town of that name in ifhb iati e f shot, cl, osearlet lever, dîphtheria and Leicestershire. Worsted is f romn shabby anti wear ut quickiyfo. 110 measies. Among the latter he Worstead, famned for its fine wool mater owwel i iscaed or Th.tplaces d-rowsiness, mental slowness, yarns. Cheviot was originaîly a is why the care of chiltiren in their headachà, lassitude, muscular fiab- oloth made fromn the wool of the early years, is se0importa'nt- it 12 bines nni, hoean1irt-Ceyt flssld lki oý the trne to make material that will bility.-lmia, h's orea anti rrta- C am othvitHis n irnketago't etand the wear and ta of later 1 -ot' opno.terniefenteroiia life. Chiltiren who iu the school English manuawtirer - Thomai i?-,- A Aq 1 eCOLD iCUTTR strain do net al-vayz show the ef-1 îCot immediately; but years alter, when they display smali power of recuperatnon, little resistance te disease, and great snsceptibility te fatigue, they are Payîng for the in- justice to which they were subjecteti ithe past. t has been scientificaily proved that children do no do weil in badiy ventilateti sohoirootus. They are M E D IC AL AUTHORITY The British anti United States Pharmacopoelas, two of the greatest medical books of authority, state that the active principal of FIGS ls a val- nable LAXATIVF, remady ia the treattuent of all KIDNEVY, LIVER, STOMACH and BOWEL disordars. FIG PILLS contaîn the active principal of FIGS' combined 'with othar valuable medi- ciments which constituta thi the hast remedy for the aboyeaalients. At ail dealers -,5 cents per box, or The IFig F111 Ca., 14t.-homnas, Ont, OBSERVATIONS ON THE ROAD "Deutit malte yoe nvions te see aIl theos-- people Évneediîng by lu >Not n e," replied thre lig blasmû.Buit 'm sure the<-y envy nie. I'm right hereat , me andti tey d ntnw for ur w. thon rthey'- ce' e ro-",r it. TRADE MARK& COPYRIGHTS &M. Ayoisandlng a sketch and ,)escription May ~nleki~escertior opinion fre wbetbr au avent onilaprobabiyratlntabiq, Communces. tiqesateloticonfident SI. IADBO<on Patente dent freaildegi ngeney for strgptns Patente taken tironsh Mulln & Co. neunve special notices, wthout charge. la the ScletifiJtfî-NerlcaîI. eitios Of sny selentillle journal. rerins fer ~ aa &bayear, postage prcpalc. Sold by MUNN & Cg 8 6lblroadway, New York iBmancti OMM 8. 25 P t.. Washtgtou. D. O. SY 0fISe Canadtan Nrthwist Land pegulatlans. Beil two emmncea of fiaxseet in lu e quart ai Water. Strain anti adt two ounces cf rock eauty, eue-hall pint of houoy, juice of thrée butons, lei ail bell well, Let cool anti bottile. Dose: A wineglass fulhbfore meals anti ai bed turne. The botter yen take lu the botter. Chiltren wil readiy tata tIns, as it la ploasaut tastiug anti certainly is an excel- lent rrnetiy. For coltis on tIre chest, If lard is ,spn'ent on a layer of cotton bat.iing andtihckiy sprinkled wiih grated nutmeg, thon laid acroas tIre cheat, it wili cuickly loosen the coldi. Also as tIre colt goto botter pick off tIre cotton li-le by litile, ané there is ne sueiden change from warmth te colt, as, Nvhen a piece olf lannel is usedc. Sbe-:~Yen kuow, George, tIrai tur- ing ail my girîho-ot I have never known came. Ho (absent-muidetly) -Whe n we are mamnieti, danling, yen sLtl neyer be wthoui it. P e1:- hc h i s Yo0u r Ch oi',cce? Z Sloppy, leaky wooden troughe, or dlean, durable Concrete ? Wooden drinking troughs are about as reliable as the weather. They are shont-liveci and require re- placing every few years----%ne;t to mention continuai patching to keep ffeie in repair. The best of wood cannet wiîhstand, for long, constant clampness and soaking. Its tendency 10 rapid elecay soon shows iseif in leaks and stagnant pools of water around trough. - Coutrast with ibis the durability, cleanliness and well-ordered appearance of Concrete. 1

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