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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1911, p. 6

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I On the B'LTGS WOI1SUE at al by the, Ordin simply th.( that bis erops havi and the year has b able one :for hirr Webster Perhaps smine o worms have attackE the resuit has on] shriveled condition of the lernels, wit connection hetweer Ris 'cerr has not cars are short anc- out at the tips,, pr land wws Laeking ii drouth had prevail, Iay the îoss to oit] or bis land, whereai root worm that rui Pest that lie migi avoided. Ris ti iry e euat, andholiesn shou]d have doncs looked carefully ahý would haveýc found t Such loses as thý sidered at ail andd conîïÏderation, oithe or statistiàian un such magnitude a lar'ge areas of coun Rero we havei Falhng upen a singli ly three turnes as oaused by fire, anc a factor should ho and carefully consi engaiged in that ir almost, ridaculous. It wouid secin te ing that such elemý only reecave most ca tien, ýbut every ci mado by farmers theinselves with th tails in order by meaiis to prote against lbas. RORSIES ANI Evory colt shoun fast wlkîng gait. 'I by gently pushing 1 ing, but lie shou!d tee, long at a timi ing his gait. If the colts ai sound, lively and reý market next sping good feed, plenty openi air every fine quartersa t night a The first test to workman on thse farr out with a teain. Ifli1 kindly and skillfulf sure to ho a goode If you fi'îda work beating a horse bacl corncv and give hi: ture. Then watch and if lie ropeats th adrift. Nover buy a hoîrse wlbore thse wVvGfof humi withouit at leu trial. If ho is pnt pacs anîd sent Up ong-ines-and other s( '.Viil de'. oop his goo Eloven cf the t%'. vivors of the Light 1 Balaclava- were pý fifty-seeenth annive held ut theo Hoîber Thie King -,ent a meý in repiy to a loyal the i eteraus. "Iam atrig thanks to D The sanIeifi is kcept in thousatnds friend à lalwys tebe rý tir-e iofned boltle falia to!benPfit4, I's returneld, Ask Fr ~1I1H[Y ACTI UWCKLY A NLS SRMANC OERFP ElIPS RIJSSIA WJRING 111F JERRO Fa m ~ AN AVJYS~ [REFELL IN LOIVE WIHIA COUsS I A WAITRS ARE RI1CRER TITALS AN 1 TRIUMIPRS OF O ING O I TRAN TUF, TIPPERS. INEWSPAPEII MAIN. TRNPR. POS'TMASTER TELLS OF QUICK 1,aï,y dîscoveCeo ph e c ent "!lood and o diet thora.ilhey anish stomc!s ncinls ary fariner, lie--- and Dicil tu, Ct Proper Serv-ice. W arsaw. 51 c end Of tise Year Two of thora taken before toing to Kn aiaudiDooarou,;rcatp r tn(e asm uyt g eWra e îlot donc wellKigVjrucl' ooain InAeiatpar otn(t Ttwsm uyoob Wra f "een an unpreflt- bec lcars away his Pain in the which is about te takc- place ut always) enormous, said tise popular Ni'hen the whobe cf tise Russian Emn- , w ites F M. Back-Why they aîways cure Bangkok, Siamn, amid- gorgens head waiter of a London hotel. I pire was in thse throesof revolui- scenes "of more than Orientai have knon -tise son of a well- tien, writes Mr. John lester Fraser face b~e uwi iebtedc ITEDMSI ERT the wieat straw more seriotns Ki1ncy Diseasics. spiendor" as Kipling ha it, calls knowui multi-milionaire band $500 in London Answers. Net only was a guni. Indeed, eue alterno-on I, ey sisown it nd uk Lketho. o.2 armni tragedy wisici happeme.d te tise principal wvaiter ut a dan- tisere an upheaval against tise Gev- personally, was searche. thîtce A Lesson Front Shan Which Somdi and sh w ig he Saeca)-How quickly Dodd's therein being ra yog eglishmanr-arte f r 80for acdner.Tishe erumnentbut tunere was a national tames. It was ties rougis treatnent :Ladies Might Copy, andney Pilla relieve painlin theig, fui ndha ng-negdlittlnae ucky 8 freci1 ias M.dOser, fe movement on tise part cf tise Polos cf cverybody wsich nmade tioson- til ne -apparent bgfaradhnsreanP.ltl uk eiin sM.Ocofte throw off the shackles ef Russia. ands cf Warsaw oitizens, Who didTise Shsan races have a censider. ba M henJames inTimasis eialdevl n dr e ake orMi. Gra, anoure Aster1asanatx Aacsstntwnti t wyt e ielable lterature, embracing un inter. tise twoedbckMwbenJamensinTomeasetee- Siamese princess, first cousin te bis ts acfAtora. hen agansativeciety hit nup wt ie revolu ticubcte ie etngbdy grown Wll hekow ndIigelrsel-d ot-m prepagandal_. feuk. oceake r.Gyaote o roaald aa-tales, nupwthte eolton sp heetigcoyoffmetlespcnrn d net wcî kow ad igsl rspced pelt William Andersen-this isn't bis New York'lï hcad waiters, what was 'geýneral. Law iad broken down, Russians, and be glad when any cf wisicis appear in Mrs. Leslie eciel a i bs aster isere. nanbtitwldeis Englîis- bs ig19 tih9aswrd>" and ail tise blackguards cf War- cf tise officiais were kîlled. Millies bock, "Sisans at Reine," in fertiîity or% a I wisli to inferm von that II ai- ma, had comuicte Siarn sente years }tip ite Europe," whicis, I learutf, saw were having a prespereus time This expluina why tise bomb- Tise follewing stery is intended te ld, and lie may wva land relief for pain ï in the back previously te take up a minor ap- cest every'penny cf $2,500. The. under tise guise cf being revelu. throvers andshootera iaiaby!eoavey a delicate biat te Sisan be is eahrby taking. Dodd's Kidney Pilla," pitin neee iebgahcsdoner was Mr. David R. Meffett, a tiearies. sit was tise cern ay osî.tr iea. Sm-wbich had been buiît in different. Denver railway magnate and il-I They were kiiling gendarm-es aine persons were arrested fer tis ecluidd in tise "literature" cf tisose tined iscrep, atuares ounttiseunternintgeaate !the streets ofWarsaw at tise ru-te o crimes. Aftý,r cacis ucis Outrage modern feminine movements wislci >,lt esil hae tae twen pD o oddsK urs be- f R. ing Cisulalengkorn, an Eastern One guest wbo bas lived at the twesîty-five a day. Tragic tisougis1 there was always tise arrest cf a arc headed isy ladies wso de neat monaîcis cf enlightened ideas, wisc Filtis Avenue Rotel for many years il t le msaidcteofdiaburse tipadeattueorat was, tisoewas a 'certain amuse- Inumber cf yeuing Jews. '-f'at the live along tise banksof tise irra- bdw las died fOr'e ggo' t e bd tisePaa"là"dis: hvigspent soe time in Europe,i ment te be obtained in -aneing that .ews of Warsaw were symnpathetie wa.dy not k1new, Wi.y,,Itappearrs and 1 bsve nri e Lîbel~ iaig e-îdol isa ayovr 3,00 ailpicmnnth man9reso brvouo, waqu.ite alive te tise acivantuges cfofTcrone!vdap, fsrmi, se, Whenuisad lie tise nng."oducation. Ina -sisort tinse, lhorose yea-r; and I kno)w cf -ene o . sw ailpcee ntiseb main tcsite tse rovlutien, tiisaii. inded tej Ther nc ived porfisem Warsaw thd tetsohrotect'd bydweretise bruinaccfy ,wtiserotia aide1 bi oewitis a grl as peecr eut~~~ý tiercah edaKde il c îetyIfroin h;soriginal position te that -cf A- awull adeccentrie ihree soldiers, oeewalking'on citis tise leuat dcubt. as is f, but very Wise. Tihcy ~heshrtwiaedontheKiacs. hec ainii tseadviser te tise Minister cf Eddea- ia,01laigts t eis or aide and one walking behlind, But that they wc-te actuli gul-asrriedand coeday tise girl went ugpreacat tisere boi asd ysih ide i-ten and this obîîged hum te liv; ltrastyc fuines aae1 DNE SO.ty cf tisekilling I do nsbliv.witb bier husband te iselp iiset Weetscpain t heleý-aif lone Wîenh cie Bagek ho ta1> înJ)isa g,) ý0 0. i Tiseyw secret, udccou-tieir nets in tise river. ose ~~~~t, ar-e o-fs apital. bnao sixe i aoiewie nevbp oah-AsDANR w SOT , Thvrse, oey cre tried il)adn le neaee1into-Wstand e minga tis is aeofORR AF1-MLIO.moring bota o-n-c isra'Wi-e$e5e)000.atcrw'iI di- had i am oBnkoh ntise v day 1 I vd adcrned oe shot. I rememberl As tbey weat, tXeA fisiserman saill, r by flicfariner -es thie cure--ta-Ses- longtci7 but-ia i tsegad -o f one cf t'i-d __NO Wonder tise-American waiter aileadtss ihln ~ wr ao uad h iae -di eywst. cass tlicy are cf Daad's Kidyney Pilla nover f ail. hmitegadnadlead oswt i ore eetkniusietectdlau svr ht. stdea Tat heusands of Canadians tel cf tise royal palaces, on the banka cf theis fuup bis nese conteaiptuousa i eashed tO pulp. The ro was a i placed up aguinat tise wull. A'1 "Yes, my lord," aise answered, iy cue f ideyDieue f ilfema riveri. at anythiag under a dollar, or that grand officiai funeral. rdol., nuraber cf uoidiers weîe aiarcised "it iii very white." financalbsurof pin ha tiseback e Blfrgs IN THE BIG PALACE aome cf tiseaiare riclier tisan manywoie gvnthat al civilians must up, and at a distance cf about As they walked, an ogref flew a naýcallos ro pininth ac t Bigtc f tise custorners they serve. Ake indooraiderhdt h twenty-five puces they pre-coeeded Cevemheud, and hoe said, "Wifo, de le industiy near- Diseuse, by Dodd's Kidaey Pilla. near bis molliest dwelling lved a geed number ýceuId retire any day closed, and ail blinds drawn. re ies elt pn ioeyuIolia get avr Sgreat as tînt Tisere is nef on record a single case Siamese princes, a oister of tise on an inoomnewhicis moat cf youm From ray isetel wildreJudid yOong Jews.sTcîc were net akTtful biack 3 te if sucis cf Kidney Diaseeor cf late king, and lber daugîter, oe lwesand stock brokeis w 1uld take a oaterin-stea d cf wtb rife, and moat cf nts isot, a "em ed"as nw recone uon oaitm frm isese Kiucy, y. aity itte sai c seen een nvy. One man I kuow, wisose ciienta tise soldiem a a]Dg toward tise missed. "ut is very black, iadeed.' ideîed by those sucis as Riseumatisin or Drop8y, with tise cleur olive complexion, are cbioflly Wall etreet brokers ,thesîtrecft t do teonor tiste dead, tley Wb-ic seme Of tise Jews weie Ila due fume tisey came te tise ndustîy appears wsicis Dodd's Kidney Pilla have Soft durk cycsanuad delicate rose col- moat geacrous of tippeis, ia Worths 0 albond oarstiehusaes, Withing in ageny ou tish îuirvr n pdens.ethewrk ie gowiisîî syanldacoîigtdrcur ftioens. gulaat wtise 'toldiers boad thaga 01and redsirndcf tienei.Tscywohrki te ent ssoud cffaiedte ur i tuearegiulyored ciseeks se lten accu uuuong bal a million dollars to-du itth jtis caîbines îeady tei shoot laay- othe moie, At a t gaiaildtho e sintegher heailaudcgitnu- go ithut ay anacordngto iretios.Mongolian woîuen. Andorien, ho- very lbasf, mostly macle freinà0bdy wise dared muSe an appeuri- one r ene.dA, sn-e Weî ewiltd, eser usumbe cansid au tnima- lents houldnot in in hgli fvor ai iourinoobig- ucluxerestatncourtis soon ha- a luckywininvestaientsr, wcfdbis sinipwreunderdannse atber fndis or mdootha !oitsisuld o YIJR OCKT-KNKE. caineacquuinted witis tiseprinces flc advice cf bis patrons,. \aaww i saec cg.and then twice dd tise soidiers bond tisey could net curry thein ail tQ ffot soul bcand bier pretty daugster, an ac- And quite apait freirn tips, tseeTîcops were everywlieie. ît was tiscir glinsanad lire inte t1ise mas-s, tiseir homo. From fisat dav they te familiarize You'd lîardly cîedit wisat a lot quaintauce thut, under the Eatern mon receXev good wagcs, ranging necessary wisen itiese treets -te 1until tbey wemo ail de-ad. prospered, and ini fume grew ibis, le ainuteat de- cf lubor lias been expended ou tise sky, scen ripened into bove. Refente1uvletc 40t 70walil: with bandsa axay frein one'a AN INTERFSTING HEADLINE. They lvsd neighhors, wlie knew every possible pooket-knife yen curry. If, fer used te take lia Princesa .Roscbud,i a ypar, and ail tiseir meula; but a, pocots, for a movemnent te gef elreults cigI'as fîcm. o cfortiseondeigiie et themselves example, it is n tisree-biaded knife, as lho culied ber, on tise rive nfs odaayc iei ol rîib sukicito iu a fe eavig Wraw fore escow i if may have iîîoved ne fewer tisun evening in a skiff, withlibar mefiscr vatly.if their tips did net cerne te cnepeeia nvmu eda aa ving Wasw or my servan te te - man, ac elswfc Ltn oe hundreci operatieus, and, as for chaperon. aayfmstseusutQ iseirt a a ôeett da sdiig ihm eva -dt i wf,"e l D COLTS like as net, it bus been handled b hy ecascf ficofeod- waes.a revolver, and a violent arreat riWaytsttoowhnw inite go filahing, as oui neiglibers dd. D CLT. f ouse n pines o te lod ags.wa.s usually tise ecuequece, eu cfti reunci-ua I ae inca- 1?eriaps wc, to, nay bave good id be taugît a as many dîfferent workrne. Even ceuld mariry withent ftle king'a con- SO.4E ECCENTRIC TIPS. shOotinga wero frequent, r neoftse rutus aveiton-lueS."1 Il bis eau ho doue O e .ti is h attrenr niigi engi h e d. y1f tictiscy wcntio te icriver. On ide-.t baoesteghe g i s i senadCuuoge rlc- 0 cctretp iewic irbreeng- eu uts e-se ldiers w-as devolting. 0f course, un hib wak- ~îren prcesea. Fitat f a atly, if is truc, for the clever Eug- naturully receives a gocd many, on ish quarter. I lourd tac, ring cf a'te ieievs'ar -igbdythe wny a crow flew overlsead, andi hi hl ak Ate ho forged, tIen laid ou the luismun was a greuf favorite of his - otis sids of -tise Atlantic. One revolver,.I1i-an foriward te sec tctdhyf- eesmu f ntrw ti vr îf ehefome clan'-- us-lu atwîi si-patron I Suow cf bad a most per- and there I feunci un'od m asa lyig tsrIod ai enrss-c eci, "Wte tis wifeTtns ywhitde," serteci into fhe bande, andi thmougli were in vain, and whut was worse, vreac atizu wyc i-o iepvai'tofiebsso-they sboeds ad gmim satiaructe un Cus iack asthea ce a" rd." re t com outwiicis fli blude is riveted-nexftishe next day, Princess Rosebud sudj- piug, offeriug tise witer tise very'dcci, witb thse bbooci atrearniug crue retalitionaj.ýl ayfroi -musîked or stampeci witthe licanme lier metiser disapîsearcd frein tise -athing lie bd nci y use for. If fion bils foiebcad, re eaiïn e sosfrhro hî a tliy fora baveof th manufacturer, afterwumda big palace, leaving ne trace cf flair h eeannamkrh oi "Tisere was a terrible lubi, Afe tpfalirothrwy cfe emustshae ,croiled"-a depresaien in thse neek iwheieabctits. liprea hai its a pier anci uld NBODY'S 1BUSINESS, aad the afreet waïs bisokeci. 1 they passcd an c .andi tise bus- dyadwarm of tise blade bot ween tise sbaîp ecige Anderson was inconsolable, anaci i obacce or a few ignis. An- Wbut bud happeacci wasagtenm rant te twebc a ofle t riveask- baud Isai-, "Wif ckyn ac in dy adand tiseiseavier part cf tise «taug" plunged inte iswork 'aitis more otiser manuste briag bis own tfiif bnci entereci tise siip, andtrain. h n '-sw rle o Yen bol !" thea wifo rep!Hd,- hel ivten aew filleci in-ncxt temperod, and iala- ferverfisan ever, un a linge effort te Suife, lork, andi apeon, sud ut tise under tisîcatf cf uurder, pilfered w . ta - iseny unsele get-Cals yeun nef sc fiat if is perfect- eegvna i y grounci. Se uccurate is tise oye put lia prefty iittdc priaceseut cfi endi cf tise meual pie-sent tisent te ht îî a e eoetyhaute n by nu is to encihui cf tise man who forgea tise blude in- bi id. Tis omi. - wih n - . âsoldiers. jowvoiiI ran. fervia-ci invacl Y Whifei'" ho bandes tsa esspe u eat h5bud smi, i cr new ntisewater, A tird would give Junt as ise wathescaping, howove uuusuailynd tryat hs bnd'guubof seuson, laid-tise waiter a framed portrait cf tise c]d mais focnçito rae fr, sdIanarit sc eu Y On e aIsiay utîg fisc autrea no-t !y ieisprtt tatth bad dcsno dviansull-ty e us language, li in ey baci ussan. daldy u te a,î e aLyle s rtytu t isdaede-anfneiaea hum open te au attack cf fypisoicihimscîf. vurying tise gift sy a bhock'alarm, andi tison thc 'tiifet u-g te tise offier in charge. -lair's-breadth hum fthli lbobras" lever. One niglit, wsea tise dis- cf serinons oi pions aieditatiouis; round, bet hlm dead, 4nd escapeci Tisc I hegun te be busfei y kman kickiug cr pattera hefore hin, sud te, whuisch ase was ut ifs worst, wiie anotiser ecceutric I bave, -as everybody dW tpeeape iu War- 'sel. iig wr etinly- ýk lii np into a oacI blade- mat exuetly corres- bado sd otpi orinjswdurin2 eteribe yý hnsweecra be-ITHE E DUCATIflN. ini a Poundclec- pn.TWO MUFFLED FIGURES hourd cf ums seci e tpi or wl e top he ud '.gungtelo lvl' -e ilin carcfully pn.psaeshma on f wicis Nobeody tic so i sc 'wipped ut lyo Biisi s--sert I ie ase d hîi ia stole diown te tise bungalow. Prîn- were vuluabbe. -nobody rais te tise oba l is- waPI f put ri Wili cNt LadertailsoPubie Duties C ARE 0F FARM IMPLEMENTS. cesIlosehuci, ixo, tisougi sevemal Tise mosf remarkable tîpIv 1 a If ane TtWas xiobQdi4âe ad,' I Iitisasujee, a rut eairs a'sUntl licis Eightccu. cfor~ faosily use One cf flie moat serions leaks on cinys' jeunuey distant, hisaci ehow Î recaîl in Engiauci was giroen by a sud if &nyobnci â howaccoern i'tise Maj esty cf Brifaintwoui-d haveIWiîle flic King aund Queoare lS i te drive the furm is in the poor came faken Sept hslecf ifmeic e oe' elker prsa. R a byrnieygat tsse igsonictising te say about tic affas.awny in Iiid± ft4e yeuug Prince cf if oeweek's c aniiuîinna wbnnf inuiga. Whoseî aie ard ho urus1- iuiug at ene of tise big London airestec iu'd or esplbu ieRsia a ra -spect aleawilrominiurSacrigsn ttogiilhause. As accu as the seasen is over, iý1 se escaped -frein lier aiotisar'a -isotels, a week or se before tise Dem- One igbt -I ivas in ialsteSud- and aIse a greut terrer for offciaIý with bis tutoi, stidyung for lia ap. 1agaunat steain hindei-s andiotiser machinery, ne came, andi atteudeci byonee cf lbar bi cf thre years ugo. At fisc denby, ut the furtiser enc, , e.sirsl documuents. Instantî tise prece- pî-oaciing uniixersîty coure, wivisc ;carcyte wh oge-naic u yussuc o emen, made lber way ffrmayconclusion cf bis meal le produceci j omis came tismeuali thÈ plat'e- i dure w-as clia-u'zed.YTise ofcrwl îoal \~ni iesrt id ci- bad faiflu rfuycleauucd; the grouse and jhardships and ciffiulties, back to a sovereigu and hiandiag if oteiglass Window asud therc t'a% aulex-md srtc utuobgac1Ata ae frtt arossae cr efhul j e n ve ro i t se e capital. S ie estublitlied ber- ua ter, sai, '1o n i n i b iin. I s a f y se~ b c s h s- tol lm e I oug ltte have k p f o t f fthe Prine %'sedu caton have nol I beumîngs, andi flese sisould hoc ame- self as Andeson's nurse, ansd snbput if ou Siguorineffu for flic DEm-eneci ute tise streot. Tise cafe urus cf tise wny if I did nef vwilet 1te get yct been fixe-ci, butLurgtise nexi su~Iuiy ilc uci-sl rîî prt uus1e evtei ur, u a nalit- hy. " The man teck tise acvice, dei'-erted,, ina tourminue notobe eaiveiuet ieier ouiihave got thieughi chat-wofrgent jgreaei e prent musfbiug. pie-ts ewvaslise moedcvre, .thtie n t hukeci Signorinetta at 100 te ,cmeaot lf sl nsuts1e1divtistroule. H ljdaiet isîs Oxfrd cle, cteu tseam 1rsent uge t prafse, soulc ho u-de fo re- aaybîsn oisfgfsrcuigandi pekefeci$500 for hall an double, and, making abi-hI u îfeseouu inse y-adm-eafu-rudts rtc rsaury cinuer plueing iny broken or defective bis convalescence, but tflou happi- iors afag ondtecee uoceoded tg ire a Polaishjournalfit, ubo ýtolc th is îtishbis hiothet Albent. -u Retaurnt arts. nesa uras slomtlived. Tiseittio ___ volleys îat-o the place: Of course, 1 atcmy in bis puper inu aucrt Scoer or later lie nl ha gazet- isage ~ I otlak îtino dees nef permit cf ail prîncesa aicîccec of thse saune for- tseheb-hiw-î adlong --,,, in--er: fisc stor ted te bis fatiem's regiaient, fIe teesaueuofreianstis, muSe a memorandum te be rible lever, and in siitc of every ut- A SWIFT ONE. hefore, anci tise cnty useetftis e l- eSt eesbt-,flfTottRusrofw btieRn govos-neci hy on ýsome stormy day, tention, dieci in hem lever's "Now, if I1urore ouly an ostrici," ]ev-iiag u-1s te do a <'ona'dcî,ubb ru telcgrapised te Loisndonhacoriuecihasi Cbie- andi thon sec tînt everyfising is put Soon alter bha uttle Rosebn3d'a liegantflic naut tise breakfastaea hdiuet rpt. tise eunsequeuce tînt some'cf th, Cief, as King Hlud n-d as Sore in rea-diness for fhe next harvestiug luueî-al Anderson.appliec for1bouse table, us le, piekeci up eue cf lia ARRESTS WIIOLESALE. exveoine- rupors cumiu ouft wi-is9a bîn. Aliter Oervsing uriti tiis crcînk or bnyîng saason. Cet the repairs 1 andci nuf t Englaiîci, cli tise aseo- wîfe's biscuits, "then-"i fine ailiteî-atve heaidliric "(Foste-r euairy regiîneut fici cuno tlis Sandi psce tisent on tise macisau ain f lis bungalow heiîug tee "e,>itrmpeits aiet Ts odes-wr osatYFraser 1gý-dln at1cain ourdiag up tise populace. Some Fog.ed" ild nehoils-r if teaîieyaiu q once. Taise cure cf thc pleura. Gef peignant untîl the shai-puesa of his better hlif, "tison I miglif get-a I on ro oiihéýilcdp ot e gnes uasblenl f f~~~~~hisouoht tise iciet_ th~ the eni. rs aasbati u lis lîi ude ouci. lanan1gr -- Ad vr ffI etonrllurlai. o isidila 'ea foroosa cronloedh fri '.eu man, al- years old. 1 athe late v. ar 1 n-ls liidly :S ILOLMES, 1,Y. Inf anti-y rt Remedy of lionnes as a elleS upen ;il PROVED EFFIO XCIOUS ONCE. Mis. Beowers-"Do itou rc- u think flis ftiseatome luyi ug on cfj ýanda uili effect a cureV" Mis. Menis If- cured my Jinny cfth fl(ercifoLehub lif."" QUITETE ITE. ýH-de-lJlie- tal tisi liaasc y t jCareftl invostients, I spoe' p uxsiin c tihs.nect -ias l tfhe cutprts wcl urifli tiencanS se, Paste-n c-mixing-no-trouble- ne diri. O,~ein.enrma -5loines quick as a wink-and tie shine stars on. Just as gond for pipes, grates and îronorkait for stDves, I oui- dealer does flot carry "Blacke Knightl"Steve remisb, $tidSus is ninansd t0c. and we -wfil sene s full size Un b1' returlu TRE F.-EL DALLEY Co.,, Liited. Ma k crs of the faîrous "2 iii i, Choc Poeiib. 33 "De madut tulka about hisse>f an' heur isneat le is," saici Unce Ehen, '1"aima sounds liSe ho urus mannia> Slnd o' short e' referen- PRO VEDI. "Yel nowueur'. ~Sinltis, Ifisought youm neur muid bnci very taking- ivaysý.)' "We tisouglit sei, toc, urien sbce disapppaieci siIsmyx wifo's rings andi MY gelcato. Dohyn lppe lte ueuvehany Yeun itpIeuse almeast any r tiser by pruising hr cisildena m"j A MODEL SUROOL BOUSE 'ý' ruuastîig thos - aciglbor, A scisool huilcing 'in -bhse-, - fr,:om ha a direct cuanetiautL Peopl ur1u - sbath Cni selrvOe Stise -grouud, ntbsutfirri crn secme puaipkias arcessuafIly Saua htie rmain hhall bas juafbenbu] potateoes. j usothside o tis fns, î A ma nuerer liu'cs long enougs 175 childicu peri-lied by lnoiu tnuderafanci urV bis neigiheis dEs- 19 1 TtIf i .eaents afiiÂy u' liSe hiun, leafuros cof ceonstîur'-tin ac ss te Se as firepro - adpni r-f IffL e a diplomatie 1lia r 0te a-tise, 55if is psaueio e'o uli pe s~-~is~ ait arouuîci ivîfis iiiOfl ns ~ii~s.' ing te le. i i o ~ -".~s. I Necassa~y is tisa moi-ici ru :iîs vo- No dboîbf fbea'e arc cheerfiil gir- f tien unci niati-iîneny is tho tise hi r C~'t but *~i-d ,~ ou cicr sec eue? 1ch contention. - i I 1 1

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