îNotes ùfPriua Initerest to Women Folks DAiLNTYI)SZ . between tw. nty-_vo an thirty. -A delightfui icing fur cakes canib For a Beefsteak Pie. -Remove easily rmade by melt1;ng one-fourt2 every partiele of fat, as -it neyer of a cake cf ohocolate in four table- bakes well, and makes a pie bath spoonfuls cf sweet milk. When 000] greasy and indigestible. work in one cup of powdcred su gar This-piquant sauce is excellent which a ensfe wo~Ti for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 'lvrn op n rves. icinig will keep moist. ;S£eP three ounîces a1 sait, ýtwO Novel- Rico Pudding.-Take a ounces of grated horsera-lil. and quarter of a pound of riec, wash, haif an ounce of ginger in three and houl it in milk, aàdd sugar and pints of boiling w.ater. Stand for. sait to taste, and a littie spice. twenty-four haurs, then strain, and,, When cooked this tshouid bu quite bttie for use. stiff. Take halIf af the rice out of Cateau cf Apples.- Bail oue the saucepan, and put it in a basin pound and a half af loaf-sugar in; with the remaiuder, color with a one pint 'of -water tili it becomes few drops of cochineal. Grease a Eyruxn. then adci two pounds of good pudding-basin, put in a layer af papples cored and peeled. add the iice half an inch deep. Place the juice and grated rind of a large- le- 1meiuld in coid water, and when the m on, and bail te a soit pulp. Pour rice is set, add a layer of Pink rice i -to a mould, and when celd turaf and another of -white, and se an, out and serve with uustard. tili the mould is full, taking care SIewed Beef with Onions.-Cut; that ec ayiaer is set before adding ýle pollnd of becfsteak intao pieces, another. Stcw a fcw washed sul- elt one ounce of dripping in a tans and currants in1 a littie water, stcwpan which bas aiîêady been sw7ceten ta taste, and pour, round dredgcd with fleur. Turn the ineat the mould. abulili it is browne-d, but neti --okd-an a,dd two sliced anions. MKINLY ABOUT'A MATTRESS. jtir ail togeth4er, and tien caver tcmeat with g,ýd gravy, Let sïm- A mattress should lic turned every ter very sievviy for onu heur and a day but unless the turning is done ha-1 îfthen- take upj-tb'e meat,-thicke-acar-ef -liy -it is--hiable -te- work--the- 1 e gravy with bial an ounce of stuffing eut of shape. To prevent C2-ipping rolied ini flour, and peur this sew bandies cof tickîng or weli- rî und. iug te tic sides and youi will lie able Spanisi Tomatoes. --Cuit a slice te tarn the mattrees without'strain- hem tie stam end, and sceep out ing the ticking. tic inside af ten large tomataes, When anc of tic rosettes shows Put the pulp into a basin, add ta ft sigu.s af comning off, it shauld be ie - two ounees cf oled butter, two mediately stitcied in Position, or tLblsponfui ailemion-juice, hall thc stufflrng will rapidly work out a Pound of chestnuts boiied and cf pIkrce, and the mattress will- 100e ,g ated, and season ail with white its shape. N~ew rosettes may bce pepper and sait. This mixture made eut cf aId kid gloves and gewn bhudle of the thiekus af cream. on witb fine twine with a long up- I i tnc tamnatoes wti tins, sp dhoistcrer'c needle. a littie salad mixture aven andi By foliowing these hints Yeu will stand eaci in a eurlv lettuce leaf greatly pnoiong tih ic of your mat- ou a dish. tress. Xeatiess Mincemea.-Ono peck- g- en tamfatoesý,copd finie; drain R ULES D'OR THE KTHN uceand ;uwawv. Pourý an L -( m1inutep-s. Dra àiff ail, 1juie. thefol_,'ýjlowing gle u Rn 1Le t h, s hrcc ,times. Add tvýso andthmn yar ichenc yea wilil ind eu é,hall pountis medium 1brovwn flieni nvlahe L-gar, tac punds seedcd rais.ins> , leanlinebsanti punctuality are ce- e -hall Poundi choppcd suet, anc the roy ai roads ta geod ceoking. teacupful of cider vînegar, twa level 2. Leave nothing dirty; detan and telelspoonfuls ý- ,4round cinnaman, dlean as yDn go.f one-ialf teaspacunfu'l eaeh cf gnound 3, Take care cf your pans, and c'laves, alIspice and nutmeg, one tic pots -will take1 cane cf them- tabiespoonful ai sait. selves. Mock Angel Feod.--Sift four 4, $tcw boiied is stew spoiled. times: One cup sugar, ane cup 5, A good cook wastes natbing. foýur, thrce teaspeans baking pow- .6, Bail fisi quiekiy; houl meat dupinch of salt. Add to the aliove siewiy, mnixture anecucp of milk heatedto a 7 Strong fire for noasting; dlean Lioiling point. Beat wcll, add flav- fine for broiliug. oing. then put in whites of tliree 8, Goeot cakes are net cookcd ini er-gs beaten stiff. Folti, but do net poo~r avens, Btir eggs in. Bake in regular angel 9, Too mucli seasonilig spoils the food cake tin (kinti with hole ini oup, munter) until it does, net adhene te io, Spare thc currants. andi speil broomstraw. Have oven very hot tic cake, unitil cake bas risen, then ool ;t b1 degrees unti]. cake is doue. Leave IIINTS FOR THE HOME. iu pan andi turn, at once upside dean to cool. Whien silver is not lu constant use Brown Sugar Cookies.-Cneam ta- a Pîcce cf campien wiIl keep it gethe-r two-third- of a cap cf but- froit tas nishiig. t r andý twe--third1, cf a cup cf brewn To let vines elim1b up woodeu sgathen add one egg. Whe, wall s will scniouslv daima-ge them, uclibeatn tgethr sir in riue cip as-3t premat&es dcy fine. Uistly add ent ýUe cup cf our e~hdpc uwîig and eue teaspeenful of baki!ng pow It is wisc to break eggs anc at ai der. Suft the baking powder with tine inta a cup andti t transici' the fleur. This re cipe wil iake c"ých anc as it is broken, Then, if eue proves bati, the whole disi will no, bc $Poileti. R ~~ Whlen an ov cu is toc bot the tem- perature may bc iuwcred by open- &17 $ V 1E LLE ing the lid ai tia range a trifle, 1J ~Dishes whici have hecoeme browni fhem bakiing may be cluaned, liy An._l WaT1_So_ andr -4i1g itiA -dai- -cloti dippe-i -ne mirllion bottbes isscd eacb ya. 'îv xbu neageet ir t yaursl.Large batties ot Xç I y ov ),butn De , výt i vîlire19e; t i gs,2e. A1I l MIdealernstic4 tP.ad ""W1 ee id or he tarhoorcmpany, Ring9- vuei ~ha m atpair. taOnt, Vlauing ý'the -mmd f.cf' lnnfomv 9 AMN OR BEA eaaeonplseioef anti then with a mixture of -olive ail ant i inegan. If is passible to buy remunants of. carpets very cheap, anti these, eut in te mug lengtbs andi witi a fninge added, mnake excellent sud -hand- same rugs. To-cliecfually deoan a dirty bottle bal fil the boffle witi biaek ceai,- add just enougi water ta cuver anti sihake vigorcusiy. Tien empty out sud inse in severai. waters. Clean soîsp sieulti liestraineti withoûit forcing, tirougb a fleidt tawcl, laid on a coliasiler; otier- Wise particies of egg useti in clear- ing n'ill be lorcedt tiougi anti speil the SeuD. Make campiorated cil no-w anti it wiiI be rcady for wiutcr. Break up a piece cf campion tic size of a walnut, sud put it in a bottle witi five cents Worth ci, olive cil. Stand su a warm place fui dissoiveti. An autianity on tic subjeet says that ta nemove a scorci mcom linen eut an ocuba bu hall anti rab fie scanetid part witi it andt ten seak if, in colti water, wben fie scorci xviii socu dOisappear. Il you wisi te draw dawn fie blinti, yet bave tic window open, if is a gooti plan ta have a screw cye in caci cend of the curtain, whicb eau bc laste'sed ta tic booka at caci cu ftihe icwiudow sili. TURKEY'S CAPITAL. 'VOU haiv e pro-' bably ?been in- tending t try Red Rose Tea for some time but from "force of habit" have just IKept on using another tea. Break thre Habit andi buy Red Rose NZER SOLO IN EULK YorGrener WilI Recommrnd It 113 1 One eofie Most, Interestin g andi Drasuatie Cities in tic World. A1 EDR EOR N HN For more fian 2000 ycans,. f rom 1Ita Vear te be That cf Western fixe tmmc ývhen--it first--enterget, Ntins Inamu iaperous mythology, fa fie1 firm grounti of autiienticaf cd'lis- Fncm FPekiitiaifis announeeti thaf tory, Constantinople bias beld ti tfi Chinese Govérnument is abou t ta place as ane cf the foremoat cifies drap fie froublesomie moan f romniis c-f tic -world-,--sud,3--pensla-p--,--the -caientian anti folhew fie-practice of- moat dramatie, writes Charles Sax- wetern nations in using only tic, by in the Les Angeles Times. Not sun. Tic prescat Chinese year even Rame henseil eau surpasas ,, gn n Jan-uany 30, anti is fiaý amsziug istary aI sa-ci, siege, In- year 48 cf tie sevcnfy-sixti cycle, fnige, mpeial magif- uc a cycle consisfing of sixty yeams, Swifftidestruction anti siften me- l andthti finat year aI tic firat cycle cuperatien. Sifuateti wîene twa aceurring B.C. 9637. bat owing te continents meet, witb but a hall- fie use of fie macs tic namber af miîe-wicie stip cf water dividing tisys in the ycar varies consider- Europe anti Asia, aftich key cf a ably. Ordiuaniiy fiere are fwelvc great isianti ses, fie only possible, lunafiens or mentis, but once in oufief for anc cf flic greatest coun- f birty unuafiona a thirfeenth 1lana. tries of tie world, Constantinople,1 tien us atide te theti yesr, as a liy ifs very location, waa manketi resuit of whîch fie year eau lbe as frani fhe firsf, far froubîcus fimes.' short as 354 tiays or as long as a84 Iu fiesetisys if is apf te be ne- tisys., The mentis are mare reg- gardeti by Vie mass of people wifb alan flan aur own, altemnating bie- but a -siiperficial knowledge cf tic tweea fwenfty-uine anti fhimfy tisys. tremeuospati(lspay- n i-fThc Clînese year ecomplrey fails toyws wmerely fie ýra-t ber repiehens- te keep tic e stYýsena itin proper, suecapital of -adecadenit epiîre, oais-efînfe aefe a place e edeploi, ý anti fe w sto tetuat o fic isy wbu, GOOD 1FORtCOMPLEXION. centuries affe-r the, Molamme-iai power bati overrun SoutiernaJ Europe, anti was beating af fie Of aIl flic sin beaufificra we bardera of Anstnia ifacif, fie faifi- have ha-tin au cr tore there is nnue fui city ai Byzantium stooti out as fiat wce au recommenti more higýly fhe eastera balwarit af Christian- than thle D.D.D. prescniîtiou., itv. Net unfil 1453 tidthfe banner D.D.D. is sucb a logical remc'dy of fthc Creasceuf enfer ifs gates, fer alitinds cf skia trouble anti se affer a siege anti defeuse probably scieufifically compoundedti fat if upamalleleti for ferocify on flic cleans np tic complexion over nigit. one, anti tespaiing bereusmu on Vie D.D.D. is most widely itnown as ofier ide; tic mucaf, wa are toiti, tie mosf reliable treatment for was 30 feeftideep, andthle, SaracenEczema, but if las been foant inh- only crosseti if on fie deati bodies valuable for ail kinds of miner aitin ai ticir vangarti, fiat filled ti i mtroubiles. We do net hesifafe te rimu teO ir. give D.DD. car special recoim- Constantinopie, ea in tiese lat- mendafion. Ia fact, we arc con- ter days, bunsts on eue, at firaf vincedti fat D.D-D will give reiref sigit, witi au almeaf insolent fiat neoflter remetiy eau. majesfy of situation anti contour Surely if yen have any skia trou- fiat etamp if witb flic adjective île yen sieulti giva D.D.D. Pre- "'Imperial." ýscniptî on a trial. Tht, mass ai bousses fiat climb fthe Don'f deiay, for if net promptly savenlilis, fie Uaes 'cf palaces checitei, iner skia troubiles offen frngiug fie shores, flic crowtiet devel-op info serions disease, dIi- anits cf siipping in fie. barber, ficuit evenn D.D.D. te cure. the innuamerabie domes oifie Fetter tircp buta ar, store any- masques fiat, at sanspt, gleami lite inities- way anti gef po)steti ou fIiswoen fiegi tic golden baz,, e rde-fui nemctiy- Aicase about PDDD. cent babiles, Vie avperigmin- 5Sop. whici la seinviabe atstc saurrontýing, inerni -Qecig 1tise silu el-y eai aiegroves of4-JbLacit green cypres-tien. ses, neyer flau, lcwer atnac, Orwrite ticDiDi. airaar- ta produce their effeet.ic, ep.BS,49abose t, Scen froin wifbiu fluere may beleî, in cetria .,49Clbaffle, Sla fie usiial di sappoiufmenf, se few Tcoit , drasutralutot acfIj cities iivc up tota fiifirst impres- atheonce o' u tof u c siens, anti Censfanfinoffle presents tone flue usual Orientai cunbinations of Jury & Lovell, Boxxmanville. souasor anti ianifuccuce, inextni- cably mixeti. Squalor tlbatis e- NOTES FROM PARIS SHOPS. deemeti iy colon anti even sa certain tifevose orlne um dignity, magnificence fiat is suilieti inereases. iv diaginess andti fat honeles if- Cossey far is muci in evidence in ference in fisc ideas ci fitncas that, tic shape of full length coast.' lîke a gal. div'ties tie esatera One canner cmbraitiereti lantiken- mind f om tie western. ,r.egie, n,. u r and-.,1 et SUFFEREDTHREE YEARS Till Dr. Mworee'eIncianRoot Pille- cured bis KIdney Trouble Ther aref ew (tuisasss thf cau se mor( acuife auffaing than idneyTroublet sud 'Mn. V, A. Thfmas, i dhry Ont., is one of t'ae hoknw if. e wntes: "Far over threyarI suffereti froru kîdney disease. SFirat"I thotsght I hgd Sprained niy back, fer suddenly tie paip would catch the amali of niy back anti if wOuld be imPossible for me te stralgisten myseif up fer se-raaI minutes. A duil ache acroa thse kidacys was always pres.. ent, my urine was thicis and danudy, gnd Paesing It caumed a burmnn S caing pain. Trled medicines, but fp failied 1Iwas advssed ft try Dr. MorssW nia bot Pille, as thy bad eured ïîssy ife years eor.Afwbouqs sffeteta complte.Cure.. I now enjoy tisebles- i ngeFiof FIO o hesth, WbDirh is ;11+ e tis rideial)le fansily remedy, DirMrs ndsrRoot Pilla, has ereitbso'ua4kkS l g cun ng ontipation sud $f0 atendlant e-cils biilu~nes, indgestin at s hedEeand ibumfsg i loa4P. 2cacxai yreun rdruggs 'S. 10 Ficecy angora vests are higi in layon for skating anti sleighiug. Sf. Gall lace effeets are among tic favorites of thc present menu elt for s4reet n car vii l] e ùbecaoolr. AS tise coltiwafbratans moreanti more funr me-igar- ments appear. -i Celereti velvefs velours, ani' pluables arc beiag employeti fs' evening wraps. If las bcen a long time since fie sepamate white blouse las licou so popular. COMPULSORY FRESU AIE. Tiec coaneil af Patidingtaon licr- OuLyr bn Enzlail as agee4 fo ncwj publie heaifi liv-laina maiinz if' Campisor, linder a Penalty cf fixe poantds, for fhe ocunscf tern, ment lhanses Lte sweC-ýe i leors ci DANGERS 0F THE, DOCIORI TJIEY 11EET DEATIL AND DIS- EASE UiNFLI.NCILNGLY. Medical Practifioners are Expýosed te Epideicas of Al Kinds. "la tiere any danger in a dec- for'shife 1" was asket of a general practitianen.- "Dangerl',sai theticmedicai man, "Why, a doctor is aissys in danger. No otier occupation is se risky, sud, as a matten oI record,' tic deati-nate among medicai mer is exfnemely higi. "You wonld't came te go inte fie oom of a man suffcning fnem smail-pox, woulti yau, to eledl is pulse, put your heati close te bis ceet, te listen te bis beant, ex- amine Iis tangue, etc.?I Any dec- tan may be caileti upon te do fiat, andi le dees t wiout besitation. "Small-pox is tic most virulcntlyj contagious cf aIl diseases. As Professor Osier say, fiosu wio are exposcd fa tic infection are slmost invariabiy attacked unleas tiey arc protecteti by vaccination. 0f course, wc anc se pr.ofecteti, but, nevertiýeles>, nsany a medieni ma-n lias met lus ticati attendiug samail- pox patients. PIRECAIJTIONS TAKEN. "Dîphtieria-is-nolesfraugif wifl nisk for tic medicai attendent. If bas Y)roveti fatal te liandmeds aI tioctors anti nurses., Suppose I amu cadieti to a ciiitiiiwitb tipi- -tiensa, aonc oïf -fie- irst -fisinga I - do is fa open tie chiilds menti sud examine ifs tinoat, Itfrfequently happons durng fuis openafîcu that tie patient couglsis jte my face, andi I neyer kuow, wieu fiat oc- cars, whtier I amrnone going ta lie- came a victsm myscîf. I have te -wab fie tiroat witli a speonge;f penhaps, wlicn tise bncatiing lie- cornes obstructeti, Vo pcnform traci- ectomy, sud put in a tube. With flic gneafest cane I cannot always be sure of escapiug infection." "But yen faite precaufions, tion'f you V' "As amruie, a basy tioctor canuot take any precautions of mach value. Iu fiese cases, the prudent mant will stand facing fie patient as liffla as posnle a a lospitai ha wui proliabiy weavr a linenl overa,,il, andcl, out leaving fie wart, washbis andaanti face in some, antiseptie solution. Bat liow amu I te do tiese in pnîvate practice? i No, we have te faiete e isis. IN TIMES 0F EPIDEMIC. "Tien fheme's influenza, wiich isa alwaya witi us. Yen know iew au j .epidemic spreatis like wiidfire, anti, a as migit lie expecteti, docters are9 prohably fie moaf nnenonsa victima of al, fP "Typhus, or spotefflever lias ,now ainsafdisappeareti from Eng- lang, but some years ago, wlsen an epidemic moite eut, bath doctors anti nunse.ssufleec.terribly. No diacaselias itilietimare deekirs than this. Anti, rmemben, if la a tirsesse of tisepon anti ili-ne ,r- isieti, Dectors sufferet soiely becanse of fleir contact -wifli patilents. In a peniod ti ffienfy-a fivo years, ouf ef 1,230 rbysiciaus aftae'icd te -Irisheaospitais and in- t fimmaries, ne fewer than 550 dieti of typhus L.ver. "Wea ara exposedti t mauy othen, infections, anti nottic lestaf fietu is tfieriait connecteti withý peaf-mortein rexauinations. Tic tiectar pcrfo)rmiP. ng osuef tiese îayý aeien-naty cf hu'self-he m1ay tear the sitin agaiust a piece cft banc5 on, wbat is quite as bati, loe - nîay bave a siighf scratch on bis t baud of whici be is unaware. Tien, if fie subieet cf fthe operation con- tains a.ny dangenous germa, if is ail up witi tisetioctor. Withi a r iew housa e suifera from collapse. bcn t is me oflng strengthening and up- building mater ial than any other Emulsion, and because it is a perfect product of a acientific- ally perfect process. Doctors the woïrld over recognize ScOt'Enlso as the Standard prepa- ratiarn of CdLiver Otu The KIlud You 'h ave Awy oghand whilh ba5 beeei Iu use for wover «30 years, bPs borne the sgaue0 sud bhas ;bcenu made zundor MF, per- /*~2~ sonal supervision mince its infancy. j AlIow ne eue te decelve yeu n l s. j Ail Counterfeits, imitations and ceJust-as-good" 'aire but Experiluents that trIlle with and endanger the lieaith ot Infants and Cbildren-Experience againstEpemet Castorla la a harmless substîtute for Castor 011, Pree genei, Dropesud Suothlng Syrups. It la Pionnant,. It coutains uell lier Opium, Morphine nor other NarcotIp substance., ta age la Its guarautae. It destroys Worms anad allisys I everishness. It cures Dlarrhoea antd Wind Colie. It re3teves Teethlng Troubles, cures Comustlpatio3l j and Fistulen~cy. It assiniliates tihe Food, regulates the Stornnch sud.t Boweis, giviug heaitby snd nature]. uleep. The Clsldrari's Panacea-Tlie Mother's Frleud. r-,4U 1N E 7LW'ý7_ tn ?JseFor Ovo 30 ears. Trn CEr 3Q. 0PANYV.-77 MUR~VRAY ET NJEWvYORK, ci", intense nervaus tiepression, vomit- ing, lever ant iiumn. Iafwcnfy- four boara lie may le deati ai blocti-poisening. 0f course, in penformiug a past-martem, fie tioctor alouiti wcar ruliber gloves, bat, lite se mauy cfien foliowems ai (langerns eccup.atians, lie f mc- quenfly omit s tfs pnecaatian. THE SLUM DOC'TOR. "Besides tie 'riait aIofinfection, fiera is great -danger fmcmie b luaiswi i whbi 1ei'cry ticter someimeslis fa til. Ican as- nýrvýe te(.>go W te as'Iet anisC, examine bîru, ant i put fie queistion1s wbidl i ali prove fi-at ie is a fit case te cerfify as insane. Oves anti aven again, doutons have bee-n -niolcufly assaiu lteti by lunafies. In asylunis, cspecialiy, fli, danger is trementions, for Vies-e are aiways a namben cf inruatis wio bave a grutige agaînaf fise me.dical attend- ants, anti if is almoat impossible te prevent tiem from secreting seme weapon- "Tien, as yeu nnuw, we lave fa go eut aillboums aifite nigit info fie mosf diareputaLle quartera af, large cifies. As a mule, fie par-j son of fie tictan 1- blelti sacreti ex'en iy fisc mosf vicions. But sometimes be gets a begas eall for tic prîrpose of being roblet, anti a metibeal man pracfîsïru'g in fie siaums alwaý s carnies bis hf e bu bis iautis wheu l-e gees te vît a case in fie mitidi e i Vftheie iglf. "--London, Answe r'. o7 Grand Trunk PcfcRaiiway 1'eprocureti sammuca-aI appý!Cs -înin fath tue luuvalleyV, tibeafifulia àti"rcaeai1d fie fiavor is in oery respect np te tie perfect limanda grown in Oii- tariec, anti entirely unlike tic in- lerior fiavoreti Iruit gnown antien irrigation in flic more a uticniy re-gi-ons ant in pract aczlly aillof tic Pacifie Cost States. Tic socci- mens came fs-cm.tic archard oif Mr.j D. Stewart, wio las- about fiftees acres antien calfivation, andti tly repres-ent tise first gnowu on ii-e eperafed i ne of fie Grand 'uk Pacifie. La flic valîcys af tie Kiýt- sumitalnm, Lakelse anti Copper rivera, witi afien areas aieng fie Site-ena River, tiere siioniilicb ap- praximately, 300,000, acres of ideai fruit landis sct under cultiva- tien ïn compai-afi. "y few years. .anti muc-h oI tfInsA l.caý be pre-, cureti by Tpre empti n isi mû0aéc lots, fthe cl caacbia11.t per acrýe in-tdiiu te eresu-' dence mqie e1 ftfe law. Tt is confidenut1 iypredi -ted fiat f bis territory xviiibecome the centrme cf % new anti great -er fruit district in British Cclumbia. At Prince Ru- pent tfis summer sfrawrie- es grownisaieong fie St -ena River anti i<sx thcxzullcya of tic Kifaumitaluna, haitelse an1 Coppen rivera came in- te market for Ciec firrt time 'n e-'.- sidorabie quantifies, anti tic fruit îa reponteti te lie su paria rfa any- igrgown on tfus cn benle- ùu uxtremely ligi soi' aid ias -weet anifi-Pne a fivsor aswild ailev, r"in aslarge as fs 'aise ~ ýP cml-ableo asnalsnw7-, rl~ Tiae yu ne oalf i c1n's1 [ROM ýý17ERRI 0ENLN ,NEWS BI' MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND RIS PEOPLE. Occurrences la Tic Land Illiat Rtelgns Supreme ln thse Con- mandai world. Tic -ïjlani.f rosse lias ,given tqno aes (i haDut o li esateat la4 fort Y-a7rks) te i crfrtoife Captain Jackson, ageti 103, iýnas prescuf at thea anuai sariice, for ses-fanrera at St. Paal'a Cafladrai. Two mien were kiliati in an aa- monia towar at tiechcemical womks of Messrs. Farbes, Ablioft anti Les- nana, East Greenwich. Workmen cxcavating on fhp beach ut Ciaton have baund fie lowen jaw af an aleplant, part of tie bacithaneofa a liant, aud fie anfiers o! a et dean, Mr. lPen Cain vs s i n -tie River Nene at Peterboroughs wieu be captureti a large bluet ina-er offen. in addition te six pike, Editi Agnes Bngamaelapised tice in tIe dock a&Lancaster, wbiie being fniet for ftie mander cf lier fatier, brother anti half- sister by poiseaiag tlm. The master ofi fie Epsenu Worit- bouse, atatos fiat a recent admis- sion iras.,fie finat, case be 'lad kncwn bu tiirty ycars of a Jew lis- ïng atimittedti fa sprovincial iveri- bouse. 1A Sunderlandti tiler iras tic fcl- lowiag prnneti in rmcd.1ltter-, a a lirigif gyre1mrasbessad in fr-ont À lis FI-op! "Stn amy *Mr. Blyfhia farmner of Lyrg Eatiaugi, Norfolkt, wio bas tiieti af fhe age of aeveafy-nine. lis-et al ia lile in fie busse la wiici le xvas bora, As tic resait af s fine on fie piemises a af-ati tantuner, la Rugi atreet, Bioomsbury, s fhnee-year- ait cit namet lssac Kasineider, was bumcd fa deafhi. 'Coseley, Sfaffortisbir-e,lias b een nendereti lamons liy a wind tur-, bine, whiîci drives a dyuaîna at supplies elcenieity for lîgifing tate eburdi anti biowiug fhe organ. lui- qairies bave. beau matie f rom aIl parts aifie worlt as te Vhe work- iag aifie e vie. A ni, -yca-- aid W-,affrd boy naici euefrage, loriaa siot isut. fi surmici t af the fnigge r caughit ina twî albie a cli-muing a-en a betige. Trouble üuser non-union ilam mek: anulte't ini s sika afi imillera a;d Hall, 2,000 men beciug affetet, anti s timeat las beau mata fiat fhe transport xi enera xvoniti o-&peate witi the stniters anti paiuulyze-, if uecessary, fie trude of fie parts. A Pili for Al Seass.-Wint-er anti summer, iu any latitude, inhe- tiser lu tomniti zone on Anetio tam- penrature, Parmelae's Vegetabie Pilla car i e depaendtiupon 1te do; flair werit:. Tisedete wil fiiaT tiaem afnientalwvsatisou carryVicii wiIs isu eanywsare s'