NOT ES AND COMMENTS TR0FSLHE. No s-traDger who lias never visit- C88rsGi«WhDe'Wo1y1t TT M c1'Ed England can form a conception H "L A L T< l~Trug hit S'àf the, amount cf human wreck- A Man who began lis working ige that drifts thiougli the London aera scissoDrs-grinder in -L-kd17 OF C Aï miv, Sheffield, Engfland, and marrîed on streets and eddies througli the Lon- DpTI'aitvae foly$ welisjs lýi;i rark, o of he old fiii-A DEPOSIT 0F do prk, r f hobo-dfinidied wrh$0,Oand'lias laft fashin ii whih, atcertin hursDiplitheria, which was formnerly beqet f$,0 aht four IffIeadaue the e.I titoul~InI~ disreputabla the one cofthehe tfaa ftI i-charitable institutions 'of the City. is received in our Saving-_sE t aUoi i yt-lah the edements casscffchiîdren, bsbe obd He was Mr. David Fenby, glass. sfiin eoe nacu e5inea.NaU1sea rwheS ite~atr metropchitan populat.ucu a1,secrt by antitoxîn cf inucli cf its dcath- and china dealeropenthe acrocf ealu,-ainn il, ide;, ' &e. Wbilo ftermot tîi.1 . asindpuliclpace,. thg-proprietor ave inkçba4Ds these bes bn !nù11ow places. lag ealing power. .Nevert(i4e",s, isa very, large businesslie passBok hhies rancy, imeudicancy and solicitation Teeprec fMteho easiiasorec hllod acquired as a restcflad or allowed, and mioney imay ruaramant th hst ~igh'>- ryig ea t met ome an maks It is an infections and contagions and tlirifty habits, in whicb lis wife, withoéut delay. ruârapan; hebes >nelhbr-distinctly an epocli in their lives. Net discase, that occurs for th m sthared. ea&echo. yet Cartr's Littie Liver Pils art hec s Iandfinest vistas cf thec> de pe a luprti cilr altog dut hnli a arighshnalSaig an ea êqaly vainable in Constpation, ciing and pre tisde-o h .drsftesomcbStmlet= orl's apitlar î ld yteunderstands howv te lsmay It s de tethewage the cul lîy aae lîver anadsegulate the boWa" .EVen if tbeY QIW loafar, the egarand the fallen proerlycare forbier- prasence cf a bacillus that lodges to save oupla ganways mnagcoeyw ~ vÎeBa ur woman. A realization of thec-de-sef.O course nlear- and develops on the mucous Mem- lad a little capital tliey started a acsoI yevery wcman now- bae ftha rcspiratcry passages, saîgnrigeay uîcsi ~~e loat Newcastle., sirabiity of municipal decorr a dy a e d ical weei assifamto n n S treatmant at the wleei1assinlmainan back street. He purchasad aWhbyae IAerl~uOhaWO fiaIly dawned apon the author--- 1 ,La ~ufe ro ht dsreeugoupait bt-rwi--b- theb a fibrous feit-like sat.iyfmthiÇditsneSdolOldaildtbor t Lno la nagrt'abt uyap a sheat whicb covars tha surface. two years in busi.esc xas aile te Who oncesteui wysit the wl ila v~ moet edanlus-l u. Tis 1.'ýîE ?.H the experiance with This sheet is thc se-called false take a grocar' s shop witl an off--w lteti mo'emn . uportd y cloail orga'îism unfltted for the trial cf niembrance, the visible evidence cf icanse. Aftcr lnine ycars lie liadeoû n u eu oein ý upre yte lclsr gladwintestrain is over the diseasae-in itself not danger- saedenuglet bmete lip ad uA her syst-,,in bas eceived ashockinrthe svdeog ebyteso n i er o the erultnplc ad ing rigit upon this Cernes tha narvous larynx. Iu that casa it threatens meajiigless tteC~ rs i saine timo lhe wa.s carrying on a L quie-K eu w, wenaeourgretboa3t, Our pilaoure itwliile tha trad# prison commission, the straiu of caring for"tha chi]d, and a death frein choking. The reai *dîs- business as furniture removar, lis ntesd ot. tei distinct change in the mether resuits. case is the constitutionai affection:rwf ekn ftrtasc.Ii 1de, --Our (iater's Little Liver Pilla are 'verY m Lndn cuity oiey tc There 'às uothing mora charmingthau fever, delirium and depressien, due He was aftarwards abla te mevov ney ae arly te ue tw ile a tie or . Social Weifare Association and 1a happy and heaathy mother fchl- upîoiiiyth ailayece pu ýt) hir6i nto pesa!Wo sceres cf similar ageucies I dreu, and indeed child-birtiiunder right te osonnythe n-bacbýiiarytae-te bigger premîses and became a ub tie . IConditionis naed bic ne bazard tebiealth tn-tbtoi-aorb'd mtet e althy man, but lieanaîd bis çwife uuTr znnuIDI cE o., iVrW Tc"Xenbeaut>'. The ur.expiaimuable tùîng is blood f îcm the miucous mnembranes ecr;inued te lîve in very moderate !~aI ~1t al ~ all~ FrtnatiyLIe phlanhroiethat, w4h ail the evideînce cf shattîrad wbatre thc bacilli hv egd style. Fleors -nd doors and w sida cf tIa endeaxer is prominenf. Inarvas and bioken beafli reSultivuug Diphtherîai nle iaof th-, most con- - b>as14-te rr Though the publec is urgent y a frin a"( .tinrapared-ceidifiton, wome fal.I nsc iesi lhuh sm arun. A.kd E.l al .tlu oiu bundy t th trai the case w itl other ýsiîniar affec- ARE TOUR IIAND S CIIAPPED i and crevice, A E I~<tcAUGHlIl. under no circuimstanaes te, give'It itufas flicugli flicexpeié"rlca in e i îoacepsdsf Ifarristlr, solîritor andI conv;ey&nc0.tosntalweer xpsds Ofic:-liake Blck KngSteSaie.y? i epabil en-ons with- came tliem uîuiawares. Tliey have Soap and wnop ail you wil], --oWmàanvilë ilonc tg eroan at reftsos'ample fiie u n-wbieh - te -prapare, bu- f er.--It pre alschiefly wher-Pfitli ZadukI £meTer à.ble rate». 1-g..îsout shlter will bce helped, lazy per- tley, for the Most part, trulste chaaepil, nwîroî iredhrg- Thc particular danger ot ehappedl partly done. sons wiii be compelcd te work and and pay tha penalty. ad witî ernalations front decyn ad n odcak aatat- Ahaigt~pof1o B,.alwoMD,. re wchidren bacause cf flic fact ig atte, or ahalationgs from nt ete rm h ai)i t h BJWMÀ-9z]ewood. M.D, Wsuifable employ ment wil lebcsup- a ~î omsoc hudeafiam maar wethalatirons, ilînm maf- fI from flic pain) is that VI flOWN.D MS DLITE. 0 1lnNTy -piied for thoscneading if. Ail tCompoud ake w o me n noralensn roddtgelrii ne-cold i ikely fte peutrate and set srbigwtrwl ac 02 MEAL13 o 7lutyUt tos, fliatowok ilhCmp lid akE Pnhimsegenoral, ersn rwe igte nuvn up inflammation, festcrng, or gerns, and impurities frein G ,ve1tly, Toronto; Pour yoar. Attend! hosîalet k ille pro- Iealtiy, and strong. - tilated rooms. îbi hood-poison. Direicfly tIe sifin is prf wherever ; oihs PIws;ilil s'id Surgeon at Mi Car.mel Hoaptî. vided fer affthe varicus institutions Any wonîan who wSnld 11lze Apurify it touches.l tha Ci iýeaLd Rosiden,.e ellington St, Teudacotecfliuied - speciali adviee ini regard te tluis fthc garms ccuid linger for a long broken by a cnt, graze or scratch, ie No. îop.udreotû'f h ue oi-natter is cordially invited te timea in carpats, uplolstered foys, or ecafad and cracked by thc action GOLD DUST aise reiieve _____________________tues. The pneiiem is vas t and1wrîtet ir.Pndn a yn scilà\voî ab tdy cffIe cold uim'ds and water, tIe grînd of bending and eomipiicata.d-,-it coine at fhe end cfMas- 1cr letter wlll be held rn icars," bocks, and so forft; but oe neccssary precatutien is te apply scrubbinig, because it de ILLSIATE mnygenerationis cf social in strict Coiifidence, Ia is now doubfcd by man Zam-Buîk freely. jusic. utfI prsat ny ~sanitarians, wlie confond dsn hapteherbai ijuices from altebr ato h OAIALOGUE Iniiel axuarc~~hy. Tir etcfction cf thc room in whiidli acild whicî Zam-Buk is prepared are se okwtetyuoe metMc ecrb0d12tu uo1 bas been sick witl dipîtharia, or pcrfeafiy comlbiued aa rfned that Soap makes hoGusewvork erful ever orgauized for fIe pur- u cnuin hn ecr- disinfecfion cf li8 pînyfhinge, is tha immediate effeet -of thase Zam- bard work. Let GOLD pose, and flic grcwing damiocratiza- m, btafelaercfpgr- unnecessamy. Stili, sej long as douîlt Buk drescingÉ is soofhingafie DU T asthbudn ___________________tien cf the country may recuIt in siv ideas and ability caiinot give it I axist s it le obvicusiy saler te dis- tic, and healing. Pain and inflam- improving nýt oniy fhe aspect of te lier except fI ougli long and infect. If ic quita certain, 1mw- mation arc allayed, diseasa gel-ms US s fhigi ut iseflar eental atint ffef. cfom my eer, that cafs and dogs, and preb- expeiied frcm flic woiuad or soe, GL0DS i îol n thin bu alýo esenialpatint ffot. Rfor ma y J ably birds, suaI as parrots, may and fha latter is quickly,,Ieaied. 50 size and large pack- A Buiîîss__ollge ature. cere througI btter advisrecth catch diplifleria f rom a sick cId, Zam-Buk is nef ony a powerfui gl h ag akg exietnîg tîroneiegeand se assist in tite spreadcftI ealer and skin purifier; if15offem reaecnny Mora uport wil l enata fo ~ ientsestrongly anfisapfIýic and germicidal, course.fIeMChiea e revltcuse i iiiz IP E L~Tit e e ovemeigmi remc-dy for and se fermir fIe (-ide-l protection dili~ena eanfitoxinl, but if muect fo-r fIe ei aEus ieueFgri A. uiling Inri CandaCa theuel. Situl t ntw ci a-t anigoffI m-remed1,for ikkidueysis je Boo hv lsiei-an shouuld le caliad at once Alfa. wimec -"I»rmuist fellyouu howTfllrn ir bv seulwteufe ctude araiary Te rd e îîof IKîdneý, Pille. if flore is weak-ness, te -,-iychid wîo lhas a soc tîroaf pleaced I amn with Zam-Buk. M B I UT u Ku sne congesdaon, inflammnation ,or sore- if bis tîroaf is seon te le red or' lusband had an old frostbita on lie T. M. WATSON, countenanco butdliery aven cf sol-ni ,Boh~Kde il ucl covercd wtî whifish dote or, foot for' many years, and lad f nied Priincipal. dirweatearwionare rean n- streaks or patches cf Membrane. almst every known remedy with- it facis liorror and detestatieî,n relieva if. TIey Eaî ramu e nyn-ofaloy affect, but the, fil-st appli- WRITTEN ON TIIE WALLS 0F wlien aies re siuglard. Thea. get îy timu-moves fhe. danger cf suffocation! cation cf Zam-Buk seamed te hcip FNANBEU lafe, toe and frein fIe growth cf membrane. în 1lia se muchI fIat le perseverd and ,.,fl. SWJS. ~n.eyoun.a. hegeUtruTot.ndcfueMacurop may causekdes rv laesprobable flic occurrnence cf fIe Srefaliatory sI palalysisstmod OniY salonewch il on ecîge' li c-away backadie ta sofn uIads Ree-ld nMchrom0u del t .'tressing couaiof negiectdo depnd Sod t ederes ate uf tIe revoiutionirts mui rheumaie pain: aril teaed ultî r. 10f; .e2 mtand dizzinesse fordorees strsesger ~~feel fIe spirit (efroeange j dea ip 'y outî'sý -niain rngdigmas0 oent flarcely wifhiu lim affar suchan un lao th repa! ou reco>ntut fpuce. cf licblte, theXXuF01ltSMNA £c prmphoi.Addres s -ocree as tînt ut Nankîug. store a -gierfecf filtcnîngoftebod OIN FRISMIA ~oSIcdEmOII~O~TRosToONT,<for l~Wen.oe> c.'unenoBast(f ailî, flis is permanent. Asaermd-frwncfsep TIe revolutionisf s natural]y wisl Ail lnuggistc ccii and 1guîarante amieuîemeyforte exery l.ody, n recogntion by thc pewers cf f hem eybcni leyluteý relieve. Frank Bucklaud once said r 'Every- UIR~M!A~~s~U selves as bellgenents, butte rt l febT oolC. f. ody kno c flic faste cf 'culons; ,.Vvolutionistbuines lave .noVtu .et etbîrel- lent E je, Otfer a free trial. & f is is due te a peculiar osseutial f etbaviug their Patent busines iransa tedSidadgrafebyJy clcnfiî ificmstaube > Nxperts. Preiiminaryadvicefree. charges P-d flenselves flrmly as a chesive Lovai], Bowma, ville. iaýnLeaiflinret is cil vlia, I equeFt. Maron à maron, New Yerkc Lite Bldg, body tha________ndreor nodrae. nrInentr' Adlsr eftnpn yba eu me nd efmm____e a~~-m sure, îigîîy soporifla pewers. J lientreal s ud WashhztonilD.C..U..j. China. -The lives cf foreigners In Y ISE. umy owu trace if never fauTe. If I lave sefannef boeau cdangered by a - uIi p-essed ith oran OVER65 YARS eitlter impeialisfs orreolti -IL Cen. 2:r12.fe 1sa ifsiaIcfteo ist; sillthe lae reort ar flitre emaluoins, and the effeet ret; sillfIe la~streprtea ruetWIen I fltiu1ul uio Treas camain, is mgci" ligIly premising for fIe permanent Cenummi-s;oined i r f hoeSav i utrs ________________ i- suiccess cf flic revolufionists. There cfunie î____ _Th__ fe §lecpel te dlecia-re, iaU 7i No Conli -Dus freedom thora lie lad;i ~nîi5asercîAD al onARKS1ief ;r beart w-as grieved and HAR DAng onsnî OYIGT ý22e a îtttiO inve,îIion in rebabiy pat ri elo. Comniiiiiie,. F tie strict] y et noai. fi1080 on PatU8ArTusliIdi Otse sent free. O1dest acner for scouig paent,,Ad iush ad onged o e Patente taenc tbronkh Mui oa. reoive wBccausý b leit fIat eureiy le qxcW oiets,witot charg, lutheThe ane of iuu>usaun, and lia~s Wudl h evc la Sck tit Jtn~rcai. Ilicrto Baflled the SUIi Butcf fmifiess wac bis camneet cuest, AONEOGNfIL A bandsomnely ittatd weekly. Iligeai r. tMll ec. Hie wî aryspirit found no resf; Gi» SAP.Ol .Y enj.iion of any scientiie journal. 'ae.forofMdclSlce'19GODN&. ýArrN,.V tiaad. Pi year, postage prepail. Soif iy lFer Titus' waa nef tIarie. aul tg x r ..... I~ION & Br.oadway, New York ,~ ,4 f> If cnly Titus icie appoared, LCC4.LLJ.A L<VJ.1. l. wo-ald lave beau, whle tiefi iearcd, Dry air treatment is the oe treat- Prer-> red te do and dame Meont that wilI cure thoe diseases. What stomach medicine lias ever But n fhiog gava himn hope an usen known to cure Catarrh or Bron- laf :hitis? 1el-i c Trous te depart; Cafaru-luozone la net a stomach medi- For tfbce wae net flanc. ~ lt-.but au air nîedicine, that uries 3YO83et Canadian Northwest '81 0tairreet ai ffueira Regulations. aunge, and aur celle little drops et helal-. n isyf hu inc e NY pc-son whe i. the soieeliead of se curative that wvlunever it Who t-ea1whene Paul cO bravel A family or any maie over i8 rears nid. ecaa- ie' îî n rdctst- mei homestead a quarter section ofet ae u hsrr ie- iisadeaiae x a.ble Dominion laed in Manitoba. Sask. th,n frein the sYtm.1 h ý)dýflf oba atchuewan or Alberta. The applicaet must 'PuouisOids cf detors, and, patientes fewr f i eba appear te person ai the Domiion Lande have beau -disaPPO!iote-d by usiug Seeni ail iru vain tiue:n cfnongfht ~geflcy or Snb-Agency for the distric't. tîaCimdansfrcula aCp Cr y proxy may ho made at eny azg.ti-,hmdcns o ogs B ppc recy, on certain conditions, bu ftier, olds. have yen not ttiund t a natbar flecaut - ftue tried and truscte mother, son. daughter, brother or eister roîîn'nbouît way te ucacli the ceaseed of iîteuieg hemesteaden, pcrtion ef the tr'rat and Ilunes? --- e Dettes :-Six moîiths' residencetimon Wîïy nct use Catarrhezoua, ibh iv Se dften is net tiare. aed cuitivation of tho land in each ef ilunce ycars. A homasteader may liv. wl, breathed te the very root et the dis- in ciao miles of bis hoestead ce a fate ese and Ilein se runlakly and, peu-AsM aueedhoecod ef t Iatui 80 acres soely owned and 1 tctly thai cvi u' spot le rebulit with As cdli dopn ad occupied py him or by lits tather, moîli new hcaltby tUssue?Wh i-dýopn adsu tu. sec, danrhiter. brother or sister. ,ý In certain disricts a lomescader in CatarrhozOne je the only med'acine L-i good tanding mer are-emelt a uuarter that wii cure, Thousands have testi- Witb froîgandCIsteaet cir igeoiion alougeide bis homestcad. Price1c 13.00 ver vc-re. Dutie-Must reelde sixfied. 8e Cvry",fafhîlco ed Incnthe in eaoh et ix Yoars fl-cm datae of Think fer a Moment. le 't nct Ceuse? TIc e h}î eiîliepll îniredtecenr henestîd pahetime r Little drops of healing-the air car- i-J Winivate fifiy acres ceraý. ries thern juri vihere disease existe. -td Ir o a-s flore. Il 'oetae ho bas ex7hausted hî-q That is why io i-a* hemestead rigb sud canot hain a T. WATSON, teMlec.rat sietct. P rie 5301 tini l~ on S tation,: Ont.,1911. W. W. CO LiT mgise rb mi etpl r id >y te il &Wîîl youu kindîy intel-mn nie if y o n r Gi:n PilES are solel ii',New York City? 1I ]aarned abou'ct tlîeni lest eing 1 toS, COnt., &und spentthfle sumuner fliere, She got vene cf ycur Gin Plls and sent taem f0 me ud I1 tri-'d iliem a'nd found lhem te lie tUe est îuudicine finit I ever used aonliuysd lîadder Trrouble, Oi1t1 Sny ld ue s emuitgood aî Ianso mnnchlieterIhope "yen Can ix h 50 tincs e liiupilinN or" CH~RLESCOL 10,5 ýNADA &9 BranACler Ban.k TDepa -rtmef-t, anci ;s at and enýýtite the DeposItor ta. st cur rent rate of Lnterest is be withdrawn at any tün0 ment a-L Every Branch. R. N. CMulln,M Ir NCwon u l, s ort ha 4 d Brooklin, )rs-spotless and gh to "eat off "-e r scrubbing water 7oo ,work arc hard to dleail get -goud-itocverycrack [l the job-at- best- will--be only GOLD DUST added to yoùi eit scarch eut dirt,! grease every cranny, and &lanse an ls yau of that weary, torturing feLet the COLO DUST T97NS do your work" -K COMPANýY, onra theOapteunvle.àtwaiýL Lý the word tliat -wee so, bhorrent to him. This document of the first abdication is kept iw l ibrary at Fontainebleau, and any one may see the straggling writing, marred by a long blot cf ink, se if the not~ bc0 x wih ut Za. .. c'in the unwilliug flugers. nefle wfhu ZmBu n I Century After Century Unfolds Be- WIIEIRE NAPOLEON SPORE. Zam-Buk le aise a sure cure for fore tIh. Visitor ta Aiiei 'flie visiter can Vhan ouf into piles, ecema, uleers, abecesses, fI aac.te su-nahine cffIahCour d'Adieu, scalp aores, bloed-poisop, bad log, tPaceJ witl itis double stairway cturvîng emuptieus, etc. Its purcly. herbai it je difficuit te ýsay mucc cf flic outwands, frcm the top cf whiob composition makes if fIe ideal baim paiac cof Fontainebleau nifhin tIc Napeleon stood wifl. baro-d lead for babie's and yonng chldnen. Ahl limita cf a short article, says a and e aid geod-bye te lis Old drnggisfc and stoes sali Zam-Bck French wrifing frcm Paris. Thc Onard, flese lard-feaaured leree 50c. box or post froc fri Zauni interet and beauty cfflihe place de- wlo lad steod ly liîm in a thon- Bul Co., Toronto, for prica. Tmy fy comupression, for fhe uliole bis- sand figlîf , -and wbo wer-c now nef aise Zam-Buk Soap, 25e. fablet. tory ef France us written on its aslam',ed te stand wifh tanne fie-w- walis from flua year 1137, wiu"u ing down their clueks, as flîay bade young Louis VII. af tIc uga of~ their leloved general -geod-bye., THiE EMPIRE 0F STRIFE.- 16 wac fIe flrsf Ring cf France te TIe, palace gardan is ,fine] y laid A large. Empi re wifh wide-spread- fake up bis residence flere. eut in fafomitrnhsyewt iug eatacias, mnade. up cf mixed Century affer century onod e a atre f Plwe Ud races of fanatical and somewlaf fore vyen', as 3you stro iiglu flu ia1' raiit nake. Ticla- olaei indolent peoprle. Sud ie ýTurkey, mrelosyfumnlD' aîddeý1- sr ld oma"cffluec nrpi ucu, unnbappîly, fglunui1n flic wNai-i r cfd roome sand f iIe sbadowc ',fif re ca ýî l..vaivcd', fior Iîuud. news. fPartýtfte OtmnEîn lcpe rw c liieseIrode f ya pire is ,iiiEroepart inii ça, and pecinfs.:aro i tIc oldat par 1t boýý 'ficîvi-kowî oes ed part u Afiicuand if ceeme inicred- cf fLic palace is Lfie saln cfSt fer hî!ýuils u ifler bde ut wonid icl fliaf ifs population je alose Louis, wlere frowuug down frein nequlire a wlole bock to edscnîbeo uîpon forty millions. At no, tima aboya fIe cari cd mautel site Henry Iif alone. las Tunkay beau fre item stnile V. on an enormous ithite horse. for very long, and hisfory records Hic st.eru bearded face is seen flic waniike spirit f cf1r cens,.lRe- again, in a Itiet, oven fIe beautti- 11W IT LOOKED. volte, insurre-ctions. massare, and fully eculptuncd mantelpicce in the "Do yen fliink fIat youîugnmari liluade. or holv wars. <von up con-1 Salie des Gardes. lias matrimonial intentions?1" fînuaiiy in the diary of tIc puet. lu Turkay means cf transit are in a parions state. Roade are lad, fcw cf tIc rivars are navigable, and in cons-equence trade, witî üflar couit ries je slow, Conscrip- FRANCOIS I. LEFT MANY F'S. Fraîîcois I., wlosa skiiled Ifalian wcrkmeu huit se many cf fIe French palace-s and se mucl cf Fcnainbiean.doniriatas evcrv- tien las been fIerunie for recruif- fhîng wtî lic migfhuy latter F, whie iug tIa Army sincoe 1880. Louis XîV. and lis bri-hUant ou- fturaga have ift flair mar-k in TIcy Soof li Exciteel N 'er as. -- many a graceful and pricelese Nervous affections are mucally af- picca cf furniture. tributabia te delccftve digection, as Madame de, fi uîtenen's lîttie fIa stomacl ý)demrinates fthe nerva rem ic ex, -,quisîta uitl, ieic nia euînt es. AÀ coul-ce cf Parmelpees rnbeidr -,fheu day. T'fIeld> bancs ls clinaceraud y nftes ron m aa neatio f tien reliava fle icalvas fr,, rit-Iins&n adeiokat ifs î ýeuy - tien. 'fIereis ne seýdative like thor a esf. %Ind in flie correction cf irregulani- Fontainebleau is iouîîd up witl tics cf tIc digestive processes, , tfli stery cf Nupeleons isa, and preparafion lus donc se effective flu. Hic- impeniai "N" and bis work, as eau lec stified te ly flou- favoritecmblam cf fIe le arc work- sauds. ed cn bis tluîone and aven lunflic -~ laîugings cfhIls bcd, as flough te AND 5 ON. ay: "'flic lcad may nef rest, AND S 0'->T.flese tfliuglife muet la evel- busy "Wlaf h. flic domnestie science fme is slietýt." unquire tue engagea guru. "Ift consiste cf making lasli cuit TABLE NAPOLEON USED. of fhe lait-over meut, and aro- 'flore aI, s is fIesplendid lbas-i quottes Ojtitc at-ovar blat," nef givi an y île it, , f aris te fe expiaince ler ieraeiee cdbaby Kin-_îrý cýf Ronce, i luiscrISt,-J fniied. I cins, sud AlePitetala iuceMAI CAME UNDER 'fTHE1LvW. 'dte sogun -va -lis a"c naOeTh in uishok-f. - fue wMayas L maf sud looked nt '-Il cerfaiuiy do. ftfer. Ho, tried te cenu inca nue tact nighf fIat 1 locked praffier in fIat $12lut than in thce oe fIat cst $20." SEIZING OPPOIITIJNITIES. "Lef"s drop info fhis restauriant. - "Oh, I don'f balera 1 cana te eat anyfhing !" " Well. coma lu and gat a uew bat for yoeld ene, ywy lia rmmeseïr"ig aian ander cfngtcaceecrdion kuet, BD, 7