forceps, and that efficient pleers, Pm D A NIK pincers ana scissors are part of the Tm s A mequipmont of other insects. THE FIRST BALLOON Egahlhcd 1873 0F CAXNADA~i 60 Branchus was the balloon or "sw.ellfish," asi weknow that the first airshsp was a bird or fiying insect. Indeed, 87 on 7 0 1our whole advaice iii aviation bas Pý1_7ý-J12L'.â CC Icebeen based upon a close study of birds and insects. At we Avaiabl fo Maufacurig ad CmmerialHoue5,studied only the birds, but now we A-Yilale or anuactrin an ComerialHouesare making a more exhaustive Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, study of the inseets. The cemmon beteis constructecl on tho plan Corporations, larmers and private individuals. 8 of a bipiane, and the birds on that of the m~onoplane. There is a big S Bnk epg nen a evry ranh.distinctio~n hetweep theni, and thi Savingsup n. ia eeyDach faet has opened up a new field o!> Bowmanvifle Branch:- A. N. McMillan, Mge study and experiment.1 Blacilstoch a R. H. Coulson, 4 The lungs wei'e til3 urst pair (<f D3wamchos alao at Nweastle, Newtoa&Vi1Io, Owoano, Oshe-war, bellows, and their construction Whitby amad Brookliaa. might well be studied by builders ________of forge and blacksmith's beiiows. ______________________________________________________ The jaw is a perfect illustration o! thse lever principle of mechanies. For its size thse jaw of any o! our wild animnais is the most marvelous ture' tentîce~application of this meehanîcal prîn- __________________ciple. The bones of thse humani body are fashioned witla the idea PRINCIPLES OF MANY MECHANICAL DEVICES MAN o! greatest CLISASHSIVETOSSHE HAS o! getting thse greatest amount of CLAîS ASHIS NVENIONSstrengtis and stiffness witis a min- ALWAYS USED. imum of material. Engineers long jago recognized the valuie of a bol- ______________________________________________________' ow tube in securing rigidity xith Did you evor realize that Nature ail, thse Most remarkable ball-and- lightness, but thîs principle was bas a patent office so f ul cf in- sooket device ever invented rîght well known to Nature, and she1 ventions that man weuld hob at a in Our bodies. We eould not swing! avniled herseif of it in building1 loss to'got nlong without themi, and our arma without it. Our shoul-1 the hones of our legs and arms. t if hoe bad to pay royalties on al der bones swing back and forth-on i The first groat chemicai facterya cf tbem- the price- cf thse necessities tise bal-and-socket arrangements of thse world was the liver ande of lif e would hc greatly incrcased which no one has ever yet surpass- setomaeh of-man-and animais. We 9 thereby ? Long bef ore man book ed. Even the modern invention of are just beginning te learn thse to inventin~g labor-saving devices hall bearing véas anticipated by secrets o! chenmical action and re- Nature had worked ont many o! Nature. The veitebrne o! the action wbich Nature bas been us- thse greatest inventions cf the ago, tsnake oonsist of a long ehain of ing for ages in the human stom-1 aays tise World To-day. It would halls and sockets which work on, adi. Enough i.sohi s 're gener go hard with somne inventors if the principle of tise hall bearings! ated there ýevery day to kili a dez- thore was a law preventing in- o! oui' bicycles and automobiles. en enbuNare asupid fringement upon Nature'-s patents. Many inventions are 80 omo the antidotes, so that we rareiy The curions thing -about it is, that vre do net stop to inquire about suf er, except f rom excessive eat- however, that -main bas laboriously their orngin, but you can rest as- ing,-and 'drînking. There is in the thougist ont bis -great inventions 'snred tiat iheir construction by system a network of througistise centuries, while all the primitive mnan was net a simple or SEMI-CIIICULAR CANALS time Nature had thein ready for, easy matter. Working in the clark, bis study if leho d only thse eyes jbho must often have stumbled upon misich foqr ages baffled ail1 scientifie to see. It is only in recent years mechanical principies by accident, invostigators as to theÎr meaning tint we have !ully nppreciated the or possihly he, copied some of bis and use. Now we know tint uisey tacet that ail about us are scattered ideas from Nature. For instance, constituto tise first and greatest devices which serve as tise founda- lepirit-level ever made. Witisoutp tion o! most of our great mcci- THE FIIIST AIND BEST lRINGE jthis spinit-lovel we wouid not be ancial principles. ever madle wns found in an oyster. abie to balance ourselves. Wben i For instance, thse firsi block and Take tise iorny oyster of tise the body is boni or tipped over ap tackle, whici we employ so gOner- Pacifie coast and examine its shelîs.; litile tisis spirit-level immediatolya ally' te-day, was created in thse They are put togetier and held informs the brain, and tise properq eye o! the first man hemn on cartis, there by a perfect bînge, whih Set O! muscles are called into playF This block and tackle controls the cannot ho surpassed in efficiency by te prevent Our f ailing. WcMay0 movement o! the eyebnils, and isa any found in your hardware store, think it is our organs o! vision tisai perfect miniature o! tiose usd in l,e cently thera have been put on, tell us wben tise body is, in danger Il ordinary meohanical fieids. If tise tie market small boxes and re- i o! toppling over, but it is in reality f i firsi inventer of ibis labor-saving cepiaciles whici cannot moll off a ibis spirit-1-ev'ei, wiici works juisi devica bad understood tise physio- shel! or table. Tisese boxes lare as woil and satisfactorily when tiseb logy o! tise body as we know it macle to, contain small particies, eyes are closed. We say we knowd to-day lie wouid have been snved sncb as fine gold dust, diansond instiiictix'ely when we are losing i many days ann<k nigbis o! bard chips or any small article o! value.,iOur balance, but ibis instinct is6 tbougbs and experiment. 1 They cannot rell off because o! simpiy anotiser naine for a proper h THE FIRST PUMP EVER MADE, tieii peeniar ovni construction. If working o! our spinit-level. Ci you bit them they roll around and In a remarkable way Nature t] and the mosi wonderful and power- around instead o! off tihe shel!, A has conserved bier resources and h fui in existence> is tise heart.. For greai invention, you say. But it adopted tise most effective way o! its size it bas a groater efficiency was a secret only te man. Na- acbîeving resuits. Consider tisea than any puimp invenied hy inan. turc macletise original o! ibis box trees o! tise forest. What an en- ti Tisera are ail tiseprincipleso! tise in tise firsi ego!tomre Yu ormous wind pressure tisane isp Modern force -pump i. tise ieari and cannot knock oneofo! hose e'ggs off brougit to bear upon a large, leafy ir li is marvelously up te date, de- a table very easùy, for it wiii rol iree. A flagpole witi bal! that spite its ancient origin. But for nround and around instead of off. amount of pressure wouid snap off. centuries inventions struggled with This pinciple has now been applied Tien why do -not tic irc-es break the pump, improving it siowlY and to the construction o! many smili oftener in windstorms ' Because discovering the elementary iaws articles for desk use. tise bark binds the tissues of tic governing it. How much casier it Eleciricity gîves us ligît practie-ý woed together so tisat they cannot wouid have heen for uisem if tisey ally witbout boni-an ideal1 metisod slip and sucde beyend a certain q could havet taken tise human benrt o! illumination. But the lantera point-a device whicb is !requenily it Pnd studied-it caefully! Tise force fly-o! tropical Amenica was in tise resoried te in mecianics te securle à pump would tien have been in- field long before wo invented and great resisting stnength. Wîth vented or copied complote. constmucted tise elcetrielmp wedges we spilt rocks and siones,S When you pick up tools and use Nature builitishe electrie amp.!bt auecn pÎ h hret& ibeni yen will find tint many o! long bef ore man tisougit o! it, in, and strongest maienial w,,itis a grow- b thena have what is clled tise bail- the had oethtie electici eel and tise ng vine tisai steadily but persist- and-socket joint. This enables one torpedo fisla. Tiese crentures are ently pusies its way up tismougisa a te performi mechanical labor in an Capable o! giving an electrie sisock minîute erevice. Tint is tie first t, easy and efficient wny. Hal! o! o! considerabla, force. In tise liCac and greniest wedge ever invented, Our tools and machines woul haof going aconn can splii asunder r p retty clunasy affairs without ibis THE TORPEDO FISU j iserstoutesi pavement or maise a litti inventive device. liet Na-t on rock from uts bcd in thse soul. ture knew of ibis invention longtisera aare vertical columns ot There is nouiing s0 pronîising to e before man dîseovered it, and ise electrical plates wisicha number as tise inventor ns a careful sindy o! utiiized it in tise construction o!f many as bal! a million. The plates.tise whole broad field o! Nature. tise human frame. We bave, a!ten r 0dîsks aie separated hy delîcate _____________________membranes, wiich insuinie them, g( and they resemble vemy much tic v CUE HA CLordinary vo taiepies IVI TDIV TU A IP illsendi'_ eecNt9 Ral Fwork. TesaftouadabveueCtar. Man to-<dty is geing more and h~l. ozone withaut reoarting a single cag more to Nature te leamu secrets inr. net . ai-ber. Y of failure ta Cure diseasesa ofthe. tisaiare o! interesi tetise mech- A"orn-clli aient a ete'.r tfiroat and lunge and nasal passages. anciai and industriai world. ItMorrisecy PrSmibed AttforS44 7ears. and Remamber, CATARRHOZONE 's bas ln enamsaetosp toIdt«»a fe ti wose taken ln air, ancd ja littie draps of bn' n be itaet u- tcrSahsaa4 &trO-r atr îng for the thraat, nasal passages, or pose ihese uitile crentumes are of fug.It always doe. Cure -is guar- avaine only te the specialist inter-&c.Pr to-Sma*l li"e r e.Lalrsaor enteed. ested, in ca.aloguing and, mounting Pathar Maa'rimv n ediln Ce., Lisslted, Prica 26c., 50c., and 3$1() at ail drug- s4i00.Xeknw o i' intei e gisis or by mail, post paiS, tram TIesa eies eke, o n Rtel CatrrsoznaCo. Bffao.N.Y, nSstance,, tint tise onrwigs carry Sold and gunra.teed in Bowmnn- ci Kinrrston, an4& bout wtatiser a dainty pair, of vile by Jrry ovti Women suffe ifrom. any forai of Illness are ivited to prompily cern' municate wiih Mrs. Pinchanani Lynj, Mass. Ail letiers are receivýedoenod rend and answered by vonien. A vo- e_1rN man en freely taik of hon private iii- nom te a vonan; thus bas been es-. tablished ibis con-. fidence beiveen Mrs, Uinkbam and -el thse omen of Amgrica visich bias never beon brokea. L',aCi ,'ijc~ Nover bias she pub- hIsbcd testimonial or usad a letton wiLhon tiste writien consent of the wniter, and nover bas tise Company aliowçed these confidential lettons te gai ouit of their posseSion, as tise bundreds of L Pua d f ibem. ini their filîcs viii attesi. Oui of the vasi volume of experience which Mrs. Pinkbam bas to draw from, it is more than possible tint she has gairied tise very kaowledge needed la mo. ae. Sise asks nothing in ne- iunuracept your good viii, and ber advicelinas belped iisausands. Surely nny vainan, ricis on poor, should be glad-to, take advantago of itbis gener- ans offer cf assistance. Address Mns. Pinkha7,n, cama o!fIydin E. Pinkisam, Medicine Ce., Lynn, Mass. Evex-Y woman oughi to have 1 Lydia E. Pinkham's 80'.page TextI Rock. hi is flot a bok fo r general distribution, as it Is tee expen4ve. It is froc and only obiaiable by Mail. Write for it ioda y. WHY FRENCH A-RE POLIiEST. Acquire Their Good Ilreedîngî Froni Earliest Chi1dâhood. The reason that the French peo- pie en joy the well earned reputa- tion of being tne poiitest peoplel in the world is because, "la1 politesse," or good hreeding, is an j accompiishment they always ac- ruire at home and in chilhood. A Frenchman, his wife, and a couple of children will observe ail the most 3xquisite social amenities in the privacy of their own home, and the family life presents ail the social advantages they require. A Frenchi boy of even the humblest parentage does not wait to go out in the world te learn how to offer a woman a chair, give an elderly gentleman his arm, invite you to dine, or dis- cover the topies of conversation that engage your interest. Ho has Iived £rom. his babyhood in an atmosphere of family deference and cheerfuI. unselfish considera- tion, and he is charrningly polite by precep3t and example wherever he May find himself. ITCHING SCALP Ge lUid of, Ila aFew Ilours There is nothing made that will so îuickly rid the acalp ef diEtresping itehine3s as PA'RISiAN SAGE te hair dresserand beautifier, Jury & Loveil guarantee-s Parisian Sage tüe cure dandruif, stop itching ecalp and falling hir or money back, and selis it Xor, only? 50 cents a. large bottie. 5zt puts vitality into tho haiT and gives it a radiant lus- ter. It is a favorite haïr dressîng of, refined wcmcn because Àt se quit-k- ]y refreshes the scalp and not being ticky or greasy is delightful to use. BRTIGHT LITTLE EMILY. The good, old-fashioned way of getting rid of unwolcome viaitors, was to breakfast hefore the guest came e-own stairs. Later, some genius furnished a national button that read, "Here-'tsYeur Rat; What't3 Yotir HurryV~' A little Buf- falo girl, who, is the third member -of a three-piece family, de-s it yven better. The other day when the unwelcome gue'st was at the table, Emily said: "I hate, every- body in this ehouse exeept papa, mamma and myseif." Museular Rheumatism Subsided. -When one is a sufferer froan mus- cular rheumatism he cannot do'bet- er than to, have the, regiýon rubb-ed with Dr. Thomas' ecleetric Oul. There is neouoi that so speedily hows its effect in subduing pain. Let the ruhhing he brisk and con- tiue untîl case is seeurcd. There is more virtue in a bottle of, it than, can be fully est.imated. S AME THINU EXACTLY. Mrs. auggenh-eim-Flora wants one of thosenew sheath gewnz. SMr. Guggènheim-Like the one, 'ou showed me in the pieture < Mrs. Guggenhaim-Ye. Mr. Guggenheim-Teill er te crawl into an umbrella cover, NOT'MIJCH 0F A SHOW7. <'Did you enjoy the, play?'" "Net much. The leading la&- only changed her gown thre unmes. MORE HONORS FOR GIN PIILS HOLYOuIZ, MASS, U.S.A. <'H-a ving taken two boxes of your excellent GIN PILLS, they relieved.nme sa much that 1 anm quite satisfied with the resuits. 1 gavean order ta =y druggist about three weeks ago ta sendime somnemore. Nothing has corne yet and 1 had to borrow a box from a lady friend who is aliso using GIN PILLS. 1 have noue left and ara scnding you $s.5o for three, boxes which I1'would asic you ta send at once as 1 am not quite so weil when 1 am without GIN PILLS". AGATHn VANEMSSE. Gin Pills must ha good when people lns Massachusetts send ahl the way to Toronto to get them. Thore is nothing like Gin Pills-nothiug just tihe saine or just as good. Don't accept, substi- tutes if you value your healtis and want to be curcd of Kidney and Bladder Trouble, or Rheumatismi. Insist on having GinPuis. 5oe. la box, 6 for $2.5o. Sample free if you write National Drug & Chensical Co. of Canada, I,,inited, Dept. A Toronto. 92 ti ki W ( et el aý n fa st iE fu as re bc ri ici lTHE UIL.JE IRONIES 0F FAJE MILLION'.1MAKEhIS WHO HAVE DIED IN POVERTY. Great Inventons Who Made Others Rich, But lRadT auBusi- 1ness Ability. Nov and again a man is hemn wiose brains fairuy mules viii inventive genius. New ideas sineana from isim, and ail brancises of science are mastenecl wîtis ardly an effort, Suci vas Fredenie Wil- liam, Mai-tino, eue o! tiose nsnny brilliant htali,#ns vie have, lafi iheir native land t'o seek fortune ini n foneiga country, says London An svcr s Mantino, came te Engiand, and n ls ame is mosi familiar !rom tise Martini-Henry rifle, tic breeci- block o! wiicis vas oea o! lus num- eus inventions. i is an îreny cf fate tuai Mar- tino' s name slaonhd go down to posterity solely tismougis a warlike invention, Wiciha ehimsei! Lisough litile o!, vien bis greatest vork vas clone in the cause o! peace,. For Martino, vas tise discoverer o! tise pmocess for~ converiing basic slag iet manune, a discoveny visicis bas put millions ie i he peekets e! German mannfacturers, but !nom visici ise himself, it'is stated, nover reaped n penny. ENJ'-ICHED 0OtiERS. Tic flutccl ii for uminelias, a new process for the extraction o! nickel f rom, ius ore, a ncv devclop- ment o! platinoid-immensely im-. portant in elecinie work-ýand a brilliani invention for tic reduc- tien e! gold one--these are, only a fcw o! Martino's discovenies. And yet ho vas so iackiag in business cnpaciiy tisai, in spiteofo! us ex- traoîdinary output o! vahuable, ideas, be died ai Glasgow in 1903 a comparatively peer and obscure 'man, vhiic dozens o! otbers hava been madle niciser hy uis genins. Iu 1860 tise cisemisi Lenoir pat- eated a motor dniveas hy an ex- plosive mixture o! air and gas. He used eleetnie ignition obtained f£nom a batiery and a Rushmkorff col-; actnnting a- spnrking pug very similar to Liai in use in thse mod- ern motor. The sysiem o' valves; by means o!fvsi-cistise-suction o! tise piston dr~ew in tise charge o! gas fer tic nexi explosion, vas aise designed hy Lenaoir. Ia 1862 ise ncinaliy prodnccd a car visici, if erude, vas simihar in ahi respects to tisai in use te-day, save. tisai se employed coal-gas lin- siead o! petrol, and tuis ho actnnliy drove, bimsei! ibrougs tic streets o!f Paris. DIED IN TUE WORKUOUSE. Yet for reasens, similar te tiose, visicli caused tise failure o! Mar- tino, ho neyer rceeived tise revard o! bis genius, and it vas for Daimler,, noarly tbiriy-yenns linter, te produce Lie finaL o! tise pmactic- able auto-cars. Lenoir died in 1900, poor and unknevn. Tiree yeans later, in 1903, tise life e! George Shcrgold came, te an end in txîouccster Wonkbouse. Sbcrgold, originally a Pboemaker, vas tise invenior o! tise safety bicycle. IUc buili a ma-chine e!f ibis onder in tise year 1876, tic front vieci o!fvisici vas'27 incises and thse rear viseel somne 31 incises in diameter. In 1900, wvisea it firsi hecamo gen. emnhily knovwn tin thti man viose invention bcd macle millions for oisons vas as poor as vien ho isad eobbled sisces, a public subscrip. Lion vas naised and for soea uime an allovance o! five shillings n veek was made te Sisergoid. But tise funda becamne exiaustecI, and poor Siergol>d cnded bis hife in tise vorkaouse. loy many people bava even heard o! Sciseele? YeL this peer Svedisb chemisi vas penhîaps tise greaiesi discos-erer o! facis tisai the worîd lias ever knovu, -- As you slip thse razOr tcgether and tigiten up tise handie, tise guard V . curves tise flat blade. The tigister Ç you screw tise bandle, tiec doser the blade edge fits against the guard, and tic ligister the shave. Loosen t a >1 quarter turn and tise edge sprngs away from tise guard, giving n dloser shave, Tbat's one reason wby, among the millions cf GILLETTE users, with every conceivable variety cf beard and skîn, oaci one finds tie GILLETTE suits bis face exactly. That's one reason wiy ,The Gillette will suit Your Face exactly. There-'s no Chier razor made tIsaiyou can adjusit t suit your individual needs. Buy a GILLETTE '-you'1l enjoy IL. Standard Sots $5.0O-Poclet Edâtiona $5.00 to.00. Conabinatien Sets heom $0,50 up. At rour hardware dealer's, ieweier'.. drutss'or Laberdasheo'. Look for thse GILLrrTE DEPOT Sien. The Gllotte SaIely Razor Co. of Canada, [Imifel Office and Factory: 63 St. Alexander Street, Montre&ah 282 Offices.alto in New Yorks, Chicago, S London, Eng, sud Shanghai, Chia. Factorias in Montroa, Boston, Leicester, Berlin and Pa.. ose aou PATIENTS 4'ýREATED THROUGIIOUT CAN~ADA FOR 20 YKARS Drs. K. & K. are favorabiy known tbrougis- out Canada wbe,'a they bave doue busC I nessfor over L20 yeare.Thoneands or pattante have been treateci and cureS by thiser great akili SUIad t hiog ie Virtue of' their i'tew Mothod Tramn.When yau tieat nis them you kuow yon are dealing witis respon- sisia physicians as they own and (s<upy tiseir oana office building tanfDetroit, valuaci et S1oO,OOg. When tbey decida yaar case te curable. ail your worry is rensaved, for yon kaow tbey wti li etdacelva yen. Thsey guarante. taCure ail curable cags. No inatber how maay doctors have t'ailed ta benefit ycu; no natter haw auncis oney yOu bava SPant la vain; no natter ha dis- *cOurageci yan nsay bsa, dou't gtva up tn deS- ' pair until you g ft ree opinion fran these inaseter Specila t. If you are at present 4w tbtn thea elutceeaOf anY Secret balît wbinch ts sapng yaur lie by dagrees. tf yon ara sutferngtrorm tisa rasults of past Iiidiscre- * tions;i your biaod isas bseau taiated tramn aay private disease snd yon dare sot rarry; if you ara marrieS snd lAva ta dreaci of symp- tome breaklngout and azposIag pour past; il yau araeua rum«ng as tisa resmit af a cilte- Spent lIfte-Os. K. & K. are youw Refuge. Lay yonr casa betare tison coafidetalis' and tbay wtll tail you honestly if you are curable. CONSULTATION "RER 9o«&er -on A ofaiMon. If unable t. eau, wrto Carca usion Biaak (or HOME TREATMENT YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURMI W. Treat and Cure VARICOsE VIIINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY and ELAI)DEII Diseaiez and ail Dieusea Peculiar ta Mon. Cor MchîanAve ad-rLsw!d St.., De-troit, Mich. R T C E Ail lettens freni Canada musi ha addnessed te our Canadian Conîespondence Depari'. _____________ nent la Windsor, Out. If you desire to sea ns personaliy cali ai aur Medical Instîtute ia Detroit as va sea and treat no patients ia oun Windsor offices visicix are for Coraspoudeisce and Lahonatory for Canadian business only. Addness ail lattersa a foillows: ORS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. LWrite for our privatea scdres,. - - esf simulianeously wiii Priestley. GERMAN SAVANT ON SLEEP. A.nd it was Sceele viso discovered 1 Newv distInctions b0twecen sieep ihlorine gas. ChIenine is perhaps i and tise stupor induccd by nar-coties the Most important o! ahl gases ln 1veme given hy Professeor Ma-, Ver- commercial chemistry. i is tise vorn, tise eminent pisysiologisi of greni bleacier, vithout wisic ei he UnvriyoBn, ena, coud hve o hit lienor hit'lai a recent acdî'ess atishe New straw bats. i is aise tiche si dis- York Aaen.PoesrVr infectant known. Iî is essential te 1 cdm. PoesrVr tho manufacture o! tise great pain-1 worn spoke o! narcoties as making :iilr, ciorform an iL s , tissues.and coeils, incapable o! carry- extensivcly for tise extraction of! îng oxygen. ln slecp, lac saîd, ne- gold roinits res.stemation o! the vora tissues oc- Cilorine'.s valule te thee nrd hbas ours nc fatigue is clispeiied by tic been incalculable, yci Scheele, tic ,4 cent action o! oxygen. Draw- man wie discoverc'd i, hived bungrv d klusrans ro aied n and died n pauper. .varied nwege of bas subject, Professer Gene died a few weks Professor Verwonn gave a scholan- ago, n companatively poor man. Yei ydmntaino i hois Gomc vas tic inventer o! tise mod- ern safeiy-matcb, o! ibemetiod o! electroc-deposiiion comnionly known as eieciro-plating, and o! many otiýer proccssess vich ha t millions into tise pockets of uiu arturers. Gore's book, "Electro-," publisied in 1870, isb tili a standard verk -on tise sub- Thse scioolnaisiness was examining oer pupils hefome some visiters. "Who knovu visai usefual articele is ýurnished us iy tise clepianti sse asked. "hvory," m-as tic prompt eply of nearly ail. «'And visai Ërto eh gtrmtieVisale?" 5Wbie eue, auseredsevemal. "ut rigisi. And what froua tiese1a1Vý - -_____ -- "Sealing wax," replied Pecter. ,nil L. 7IS E 51. Se htFlxbe Adjustable Blade ? Note tho cune mha t e e atmlC a- Ifil -