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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1911, p. 3

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Dr. morrscy's No. 10 May Save Vour UC It IHas Made Many Rearkabie Cures. oosagli. and lu October, 1907.drn fît of eoughing 1 had a dreadfu,,,l ncmoa hage, und greai Stsnams Of blood isciiedI from n iy routb. Wa called iu the *Lily p1bysiclaâ, who prcnoucecd It TIubercuiusls, &nd said It was a miatter of but a very short Uie, We bcd Isaard a great deal of the wanderful Fathel' MoÈrscy. end we wrote hlm to send us soma of bis No 10 1Long Torie, for 1 iadi eard what a fine rc:nedy Il waa, and feît sure It would help rue* Mhe dear good mr -i sent the cure, acul j tock It faithfully, but In the spr;lug et 1908 the fswalycalledluina IQ4aL >hyslClai, Who emid I hafi cusuniption, pma tiiere was na hope for mee This however, did not dalnt me, for 1I knew taI the cure was hotpng mc. s.and I kept on takiug il faitlituUy for oves' b 75cr, and neyer mlcsed. and to-gay 1 x,m lune&peudid bealth. Every one In Wuwn ba"sasld il was the most wonder- Kul ard nilvaculous cure they bcd ever heard of. 1 eau walk 8 lu 10 niles a - an, e,-, >, ytlsr y Iwant, and look W, thionl ui tee neer hsa.1been any- thln ssrng wth m. I'ople look on 90et t mcawýýiha but stili tbey h&veno dea ow ondefulmy recov-, I C uîUWrte quite a book on wliat you No 10Lmig Tonte bas dona for meamiIbn fe1that 1 bad net donc 1tjsie tock a foultwou years* trstirEnt f fyour mediclue oand I amn CUrCà of consuroptlon. 1 cannot pos- ubÎlY ex<press my gratitude beôause- Words fail nie. We always recomrnend Your No. lu, ani I know il will cure otber cà§sàs as liad as rilue if they Wlll-- ouly lise il falihfully. ][ wlll gladly answe.r anry questions trons amybody Who wishes te know fuether partîcularo. I{arry Montgomery Byrue. Tise bovt preseiption ws not a "Cure- Ail" or so-calied patent mneAlclne. Dr. Monigey preseribed il fer 44 years, and Il cured Ithousandea after othor dotores fe.lled. Pnrieu- Small Sise, 25C.: Large Size, tOe. per bottl"- -at your dealers or Father Morrsey Medicine C,)., Limited, M.ont.,eual. 40%. Sold and gîîaranteed in Bowîuain- tiIle by Jury & Loveil. ALWAYS. ~'Ate a;1 uceess is a d isgustîng; "XVhy do you isay thiati"' "Lt alwayE rnvolves such a lot. of iarci n'as-k." lnteruaýi7y and Extes-nally it iîs %od.-Thecrowning property of!I Dir. iLjw.Ioma'LEclectric Oil is thiat it tan bp used xinternally for manyï ý omplaints is neil as externally. or so)re throat, croup, whoophng eouîgh, pains in the chest. coliio and pany kiind,,ed ailments it lias cura- ýive qualiti 41iat are unsurpassed. ý bottle of e ot iteand lie nao loss in always having it at iand. SPEEDILY. Teather-"WVh.)t is teloeity,1 Iobuuy V' Johnny -"Velýocity is wlîat a chape [ets go of wasp w ith." uates get nd holdl14oo oI tioles owinug to their epro J Phiegmatie. Fan tIs-ase ofus -whohve ai tampteel chasactes- s-ading thm-oug tise medium ai chins, ios-ciîead, jaws, bands, and even tise colorc a pes-son's eyas and hais- mucisc unterest maybh a gtsesed fs-rn s-s cent reeaî'ches ai Dr.Roise-t Joues, F. R. C., S., 'Supes-intend cnt ai tise Landau (Englaud), cour ty asyluen. In addition to bain, considoreai One ai tisernost diç tinquissee experts on mental dis eaEe-, Dr. Joses is humorouslý .creditad witis baing tisa Shantocý Holmaes Oaitise medicul profession ii that, it is said, hoe eu e rad anoti as- pes-sîsr's idosyrecrasies, tr'oubles histou'y, habits andl tiougists sim ply hy looising ut hie, "We isîuw people as taîll c short, bais- os-due-k, square os- slirn,_ j says Dr., Jones, "andi wa know vbý e xperialnce tisat ose man's meut i anotisar's pois ndeif we cal discovas- by some special, means o observation itise distribution of en dowwrnt, tie caacity for educa tion, tho suitability'bar occupation tue fitness,, for altos- hile, tise taste tisa disposition Or tendeucy ta act os- even tise susoeptibiîity ta dis case, isn<stises wos-ds, if we cas as cestan tsetempes-ansnt ai tis uîsdividual, we, and lie, as- sha, maý ha saved rmucis dissappointený asd sars-ow." T11E WORD TEMPERA MENT. Lt so happons tisat the wae-d tee, pa-amant is a vas-y olai ose. Dr Jorues*says it wus in use more tisai 2,000 yenss gô. Otises authoritieý have dadas-ad tisat Hippocrateý os-igiuated tise word 400 B. C. Tis ancients isudrno stethoscopes, tuer. mometars, xvatches or instruneent5 bas- reasus-ung urterial ps-assure, Iii pisysiologicai andl but littie anutom- i'ai isnawiadge, but they knesv a great--,leal abottameiperamÏent- Tisey cultivuteel a issowledgo of ex- tes-nul sigus us a guida ta tisemean- tal andl moral cisaracter ai those witis wiom tisey huad dealings. "Event us tise ramoto past," de- dus-es Ds-. Joues, "dus-k aredfair pas-sons ware isuown ta ha pedis- posea ta euse faidiffas-ent typou and classc a andtisa saine disase wes-a ksown to, affect them dibies- ently andi naeded differant teet- ment bar tuais- reliai f .Expariesa- ed pisysîcians uad sur-geons ire mos-e modes-n turnes, s-aîying on tise muxis tat u-eare--olten--Juetter isnowu by Ons- looks than Ous- words, have folîawad rnct kaauîy tisa study af resambilances and differ- ences lu thisas-patients ---- ces-taiul- iseanîy ine Saint Ba-tisoiomew's Hospitul, Landau, iretise time of Dr-. Patr-icks Blacis, wha, witisout examining tiser, grospad isis ont- door patients, uccos-ding ta tise phy- siognoeuy ai thisas-diseuse. "Tses-a is a danger, sosvevem-, lu deiseesdîg too mueis îîpon pisysical character bas- mental traits, We ismosu-tise impulsiveness, i Tîaingg, iseTHE LOVE 0F CHANGE, ~< ~"'~f//// and 'tise unc as-runteai hope of b lue- ~. /~4~?-. /4~~p' ycai, rad-hiased people (tise sangu- ina tempes-amant), as conts-asted wi tisah caution,, persistance, andi Cor. Yonge a nd Alexander Sts. ambition ai tise dans eyodad u TORON'fO, ONT.f blueS-hais-ad(tise so-cahîcd biiaus Le dofnthle hisgicest ssa"ofe criles.1usipscs tenspetamant). Yat surs-ousding and- -',urthand itdeticu. StutsenSfth it.' is -cmtna ues a dis s-cas sic new lu pc-tuOns esosti funos sas o eoy $100 pe mluaiS. uceer now. cataesgu l eatus-ul impulsases aid tendances fec tisat a carroti -haied gis-I migist ha iW. J. ELLIOTT, Pri:ncipall. tr.ansiormeai into tisa unensotionul and simple naturne ai has-blueS- haied istas-. ihis ay nteestYou "John Stuas-t Mil' ciearly se- ThisMay nteest oUcagusizeai tiat difiese4,nees aifisodihy structure wn-e-eoeated wsitisdii- We su-nia rehiaishe mas ta sali our- t e-uitrental states, usnd George ivelI kanown spaciaities hante-it Incas, 1Eliot want lartlee -and dadas-ad irnail fruits, seed poiataes, fiowesiugj she nava' knew lrisns uaids-ad-haie- ihs-ubs, r-6s, eue., lu Bowmausuilie anajssociateai. - touîsty dur'ng tahi and wiutar moutlus. "As ta chetisas temperismaut is Oulattrc eelsl'eîreîîryayveki pisysical or mental, os- neithes-, 600 Acres of Nûrsery StOcl( proebably no two autisorîties us-e lean weli grows trees and sirubs tIssu j luhy agreedi. We cunnot f ail ta ir111 sutisfy your- costomners. Ece-Is' andj recognize tîsat tisera îas a carrela- ;ood douives-s guaranteed., Establiisril1 tioa b etwc-eeutain bodily statas >eres 35 yeass Write lfs- whola or part 1 nd certain mental states, sisowu Urfne tes-us. SALES MANAGER, by tise apperance af tise brais lu PELHAIM NUR~SERY CO.,, certain bas-ms af irssarity, uaidtises-c TORONTO. is alsa a cars-ehation betweean ces-- IONTRAL & UEBEC to LIVERPOOL S. S. LAIJRENTIC S. &- MECANTIC Passeng eÎi ln cIl lasses. Elevators. Orchestras. Mts: Flyst $J250; Second $53 75 up S. S. TF'I7TMIC0 S. S. CANADA Onu On C ca Mu>be,(11) uni Third Ck3se. ~ats: entnk 55 np aaa$50 u Xluas alIN S tain bodily statc.s and certain mor-1 Vdu stut-s" Dr. Joncls hlas pointed outthat tom perapment may bo dividcd into four c 1as e . lu os-des- iancifully ta d~i t~ he m they have been consescdanalogous to the ages of l ln'rd to the sea sons of thse year. responds to cîldhood andl spring, the bilions type to youth and sum- mer, the, melancholy to middle agý andl autumn, and thse phiegmatie type to aid mge and winter. WITI TIIESE FOURt TYPES as as hasis to work on, A Stewart and ot'ilrs wi ohoiave written on X~IDNEV. LI, STOMACH-, and PO'e 1kiordrsquicly cured by !FPILL S ~tstAgii 1. 4.iSiiit, t ~.ainEeU, A~<i c'i 25 'usper box, Qr Tbmu Mosntii, . c i1"'1i Ca, t J'sOras Cm, PLIYSICIA'N WIHO READIS ONE' CIIARAC E N A LOOK. Four Basie Teniperarunits, Sangt lac, ChoIes-be, N s-vous or er bettes- in a uaraom tisaisia ls. Sccsful uâs- ormany cs- rndusgnt s-iii uuas aiscîsig-m-an- i an t treats lus wnue ut home. ruas-s, iid and safo, 25o per box, ail ste-ages- lse ns>s-e tses- ac u'ee I li jOnce in a gueat wiîle tisase i s a jdealers, or Tisa Catasricozone Co., I1is jluatiser wso evoulai4 h-aId ta have Itgtn n.i"O-me î o slses a iing out. Isnfota dye. ao fotsa aiie oien htsaimsaîlo Iîc'stik $00 and 50o nt Dm lStre-s or direct uonc ma sisý "es Shisnia uef ' .bywfi us~nt. eî-j "SE ALI, SU S àITUI'g8 t'ohiig asi tîde tia us.' SIdEves'ber. l bnee e t rny îi'mr !nctssr-sv eu ucI & ioveîî. rn:AhIfl~ nr..untue wth men. Thse course for a r it<1fMHlpiomwîý ouûryeae-s and the tui. 0 !de '-the uuarantee ,, F-1o , r tion only- $10 per- annum fo)'r natives I and $50 for foreîgners. t'raeîîcaî nu rn TILEIE ARE FINE SCROOLS training is givon in ds-awing, paint- N ext T iIii Y ou neaeau lI *fuing in water colos-s and ol ein IIIRLFO ORER.iug of decoration, -friezes. wa1I ihtyue rem o h u. veqOthr Teau t led1 ldutril E1u,ýiton1 raiiingpap er, ustan, wood Ccas-ving, etc. will make the lightest- flakiest, most nautrie Indstia EuctioalTrinng1h ratialwak i speinened' tious bread you have ever tastedl,-,Jf you Yby çlaily _1ecturs o ts the ýiory () P Bt Fri-a-teves" Curesis ~Provilied a ha)each traciaan te9n struetion hventtested it order àa bag nextl eyu GRANiDe Li5Niz, QUI5., Jan. 2fldr 19ïo. vryjï'u oto the groce-îs, ,t- "My wife was grtly distressed for Cognisprasaai-apl TEACH 5110E MAKINO TOO. t:, eyaa ihernc eao he0 f ai l thse cities af tise empire in its In Wermeiskirchen, a short ds hbanda, and the disease was s severe ctoa aiiisaogndStnefrmClnds-0 Sthat it almost preveuted lier from using tuainlfclte ln ids ac rmClge he gavernment her hands. nhe doctor gave hier several trial linee. has a scisool for ta-aching shoemak-thÏ . of ointments to tuse, but none of them did Among thse principal educationai îng. Aithougis it is supposed that 0_ auy good. H1e aleco advised her to wear institaltionsof this kind is the Royal jthse art of making shoes is Most the bard wheat flour 8'uaranteed for .ra t, rubber gloves aud-she woe-e out tbreUid Machine-Building, hgl evlpdi the United p- aie-s withont getting any benefit. As a hgl eeoe last resort, 1 peesuaded hie- to t- hc etksta rpr ad-IStates and that Pli ý"-'-*, 1 5ý n- teFeuit-a-tives", and the effeet was dates for supesintenýding tise huild-Icopy its method and forms, -it is a ' O O O O IO g9 marvellous. Not ouly did "Fruit-a- ing of installation (of al, kinds of factthtsueîs ,u' ,S-tivsl'enirey crethe REzema, but machiaery. There are e ývenÎing and Iass.,-and other cities near tiset S- sufee eoSna lasses for those nat able cestesofheheain iduty y was aiso concpletely eue-ed. r fteiheaigidsr at othr time -ma Eta-e etbFl aLliem and declare that Cream of the West ,k Wbohatbtecrpeesent good "1u cret ti e oolt be taugist. oFer is a superbe- be-ead floue-, and as such la subjeçt nhealth to "Frit-a-tiveï',. N. JOUBERTr. as-e special coures dealing with tise Tise difference between an American t uaslt usatemnyaki e aifco- d'Fruit-a-tives" wili always eue-e installation of gas and wates was-ks, wos-kman and a German who has at- SI ezeina 0e- Sait Rheum because "Fe-uit- tise installation of electric works of tended tiesa eiooî is tîhat, wiie thse afer a fais-e-lai. Ay cdealce l ie-et aofuthoried ba-tives" purifies the blôod, corrects the ail kinds-and the superintendance American is an expert ln doîng ane en- nupi ycstmro eu- fuue ù- Indigestion and Constipation, and toues of gas works. thing, tise German has been taught portion cf bag if floue- is not as repeesented. up the Nervous Systene. -- r "Fruita-ve"stieny Admission ta these courses is open how ta buy leathes-, how ta eut ta -Ti. ampel MIIng e.Liitd, ornt,. In the world mnade of fruit juice ansd t any one who has wos-ked asantise hast advantage and has beau Arehibald Camupbell. Piregideat vaubetonies, aud is -the geeatest of apps-enttie in- a sisop, doiin rci git-en a. thorougis course iu tise mak- 'y ail blood-pueifying reneedies. cal work, advaucement fs-arnencig of sises frpim start ta finish. 11e oý Yc 0 rotzci oLm-0 £= o 0ocm 50eSo. a box-6 for $2.5 -or trial size, casta another being granted affer csoeaeaymcieadpr n25C. At ail dealers or from Fruit-a% exainiation. Tise fees are 823.60ifs-m auy manipulatian requis-ad. if tives Limited, Ottawa,. _____ _______________ par aunum to citîzens, and $119 to Tise course, like all athe-s, takes FrSl yrJ .~inIomnil;C l rsa~&Sn fsoignes-s. Ine certain cases tilition bsrm three te four yens-s. ThssOhwJ .issharal, , - , A . C, jBnon ectl;Ca.Bion tise subjeet of tise correýlateion of the is free. Eacis pupil is insured schsoîl is axpeced to graduatOmshCawak; J. R.FirW. CooeO-n. îtoNwa0Brto' forcie ye hv lasfe against accident or deatis, tise ps-e- ahle ta take charge of any sisoe bac- tisam as follaws:, mium per quarter' being this-ty tory~ S_ Tise sanguine typa, consisting of cents. Tise curriculum of tise first, TRIBU NESM . Vpersans who are short and obten or entes-ing class, includes tise fol- TRIBSNES EN stout- iiilat>er lewhohv fi- lowing studies, ta whicis barty-hans-s A-boy- who is tefollow- a-business -,ri complexions, bIne eoyes and red per week are devotd: Germas, ma- - rer instt ioenahpaad ý' haie-, rentally, active, ornotional thematics, pisysics, cherniste-y and couSe of trucio. e goas to v and excitable but lacking in per- rwn.aspca omrca cso rom tise sistence and steadiness and show- W1AT THEY LEARN, fisst day until, hc graduatas frorn D EB LI9TATrE D MIEN ing a tendancy ta acute illness. tise commercial higis scisoal. Tise -Tise bilions as- choleric type, In tise higiser machine-building most celabratad and hest equipped rthYOUNGiMENcfANs- ld MAreGn sd laMMou *those wiso are thick-set, rathor course tise list is as follows, witis scisool of this kind lu Ges-ma. isc ùmes, .1o Îys-e direét iteo and t ,clumsy bolk, with das-k eyes, haie- tise saine numbes- of hans: German lacated in Cologne. Ts s e- ,joes euserya ond vita nds-. % It ve and complexions, people wiso are iistory. business iistas-y, exercises star tise attendance nurnhered 1 221 r'= Rn-d&ra, useefecvetret sd w otan gauty or rheaumatic, and wiso in re iting, practical goometry, mei- students bsrn ail parts of Germany, tarins ru sre rm la, adt are mentally unamotionai, dauiber- cisanics, machine cements, power and tisera were also eigisty-two fore-OuNeMtbdTeme asntcd ate and joalaus. machines, lifting machines, electro- igners. Tise baculty includes about hudeds froim the bs-ik of despair, bas re-- Tise nos-vans, sometimes melan- techuies, building t nlýgex- it rfsosan u&s hls bas made aucceastul men' of those wbe uer. tacinalgy, ibt proessrs uj ttor. Tia ist down and cut." W, vresce-ibe specifl re~x 0 ebaly, type. whicis is made up perisueuts in Iaisoraibory, praventing of studios embracas': Political ecu- edies for each individlus? case accocedng tise& principally of slight, sle,_ tali accidents and factos-y hygiene. nomny, public law, geography, r 'posan aen - ypaetomediandeompVictiqOse he eso figirs, larek ehad and point- It is not expected that avery gra- Frenchs language and lh erature, sci- Our- patn dernes Ths s P,; c tetsecrets e ed chrs ak nd--sallaw- duate wes-- ho__compelent toia taises enjce- of insuraucp, usechan-sand-esb Is -cIdu1 ' Onleurie dpedeso skn h ewotikquickly,re charge of large wos-ks. but ha will, electrotocisnics, trade techiis,I eetdWeaedn.biesth-ihu act rapidly, are susceptible, but at least, ho a competent wos-kran. Englisis languae nd lites-atura,-.NCndfooe2Yaa easl - vs tas mtos A student who isas earnied tise mas- Englisis commercial correspondance, CURABLE CASES GUARANMrED These tend ta subies- fromn net've ter's degree is expected ta hac crn- comman law, pedagogy, batany and OR NO PAY -storms, not inrequently ending inre ptent ta take charge cf any detail mieroseôpy, histos-y, mathernaties, ,Df~ Ares-ou a 'ricIns? Have yon 1051 isnt.of tisa branchin r which hoe gradu- railway tas-ibis, bankiug and hoard IiLHU LiisclihiAe-eou intendinsg te mae--? An ai ty h plai tise, Bas your bicod beeu i ease? Hve -on n~n isty, piiemaietyerites. of te-ada, liseas-y,,isandling ai mer- J seakuess? Our. New Method Treatere )t ut people witis bulky les-ms, lightcansetetl sutymiadcreou What it bas doue for otbers it s-lu liais-, pasty complexions, slow MAC1INERY ON VIEW. teîe te tidle aw lsr, mi neOu.bas onulateiso, Wrte fo a oet movesenon ph, tade la sewspapar -,i d fr ou. Couttéfr n o malt mvnets, nsentallv iseavy o -Wthin a bew steps of tise machine- te-ade, protection of workrnen and -.ý?oyhood, Xanbaud, Fatherhood.'1 (IllustraI- baud, slow and plodding, a type building sehool rnay ho bound tise charitable institutions, tariff insus- eZ)>ou Ilicease3 of ileu. - wirhtens t deeata ad ds- ermnen Exibiionof as- anc aneaad mutual protection socle- NO liÂES USFD WITHOUT IV SiTTEN CONSENT. No naines on lbo5es or enve!- cases ai a slow course. Machinas-y, ta which all students tics, measures, weights and mnig o iis onieteQua3ion es t and Cci of Treatinent IFXEE FOR HOME ______r.-have aceess. In tisis exposition inay estieties, isistos-y of business, En.- r rr e a AW haefound a las-gocollection of Jl~ii ricsan lsmneai- kinds ai woo'd and le-on was-king graphy, chemists-y (sith oneai tise But iNotAtrtaii-bt mchines-y lu actual aperation. In- finest labos-atories in Gecrnany),CrM hiaAe.adGswdSt5DrotMi. Dead. tendiug pu-chasars of uaw machin- voîce building and oratos-v hygiese, hg veanGrwl os-y also braquent tise exhibition, for Gosman literature, as-cieology TI .Ail lettes-s fsrn Canadarinustbeaddresaed Jury & Lovoîl will tell you tisat bas-e they can sea under actteal rnining, listas-y of architecture, 4 j Là ta aur Canadian Correspondance Depart- hae salis a great easy hotties of working conditions diffes-ent samples meteoroîogy, history ai arts, taxa- esen,. ta Windsor, Ont. If you desire to I Parîsan sam sea ns perssaally cali ut aur Medical Iustitute in Dets-oit as we ses sud treat L PrisanSage bacauise it gives sat- of theise kind of machine. Me- tias, optisalmia, city building, sur- ene patients ine aur Windsor offces which as-o for Correspondance and isictin.chanics nmay came isare and raceive gày -usc(ho-yEytlg, Li * Thay guaranitea it ta eradicate practical instruction in repsating zoology and diseases af the skin. a DR- fS- aNia:DYusinENNEY. dso , IOnltte-.stlos dandruff, stop balling a.'sd splitting machines. Every effort is made taj Tise olbswsg languages -a also ntfousp-vadde. hais- and itcin scalp, or rnoney induce prtsspective purchasers of taugist: Chineso, Japasese, Pas-tu- back. machines-y ta purchase onliy tisat gueso, sew Arabie, Tus-kisis, new_____________________________ Parisian Sage will maka hais- grow made in Gos-easy, and it may ha Persian, German to foreignes, if tise hair roat is sot dead; it isuts said that this is tisa rasultitnl Most Duteis, Russian, Itahian and Span- For yens-s "Tise Gateway ta iiirutn me as a pupil ta Sir- firai ile and luster inta duhi and baded cases wisese machinas-y cas ha had ish. Casiboa" bas beau throusgi AsF Maxs. Tisera I warked in tise hais-, and is tisa rost deiightbul baij to do the work requis-ad. Lectures as-e givan on îsauy sîîb- croft, where breiglut andm pas-ci abIahr.atos-y. dressing in tisa world. Only 50! WOMEN GIVEN EQUAL FACILI- Jects sot enumarated and may ha gar traffic lsas iad ta b haualed b', "Tisa iachiss ecas ha fitted îspiq ts alaig hotle.j iattended by anyosa upon payment waggon and stage. W iltiste build p"!s'ate lieuses and used to wos-k Parisau Sage is -tiahe st hiarTE.of $2.28 bas-tise samester ofb125 cents isg of tise Grand Tî'uuk Pacifie tii.dYîsamo1 and ýso suppiy ýelectrio growdes- and beautifier, dandruif Tisa State also provides a scisool a single lecture. Tise tuition is lessj condition will ha entirely ,charigedi îîght, wos-k tisa lut or sas-ving mach- cus-e and scalp eleanes- knawn. Te-y bfs- taciig architecture and build- tisas $100 per yaae. Lt is supposad sîemt 'csing wlien ltise pi-.dbai'iiIi y inae, do tise cooking or numpisg, or - et or ous- money bacis plan. ing, and tisa sttîdests efre taugist tisatisat ail pupils hava graduated freon arsetisat a steamer s sec will Lbconthirqg raquired af it at nocoit use of tools as well as tise tisaory ai tisa commercial "s-cal scisools" opaî-ated hctwecîs Tete Jaune Cache ait ahI. designing. (Realscisulen), babas-c entaring isare. tisat tvîll bhetie <md a steel aitishe "Its poweî- is usii adef, and il CANAL OF STEEL.j A scisool ia wisicis pupils are ps-e- Tise State also attends ta tise ex- timae, assd tise line between tisese could ha buiît lisida tisa ordinary In cannoction witi tisa Nile ir-- pas-ad bar a cas-eau'uninudustruals and aminatiais ai al candidates for mas- two points. Asicroit isili hasec its motor omnibus bonnet. Tises onl1' rigatione system at Wadi Kom- decos-ative art is also oseaf tise bea- tas- os- bas-mas iu ail tise tradles. Nos-tisesn tr.,,de witiu sta-tlii -1 c ost cîter installation is fas- inbsiea- Ombo tiseeisas bean cossts-îcted tus-as ob tisa State educational sys- No m as cas give himselb ount as a denuass. B-y tise sainle toisai tit tien.;' a casai of steýel, five thousanid two teims:'Tise pupil antering ti8i master wos-knes ssitisout show-mg mouton wili replaceVaou'-ai hundreai beet in iesgth, whareby scisool is supposed ta make a ile bis diplomna or castificate as autisai' tie saine tima as tise sil jatîiB FFLFD. Mats- ro tu ss-vces-aes-oj- i ws-kciwha h orshe18tauis, iy as-tie daim. Tisase is nmarea for-Bsitslî Cohumblýia's (et ilu 1Tât Sta-r Detectioe ...'.Thsae 5' distsihuted ta tis arstis canaIs. Lunlas- Mornas aa'e givan equual facili- efficiency and s-oui knowiedge ta ha t e r os. F re i g i t cmi 11be ca r r ed ne jproblenu 1 eae'u aN. seetiion tius metahlis canal is U- -------- --. found arnong nman passessing thcese bs-cm Edinoîstan b-. rail cîe 'Mr-Ags Te me whiy a's1275 sisaped, twenty ba:t broad and e!»'ctstssauogts suaeCahadbsqd* n. -r'opnIusais f asaid of bis 99 polund twalva leat dcep. t is made up of LMarvelous Hecvsr - us of wos-kmen who hava ruot taiseên Fort Gý's-jge, Qî-,tlanid Sd f

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