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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1911, p. 5

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H ORSE POULTRY No eutuy tee will lie cbauged exhibilous and the public will lie admiîted free ater jildginig. -Z'AL exhibits must lie in place atioî o d'cock, aI whicbheur thc judges will commience werk. The Fair will be open le the public I'nom 12 o'clock te the close efthîe Herse Show and ne exhibits must lic ucmoved before that lime. Exhibilous wil liec at liberty te display as mmcli peultry as they desire, whetbeu eutened for competition or col, and tle make sales. Entuies eau le made witb Mn, Moor- craft bofore the date et the Pair, but ne ecî-ry wiîîl e qccepted afler ndue 'cleck ou îl-e imerning oethIe Pair.,11 1 Compzeitors for the distance pnizes m.ust place on the entry ticket Ibe n umber. et miles fromn town, togellier with their lot, conce1ssion and post office àddress. SHiOW AND POULTRY PAIR BOWMANVI LLE WEDNIESDAY, DEC. 2Oth Aï Poultry Falr will be held iiBowmanville onl the Weduesda y of Christmas week for a di splay of dressed poultry. The following is the list for whieh prizes will1 be off ered BUTTER Five is. lu prinîs ............$ Five lbs* lu crock ................ 2 Ten lbs. in prinîs................2 Tor-,]bs. in -crock ................ Fancy design in butter ........... 2 CHICKENS Heaviest pair......... ....... I BesI dressed pair..... ......... 1 Exhihit brouglil longest distance. 3 Largesl exhibit..........3 -DUCKS Heaviest pair.............. ....i Best dressed pair ... .......... . . t-argesl exhibit ........ ........ 3 1GEESE Heaviest geose.......... ....... 2 Best dressed goose .............. 2 Exhibit brouglit lougesî distance .. lLargest ehibt.........3 TURKEYS $1 BesI dressed. Special by L. A 1 'W. Tele; lurkey le become bis I property, 1911 bird ...........5 I Heaviest liemn.....................z2 I BesI dressed gobliler............. 2 Heaviest gobbler ........ ....... 2 Exhibit brouglit lougest distance .- 3' 05 Laugest exhibit ................ :50o - 3 HORSES Heavy Drauglil Span........... 5 Gencral Purpose Span .......... 4 .50 General Purpose Mare or Gelding. 4 .OSingle Roadsîer Mare or Gelding,. 15 2 bauds and over........... 4 Roadster Span........... à:.... 4 i Single Carniage Mare or Gelicg. . 4 1 1 Carniage Span ........,.....-.. 4 fBesI Lady Driver............... j Bst Gcniîle7mau's Tomenut ....... 3 Mercliauts and dealers are debarred from cempelition. HORSES All bouses le lie sbowu in bauness. Entuies in the herse classes must lie made before eue o'clock. The judâing wiIl commence aI twe o'clock. 1 AIl herses te lie shewnlu front of thie Iewnliall, lietween King and Wellington- sîs. Heavy Dranglit Team le weigb cet less than 3000 Ilis, ecdihouse to weigh col less than 1500 Ibs. Geceral Purpose bouses, wreiglt in Ibis class net le exceed 1300 Ilis. ecdianimal. A General Purpose lieuse is eue suitable fou buggy, saddlc, lpieugh, second team ou farm ou for delivery wagon. -No animal te 1e, shown lu moue than eue class bul may lie driven lu class fou Lady Drivers. No charge for entries. Meeting Price Requirement.s For Christmas FPor the next thirtv days you will b0 uonfrouted witlî the prob- lemw of Chsistmas shopping. Your choîce will be governed by the appopruteessof the article and the prici. We can show you a surprisiug number of usef ul, handsome thîngs to be bouglit at Speswhich are sure to fit in with your ideas on this point. j Bycoming in and lookiïeg around, asking >the price-i of t1oee ýù hings you-sce and allowing us to show you what ou store con- Ûtains you will fiad the 04fr Problein solving itself, And xve want jxou to feel free to do this the nexttIlme, you are doxvn tossa. If the article you der'ide upcen is low in price, pr'rh-sps less th n adollar, you eaudepenidupon its quality. silhoheetpo f 'ibe value ad exactly as represented. H We hatve a new and large selection of articles as initeresting as t thecy are varled, which we lanvite you to sec. W. T. ALLEN,a ~ BIG 20" BOOKSTORE' ARI ILN Mr113 AN to work on fanr. Apply to -i B iN D.vacui, Erpingliarn, Bowmanville.47f EDAgirl for general housework. No Wwvshing. Apply te Mas. E. C. SOUTREFY, -Etgin-st., Bowmianville. 47tf UTLAMP LOST-On Kingston Rd betwoeeî lsIawa andi Newcastle on Monday Oct. -23. niiier leave at T. H. Knight's Groceny andv re eijtwarl. 431f NI[ TU LOÂN-aû Bye, and five and a half î en on ueotgisge sec rity. Prive te funds Apyl to LOSCOMBx &i SENKLER, Barristers, U.ovsilville 40-tf %N"ID-A YOUJNG LADY ta clerk inoau c eýan parloir anra confectioneny store. i pir, stating salar-y expectel., to D5. M. I aa 47-2w' TORNT-Front panor furnishid or, Insei icenltral1 part okf town, -'etCric pl ndIvrnace hetdLNh.. Drwer 01tue 1v)le 48-tfi nr. Apply - oC . 1,11,aw 1, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1ý loio e dn nt 2 V en7e Jas. 3.Aply C. A. 1) vîr Sec-i12 1u : ilt in iralr, l ,manvsýlle o8astf -1) 3wý loi c rn 1, arinuo, l oni uik got £4Jply ti SMES CARrE , Qwanillest Sec tle McLaughlic and Gray Cutters at F. H. Mason & Son's. Mus. Wm. McReycolds visited lier danglter Myrtle and other fricnds ini Toronto lasI week. AhIthe EHigli and Public sebool bookis and supplies aI P. C. Trebulcock's, the lewest price for cash. Mus. W. J. Wand, Owen Sound attend- ce the Tennaul-Trewic wedding Wedues- day and visiîed lier tather Mu. John Crigg. Miss Jane Gigg entertained about lhiutyý youcg friends on Saturday il being ber ieth hinlliday. The litle folks lad a very~ pleasant lime. Gel yonr school supplies ai P. C. Tx b- ilcock's. Thebe let lice oet scrilluîug book~s and ait requisites that eau be rmo- *cured. Ho selF fou cash. Thc lest is, tle cheapest; Scrantenc3pal is uecognized by ailthîe leading dealere iîn, Canada and the United States as tle bètJ ceal. Severat cars fresh miued jusl. noN ceived. McClellan &'Ce Limited.- Durham District Division The Faîl session et Durhiam District Division, will lie hld 'n S et T. hall, T'lauiton, an Fniday, Dec. îst. Atternoon meeting ai 2.30 wb,,ecusual, business will le tracsacted. -Public- meeting at 8 p., whidi a choice program, wil libe uendcucd, aise the Banner will le awardcd. RUjSS SULEY, FOST ER FERGUSON, D -. W ,D. S. 47-2w. I s v CHiRISTfI1AS Miss Norma McDonald, Oshawa, recent- ly visited ber'uncle, Mr. W. J. Furze, 1Mr. and Mrs A Tait speut Sucday wilh lier father Mr. L. R. McNali, Port Hope. Victoria Crnnly Coioilguacîed War- den Callan $400 for bis services duricg the year. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wifheridge, Torou- le, spent the fweek-end with oîd friecds here. Messrs. Chas. Richards and Gco. Souch bave gene le Akron, Ohio, for a short l ime, Miss Olga Ferguson, Blackstock, hati been visitingber- graudmother, Mrs. j. BeacoclI. Mrs. John Osborne recenlly visited lier brother Mr. Werry, London, wbo lias been very ill. M _iss niJackmarï_enfertained a nom- ber et friends very opleasactly ait a liirthday party Salnrday aflercoon. Mr. H. M. -Baker; Saskatoon, Sask., is visiîing bis brother, Mr.-T. G. Baker, Prin- cipal et the Public Sdhool. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Slarke and two dhilduen, Toronto, visitcd bis aunt Mrs. Wm. Tucwic ever Sunday.' Miss Kathleen Sinclair and Mr. Fuank O. James, Oshawa, wcre guests aI Mr. Elsas Greenaway's SuudaSr. Miss Carnie Power bas neturced from a five-weeks' holiday trip witb relatives lu New York and Vermout states. Mr. Curtis J. McKeeu, Phm. B., son et Rev. J. A. McKeen, B. A., Orono, is part- uer iu a drug store lu Penticton, B, C. 'Mus. (Rev.) W. C. Washington aîîendcd the funeral et lien buother-ic-law, Mr. John A. Fraser, at Napanc last weck.. W. H. Gibson, Newcastle, lias bouglil the late John Bellwoed bomcsîead, Clauke, wiîh thuce acres et orchard for $2,000. Mr. Bert Andrus nud sisten, Mus. Thom- asý, of Vancouver, B. C., wero lu Orono recntly visiting their brorber who is ill. Ogilvie's Celebraîed Royal Housebold Fleur, Rolled Oats and feed aI McCouna- chie's feed store, King St., Bowmacvillc, Misses Floence Osborne and Gertude White,iJirnbarton, - and Mn. Jesse Arnot,- Taunton, speut Sunday ai Mus. A. J. Cour- tice's. Mus. W. E. Tillcy vîsiled ber dangliten, Mus. A. N. Mitchell, Hamilton, uecently. She is now lu Toronto withbheu grand-- dauglitors fou a few weeks whule Mr. and Mus. W. Norman Tilloy are on a trip te William Pope, fer a number et years puropuieter oetihe old Prince et Wales ' liotel, Oreno, diod suddeuly Nov. 18t1 aI 189 Shaw-st., Toronto, fnom a stuoke. The vrmains weue taken te Newcastle for -iute6m eut. Mr. and Mus. F. N. Stevens bave retoun- ed fueni a thuce moullis' trip te Manitou, Mlan. They have had a most enjoyabie trip ai-d report the cuops good-in Manitoba and that farmon succeeded iu hauvesting tboniilu faiuly geod shape. Mus. Richard Hockin 1, formeuly et Ou- J. oue, îecded Sauta Mouica, Cal., where sho went with ber sister, Mus. (Dr.) Jacki- sou, te spenmd tle winter. They wenî hy vay et Pout Arthur, Winnipeg and Sac Fuancisco, eccupying nine days on the s trip, Mus. H. R. Binglani of Hastings, Miss Jqssio and Mu. Samuel Bînghiam, Bewmiu- ville, desire te th-ank alaitIhe friends aud t tho Masenic Orden fou the tender sympa- thy and puactical kicdcess shown them lun f their sore liereavemeut. Christmas enleutalumeut et Base Lino innday Seheel No. 3, under direction etf Mliss Aima Margiret James, St. Thomas, rtl bce held on Tuesday ovenicg, Dec. i9, c at 8 p. m. Admission 25c. A splendmd pregrara is being puepaued and ne eue should miss tbis treat. Miss Ethel L. VanNest aîtended the vo-p ital in Toronto Conseuvatouy ef Mussc y by Mu, Russell G. McLean Saturday even- ig and speut Suuday with relatives in a th city. Mu. McLean spont the Sommer s' in Germany peufecting hituseit in bis bhsec profession and gave a yery excel- a leut exhibition of bis well traincd liarilone a eoice at the recîtal.', The regular meeting et Bowmanvillc 5i 8femau's Institute was held aI Mus. J. T. m Hooper's Friday atternoon. There was a a, good atteudance witb Mrs. A. L. Nichoils, Presideul, lu the chair. Mus. E. R. Bon- Il sal gave a papen on "Puevenlion oÇl4"n The roll cail was respocded te witli seleé- ', ions fuom Tennyson. Mus. Geo. H. Bick- Il gave a very iuteresting report efthjlb receut Provincial Convention lu Torgm'I'. NexI meeting, Fuiday, Dec. 29, at'Mus. Bickell's, Duke-sI. Ail ladies welcome. a, A very sad accident occuued aI the suli- talion oethîeScymoun Power Ce., New-$ castle, Sunday atteunoon whesn Chartes v: McSorley, a young man belongliug te thisJ' twn, aged 24 years, a lineman, came in cotact with a live wire, was 1al br-B Pd, fell some 30 feet and sufedsnb2 ijuriesq that lie died in St. Micbael's los- j ýItaI, TeDronle, Mlonda-y. The roma Ins s.,r,ç.uglil leue and the fanerai will g( îke place this aflteucoon tueni the rosi- la oence et bis nieller Mus. Wm. White. ta - st The Kinid You HBave AwyBoght Bonurs thn ~ignatTe cet IExcursion to Toronto Friday Dec. i. 'A ilim BOWMANVILLE, STATION, GOING EAST. GOING WEST Express 8ý4.4 a. ni Express 4.22 a. ni. Expre8ss 01 cl 7.43 Passenger 3.31 p. mi. Passenger 1.48 p. m. Local 6.49 ,, :assene 7.588» Mail 9.58 Daily., BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 30, 1911. M,,r. W.,J. Martyn, Toronto, was in town Monday. M.. Ed. Weekes, Toronto, spent Sunday at -home. Mr. W.L. Law, Oshawa, was in town Thursday. Mrs. J. H. Reid, Port Hope, was in1 town Saturday. Mrs. Ira F. Patterson, Toronto, 18 visit- ing Miss Gertrude Cawker. Miss Nellie Cotter, Oshawa, recently visited Miss Mildred H. Johnston. Mrs. J. B. Tucker, Oshawa, is visiting at lier father's,-Mr. Thos. Bottreli. wiant Scracîou ceaI." The ectly plac ýe gelý it is trom MeClellan & CeLo ild If there ever - was a specific for any eue mplaint, Then aeusLte Liver litls are -a specific fou dc .l eadaciýe, md, cvcry woman slîould kniow iis nly one pilt a dose. Try lbem. THE CHURCHES. Remuants of wall paper, baîf price P. C. Trebilcock's. à. Dr. Dandeno's article on an inner pa, will interest farmers. Mr. Geo. W. James, Publisher of Ti NEws, is very 111 at present. Dr. G. M. ,Trewin and swife, Oslia-v spent Sunday at Mrs. Wm. Trewin's. Mr. Thos. Yellowlees' pretty poem "St. Andrew's Niglil" on another page. Cutters! Cutters! Cutters! McLaug lin and Gray make aI F. H. Mason,& Son Car of pine slabs jost arrived' at- Le combe's coal yards. Delivered aIt ov Splendid liue of unlrimmed haIs, ne shapes and good -styles, 49c and 98c nHaddy & Co's. *Corne 10 the bazaar in St. Paul's Chur( and have a cup of tea and some Scot( a cakes Nov, 301h. If you want a pretly bat Haddy & C will snpply you; excellent variety of fres] ly lrimmed bats. Mr. Jas. Jebson,l Rogers' Farm, ha ving a wood sale on Tliursday Dec. Res erve the date.# People wlio need fors will find à' Mayer's stock intensely interésting an prices very reasonable. SCRANTON COAL-Tbe standard fc over 4o years - for sale in ait sizes b MeClellan &-Co., Limited Notbing as acceptable as a for mul stole or ceat for a Christmas gift. No' is the lime to select at Mayer's. Ladies' tailor-made suifs of tlie newe materials and made up in the very laId istyles, at Coucli, Jolnston & Cryderman' Have you seen the new stock of forse Maver's? A very fine choice of coat stole-, muifs, mâtts, etc., in aIl the lateý styles. Bowmanville's new wireless station wa written op at length in Toronto New The article appears on an inner page c this paper. -AnnuaLexcursion to, Toronto--Frida Dec. 1. See anivt. Dont forget thn bazaar on St, Andrew' niglit in the schoolroom of St. Paul' church. It will be a good place to bu your Christmas presents. There are more neai uni îs in a ton o Scranton coal than in any coal produded Egg, stove, nut and pea sizes for sale b: McClellan & Co., Limited. If you arc interested in wliaî the senio editor saw and heard in New York hi letter appears on an inner page. Thit part was crowded ont last week. Mink Marmot, Oppossum, Westerf Sable, Grey Lamb, Sable and Persiar Lamb Fors-a fine assortment just openec ouI aI Concli, johnston & Cryderman's. Mr. H. J. Kuiglit, Musical Director, bal been drilling bis choir on new music foi Thank Offering Service next Sonday se something extra good may be expected. Don't lake any chances in havîng an in- experienced man wire your bouse. Its .dangerous. S. E. Edsall is a praclical electrician and complies with the Pire- writers' regolations. Wednesday eveuing ef lasI week Mrs. Thos. Robson enlertaiued lier Sunday School class at lier homne, King-st., wheu a very pleasant time was' spemît by the yoong-ladies-with-their teacher in games, music, etc., and were served with tempt- ing refreshments at the close. Christmas present for your dear frieud. Do net doulit the appreciaýtion of a friend to whom you send THE STATESMAN or THE NEWS as a Christmas present. lIts arrival is a constant weekly remînder -of you and of your Ihoughtfulness-52 limes a year for ene dollar. Send order te JAMES PUBLISI-ING HOusE, Bowmanville, Ont. Hockey B oots! Gel 'em at Foley's. For best roofing sec F. J-. Mason & Son. Let S. E. Edsall estimate on wiring your boose. A large stock of Cutters te choose from et F. H. Masen & Son's. A complete line of Nyal's Family Rem-. edies at jury & Lovell's. S. E. EdsalI is local agent for Westing- house clectrical supplies. Excursion te Toronto by GT.R. Friday )ec. 1--$1.35. Sec advl. Presbyterian Ladies' Aid annual excur- sied te Toronto Friday Dec, 1, Order your electrîcal supplies from S, E.Edsali. He can save yeunrnuuey. Brantford Reofing is cheaper and better than shingles. F. H. Mason & Son. Order aIl your funeral designs or col [owers from S. J. Jacliman. Phone-8e. A kitchen cabinet makes a nice Xmas preseut. See thein at F. H. Mason Son's. ( Car of pîne slalis lest arrived aI Los- onnb's coal yards. Dclivered ail oeri twn. Now is the lime te boy your Christmias re-ents. Caîl aI M. Mýayer's and make our seiclion. Ladies' Fnr-lincd Ctiats iu ail qualities cnd specially good value aI Coucli, John- 3on & Cryderrnan's. Notices Oz Births, 25 cenits; Marriages 50 celits; Deaths, 50 ceits, ecdi sertioni. WhelimUlerai cards arc printed at tlsis Office, inisertion free. BIRTHS' 13UTTIaIn owmamjýlleë.- Nov. 27, to Mr. an CI Mrs. Frank C. Bumet, a langhter. HlAnG-At 113 Spadina Rd., Toronto, INom. 2Si, te Mr. anti Mme. Donald C. Haig,,a son MARRIAGESj Taaay btE At evicaîf-et. Methodiet Par- sonage, INov. 22, hy 1ev. s. C. Moore. Miss NoiliSe Mauvi baie andi M,. Hubert Ray Terry, botS cf Oshawa. PIPFRaIFLLrSHi is Toronto, Nov. Sth, by Rev. R. B. «robb, Mr. John Barron Piper and Mis, Frances Constance Mollies, botS of Toronto, formenly of Cobourg. KIELR Smrcmcro- InToronto, Nov. 9, Sy 11ev. C. O. Johnstoni, paston of the Metropolitan Chiurcli, Misse Messie Shenkieton andi Mn. Leo Keelen, both cf Oshaxwa. PAre-o--BFE.,c At the blonnecf tise biffe's par- ente, by 11ev. P. A. Whiatîamn, Nov. 15th, Mary i.eotes, enly daviglter cf Mn. T. A. Best, and Mr. Percy Davimd Patton, ail cf Clarke. flUNuzRVa vecE lun St. John's ChrrS, Cavai,, byRevc. Canon Allen, Nov. 18, Mmr. Lornzo J. Dunebar, Motreal, andi Miss Jennie, youngesv datighter cf Mn. Robent Yance, Cavan. JTONCS-PAUyruso-N-At the i-esidemmce cf the hoivle's parente, Nov. lotS, by1Re v. Chas, Adams, -New tonville, Miss, Ethel E., second tlanghter cf 1 Mn. Ihos. lPalterson, yod Mn. Givdnus Joue,, il cf Clarke. ALLEaN IfENT-4it St. Ains Catiietial, Toi- oufto, _Nov. 15, by Right Rev. the bord Bishop cf Tononto, assisteti by ilev.Canion MeIcNaS, Agnes Lawrence Kent, laughiteo f the late Williams Lawrence Kent, West inby, Englanti, te 11ev.j Robhent Wallbridge Allen, MA., Port Poey. WSITsNGTeON ,Pyv\î-ioýTeIT-At thce Met]oliJSt 11ev. T. S. Lelawl, Arthurî A. Washington, secondi sou cf Mn. S. J. Washimton, and er id,,in of Mis. M. A. Wvashington, Bowinanville, andi Mis'J. E' :ngelimme Pennin-ton, hoth o ,f &lvnlve, Miour. Ric I S t DEATHS port Hope, Nov. 2-, Williani KRuse mari, in ies 2iîvlyean. Wescie At Whitevale, Nov. 19, J. Wesley Worh, ilufhis 76th Car. >_1-uv T-o Port Pey, -Nov. 27, J ev oie, Se- eved ,il e of J. W. Melianny, il I-1 OtilluIiss'auville, NOV . l5, Istie v4gih, agevi 83 yeî ne, 10 iocthe. Aâuew's' luCatimus Nov. 10, iarniet Sith, Selovcd w-i e cf William Birowvn, ijeron0th yÉc vnr TseeOMSmeeecm Orouo, -Nov. 10, M vvy Vin Ciuz- ien, heloved1w il' cfMr. Cee. 1liomon, vend 55 Yen ns. PllusE it Welcoine, Nov. 145h, PisÂlla Keelen, Selovotl ifie of T(jliii Promise, tvtevi 61 years. Sevemeup in Oshawa, Nov. 19, AnchibaldI ln- olti Seymour, aged 2D 3yoats. Interred tivtPrince Albert. C-Ase,,- bMitchell ' Nov. 23,*Margareî fivîvge, Seloved wife cf Allan W. Caseie, foniseriy of Keutial. POPE-Sutltenly, fin Toronto, Nov. 18, William A. Pope, Slo, ectihusbanti cf Maravret GraaSa m, iu hie 7th year, foirmely cf Orono. McSoaLuv -In Toonto Isespital, -Nov. 27, Char- les E., yennget son of the late John McSorloy, Bowmnans 11e, ageti 24 yeans. Fneral Tleursdvy at 2.20) p.m. DEeMPSTE-At the resitience of bier son-in-law, W. Codien, Toronto, Mary Dempeten, wife cf the lato Wm. Dempeten, in hien SotS yoar, fornierly ni Bowmaniville. Osaua.aE.In Oshawa, Nov. 20, Cathane Han- cock, Selovohl wife of the late 'Nicholae Osborne, in hen StS v-, mot,,her cf Mn, T. E. Osborne,, Bowmanville, CavDERcMv'-In Calgary, Alta., Snlay NOV. 26f, Frank Crydenusan, son cf the late iWilliam j Cryderman, Bowmmanille, interrentfrorniBow-- manville station toecemetery on arrivai of ne-H E. R.BUNAL Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tahiers, MarRonrs, etc., in Granite andi Marble. [L.FUNR~LDIRECTORS i Mlest Complote Equipment uniyanti mght er lIs pimply attouded te. The Least Fuel, the Most Satisfaction. 'Salem League concert Friday evening Cobourg Presbyterians celebraîed Iheir e771b annîversary Sunday. Attend thie bazaar and lea aI St. Paul's Ecburcb Ibis Thursday aflernoon Rev. John Garuot, Cobourg, preached annîversauy sermons aI Coîborne Sucday. Lots of usetul and fancy articles for nsale aI the bazaar aI St. Paul's churcli Ihis Thuusdasn aflernoon. "Contents et the Bible" will lie Rcv. W. N. Aunolds morning subject aI Disciple Churcli Sonday. Evening sobjecl "Bar- rgain Counîcus". Mr. John Elliott, B.' A., Principal of Bowmanville Higli School,' took the ser-~ tvices in Orono Methodist churcli Sunday, the occasion being the Missionary anni- 1vcrsary. *Rev. H. B. Kenny and Mu, P. C. Trebil- cock wilI report Brocliville Provincial Sunday School convention at prayer meeting Thursday evening in Methodist Churcli Lecture Hall. 3 Sucday Nov, 19 was Missionary day in 7Newcastle Methodisî Cliorcli, -Mr. New- Ion Smale, Litlsay, conduced î le morn- ingservice and Principal Johin Elhiott, B. A., Bowmainville, thie evenicg service. Ladies' Aid of Methodist cburclh are holding a bazaar lu the sdboolroon Wed- nesday Dec. 13. Useful and faucy articles suîlable for Xmas presents 1i111lie f'r Sale aI 3 p. m. Aflernioon ta wIlî i served. Bewmanville Methodisî churcli annual Thankoffericig services will be beld Sun- day Dec. 3. Rev. John Garbutt, Cobourg, a former pastor, wîlî preacli and special music will lie uecdered by the choir. The Trustees are asing for the usual amounu ef $1o0o. Paslor Kency will aIse assisî lu the services and La very profitable day is anticipated. Attendacce is increasing aI the Metlied- ist Epworth League. Monday evening thie meeting was puesided over by Puesi- dent Baker. Miss M. H. Stevens, B. A., read the Scieipture lesscwn-dMiss Lixzie Painton sang a pleasing solo. A very ex- cellent paper on Frances Ridley Havergal was reid by Mrs. T. W. Jolliffe wbicli provoked many kindîy expressions of ap- preciation from those present ou the work of Ibis splendid woman, NexI week's subjecî: Bible Biography-David. Young people cordialîy invited. At the close of tlie regular choir prac- lice aI Methodisî churcli Friday evening the members were invjîed m t ch school- room wlieue a pleasant surprise awaitéd lhem in the forni of neally laid tables laden wiîb dhoice refresbments, The Ep- worîb League Executive look this man- uer of expressing, Iheir Ihanks le membeus osf the choir for services se clieerfully ren- dred by them lu song on the varions pro- grams. Ater a bearty vote of tlianks and a social lime the guests deparîed, bav- ing spent a pleasant evening. Phone 74. The Quality Hardware. LIFE, FIRE AND PROTECTION. -'ýI represent the strofigest, oldest and best Insurance Companies ýin AmÜerica. Before insuring caLli on HARRY CANN Town Hall. Phone 5o. Bowmanvjlle 25 ILOSCOMIBE & SENKLER BARRTES OLICIToRs3, NOTAR-iES I PUBLlC. -25 Unheard of B3argains at this Season of the Vear. Regular $6o0o and $~6 50 Coats for $500. 10 75 to 12 00 12 75 14 00 tO 14 50 1500 s' 5' 75. 6~ " 75 7 75- 8 i 75. 975 Io f We are showing this week a lot o)fLdes ot S with large fancy collars, very latesýt, loa la ing lot of Children's anid Misses'Drseatmn- facturers'-prices. j Gocr'Due Bis Taken a Cash t Nextdoor to Stand ardBn, omnle Exchange Your Baking Worries For a "Happy Thonght", It isn't good and its mighty poor economy to struggle along with an unsatisfactory, range,< working yourself to death and wasting good food and hi gh-priced fuel when you can obtain a HAPP'-Y THOI'UqGHT and possess* a range that ïill aiways give You complete satisfaction. Its efficiency is based on a stove experience of over haif a century. Its ixaprovements are those that hav e been thoroughuly tested and fotind to be of real value to a range. -Ritmade of- material tfrat -wil1 give la-sting-servie, the parts suls- ject to the greatest strain and wear, are especially reinforced, and ithlas a reputation to live up to that obliges the makers to sec that every range turned out of their factory is perfect. It is always good policy to be thoronghly informed about any ar- ticle before buying. We will be pleased to explain the Hlappy Thouglit Range to you, and then when you have examined the other sboves in the market, we will be ready to do business with you. Mloreithan a quarter of a million "Hlappy Thouglits" are in daily us3e in Canada. W. H. IDUSTAN, IRULIES and RERGULÂTIONS âmmumum-m- 1 L a âSI s e s TS

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