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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1911, p. 6

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RESTOKED DY PERUNA, 'Catarrh of the Lungs Threatened Her Life,1 Mi" Ninette Porter, Braintree, Ver. otwritea; U"Xlbave been cured by, 111 had several hemorrhages of the i~g.The doutors did flot help me ane nd would neyer have cured me. "I csaw a testimonial in a Peruna a1ms"ua(c of a case Simîlar to mine, and IComnaenced usicg it. 111 was not able to wait on mysel -whn 1 begau usng it. I gained very alowly at flrsk, but I could see that it was helping me. 4"Àftr 1 lied taken it a whiie I coin. mocet raise up a atringy, eticky sbtnefrom my lungs. This grew less and less in quantity a.s I continued the treatment. 'l grew more fleshy than I Lad been for a long time, and now 1 cai myseri TRE TOLL OF TUE JUNGLE. Loss of Lufe by Wild Beasts in India Caused by Floods. Indi assil pays its annual tri- ~ te of human life to the jungle. lnfact, the number of deaths f rom jnake-bite or the attacks of wild ýnima1s bas steadily increased dur- lng the iast. three years-a fact which the London Times attributes o -the great fioods. The rising waters have driven the serpents out --f -the lowlands, up -into the vil- lages, and have aiminished, through drowniug, the natural iood-supply of the larger wild beasts. In 1910 fift"y-five persens were killed by elephants, twenty-five by hyeuas, oue hurpdred and nine by t ears, three hundred and fifty-one by leepards, three hundred and aijuteen by woives, eight hundred nduc fifty-three by tigers, and six undred and eighty-eight by other aýnimals, including, wild pigs. No less than twenty-two thousand four bundred a.nd seventy-eight died trom the bite of poisonous snakes. 17he grand total, of maortality is twenty-four thousand eight hun- dred and se ïenty-eight During the same year ninety- three th4iusand cattie were aise killed by wild, beasts or snakes. The losses on the part of the in- habitants of the jungle were neariy but flot quite as great as those -of their human enemies and the dom- esticated animais combiued. Nine- ty-one thousand oue hundred and four snakes and over nineteen thousand wild uieasts of various kinds %vere killed. 'Ibe Times also reports that a. great many cases of Bnake-bite were successfulIy treateci with the Brunton lancet and permangenate of potash, but that it is, neverthe- less, impossiole to assert the value of this treatmnt, since ne oee knows whether al-or even a very large number-of the ýcases treated were caused by the bites of really venomous suakes. RE KNEW RER. "Jolin, do yen love your little wife?' "Yes." "Do yeu love me very muchl" Ohi,yes." "Wili you always love mei" "Yes-say, wo- man, what have yon gene and order- ed sent home nowl" A TWO DAYS AFFAIR. "Where were yoni day before yes- terday V' "I was helping my wife te move." "And yesterday?" "llad1 the docter belping me te."1 LOOKING AREAD. "If we quarrel liko this uew, wbat wili we do alter inarriage 7" "Weil, if yen think Fm igoing te rush blindiy jute marriage witheut finding eut who's boss, you're mis- take n." SI-DE5 ARMS, 01<( Prove te Presenice of Rheu- znatic Virus, Which Is Cured Quickest by Nervi- Pains Ia the nmuscles, la the sides, the back, the necit, or the chest-they always arrv -wËl s t a - U 1 tOenI- tort. If the'i "nflaaîoiî je evene the pain wilI be intense. If allowed te cen- Uine they are dangerous. Nothing se quickly cures local inflammation and drives away pain as Nlenviline. Nervi- Ue does this becanse it penetrates se deePlY. Nerviline is net only power- fui, but soothlüg. lJY reliesing conges- tion it curee pain. t does this always. It cannot fail because . isý a truc anti- dote for pain. Yen eau seancely find anyboây that willnont tell you Wonder- fui things about the pain-curing power -of NYervilinfe. Rernernber. that there ls net au ache or pain that Nerviline will 'lot cure immediately. Nerviline le an anchor of bealîli in every household-. Itefnse anythiug that mnay'be offered Yen instead of Nerviline. which le, guar- anteed for rheumatism. nearalgia. $eatica, lumbago, and ail muscular aches and lpains. Large h oties, 50c; trial size, 25c, at ail dealers, or The Catanthozone Cern- paýny. laigsten, ont. LCRES ALL PAIN APPLE JELLY. Apple and Mint Jelly.-Two celer past:, two buaches cf garden On L1Ic F4111 mint, eue-hall cnp sugar te each cup of juice, juice cf eue lemon. Cul -the apples in small pieces aud add a little w btr;wen partly eooked CONSTRUCTING A SILO. add bbe minI leaves wbich bave heen washed, dried, aud cbepped The importane sud value cf bbc fine. Strain wben colt, keeping bbc silo in luruicbiug succulent foeod for *juice that- ruas bhrough firsb cepan- dairy cews aud other larm animais b aIe fromib tat whiceh le presced is uoý,w heiug more geuenally appre- 1 tbreugh, as the firsi, juice makes îhe, ciated.- Ouiy a triai is necessany clearer jeliy. Measure the juiee te coavince stock raicers Ibat cilage 9a.nd add equal parts of sugar in tbe is au ecouernicai feed for bbe pro- Sproportion stated; hou lte the jelly duction cf beeI as well as for bbe slaIe. A short lime before il je Production of milk. Silage wben doue add bbc lemen juice and celer inciuded in bbc ration for sIrera Paste. makes il more palatable, sud iu Ibis Quince aud Apple Jeliy.-Cut the manner te an active agent in bring- appie in largo pieces, the quince ing about more rapid gains. Aise -very ernali, as il bakes longer ceok in mauy cases well preserved ilage 9 iug Ihan bbc apple if otbenivise pre- bas heen fouud a cbeap sud suc- :pared. C, o.k wîth a littia wate unu- ceeclul feed Ion sheep, swine and tJl ot. Strain, add eqa- pripjor- herses, writes Mn. J. B. Davideon. tons -of cugan aud cook tic the jeiiy The silo rnay be made an orna- claIe, skimmiug freqluently. ment te any grenp cf farm build- ________ings. Ite form le sncb ltaI it ay be made te add lu bbce appeaance cf auy style of coustruction. One 0 HIS WIEor mene ceuical silo reofs whinu CBRF BI WIE 57v5i Ie m rn a distance; or in bbc n Tflfull beigbt of bbc curved waiis aI SHE IRILU 1iIFM adoser rne gvsa eypas ing effect whcu piaced in a setting ofrectangular buildings. LEON SERGENT FOUND NEW Il is the punpose cf auy silo, re- gandless of ils construction, te ex- IIe4ALT INI i DDDD'S KIJDNEY clude air as fair as possible Item PILLS. bbc silage, sud in this way preveut decay.---To prevent bbe air Itemc reacbing teiage, ah siles muett Snffered with his Kidneys and was have air tighl walls. These murta be rîgid enougb net te be sprung1 very feeble, but now he is feeling eut cf shape by tie pressure of teb fine. silage, permitbiug air te enter nextt te bbc wail. Net only bbc walls but i Saint Walhnrg, Sask., iNov. 13 tbe deens, alsc, must be penlecblyU (Speciai.-Oue bealthy, happy fan- ain-tigbî. Te accomplish Ibis tbeyS ily iu Ibis neighbbrbood are always sbould be weli fltted sud bbe jointst rcady to, spcak a geod word for',triade perfect by fel padis or gas-t Dcdd's Kidncy Pille, Tbey are Mr, kels. Il le a goceL practice wberes aud Mrs. Leon Sergent, sud here bbc silo do-er sets againest a shoul- i is the reason in Mn. Sengeut's owu der, ltpae a worked intoe b werds: consisbency cf pubty in tbb joint. "I euffered with my.Kidneys aud Teoa e icd ubb . ann I was very fceehe. My urine was surface sud ltcdon placcd over il, bbick sud had a brick dusl sedi- sud wbeu bbc pressure cf the sîlage ment. As Dodd's Kidaey Pille bad cornes againsb tbe door an air-tighb aineady cured rny wife I bougbt joint is ebbaiued. Tan papen je suc- bhrce boxes. New my urine ie non- ces-sfuliy nsed by cerne sueo ownens, mai sud 1I eledfine." eiîher in sînipe te cover bbc cracks It i sttemntssuc asthee t a round tbe dobrs or in widîbs cul- gIl je babmus ncb ais these tha- ficient te cever the cabine door and l guive od's iey Ple other P0 lap a few inches on bbc silo waiie. 0 pai.They ar ne cure -asese il. s Net eniy sbould bbc waiie be0 ate illy cure diesed Kistigbî sud igid, but they shouid esd bbciles.Bat confo madis-alec hc perfectly srnooth on bbe in- k. wtîae iducys. B yu ne mter side te permit bbc silage toeuei wbat uoeganboro you vsitbyenwibhout forming air peekets, wbicb fin cene an r wmanwhobascause a certain anout cf bbc ad- n been sick sand in pain sud bas becu jeiniug silage te rot. Several laul-w cnned by Dcdd'e Kidney PuIs'. For unes have been caused by a sheul- E a score cf yeanc this work bas becu der being made where bbc walie jeing going ou sud to-day la cvery part bbe loundations. The louadaîjon& cf Canada Dodd's Kiduey Pills are wladi attewlso h ý know as he oe sue cue f cabnine silo, ebould be as srnoetb asm Kidu-ey Disease, Urnary Troubles, possible. Il duc cane je used in à Baekache, libeumaîism, Dropsy, tramping te ilage bbc filling, d< Diabetes sud Bright's Discase. docte wbich cxlcud juoteb silo e are net a serions objection, lhougb MORE TO PICK FROM. perlectiy flush deers anec eenainly b an advanbage. A vertical wall is ti "Il isu'b always bbc prebliest girl tbheuly saislacîory wall le use, tl who gels t, bbc bc husbau." as a wall incliied oubwand wiil sup- fi "Maybe not, but she bas tbe meel pont bbc siiage te a certain exteat h chances te." and prevent il seltling satiefactor- a iiy, thus creaîiug air peekels. Wben t Trialis jeaxpensiv.-To those bbc walus incliied inward tbe si- who suifer lrom dyspepsia, indiges- lage wiii setie away Iteom il. Iluthbbc tien, rheumalism on any silment case cf cencrete silos with bapered P arising Itemn derangemeut of bbc di- walis, these -bould bo vertical on b geîesyslem, a trial of Parme-Ieluie lee's Vegelable Pille is necommen - Bcdý resulîs are ohtaîned wberc ded, sbould bhe sufoner be uuac- bbc silage je uuiforniy distrihuted f quaîuted wibh bbem. The trial wiîî Ibroughoul bbc silo sud je caneful- P' bc inexpeasive sud bbc resul wiîî ly packed near bbc waiis sud arouud cý bc another custerner for this excel- bbc doors by tramnping. Cane sbeui'Iel lent mediejue. Seo effective le their bc baken that the býeavy sud ligbb Pl action1 that rnany cures eau cen- pontions sbail be uuiformly mixed. '0 bainiy bc raced te Iheir use where Serne silo ewucrc are of bbc opta-îl other pille bave pnoved ineffectîse, ioQn, that a great ameunulof tramnp- i ing is unnccessany, but bbc investi- u' galions of bbc writcrs weuld ndi- 'w CAKES, cale that wbenc tramping was netK Coffec Cakc---Onc cuplul cf sagan, foliewed thene wss always a certain eue cuplul cf rmolasses, eue cupîni amnul of spoiled siiagc and that B cI cffee eu hal culul l b ttehe rnoney speut Ior labor uscd in at eucofe, opue-fhaisins, uell0 cap-ttr'horeugbiy trarnping the silage in fui cf entrants, leur cupînîs ef tbe silo wben filled brougbt good ' fleur, eue egg, oee teaspoonful cfreuts cleves, cite teaspoonlul cf cinna- mon, eune teaspoonful cf sodla-.-- Crumnb Cake. One-hall cuplul cf molassens,eue-hall cuplul of crearn, eue-bal cuplul of miik, leur eggs, yoiks and wites beaten bogether, eue cuplul cf sugar, tht-e geod cupînis cf crunibe, eue teaspouful ef baking posider, cinnarnon sud! ci'oves te laste. Meeba Layer Cake.-The yolks 0f five eggs, eue cuplul of powderedj essence, twc tabiepoululs cli elrng, bot eoffne, ene cuplul of! fout sud oee easpouful cI bak- iug pow7det. Add te beaten wbites cf tbe eggs sud bake ta tbrce layens for flîteen on tweuty minutes. Fill xitlt whipped cream. Treated pnoperiy. a broken se- solution may be meuded, and se niade aimeet as good ase new. Flowers of speech are net ac- ceptable praice, cave bhey exhale tbe sweel fragrance cf love. The way le gel ahiead of bbc dcvii ie le mos-e ou; he does't nun veny fastl îpward. Il lakes a ciever chilfi bu refrain, T'he rinig 'Ànedsîpj js x penlsive titla au eggmn ig way to perfect health. Women and girls who suifer are simply weak -weak ail over. Opiates and aicoholic mixtu res are worse than worthless, they aggra- v~ate the trouble and lower the standard of health. Scot's Inusio strengthens the whole body,, invigorates and builds up. Be sure to get SCOTT'S-. it'a the Standard and always, tise Lest. A Good i7gestion means a man er weman good for somethLing-good work or pleasant times. Wheever has distress aller eating, sick headaches, nausea, bad taste, unpleasan'c breath, can- net find gond in anything, or be of mach use i the world. But these symptems are only signs that the, stoinaeh needs a littie care and attention aud the aid tha.t ean give. Safe, reliable, thoroughly tried, this family remedy has won- derful revisiug power. They tone the stomach, liver and bowes-all orgaus of digestion. With these organs ti gond order, the whoie system is better and stronger. Try a fe-f doses and se for yourseif what a splendid bodiiy condition Beecham's Piuls Seul Everywhere. lu boxes 25e,. In localibies sîbere Inceziug oe- cure, -il la necezaary tle censtruct the silo se as te preveul, ce Ian as possible, Ineezing cf bbc silage. Il is difficuit te make a cemparleon heIn cen bte merite of bbc various types of silos in Ibis respect, ow- ing, te tbe inabiiîy te flnd tbem under like conditions. Freeziug cf silago le due te bec cof heal, firet bbnougb the silo sali; second, te the air la contact wibb bbc Iccding surface. The first ionss may be ne- duced hy using a nou-coucting wail in bbcesle, sud bbc second by prevcrîting bte circulation of air above bbc silage lunbbceueil. BEWARE 0F BLOOD-POISOY Zani-Buk le a Sure Cure. Mn. Jas., Davey, of 786 Ellice Av- enue. Winnipeg, ays :-"A fcw atonîbe since I wais cured of a pois- oned finger lbreugh bbc bime1ly use of Zam-Buk.1 "I cul a'deep gasb across bbc kunckie ou bbc final funger of ny, right band in epeniug a loheter eau, 1.suffered at bbe birne witb bbc sore- teess sud pain, but ha'd-no ides it wcuid beceme a serions wound. Hiowever, lu about bwc days 1I was greatly alanmed; as rny whele baud and anm te, the elhow becarne sud- deuly inflarned, sud tbe fingen was nncb diacoloned, ebeowing aigus of becd-peoiug. The pain was dneadfal sud 1 was forced te leave oiff my work suCS go borne. "The weund on bbe kukie bad been poisoaed hy duel sud dm1t gel- ting laVe il. I thon decid-ed te clat bhe Zam-Buk Ircaîmcii, snd bavingl firaI cnt, I appiied bbc îealiug bairn. Il soothed the pain almest instaully, sud by next day bhene wxas a great improvemeal, "In a week',s lime, bbrough pense- vcraucc wibb Ibis wonderflîuhpre- parution, a complete cure was brougbt about." Zarn-Buk le just ar. gonod Ion ee- zema, ulcens, scalp seres, abacesses, piles, rng 'rm, bele, varleese nI- cens, ruaniug sores coid ceres, chapped bauds, ec. Il nasc i erisenous louineessItem a weuidi or sone sud then beals. Use ib, tco, fo culs, butas, brais-es sud ail skia ijuries. Zam -Buk Seap sboald be î'sed in cenjunction te bbc halmi for u-ashiug weuuds sud acre places. ExcellenItee ofer haby's bath. All druggicts sud stores ccii Zam- Buk aI 50c. box aud Soap aI 25c. lablet. Peet free upeun e- cpI lof pnice Item Zam-Buk Co,., Toronto. TIIE OTRER. "Je bte dector lun?" "No, cir, but won'l yenu pleace orn qn? e'il he nigbt back. lle's eune to cee bis cîber patient." Thece Pille Cure Rbeuimaism,- 7o the mauy wbo suifer lnom then- îatism a trial of Panîuelee'c Vege- babie Pille is rccornmended, Thny ave pron-ounced action upen tbe Cc gý T t. ing the action ef these ergans act as au alternative in prevenliug lte admixture of the uric acid and blood tbat causes Iblis painful dison- der. They must be taken accord- ing te directions and used steadily and tbey wiil speediiy give evideuce of their beneficial effects. Some lucky men fiud il as difficuit to berrow as the-y do te pay back. 1Mary-Mrs. Taikem detaineel me for filteen minutes at the telephene just as 1 was slarting out. Alice- Wbat did she wanl? Mary-She didn't say. Save the water that ment, fish, haricot beans, or rice have bi-ea boii-ed in. It contains neurishment, and is an excellent r.ounJatzA fe r cojups. T e hei)f fruebas tu-nnn tuàmlanama'hed TESTED RECIPES. Miuced Turkey in PoItet Cups.- Mince fine sorne slices cf cold noasl tunkey, add a littie dressing te give flavor and meisten -with gravy. Pre- pare cerne nicely seasoned macbed peote, atir iu a heaten egg, aud' form into nali halls, Rellow eut tbc centers wilh a spoon. Fili with tarkey mixture and sel in oven tli healed threugh. Gannish wibb pars- ley and serve with gibletl bal. Crauberry Pie-Mix well together two level tabiespeonfuls ef cernm- starch, eue cupful -of sugar, a pincb cf sai, meisten wîtb a litIle cold waîer and 6ock five minutes. Add eue-bal cuplul of raisins, seeded and cbopped, and eue and a hall cupluls cf chopped c ranherries. Simmer for fifleen minutes, peur int a bakcd cruel, cever w'iîh the wbite cf an egg healen stifl wibh eue tablespeenlul cf sugar, and brown ligbtly in the oven. This pie bas bbc fiavor of cherries. Fig and Prune Pudding.-One- fourbt pound of well waslhed dried fige cbopped fine, eue dozen ceoked prunes draiued Item- their syrap and cloues rcrnoved, thc nind and juice, ef oee lemea or eue tant orange, eue-quarter cf a gnabed nutnaucg-, -eue-quarter po und -ef cnet (chopped fine), oaft-balf tenspoenîni of saît, eue cuplul ef brown sugar, tweo cupfls of bread cmumbe, oe tablespeonful e! flour, two eggs. Sleam bbrce heurs in a well greais- cd, tightly cevened meld. Serve witb whipped cream sweeîened and fiavored with vanilia. Decerate bbc pudding witb a lew cooked prunes. Dip hall lumps of cugar in brandý --oue for ea5cb guest-arrange on top cf pudding, aud liighl jusl belote placing on table. Let each guet choose -oee and make a wish. The lump ef sugar hurning icugest wili iudicateosuecese, Stuffed Bcd RHeat-In these days of higb pniced meats eue can make rny savony dîshes of inexpencive bits. Take a bcd bheant, 'dlean it carelully, fil wîtb a dresstng made as fon chickeu or burkcy. Use an equal ameunt cf rnashed pebalees and hrcad crumbe, seasoned witb sage, summen savory, pepper, sud salI, aud rnistcned with bcdf drip- pînge on butter, sud a deue or two chopped oniene. Fasten tegether c with skewens or lwine, sîeam leura heurs sud bake eue heur aud a balf, basting well. Make a bbickeued gravy ef bbe drippinge. CRANBERIE S. Jcliied Crauberry-Wasb sud look a over eue quart cf bernies. Sprnkleu ever tbem eue pint of cugan aud I eue-hall plut of waler. Cook slow-o ly. When they hegin tc houl cover& oser a few moments sud coek un- til tender, but do net ashow skius le break. Pour jute a uîoid, The juice will be firrn, inclosinth bbher- nies, wbich makes au attractive audy delicicus dinuer accempaniment. b Caudied Crauberrios--This is oe of te most delicions -and prebtiestP ways cf usiîug tbe cranberry, sudr especially geed te serve witb lowi. Take eue quart of hernies sud select s bakîng paît thal wili held bhem ev- effly outhb ottom sc that the ber- ries will net heon outp cf acb other. s Cover siîh len cupe cf sugar and e, water enungb te corne about eue-u Ibird tbe beigb-t of the bcrrysndW hake slcwlv until bbc bennies are tender, and they must retain theirn shape. Pile on a glass disb. They Y sbeuld look likcn candied cherries, *TUE F. F. DALLY ceO LMTE»,> a Hamhltou Ot. 18 Satisfaction or Your Money Back! That's thxe condition that 'goes witl every bag of Creain cf the West FL It's a fair, square guarantee, and 1 you te take it to mean just what it the the bazrd W.heat flour guarffan Give Creain of the West a fair, sq-c den't have satisfaction in baking bre isfaction at your grocer's. We guar other. Cream of thec West is a suç Improve your ho~me-made bread by1 The Camnpbell Milling Companyi' ARCHMALD CAPLPBELLPru aou. want says' teed for bread tare trial, If you -ad, you'Il get sat- xantee- one or the perior bread flour. using it, LimiîtedToronto For Sale by :-J. A. Milue, Bowmanvillc; O. H. Orysdale & Son, Oshawa; J. R. Fisher, W. C. Bitea, Newcastle; Chas. Bniten, Clarke; J. R. Cooper, Onono. with a smail ameunt of thick syrup, and sbould býe a scarlet celor. Spiced Cran berries-One pi nt of bernies, eue cup of sugar, on e-bail cup of water, one hall cup ef rais- ins, one-bail teaspocu ciunameu, oue-l.ourth teaspoon c'oves, twe tea- spous vinegar. Coek slewiy and wheu uearly doue add eue-baIlfcup cf cbepped waluuits. A splendid re- iish fer meats, New York Crauiberry Sauce-Put in kettie witb -oue pint of water ard four sliced tart appies. Cuver and cook twenty minutes. Press through a colauder, add one pouud of sugar (or twe caps) and hoil ftve minutes, longer.1 Tbick Cran berry J-elly-Wasb oe quart -of hernies, add eue pint ef water, and houl five minutes. Press througb a sieve, return te kettie, and add oee ud of sugar. Stir util sugar has dissolved, heul for a minute, aud turu jute n mold. Stand over niglit in a cool place bel nre serv:ng. THINGS WORITHIKO1G Save fat lrom soup, clarily it, and yen will lbave the wherewithal for bastiug meat and Irying vegetab-es. Il your iron sticks rub tt oa bîown paper which has been prcsiocu',ly rubbed with yellow soap. Your starcli will iî4-, stick if yen itir il with a wax etudtie directly il is mode. Il wiill hceconomy te fiiiti n vur sheets wîth the saine, wridth !iem at eacla end. By se doiug they eau te used cither side up, and g-aan mccl vea r. WTbeu blacking a kitchen range mix the hiackiead with vineg-ar, if you waul ilte b ave, a really g od polis.h Seýlect lamup wicks whîch are soIt and iooseiy woveu. Soak them in vinegar, and dry in a cool oven bu- core using. Wiîen beoiiing rie add lemon juice to the watcr to make, the grains whbite, and prevent them oiticking te- gether. Fin-ely ebopped cabbage ý1ca&cr- od ven carpeLs before sw-epi'n ' IS a. wonderni n cleaneer, and te c, pre- cere d to en 'alea ces. Suîces ul coid pork, seasoned W;tll pepper and sait, fried on botb sidn':. ndý served viitiî apple sauce, will nimke a tasty dislh. Grated cheeso is more diùe4iible bhan plain cheese, more-over, it cakes a prettier disk- Serve a small dish of il for tbc cheose course and scn low il will hc appreciated. Disting, or rather goc usting, i an art! A siightly moistened dus 1er in the left baudi and n dry dustcr in ho riglit, il weil used, will celled tho dust, and leave a perfect1y clan surface. Imitation Froàted Glass--Mix Ep- som salts with a weak-solution of arn, and apply With a rag. Or mixzputty with linseed ou l iii of tbe cousîstency of thîr cream, and paint it on the glass. To clean a straw bat is net a dif- icuit matter. Mix a teaspeonlul of powdered suiphur witb the juice of alemon. Bnush tbe mixture weli iuto the bat, then rince unden the ap and set iu tbc air te dry. HRm is a new xnousetrap. Put aj smail piece of cheeseý in thbcocntre of a she*t of sticky fly paper and] place it where the mouse is most 1ký1y te go and lê't il lie therc and1 oui)i are, sure te) gel Mr. Mousc. If I~ ~ nti ~i iessnlii alle arouuid I ticy wil -Bell ear ~ein a V' i fE p ti r Sr. is ih ti tý ci Sc i m it a, in ta sri Be corne ledepetndeitt! Our Orad- uates get aud hold good posi- tions owiug to thelr Superlor Trainxing. The Con. Yonge and Alexander Sts. TORONTO, ONT. is doing the highest grade of wo rk in Business and Shorthand Ifducation. Students of this year are now in pisitions worts from $50 to $100 poi monLh. Enter low. Catalogue je froe. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. This May Interest Youj. We want a reliable man te seli ont weli kuowu speçiaities lu fruit trees, smali fruits, seed petatees, flowerng shrnbs, roses, etc., in Bowmauville and county during fali and wiuter menthe. Outfit free, exclusive territory, psy weekiy 600 Acres of Nûrsery Stôck clean we ll grown trees and shrubs that will satisfy your custemers. Eariy and geod delivery gnaranteed. Establistied over 3.j ycars. Write fer wholc or part trne terra. SALES MANAGER, PELHAM NURSERY CO., TIORONTO. MONTREAL. & QUEIIEC, to LIVERPOOL EVERY SATU.eDAY S. S. LAURENTIC S. S. PMECANTIC Passeuger , .1 s ses.Elevators. Orchestras, Rates: Uirst $92.50; Second $,53 75 up Cnlv One Chis tabmi, (11it.nd Thîrd CIas5". Rlates: Teutenic $55 up; Canada $50 up Timd class at l yrates. close.I lte ,s enly. Xmas Sailings Front Portland, Me., and Healifax, N S. Canada; Megantic; Teutoli Lc29 Book early. Secamc yotar Bcehs Now Ageut: M. A. JAMES, or Staji UffICO wiIl remiove ail traces of lbe paper should il by accident gel stuck te the table or floor. TUE F0111 GARÉY. The work of coustrueting flhe S,- ond of tbe Grand Truuk's Syct.Iem ojI pu-la.tîal hotels bas begiin ar, Wi'an;- peg. Il bas been defiiutey sud lin- aliy desiîdeo thal lite Winui1xg ho tel, wheîw-illbe ] te aneet lf arc itetre aw hemgifcu "fatan Lauie" a tas ibllhociled -TheFot ars. 83 CAILS Were recrived lastrnsonth for office heip-37 were ef t untied. Dem anda for traj,,ed help are so g,0,t that use Cau asourd te guar-- antee a position to ev ery gradiste or refunid tuitje,, ioney.' If yen are anxjoua te aucceedi write for a6 mir beautiful catalogue to.siay. Cent ,-al Buainesas College, Toronto W . H. S8e&W> Principal, VI ý-i r

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