-NOTES FROM PARIS SIIOPT. The comiug seaSen will be a. vol- vet sey'- ýon beyond a doubf. <Girdies andi sadlies are often in bighf colora on black and white gowns. TIc uewet jackets have long aleeves with li sigtly ciongated arm- hole . Mauy o!f thc new skints arc flftcd witli a seam over tfhec iglit hp and a long straiglif dant oves' fli le! t hp. Eaudbags arc more extravagant- Sbeaufiful flian in many ycars, Iis hciug especellytruc o! the f a- rie lings, whieli arc icbiy ducorat- cýd. ,Many o!flice ncw street and auto couVe have fliir colars and cufi s trimmcd wifli ',lvet, cordurcy, ra- tine, bengaiine, braid, or satin. 1 ft,'ernoon tailormades will net lic oonflned te, veivefe alone, as veloun de laine, cerduroy, peau de soies, and whipcords are aIso modîsh and luxumiolie. S Black velour 'uiii probahlylbc flic naosf important fabrne o!flicheseason ln cats, hecanse if wilIlie usud nef only for ýstreet coate but for cvcuiug ,Wea r. Silver gray le one o!f thc most falked of colors at proeu in Parie, haxing represontatfion in milliuery, drus a soneand, suit and dress fabrica. The boop siceve and flic gauntiet cuff are ýsfikiug featurus at flic pru- sent time andi doubtiese wili become eycu more prouotinced as fliceca- -son adivauccs. 'i/civet long cents, on ovencoats, as they anc called by flic smart mo- dists, are made iu befli flicsevure etyle and elaborated wifî bmaid and other fnimmings. Large oiIars ini round, poiutcd, or lieod uffectsarancmucl iniu vi- dence. These are usually flishcd off witb long, nanrow revers cuding below tIe waisf hune. Topenats for motoriug, travel, and street wcar are raosfiy cf flic double faced fabrie fbaf Iook so woolly and ycf arc se lighfwciglif that tliey tal ler snosf successf ully in- te fthe uew and gracuful modes. Undensiceves wifh one, two, or even flirce slceve ruffles are a fea- turc. An attractive arrangement la te, affadilimuhre frilis of lace un nef teo a sîceve, two te bang down and oue te exteud upward, frequuntiy wtl a ilibon andi bow befwecu Vo keep if upnîgît.,, Timmings an' i.ishIy uscd on ail -excepf flic mosf practical and Jserviceahle of afreef frooke. Narnow an&I wîdc bauds o! fur, lace vuiluci witiî chiffon or nef, ahi embroider- les, gold aund silver gallbons and lâaoe,, flounces and bandinga cof bofli black and white chcantilly are al Modisli. Thissecason theru le nof oee de- cidcd favorite i11 suif fabrîce. Chu- viets have been woen lu scb unique diagonal and basket weavns tbat oee au ecarcciy roalize that these smart suitinge are of flie che- viot class. Boucle ciofli las aise becu wovcn lu ucw aund more fuzzy wcavus. Indoed, some arc quite liee home5punls. 't PMI, -'-- Brooks' New Scientific Appliance-Adjustable to Anly Size Person-EI'asy, Coinfortable, Mffording Istant ReIief-Macte for Men', Women, Chlidren. SENT ON TRI AL No risk ini ordering--Money will be refunded. if not satisfied. After thirty ycars' experieuce in curing rupture, I have invcuted an Appliancu whicli will absoluîely hoid the rupture sud neyer slip, yet is liglit, cool and conifortabte, It cenfornis toecvcry movement of the body withouîc chiftng or îutrtiî sud cost's leas than mauy common trusses. There arc ne springs or ha rd, tnmpy pad3, sud yet il liotd3 the rupture sâfely and firmly with- out pain or incouvenience. I maIe it to your measure, sud send h te youi on a strict guaranfue ef satisfactioa or mîuney re- fonded, aud I have put my pnice se low that anybody, ridli or poor, can buy it. 1 lave received thousands of letters.hike these from gateful patients the world over. This appliauce gives ln- Staut relief, and effucta permanent cures when everything elAse bas taileci. Remember 1 use ne salves, ne harnesa, ne Iles. FilI ent the attaclied coupon-aad -mail today, &nsi E iiill sead yen frce my illustrated Book on Rupture and its Cure, sliowing my Appliance, and giving yen tIe names of miany people wlie have tried it and are now permaneaîly and 3oundly cnred. Remember, 1 sei my appliance on trial te p rove what I sày la true. You are te lie the iudge. Send C. le. BROOKS, ~roos BcIg. Maaha l id. "ITHOROUGHLY CURED"P Ingersoll, Ont., Can., Feb. 6, i911. Mr. C. E. Brooks. Dear Sir:-Perhaps you wiIl bc in- terestedi hearing what ycuc Appli- ance lias done for me. I know without doulit that my rupture has thoroughly healed af ter a term of sixteen years' suffering, and 1 attribute my restored and healed condition to thie wearin)g of vour Applian<-e, which hceld the bowel flrmly and painlessly during the lient- ing process. 1 have flot worn it for monîlis;, neither do I feel the need of it Wfith best regards I amu yours very, F. C. NOXON They keep the whole system in the Pink. of conditîon. Their singular curative pro- perties discovered by an ludian arised himiself among the stoker ratings of flic Service when, on lis trip ta Canada, lie went ba- low and joined the men making up lavorthe fires of thie Indomitable, and fliere is no doulif that bis Maiesfy realis.ed in practical fashion tlic value of the work earried on, un- in tea mnust be dis- accu 0on deck, at aIl the baffle practices and manoeuvres. tinctive, pl ea sing QUALIFJICATIONS AND PAY, Stok' ers do nof joîn the- ServiccIl and uLryn o merit 1as bys ike scamen).; tliey arene continuous use. The cýruited lietcween flie ages of 18 an 23 yoars (25, in special cases) fromn fhayon of Red Rose Tea is able-bodied men wbo can pasflic all is ow; an it ever physicaf tests and stanuards. ail ts wn;and t nyer Tliey sign on for either a ýperiod fails to win and hoid ap- f fwelvn years as "continuons" atokiers, or as ",special service" proval because it neyer ztokcrs for five ycars witli the active flet and seven witb fthc Royal fails ini quality. Try it. Fleet Reserve. Tlioy are not ncquined toelie fr ained mun, as the work requiring extra skili is pcrformcd by artïfle- erns, but bhey are, sent to an estab- o lishment sucli as'thec Victory, at à "is oc! te o'rtsmouth, to be fauglif their Tlicy reccive a f ree kit on entry, and no charge is made for 7rations. IEI SOLO IN BULIK Their pay riscs- from 9s. iîd. per 'Your Grocer WIII week to 38s. 6d., thc latter being Recomrmend It flic amount whicb eau be earned U.2 by chef pcfty officer stokers. ______________________ ail who show special intelligence or mechanical ability are given the FEODING A SHPS FURNACFS opportunitf bcmng"ah anicians," he rn o te -Service opens up for liern a more promising career. Those clioren THE, STRESS AND STRAIN 0F are given a short course of special TRE- SOE-R'S-CALLING, instruction,- sud aftfer passing an examaination are able fu carnfren 31s. Cd. to 45s. 6d. pur wcck, Rie ia Subjeet to Many and Great Extra pay eau aiso be eazned Danerson he uge whlen serving in forpedo-beats or in Danges onflic inge the tropics, and fliene are oppor- Battleship. fiînities of adding toeflic amount by, "Fu].sped hed IShke ie -becoming engincers' writers or up V'" abouts thu uavigafîng lieut-yemnostrs enant on tbe bridge of fthe battle- THE WELL-TRAINED MAN. slip. The listener liears tlie As in oflien branches, the stokers "ding-dong" of flic engiuc-rorn get extra allowances for good cou- telegraph-bcli as the indicator is duet, se that they can obtain a swung over to the uxtreme point of good remunuration for the'ir ser- the dial; tlie engineer bclow pullsviewhteprmsofaeu a linge lever, and opcns fhe flirot- sion upon lcaving. tle-valve te admit more stoam toeflic The duties are undoubtedly ardu- engine,, and tlie vassal lalies flic eus and dangenous, but t heme is sea into an angry foam as ifs pro- usually a good, steady influx of pellers flirusf itfofrward flirougli desirable necruifs wiiiing to under- flic wavcs, says London Answcrs. fake thcm, aud many wlio are te- That is flic cufwand and visible day fending boiters and angines in part of flic execufion of flic ordur,I civil -establishments lcarued flicir but deep dowu in flie bull of tlic fasks in flic first instance la the slip, perliaps beiow tlie wafcr-line, Royal N\avy-'in thuir carly days, there are souis to wborn flic coin- upon whidli tliy look baek wif b mand is quite as significant, and 1pnide. upon whom flic officer is dependent Many emplo3 crs in our cities for flic extra speed lie requires. show a markud prefereuce for ex- Workiug in white duck trousers, members of flic Service, kuowiug often stripped te flic waist, fi th laf flicsense of discipline bas stokers perspire freely af fhey trim been flrmly grafted in auyone wbc flic coal, bank flic fires, aud gu-n- bas senved fliencin. Thc Navy cnally arrange for flic replenishing Employaient Ageucy finds positions of the energy whidb the ocean gray- for hunudreds of men arruually: liound la cxpending. whiic mauy Governmenf posta are THE KING IN.TEE STOKEIIOLD neserved for -ex-naval stokers and The temperatune is higli; tflic amen. workiug space la ueeessarily confin- cd, and flic lard, manual labor is LVR iutcnsified by flic action -of fheCL ER beuding required for flic wonk, "She's a clever ceuversationai- The cugineers and ahiphuilders isf." bave carried ouf thein coutracf,tfli "Vary. She can even make a man artificers bave feudcd and kept whe la talking about himacîlf stop uvery part o!flice mighfy machine Vo listen." in perfect ordur, but if dependas upon ftic stoking to produce flic A girl usually thinka fth" lier spced from flic vessel whicb if was xoice harmnonizes with flic piano- infcud.cd shc should attain. and the chances are thaf flic piano His Macsfy t-ing George popul- uceds tunîug. UNUSUAL RECIPES Butter Scotch Pic.-Mclf thor- oughly togefler two cnpfuls o! ligît hrcwu sugar and eue large table- spocuful -of buffer, te flis add oe cupful lot water or milk and yolks o! two. or tîrue eggs, four table- spoonfuis of fleur and a pincl i c saîf, Beat flic wîifca o!flie eggs wifî a little powdemcd sugar and spread over tIc tope. -Teo-rysf-aliz-e--G-r-apes..-Take onu- hl!cup o! stîgar aind one-founfli cup of bof watcr and bel l lowly un- tii ayrup le ueariy-evaporated, then canefully dip flic lunch o! grapes into if, roîll fem lu cearse granu- lated engan, and scftbchm ou a but- fered paper te dry. Onape Fruit Salad.-Remove flic puip o! a grapefruit, lay if ou let- tuce, add a fcw malaga gmapes whicb have becuen edud and a !cw Eng- liali wainuts, and serve witli mayon- naise dressing. OEUliOW 1 ITCHED. Wliat long ucrve-nacking days of ýcanstant Vorfurc-whaf sieuepicas niglifs o! terrible agony-ith---itch -ich. Constant iteli, unfil if cen- cd that I muet tuar off nîy Very skun Instant' relief-îny ekin cooled, soothed and hcaled 1 Thc vcny firet dropseof DD.D, stoppcd fIat awful ich instautly, yee, the very m<;m-'nt O.D.D. touvlieà my skia flic torture ccased. D.D.D. lias been known for yeanc as the only absoiufciy reliable Ec- zema cure, Just a mild, sootbiug, pîcant waeh made of 011 of Win- fengreen, Thymol aud othen inigredi- ente, but flic in-stant relie! D.ID.D. gives te ail kinda e! akin troubles seemai like a miracle, and wîen used with £XD.D. Soap keepa flic akin lu perfect condition, If yeu have any kind of! dm trou- hic-Eczcmna, Psoriasis, Salt itheuin, ne matter whaf if 5.e-yes, even pimpies, investigafe flic wou- dur! ul D.D.D. Prescription. We kuow wbaf, D.D.D. lias du-v voucli for if. D.D.D. nove r £ails te do cxacfiy as is climed. The D.D.D. Laboratories, Depf. B.S., 49 Coiborne Sf., Toronto, will gladly secîd you a trial bottie if yen write flien. If wiii relieve ail akin trouble at once. Jury & Lovell, Bowmauvile WIIERE ýSEMS GET NAMES. Red Coral, Yelloîv, Mud and Snoýw Rusponsible. Several o!flice large suas are named froni colora, but nof ail o! them have flic chara.ctcniatics their, naines would indlicate. The White Sua bears ifs name wifh perliapa fthc lest reason of any. Ifs shores arec cîvprcd nifli suow for flic greater part of flic year, and ifs fiozen suirfac:e is for fliat time a sue sy plain. The lRed Sea is aise entitled te its namne.Througlitscdean watcn fli reefs e! ncd comai anc cluarly te lie accu. Mucli of ifs nocky lied le flic growfli of flic conal insecf. Another icason, anîd probably flic truc eue for fIe na-me e! this sua, ia flihfe fli tat along ifs shores lies ancicuf Edom. This ame sig-nifies "rcd." If was given. te tIc negion-netf f om flic colon e! ifs sandsfouc bils, but from itis people. These are flic descend- ants of!hlu wlo came in faint and wcany frein hunfiîîg, and said te has brother, "Fucd me, I pray flice, witli that ame ncd peffagu; for 1 ami faint; fucrufore iras bis name catled Edom. lu Ic h case o!flice Ycliow Sca, its namu la snfficieufly accounfed for from flic uppearance o! ifs waters. Tho sua reccîves agreaf dent o! mud from - te rivera o! China. Momeover, if la shaliow, and flic sandy bottom gives ifs ewn colon Vo flic wafcr for' a long way eut f nom fhe shore.' The BlaclF Sea uffonda ns nein- telligible account ef ifî, naine. Its waters arc nef black-nuey are dc- îîhi-ich is -scun in -unuy weathcr off flic soiithîesternshorea e! Eng- fINE FEIAJORE 0f MHEWARI tr ibe--introduc ed toclvilization The nearly a century Rgo-com- pounded siace 1857 ia the Comstock Laboratories at No Brockville, Ontario. ottC Turh- Dr. Morse' s t w Indian sioru Root PHuis an of th have a remnarkable record for On conisenlycueg ontia-Turk coasstetlycur~g cnstpa-Tho t'on,biliousnessandindigestion, ly et purifying the blood, baaishing tegni Ottoi headaches and clearing the Egy,3 28 skia, 25c. a box everywhere. cises _______________a se£ To Head-Off a Headache Nothing is Better th"n Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pis They Give Relief without Bad After-Effects. "For four years I was subject to almost constant hecadache, At times so severt I was uafitted for work. Througli the advice of a friead I was persuaded to try Dr. Miles' Anti-Paja Pilla and the- iesnlL-h&ax-bteeii ihat ihv entirely eradicated my systcmn of those continuons headaches that followed a liard and continuous mental strain."-O. L. Russei, Agt. C. & N. W. Ry., Early, la. For Sale by Alil Duggistz. 25 Doses, 2C CeatS. JTLOOK FOR EUROPEANS IN THE INTERIOII. Shortcst Way To Pàadise Ia T.hrough Sînugliter cf Unbe1icvers. oman cari surcly forcat flie orne of flic present situation in key, More petent forces than officiai acte of geveruments are 'ork there. Thc two. major pas- ýs of flic Turkisli Empire bave a aroused-religibus f anaticism zeal for flic territorial lntegrity he nation. n fhIs latter issue flic Young kParty lias sfaked ifs existence. adveuf o!flihecco nstitution dcep- ;lirred Vhis fee-ling for flic in- ,ify of flic Empire, among ail )mans. Even British contre]. of Pf over whicb flie Sultan exer- snominal sway became: at once msitive subjeet. Now the los4 ripoli te Ifaly is a ranking id thaf wiil nef lical se long as kcy remains a nafion-which not be for long. mcnîca and Europe takýe fIels ,ion so casually, and telerance jtloroughiy ingna.in-ed in fIe ;ern chanacter, fliat if is dif- f or dwellers in flua part of tlie Id te, realize flic lntcnsify and menss of tlie ncligious bigofry îexifss in flic Turkisli empire, gion la flic firsf consideration )rientals, Espuciaily la this se te case o! Mosiems, Mobarn- himself fauglit cnmity te other ions as a cardinal article of faifh. The shorfest, prescribcd ;e te Paradise was by flic gliter ofunbelievers. Islam ýifs flrsf and grcatest coa- Lie by flic eword; and tbe- de- and onthodox among tIc failli- believe thaf progra~mme cannofi mprovcd upon. 'HE ONE SHARPEST LINE cavage bcfwecn flic people cf Turkish Empire is ruligvm)n. lamentally there, anc only two us in flic Sultan's demains, lms and non-Moslems. TIc r liue le practically nen-exisf- flihc black and white go te flic nues as bruflirun and unite in mon worship af Mecca. Racial îmean liffie, and the mosf iopolitan gaflicring on earfh le )abiy fIat about flic Kaaba af Ca. TIc Moslcm's religion la n ali te him. is aiways possible te make a eus appeal in flic affaira -f key. A boly war is a grim ipos:- ity in ifs largest rlt;n te [d Volitics; but what is more rbic, if le a dreadfu. realify fo Clinistians in many parts cf key. Thc Adana massacres of 1flimue years ago show- that efeasts, of bloed are possible under a coustifutional fonm o! wnament. Asia, Miner is sprink- wifli Armnenian orpbaîis wliose, uts bave been siain because 1 wexe, Clristaïiîs. Tlie fact that prusent war lias broken ouft.dur- Ramadan, flic Moslum Lent. ic epeople anc most, fanýafical, csecs fli c dlicacy of the present tien. A terrible powdcr mag- eis very close to-day Vo flic fine, ear Eastern politics. le Moslen is enef a dreamer; lic ýves linfthe argument cf flic c, and lu fIe Turkisb Empire out o!flincee Mosiems habituaI- irry a sword, a gun or a piaf ni. an aronscd flic resuit will nef lie racf cd argument, but swift, s. Close, students of the mle probiem. kuow thaf flie two tat and orthodox wings of thie ifui arc bofl dus-ent peoples, fthe iabis of Arabi a and tIe Senussi ýorfb Af nies These desunt rangers hold te flic hoiy law in ifs slmpiicity. They scorîi fIe oter- ance andi compromises o! Cify Mesiesus. They would mnake ne p-a-cc wiýyh unbellu'veî's, and tley sf11]. chena Ie toancieut dreani'of wor'Id cnquest by flic aword. A DESERT ARSENAL 'Vv at maIes Tripoli a rspucial danger point ut flic present finie is fliat if tfi lite omie o!flice Senussi movementb, This organization, mrosi- eledsi ewliat on tfIe hies of ai secret ïsoelcty3 lia% exigefo fr near- ly 100 yunris and ILýconter lias been an oasis caliud Jeralu iniutfhe desent o! Tripehi, Freni flî neý motu spot ifs emlssari'uc have reach- cd eut toe lic inds of flic Isamie îsonld. Iligl i ad low, atatesmen aud dervishes, have been ennolied lu Ifs membunship. If lias wcalth Aad powrrheyend tIc imagina- tion o!'flioeuwho look upon if asa merCti aggregatiou o! fanafical Arabe,. l'or ýsuvurul years paef flic Sun- usai have been gatleicniig a great atone o1 modemn weapons af Jen- abuli. Thece have comerne u rom Europe flirougli flicport o! Tnipoli and their number andi characten are kuewn te ne. white man by acf- ual siglit, for ne Christian lias ever gonu te Jura-mb and coeeout alive. TIc secret service, liewevur, o! tIc Frenchi, Italan and Britishi geverament arc wcll awane o!f thle desert arsenal. Lattcriy flic ag- gressions e!f France bave caused flic remeoval o!flice senussi quarters !rem Juraimîli VuKufra. anunacl&e iii fi-te Sahiara desert unden tIc Egyptian flag. This emmnau facti lets a floodi o! ligiit lu upen flic ncws dispatchesa thaf le(sts o! Arabs wliosu debigit, il bleod lutfing have inbeedl flhi cln if Tnipoli. These cane lifle fo-r fIe Pence ,Pacts of nations, Itaiy la a Clinistian pow- ur; if lias affrocd flicsultan, who is flic calipî o! aIl tIc faitb!nli f Icrefoecthev rwill figît, Woc un- te any Eurepean caugît in flic ln- teniox o! Tripoii. The fires of religions lia-red are buing assiduously fanued by Turk- lis leaders.. The people have been gafbering lu flic moaques f or their mass meetings, whicb le A DANGEROUS SIGN. Even thc Mohammeudans of Indla have been stirmesi te fliepoitît of a»- pealing tote icBritishgovermmnli fo corne Vo flic lclp e! Turkcy. This decp religions fanaticiani may break uporr frai clerc, missionarie8 and andi ail other people wlio vicsf flic empire. For bigofry ie unreasen- iug and thc average Mme-riinlq! ignorant buyond flic understa.n4. ing o!flice West, The firafteo feu]. this Mo-lammedlan f ury, cspeciaiiy' lu Asia Minr, s""d Syria, wiilieb fie C1iistians knewun as Latins, sei- callesi te distinguish flicînfrein fliu Grcek Catho ies wlio are(-V'on mue nulmerous lu Turkcy. Itaiy is flic capital cf the Latin church. TIc Roman Catbolie endera bave a long dhai of sucecessful, missione anrd scheels lu VIe empire, especctaly in fhe Holy Lauîd., The danger t* fliese le very neal althflicpresenli finie. Wliule these distinctions befweei Cliristian bodies are somefimes madc by Moslems as a wheale, flic one broasi andi sufficieut clatsifie- the Tunkiati empire are in more or less danger aS flic prefeuf fume, whether tbcy lbe Latins,, Greeks, ProtestantsAmln, Maronites, Syniaca Copta, Chaldeaîs >r Abys- Inias.lusuoi ýa ciia ea fIe pres'crit ail wli ld Vo fi rot asý a 3sy.boi are neuâced. er "PERMANENTLY CURED" Vancouver, B. C., Can, Jan. 19, 1911. Dear Mr. Brooks. Dear Sir :-The Appliance I pur- chased from you lias more than proved ,what yon claimed for it. I had tried clifferent-named trusses for eight years without any relief and suffered untold agony during that time, I saw your advertisement in the Michigan Farmer. Then my friends urged me to try your Appliance and Ilirougli their influence 1 sent for one. I wore it six months, then 1 took it off. I have worked hard cyer siace and I have flot f elt any loreness., ;Your Appliance lias made a permaneý't cure. litwas a great sur- prise to me as I had neyer expected to flnd acure. 1 will answcr ail questioas regarding this. Yours very truly, S. D. CURTIS. The above la C. B. Brooks, who has been cunring rupture for over thirty years. If rup - tured, write hlm ta-day. FREE INFORMATION COUPON C. E. BROOKS, 235 A Brooks Bldg.1, Marshall, Mich. -Pcase-send -m-, by-mnaîl,--in plain wrapper, -your 4i- trated book and fuit information about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. Name .... ............. .. ........... Address.. ...................................... Milkuwhite f loors-spotless and wholesome enough to "deat off' '-is thé quick resuit when GOLD DUST is ad1ded to, your~ scrubbing water Floors and doors and woodwork are hard to cdean* thoroughly because the dirt gets ground into every crack and crevice. Soap and mop all youü will, the job at beoet- wilI be only partly done. A heaping teaispoôful of GOLD DUSI added to youÏ scrubbing water will make it search out dirt,U grease germe and impurities from every cranny, and cleanse and purify wherever it touches.,-" GOLD DUST alsb relievè- you -of that W-eary4- torturing 'grind of bending and scrubbing, because it does ý 7> all the hard part of the work without your help Soap è makes housework liard work. Let GOLD DUST case thýe burden. GOLD DUST is solId i I50 size and large pack- ââ 7ma ages. The large package "Ict the COLD DUST 7rwuIS offers greater ccono ay do your werh"» Made by THEf N. K. FAIRBANK C-OM2PANY, -Mura Makiers of FAIRY SOA, the oval cake. ýi