LADIES! When applied daily Mitchell's Witch Hazel Crëam Soothes Softens Heals and ý,Beautifies the skin. GEwj'ýqN TLEMEN!l As an after-shave Mfthel'sWitch ilazél'Cream Removes Irritation. Pr'ieserves the Skin Charmg the User. See Dur Big WindowDisplay. Sold only by R. M. Mitchell &,Co., D ruggistsand Opticians, Bowmanville A Bireath of the Pines Wýe ca't ail get away to- the pine woods to get relief from a cough, but you eau easily get the next best thing-a bottie of Mi*tchel 's Cough Renièdy. The curative power of the pille isý its strongest feature, 'Ve seli a lot of it and o ur cus- tomers like it. That is why we likçe to recommend it to you. We have a number of good cough remedies, but ",301"1 suits )Most types of eoughs. A quarter of a dollar for a big bottle. R. M. Mtrhell'& Co., Druggists and Opticians, BOWMANVJLLE, NOV. 16, 1911. Mrs. James Richards is visitfng old lrieads in Pickering. Mrs. Carke Tyler bas returned lrom a pleasant visit in tise West. A. E. Hoar, Danington, was on Grand Jury at Coborg last week. Mrs. W. Wiiiis, Toronto, is visiting hiem daugister Mrs. W. Maynard. SMiss Gertrude Coxis visiiing bier broth- or Mn. Reuben Cox, Toronto. Sam Clarke, M. P. P., bas reiurned 10 Cobourg from tise Nortbwest. Mrs. Sebert, Brooklin, visited ber sister Mrs. N. T. Morrisey, Newacastle. Miss Aura Caldwell is visiting friends lii Peterboro and Campbellcmot. Wm. Fogg, iownine, received $735 ln- surance on burned barn and contents. 1 Mrs. D. E. Sinclair and youag dnugbtem, Lindsay, are guesîs of Mrs F. J. Mitchell. Miss Annie Robertson, Bantlord, bas been enjoying a visit witb Miss Minnie- Tribilcock. Come bo the bazaar la St. Paui's Church and bave a cup of tea and some Scotcih cakes Nov. 3Oib. Mn. and Mrs. Mark Munday, Sm., and Mrs. John Frise, visited Mm. T. H. Cinyton, Whitby, recenily. Mrs. Thos. Hughes spent Saiurday and Sunday witbh ler brother Mr. Everet Richards, Ehenezer. Mrs. Wm. Bonney, Hamilton, bas been visiiing ber oncle, Mm. Chas. Coombe is la, a very week condition. Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Barton, and daughter Katbieon, Whiihy, receatly visi- ted wib relatives in Newcastle. Miss .Florênce M. Cornie, assistant Toiýrn Ciemk, bas been appoinled Town Treasurer of Lindsay, salary $750. Mms. F. J. Manning -and Miss Rhsea Manning weme "At Homîe" 10 a number of their friends Thursday evenfing. c Tise farmer who keeps bis oye on ag- riculturai experts is one who is going ho get al ibat can ho got out of bis farm. e Charles Gilchrisi, Port Hope, receivede word from a gentleman la Keene that wiid rice ibis year is a complote failure. .Ladies' Aid of St.,Paul's Churcis iniend holding ibeir annuai excursion to Tom- onto on Friday Dec. b. 'Panticulars next week.c Calgary bad a had Ireeze Nov. 9 wben tomperature dropped to 22' below zero. At samne date it was 46' above zero la On- iario.s Canada's finesi and fastost train is the i Grand Tmonk International Lîmitedo wbicb tavels lrom Montreai 10 Toron-a bo in 72 brs. 'Mrs.'L. J. Siainton, and Miss Ellie J.o James, Oshawa, and Mrs H. J. Harris,1 Toroto, wero Satumday guesis of Mrs. M.n A. James, "Lorne Villa". 1ý Major Bonnycasîle, Campisellord, for-a mni riffircer rit Âth regiment. anda Fen-v etian Raid Veteran, died-NOV. 2nd. Ho was oncle of Dr. Boninycastie, Bowmnan- ville. N i ""-~'~-- Three Weeks from Monday tise Oiarlo C nrî tm aswill hardiy have died dowa helore munic- ipelections will takonpac. Eciiement and Bookiets, îielefins 1i'o, n. u1 street, Toronto, bas sent oui invitations Private Gxreeting Xmnas Cards, ho an at home Nov. 2-2, in honon of ber daugbter Constance, wbo is one of lise season's dehuhaîshes. En1zclusis e Designs -and Womding Mrs. W. A. Bain (nee Miss Eva Trewin) 39 Walter-si., Parkdaie, Toronto, will e- We have a vr ag selection ceive for tise first timo sinco ber marriage very argeon Tisursday Nov. 16th and afterwamds on to cîioose from. Sold ini anly(quan_ thse second Tisursday of each montb. tidesîmed, Eclipse Flour is made speciaily for tîtycakes and pastry. t is tise economîcal flour because it inkes a great deai less Xmas Bookiets lna many styles slîotening than Manitoba Flour. Sold hy nnd rice frm Seopivrdsahi grocers or Irom F. C. Vanstone. Phono and rice frm 5cupwads.77. Xmas Post Cards, great variety Hon. J. R. Siratton's stable of eleven t horsos, was sold at Toronto, realizing over This is none too earîy to select $3o,ooo. Tise geiding Perfect Dream, a chesinut 15.2 broughi $î,6oo, T. A. Crow yo;,jur cards if you ivisis to send being tise isyer. Oisons soid from tisai them distnce.down te $325. iem'adistnce.Cobourg Wonld in report of Tea.ber's T. N Instilute ai Port Hope says under School XAJ Room meîhods and devices Miss Fielding W T.A LLEN (Treasorer) Bowmanville, diseussed tise question of discipline la a short and weil- Bg2 0 BowliauViile. prepared papen. Mn. J. W. Carter, Supreme Secreiary Sons of England, Toronto, was recenily __________________________ presented wib gis valued at $800 to - mark tise completion of thîrty vears as Secretary. t was a notable gatbering of BOAPJ) AND BOOM Foc two men ai Mis tise Order la Toronto. Hugt',Coucousionut., Bownauviile. Fur is a thing tisai very few people ------- - -------------know anything about. Thatisluwisy you J UNITURE STOBED-Peruou wauiug fuie sisould patronize a practicai fumrier like F fR unie storeS apply te ED. F. cARIS, Chnrch Markus Mayer with 4o years' experietico. Bowmuvile.452 His guarantee is worib sometisîg. It OARERS WANTED-- Mru. John Barnes,, nover pays 10 boy cheap lors. B foir Steveh bowauvters accomoda- Miss Langton, of Toronto, representing n f r seeralSoarers.tise Melagama tea and coffee is at tise ï OY ANI'ED-At once to leain tinumîtbing Opera House wih Miss McPisee ses ving and plnmhiog. ApplY ai W. H. DUSTANS c of delicloustaadcfe rewt Hard1ware Store, Bowrnauvilie, . cpsueolndcfe Ie ii àî samples of Royal Houseisold bread, cake LAMBS STRAYED-2 rani lambu, eue 2-year and pastny. Everybbing free. otd, Shropshbre, frein loi 5, Coni 6, DarlOnz- t(u. SenSd infoUrmalboîî te HARET COLLA' Inspector A. Odeil, Coboorg, bas re- coIn, Tyronre. 4ttf covered from the had shako ap ho got when UTO LAMP LOST-On Kingston Rd0 beiweeu returnîng from a trip of inspection of A Ouhawa anS Newcastle, on Monday Oct. 23. scisools. His horse got figitened ai a A lhindue ave ai T. H. Knighi's Grocery anS passing auto, threw ibsoîf, and in tise mix- receie reard.4itf up was so badiy used up that it died. ---'x L~ at five, and Oive anS a haIt Vis iting editors were 'guesîs of- Bow- pren onorgaeSEcuRity. nivaterns manville Publishers aI Dinner ai Hoici ~owmavilleso-i Bowman. Bowmanville bas reason 10 ho LOS luni'noa Boîîîuvileproud of bier temperance hobel as the meal U~ TOItISESserved was such as should saiisfyithe most a-.on0 ura a pair et ladys oye glasces.. a i' u I -Thuerwill Se rewarded Sby returning te fastidious epicure. - Cobourg teeninel STATESMAN Office. 44tf ,Star. 1 Il AO.s.o per- week ho itiser Club held a successlol bazaam, conno vith foir--ii s egte anS Nový. 9th, at the home of Mns. (Dr.) J. H.i o"c ieSIodcns 42S& liioýt, 611 Spadina avenue, when $127.20 was netted, with $75 womtis of aprons left 100 hls-fhr;hbrshealing to -.sgose of. Tisey already bave 73 ChilN ep, bell'xeu. Fiît-assheep elegible ' tofl provide wiiis miIk and cream. 'A- 11cn, Daî' u Bwmcviite, P.O. 43b, )i--j may ho had fom Miss Ewing, 569 A 11hM T'l, T IJrliiîgiou Townuhip soutb rMravo. MFgiand aprominontan coutiebu. so a kr s io pari ni loionue, ebifiv respected resident 0f Fenelon Falls, uowsbi niHo bou 1. ares Api ,ho (.IScid Nov. 8aged 62 years. Ho was an I YneeSt, Jniid.434 active member of the Methodisl 'Churcis S IL Ai buCru clas ving heid most important offices. heing i,'Loc C l n rsiv, Hatewrizangs ue >-,tendent of tise Snnday -Scbooi for io ; ilaud anod ratige6holes. bwelty-ft-o yenrs. Rot-. John Garbult, Pii iug bu fli e se offers. wlii seili Cobourg, and Rev. C. W. Watch, Par oha.1 ;t nO,,ontar, ti.Bowîsî auvlle. ISond, two, former pastors, a ttended. the 4 t ftuerai and Rev. H. B. Kenny visited hlm GO DM N AL RATH afew days prior bo bis deatb. ~nuiuiiitu rsS SoimeliNs. otari1es Public, j Ç].ld i Ory ~, C~0tIMAN, . C. GALBRAITH FRFEC~E' ~' 18 umseî ldg Yogo& Adelaide-ss The-demonsîrations which areàin held la the Opera fHous(-bi wekar o bigb cass order and wei ohhay bousekeoper's lime 10 attend.Thsip lest methods of bread, cake adpsm nsaking froin Royal Huesl lu r heing tboroiy explained and demo.,ns-ivjaied hy- Miss McPbee, beginning ai 2.30 p.m. eacb day.J Kitchen cabinets on easy termis. F. H. Mason & Son. Remnants of wall paper, half price ai P. C. Trebilcock's. Miss Edra, Grigg, Toronto, spent the week-end ah homo. S. E. Edsali is local agent for Westing- bouse- electricai supplies. You'll need a pair of mitis Ibis cold weaiber. Get thern ai T. H. Knight's.1 A new subscriber may have ibis paper from now 1111 tihe end of nexi year for $I. Car of pine slahs- jusi arrived ai Los- combe's coal yards. Delivered ail over iown. Good sirong, working gloves and mits, the besi on the market ai the price. T. H. Knigbt. Keep enougb friends so ibai 'tbe lime will neyer corne when a parrot will ho good companv, People wbo need fors will find M. Mayer's stock intensely inieresiing and pricos very reasonable. ' SCRANTON COAL-The standard, for over 40 years - for sale la ahl sizes by McClellan & Co., Limited Mr. Jos. Paitinson bas been appointed Reiurning Officer for West Durham for, the coming Provincial Election, Ladies' tailor-made, sais of tbe nowest materials and made op la the very latesi styles ai Coucb, Jobaston & Cryderman's. Gel your scbool supplies ai P. C. Treb- ilcock's. The besi lino of scribhling books and ahl requisitos that can ho pro- cured. Ho souls for cash. T. H. Knigbi bas a bargaîn for you la gloves and mits. Dont forget the bazaar on Si. Andrew's nigbi in the scboolroom of St. Paul's churcb. Lt will hoe a good place to boy your Christmas presents. There are more neai uni is in a ion of Scian ton coal than la any coal produded. Egg, siovo, rait and pea sizes for sale hy McClollan & Co., Limitedý Mink Marmot, _Oppossum, _Western Sable. Grey Lamb, Sable and Persian Lamb Fors-a fine assortment jusi openod oui ai Concb, Johasion & Cryderman's. Don'i take any chances lu having an in- experienced man wire your bouse. lis dangerous. S. E. Edsall is a practical elecirician and complies wibithe Fire- wriiers' regulations. The hesi is the cheapest; Scranton coal is recognized by all the leading dealers in Canada and the United States as the besi coal. Several cars fresb mined jusi me- ceived. McClellan & Co Limîted. The construction lino of the Grand Trunk Pacifie bas fumnisbed Mary Synon with a uew setting for a number of short siories that are to appear lanS'cibïicr's Magazine. The Christmas Nomber wîll contain "Allemande Lefi" with ils amusing group of yoong enginoors. Hundreds o-f tise besi housekoopors ahl over Ontario bave atiended tbe Royal Housebold demonstrations and have pro- nounced ihem the hesi ever givea hy any .demonsirator. Everytbing isclean, brigbt and attractive ai the Opera Houso Ibis week and a delightful afiemnoon ton is served freo to, ail present ai 2.30 P. M. sharp. Do flot miss it, III bougbt my lasi fors la Toronto" said a citizen recently who bad heen patron- izing city stores for some years pasi and evidently was dissaiisfied. "Wben ibey offer fors cbeap tbey're no good, and whea you gel the besitbey charge about twice as much as M. Mayer charges for the samne ibing. Markus Mayer is going to got my trade lu future as ho bas the quai- ity and guarantoos tbem, 100." T. H.cknight is handling baled hay in car lots. See wbat hoe bas. The price is rigbt. For hest roofing se F. H. Masorî & Son. Loi S. E. Edsall estimato on wiring your bouse. Call and see the cabinets and heds. F. H. Mason & Son. A complote lino of NyaI's Family Rom- edies ai jury & Lovell's. Order baled bay from T. H. Knight. Ho is handling it la car lois. Order your olectrical supplies from S.i E. Edsall. Ho cani savo you monoy. Brantford Roofing is cheaper and boiter1 than shinglos. F. H. Mason & Son. If yoti want a pair of gloves or mitîs for this Winier cail ai T. H. Knigbt's. Order ail your fanerai designs or eut ilowers from S. J. Jackman. Phono 8o. Car of pine siabs just arrived ai Los- comhe's coal yards. Delivered ail over town. Ladies' Fur-lined Coats la ail qualities and specialiy good value ai Coucb, John-. ston & Cryderman's. Before you boy your Wiaier gloves or1 mitis caîl and sec the fine assorimeni T. H. Knight carnies. Ail thle Hîgb and Public sebool books and supplies ai P. C. Trebilcock's, the lowest price for cash. For the finest stock of ladies', misses' and childron's Fail and Winter Coats eaul ai Coucb, Jobaston and Cryderman's. lau Caaac provide. for c frt and q~pIess ln Iheir o-d age-. Admnission fme,. Ladies speciaill ited. Ohidr Ory. WIRýELESS STATON HERE GoODTEAR CONNECTION BETWEEN BoWMANILLE AND TORONTO. Congratulatory messages have passed by wireless telegraphy beiween Mayor Mitchel and Manager Carlisle, Toronto, *ireless stations isaving been erecied on the offices of the Goodyear Tire andi Rub- hem C1o. la Toronto and Bowmanville and are now in opemaîlon. Mayor Mitchel sont ibis message lasi week:- C. H. Carlisle, Esq., Manager'Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 85 Qoeon-si, E., Toronto,- Congratulations on tise compietion of your wireless staion' bore and on your enterprîse in esiabisbîag same in Bow- manvilie. I wisb you every success. J. B. Miiebel, Mayori MR,.CARLISLLE's REPLY. Toronto, Nov. 13, 1911. J. B. Mitchel, Mayor,-,,1 Bowmanvibe, Ont. Tbanks for congratulations jusi re- ceived, We believe ibat youm uitile city is the firstin Canada 10 have a, wireiess stati 'on for the genomal eondqticion of pri- vate business and wo- trust that what we are told is exactly s0 and thai our station lan Bowmanville is capable of receiving messages from both the Atlantic or Golf Coasis. C. H. Carlisle. CANADIAN CLUB BANQUET The Canadian Club la ibis town bad a mosi auspiclous opening Friday evening ai The Bowman whea 76 business mon and a few other gentlemen, enjoyed tbe feast provided by Mrs. Ross and spien.iid- iy served hy Mrs. Church and bier able assistants la the beautifui diaing Ihall. The tabl 'es wore attmaciiveiy laid and the meal was satisfying and saiisfaciory. Mr. T. H. H. jury, President, presided and lnaopening-the literary-7program-thanked memsbers for me .eleciing him as presidont and promised to fill the office as weli as lasi year. Ho iahroduced Rev. Randail C. Phillips of Beliast, Ireland, who pmoved to ho an oxceedingly fluent and îatorosting speaker and beid the closesi attention of bis audience for 50 minutes wbile hoie old whai Irishaien have contributed 10 Empire Building. If would ho impossible for any reporter, not a rapid sbomi-hand writer, 10 report the lecturer stho halked at a rate of about 125 words a minute; but being a hypical Irish orator, hoe sandwicbed bis address wiih spicy stories, jokes 'and me- marks 10 a degree ibai kepi everyone in good humor from start 10 finish whiie ho gave a galaxy of information of a most in- structive character. Ho toid us ibat Ire- land is kept poor owing to the large num- hem of the hest young people emigraling from the Ememald Isle to Canada and the United States, pushing oui for a vider and nobler hIfe than is attainahie at home. Ho paid a tribute to tbe Irish Press. The lime was not s0 long ago wben newspap- ors favored fiction, leaving the nesvs t ho iold at the faims and markets. Irishmen are bora jotîmnalisis, being gifted witbi in- candescent imaginations. Jreland, doos nol boasi of many noted literary writ- ,ers, but mucis of thse writing bas iu the past heen of an insurgent style of litera- tume. Greater attention is boing given iban formerly to liiemary p,,roductions. Ho facetiously renîarked ihai you can't stop an Irishman from tlking, for if hoe is shut off in one corner he'll break oui in anoiher. The speaker aext deait at iengib on political matters. Canadian general elections, judging from the one beld la Canada since hoe armived bore, are very tamne affairs compared 10 the Irishs varieiy which usually caused a mon on sticking plaster and sootbing salves. Marked im- provemont is seen la receni limes and pariy interest is more fmequenlly subor- dinated to what is hesi for Ireiand. Toucbing on sobrieiy and industry of the Irish, lho had seen a wonderful reform la bis day. Temporance is making groat headway. Ho told of a great meeting on the batiks of tise Boyne ai whicb Roman Calbolics and Protestants met together to discuss advanced tempomance measures. Other Irish reforms are- also carried on wilb a conciiiaiory spirit. Ho thougbtin mations of Empire building that Irish hlood bas been very brave and pahriotic. Ho named several Irisimen, Lord Kit- chener, Sir Garnet Woolsey and otisers, who had rendemed efficient service to Great Britain, and if bad ofien been de- monstrated what loyal and capable sol- diers and wisat grand service to the Em- pire thse Irishs soidiers had rendered. AI- luding to some chamncterisiics of Irish- mon, hoe said that as a class ihey are splen- did fellows to work wîtb, genial, cheerful and excellent neighhors, aiways ready 10 do a kind act and hospitahie to a Inuit. Imislimen bave ideaiism lu a marked de- gree. They are greai dreamers and pos- 5055 remarkable power of foresigisi. Ev- ery country needs such pre-visionisis. No Irisbman is satisfied witb present condi- tion of bis countrv and many are reacising oui in ail possible ways for better ibings, Thse Isle of Saints, every acre of 11, is sac- red 10 Imisismen wiso have nover been an 1~ The Least Fuel, the Most3 Satisfaction. PERSONAL. 1 AIl members of THE STATESMAN Office staff are glad to wolcome back to duty the associate ediîress, Miss E. E. Hay- -crafi, who'roturned to ber work on Mon- day mrsonîng afler a twelve weoks' absence ibru a serious illness, Ediior T. H. Preston, former M. P. P. of Brantford Expositor, has gone to Ind- in to ropreseni the Canadian Press at the Royal Dubar ai Dohi. His oxponsos are paid by the Canadiau Govermemnt. He will worihily represent the press of' ihe Dominion. Mr. Preston travels with his eyes open and wjll give a goo ccn of the proceedings. New York Canadian Club held is an- nual meeting Monday evoning ai Hotel Astor, Hon. Geo. E., Foster, Toronto, was chiof speaker. Soveral distinguished Canadians were ihere, anîong ihem being President Falconer of Toronto Univer- sity, and as ln mosi great funciions where Canadians shine, there was a well-knowa Durhamiîe la the person of Mr. Chas. R. McColloch, Honorary President of Ham- ilion Canadian Club and the fathor of Canadian Clubs la ibis country. Yes, you find old Durham Boys promninent la good work overywboro. Afior many years of mosi painstaking and faiibful service Mr. T. C. Jewell has resigned bis office as chief accouniant wilh Messrs, Moijiellan & Company, coal, wood, luruber and grain dealers, and ln- tends iaking a well-earned resi. Ho and Mrs, Jewell and daugliter Frankie are visiting friends in Clevelahd, Ohio, and wiii visit lother American culies. Mr. Jeweli bas kepi very close to office duiy for over twenty.years and sucb long con- finement has made it necessary to seek release and change for a time. Ail ciii- zens and country people who have known hlm ln a business way will hope that a resi will do him great benefit an~d ibat he wifl retura to town totake some position wbich rnay be agrecable to him. Mr. John Lyle, J.P., Towa Clerk, Bow- manville, is the -way to- ad-dress this gen- tleman now, ho having received bis Com- mission ibis week as one of His Majesty's justices of the Peace for the County of Durham. The appoinîment is a good one. As during business ho)urs ho is nearly ai- ways to ho found at the Clerk's office, citizens wili now know where to swoar or make serlous declarations "according to the hesi of their knowledge and belief." A litile later on when Faiher Time silvers bis locks and hoý comes 10 o o more pat- riarchai ho will ho Squire Lyle. The only citizens wbo are deemed wortby of the venerable title now are Squire W. F. Allen and Squire W. M. Horsey. Other justices of the Peace in town are Mayor J. B. Mitchell and Major W. C. King. His legion of friends la ibis town and ibruoui ibis whole country wili rejoice that Hîs Honor Judge Weir, in a lengtby judgment, la Monireal on Nov. ioth, ren- dered bis decision ln the famous Wtork- man case, condemning the defendanis to pay Dr. Workman $3,500 and all cosis in the case. Rev. Dr. Geo. C. Workmani sued Wesleyan College, Montreal, for $5,oo0 for wrongful dismîssal, and the case bas heen somewbat of a sensation from ic at iînsse calodthupone tosif, Te ibel strt, owng 10 epon ence fydTe- dismissal vas due to Inuits found wiii Dr. Workman's theology and "higber cr111- cism" During the reading of bis judg- ment Hon, Mr. Justice W.eîr comrnenied in rather severe terms upon the tostimony gîven by some of the reverend gentlemen. 1=PFb(:)TrEý 4T-I1CDN LWFE, VIRE AND PROTECTION. I represent the strongest, oldest and best Insurance Companies ln America. Before insuring cali on HARRY CANN, Town Hall. Phono 50. Bowmanville Phone 7',, LOSCOMBE & SENKLER B ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAIURS PUBLiC. R.R.Loscombse, K.C, e.8S.eleier, B.A. MOINEY To LbaN. Office: Masna Block, King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. - Sacrfice Quick Sale or Ladies and Misses Taloradle Suits. Ail New This Season. Your Choice of Aîîy $10,75 Suit for $7.95 12.00 ~8.95 c c i 4 i e 13.75 i' 9.95 " te " 17.00 " 12.95 " " " 19.75 "14.95 te " " 27.00 209 Move quickly and pluck one of theýserrep'Lurs., We nvteyou to eall and sptor stock of Lades ad isesFali and WntrCoas. ýi ars' Due Bis Taken a Cash- YNe xt or Stantdard B a nk, Boû-w7mai-rnuvi Lle . ~-~1 A Range You Will Be Proud 0f, When you can depend on your range to make every baking day a suecess; to give you a steady evea heat on the oven and to cook perfectly on the top at the saine tisue; when it combines ail the modern, labor-saving improveinonts, and, last of ail, when its ap- pearance is ail that could be desired-suelî t range you can take a real pride lit. It is called the Altost of the Happy Thought special features are found la no -o-ther range- The Illuminated Oven Door Oven Thermometer Patented Damper Reinf ored and Ventilated Oven 11 Pyramidal Oven Plates Whea the, range problem bothers you, stop in and let us show you the reason why the Happy Thought bas been the Canadian house- wife's standard for the past 25 years. It is a range Bmade to give satisfaction, lasting satisfaction. Some one of your neigbbors or friends will be sure to possess a~ Happy Thought Range. Ask about it. More than a quarter of a million "llappy Thoughts" are in daily use ini Canada, I W. H. DUSTAN,m The Quality Hardware. Notices of Blrths, 25 cents; Maeriages. 50 cenlts; Death,50 cents, each insertion. When url cards are prîinted et this office. insertion free. BIRTHS BUCwLPcv In Clarke, Nov. îth, to Mr. andi Mis. J. L. Bitckley, a sois. IzOPKIN5 bn Oshawa, Nov. 5, to Mr. and Mis, J1. Hopkins, edaî VANNESr At Solinla, Nov. 15, to Mr. and Mis. William VanNest, a son. BONiNYCASTLE-In Caxopbeliford, Nov. 3 , toeUDr. and Mrs. R. H. Bonnycastle, a son. IiUNNALLS-Ai Edmnonton, Alta., oct. ml, to Mr. andi Mis. Victor R. Ruonalls, a son. MARRIAGES Anc N LYIN luOshawa, Nov. 4th, by Rev. S. C. Moore, Miss Lucy Living and àMr. William Allan, boih of Oshawa. IIOoD HCGRIx,'oaIn Port Perry, Nov. 1, by Rev. A. C. Carnecon, Carence L. Hood, andi M. Myrtie MeGregor, botS ni Scogog. RiNG FiiýrMAN-At Port Hopo, -Nov. S, by Rev. Di. E. C. Laker, May Florence, second daughter ni Mr. E. Firmnan, Barrie, anti William Ring, Port Hope. MeIT'P.EacGrcR.av Luondon, Oct. 31, Mr. S. Arthur Melntyre, Detroit, Mich., and Miss M. Louise, eldesi, daughter of Mrs. M. A. Gerry, Londons, and iîiece of Miss Aikin, Bownanville. BitEWSTEnRniES-111 Detroit, Mich., by Rev. Mac . WiLae, astos' Brewster Congregational Chnrch, at thehoenMs.JlnW.eyli Brooklyn Ave., borother of the bride, Mr. Aid iie William Brewster, Detr'oit, anti Miss Aileen Victoria Keys, yoongest danghter of Mr. anS Mrs. W illiam L. Keys, Bovvniaiville, Ontario. DEATHS Hurcu[Nlsoî luI Bowmanville, -Nov. 14, Mary Ann. belovedl wif e of Mr. Williaîss Hîtchinsoiî, aged 65 years. Fjiseral ai 3.30 p.mi., froîn the famnily residence, Church-si., te the cenîeteiy. C.&IISON-lu Hope, Nov, 10, Arcohîald Carson,' ageil 76 years. Aimws-Tu Port Htope, Nov, Oth, John Adamîs, in bis 5bih year. DtuaîiNc-,Ai Port Hope, Nov. 7i5, Abert Dar- ling, aged 44 years. NELSON Tu Harnilton township, Nov, 5, Robi. Nelson, aged 79 years. GaSr'eAw AYT l Port Hope, Nov. S, Jacob Greenaway, ini hicsi8si year, BO'NYCASTLE-, In Campbellford, Nov, 2lS, Rd. Hlenry Bonnycastie, in his 68th ysar. WOO'iîW tD-bu Orono, Nov. 14, Sarah, relet of laie Jesse Woodward, in her 72nd year. EILIOTT-lu Port Rope, Oct. îlct, boviney, widow of laies Geo. Elliboit, aged 50 years. STAPLES To Orono, Nov. l4ih, Janet, relet of laie Fraucis Staples, 'yone, ini ler 92noi year. JLX-Ai 931 Hayclen-st., Toronto, Nov. 12, Ida L, Jane, organisi Berkeley-st. Meilsodisi churcli, siee0f Mrs. T. R. Hul Port Hope. Lzwis-Ai St. Boniface Hospital, Winuipeg, Nov. 10, T. L. L. Lewis, Toronto, ag éed 71 years. lvoll known by soies Bowmanville Arcaanus. Iboas, . Metiiodisi minisier, bu:igci gheae "Lest We Forget"' E, R. BOUNSALL, 1Designer ,,.d fDealer in Monumnents, Tabi s , Markers, etc., i n Gransite 'id Marbi-' Mou iCosupi c liquipraent udvand nb,,o Il Br1an-c s RONO -HA MPTON ' Elli