i t-t $. a year inadvance; $i.,5o to United States. BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIOD, TUSANVME 0 9 VOL. LVII. No. 48 M. A. JAMES-& SON( rpreos EDITORIAL JOTTINGS. "IfPRES >5 [ail Shue For Women Are the Real Thing Always Good. They are used, on an av- eraLge in evçry third house in town, and oni sorne streets, almost every house. If ini Doubft Ask Your Neigbbore *The chancesare she has w(n this admirable make for years. RAL 6GOOD /Anyone who] glances in our windows gets the im- pressioni. We have been' I lucky in getting some good ;~es torsell at a low price: Especially Children's We are ready to show you the best bargaîns going. Our %. 1indows Tel a] W hole Lot. Rubbers. Our Rubber stock is large a nd of the best quality. THE BURNS 00. LIMITED QSHAWA, ONT MAIN FOUR CORNERS Why Not a Piano or fiOrgan for XmasP Did you ever think of the pleasure it would give your '~~family to'have a'piano or organ in the home? You knowv your j2 wife or daughter b, just ionging for such an instrument to Sbrighten up the home. ongflks. must have attractions to Skeep them, home and munsic. keeps old folks young. Many par- ~ ents are solving this probiem by buying a DOMINION PIANO 0R ORGAN, Dominion instruments are sold on menit. Ask any of the ~»eighty thousand owners. Prices are low for such recognized ~Wmenit. Terms arranged fo uit,, any reasû,nabie case, Second hand pianos and, organs always on hand. You have bèen fhinking about buying a piano long enougb. lIt is time for action-Christmas wîli soon be here. Co-me in and let's f alk if over to-day. JAMES DEYMAN, Phone 50 Agent, Bowmanviîle. A Breath of the Pines We can't aIl get away to thse pine woods to get relief from a eough, but you ean easiiy get fhe next best thing-a bott le of Mitchell's "301" Cough Remedy. The curati-ve power of the pille is ifs sfrongest feature. We seli a loý-t of it and Our eus- tomers like if. That is why we like fo reeommend if to you. We have a number of good congli remedies, but 1"301 suf Most types of coughs. A quarter o f a dollar for anbi DrvUggijsts and Opticin, Bowmnanvile. LADIES! When applied daily Mitchell's Witch ilazel Crëam Soothes Softens Heals and Beauitifies the skin. GENTLEMEN! As an after-shave Mïtchell's Wyitch ilazél Cream Remnoves Irrtionî Preserveýs the Skin Charms ic ,, User. Sec Our Big Window Display. Sold only by R.M, ithl-&G, Only a part of my letter sent from New ANNIV York was pubiished iast week owing to pressure on space. Balance will be found on an inside page of this issue. New "Nct York offers a wide field for observation fui Say and one, Ca",Casiiy find miuch a bot ,hi"eh the an t, write. We endeavor to write about church such a variety of things as wil l interest ail attenci classes of readers. One ihingtatams but ue, starties a plain Canadian iving live the camec simple life is the prodigali;ty of the Goth- and ne amibes in spending money,,. Ten dollars perier! seems no more 1the!-ý average_ New York- and un er than one dollar is to th ordinary Can- homea adian. monthE This issue of THE STATESM'_,_AN is odd- gîadly freshà you nusit read every pag 10gel the e i whole news, Lt hardiy ioo3ks niatural. Ad- e i vertisers are responsible-they-,-ý want prod- The ucts of the earth and neïrl aivli of THE Rev, P STATESMAN just now%ý. W ipy a 0Presby -tell them they couldn't hv any more of mar space and several advts arelft ont. Read Seldoî. the advts. They make veyinteresting morep reading at this season. If you, gentle iu Ibis reader, are n a subscrib-er 10 either of ous ar, the James Papers, now îis the time 10 join voutIV the great Famiily Cir.-cetofcor fifteenHim thousand readers. Oedla asfr~ h months if you subscribe iow, lowers t0 anti filed. ANNUAL EXCURSIO0N TO were n, TORONTOM)speaki the re BY G.- î.,R, followi under the auspice ofth text, rc Presyteianently p Ladies' Aid Society of the 'ebera a man Church, Bowmanurviile, may be -rý, -f-ýcial wo FRIDAY '%j goodo" Good from ail stations shw iblw once sr Returu Fýaie Train, Leaves instanc Coiborne ....$235 . 6e,15 ping fi Grafton......... 2 15.... ý6-25 Also,a Cobourg........ 1 95 ....6,8 How0 Port Hope... 175 ...1.703 the w* Newtonviile... 1 65 ... 7 18- bowed Newcastle...150 ....7 32ý a third, Bowmanville .... 1 35.... 7 43 at even Darlington ...125.... 7 53 and fo Oshawa Ic ... i o5...8 oc) dawnc Whitby jet. 95. ý...8 23 !o endt Childien under 12 yearsý and over five, ing.1 half fare.or cold haittar, .goodn Tickets good goiug on- aboveý trains also an only. Valid returning the samne day ex- fore, cept from Port Hope and, stations east Ituote thereof, from which po'ints tickets are pic good returning the flo'n day. Tick- al tba ets not good on taisNo. -2 -and No0. . t poor ji, Jose hi SPECIAL EXCURSION -eai TO heapg TORONTO to opel theot, FRIDAYe DEC. 1, 1911 Ana tbis mc Triiu leaves Bowmanville Station ait ing ot 11.15 a. m. impres "Sun0 FARES FOR ROUND TRIP ions sw Bowmanville Station, 'At tl Aduit $1.35; Children 70C. took to Bowmanville Town,. the que Aduit $i.6o; Children 85C. rjch y( Tickets-Validito return-on-date--of issue, 1thessi oniy. ah the1 Fare incindes bus transfer of passenger As an- and hand baggage between the town certain and the station. trast in Take advantage ot the cheap rate 10 vîsit youngj Toronto. worn g For tickets, and Information apply C. N. O. garmei Station Agent, or impove A. M.Willamsthe circ A. M.Willamsfirst ai Prower's Block, Bowmanville. two, on -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- - a s lh e m 55 USIESS otherd 55YEARS IN B SNES ouI Ihe the spiî Jury and Loveli have a large announce- men, tO ment bib tis issue which every one should and 10 read.-They celebrate Iheir 551h business larly wi birtbday Saturday of this week and next Christ, Monday are offering many inducemenîs 10 relatlor customers new and old. Hot Bovril and thougi aspeciai imported tea will be served ail decided Saturday and Monday. was an the Gc PHOTO FOR HRIST ASlittie ch PHOTO FORCHRITMASing the measun Our pictures of children are more than only, 1i photographs they are Studies of chiid life. nis as a They wiii please you and your friends and peating the chiidren when grown up, wiil also ing of appreciate them. There is nothing better ably asE for a Christmas remembrance. you gel, H. J. Ki flrstclass work and latest styles ai lent har Thos. Robson's Studio, sang ti- James Block, the clos Bowmanviiie. 15." Altoi TAILOR MADE SUIT AT $15. for sI. of thec Jos. Jeffrey & Son are busy these days oýfferinj catching up with orders for their Famous tOi Taîlor-made Snits at $15-reaily worth We tru $1,8 to $20., They have an excellant Bowma selection of worsteds and tweed suitings carnesi to choose from. Wby not have your praisec suit tailor-made instead of wearing a Sonig. misfit ready-made suit? You neyer saw bebter hargains ab Ibis price, quality and Mis. work considered. Have youî. measure W. J. ' taken to-day 46 If from D ----------- ------ ited he. Dr-essed -Poultry-Wanted. ipleasan Gunu, Langlois Co. Produce office, Tem-C peac-IBowmauviiie, wili take al your diressed poniltîy at the bigbestýý ma- ketý pi-ce. Dresseý(d pouitry mean îs bids ' notdaw and fie2e of ail feahers enep a few rounid the hecad and the smnaii eîh ers oni last bar of wing. Tis is thle time 10 gel youî Xmas prices for youî 'Tur- keys, Geese and DuÀckis. Aiso bringO angyonr bteeggs ad.beans and get ou anypcS. Ourilne panenumber C iS 20'3. *n GORMDON T.JONO, r rManiager Bowmanviiie Office. SUNDAY AT ST. PAUL'S. IVERSARY SER'VICES WELL ATTEND - ED AND VERY INTERESTING. oîhing succeds like success" is a taitb- ting whicb justifies itself again lu iniversary services of St. Paul's -I Snnday. There bas been larger lance on some occasions in the past, sver a lime wben tbe congregation ouI and did ils duty more cheerfuliy lver a lime was richer blessing ex- nced lu the doing. A veîy pleasant iusual fealuire was the pastor aI aI the commtiencemrent ofa tour Ils' vacation whci is people have y granted him it hbe may obtain a infusion -of lite anid vigor 10 strength- M for days cof futtueservice. espeak'er fou Ibis speciai occasion, P. M. McDonaid, Cowan Avenue )terian Cbuich, Toronto, is a man irked reverence lu loue, and manner. nm have we heard a mari of bis years powertnl iu prayer-a painful lacIt sage. Even the editor, aI bi s ardu- id 'ottimes tbankless tasIt, was de- Y mnentioned in lhis opening prayer. .orinïg texI I Peter 3: I13 "Aud is-he-thaf-wili harm 7yon if yc be tfo-ý of thal whicb is good" gave blîlli icipations wbich. weîe amply fui- The interrogations of Hoiy Wîit ncyci intended 10 mystify, said the ,r. It was seif-evideul that the ego, cal man, could flot be barmed by, fing the conditions laid, dowu lu the no malter bow dircumstances appar- proved otbeuwise. In the first place, awas other Iban bis, possessions. He be sîripped of these and the commer- vorld lameuts bis ruin, but the man same, and unharmed. The case of oid Job is a notable one whicb aI priugs 10 Ibermemory but we sec res every day of brave souis step- fortb trom the cîncible uninjurcd. a nian is other Ihan bis sensibililies. oflen these are cruelly toîtured lu ,ai and tear of evcîyday lite-el- I here, jostled there, trodden on by -, until one feels, ou reaching home untide as if be weîe utteîly cîusbed forever undone. But lo! wilb bbc of another day, wýe go j'orth strong duie, pîactically intact, noîbing lack- iron is stili iron, wbellîer white bot ,d. Lastly, a man js other, than bis riame. He may be îobbed of Ibis ind sîll be as much the man as bc- despite the incomparable passage I by the notorious lago from the ýofldiamatisîs-If a good namne is at one possesses Iben the loser is nded. But une 'is nul moîtally led eve-n bv taise accu1sations7 though, af'e more unt lu m iîaking a man is grip o0f e tiniagb1i hal could hl.Oi so-caled friends may "i ts of blJessings, on oui doorstep, se curses, buit we aie flot compelled en thie door aVd laIte in cither one or bher. apt qunotalion from Teýnniyson ended esîtcncouragiig addrc-ss. The sing-ý fIhe TeDcum.b Ihe tchoir was must cssive. Mis. C. Arîhu-Lr Cawker sang of my Soul" at the close with grac- ;veetuess. the evening service the preacher for the foundation of bis îemarks eslion addressed tu our Lord by tLhe young man, as found in MatI. 19: 16. ubject was "The Great Offer" made yonng man pîimarily, but since 10 eworld, as found lu the 21s1 verse. adept lu word pictures the speaker ily excels. Beginuing with the con- in the outer appearance of these two ,men-Christ, the kiigiy mn rough, garments; the ricb yoi nig ruler in unts of soflest texture, b.il inwardly verished. He weub on 10 relate ail cumstances -whicb led up t0 the td perhaps final meetinig of these Dne of whom dropped mbt oblivion nade bbe-greaî rejection, -and the lestined 10 hless ahl nations through- - ,ages. In terms of tender pathos >eaker bcsouagbt ail], cspccially yonng to make the great offer tbeir own :make il without delay. Parlicu-' wcie tbey asked to make a friend of as nolbing s0 wouderfnl as that nship could be tound. A good il was voiced in speaking of what -d he young man that'the Christ i ail-round. genuine man as weli as ood Master, was the blessing of the bildien iu the incident just preced- ( texI. Said the speaker, "A man's ire of bis fellows is nul of tbe bead but also of the beart" and il sbruck stabemenl whicb wonld bear re- i every day of oui lives. Tbe sing- "What are These" bv the choir, ssisted by Miss M. Climie and Mi. Knight, was inspiring and lu excel- armony througbout. Mis. Cawker îat exquisitely beantiful hymn 'aI se "The King of Love my Shepherd :gether il was a most enjoyable day Pani's. A very satistactoîy part occasion, flnancialiy, was that . te ,g was up 10, and beyond expecla- over $50o and' more 10 follow. usto 0ear Mu. McDonald again in inville as bis services were must :Iy oppreciated, and too much cannut begiven 10 the service of BUHKETON William Cowýan, a îetired merchaut, Who witb bis wife had been visiting iu Toronto, suddenhy expiied wbile waiting ut the Union Station Nov. 2o, aged 63 ycaîs. Deceased for many years bas re- sided lu Burlielon, or in ils vidinity, where be îaugbî sebool and as an educalionalist proved himself 10 be one of the best and most efficient teachers in the district. Later, be embarked in mercantile business aI Burketon wbere be carried on an ex- tensive and profitable business and had the confidence and respect of tbe entiîe community. He was a truc Canadian, one of Ibuse wbose honesly, peîsevering iudustry and uprigbt and honorable deal- ing Canada owes so mucb for the proud, position she occupies today. He was a loving busband, kind and indlulgent father, good ueighbor, exemplaîy and consistent member of the Anglican cburch and a stanc Conservative. Besides a widow be leaves thîce sons and une, daughteu lu monîn bis loss. The funerai boIt place Tbursday bu St. John's Cemetcry, BlacIt- stock and was one of the hargesl funerals that bas ever taken place lu Ibis commun- ity. The floral tiibutes wcre exceedingly beauliful. The family bave the sympatby of their many friendslu this bereavement. No one n,-eed endure the agonv of coins witb HohIoway's Coin Cure aI baud 10 remove them. AUCTION SALES. FRIDAY, DECEMBER i -Mr. Loîne Rob bins lot 33, con. 8, Clarke, will seli al of bis faim sîocl, impflements, etc. Sale a i p. m. Sebi.L .W OE andtioneer. MONDAY, DEC. 4 M-',i. 'obI.-Baîrct, lo!t 19, cou. 1. Darhingtoni, v. 111 seii al ut bis valuable fari stockI, incindiug i mare, 6 colts, 6 cous, beiife-rs, steers, pigs, sheep and a (juautity out implemeuls, etc. Sale aI i o'clock sharp). Scbi.JAS. BISHOP, auctioneer. THURSDAY, DEc.M. James Jebson] wili seil on lot 32, con. 6J, Darlingtoii, Rogers' Faim, near Bradley's Sehool-I bou1se, six a-cres ofhli rdwood, cbIiefly1 manple and beecb, in ~ cre lots. Sale; ut I O'clock. See bis. JAS. BISHlOi, auctioneer. tiavelii1ggilu a navy blte~ taiiôred( suit witb black lia. The collection of beanti- fui wedding gifts testifled the higb! esleemn of ber numerous fiiends amnong them t-beý- iug a eut glass waler sel from the I. O. F. office, Toronto, and a beautîfnl salad bowi from the choir ut the Meturopolitan Chureb, Toronto, 0f whicb the bride ivas a former member. Mus. Tenuant was alsoa valued mcm- ber of the Methodist choir of Ibis townl and bas made berseif useful usiîîg bus voice cheerfully on many occasions tu the pleasuîc ut ail who heard ber. On their retuin Iîom their wedding trip Mr. and Mus. Tennant will tjeside aI Baker Apaîl- menîs, 116 Pembroke Street, Toronto,, whcîe tbey will be aI home afler Jan- naîy tenth. Have you seen those lovely furs at Mayer's. If not eau and make your se- lectmon. Everything righl up-to-date. PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS. Political meetings lu the interest ut Mr.. A. A. Poweîs, Liberal Candidate for West Durham, will be beid as follows: Enniskillen, Friday Dec. ist. SpeaIter Mu. W. L. Smith, edilor Farmeus' Sun. Toronto. Nestieton, Tuesday Dec. 51h. Speaker, ,Mr. R. S. Muir,. Independent Liberal Can- didate, East Toronto. Mt. Causwell, Wednesday Dec. 6tb,. Spe aker, Mi. W. L. Smith, Toronto. Mi1. Poweis will be present aI eack-i meeting and give an address; meetings to com)mence aI 8 p.m. sharp. Elecbors are earnestly requested 10 be present and bear Ihese speakers. J. J. S'MITH, W. R. ALL,i,, Pies. W.D.L.A. Sc .... H A Y TFOR GSA LE 10 deliver lhay 1o ahi1)parts, of thie îuo,,antii also havinig a large quantity of baled bayý; onhane arpîpedtgiero t attention to ail partie s leaving orders, ut low'st puces. MlcUL F.IL LÀN & CO0, 1mte. 47 IfBwanil .1 THE LIBERAL LEADER NOVEMBER WEDD1~S The complainb has oten been made DOJOGE HORNN that il is dificuit 10 induce men of high A very pretty weddilig was soleminized'" caracler to enter public lite. We have Wednesday, NOV. 22ud, ab 4 P. m. at the otten said, 100, that the most able, prac- j resîdence of Mi. and Mis. Chas. Horn, tical and successfui man is flot 10D good" Lake Sid-, Hampton, in the Presence of for public office. Men whose chatacbers the immediate r'elatives and a tew inli- are.jabove reproach, whose brilliant aI- mate friends of the contracting parbies, talumenîs are generally rccognized,J when their eleest daughter, R. Mande, was whose iulerest in their country's weal is, united in the holy bonds of matrimiony paramount to the dlaims ot any political'wibh Mr. W. G. Doidge of Hampton. The parby, are the men Ibis country now de- bride, who wasgowned in a dress of cream, mands for parliaments.' This Domin- satin striped, granite-de-chene, trimmed ion is stîllinl the making. Its provinces with silk fringe and crystal banding, was have each their vital probiems to solve. was given avway by hier tather and stood Neyer will they,,need more honorable, in front of a bank of -evergrcen and wbhi',e and capable, more energetic and progress- chrysanthemnms and carried a showe ive, more optimistic and broad-visioned bouquet of white carnations. Li'-ttie îlss more loyal and statesmen-boru men Ihan Aloha Horn, niece of the bride, w.ho wasý lu Ibis formative iieriod. Ontario is the dressed ia white silk mulie, carried Ihe: banner province and one of the oldest, and rn napet-rt ei--tulwt lw yeî ilsmost vital local probleuis are silîl pr;ngdn pety ray deorat e w fit heow undergoiug solution. Neyer will îhoîoly bride, played Rnger edig capable and big men, menîally, be needed Hymu." The kuol was well Ud truy- more than now. The people of this Prov- lied by Rev. C. W. Barretî, the popular ince bave been represented by, big men in pastor of Hampton circuit. The groom'ýs the past, and, thank gooducîs, big men gift bo the bride wvas a, goid neck chai, are stilîl wiliing 10 respond t1 Ieir count- 10 the pianist a brooch setwtbperîs and try's eau. Ibis men ot the characteryes,-1the,,,riïgbcer-a go-Id pin. Ai-ter con- the character of Newton W. Rowell, wbo. gralulabions ýai-xd the siging of 'the rugis- are urgenbiv needed aI Ibis junclureein ter thie company repaired 10 -Ihe dining Ontario's progress. The preliminary room where tables were laid, prettily dec- plabform he bas announced, should appeal orated in green and white. The presents, t0 every fair-minded elector. As lime iuclnding a beautiful rocking chair from goes on hie as a progressive man wi in-0' from the Epworth League, were numer- corporate more popular, praclicai planks ons and valuable, sbowing the higb esecein lu his political platform, but bie bas adopt- in wbich bbc young couple are beld by cd euough for one campaigu. If be and their numerous frieuds in Ibis commuuity, bis colleagnes, if piaced lu power. can Later in the eveuing tbey lefI amidsh - only put the educational sysîem of On- ers of rice and confetti by C. N. R. i or tario on a popular, praétical basis, even Toronto and Bradford, the bride tr thougb no other great reform were iro- în l1. na aioedsi o re duced, tbev would conter sncb besin g black bat. On tIbeir retuin Mi. and Mis. on the chîldien and youth of Ibis genera- Doidge w, Ill reside on Sugg TNorth, lion, and generations yet unhoru, sucb as Bwavle no mýan is clever enougb 10 place a just estimate upon. We doubb if there is a - public school trustee in Ontario who is TENNANT-TREWIN. satisfled witb. Sir James Whitney's system A very pretby and inteîesting event of management of the country scbools. took p.)lace MWednesday aternoon at "Gxlen iThe trusbees of to-day, many of lbem, re- Rose Cottage", the residenée of Mi. and member well when the sehools weie Mis. John T. Trewiu, Ontario Street, Iaughî by men of educationai ability and wheni their oniy daugbber, Miss Ida May,. wben boys left the public scbools 10 enter was uniîed in marriage with Mr. Thomas on life's activities, educaîed, disciplined, R. Tennant, Toronto. Rev. H. B. Kenny, ambitions, maniv, audacious, virile young pastor of the MVethodist Church, peifoîm- men. To-day wben boys leave the coun- ed the ceremony and Mi'ss Martin, Gîav- try scboois how many of these virtues cari enhurst, played tbe wediding marcb. Dur- ' pîoperly be applied to tbem? Trustees, ing the signing of the, register Miss C. the parents, eveîybody knows that coun- Cramne, soloisb of Elmi Street Methodîst try scbools aie nol ieceivinig fair play Churcb, Toronto, sang "Because I Love nuder the Whitney Goverument; and the You. " The drawing room was prel tily foily ot il al is that ne will not acknow- decorated in pînk and white whic Ie ledge the inefficiency oftbhe piesent sys- bridai paitv stood before a bnkofpms fema. Wbat is the use of returniug ,me ifeinr.s, etc.,, e he=hnga foa lu power wbo wili not sec the evýilis * bell. The bride was given in marriage their actions or waut of action. Public ahefteranwo abuiulg n fcol ail te hidre are hoednte rold of ducbess de chine trimmed withbrbocad- forallthechidre ar edcatd o shulded satin and seed pearîs and tringe. Heu be educated in them; therefore, if for n veil of beautiful Chantilly lace which was other reason, we sbould elecb to paria- an heirioom over sixty years old, was held ment men who wil belp lu reform, re- lu place bx' a coronet of lily of tbe valley, model or create an educational system She carried a showeî bouquet of bride's thal will give the children of Ibis Province roses and lily of the valley. Miss Ger- ail that is their due lu the Public scbools tueCwe a rdsadadwr Undnverstesnd Faulo s o f . cholpretty pink dîess ot embroidered crepe Unierstie ad FculiesofEducation over pink silk witb Irimmings ot suik to educ- ate the sons of the weaithy, wbile fringe, carîyiug a shower bouquet of pink the tres n working meu's childien roses. Mr. G. W. Harvey, Toroubo, wa sbest bave to) laIte Ibe 'scrimpy chicken" cdu- man. The groom's gift 10 bis bride was a cation niow offered lu, public scbools b y g rcel set with cbip diamonds, 1o, the Toronto bureaucîacy domiinated byv thedbrdsac d oos n paitpe Sir ains Wfilhcy. r. . \V eoellpeaul pins, and 10 Ithe groomsman initialed bas promiised 10 give t1be Province a prac- godci, ik.Atr ogauain b licl ad efleenlpuljcscboi ystm weddiug paîty adjourned lu the diingýi given the opporiuitv; thileetre, regardi- r(îo wbich was cheerful wiîh the red less of ail other polilicai cousiderainadwiedcrations. or ilfucd eveîy elector interested in 1bis chlitlien .s,.of ie rde Mis o urgCawker etbe welfaîe, which sbould com-ie betore any VanNesî, M,: 1.- Knigbt and Jenue Smkith, political party inîerest, sbould vote for served tl1e guesîs w atb , splendid wved- the candidate wbo will heip Mu. RoweLllI 10 give Ontario good public scbools.11-1 (ding dinner, the bride's table" heing laste- vot fo ~ i tlly decoraled wiîb wbhiîe carn.ations, West Durham bbc man 10LatvobtehppycouleÏefmy 1N. --o A. A. Powers. Lte tehapycupe e «, y ., . 1 o. weç.rlt.6 cl P7 fi-if) Io va., utc 1 ,u