NOTES AND COMMENTS One of the most important gath- erings -of speeiýalists during the year was the international priso r,- congress, whieh brought together j many, of the leading experts in Cen uineipenlogy -and crin.inology in the The rsulscf t e ssion disussonof the conclusion ap- little-Liver P 11 r.o"v in g the scienti-fie principle of Litti Live il enderson points out that the term Muet Bear Gfgnature ci "inderterminate sentence, is a vague one iu the public mind, at eýI--e ý,e7eý home or abroad, and that penal reformers should make it lear that Seo a FacSimIIo Vrappei. Below. by that term "we do not mcan to UV- Vema almsda aeyrask any îndefinite, arbitrary, irre- 7aeaugr7 sponsible power for the prison ad- a -.------------------------.-------- TTE FOR BILIOIJSNESI I VE FG~TOfPIOLIVER. I L.FOR COKSTIPATIOM FOR SALLGW 8KWN. FOR TME COMPLEXIO CU!MY 810K HCADAGZ minstration; we do flot ask tixat legisiatures nnd courts should be- excluded from control over the pe:.,- alties for crime anid the methc.ds of trecating offenders." What actual- ly is asked is, broadly speakng, the abolition of the ar-bitrary laws base'd on vengeance ndý comipensa- tien and the substitution of ase- tence based o social -Ifeasela& A B SL I ULK Your Grocer WiII 84 Recornmend It square in bis associations with his fellows sud strong in bis advocacy and adherence.... to whateverbe believes to be right. He bas made a model mayor and Osbawa electors will do themselves proud if, tbey assist the townships to send him t0 the no qualified teachers standing round look- THE FEAR 0F LIGHTNING. graph, and trolley wires ncrease, Provincial Legislature. Mr. Sinclair is ing for a school. Wbat confidence can the danger from eleetrie storms. tbe Secretary of South Ontario Agricul- be placed in a newspaper so bold and Trees in Country More Dangerous On the contrary. the mazýe of wires tural Society and bis affability, prompt- reckless as tu tell trustees that "Therej ness and fine business ability bave made are now plenty uf qualified teachers in the Than Wires ln Cifies. is a protection and ieýsenis tha bim very popular with the farmers and Province waiting for a position at a decent danger. 'ThD trees in thoe couni-try stockmen. He isnult an extreme party salary." We challenge The- News tu It is unlikely that any writtenl are a far greater dne;set man and if elected, 1 tbink, he will repre- make good this statement. What dIo tbe words wil aboliph thie terror whîch ering under- themin aii hndor sent tbe wbole people. South Ontario public school inspctors wbo lbave asked so mauy feel at! ligh -tning stormeS. semacunts for the, proprtion electors could harjly bave cbosen a better tbe Education Department to) grant s50 t may comifort the ïimid to know 1 of four cases in the coutrtooe ithe ctia NOTHINO ELSE'TO DO. City-man-"I suppose yon farm- rhave an easy timne in winter?1» Farmer-"Oh, yes; we usually Ls abed till 5 o'ciock in th' fore- oni, an' knocks off fer th' dsiy by o'clock in th' afternoon 1" ur when your local milis are makinig ,asonable prices. The following very best resuits: "XXX" for Pas- -ening than Western bard wheat end largely used; "Royal" a very wheat used for bread cnly. Cracked bheatiets, Corn Meal, etc. Custom cur for CaKeýs stry. ( ýs and fancy pastry. It Shortenîng ? hat's why so mnany of rEclipse Flour- om ical. Manu[actured by ranstone, Bowmanville. THE EDITOR TALKS. N ~Readers of -these "Talks" Iast week & 0 0Dêd-were no doubt greatly puzzled to get the sense of two paragrapbs. In paragraph 2 the closing sentence should have read: "There are very few, comparatively, who are what may be regarded as learned." In paragrapb 4 iru iast sentence but one tea i8 the resuit of usiteto for 'will" then the sense is car a d xpeie ce too, as todestroy lbe sequence of tbought, be followed the usual rule of assernbling - -blerdînB - mUist - lhem luinorder t size Tbe absence ofthe-~ senior editor in New York and bis failure the corinbination of fine to give proper instructions before leaving the office, accounts for the bad order of flavor, smooth strength his "Talks2 he-last-issue. _ and richness. Because * Mayor W. E. N. Sinclair, B.A.. attend- ail these elemnents are ed the Liberal meeting in Bowmanville aud, I arn told, made a capital-speech, very ,o generously includled favorably impressing his bearers. H-e is the Liberal candidlate in South Ontario In Red Rose Tea it and is quite popular witb electors of both politica1 persuasions. He -is the type of well mrerts the t er m man who wouldworthîly and ably represent any constituency. As reeve, county coun- «'goodl tea." cilor and mayor be bas proven imself a 1 1 competent municipal otficial, ta r- t- trive. in thm 1 fý 1 taiaeilauebssatement? re -t ryequally guitylihigislsthr xn -Blmanvm Th-pBlockdd is arie 13trer ~t.e p o lo eilaue-.-wi th trustées in sbtsing out qualifi ty4 hat t by ihnn sls hno able rates,* . o ianat,uoI ea var,.Ts detut teachers because said trustées will net psy pro n3000pol. Mr 4I however, that legisiatures proviev cess-not retards it. A beautiful girl is very likely to believe "a decent salary?" No une knows better People are drowued in the Thames flJ.azew o, .DOM sentence sufficientiy prolonged for she was muade tu be looked at, anid su sbe than the inspectors that The News is pub- alono ýevery year than there are er: DO WMÀNYlewod . OIT effective educational methoris in Another very important point sets herseif up for a show at every window lishiug an enormous falsebood te boîster doaths from lightning ail over the 1 the cse o eduable ar ONT.h urged is ou behaif of an adequate in every door, on every corner uf the up a worse than useless educational policy. country. People living in cities a OG02 MEDALIST ofTîiylt h ae feual esn h str eet, -in eyery company at which uppor- *aeicie ebleeta h n G s1,ty, Toronito; Four yeas Atrd ie aal frfrnto u number cf parole officers. There tunity offers for an exhibition of herself. creaing inumobe f elepthonte- n- phyi1ln udAndo M t rm!believîng sud acting thus sbe soun nn atwe edn raignme ftlpoc ee Otcau d ea, dneWU"taR.T control, sufficiently proionged in h really cannet he saic f airly to be a becomes guod for uutbing eise, sud wbeu Whe eta vnn last ieesredie 1 tore No. I05. case of habituai, professionalproe ysemuniess it is prpel she cornes te bc a mideae womau she oatfsse Tbe armers doae dangerous crimiuais tei afford pro- equipperi. What legisiatures anti is the weakest sud most sickeniu g ut bu- of London, Ont., tbe best ail-round week- man beings-a faded beauty. Be a home ly farm journal in Canada, sud the editor- teetion against them sund tobe de- soerfreso-uai.nn ae-btwl eyu raetgoy îal pages sud correspondance interested iATI streaize s tat tnkeing ithus immeusely. Some tbings we iearned tern-Agnri oit.Po.mntraiei haaiknn ihre: The Farmer's Ativocate demonstra- HMT 1--- GAt,> ALOGUEý Henderson further emphasizes the the old punitive systemn often pro- Thinking some copies ufthtis jourua' tien urchard yielded 15 tous of apples to mnay find their way into une or more mun- the acre this year. Scarcity ut fotider sud very necessary principle ta d ue e ecbtbcrsls icipalities wbere a local option campaigu coarse grain bas headeti low-grade cattle vauceti legislation is desirable we Yet the alternative is net a ret.urnis in É 1 oanqotu ssnenesu u rs uth et a.ure.Ya -_____________ d ,____ te the ri sysem, buta brfaen The Pioneer whicb struck me for- meri, cofîei io ae h &g shoulti say ueeessary-to make ef- tcihely: on farbutmers derwhos l oiercoby fective the advanced ideas cf pull- andi more sweeping ativance. Refenm Avt o oa pinwsfailrwe. oral: Built silo.Pres- ,Wby buy higb priceti Western floui ishmeut sdnfain and thi o or riinl awsu aminis- Is a vote for the Hume; ideut Chas. M. Hays ut the Grand Trunk special grades for speciai purposes at ne A vote agaînst Local Option Paciflc predicts that pussibly hait ut tbe brauds if properly baudled produce the legislation, he adds, shoulci ha tratien muist toe consistent. We are Is s vote for the Bar-Room. western wheat crop wilL go to the Old try and Biscuits takes much less short ÀBusiness__College bnased'ou modern knowiedge of thle just new in a traditionai stage. We Wbicb are YOU voting for?WrdviPineRerBCteceb fleur; ý"Perfection," a choice family hli differeuce in the character and re-- 0oughLt tePress foAvward intelligently * steamers tbru Panama Canal tu Liverpoolc - atsam cos su lu ametimeas y ral- hoice bread fleur fnom selccted bard w C us.quirements of various classes c (f under a consistent programme. iedféncexs o the three- ways te Great Lakes, thence teAtlanticW.eiGaujorRldOtsW o)ffenders. Obvieusly the -ime faic- , who favor local option coudemniug the roads increase land values, lessen cest ut wIl pay if it is taken at a goo i school. tor is to littie censidered. A bcs-ofie exaction as un-British aud unjustîfiable, transportation, Improve marketing tacili- Phore 129 r 6. C',Mha E Ice ene better than the BrW i4s ..Long age the patentofie of the -hile those opposed teoftie by-law, lu their ties sund exteuti'social priviieges, îargeiy Aterca B~nes oieo.v.- . gînnîng lias been made at a rain eth. aigd nefs axeyad désire fer 1uvercoming Isolation ut tarm lite. Good A. Building, Torouto, tlic school that wrd-ae, te conclusmi tescesunpeainu h c nuaydof the fo,-emost businecss Mcen of ai treatruent cf the incapable, mo-téscefu rai o h Atwheugrading, draining, road metai-gravel un Caudahave ttended. Students enter«. 'trefitsmjrt a hol We frctlge ll ekaaiui iukrsat thi ough experts that few basic passed, stand for h he-ltsmjnt bruken stone-auti roilin are essential te T . M refrcaou. WASON thsewekerhaitub drus atrics pcilsaremb cdlaunsen- . Sir James Whitney, the ultra building ofttbroty up-to- ate sud sat sfac- neiple are ebodtemperance peuple ssy, is autocratic, snd tory noatis. Religion, bruadiy consideretit01 Prncpa, ndlgne. BuW" poP1gr ventions. Adaptations of od anti prejudicati against local option anti blunt- tends te conservation ut buman euergy 4 peniodicfal. îÉ weil known iaw-s of physies mereiy ly r'efuses te shlow a simple majority te thnift sud capacity, sud thesa things on a *T y c i s i stead aomc fi i h r pieimnanw emi e rule. I arn strongly lu favon ut majority tsnm, as eisewbera. prevail. Farrus are T y E lp e YI are ppled i a e*»form inme-rue anti placing on the peuple the naspon- the uuly source ut horse supply anti every nir isabsiutiy ssetia,"chanical contrivances. What shah sibility ut enforcing the Act wben the b- armer shouiti raise une, two on mure bigh- Open beiio .CosaaiaFrnhlwi1arit.Tis uhrihpt class draugbt colts eacb year te make The'.=Rat Utenp o, ud says Profý Hendersen, "te any d b- inventerM.vConsbas tna Finti- auybodysud as the tempérance peuple Canada tamious for honse-breeding. cl Regulaton on which womeu cens-applicai ïd-are willing te take chances on enforcîug , t makzes eiiu is 'only s-'fe effectuai Monthly grec of succus n th this diaorg iiweit h'f ocf vehic1es tba law, the Goverument shoulti give them _______ depuad. oin tihree .n-re', 10F iip cf oflders."hemefshnttthe chance te make gooti. There have ft strength-No, 1, 81 ; No. 2 vich m-ove at mugit speeti, or -wbich beau comparativaty ne failures wbare the TI~sLs 10 degrees staonger ý3 No 3, jail sentence cf our prescreit systein avet oeaa t heavy heati Gov,,nnmet bas doue its duty lu endeav- for séecaicases, hae o' o' aarn box. S IN T CI1 e ly o ilin e ae oAoption eY a ,ad hnManitoba flour. T onncit uf price. winds To theeno nsr g I can see no ustnesson h the tbrea- prepiail onug"', otsnhcfce benrs to uecs. uic cnsrinsnîg omaeoc eatie at COOMEDnIIeCO..rONT.oNt. tomeliVtdî)te nigsxhi iv he vu- fittbs handicap shah longer ha placed on*.tebeicos ree COO_ Joi_.0OTooNO__ NT.______Widsr)_he____________h-drie the temperance forces wbo are williug teSu V it is econc h;cleaccept the work ot enfoncement un a sim- -- ~pie majerity voie. Give them a chance wi il uWe sBeku -odSold by all Grocers. i , e dtertandi it, th-e inveniter anti watch if tbey dun't mnake gooti. Wby Tablets. They reduce thýe ever and 4> PR M T Y SE U E bsgn n uterto hebit-shoulti any Govennment thwat thewill remnove tixe aste prodcantc r r d ~ V.TslS the business ofMnucter,- ing of a srnali, motiel '-wagon. Th- ing antianxious tework for the better- prvtignoey Tietema * r ugniee'-s and ethers who ealre ithe 1i;':!m n fthdr vn e? I i eal e igh n o wl elabun efl l ol 7 ity of' 1,avîug their 1Ptent buisiness tiansontii ù of aiumninum ant eýsi n meutwutthe provinc e? Libnas gtl PrlMnraticefree.-,earges -heare ýTarned tO PBe 'wagon" it ownt ih at o îi elaw nfl him à_ 1 reeiefts.mPrelîn. If ary miodeýrate. Our Inventc>r's Ativîser sen-t lcru'Labout four pud But withi ts aholîsb the tbey itcle tmselvesbreief by mtcrnng. If tbeprdon reques,. Mriion&MtionNewvorkoftfeu Cg.Strong- -ud he-lîscas oîwth ra pta ed ucaapi MotralatiWahpgou .c, .S.wi'dC)ei ont -1i front anti *ratundeti. 25c. at 4 Srmelling Oiiy Linimen.t, turneci towarci the air tirive-n from Whila yen pull ýdown the town in whicb Is your home, yen are pultiug tiown your- P, A4 A n V RSI Oontai în.g ~~m an ordiary electrie fan, the vo- self, anti wban yuci builti up you are buildi- Âc~ds Âmmnia1Etc. bid taks a soot oto he x inig oursaîf aud vour neighbor. Try antid cls>Ammnia Et. hel, akes. to he' bauism from your mmnd the mistaken idea Wiîim aiagfn fhegmeao- that ahi guodt tings are away off lu soma l "amny peopte bave clung te the old- fe rrteattptesalohrlcht.Gv ortw i h idsta ae maoplaise it cen legiîimately bear. It cer- fashonet iesth et athicit, greasy wagon t a (I per -5til wl i o n amat wh ot~ liniment kid otr tt cc ftaet ons in the you notbing; anti aboyealal patrunizeyu say et-ati tc~ kow.home iustitutions-yuu can buy a cheaply - RA~ W n Rocently a number of these whitewgnbx as inteeiy CopvrN3 rr o iiy liniments were analyzed, anti they waonbx.aiteCiy Anoe ednassethsd eeloin were fcund te contain anu enorrneu§lyr Oiclily ascertain o,îr opiion free w eLher vi high pereentage cf harmful acitis, aid Tho principi - of tise l venU'u invention ta pîobably patentlhli'. coininunî,o-aue niageoias samna ae e gatthttoweiTornto News liguorauthy says inu justi Lionls trictlycoii!lluietial. IIANDBODI< on Patenta uhirttn hmelaszmo"tk4, frgnedhtte c_ setfee Odstse,îyfo scuxgeteît. etc. ron the moment they may cause fication ufthte-tio-nothing-practical edu- Patenits takzei throunii Mtce & co, naceivo a warm sensation wixen f irst applioti, muiî,ntcmýlin ufien e'ahuevnctnapoiytSm aes bteys rpeciat notice, withont charge, in the but thoir centînuoti use nover cures 7;/oenmn htscoibadsta s $ci~~ntI IC nheumatism, anti oniy tieteniniates theipssamîmuncaritoa adequate salaries can get quahifieti teach- ~ anseey flstasdweki.laget skie, sets up inflammation sud causes W inci pressure. But as the w,,i.iier-s, which is à self evidant fib et the dlean- Ceation of any scientifc jooralbas Canada, $.75 s year, Postage PruPaid. SÔ,ld by Wýhen a tiecter warns you tu qui iw t nora iemvmO st wateinr. AotÎ125 sinperent, ut-h ail newsdeatera. uan ht,eiy liniment-do su. 1fie , s .shosi r iiysisetnt c-- ~ ~ MIJtU~1& C~eîBadw2, 'y ~ 'ft knews that a thlck liniment cant pou-cf ew nvnvececr'tesieu btwssdicopatixlag Sese OSOn621F S..Waslcaon,, , trto on' sik tîrughthepors is s on ibead pressur, the axis ocf es-that is ef rural shuols--are taugbt by etat reai' moseakthrof th oes the nlwel oaîggaeiinon-certificateti teachers, andti iera are SW hon askbti his opinion a few rdayE à*u ~ ago, Dr. Roberts sased that lho coneti- hs'M-tkggbaspra geoc uV o crtid w l s ar 2duing liniment sacuas ,Nerviline," S tiso ýJ~ ~ h superior to any cf Siho white, arn- a marked epantýtyr of nryw-l J 3 ona inînnt.In hie twenty-fivo Ï in repairs wheiî th - yar etprctc h ad witnesaoti may bcho f gre-at valuse in autoano- 1IALV 11 Li 1i'jUUMBER useti in damp places and on nrpieIfoed cases utreheumatism, sciOtica, atibiles, metor trucks, elctiecas, als ouret wlk a Synopsis of Canadien Norihwesi Landl lumbago that impiy weuld not re- - wet goand--asfsor insance, ' Regulntlons. Spondt t ortinary ratment-butNeC- sud railrloed îaî.1 has a very short life. It requîmes susf.Thyct NYpno ho 1e the soie heati of a vilane curei tlxsm. The saine physi- DFE AIN I II1 riefo ur _ vv2 . i a, Y ; : ï : dv"l eISo vFrS1 8 y.ea r sN . S.df w y e a rsai s er ispe p l aco f. n eer e a i n i f l g n o n p a i nah yoran narter section of avait. ages cf keeping a preParatiom like BU LARPIROOF PRIDGBvILLSar, ees epacng Fariner Cen Do WViti atca r n berta. Tthe Dompinn ust cause uf crampe, diarrhosea, stomach It is statet that M essrs. Krupp, "For twenty yeare, I have beenCocteonte thriaimpvsitosin li, foraithe Ldisc.teta he, c f Es Germaniy, are now marnu- trouhied i wth Xitiuey anti Bîctiter with age, sud the veny dampnass whîcls de- you can save 1iueney i Entry by eroxy reay ha mad t ai ev az-ache, asnd sunob ineralilments.- on-facttîing a type cf steel fon safes Toblanihvebenteaxyme snoslmber cails ont the best qualiesc ynng ernto esncy. ou certain conditions, by fatiier Iviîine ita afirst wichase cure.eactTheofe is . - Idoctors but fuîînid littie relief. 1I bcd 1lc iother, son. danghter. brother or sister sesneeîy an ache or a pain, internai or ,'a hieh resîsts tho action et quesea- ail hope ut gattarnercanari whenIl of intentijug homesteader. adIrekcthuîtiopng gttrulp anti cu ixtîisetths esni te e ! uthousSitiS off homosnewont ure , cubt ikgî'rill s e1îî rofItnieti Gin Pille. Now I caî s suwitil XVl -antil ne:thcn tfin ion I-cediîî4 F,'tie, H neciovîg edcies uootri. bit s lt ikeg hs.i t a Stils, ilo: tei andree yeaî.i. hometeain ech orWith teagasa x0w ppof hcuta happy beart, that 1ilncusre siftar traffie can affect it. Tha Bock i' v ll te rjnesmueF of hie hoemes1eatinaafarte vean' contiî'ueti succos sud*the on- il- thisM i ength -cf time is me- DAgforbxe tN ILL PAF.Tebs fwoe vt ht of et 15551 8i acres solsly owned cedj' iSW'J5 'i ocuie Yhim or by hie faiher, methi.dorsement cf the, profession arc proof f5dAIi1 .I.SR h be fwoe ith htiraphFil, ut quiredti at the disposai JufttteinV uo itaFour boxea ut Gi oSupe cetip iiit oeseOrt miy rîin eteliietfrtht nt a 40 ustis o i!Frer-ant ofhacin walks kep gettingignme!Fai oi er, son, tiaughter, brother or sister. jthat bungar. o euIpise mr. tuetilinibmecftudfor cee pe oI setandigtevric-c hmes c ar i ome butg j mta lte 4'mm ppls ur Mont onepaîr nd arce ope g~oo stand ing oseateari-sae-î t½rnk witlxablow-pipe ittaes su fiered toer twenfÏy ears aisi lie lied a - ~'o continuai menacte tdo' aie 5i ie a anesY o URED te fourteen beurs, 12,0Q0 lîtnçsý i i et f Pea treated b Iii ee t sjutAlite an'd 1mb. They sinmpiy a lIress iftot ieou ieh nieMsix res ni ý.ýIN 24 ISOURS hdoe ni1 0 faeyee ulm cases as hie, which prove lte are slso a troquent homesteati entry inlu Sî hetme nremove aýny cern, quaet t sruhoeseci ntnti edbletin, v bi wul iiovothe eneynepower of Gin Tillq e S-cre Ktne source ofet " o, qeto e ftyares estea. d as enEtactrntc xsei'ylnese oee-sd Blatider Troubei unn rnepssv Agoetao h a esntdh~~pyn 0Iieie tt doctor bills and ti eSIi5 A bs; tphtrniist, beasise cmpe!ils Il! iiSuppression I tiest-pione certan istics Plce1'Ssiranti Lumbago. TyGuPleo n aCn air DtceMut ecdesi mntin~xar ls se Cre nssnee. dotiseeuee c te veag bsrla p~iî ' garnta t creoryor be ae iklySue> eahete rernnclivt lcyibni iil5a 5 btl oRfs a n at.jmnolbc. c 6fr250Fpte rgnlvetA ant enseta1hues1anrth 5ýttoe ares suha întes ex Ni.a narrireiuliain tciaTee eîhythuatiknii&CeiciC. tCnda Ilieti te~i:if;~e -~-- eadventlsemeut e c r auO focGQR c etis Iet Trn ;. Hc>rri,, Hampton.